
What happens if you swallow gum. What happens if you swallow gum

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Probably, every person throughout his life had an oversight to swallow gum. Some did it as a child, others as adults. However, the fear and questions that appear in the first minutes after this are approximately the same: what will happen to me, is it fatal, who to turn to for help. It is these questions that we will try to answer in our article, as well as dispel the myth of deadly consequences.

Chewing gum in the post-Soviet space is a relatively new phenomenon. Everyone knows that in the days of the USSR, chewing gum was a curiosity, and with its first appearance, the first rumors about harm to the body went. So, for example, many could hear the myth that if you swallow gum, it remains in the stomach for 7 years. We hasten to inform you that this is not true. Like all food, it passes through the stomach and leaves the body naturally.

Chewing gum, although not intended to be swallowed, passes harmlessly through the digestive system and is excreted from the body in the same way as everything we eat.

So, don't panic. Of the millions of cases, only a few sought medical help.

What you need to know about chewing gum

Chewing gum is made from natural or synthetic materials: resins, preservatives, flavors, sweeteners, and gum base.

Often, manufacturers claim no sugar - which is an advantage, because it is bad for teeth. However, natural sweeteners, in terms of their calorie content, do not “lose” sugar much, and synthetic ones can harm the body at all, since they may contain toxins.

Preservatives and fragrances are responsible for the taste of chewing gum, believe me, there can be no talk of any wild berries and mint. From the use of a pair of plates, of course, there will be no harm, but if abused, a whole list of problems is possible. To understand how our body perceives chewing gum, let's analyze its "life" inside us:

  1. When it enters the mouth, the chewing gum shell, along with sweeteners, is split under the influence of saliva, we continue to live the chewing base;
  2. After swallowing, the base loses its sticky properties and is partially broken down in gastric juice;
  3. The undigested part forms a clot of viscous mass, which passes through the digestive tract, like ordinary food. The movements (urges) of the stomach help her to pass, which push her further.

Possible consequences

As we said above, swallowed chewing gum can only rarely cause problems. These are cases when several pieces got into the intestines at once and formed a large lump that interferes with the patency of the stomach. The danger lies in something completely different, the abuse of chewing gum on an empty stomach leads to a whole bunch of possible diseases:

  • Caries- if there is sugar in the chewing gum, this is the main causative agent of dental disease;
  • allergic reactions- artificial colors and flavors that are in the composition can cause a negative reaction in the form of redness and hives on the skin;
  • Gastritis- Starting to chew gum, being hungry, the stomach begins to produce gastric juice, and since there is no food, it digests itself.

We want to note that it is the abuse, and not the ingestion of the product, that causes harm. The consequences of swallowing are expressed in completely different manifestations.

For an adult

If you swallow gum, don't worry, nothing will happen to you. Even if two are eaten at once, they will successfully come out of you in a couple of days naturally. Complications can only be caused if a large amount has entered the intestines, for example, a whole pack.

Most likely, the maximum problem for an adult healthy stomach will be elemental constipation, which is treated by gastric lavage. For a “gentle” organism prone to allergic reactions, reddening of the skin is possible due to the large number of swallowed flavors.

For a child

For children, the threshold for safe swallowing is limited 3-5 pieces at a time depending on the age of the baby. Since the size of the intestine is small, the throughput is less compared to an adult organism. The main threat to the child is intestinal obstruction after accidental ingestion. This, in turn, leads to such consequences as:

Constipation. A lump of chewing gum that forms can interfere with normal bowel function, leading to constipation. If the child suffers from constipation, it is better not to neglect going to the doctor. You can help by making an enema, but only as prescribed by the doctor.

Vomit. A young organism may perceive chewing gum as a foreign body, which will lead to vomiting. You can help by giving more to drink, but it is better not to stop vomiting with medicines.

Diarrhea. Due to the content of sugar substitutes in the composition, a large dose of these substances can cause indigestion, which will lead to diarrhea. Most likely the attack will be one-time and the discomfort will soon pass. For prevention it is necessary to give a medicine.

Flatulence. All for the same reason, excessive gas formation is possible.

Recall that all these symptoms are possible only when swallowing a large amount of chewing gum.

If a baby accidentally swallowed even one gum, you should immediately consult a doctor! Hoping that "everything will pass" is wrong. Seeing a doctor can be a matter of a child's life.

Our reader told us about one incident that happened to her in 2016.

My friend's daughter, being a child of 7 years old, swallowed chewing gum, everything would be fine if one day her stomach didn't hurt badly. I was taken to see a doctor, who ordered an x-ray. The picture showed that there is a tumor in the intestine, an urgent operation is needed! The girl was promptly taken to Moscow, where doctors began treatment, during the operation part of the rectum was cut out, and the tumor, which was on the X-ray, turned out to be a lump of chewing gum. Later it turned out that the girl constantly swallowed them, as a result of which the esophagus simply clogged.

Certainly it is better to keep chewing gum away from the child, at least up to 5 years and then closely monitor its use.

First aid

It will not be superfluous to know every mother, how to give first aid to a child if he chokes on chewing gum. Evgeny Komarovsky, a pediatrician of the highest category, tells how to act in such a situation.

While the child is coughing, the body tries to get rid of the foreign object on its own. If the cough has stopped, it's time to move on to action:

  1. Stand behind the child so that his back is towards your front. Wrap your arms around him from behind;
  2. On the right hand, squeeze the brush into a fist. Substitute the bend of the thumb on the stomach, between the navel and the ribs;
  3. Put the other hand on the fist and with sharp movements press the fist into the stomach, then releasing, then pressing again;
  4. It is necessary to repeat the movements until the chewing gum is completely released. If everything is successful, the skin will acquire a normal color, breathing will be restored.

Gum release dates

With normal digestion, chewing gum will leave you for 2-3 days when going to the toilet. If the metabolism is slow, this can happen up to the 5th day. However, if all this time you are accompanied by abdominal pain, it is better not to wait, but to consult a specialist.

Now you know what will happen if you swallow gum and what to do in these cases.

😉 Greetings, dear readers and guests of the site! The child swallowed the gum. Is it dangerous for his health and what to do if such a nuisance happened.

Composition of chewing gum

Oddly enough, but this thing is a confectionery product, only inedible. It consists of an elastic base - synthetic polymers, which is covered with flavoring and aromatic fillers.

In the process of chewing and sucking, all the delicious food additives dissolve, leaving only the base. It has fulfilled its function, it must be thrown away. It is important to remember that the “gum” is chewed after eating and no more than 7 minutes.

Any parent panics about the fact that his child swallowed chewing gum. But there is no need to make a tragedy about this. Everyone knows that young children love to put everything attractive in their mouths. And chewing gum, in addition to its tempting form, has an appetizing smell and taste.

What to do if a child swallows chewing gum

In most cases, adult anxiety is based on fictional stories that gum can stick to the walls of the intestines or stomach. And its extraction is available only through a surgical operation. But such horror stories have nothing to do with reality.

Initially, you need to know that the acidic environment of the stomach is so strong that it can easily cope with any kind of chewing gum in a few hours. But still, there are unpleasant consequences that little fidgets can expect when swallowing toffees in large quantities.

Poisoning is possible, but not because of the gum, but because of its composition. Indeed, in the manufacture of this delicacy, ingredients are used: wax, thickeners, gum and others. And when they enter the stomach, they decompose, and toxic substances are released into the body. At the first sign of intoxication, try to cause a gag reflex in your child.

To do this, the baby needs to drink a lot of boiled water. Then use your fingers to make him vomit. The gummies should come out with the water you drink. But basically, this sweetness completely comes out simultaneously with vomit or feces.

Important point

In case of intolerance to one of the components, an allergic reaction is possible. With the appearance of a rash, heartburn, abdominal pain, belching or diarrhea, we can talk about the beginning of an allergy in a child. If possible, give the baby an antihistamine medicine or enterosorbent (for example).

Also, the result of the use of such a product is diarrhea. After all, any chewing candy has a sweetener, which in turn has a laxative effect.

If a child has loose stools or bloating, this indicates an upset stomach. Carefully monitor its gas formation and the color of feces. If the unpleasant symptoms do not subside, and the stool becomes a rich black color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Constipation can be another consequence of chewing gum. This is due to the fact that a lump of chewing gum gets stuck in the anus. In this case, try giving your baby a small spoonful of natural oil.

When it enters digestion, the fecal mass permeability increases and intestinal blockages get rid of. But if this does not help, you need to see a doctor.

This situation is considered more dangerous and may result in intestinal obstruction. Very rarely, but still there are such cases with negative consequences. Therefore, try to give your baby as much attention as possible and watch what he eats.

There are cases when chewing gum gets into the respiratory tract. In the best case, the baby clears his throat on his own.

If the baby continues to cough, help him. Tilt your baby's head forward. Then make a few claps on your upper back with the base of your hand. If the foreign object does not come out, you need to call an ambulance.

So what can happen:

  1. Poisoning (poor quality product, toxic substances, dyes).
  2. Allergy attack.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  5. Constipation lasting 6-10 hours.
  6. Nothing will happen if this gum is free of harmful components.

Chewing gum: benefits and harms


  • cleans teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • strengthens the jaw;
  • restores the alkaline balance in the mouth;
  • when chewing, the gums are massaged (prevention of periodontal disease).


  • if you use the "gum" on an empty stomach, there is a reflex of the body. The digestive system begins to secrete gastric juice, preparing to digest food. Food does not come in and gastric juice begins to corrode the walls of the stomach. Diseases appear - gastritis or an ulcer;
  • some ingredients (for example, sorbitol) have a laxative effect;
  • Experts do not recommend giving chewing gum to children under the age of 6.


Additional information to the article in this video: "What to do if a child swallows gum"

Friends, leave in the comments tips from personal experience

Even the most attentive and caring parents can overlook their child. Toddlers love to put everything in their mouths, especially if it looks attractive, and even smells delicious. Often chewing gum gets into the mouth for such reasons. And if in adulthood there is a clear understanding of how to use this product, the child may still not fully understand or not know these rules at all. And then the parents are faced with a nuisance - chewing gum is swallowed. What to do in such a situation?

Possible consequences

If such a situation has developed, then you should not panic - most likely, no physiological abnormalities will occur on this basis, and the chewing gum itself will successfully leave the body with other food. It can come out completely or partially digested or even in its original state - it all depends on the composition of a particular chewing gum. The environment in the stomach, or rather the combination of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid, is so strong that it copes with most varieties of chewing gum without much difficulty in a few hours, and this applies to all age groups. It certainly won't get stuck half way.

Doctor's note: There is a common belief that swallowed gum will remain in the body forever unless it is surgically removed. It is also believed that it can stick to the wall of the stomach or even glue the intestinal lumen. Do not panic, as these stories are horror stories and have nothing to do with reality. Yes, there are many chemical components in the composition of such a product and there is nothing useful in its presence in the digestive system, but it is also so terrible.

And although in most cases such an incident ends safely, in some situations some negative reactions from the body are possible:

  • allergic reaction;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • food poisoning.

An allergy can occur as a reaction to the composition of the product - a child may have intolerance to one of its components. Also, this is often how the body reacts to swallowing gum in large quantities. If there is intolerance, then the symptoms of an allergic reaction will not keep you waiting (often they are skin manifestations).

Experts say that every chewing gum contains some kind of sweetener, and one of the side effects of its use is a laxative effect. When it enters the body in large quantities, it provokes an upset stool. Also, large masses of swallowed chewing gum can provoke constipation.

Food poisoning is a consequence of swallowing a product containing harmful toxic or poisonous components. Unfortunately, chewing gums that are not of good quality may well contain hazardous components.

The reaction can be very different, but often a negative effect is achieved when swallowing gum in large quantities. In the vast majority of cases, nothing dangerous for the child's condition will happen.

Actions of parents

Upon learning of the incident, parents should begin to carefully monitor the condition of the child and his well-being. If everything goes well, then after 6 hours the body will get rid of the accidentally swallowed product and you won’t have to go to the hospital. But if signs of a negative reaction are observed, then you should not delay going to the hospital.

If the specialist establishes that an allergic response has begun, then it will be necessary to take antihistamines until the allergen is completely removed from the body. Food poisoning will require absorbent drugs and drugs to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. With diarrhea or constipation, separate measures are taken to eliminate symptoms.

A variant that is not associated with the digestive system - the child may choke on chewing gum, which, by mistake, instead of the esophagus, got into the respiratory tract. The usual reaction to such a situation is a strong cough, due to which the foreign object comes out. If the cough does not subside and the gum does not come out, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. It is impossible to try to get the product on your own, even if it is viewed, - by such actions you can move the lump even further and thereby worsen the situation.

Despite the fact that swallowing chewing gum almost never has negative consequences, the chance of such an outcome is still likely, so you need to be especially careful with a child with a similar problem. The elimination of a negative reaction is determined by the nature of the difficulties that the ingestion led to.

Each of us has heard that chewing gum remains in the intestines for seven years if a person accidentally (well, or on purpose) swallows it. Thought and swallowed gum? Or maybe your child did it? No panic. She, of course, but still leaves the body pretty quickly. Everything you need to know about this - the pros, cons, pitfalls - we tell below.

What is chewing gum made of

The first chewing gums were made from chikla - a white sapodilla secreted by tropical trees. Then, paraffin wax was tried to get the texture of toffee, but chicle was still the most popular material. The reason, writes verywell, is that it did not break down even with a large number of chews, which is what was required of the product.

After World War II, scientists figured out how to create a synthetic gum base. This is how synthetic rubber appeared, which, like chicle, almost did not break when chewed, but it was much easier to add to it.

It is logical that if something is not destroyed by intensive chewing, it is unlikely to be destroyed in the stomach. So when you swallow gum - be it natural chicle or synthetic - its composition will not change from the beginning of the process to the end.

Something about the process of digestion

Generally, food is destroyed as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus doesn't absorb anything, as it's just a tube designed to carry food (or, in this case, chewing gum) to the stomach.

The stomach, in turn, does the hard work. It mixes food with acids and breaks it down until it becomes a suspension of juices and solids. This suspension is then drained into the intestine. In the small intestine, solids continue to break down, nutrients are absorbed by the walls, and water is mostly retained to allow the suspension to move on.

At the end of the small intestine, what is left - - is transferred to the large intestine. Water is absorbed by the walls of the colon until the suspension reaches the correct consistency so that any residue can be removed. And you know how it ends.

But chewing gum is not at all the same as other food. It does not break down, so it will go through all the steps in the same way that food normally passes through the esophagus. Delivery tube. In this case, our entire digestive system, if you will, is just a tube to carry gum from point A to point B.

Should I be worried?

Depending on how good each individual person is, chewing gum can either cause pain and discomfort, or go completely unnoticed.

There is not much evidence of the potential dangers of swallowed chewing gum. However, there is some evidence that chronically swallowed gum can affect bowel function.

In an article published in the journal Pediatrics in 1998, scientists describe three cases of intestinal obstruction in children provoked by chewing gum. The smallest among them was a girl aged 1.5 years. However, this young lady not only swallowed the gum, but weighed down the structure with four coins stacked together. The other two children - both aged 4.5 years - simply swallowed gum regularly. In both cases, several chewing gums stuck together, creating an obstruction in the intestines.

When the chewing gum leaves the body

There is a long-standing legend that gum, when swallowed, remains in the body for seven years. But if that were true, doctors would find it in most gastrointestinal tracts on examination. Just because each of us at least once did it by accident.

So, until the gum is collected in the intestines in a huge ball, it passes through the digestive system in an average of a week. Yes, the flavor, color, and sweetness may be gone, but the gum base will be exactly the same as it was when you first took it out of the pack.

What else do you need to know about chewing gum? There is evidence that the act of chewing, accompanied by swallowing a large amount of saliva and, more importantly, air, can increase gas formation and. On the other hand, chewing gum after bowel surgery probably speeds up healing (and although the results of the study are mixed, even those who criticize it agree that chewing gum after surgery, while not very healthy, is still safe).

Is it true that chewing gum was invented recently, and before that people did without it for centuries?

Not really. Even the ancient Greeks used the resin of the mastic tree to freshen their breath and clean their teeth from food debris. The Maya made chewing gum from the juice of sapodilla (latex). And Native Americans from New England used spruce sap. The first patent for modern chewing gum was issued to American dentist William F. Semple in 1869.

Today, chewing gum base is a mixture of synthetic materials - elastomers, resins and waxes - in varying proportions. It is this mixture that is made in the first place - with the help of a mixer and a heating apparatus. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol, or sugar), a plasticizer (glycerin), flavors, and colors are added to the hot mix. Then, with the help of extruders (special machines), the “dough” is mixed, rolled into a thin layer and cut. Finished records are cooled for 48 hours in temperature-controlled rooms. After that, they are packaged.

Is it true that chewing gum is bad for teeth?

Yes, but only if it contains sugar. Mars Wrigley Confectionery experts say that chewing gum with sugar (like any other confectionery product with sugar in its composition) with improper oral care can be one of the factors contributing to the appearance of caries. But at the same time, due to the increase in salivation during chewing, this effect can presumably be compensated, since it is saliva that is responsible for restoring the acid-base balance of the oral cavity.

Is chewing sugar-free gum healthy?

Yes. Clinical studies have shown that chewing sugar-free gum within 20 minutes of eating can help prevent tooth decay. The fact is that during chewing, the amount of saliva increases, which “washes out” food debris, neutralizes the acids secreted by bacteria in the mouth, and produces substances that fight diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, the secreted saliva contains a small amount of calcium and phosphate. And it helps to strengthen tooth enamel.

Is baby chewing gum any different? Is she better than an adult?

A little. Usually, children's chewing gum contains calcium lactate (about 3.9%), which has a positive effect on the prevention of caries in the initial stages of its manifestation and strengthens the enamel.

Can chewing gum replace a toothbrush and floss?

No, chewing gum cannot replace either one or the other. Moreover, some scientists even gargling with plain water is more effective than chewing gum. American Dental Association to brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and floss at least once a day.

What happens if you swallow gum?

As children, many of us were told that swallowed gum would take seven years to digest in the stomach. It is a myth. Our body is really not able to digest gum, but it does not remain in the stomach, but through the digestive system due to bile and contracting muscles, then it is excreted from the body within a few days. And you can chew gum as much as you like - it's not dangerous. But if you have overdeveloped chewing muscles, then there is a high risk of abrasion of tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to listen to dentists who advise: no longer than 20 minutes.

What chewing gum is best for bad breath?

There is no classification, it all depends on the tastes of chewers. For some, the taste of tender mint is enough to refresh the mouth, others choose products containing menthol. Menthol gives a strong feeling of freshness effect - most of all in the chewing gum, which "with the aroma of [something] and menthol."

Is it true that chewing gum helps you lose weight?

There is some connection, but no direct evidence. University of Rhode Island professor Kathleen Melanson conducted and found that chewing gum can actually help reduce calorie intake and increase energy expenditure. The experiment involved two groups of people. The first group simply followed their normal diet, and the second group was asked to chew gum every morning - 3 times for 20 minutes with short breaks. It turned out that the participants in the second group began to consume 67 fewer calories per day and spend 5% more energy than the subjects in the first group. Melanson hypothesized that during chewing, nerves in the muscles of the jaw send satiety signals to an area of ​​the brain that is responsible for appetite. This is likely to reduce the feeling of hunger during meals.

How else can chewing gum affect the body?

Doctors that chewing gum reduces the chance of heartburn and acid reflux. It increases saliva production, which can help clear stomach acid from entering the esophagus. But it's important to remember that if you chew too much gum at once, it can disrupt your bowels and lead to diarrhea.

A recent online British study confirmed that chewing gum can save you from stress. The survey was conducted among 2248 office workers. 61% of participants regularly chewed gum. According to the results, chewers have a higher resistance to stress. In addition, studies have shown that among chewing gum lovers there are more of those who do not smoke or drink alcohol.

“Sugar-free gum has both harmful and beneficial characteristics. Of the harmful - the formation of gastric juice. However, 10 minutes of chewing after a meal is allowed and even beneficial. In no case can chewing gum replace ordinary hygiene - a brush, paste and rinse aid. Chewing gum will not save you from caries, it can only work as a prevention. This is in addition to maintaining perfect hygiene.

What happens during chewing? Cleansing of food residues, the formation of saliva secretion and micro-massage of the gums. Chewing gum improves blood circulation well: now the food is no longer as hard as it used to be, so our gums simply atrophy due to the fact that they do not receive a load. It is important to chew on different sides of the jaw, because otherwise the risk of joint damage increases.

Any product that contains sugar (including chewing gum containing sugar) is bad for your teeth. Its use leads to demineralization of the enamel and the subsequent formation of caries and dental plaque - this is a formation tightly fixed on the surface of the tooth, which consists of 10% of microbes and 90% of their waste products. Chewing gum with some content of fluorine or calcium is much more useful than usual, but they, too, should never be chewed on an empty stomach, only after eating. If you chew gum just like that, the level of glucose rises - this is harmful both for the oral cavity and for the whole organism. Also chewing gum has the effect of getting rid of the smell, albeit a short-term one, because it does not save from the cause of the formation of this smell.