
How to create comfort in a rented apartment: a step-by-step plan. Tips for creating a cozy apartment - original ways Ideas for an old apartment

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If you believe the statistics, today every fourth Russian rents a home. When moving to a rented apartment, the desire inevitably arises to furnish it “for yourself”, build your own nest and achieve a certain degree of comfort. How to create comfort in a rented apartment and is it possible to improve the interior without making renovations? Professional designers and decorators shared their ideas with the author of Lady Mail.Ru. Details are in this article.

The heroine of Hilary Swank in the film “P.S. “I love you” was unhappy with her rented studio apartment on the fifth floor in a building without an elevator

“The main rule to remember when you rent an apartment/room is that this place becomes your home. You can agree on small changes with any landlord, says Natalya Kokorina, co-founder of the architectural bureau - The most important thing is to saturate the place with your “spirit”. It is your things that should be the accents in the space. You can complain as much as you like about an outdated, unfashionable and uncomfortable rented apartment, but if you don’t bring anything of your own into it, then you will feel not at home, but like in a rented bed.” It is perhaps difficult to disagree with this opinion. However, with all the faith in yourself and in your apartment, you may encounter seemingly insurmountable interior difficulties. Let's look at each separately.

Problem windows

Windows are a direct contact with the outside world. If the “world” outside the window is not entirely pleasant, blinds will allow you to hide it. “Blinds are an excellent solution that will preserve natural light and at the same time distract attention from the unpleasant landscape,” says Natalya Railchenko, decorator at the Bureau of Design Solutions. - If there is a lantern or some kind of sign outside the window, or maybe the neighboring house is close and you can simply be seen, consider the option of roller blinds. It’s better to choose thick fabrics and dark shades - practically no light leaks through them.”

Another problem is old window frames. Wooden ones can be repainted, and plastic ones can be washed. “If you are unable to clean a plastic window with conventional means, use a product recommended by the manufacturers of plastic windows themselves - cosmofen. This is a strong chemical cleaner that slightly dissolves the top layers and allows you to rid plastic and even glass of paint, our expert shares his secret. - Of course, the matter is not limited to one visual effect. An old window unit may have gaps and cracks, so you are guaranteed a draft. The surest way is to seal the window. To do this, it is better to take masking tape for the finish, and for filler - a natural material, for example, cotton wool. Its fibers are dense and at the same time porous, which prevents the penetration of air. To somehow distract the eye from the masking tape, place a decorative composition on the windowsill. To do this, you can use sachets in glass vases, small flowers, candles, and in a nursery, the window sill can serve as a shelf for soft toys. When choosing curtains for problem windows, it is better to choose a thick fabric that “stands up.” Such fabrics decorate the window and, as a rule, have a tight weave, which will also protect against light blockage and drafts. To prevent the room from looking monotonous and boring, choose shades for curtains that are darker or lighter than the wall color.”

Walls that leave much to be desired

If the landlord allows you to “touch” the walls, then the best way out with minimal investment is to stick inexpensive wallpaper (you can find very nice ones) or simply paint the walls - it will be even easier and cheaper. It is not necessary to completely destroy the “spirit of antiquity” in a rented apartment; in some places you can leave the old wallpaper. For example, you can paint all the walls except one - it will become the visual center. Or simply paint the lower half of the walls in the desired color or whitewash them, and leave the upper part with the old wallpaper (the main thing is that it is not completely worn out, but simply old-fashioned). This option will look very interesting, a little in the spirit of “English” houses.

Designer of the Decoratoria studio Natalya Railyan suggests giving old wallpaper another chance: “Wallpaper with obvious signs of wear, long years of service and simply outdated, but at the same time sticking well to the wall surface, can be updated without re-sticking it, but by applying a tone coating to it acrylic paints (quite heavily diluted with water). You can completely cover the entire surface, or you can select certain areas for painting (work area, background for the sofa), use stencil technology, or paint the walls in different colors. It’s better to choose neutral, calm shades; your landlord is unlikely to be against them, since they are considered universal and will go well with any interior style. Add metallic paints to the paint solution, and the walls will also acquire a soft shimmering effect. If you are generally satisfied with the background, you can transform the surfaces of the walls using vinyl self-adhesive stencils; they are easy to glue and just as easy to remove.”

If you live in a rented apartment and its owners are categorically against you doing anything to the walls, be it painting or wallpapering, there is a way out - turn to the old Soviet classics. Elena Eller, creator of the interior-inspiring blog Sweet Home, says: “Wall carpets are now back in fashion and can become a wonderful decoration for the entire interior, and, if necessary, they will hide existing defects on the surface. Opt for original ethnic rugs, such as a small Moroccan or Scandinavian rug that will set the mood for the entire space.”

You can transform the interior of a rented apartment without touching the walls at all using a large sheet of drywall, plywood or cork board. “Show your imagination and decorate the sheet the way you would like it. It can be painted with a chalkboard effect, covered with a beautiful fabric, where family photographs or inspiring pictures will be attached, advises Elena Eller. “And even though this method will take up a small part of your space, you can at any time remake this sheet to suit your mood or get rid of it altogether.”

Posters and photographs can help transform your apartment

Designer-decorator Katerina Chistyakova ( is also sure that there are a lot of options to make the walls “your own”: “The simplest thing is to put art on the walls, hang posters, posters or photographs. Art means anything from a simple collage or your child's drawing. You can throw paint on large white canvases yourself, imitating Pollock. In addition, when hanging, all of the above can be successfully mixed. Just look at what “trellis hanging” is and you can easily cope with this mix! You can attach mirrors or even many mirrors in frames to the walls - it looks very impressive and expands the space. Option for the bedroom: create a “cocoon” from curtains hung around the entire perimeter of the room. You can secure fishing lines around the perimeter of the ceiling and hang tulle or linen in a small gathering. And on top hang a couple of massive frames on velvet ribbons with paintings or photographs. This technique would look great in a shabby chic style.”

Worthless furniture

If the owners left a lot of old furniture in your rented apartment that you have to put up with, you should think about a small restoration of it. Take a closer look; perhaps sagging doors on kitchen units, cabinets and bedside tables indicate that the hinges need to be tightened or replaced. Pay attention to the fittings - sometimes simply replacing the handles saves the situation.

With the permission of the landlord, you can slightly transform old cabinet furniture - repaint it completely or locally, cover it with wallpaper, photo paper or self-adhesive film; sand it, replace the facades, decorate it with mirrors, bring it to the same style of the apartment, match the color with the walls, floors, doors. Designer-decorator Natalya Railyan advises: “Sideboards that serve as a refuge for assorted dishes and sundries are not a problem. Hang the glass doors from the inside with a suitable fabric or completely cover the glass with frosted sandblasting film - the inner world of the cabinet will be reliably hidden behind them! Don’t rush to swear at old upholstered furniture! Dress it up in a new upholstery or cover - you'll love it! Old or unfashionable chairs can also be upgraded with covers and soft pillows. Add a little “Englishness” to a table with a damaged or unsightly tabletop - lay out a tablecloth and put glass on top according to the shape - very practical and beautiful!”

Don't be upset about old furniture - it can be improved

If your rented apartment has indestructible, but completely unsightly, Soviet furniture, decorator Natalya Railchenko ( suggests experimenting with painting methods or doing decoupage: “Interesting effects can be achieved by painting wooden or chipboard planes of furniture with one color, and then brushing over the top with a dry brush with a contrasting shade. Experimenting with color and the method of applying paint will allow you to achieve completely different effects. In general, I advise you to look into some handmade shop. There you can find paints with a crackle effect, paper for decoupage, and even tools for all this.”

Universal tips for transforming your interior

Change textiles

The easiest option for upgrading any rented apartment is to change textiles. “Textiles shape space. If you don’t like the flowers that your landlords left for you out of the kindness of their hearts, change them. Buy your own curtains. They won't stay in this house at the end of the lease - they will move on with you. The same goes for bed/sofa bedspreads. No one will notice the old plush under your splendor, says decorator Natalya Kokorina. - From a personal point of view: when I rented an apartment, everything in it was not bad, but the brown plush sofa “killed” me every minute. I ended up buying an Indian bedspread with green and pink linen embroidery and small mirrors. What a holiday it was when the sun came out and my house was filled with sunbeams!”

Textiles are the founder of style and comfort in the home

Play with light

Proper lighting is the best master decorator! Let there be a lot of light. This will allow you to create unique lighting scenarios each time for different moods and different tasks. Light can be used to draw attention away from the walls. Be sure to change the chandelier if it doesn't inspire you. An expert from the Bureau of Design Solutions advises choosing a chandelier with the largest number of bases - so that there is a lot of general light in the house. “It is very important to divide all lighting into general light and local. Any chandelier will help create general light. Install energy-saving lamps, they will provide bright lighting and consumption will be minimal. As for local light, you need to proceed from how you spend the evening at home, says Natalya Railchenko. - Each scenario has its own lighting. Place a table lamp in the work area - if someone is sleeping in the room and you are working - this will allow you not to disturb the sleeping person. To watch TV, dim light is enough, which can be provided by a floor lamp or sconce. You can also place a sconce in the sleeping area for night reading. Don't forget about lighting in the kitchen: a long lamp under the upper kitchen cabinets would be appropriate above the work area. You can put a floor lamp or sconce in the table area - it’s very convenient when friends come over.”

Natalya Railyan from the Decoratoria studio suggests considering another lighting solution: “Attach an LED strip to the bottom of the sofa, bed, cabinets, chests of drawers - even the heaviest furniture will easily float above the floor in the dark. Place floor lamps, table lamps, and do not forget to use LED candles - they create a special atmosphere. Light can truly reshape a space without the slightest hint of renovation!”

Do some landscaping

Plants add life and comfort to a home, as well as a wonderful mood for its inhabitants. An unsightly or empty wall in the kitchen will literally come to life if you attach a rack with unpretentious live or even artificial plants to it.

Bring your own

Never forget about accessories: details express our individuality. And if you don’t want to invest additional funds in rented housing, especially in decoration, even cosmetic ones, you should listen to the advice of decorative designer Katerina Chistyakova: “If you got an apartment that hasn’t been renovated for a very long time, you don’t have the money to make major changes to it no, then you can do what the advanced bohemian youth of New York did in the mid-twentieth century, moving into the old districts of abandoned factories. Leaving everything as it was, they filled the space with new beautiful fashionable things and created a whole trend: loft. By applying this practice in a rented apartment, you can get a rather interesting result, built on the contrast of old and new, bright and dilapidated. Stick up posters, install lamps, hang a graphic rug and place laconic minimalist furniture: you will get a beautiful eclectic interior. It is important that the “new” catches the eye, works, and the “old” serves only as a background. This is what smart French people do when they inherit castles or beautiful, but dilapidated apartments from time to time. They live there, leaving everything as it is, but adding “their own layer.”

It is possible and necessary to refresh a rented apartment by remodeling it to suit yourself. But this can be done without much material and physical effort. Here are 6 common disadvantages of rented apartments and how to deal with them.

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We learn to look at other people's trash through the eyes of a designer: someone sees this item as a bunch of boxes from a garbage dump. And studio Droog turned them into a designer chest of drawers!

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When it comes to a rented apartment, everyone unanimously begins to say that you shouldn’t spend a lot on improving it - why invest in someone else’s property. This is, of course, true; major repairs are not required in a rented apartment. But living in someone else’s unattractive mess is not respecting yourself. How to decorate an apartment quickly and cheaply?

1. Owner's things. No one needs someone else's trash, so try from the very beginning to look for an apartment that is not littered with trinkets that cannot be thrown away or taken out.

If, for some reason, you were unable to agree with the owners to free the living space from the “inheritance,” then hide it all in boxes and put it out of sight. The following problem often arises here: there are few storage systems, especially when the apartment does not have mezzanines and other built-in niches. When there are not enough of them, the apartment is guaranteed to be a mess. There are many solutions.

You can furnish a rented apartment using discreet storage systems. Use the space under the bed, hang a cabinet above the toilet, place an old chest in the living room instead of a coffee table: beautiful and practical. All kinds of containers, boxes and baskets are convenient. An interesting solution is to place everything on open shelves, but sort it by color, combining it into beautiful still lifes.

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2. Ugly furniture. If the furniture is built-in, then you will have to put up with its presence. But no one forbids making her more attractive. Almost any closet can be enhanced with beautiful fittings. If simply replacing the handles does not save the situation, cover the doors with wallpaper, photo paper, or self-adhesive film.

Freestanding cabinet furniture can be creatively painted. For example, regular white paint will significantly improve the appearance of the cabinet. The chest of drawers can be decorated with decorative brush strokes. And on the top of an old table you can lay out a mosaic pattern.

If we are talking about open built-in shelves, place beautiful lacquered or leather boxes on them, this is guaranteed to transform the interior.

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3. Bad view from the window. There is only one way out - just don’t look at him. And to do this, decorators advise distracting your eyes from the landscape outside the window by any possible means.

There are several options - place a sofa with armchairs by the window, with the back facing the window, or put a desk and hang blinds or Roman blinds. Another way is to cover the windows with thin translucent curtains. Transparent just enough to let in light, but at the same time blur the view of the unattractive surroundings.

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The view from the window will be enlivened by indoor plants in bright pots.

4. Little light. This problem is usually “treated” with a large amount of artificial lighting: all kinds of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. Bottom lighting, for example, behind a sofa, looks impressive.

Do not forget that it is better to decorate a room where there is little natural light in light colors and use reflective materials in the decoration: more mirrors, glossy furniture.

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Use lamps that can be placed both on the table and on the floor. Thus, save yourself from unnecessary expenses and difficulties with transportation.

5. Ugly floor. Globally changing the floor in someone else's apartment is an expensive and unjustified pleasure. Therefore, you can simply lay fresh linoleum right on top of old shabby boards or worn carpet. Or, if the owners allow, painting the wooden floor with paint can turn out great.

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Buy a piece of new linoleum and throw it on top of the old covering: modern material doesn’t even need to be glued!

6. The bathroom is not renovated. Most bathrooms in Russian rental apartments are especially neglected: the appearance is appalling, the plumbing has not changed since the house was built. If replacing a toilet is a forced step, and the owners are ready to share the financial burden with you. Unfortunately, no one will replace the cracked tiles. There is only one way out: get rid of the old coating (especially if the tiles themselves have begun to collapse).

Plastering the walls takes one day, then spend another day sanding, priming and painting the walls. The final touch is original accessories: bright shower curtains, shelves and even posters.

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If the lighting issue was not well thought out at the repair stage and additional electrical connections cannot be made, functional “mobile” lamps will help solve the problem.

Finding temporary housing is always a difficult task. An apartment for rent should be functional, cozy, and most often, budget-friendly. The difficulty is that inexpensive housing most often looks completely unattractive. In this article - practical advice, what to pay attention to during the search process, as well as how to transform an old apartment into a cozy nest, even if the owners do not allow repairs and value every thing.

When choosing an apartment to rent, pay attention to how cluttered the apartment is. If the homeowners flatly refuse to remove their belongings (discuss this in advance), your life will be very uncomfortable. Consider whether there is enough space on the balcony and in the closet to put away other people’s things.

As for renovations, everything is simple: the higher the price, the better the condition of the apartment (in megacities the price also directly depends on the proximity to the metro). If the cost of rental apartments is really high, pay attention to very old housing, but with working plumbing (this also happens). Often in this case, it doesn’t matter to the owners whether you hang something on the walls, add additional shelves, or zone the room at your discretion.
So, where to start transforming your apartment? Of course, from cleaning the household things. You will notice that there will immediately be more free space in the apartment, and you will have the opportunity to do a thorough cleaning.

1. Where to put old things?

The ideal solution for storing old things is to pack them in boxes and send them for storage on the balcony, in the pantry, in the mezzanine or in drawers under the bed, if any. If there are too many things or there are no mezzanines on the furniture, you can buy an inexpensive chest box from Ikea and use it as a coffee table right in the room.

If you wish, you can decorate boxes with things by covering them with paper or fabric, so they will look aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

2. Second life for old furniture

If you are planning a long-term rental, then it makes sense to think about decorating the furniture. For upholstered furniture, you can buy new covers, reupholster chairs, change the handles on cabinets in the kitchen (don’t throw away old parts; when you move out, you can return everything as it was, if this issue is important to the owners). There are even owners who allow you to cover old furniture with film or paint it. To make “new” furniture look stylish, choose natural film colors or imitation of various types of wood, and when painting, give preference to white.

Another important tip: if the apartment has a bed and not a sofa, consider purchasing a new mattress that can be placed on top of the old one or which can replace the old sagging mattress. Healthy sleep is an affordable luxury. And the feeling of “your” bed cannot be compared with anything.

3. How to set up a workplace

To make working at an old table more pleasant, place plexiglass on top of it. You can place important notes under the glass, or you can decorate the table with your favorite photographs, collage clippings, or even simple wrapping paper. In addition, you can safely place flowers on the glass without worrying that you will spill it and ruin the wooden table.

4. What to do if the view from the window leaves much to be desired?

You don’t have to choose the view from the window in rented apartments. If the windows of the new house look close to the windows of the neighboring house, or (even worse) there is a landscape with garbage cans under the window, we recommend decorating the window frame and window sill. This way the landscape outside the window will not be noticeable.

The ideal option is to replace the old yellowed tulle with modern curtains or blinds. The fabric can be cheap, the main thing is that you will instantly transform the interior.

Give preference to flowers; such a green area is an excellent cure for the dullness of the landscape. If you don't know how to care for flowers, buy unpretentious plants that don't require daily watering or special lighting. And yes, bright pots are an excellent decorative element, the main thing is to choose everything in the same style (or decorate old mismatched ones, this is also a great way out of the situation).

5. How to create comfort in the kitchen?

Even if the kitchen table and chairs are terribly outdated, a beautiful tablecloth and seat cushions will fix everything. Choose the color that you like, and you will see how the interior is instantly transformed.

Proper lighting also plays an important role. Install an additional lamp near the table and the kitchen will immediately become more attractive as the focus will shift. In general, avoid the main light in the apartment if the chandeliers are not nice to you and the wallpaper is not ideal. Chamber lighting, table lamps and a floor lamp will help hide all imperfections in the dark.

6. What to do with the bathroom?

You can distract the eye from the old tiles in the bathroom with a bright bath curtain. Choose a set of curtains and rugs for the bathroom and toilet, this will make you feel at home in a rented apartment. Also think about replacing your shower head: it’s inexpensive (you can do the replacement yourself without calling a plumber), but you’ll be grateful every time you take a shower with comfortable water pressure and temperature.

7. When rooms are faceless...

Curtain for zoning a room.

To use the space of a room productively, divide it into separate zones using curtains that are attached to the ceiling. This tip is perfect for walk-through rooms if the apartment is rented by several people. In addition, cabinets can be used as a room divider into zones.

Even if the rented apartment is in a Khrushchev-era building, they will allow you to make good use of every meter.

So, transformations are needed. But first you need to determine to what extent they are possible, what tactics to choose. Alas, here you have to discuss many things with the owners of the apartment.

If repairs can be made
Now there are a lot of cozy, bright apartments for rent, with excellent renovations. There’s nothing to say about this option - most likely, you won’t need to change anything there, except perhaps add some little things, accessories, what’s in your taste, what creates the mood. But such housing will probably not be the cheapest option.

If you want an economical option, then you may get an apartment that has not been renovated for at least 10 years, with old trash and not too spacious. And this, the most common option, often requires repair. If the owners allow you to do this, great, but here you also need a middle ground. If you don’t plan to live here for, say, 20 years, then you shouldn’t spend all your personal savings on bringing someone else’s property into exemplary shape.

The repair should be easy, cosmetic, it is not necessary to redo everything. Firstly, change what has really fallen into disrepair. Secondly, focus on what gives immediate transformation. Necessarily - . They can provide fifty percent success. Next, you can lay linoleum or carpet, but do not lay parquet.

You can change the kitchen apron, and it doesn’t have to be made of tiles; you can use special panels. The main thing is that it is clean, neat and well-groomed. Everything else can be changed through decoration, without radical intervention.

If repairs cannot be made
Incredible, but true - often owners (especially pensioners) prohibit making not only any repairs, but even rearranging the furniture. It is inexplicable, of course, why people don’t want to improve their apartment at someone else’s expense. Well, they don’t want to - and they don’t need to. And there is no need to be discouraged in this case. Any apartment can always be updated through other means. And the first step is get rid of unnecessary junk.

Solving the problem of old things
Very often in rented apartments there is broken furniture, non-working household appliances, and all this rubbish just sits there, cluttering up the entire living space. But the owners value all this and are not going to throw it away. Discuss several options with them.

Firstly, you can fence off a compartment on the balcony or arrange a closet where you can put them. Secondly, you can take it to the pantry, if you have one. Thirdly, you can arrange hanging drawers, shelves, and mezzanines in your apartment for old things. Fourthly, if you have a garage, some of your things can be taken there. Fifthly, you can arrange a closet-storage room in the corridor (if, of course, the dimensions of the corridor allow it).

Old things

If the owners do not agree to any of the above, then the solution is to place the sofas at an angle, put old things behind the sofas, and make overlays from plasterboard or furniture board on top. Or it’s trivial - group all the trash in one place and make a curtain partition out of fabric or use blinds. Place smaller items in special fabric suitcases with zippers (these are sold for dressing rooms) and on top of cabinets.

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storage of things

Active decor
Any interior can be decorated so that it looks new, thanks to active, style-defining accessories. Please note that any accessories and decor are removable and do not damage walls, floors, or furniture, otherwise the owners will be full of complaints. Carefully inspect the apartment, and first of all, you will need to decorate what has fallen into disrepair and catches your eye.

Furniture covers

Shabby, old furniture A 30-year-old room that screams about itself can be easily and simply transformed with removable covers or new bedspreads. Removable covers are useful for chairs and stools, and not only to hide defects. The fact is that most often they will be of different sizes and very simple. But with the help of textile covers, designed in a single key, you will visually combine pieces of furniture that do not match each other into a single ensemble and at the same time create the style that you need.

. Covers and bedspreads are removable things; decorettos can be easily peeled off without causing the slightest harm to the surface on which they were glued.

If the wallpaper has scuffs, stains, or even holes- you can block them with the same decorettos, as well as - mirrors and even fabric draperies. It is better to choose such decorations in large format. The large format completely distracts from any wallpaper. Sometimes the entire wall can be covered with suitable posters, of course, with unobtrusive subjects.

Heavy, dark, as well as a stripped table easy to disguise by covering with a suitable tablecloth. You can also cut out a piece to fit the size of the tabletop from beautiful wallpaper that you like, put this piece on the table, and put glass on top - also cut to the shape of the tabletop.

Place a “family” of small rugs on the floor, depending on the appearance of the floor. A light large carpet (white, cream, sand) gives the impression of a new floor without renovation.

To make the interior individual, a small floor lamp, or a hanging decoration - and now interesting details have appeared in the interior, which, among other things, can visually “justify” some pieces of household furniture (which, as we know, cannot be decorated and not all of them can be taken out or hidden). They won't take up much space, but will create style.

Definitely necessary. Old curtains - out. Instead, hang modern, beautiful fabrics, preferably light ones, made from environmentally friendly materials. “Play” with window design. You can make a beautiful lambrequin, hang multi-layer curtains, attach all kinds of pendants to them,

Living in a rented apartment does not mean that you have to suffer every day in a gloomy dark hole, and only dream that one day you will wake up in the room that your imagination draws. If you really don’t like the interior of your rental property, change it!

The problem for many tenants is also that the owners do not allow them to re-stick the wallpaper, drill into the walls or throw away old furniture and other rubbish. But, fortunately, there are techniques with which you can make your home cozy and beautiful, light and bright, in a word, the way you want it to be, without violating the rules of residence. Find out how to do it without large investments and repairs by reading this article to the end.

How to arrange a rented apartment - general cleaning

Start your move by completely cleaning and clearing the apartment of dust, dirt, and cobwebs. Wash the windows, chandeliers, wipe off dust even in hard-to-reach places and wash the floors well.

Immediately after this, you will see how your rental home will brighten and transform, and you will certainly want to live here. Then get on with the arrangement.

How to decorate a rented apartment - start with the walls

As a rule, apartments that the owners are preparing for rent have a neutral finish and so-called cosmetic renovations. If you have light walls in your rented apartment that don’t cheer you up, “cheer up” them with bright patterns. Of course, we won’t paint on the walls, but these will fit perfectly.

A huge advantage of such stickers is that they can be replaced with new ones at any time, thereby transforming the interior of a rented apartment, or you can remove them completely. They will not leave a single mark on the walls, and you will be absolutely calm that the repairs in the rented apartment are not damaged. Today you can buy them anywhere and for every taste - bright and multi-colored, black and white or having natural, natural shades.

The same applies to drawings - you can choose both abstract patterns and stickers with flowers, leaves, trees, birds, animals. This could be an image of a wall clock, some inscriptions, portraits, landscapes, etc.

With the help of decorative stickers you can create your rental apartment or transform it with each coming season. So, you can choose colorful yellow-brown-orange foliage, and decorate the walls with greenery, juicy fruits and flowers.

Arrangement of a rented apartment - emphasis on windows

Another idea how to make a rented apartment cozy- is to change the curtains to those that you like and lift your spirits. Everything is simple here - choose the most suitable curtains in the store and hang them in the rooms.

If you want to create coziness in your rented apartment and, at the same time, give it a modern look, hang blinds instead of curtains. Fabric rolls or equally popular ones are perfect.

You can also pay attention to pendants, butterflies, lambrequins, etc. If your budget is limited and there is no money to buy new curtains, then decorating the owner’s curtains will save the situation.

We decorate furniture for a rented apartment

If you often have to move from one rented apartment to another, and especially if you have been renting for a long time, you probably have some of your own pieces of furniture that travel with you. You can do whatever you want with your personal furniture, and if it has become shabby, you can put it in order in any way.

As for the furniture that belongs to the owners, it is better to handle it more carefully. If the furniture is new and you are satisfied with its appearance, then there is no need to change anything; otherwise, you can use the same vinyl stickers for decoration. But this is not the only option. So, if you need to hide unaesthetic metal parts of the bed, you can wrap them in organza or other slightly transparent fabric, lay an openwork crocheted napkin on or on the chest of drawers, and cover large tables with a beautiful tablecloth. The kitchen table will be decorated with thick oilcloth with a design or pattern, you can put flat cushions or sew covers on dining chairs, cover old sofas with a “cheerful” blanket and decorate them with bright ones.

For example, a pear-shaped chair will perfectly decorate a rented apartment or - many stores quite often provide decent discounts on them.

If your rented apartment has a lot of furniture that you absolutely don’t need, and which clutters up the space and gets in the way, it’s better to discuss this issue with the owners. As a rule, many people who are going to rent out an apartment take there everything that they don’t need - old wardrobes, armchairs, grandma’s chests or a piano, etc. But the owners may have an empty garage, or maybe they don’t need some pieces of furniture at all and will agree for you to throw them away. As a last resort, you can move something to , if you don't plan to use it. Also, if there is a spare room in the apartment that you are not occupying, move the furniture trash there.

Lighting in a rented apartment

If it is more difficult to replace furniture with new ones, then many people can afford to buy a pretty chandelier or a lamp for the wall. Choose exactly the kind of lighting that will harmoniously fit into the interior and make you happy in someone else’s home.

Today, pendant lamps are popular, which are especially attractive in the dining area, as well as table lamps with stained glass windows. In the living room you can put a lamp with a pantograph (on a bracket).

Cute little things and other decor in the design of a rented apartment

To make a rented apartment feel homely, use your usual decorative items - candles, figurines, vases, something made with your own hands or children's crafts. Also, find a place for your family photos and things that remind you of happy moments in life - let it be a separate corner that reminds you of the comfort of home.

You can lay your favorite carpet, wicker or carpet on the floor, scatter decorative bolsters and pillows.

If the rented apartment is cramped and small, then they will help to visually increase the space, which, moreover, will become a decorative element.

Don’t forget about indoor flowers, which will not only enliven the interior of a rented apartment, but also freshen the air.

Bathroom design in a rented apartment

An inconspicuous bathroom with old tiles on the floor and walls can be saved with the help of harmoniously selected accessories. Choose floor mats, towels, shampoo and soap bottles, lids, etc., made in the same style and color.