
How to choose which foundation is better on clay. Choosing a foundation for a house on clay soil Monolithic slab on clay

Fundamentals of garden composition

Quite often, the geological conditions at the construction site make it necessary to create a foundation on loam or soils similar in composition. In such cases, it is necessary to choose the right base for a wooden house, taking into account the behavior of the underlying soils in different seasons of the annual cycle. Compliance with protective measures gives a good result and practically neutralizes the effect of possible destructive factors even on a shallow foundation, subject to SP 22.13330.2011. The balance between the safety margin of the support and the cost of work will be relevant for the owner.

Features of building on clay

The solution to the question of which foundation is better to choose for a house made of timber, a log house, a frame structure, will be shown by engineering and geological surveys on the site. Previously, you can independently familiarize yourself with the cut of the occurrence of soils and draw preliminary conclusions. If the composition of the rocks is sufficiently homogeneous, their bearing capacity is determined with high accuracy, there is no particular need to invite specialized organizations to design a light building.

An independent foundation for loamy soil requires a careful approach, since the main problem in this case is the behavior of the soil under the influence of water. Comparative characteristics (the ability to absorb, lift through capillaries, give and pass moisture) are given in the following table:

The ability of clay to absorb moisture is expressed in the fact that at the surface of the earth, clay layers are freely washed away by rain and spring melt water, destroying embankments, washing away the foundation support. As the depth of occurrence increases, the density of the layer also increases. But even at a depth, the clay mass remains always wet.

What measures determine the concentration of moisture around foundations on clay soils, the specialist will tell in this video:

The operating conditions at the foundation on clay are very difficult, difficult to predict without a detailed study of the geology, so you need to carefully study the structure of the existing soil over the entire area and depth of the site.

Varieties of clay soil

You can develop a project for a house on your own, which will have, for example, a strip foundation on clay, knowing the bearing capacity of the underlying foundation. To do this, it is necessary to determine the composition of the existing soil. According to the content of pure clay in the soil, soils are divided as follows:

  • sandy loam (contain from 5% to 10% pure inclusions);
  • loam includes about 10% - 20%;
  • the clay has a pure content of at least 30% base material.

Without laboratory studies, these varieties are distinguished by the plasticity of a rolled ball or column with a thickness of about 10 mm: cracks form on the loam, clay is slightly crushed without destruction, and it is impossible to make such a product from sandy loam (sand).

Another type of division for clay soil is usually done according to its origin:

  1. Deposits caused by water currents are called alluvial clay, which has increased plasticity. It is not worth installing tape-type bases on them - in this case, pile supports are used.
  2. Glacial layers have good bearing capacity for a buried base. With abundant moisture, they quickly become saturated and also become plastic.

When building a foundation on glacial clay for a foam block house, it is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing throughout the area and drainage measures.

Measures aimed at reducing the impact of forces deforming reinforced concrete structures are given in clause 5.9 of SP 22.13330 (2011).

How to defend yourself

On the foundations of shallow foundations, made without protective measures, located on a clay litter, the buoyant forces of frost heaving will act. The principle of their occurrence is as follows:

  1. surface or ground water saturates clay particles with moisture;
  2. the soil freezes to a depth characteristic of this region, increasing the volume of each clay flake by an average of 9%;
  3. an expanding array of soil rises (swells) and tries to push out volumetric foreign inclusions, which include the foundation of the selected type.

Based on the fact that the heaving factor is the combination of frost and water, standard protection methods are used:

  • drainage (collection of moisture along the perimeter of the base and its removal to a safe distance);
  • replacement of the underlying clay soil with non-porous material (sand, crushed stone) both in the form of a pillow and backfilling;
  • surface insulation of the horizontal blind area (they will exclude freezing near the house support structure).

The most rigid strip foundation on clay soil experiences the greatest deforming effects.

The advantages of clays and loams include a high design resistance to vertical loads from the total weight of the building. The amount of shrinkage of a well-made base is practically zero.

This principle only works if the reservoir is homogeneous. If a deepening of 0.5-0.7 m into it reveals inclusions of looser layers, then it is necessary to invite geologists to study and develop specific recommendations.

Clay house support structures

It is possible to strengthen a shallow-depth tape on heaving soils, when a sandy loam and a denser layer of clay alternate to a considerable depth, by using a combined (piles with a low grillage) foundation option. After calculating all the support points, we get approximately the following solution.

In this case, at least 2/3 of the load from the total mass of the house will be distributed over the area of ​​the filled grillage, and the screw piles, screwed in to a sufficient depth, will fix the stable position of the entire structure.


The maximum possible contact area with the underlying base is provided by a floating foundation on clay soil, which, under strong impacts, can be completely displaced without transferring deformation to a crown of wood or a plinth of foam blocks.

Protective measures for such a support, which floats above the formation, are also applied in full. In addition to the need for drainage and a blind area, insulation is performed under the slab. A horizontally laid layer under the entire surface of the support, made of extruded polystyrene foam, will not allow clay soils to freeze.

In cold areas, it is advisable to make an insulated Swedish plate (UShP), which complements the insulation of polystyrene foam with a warm floor contour. In this case, not only is there no heat loss, but the freezing of clay under the house is completely excluded.


On a pile screw foundation, you can safely place light buildings in most cases, regardless of the existing topography, alternation of layers and the depth of the solid bearing rock. Each screw support will find the optimal depth of the blades stop, compacting the soil under it when its planes work. The top of the steel poles is simply cut into the horizon under the grillage.

The pile support of the screw type works great on heaving, loose, watered areas.

When choosing a columnar or bored foundation on clay soils, it should be remembered that there will no longer be heat transfer from the “foot” of the building to the ground. Therefore, in freezing clays, it is better to use supports of small Ø, with a smooth surface. At critical loaded points, the Ø of the column is not increased, but a pile bush is made.

The laying of columns made of brick, rubble stone or expanded clay concrete blocks is the most unreliable type of foundations on heaving foundations, since they are more than all other types of supports subject to destruction from obliquely directed forces in frozen soil.

Make a solid foundation, standing on clay, using a few rules. Having conscientiously studied SNiP 2.02.01-83, they adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Financial savings do not apply to the purchase of quality building materials. This does not mean that they take the most expensive ones, but the availability of quality certificates, the established manufacturer's markings and marketable appearance must be respected.
  2. Substrate preparation, mechanically or manually, must be carried out carefully using a level and a laser level.
  3. The pillow under the foundation is isolated from silting with a film or geotextile. On loams, it is better to do it with a broadening to the bottom at 30 ° to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.
  4. Reinforcement of concrete monoliths, pouring of pipes of piles with cement mortar is carried out without fail.
  5. The depth of the trench should not be less than the thickness of the fertile layer of the earth, it is necessary to deepen from it by at least 50 cm.

The values ​​necessary for the preparation of the project, which are typical for a given area or obtained as a result of engineering and geological surveys of sites (freezing depth, seasonal fluctuations in GWL, main underlying rocks) can be found in the architectural department of the settlement, specialized publications, on specialized sites.

Under favorable conditions, it is quite possible to try to build a strip foundation for a small foam block house with a basement.

The building will stand on a reliable foundation if it is built on the basis of the most accurate individual determination of the input conditions for the task, which foundation to choose, and compliance with the work technology at all stages of the project.

The content of the article

Clay belongs to the category of heaving soils, thereforefoundation on clay soilcan behave quite capriciously. Clay is well and quickly eroded by water, losing its original shape. Its plasticity depends on the composition of the soil, since different types of clay have different plasticity.

Being close to the surface, clay deposits are easily washed away by precipitation and melt water, exposing the foundations built on them. With increasing depth of occurrence, the density of clay layers increases. However, the clay at depth remains constantly wet. A clay foundation for a house can behave unpredictably. Before its construction, it is necessary to study the structure of the soil and determine the type of foundation.

Types of clay soils

Depending on the proportion of pure clay in the composition of a particular soil, clay soil should be called as follows:

  • Clay is soil with a pure clay content of at least 30%.
  • Loam - part of the clay in such soil is about 10%.
  • Sandy loam - the proportion of clay contained in the soil is between 5% and 10%.

Also distinguish between glacial and alluvial clay:

  • Glacial clay has an increased bearing capacity. It can withstand significant loads from a concrete foundation. But only if it is deep enough. At the top occurrence, it has increased plasticity.
  • Alluvial clay can be found in the lowlands, not far from water bodies. Its high plastic properties make it necessary to refrain from building buildings on such soil. Under the foundation, this type of clay will quickly float, which can lead to cracks on the walls of the building. In case of emergency, the construction of foundations is carried out on piles.

What kind of foundation to do on clay?

Clay is afraid of water. It is highly recommended to carry out a geological survey before starting the laying of the foundation. Its purpose should be to determine the homogeneity of the soil at the construction site. Often the soil on the site is extremely heterogeneous. Clay goes in layers, alternating with layers of sand. Therefore, the decision on which foundation to build on clay should be made depending on the depth and composition of the clay layers. This is done by drilling pits to the depth of the proposed foundation.

If the composition of the soil is heterogeneous, then the best solution is to replace it with non-rocky soil. For example, gravel or sand. If the soil has a homogeneous composition, then its moisture content is examined. In the case of close occurrence of groundwater, it is preferable to use a foundation on piles.

“I have clay soil on my site - what foundation will be the most reliable”? This question is asked by many owners of plots who are going to build a house or some kind of building. So, the foundation can be different. It all depends on the specific composition of the soil, the location of the site and your capabilities.

Shallow foundation on clay soil

Clay soils pose a certain danger for laying shallow foundations. Conventional strip foundations cannot be laid in this way.

But a reinforced concrete slab is just right for clay soil. There will be a so-called floating foundation. Clay movements as a result of heaving or erosion will not affect the walls of the building in any way. The slab can be poured independently, from high quality concrete.

You can also use a ready-made plate. The depth of the slab depends on the mass of the structure. It is forbidden to lay the slab on clay. Before starting the laying, a pit is dug out, gravel and sand backfilling is performed.

The only drawback of this method is the relatively high cost of the project.

Tape base

If you decide to build a strip foundation on clay soil, you should know that such a foundation must be deepened.

A trench under it is dug to a depth that should exceed the level of soil freezing. For different climatic zones, this indicator will differ. In the northern regions, it is sometimes necessary to dig a pit up to one and a half meters deep.

The bottom of the pit is covered first with gravel, and then with a layer of sand. The deeper the pit, the greater the layer of sand that needs to be covered. The bottom of the trench (on top of the sand layer), as well as its walls, must be laid with polyethylene or roofing material to ensure the waterproofing of the foundation and reduce the impact of soil pressure forces on it.

The service life of all structures depends on the foundation. Its estimated cost is 30% of the total amount required for construction.

But the quality of the foundation directly depends on the soil - the place of construction of the structure.

Types of clay soil

Such soil varies in different places and according to its characteristics can be classified into 3 types: clay, loam and sandy loam. As a result, before the construction of the foundation on clay soil, the properties of the construction site are determined.

In the presence of clay, the composition of which is small particles up to 0.01 mm with impurities of sand and dust, the foundation can be laid if the soil is homogeneous and its level of freezing is higher than the layer of underground sources.

Clay soil is highly free-flowing and plastic. The construction of the foundation in this case should be carried out by professional builders with skill and the necessary knowledge.

In the presence of loam, sand with clay, the level of heaving of such soil is high. In this case, clay makes up no more than a third of the volume of the soil. The amount of clay affects the type of loam: light, medium and heavy.

Sandy loams come with a clay content of no more than 10%. Due to the ability to move under the influence of ground sources, they are also called quicksand. It is not recommended to build on such a site. But due to the hopelessness of the situation, a pile foundation based on rubble will be used.

Only after determining the type of soil, groundwater levels and its freezing, a foundation is chosen between two options: tape is suitable for homogeneous soil or pile if there are stones in the ground. The choice will also be influenced by the material from which the structure will be erected.

When building a foam block or brick structure, a strip foundation is best suited to withstand the load exerted on it.

With minor loads exerted by a barn or greenhouse, it is justified to erect a pile foundation, which will ensure the monumentality of such a structure.

Despite the design of various buildings, the soil will be the same. In order to save money, it is possible to use sawdust or sand as substitutes for gravel or crushed stone. But clay is an insidious substance and requires compliance with all building rules and regulations.

Regardless of which foundation is best built on clay, there is always the possibility of breaking, swelling and subsidence. The reasons for this may be the lack of depth of laying the foundation, or a lot of pressure on it.

In order to avoid the pressure of freezing soil, it is recommended to treat the base with machine oil or cover it with PVC film, which will not let water through during a thaw. The upper ground layer should be insulated with expanded clay or crushed stone.

Choice dependency factors

On clay, it is possible to erect a slab or strip base, on poles or piles. It all depends on the following factors:

Price. In terms of stability and reliability, as well as the price, the slab foundation is among the leaders. It is ideal for heavy structures.

But in the presence of a basement, a buried strip foundation is more expensive than a slab one. Pile and column foundations are excluded for buildings with a basement on clay, such foundations are suitable for light and without basements. At the same time on piles - the best and inexpensive solution.

Uniform or alternating arrangement of clay layers. The study of the site is carried out by drilling wells to the depth of soil freezing. With a different composition of the soil in different places, the base is covered with rubble and sand. When installing the base on piles, it must be brought to a dense clay layer.

With strong heaving of the soil, the determining factor is the weight of the structure. With a high load and a large area, the soles prefer a reinforced slab. With a small load, a tape or pile-grillage base is suitable.

Depth of underground sources. Clay is a natural waterproofing agent, but at depth it is constantly wet. With a deep occurrence, the choice falls on a monolithic base or on piles. The tape type is excluded.

Depth of soil freezing. The complexity and cost of construction depend on the depth of water and freezing. Pile foundation for an uneven area is an opportunity to reduce costs, labor intensity and increase reliability. Piles are preferred for difficult soils where clay and stone are mixed.

Leveling the shortcomings of clay soil and using its advantages to strengthen the structure depends on the correct choice of the foundation.

Construction process. For example, we describe the creation of a foundation on clay soil for a log bath:

  • Marking under the base;
  • Digging a trench below the fertile layer by 1.5 m and 3 times wider than the proposed base;
  • Installation of metal or wooden formwork;
  • Production of cement and its pouring into the formwork, followed by its compaction;
  • Time for cement drying and formwork dismantling;
  • Heat treatment of the foundation by firing;
  • Backfilling the trench after the firewood has completely burned out.

Despite the disadvantages of clay soil, it has a number of advantages. Such a foundation is able to withstand a heavy load with a deep location of underground sources. As a result, the supporting structure is reliable and can serve as an example of savings.

With a shallow location of soil, preference is given to the foundation on piles, which will be more expensive, but it does not take reliability and quality.

Here's some extra stuff

A foundation on clay soil can behave completely unpredictably, so before erecting it, you should conduct a qualitative analysis of the earth and choose the best type of foundation.

The presence of a clay component in the soil indicates that we have heaving lands in front of us, due to the “capriciousness” of which the arrangement of the base can bring a lot of trouble and spend a significant amount of time.

Being located near the surface, clay deposits instantly dissolve in melt water or under the influence of precipitation, losing their original forms and exposing the foot of the building's supports.

Varieties of clay soils

Before determining the type of foundation, it is necessary to clearly understand on what type of soil the construction will be carried out.

Depending on the amount of clay content, soils are of the following types:

  • sandy loam - loose rock, which includes sandy and silty components in combination with 5-10% clay;
  • loam - soil, in which the clay component is represented in the amount of 10-25%, and the rest is occupied by sand;
  • clay is a fine-grained sedimentary rock with a high percentage of clay matter from 30%.

The main distinguishing characteristic of clay is its weakness to moisture, due to which it quickly turns into a pasty mass and prevents further seepage of liquid into the soil. The layers of the studied rock can be located at a significant depth, which increases the risk of swelling of the soil in winter due to the freezing of stagnant water.

The optimal type of foundation and its features

On clay soils, you can make the foundations of a house in any way. The use of one or another basis depends on the individual characteristics of the site and the financial capabilities of the owner.

Regardless of which type of support is chosen, it is necessary in each case to carry out backfilling, which includes removing a 20-30 cm layer of soil below the intended location of the foundation and backfilling it with a layer of fine sand or gravel with its thorough compaction.

When choosing the optimal type of foundation, the following features should be considered:

  • the amount of clay in the soil;
  • freezing border;
  • ground water level.

The determination of all these parameters is implemented through a qualitative analysis of the soil. In the event that the groundwater horizon overlaps with the level of soil freezing, it is advisable to equip a primitive drainage system to drain water before carrying out work on laying the foundation of the house.

Drainage is implemented by digging trenches around the perimeter of the future placement of foundation elements. On clay soils, as a rule, the following types of bases are equipped:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • shallow slab;
  • deep placement (in regions with excessively low temperatures).

Mounting the strip base

When building structures on sandy and loamy soils, which are characterized by a low level of groundwater placement, a strip foundation is an ideal solution. The presented base is a reinforced concrete strip installed under all load-bearing structural elements. The arrangement of this type of house support allows you to subsequently make a basement and basement, as well as an underground garage.

Execution of works

The construction of the strip foundation of the house involves the following operations:

  1. Transferring the markup from the sketch to the site. Along the perimeter of the stretched signal ropes, it is necessary to make a pit with a depth exceeding the level of soil freezing. In some areas with harsh climatic conditions, this figure can be from 1.5 to 2 m. The width of the pit is set based on the dimensions of the foundation with a margin of distance for the future placement of waterproofing, heat-insulating sheets and facade layer, if implemented.
  2. The bottom of the prepared pit is leveled and the gravel-sand mixture is powdered to a layer thickness of 15-20 cm, followed by tamping.
  3. The walls of the pit are covered with waterproofing, which can be used as an ordinary rolled roofing material.
  4. The bottom is poured with a 5-7 cm layer of concrete and a support substrate is formed (drying time from 10 to 15 days, depending on the ambient temperature).
  5. Installation of formwork with placement of reinforced mesh inside the gutter.
  6. We are pouring concrete. The pouring process is carried out in portions, 20-25 cm of concrete with its uniform distribution until it is completely filled.
  7. After waiting for the solidification period, it usually takes about 3-4 weeks, we proceed to waterproofing work.

In the case of leaving the base for shrinkage for the winter, concrete structural elements are covered with plastic wrap or any available means of protection.

Tape base - one of the most common types

The advantages of this method are:

  • uniform load distribution due to the large footprint;
  • practicality and durability;
  • the possibility of equipping a basement or basement.


  • significant time and labor costs;
  • overpriced materials;
  • the possibility of implementation exclusively on sandy or loamy soils.

Plate technology

For clay soils, this option is also acceptable, since the total specific gravity of the entire house is evenly distributed over the slab support. With blurring or seasonal fluctuations in the ground, the entire base will be subject to displacement, and not its individual constituent elements.

Mounting order:

  1. As in the previous version, a 40-50 cm sand and gravel cushion is initially equipped around the perimeter of the entire base. With a close occurrence of groundwater, it is necessary to equip a drainage system from pipes with a slope from the base.
  2. A “skinny” layer of concrete is poured and time is provided for it to solidify.
  3. A formwork is formed, the inside of which is covered with a waterproofing layer.
  4. Reinforced metal mesh is laid.
  5. The final concreting of the base is carried out. It would be useful to add fine gravel to the solution during pouring.

To obtain a monolithic structure, concrete pouring must be carried out as soon as possible.


  • resistance to shrinkage and seismic effects;
  • practicality;
  • resistance to soil erosion by melt and groundwater.


  • significant costs;
  • the lack of the possibility of arranging basements and basements.

Watch a video on how to equip a slab base with your own hands.

Pile foundation

Often applicable options for making a foundation on clay soil at home using pile technology are pile-tape or pile-grillage type. In all respects, the presented methods are similar to the implementation of a columnar foundation made of bricks.

During the calculations, the allowable load is determined for each pile. Depending on the depth of placement and the weight of the future building, the following types of piles are used in practice:

  • screw (by screwing screw piles, you can bypass clay layers of soil and build a foundation on harder rocks; the installation process is carried out both manually and through the use of special equipment);
  • bored (mounted directly on the site of the house: a recess is dug or drilled, a sand cushion and a waterproofing layer are installed, asbestos pipes are placed, inside which a reinforcing mesh is laid, and they are poured with concrete);
  • driven (installed by attracting bored rigs).

For small houses, piles are placed along the perimeter of the bearing walls, and in the case of the construction of massive buildings, pile supports are mounted at the closest possible distances along the perimeter of the entire grillage part.

Subsequently, reinforced concrete beams or slabs are laid on the piles, which will evenly distribute the total weight of the structure on each of the supports.


  • practicality and long service life;
  • resistance to significant loads;
  • relatively small financial costs;
  • fast installation;
  • the possibility of repeated use of pile supports;
  • the installation is implemented in any natural conditions.


  • the inability to equip the basement and basement without additional excavation;
  • the need to attract special equipment;
  • susceptibility of pile structural elements to corrosive processes.


In conclusion, I would like to highlight a number of key points that should be paid attention to when arranging the foundation of a house on clay soils, namely: the depth of the foundation on such types of soil depends on the freezing boundaries of the earth and groundwater, as well as the specific gravity of the structure.

Even at the planning stage, one should not save on a qualitative analysis of the soil, since subsequently an incorrectly erected support can lead to premature destruction of the entire building, and the whole process will have to be done anew.

Before you start building a foundation on clay, you need to know all the features of clay soil.

What you need to know about clay soil

Clay is a finely dispersed composition of particles that have the ability to absorb and retain moisture. Such soil has such a property as heaving. When freezing, the soil increases significantly in volume and can push the foundation of the house up. The clay base is subject to erosion by melt and rain water, which can have a devastating effect on the foundation on clay.

Clay soils are of several types:

  • clay soil includes 30% or more pure clay;
  • sandy loam - sandy sandy loam contains about 5% clay;
  • loam contains up to 10% clay.

One type of clay soil - sandy loam

By the method of test drilling, the structure of the occurrence of soil layers is recognized. They drill a hole in the ground to the depth of the foundation of the house. To avoid errors in the analysis of the sample, it is better to contact the district department of architecture at the place where the construction master plan is linked and get a copy of the vertical survey.

From this document, it will become known about the qualitative composition of the soil, about the level of groundwater and about the depth of soil freezing. In most of the country, excluding the regions of the Far North, the depth of soil freezing reaches an average of 0.8 m. In the north, this figure reaches 2.4 m.

If the groundwater is above the freezing level, artificial drainage of clay soil will be required. To do this, construct drainage ditches and sewage outlets.

If the type of soil does not allow drainage of the base, then the foundation on clay will have to be built on piles.

Which foundation to choose

Pile foundation on clay

Before building a house, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the foundation and choose the right type of foundation on clay.

On clay soil, three types of building support base are applicable:

  • strip foundation on clay;
  • tape pile;
  • monolithic slab;
  • pilewort.

Strip foundation

The foundation is made only buried. A trench under the tape is dug to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. At its bottom, a pillow is made of two layers of sand and gravel. The trench should be wider than the foundation so that it is possible to install the formwork without interference. Then roofing felt or polymer film is laid. The waterproofing coating will block the path of moisture penetration to the foundation structure.

The height of the formwork must be higher than the top surface of the concrete. The edges of the waterproofing material lead to the same height.

The reinforcing cage is mounted nearby on the site, then its elements are lowered into the formwork. Sections of the frame are connected with knitting wire and form a single structure of reinforcement.

In cross section, the foundation of the house is a trapezoid. The bottom base will be wider by a third of the top surface. This type of construction gives high stability and increases the resistance to heaving of clay soil.

The concrete mixture is poured continuously. This will prevent the concrete from separating when it hardens. As liquid concrete enters the formwork space, it is compacted with a vibrator or an improvised tool (shovel, wooden manual rammer).

For the construction of the basement, they dig a pit. The foundation walls are made to the height of the basement.

Monolithic slab

A monolithic reinforced slab is the most expensive option for supporting a house. It is made of concrete grade not lower than 300. The depth of the foundation slab depends not only on the freezing of the soil, groundwater, but also on the total weight of the structure.

The reinforced concrete monolith creates the effect of a floating slab. This gives independence from any shifts in the clay base.

Works on the installation of a sand and gravel cushion, waterproofing, formwork, reinforcement and concrete pouring are the same as in the construction of a strip foundation.

Strip pile foundation

A shallow foundation is erected for light wooden houses and for brickwork. A trench for a monolithic tape is dug 50 - 70 cm below the groundwater level.

To enhance the reliability and bearing capacity, supporting piles of the shufta type are installed every 2 meters below the level of soil freezing. After removing the formwork, all sinuses are filled with compacted sand. Watch a video on how to build a strip foundation on clay.


At the calculated points, piles are driven in until they reach dense layers of soil. In some cases, due to special soil conditions, pile bushes are made (piles from one point diverge downward in different directions) or hanging piles are installed (racks are driven in at an angle, providing stability due to lateral friction on the soil base).

The upper ends of the piles are tied either with a metal profile, or with reinforced concrete beams or slabs. The most reliable and durable option for supporting a house is a grillage made of a monolithic slab on piles.

clay foundation

Clay is suitable for building a foundation for a greenhouse

The clay foundation is arranged for light buildings (greenhouses, sheds, utility rooms). In places where clay soils are available, a foundation is made of clay. Clay soil is mixed with water, adding sawdust, sand or any improvised filler to it. They dig a shallow trench and install the formwork. Then a continuous tape is formed from the resulting mixture in the formwork space around the entire perimeter of the future building.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the clay foundation are selected based on the type of structures resting on it. After the clay has dried, the formwork is removed. Around the resulting structure, firewood is laid out and kindled. In the process of burning wood, the clay foundation is fired. As a result, a strong support for light buildings is obtained.

The construction of foundations on clay soil is a very responsible business. When something happens to the upper building structures, it is managed by local repairs. And an incorrectly laid foundation can “destroy” the entire house.

If the developer is not confident in his knowledge and experience in the construction of structures of this type, then it is better to turn to specialists.