
Which sign is raised after the listing. Rules for arrangement of dash in texts


A dash in a simple sentence is placed in two cases:

  1. between the subject and taut;
  2. if the proposal is incomplete.

Dash between subject and tame

The dash between the subject and faith is placed if:

  • Both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominal case:
    Moscow - the capital of our Motherland.
  • Both main members of the sentence are pronounced with quantitative:
    Three times three - nine.
  • Both main members of the sentence are expressed by the infinitive, or one of the main members of the proposal is expressed by the infinitive, and the second - name noun:
    Smoke - to harm health. Smoking - harm to health.
  • Before words, this is, it means:
    Reading - Here is the best teaching. Water is a source of life.

The dash between the subject and the fault is not put if:

  • Subject to pronounced:
    I am a citizen of Russia.
  • With a surehead there is a negative particle not:
    Irina is not sister to me.
    It should be distinguished by which member of the sentence belongs not, so, for example, in the sentence " Life live - not the field go»The particle does not apply not to the lean, but to the addition, consequently, the dash is put in the proposal.
  • The faugible is introduced by comparative unions, as if:
    The lake is like a mirror.
  • If there is an introductory word between the subject and the fault:
    My brother, of course, a good person.

Dash in an incomplete simple sentence

Incomplete is the proposal in which any member of the sentence is missing, but it has a place in the proposal and it is easily restored from the context.
For example:
Everyone sent letters, I did not send (a dash replaces the "letters").
Take care of the dress from the dream, and the honor - the Smalod (the dash replaces the "take care").

Attention! It should be distinguished by incomplete sentences with the skipping of one of the main members of the sentence and single-delivery.

In single-service proposals, the second main member is not required, without it the sense of the proposal is clear. In single sentences there is no place for the second main member of the sentence.

In incomplete sentences it can always be restored.
For example:
Mice walked all products. Now they took up the books (clear from the context that mice took the books). Knocking on the door (a single offer in which you do not need to be subject to).

A dash is usually used in non-union complex suggestions to indicate the nature of the semantic link between its parts. However, there are other cases of consumption of this punctuation.

The formulation of a dash is governed by the following rules of Russian grammar:

1. The dash is put in sentences with composite names, between subject to and taped. In the proposals of this kind, the faecentable, as a rule, is a generic concept in relation to the. For example:

  • Tiger - predator;
  • Cow - a man-fosteer;
  • Birch - tree;
  • My older sister is a teacher;
  • The older sister is my teacher.

Note 1. However, if the negative particle "not" is subject to and be sure, then the dash is not set:

  • Poverty is not a vice;
  • Goose is not a bird.

Note 2. The dash between the subject and the legend is not set, if they are used in an interviewal sentence, and subject to pronouncement, for example:

  • Who is your mother?

2. If the proposal is subject to expressed nouns , and a failed uncertain form of verb (infinitive), or they are both expressed by infinitive, then between them put a dash, for example:

  • Love you - nerves fluttering;
  • The desire of each person is to love and be loved.

3. The dash is placed in front of the words "This", "mean", "it is", "here", etc. In proposals, where the name is pronounced by the nouns in the nominal case or infinitive. As a rule, these words serve to join the faithful to the subject, as well as indicate that the comparison or definition will follow now, for example:

  • Desire - this is the need of a person. Contrary to all adversities to make their lives better;
  • Romance is walking under the moon and full of eye admiration;
  • Loyalty is the stronghold of true human relations, confidence - here is a stronghold of a strong family.

4. The dash is set in sentences with transfers before a generalizing word. For example:

  • Dreams, hopes, beauty - everything will absorb inexorable time;
  • Neither her tears, nor complete plea eyes, nor sadness - nothing could make him go back back.

5. The dash is put in front of the application standing at the end of the sentence in two cases:

a) If before the application, it is possible without distorting the sense of the sentence to put the design "namely", for example:

  • I don't like this animal too - a cat.
  • In a conversation, he demanded one - correct.
  • I obey only one person - Father.

b) If an appendix uses explanatory words, and the author is required to additionally designate the independence of this design, for example:

  • With me was a cast-iron kettle - the only one was already in journey in the Caucasus (Lermontov).

6. The dash is placed between two faees or between parts of a complex proposal in the event that The author needs to unexpectedly attach or abruptly oppose them relative to each other. For example:

  • I went into the room, without thinking there to see someone, - and froze.
  • I'm more like Petke - and everything is there.
  • I wanted to go round a whole light - and did not quarrel a hundredth of the share (Griboedov).
  • I wanted to sit down for sewing - and Ibel Kolola fingers, I wanted to cook porridge - the milk escaped.

Note 1. In order to strengthen the shade of surprise, the dash can be delivered after writing unions that bind parts of one sentence. For example:

  • Make a vacation - and go ahead to the family.
  • I really want to go there to them, meet, but - I'm afraid (M. Gorky)

Note 2. In addition, for an even greater effect of the dash surprise, any part of the proposal can be separated, for example:

  • And he ate a poor singer - to the crumb (wings).
  • And I threw the grandfather Yersh - in the river.

According to the rules of the Russian language, it is not necessary to put in these proposals. However, it is placed only in order to better convey the meaning and reflect what happened in reality.

7. The dash is placed between parts of the non-union complex proposal in the event that The second part contains the result or withdrawal from what was said in the first, for example:

  • Praise is bait - how not to wish them? (Wings).
  • The moon lasted the walkway around the sea - the night lay down the night.

8. The dash is placed between parts of the non-union complex proposal in the event that Between them there is a type of communication "Pressing part - the main part":

  • Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  • Forest cabin - pinch fly.

9. The dash is placed in order to indicate the boundary of the breakdown of a simple supply for two verbal groups. This is done only if this disintegration is not obtained by other means. For example:

  • So I say: guys are necessary?

Very often, such a decay is observed when passing one of the members of the sentence, for example:

  • Marinka for good studies - a ticket to the sea, and Egorch is a new computer.
  • I will be in a fist, my heart - from the chest, and even rushed after him.
  • Everything is obedient to me, I am nothing (Pushkin).

10. In addition, using a dash allocate:

a) sentences and words used in the middle of the proposals and employees to explain the said, but only if parentheses can weaken the connection between the insert and explained, for example:

  • Here it is nothing to do - I'm in the floor and sat down.
  • How suddenly - about a miracle! About shame! - spoke Oracle nonsense (wings).
  • And only once - and even then by chance - I spoke to him.

b) a common app if it stands after the noun and needs to be emphasizing self-independence, for example:

  • Senior Deliver - Brave Aged Cossack with stripes for superior service - commanded "Building" (Sholokhov).
  • Before the doors of the club - a wide log house - guests were awaited by workers with the signs (faded).

c) homogeneous sentences if they stand in the middle of the sentence and need special allocation, for example:

  • Usually from the Hinders - Elansky, Voshenskaya, Migulin and Kazan - took Cossacks in the 11-12th Army Cossack shelves and in the Life Guard Atamansky (Sholokhov).
  • And again, the same picture is the beds of the houses, roadfish and dirty puddles - opened with my eyes.

11. A dash can be used as an additional sign of punctuation after a comma in sentences where there are two repetitive words. And you need to repetition in order to associate one part of this proposal on the other. For example:

  • I knew very well that it was my husband, not any new, unknown person, but a good person, - my husband, whom I knew how he himself (L. Tolstoy).
  • Now, the judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that everything was without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, - everything in his hands (L. Tolstoy).

12. The dash is placed after the group of the apparent in front of the main part of the complex supply in order to emphasize the decay to two semantic parts. For example:

  • But it was worth it or not - this is not to solve me.
  • Did anything for this galler, what did and did, - we do not know (Dobrolyubov).

13. The dash is placed in paired structures meaning any temporary, spatial or quantitative framework , and in this case, synonymous pair of prepositions "from ... to", for example:

  • Flight Novosibirsk - Moscow,
  • 1991 – 2001,
  • Ten - twelve gram.

14. The dash is placed between two names, if In the aggregate, they call any doctrine or discovery:

  • Physical law Boyle - Mariotta.

In addition, it must be remembered that in the case when you need to sign between numbers or words reflecting the quantitative uncertainty, it is not a dash, but a hyphen:

Day five or seven, she has not yet come out of the house.

Add 3-4 teaspoons of Anisa and Dill to the sauce.

Before a generalizing word

The obligatory case when sets a dash is a proposal in which a generalizing word follows homogeneous members of the sentence. Before him is a dash.

Currant, gooseberry, raspberry, IRGU - all the berries managed to try the Girchka this summer.

Far relatives, friends with whom he had not seen for a long time, half-tired colleagues with old work - they all began to remember lately.

Before the application at the end of the sentence

If an application that is standing in the absolute end of the sentence, you need to logically allocate, on the letter it is shown by a dash sign:

When we entered, our cat ran out to us - fluffy Aliska.

All the way, the sonlessly told me about his new acquaintance - Boris Ivanovich.

How would I like to chat with you as a specialist about my favorite business.

Before the secondary member of the sentence, which is expressed by the infinitive

If the secondary member of the sentence is expressed by the infinitive and is explaining, it is separated by a dash sign.

Finally, he was ripe on a plan and a decision was born - to take the first step and make up.

A child who hates school, one way out - use any opportunity to walk on legal grounds.

With plug-in structures

Signs of dash are surrounded by any including those that end out with a question or exclamation mark. This is actually the case when putting a dash between suggestions.

And these little newborn kittens - do not even want to think about it! - Live in such conditions.

All good students - what otherwise? - Must be passionate about their future profession.

In non-union proposals

In cases where the dash is raised, the non-union offer contains such parts that are opposed to each other:

We officially invited him to visit - he did not even deign anything to answer.

Specify her homework - it will prevent anything that nothing has happened.

In addition, the dash is placed before that part of the non-union proposal, the meaning of which is to express the conclusion, the result or a consequence of what the preceding part of the complex proposal is said:

Mom came - and all sorrows, as always, seemed small and quickly forgotten.

When making a direct speech and dialogue

A dash in a complex proposal is placed, in addition, when making a direct speech, he separates the words of the author from the quotation:

"I have already come! - The daughter shouted the daughter and, having packed, asked mysteriously: - Do you know who I saw today? ".

When making a dialog, the dash is also placed before each statement:

- Is it really impossible to learn to keep secrets? - Strictly asked Mitu Father.

- I can. I keep, I just didn't know that you should also be stored from you, - the baby replied lost.

In addition, there are other private cases when the proposal is rated, but mostly all of them are options or modifications of those listed.

Each writing has its own "favorite" rules for punctuation. But according to the experience of working on the preparatory courses and the preparatory department of Moscow State University, the author of this article knows that the use of a dash refers to the most difficult and, if you can express the mistakes of punctuation. This is due, as it seems to us with the erroneous ideas of the majority of schoolchildren on the optionalities of the dash, its almost complete identity of the comma. Removing, as a rule, several of the most well-set forth in school textbooks and benefits for the rules entering universities (for example, a dash between the subject and pronounced, expressed nouns; a dash between parts of a complex proposal), not all schoolchildren are able to summarize in consciousness cases of possible use of dash In russian language. Tutorials rarely offer consolidated chapters devoted to this issue, the tradition of drawing up reference and tutorials - by groups of rules, and not on signs. Meanwhile, the current "Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation" (M.: Uchocheggiz, 1956) propose exactly the first way, in the section "Punction" the principles of setting certain punctuation signs, including a dash (specified work, paragraphs 164-179, with . 98-104).

This article sets the task to pay attention to most of the cases of a dash formulation on the letter (we deliberately do not affect those cases that are rarely used by most typewriters and first of all schoolchildren), after all sections, exercises will be given to check the learned material.

First of all it is necessary to remember that there are two different types of dash. Single dash - a sign from the group of separating (more on the signs of separating and allocating See: Russian language. Tutorial for in-depth study in high schools. Part 2. Morphology. Syntax. Punctuation. / Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M. ., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnievskaya E.I. - M., Moscow State University, 2000., p.180). Such a dash is used as a sign dividing the proposal into two parts (for example, a dash can be made between the subject and faithful in the simple sentence or between two parts of complex), or as a punctuation sign similar in its function of the comma, but introducing an additional semantic shade in the offer . Separating a dash in a simple proposal, in addition, it is used for homogeneous members with a generalizing word. Along with this, the rules associated with the separation of members of the proposal and input words are used by pair dash, as a highlighting a sign that is largely similar to the two comma.

Consider the specified rules groups and determine which difficulties are encountered when applied. The most common errors will be analyzed in detail, it is precisely for these cases that practical tasks will be proposed.

1. Dash between the subject and faithful

The need to make a dash between the subject and the lean is associated with the skipping part in the composition of the facility. In some cases, the formulation of a dash is connected only with the form of major members, in others there are additional formal reasons that indicate the need to put a dash. The following rules consider the rules for the formulation of the dash and exclusion from them.

The dash is set:

Subject to expressed nouns, a failed composite nominal with a zero bunch and a registered part, pronounced nouns (that is, both main members are expressed by nouns): Snow White is the main heroine of a famous children's fairy tale and a wonderful cartoon of Walt Disney Studio. (All examples in the article are invented by the author. In cases where fantasy left the author, examples from literature were used. All these cases will be given links). Especially should pay attention to the following cases of priority formulation of dash:

If the proposal has the nature of the logical definition - The magic fairy tale is a genre of folklore, in which magical characters act and magic events occur.

If the proposal refers to a bookstation and contains a characteristic, evaluation of the phenomenon - An animation is the best achievement of the 20th century.

In the proposals of the identity (subject to and the faeed express one concept) - Everyone knows that in any magic fairy tale stepmother - also an evil witch.

After the group of homogeneous subjects - Vorshun, Dobryak, Locker, Tikhonya - the names of the closest friends of Snow White.

With structural parallelism parts - Love for work - the dignity of Snow White, the pride - the trait of her stepmother.
To make clarity in the sense of supply - The older sister is her best friend. Her older sister is the best machefa friend.

Both main members are expressed by infinitives or one is expressed by nouns, and another infinitive: Dreaming about a meeting with a prince for any girl - just torturing yourself in vain. Meet him in fact - great happiness.

Before words, it is, it means that it means. - Looking in the mirror, the stepmother said: "Yes, beauty is a terrible force."

Both main members are numerical or one - numerical, and the other - noun: Recalling all socks breathing on the floor and folded them in pairs, Snow White guessed that the number of gnomes was seven.

As a rule, the dash is set:

The infinitive subject to be pronounced is a composite nominal with a zero bunch and a registered part, pronounced by adverb with the meaning of the state, but only in the presence of a pause between the main members: Snow White since childhood understood that not to fulfill his duties for the cleaning of the palace - dangerous, because stepmother I checked cleanliness every day in the rooms.

With a pronounced word, if there is a logical pause after this word - This is the very beginning of history, and the continuation will be later. (Compare: This is a good start).


Before the dash in all cases discussed above, the context may be comma. This is possible if there is a separate member of the sentence before the dash placement place or an additive offer. In this case, the writing service puts two non-interconnected signs: comma, closing one turnover, and a dash that stands between the subject and faithful.

The most common writing error will be the firmware in front of the dash. It is for attentiveness to this problem we offer a task given below.

Task 1. Put the punctuation marks. In cases where the comma will be before the dash, explain its production. (The task uses examples from the compositions of the student of preparatory courses of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University).

1. Evgeny Onegin The main character of the same name Roman A.S. Pushkin nobleman on origin and "extra" person in character.

2. Vladimir Lensky who lived for several years in "Germany's misty" romantic and a dreamer not able to distinguish life real from fiction.

3. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov who conducted a childhood in the atmosphere of universal love and worship a typical barin on manners and is constantly waiting for the surrounding attitude towards himself what is used to receive in childhood from relatives.

4. This poem written in the genre of friendly message The most vivid creation of Pushkin-Romance.

5. Romanticism which in Russian literature is closely associated with the names of Pushkin and Lermontov, one of the literary directions studying the inner world and the psychology of the heroes.

Dash is usually not put:

Subject to expressed nouns, a taught composite name with a zero ligament and a registered part, expressed by nouns, and at the same time:

Proposal simple, spoken style : "My Father King", - Modestly answered Snow White to the question of the gnomes.

There are comparative unions between the subject and the faees, as if, as if, exactly, it seems like, it's like: "Snow White's eyes are like two bright asterisks, skin like the first snow, the hair is like a night," dismissedly explained the mirror of the furious queen.

Before the leakage, denial is not: "The Queen is no longer the first beauty of the kingdom," the courtested among themselves whisper.

There is an introductory word or particle between the subject and the surehead: The king is probably a good man, but he became a toy in the hands of an evil and cunning wife. Walk is just the pretext to lead the snowshnow into a dense forest and throw it there.

Before the rampant is subject to a secondary member: "Snow white to us friend!" - convinced the gnomes of the grill, but he stubbornly did not want to accept the presence of a woman in the house.

In the proposal the reverse order of words - the failed precedes: "Nice small this prince!" - Such was the unanimous opinion of the gnomes and forest animals.

Important: In many cases listed above, the dash is possible if it is necessary to intonationally emphasize the division of supply into two parts or allocate one of the main members.

Personal pronoun to be pronounced - composite nominable with zero ligament and registered part, pronounced noun: All the inhabitants of the kingdom knew that Snow White is a very good girl, she is clever, she is beautiful, she is very kind and attentive.

With a logical underscore of pronoun - to be given, its allocation of intonation: "I am the first beauty of the kingdom",- proudly stated the queen to every new guest.

In contrasting personal pronouns-subject to equally constructed propositions: "I'm a queen, and you are servants," Said the evil stepmother and ordered his maid to lead the snowshnow into the forest and kill her.

One of the main members is expressed by the questional pronoun, the other - noun in the nominative case or personal pronoun : "Tell us, a girl who you are, who are your parents and why are you alone in such a thicket?"- Sprinkle in surprise. Snow White.

The attacked expressed adjective, locomotive adjective or proposed-pelon form: The forest around Snow White is empty and gloomy, the sun is not visible behind the crowns of trees, not audible bird votes.

In this case, you can put a dash in this case:

With a logical membership of a proposal for two parts and the intonation division: Snow White's voice is clean, clear, fascinating, so the Prince decided to see who sings so gently.

With structural parallelism of parts of a complex proposal: Night - warm, stars - shining, the moon - round, so the snowmall has not experienced fear, remaining alone in the forest.

Task 2. Establish in the following passage from the Russian fairy tale missed punctuation marks, explain your solution.

Do not have your home terribly insulting. Loneliness An even more hurt thing, especially when you are a lover to chat and sucking and gossip not with anyone. All these thoughts ran in the head of the mouse that sadly walked around the field and sought the night. Suddenly the mouse stopped (:, -) "What is it worth ahead?" And this is teremok. Terems standing in the field and hidden in the inadlines of wildflowers. Perfect shelter for a lonely little animal. And what's the handsome it! Steps carved, paints painted, roof as a tent, large rooms, windows east. To live in such a way even one already happiness.

There is a mouse in the terem. And only in vain to upset about the neighbor on Teremku is still in vain. Her task to make teremok even more cozy home, and there it will be.

But this is only the beginning of the fairy tale. On another day, frog fled. Boredom is a terrible trouble for any beast, and the frog desperately missed my swamp where to live it means to eat and squash. And the frog wanted to communicate! So she left the swamp and came to the teremku and knocked.

"Please tell me who you and why come?" - asked a frightened mouse because of the door. "I'm a frog -kvakushka and who are you?" - said no less frightened frog. "I am the hostess of this house mouse, and the frog seems animal inhabitants in the water," Narushka calmed down a little. "Mouse to the frogs are not a decree," the frog noticed proudly, and then said (: -) "I am alone and you alone, let's live together!". "The nice animal frog," thought the mouse and launched an unexpected neighbor.

2. Dash in incomplete sentence.

Incompletely called Proposal "With lexically not expressed members who are easily restored in meaning from context" (Russian language: Tutorial for in-depth study in high school. Part 2. Morphology. Syntax. Punctuation. / Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnovskaya E . And. - M., Moscow State University, 2000 - pp. 132) ". The incomplete is often due to the passage of the legend, and this pass is connected either with the name of the previously responded by the context, or with a special structure of the sentence, when the legend is not necessary (such a proposal is called elliptical ). It is such a pass of the ledge of the letter on the letter denotes the formulation of a dash.

The dash is set:

If there is a pause in elliptical proposals (instead of the fag) - Outside the window - rain.

With parallelism of structures - Everything is on this side - mine, and on the other side - also mine, and the forest is mine, and in the forest - my (Free statement of famous words Nozdrev).

In the proposals of a special structure that have the basis of two nouns (one in the form of a denational case, another in the form of a vinitive case), clearly members in two parts - "Idiot! Baba - Flowers, Children - Ice Cream!" - Shouts by the hero of Papanov in the film "Diamond Hand".
If an incomplete offer is part of complex, and the missed member is easily restored from context - Some Americans voted for Bush, others - for the mountain, but as a result it did not matter.

3. Dash in a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

A dash can be used between two homogeneous members of the proposal in their opposition or when specifying suddenness (in the latter case, uniform members will be the verbs of the faugible): Snow White wanted not to cry - sob from fear, but she kept resting and carefully went through the forest. The prince saw Snow White - and immediately fell in love with her.

The dash is used between two homogeneous members associated with a double union, when the second part of the Union is passed: The queen not only did not love - he simply hated a beautiful snow white. She is not that humiliated the princess - in every possible way tormented and scolded her.

If there is a generalizing word after a group of homogeneous members of the sentence, it is rated by a dash: On the table, on the windowsill, on the floor, under the beds - the things belonging to the gnomes were scattered.

With the same order of homogeneous members and the generalizing word before the generalizing, the introductory word may also be. In this case, before the introductory word is a dash, and after (before the generalizing word) - comma: Both deer, and proteins, and hares, and various birds - in a word, all forest animals came to visit the snow white in the afternoon, when the gnomes went to work.

If the generalizing word is facing a group of homogeneous members, but after the group of homogeneous proposal does not end, then after this group is rated: All Dwarfs: And Dobryak, and Tikhonya, and a modest, and a soda, and even grumble - very loved the princess Snow White and simplified it to stay with them.

It may be delivered by a dash instead of a colon after a generalizing word in front of a group of homogeneous members if homogeneous members have the nature of the application or refinement: Fairy tales love everything - both adults and children.


Before the dash in the last three cases under the context conditions there may be a comma. This is possible if there is a separate member of the sentence before the dash placement place or an additive offer. In this case, the writing service puts two non-interconnected signs: comma, closing one turnover, and a dash that stands between the subject and faithful.

In addition, for paragraph 4, it is very important to distinguish between the cases when a group of homogeneous members after a generalizing word breaks a simple proposal, and cases where there will be a complex proposal, the first part of which ends with a group of homogeneous members. In this case, after the end of the specified group, the comma will be a comma (or a colon, or a semicolon), and if necessary, put between the dash parts we will additionally have to put a comma. But this will be discussed below, in the section dedicated to the dash in a complex sentence, and now we offer training for the newly considered groups of rules.

Task 3. Establish in the following passage from the Russian fairy tale missed punctuation marks, explain your solution.

Mouse and frog are not that make friends somehow they started each other in two days spent together. They brought order everywhere: both in the rooms and in the courtyard and in the basement of the teremka and decorated all the terems with compositions from flowers. For two days and about life and friends and the dreams of the most secret and intimate, new girlfriends talked about everything.

On the third day of living on the shower window. Watching the window and you do not see even growing near the rasille teremka. A friend sitting on a warm kitchen and tea drink. Suddenly outside the window knock. And it stands in the courtyard not only the smelled to the thread somehow bunned from the cold. They let his "girls" in the teremok and drank tea with honey with raspberries with a cranberry jam found a mouse in the cellar in a word with everything they could offer a new guest. "I am the mistress of Teremka, the mouse is a frog, my neighbor, and who are you?" - asked the mouse. "And I'm a bunny, let me go to myself! I can not only hold a home and cargo and a nail to score and fire in the stove to regret everything you say, I will do." Mouse and frog were not just delighted burned from joy. So they began to live threesome.

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The correct use of hyphen and dash often creates confusion among writers, typewriters and typographs. This question, sooner or later, concerns each person - we write and read, and the incorrect use of these punctuation marks makes the text ugly decorated and distorts the semantic load embedded in it. The answer to the question is what a hyphens and a dash, the difference in writing them and the visual difference of signs, will help everyone more competently use the unique Russian language.

Defisc: Long dash

Function of hyphena - separation of the word on the part. Graphically, this spelling mark is shorter than a dash approximately 3 times.

How to use a hyphen in Russian, will help voluminous and complete exceptions of the rules that are reduced to enumerate the set of special cases:

Other cases use of hyphena:

  • Record parts of the word in linguistic texts. For example: Prefix pri-, ending - ÜT.
  • Designation of important parts or syllables words: at the right.
  • In artistic standards, refer to the importance of the word pronounced Hero: " ATTENTION, once again I say this ...».

When is the dash in the sentence?

Eating a dash in suggestions, as well as a hyphen, has its own rules for punctuation. Along with the use of a comma in the text, which is often mistaken in the wrong places for this, application of dash has the following features:

Between the subject and taught.

Expression of the prepaying and faithful in the nominative case: The dog is the best friend of man.

Subject to the nominative case, and the faeed expressed in an indefinite form: Life live - do not run.

In front of the particles or generalizing word.

Particles this is, here etc.: Hardness is the best quality of this material..

Before summarizing words: Thoughtfulness, attentiveness and acceleration are the best quality of the schoolchild.

The designation of quantitative limits.

Temporary limit: Cook on slow heat for 20 - 25 minutes.

Spatial limit: Flight Moscow - Tula.

In the above table describes cases that most often occur When using a dash in Russian.

Also this sign is used:

  • After alliances, to express surprise: Lay down in bed and - instantly fell asleep.
  • Between homogeneous members: Who is well done - I'm well done!
  • Dialogue Dialogs : - Yes, I agree with you, "Lenin said.

How to put a hyphen in the Word?

Almost all users working with the Windows operating system use Word or OpenOffice text editors to set text.

Consider how in the first version put a hyphen in the text:

  • Defisominus. On the keyboard there is only one symbol denoting "hell". It is located, above the letters "s" and "x", to the right of the number "0". Many do not understand its true meaning and often put this sign as minus, dash, transfer, hyphena. In fact, this symbol, its size, is below the minus and hyphen. How is it usually used? For a dash put two - three defisominus contract. Ugly, but if there is no technical opportunity - it will fit.
  • Inspetent hyphen. We found out what to designate in document Defisa use symbol defosominus(-) Or, as they speak in the people, the "minus" sign. But there is a simple way that few people know - the use of special keys to create an inseparable hyphen (dash). What do I need to do? Press the combination Ctrl + "Minus". Note: The keyboard layout should stand in English and the "minus" sign is pressed on the numeric keypad on the right.

How to put a dash in the Word?

All who believe that with the help of a dash, minus and hyphen, you can solve all the problems of punctuation in Word - are very mistaken. But about it below. Now let's talk about the dash and how to put it in the Word.

There are two types of dash:

  1. Long dash - used in Russian typography.
  2. A short dash - it is also called "middle", used in Western printing house.

Similarly, there are three ways (the third easiest) insertion of the dash into the text:

  • Inserting a dash with a symbol rate.
  1. We establish the cursor to the place where you need to put a dash sign:
  2. Select the menu item Tab. In the tab We are looking for an inscription Symbol.
  3. In the window that appears, select the button Other symbols, Looking for a long dash and click Insert.
  • Inserting a dash by means combining special keys:
  1. Long tire. Click the Alt key and type the NUMPAD keyboard in the digital block on the right 0151 and release Alt.
  2. Short Tire. Similar to the previous paragraph, type Alt + 0150. In both cases, the keyboard layout must be included in English.
  • Automatic software Insert, enabled by default in all versions:
  1. We write the word.
  2. Press the gap.
  3. Put a minus sign (short dash)
  4. Press the space again.
  5. We write the following word.
  6. Press the key has done again and after that the dash turns into a hyphen.

Practice: short or long dash

What in practice? The realities are such that about 95% of users as a dash use a short (Western) option. This is C two features:

  1. Appearance. The domestic option seems very long and is constantly striking.
  2. Automatic replacement. The combination of special keys is good. But not everyone knows about them, and who knows - the introduction of symbols for a long and ungrateful. On the other hand, after the user enters the defisominus, will make a space and write the following words: an automatic replacement of a symbol for a short dash occurs.

9 types of horizontal dishes

Consider all existing horizontal screenshots in printing house, from the shortest hyphenomine, to the longest - horizontal feature.

  1. Defisominus. The shortest, used as a hyphen or minus.
  2. Hyphen. For splitting words into parts.
  3. Minus. In mathematical expressions.
  4. Digital Chestka. For example, to record a telephone number.
  5. Transfer. Transferring words to the next line.
  6. List marker. Used in non-measured lists.
  7. Short Tire. Standard dash used all over the world.
  8. Long tire. Russian standard dash.
  9. Horizontal trait. Analogue of a long dash, which is used in the West in the dialogs.

Now, during a set of complex text or when making a festive card, no one should have difficulties in using such characters as a hyphen and dash. The difference is obvious: the hyphens acts as a spelling mark and put in the middle of the phrase, the dash is a punctual sign that is raised between the words.

Video lesson: how to distinguish a defis from a dash?

In this video, Eduard Krasnov will hold a short educational program, to teach distinguish between a dash hyphen: