
How Bruce Lee died. True on the tragic death of Bruce Lee

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What did Bruce and Brandony kill?

Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973, his son, Brandon Lee, April 20, 1993. In both cases, doctors called the cause of death an accident. However, the circumstances of these two deaths are so mysterious and inexplicable that the world spoke about the curse, comprehended by the legend of the world karate.

By 1973, Bruce Lee has already become a star of Hollywood. He said his word in the evolution of a hand-to-hand combat, created his own style and became the best of the best, because his skill was truly fantastic. However, by and large, his career just began. First, Bruce Li was only 32 years old, secondly, he never received recognition in Asia. Until the very last day of his life in Hong Kong, he felt a stranger. The fact is that Bruce Lee did not confess and did not promote traditional struggle styles, and his own style looked too Americanized.

In America, everything was different. Bruce has not felt a shortage of tempting proposals for participation in the filming, which came from the most famous film studios. His films that watched the whole world had invisible success. Bruce Lee was one of the highest paid actors. However, life on Star Olympus was unbearably heavy ...

Bruce Lee

In one of the numerous interviews to journalists, the actor admitted that she tries to avoid large clusters of people and that even in the restaurant he sits down the corner table face to the wall to remain unnoticed. At the same time, he still liked Glory and popularity. For example, when one of the parties, the man who was presented by Bruce did not recognize him, Lee roughly pulled his hand outstretched him, grabbed the unfortunate hair and snapped into the ear: "Bruce Lee ... movie star!"

Unusually quick-tempered Bruce was with representatives of the press, in the person of which eventually acquired real enemies. The actor's organized injury began. Reporters constantly pursued him, wherever he walked, watched his every step and sought to inflate the sensation from each little of the unusual act.

Often Bruce Lee himself became the instigator of the scandal, which many newspapers were reported in vain. So, on the set of his penultimate film, he hit the scriptwriter, and then the operator who hurried him to help. Shortly before the death of Lee began to threaten the director of one of his first paintings, which, in his opinion, assigned a part of his glory ...

In short, according to the authors of the book "Who killed Bruce Lee?", His nerves were loosened to the limit. So, on her pages it is described about how one day Bruce was invited to his former school to present sports prizes. Hearing how the door slapped, he suddenly rushed to the floor. Then it turned out that Bruce thought, as if it was a shot. He admitted the director of the school that he was constantly carrying a charged pistol. Probably, the actor in fact was afraid of someone, because from the shot because of the corner or in the back could not protect any martial art.

Nervous overvoltage was further aggravated by physical fatigue. For two years, Lee starred in four films and began working on the fifth.

He seemed to have rushing the events, knowing that he would not long be long in this world. Bruce Lee was not only the main acting face in his films, he also acted as director of the picture, a screenwriter and even the operator. "Everything I do should be excellent," the actor who always tried to match his glory often repeated.

Bruce Lee

In addition to participating in the shooting, Bruce Lee had to constantly maintain his physical form. Every day he highlighted several hours for training, and if there was no time left for them, he was engaged at night. They say that he even attached a special device to the belt, slowing down blood circulation, thanks to which he was able to work even more intensively. He limited himself in everything, even in a meal, leaving only meat, eggs, milk and juices in his diet. When his wife's mother Linda learned about the death of the son-in-law, she was diagnosed with "overwork", and, I must say, she was not so far from truth. Surely and this played an important role in so soon Bruce's care from life.

Thunder broke out among the clear sky. Bruce Lee has just started shooting his fifth film "Dragon's outlet" in Hong Kong, and suddenly he was at the midst of filming ... Lost consciousness. Doctors, examining the actor, could not say anything defined about the reasons that happened. Nevertheless, they recommended a complete medical examination.

On July 16, 1973, Bruce reported the results of a survey conducted, which were truly shocking: he had an organism as an eighteen-year-old young man, he was at the peak of his sports form. It is strange that such verdict doctors made four days before the death of Bruce Lee.

Early in the morning of July 20, whether he made several calls on the phone to his friends. He was in the wonderful arrangement of the Spirit, was the installation of a film of his next film, Warner Brothers offered whether the supercontract off. Death remained less than 12 hours.

July 20, Bruce Lee and the head of Golden Harwest, Raymond Chow arrived at the actress Betty Ting Pey to talk about her role in the new film. After some time, Lee complained about the headache, and Betty Ting gave him an Equajesic tablet and took him to the bedroom. After some time, Bruce discovered dead.

Within a few days, no one could believe in death, even his relatives and family members at first considered it a not quite successful advertising joke. But soon there was a terrible photo in all newspapers: they lay the swollen, blackened in the coffin, absolutely not similar to Bruce Lee. He was so violent that Hong Kong's authorities insisted at the opening of the body, but it showed only what was not poisoned. Nine days there was no official conclusion, finally appeared quite a blurry wording - "death as a result of an accident", and its reason - brain swelling caused by increased sensitivity to tablet components.

However, friends and fans are so simple and at the same time incredible explanation did not satisfy. Bruce Lee Chuck Norris commended the following version: terrible headaches began with overworking Bruce, which was forced to take medicines, which caused a deadly allergic reaction.

It is known for certain that the organism did not take any drugs - after Gasishe, convulsions began. It is probably why many are still convinced that Bruce was taken by drugs.

According to another version, the monks were dealt with for the disclosure of Kung Fu secrets. This version printed in many newspapers was outlined by one of the representatives of the Monastery Karate. He argued that Bruce was killed by the so-called delayed fatal blow, the mechanism of which in our days is known only to the oldest in China. Its essence consists in the following: as a result of the impact of a strong impact made in a special way and directed to certain points of the human body, irreversible processes are beginning to occur in its body, which in the end and lead to a deadly outcome. That would be supposedly punished by Bruce Lee for disobedience.

But there is another one, the mystical version of the whole thing: rumors went that evil spirits are involved in his death. The fact is that shortly before the death of Lee did a very strange purchase: he acquired a rather gloomy house on the outskirts of Hong Kong. For a long time, no one lived in the house, and I didn't want to glory about him: they said that a century-old curse was hanging on the house.

He himself believed in the existence of otherworldly forces, so I installed a reflector of evil spirits on the roof of my house - a mirror in an octagonal wooden frame, the so-called Pat Kua. But two days before the death of the actor to Hong Kong, a hurricane fell, and a strong wind demolished the reflector from the roof, which was supposedly led to the tragic consequences.

Be that as it may, the true cause of the death of Bruce Li has not yet been established.

An even more mysterious is the murder of the son of Bruce Lee - Brandon. His star was lit in 1988, when a fighter came to the screens with his participation called "Running Fire". Critics noted that the Son inherited many qualities of his father: the hero of the liberator appeared on the world's screens.

Brandon Lie

Everything broke off in the spring of 1993 on the set of the next film. As a result of someone's fatal mistake, the pistol from which they should have shifted in the hero of Brandon Lee turned out to be charged with no idle, but combat cartridges. All immediately remembered the episode from the film "The game of Death", in which Bruce Lee was shot. He exactly copied what happened to Brandon in real life.

Immediately the question arose: could this strange coincidence be a simple accident?

A few weeks later, the responsibility for the murder of Brandon took over the youth grouping "Triads", which included allegedly and younger. The statement said that Brandon broke some laws of this whip, for which he was punished.

Nevertheless, in celebration in honor of the opening of a memorable star Bruce Lee in Hollywood, his wife Linda continued to stubbornly call what happened to her husband and son, an accident ...

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In July 1973, Kumir Millions unexpectedly left the life, acquiring all new and new fans even after half a century after was buried. What are the reasons for the death of Bruce Lee and why do they cause so many questions so far?


On November 27, 1940, in San Francisco in the Year of the Dragon and the Dragon Hour (according to the Chinese traditional time calculus), Bruce Lee was born. At birth, the boy in the Chinese tradition was given to Child name Xiaolong, which in the literal translation means "Little Dragon" (in adult age and adult name - Lee Zhengfan).

Father, Lee Hoy Chen, - Artist of the Chinese Cantonese Opera (comedian). Mother, Grace Lee - half a German, brought up by the magnate from Hong Kong Robert Hotgun. Lee Xiaolong was born during the American tour.

The boy started his career in the movie in the movie, playing the cinema of little hooligans, which was easy, given his character. For the first time he got into a three-month frame, playing a newborn girl in the film "Golden Gate of Girl".


Oddly enough, the first successes of Young Bruce were not treated for martial arts, but to dances. The lessons of fashionable at the time of Cha-Cha C-chai begins to take back in 1954, and after four years already wins competitions in Hong Kong. At the same time, after the victory on the interschool competitions on boxing, he first set the goal to learn Kung Fu.

Ipman, who studied Bruce, recalled how he proposed knowledge sharing: The teacher teaches him Kung Fu, and in return receives the lessons of the dance of Cha - Cha. The guy turned out to be an incredibly talented and diligent student who was spent on the development of Tazzitan technicians, three days instead of weeks or months. Win chun became the main battle style. Later, the fighter successfully mastered Jiu-jitsu, judo and boxing. Having obtained an extensive technical base, the young master of martial arts has developed its own style - jitkundo.

At the nineteenth-year age, Bruce Lee is sent to San Francisco, where the American citizenship confirms and goes to Seattle, where it works as a waiter in a restaurant that belonged to relatives. In America, he graduated from Eddison Technical School, and then entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Washington University. In parallel with training, opens its own school of martial arts. Considerable profits were brought and private lessons, but did not give the main roles in the cinema, and the future legendary actor in 1971 returned to his homeland with his family.

This success comes to him in the same 1971: Director of the new film studio "Golden Harvest" Raimoda Chow agrees to entrust Bruce Lee a major role in the film "Big Boss", who subsequently had a deafening success. From this point on, the films about martial arts acquire tremendous popularity. For the first time, such attention was attracted to Kung Fu. The actor himself was tirelessly trained and improved, paying attention not only to the extent of technology, but also in nutrition. All workouts were entered into a diary.

Throughout his career in the cinema with his participation, 36 paintings came out.

How did Bruce Lee died?

On July 20, 1973, the legend of martial arts, actor, director, screenwriter, the stage of combat scenes and the philosopher suddenly died in Hong Kong during the filming of the film "Play Death". Numerous fans still argue about what Bruce Lee died. An autopsy showed that the cause of death was the swelling of the brain, without indicating what caused it. The version was repeatedly advanced that such a brain defeat was caused by a tablet from the headache, which the actor accepted shortly before he was detected. This assumption has the right to exist. In addition, after the diagnosis, additional analyzes were not made. I walked hard rumors that the murder had.

His wife, Linda Emery, Bruce met during study at Washington University. At the time of dating the girl was only 17 years old. Subsequently, the couple had two children.

  • The son of Brandon (1965), like the Father, who became an actor and repeated his fate: in 1993 he died at the filming of the film "Raven";
  • Shannon's daughter (1969).

When Bruce Lee died, Linda returned from Hong Kong to Seattle, and later released the book in memory of her husband.

The day of the funeral of the people's hero in Hong Kong became a day of mourning for the whole city. Thousands of people came to say goodbye to the legend. Now in this city there is a monument to Bruce Lee, to which to this day fans and tourists are coming in order to give a tribute to respect.

The body of the actor was transported and buried in Seattle. Twenty years later, the grave of the son appeared next to his grave.

Despite how many years have passed since death, the memory of it is alive in the hearts of people around the world, and his example inspires thousands of people to join the martial arts and to work tirelessly on themselves, improving all possible directions.

Bruce Lee's son - Brandon Lee, although it is not a star of the same scale as a father, but an unknown actor cannot be called too. Before the tragedy, having broke his life, he managed to play in total in several films. But even they were enough with interest so that the audience remember and fell in love with him.


Brandon was born in early February 1965 in the state of California, where his family lived at that moment. His first name sounds like that - Brandon Bruce Emery Lee, combining surnames and father, and mother. The childhood of Brandon took place in the US, then in Hong Kong, where his father's career was more successful at that time.

His father - the famous Martial Arts Martial Arts of Bruce Lee from early childhood acquired him to karate, in particular, he trained the battle system formed by him himself jits Kun before, which means the path of the fist. Brandon turned out to be a very capable student and for five years fought as a sailor of the fighter.

In the spring of 1969 he was born sister Shannon. Unlike Brandon, which was born in Auckland, their mother gave birth to Shannon already in Santa Monica. Bruce Lee and daughter attracted to their workouts with Brandon, so the children grew sports, physically developed and healthy. However, at an older age, after the death of his father, the son of Bruce Lee became a rather difficult teenager and, because of his behavior, several schools changed.

A family

The Li family consisted of four people: a famous actor and master Karate Bruce Lee, his students, and the Linda's wife and the two of their children, Brandon and Shannon. When Bruce Lee suddenly died of an allergic response to a pill from headaches (one of the versions), Brandon was only eight years old, and Shannon was at all a four-year-old baby.

Linda Linda, becoming a suddenly young widow and remaining with two young children in her arms, decided to finally settle in the United States. Education Shannon did not give her special troubles, but everything was different with Brandon. Mother translated him from school to school, but for a long time he did not delay anywhere. Even arrival in the Emerson College did not fix it - he remained a gloomy, low-consuming and sharp guy.

After college, Bruce Lee's son entered the Film Academy Lee Strasberg, already deciding by this time, which would be a famous dramatic actor.


The world of martial arts opened Li Brandon in three years. And by the five, he could already break up the boards of foot blows and take the heel into the jump before the chin of an adult. Bruce Lee introduced the Son with his mentor and teacher IP man, specifically taking it to this with him on a trip to Hong Kong.

After the death of Father, Brandon did not throw carat's classes, but continued to workout. At the time when he studied at the Military School of Arts, Kung Fu and Jits Kun before there were taught students and followers of his great parent, namely, Dan Aliano along with Richard Bustillo. These of his skills and a strong, trained body helped him to perform tricks in films alone.

Passion for cinema

Since childhood, Brandon Whether dreamed of filmier. In school years, he participated in amateur and small theatrical productions, while studying at college and university honed his skills and received new skills.

The dedication of the son of the Kung Fu legend was not to occupy. But he was very sad that the director did not see individuality and talent in it, they perceived him only as the son of their father, his copy. But Brandon did not want to be limited to roles in the militants. He wanted to act in serious dramatic films, playing deep and complex characters. And maybe he would have succeeded. Just he did not have time.


The first appearance of Brandon Lee on TV screens took place in 1986, when he was only seventeen years old. It was a low-budget kinocartine "Kung Fu: Film". Prior to that, he appeared in two biographical tapes about his father, being another child and in the fighter of the militant "Criminal Killer".

Personal life

Despite all its popularity, Brandon Lee, whose personal life has never been violent, was not seen in disorderly connections with women. His only serious novel was the relationship with Eliza Hatton, with which he met in the 1990s.

Eliza worked in the Famfer, which happened to Brandon rapprochement. Their relationship lasted three years and the case was going to the wedding, which was supposed to take place after the completion of the film "Raven". They wanted to get married in Mexico. At the time of the death of Brandon, Eliza was in another city, but immediately threw everything and flew to Willington, receiving news of the tragedy.

The ill-fated film begins with the dedication of the unfortunate in love - Eliz and Brandon. A long girl could not recover from what happened and married only in 2004.

Crow film "Raven"

In the focus of 1993, the son of Bruce Lee began to shoot in the further cult film "Raven". This mystical fighter has become the last in the life of a young actor. Removed this film director Australian director Alex Pouas, taking a comic as a scenario with the same name and similar to the plot created by James about Barrome.

One of the slogans of the film says - love is stronger than death. This is a direct reference to the tragedy that happened in the personal life about" Barra: The woman he loved was died in a car accident. According to the legend voiced in the film, after the death of a person, his soul refers to the kingdom of the dead on their wings of the Raven. But in exceptional cases, when the soul carries a huge pain and thirst for revenge, Raven can return it for a while ago. To complete all cases and calm.

A couple of Eric and Shelley's couple dying from the hands of the gangsters. The last thing Eric sees in his life - as these bastards are raping Shelly. His soul is full of hatred, and Raven returns him in an invulnerable body back to be revenge could be accomplished.

This film had a mad success and huge popularity hit Li posthumously. After all, it was on the set of this picture that Brandon Li died. The biography of his short, for his life was cut off at the takeoff itself. "Raven" received a prizeMTV. for the best song, and Brandon was nominated for her as the best actor, but did not receive awards.

How did Brandon died?

Brandon Li died two months after the start of the film. Around the "crow" always walked a lot of rumors and legends. They said that the troubles and troubles were poured one after another to the shooting group and all other participants in the process.

As a result, at the end of March, Brandon Li was killed at the rehearsal of one of the last scenes. The cause of death is a penetrating wound in the stomach and the spine in the thorny body. As a foreign body served as a revolver plug, which, by random coincidence or someone, stuck in the barrel of weapons. And when the actor Michael Massey, acting as a villain and a bad guy Fancy, shot in his stomach, as he thought, idle, the plug flew out and injured Brandon not worse than bullets.

After a few hours, the actor died in the hospital, the doctors could not do anything - there were too serious damage and too much blood loss. Because of this terrible tragedy, the release of the film was postponed indefinitely, and the film studio was waiting for a long court with Mom Brandon - Linda Emery.

The actor, only indirectly guilty of what happened, was in the hardest depression for a long time, all his thoughts occupied the deceased Brandon Lee, the cause of death whose death was seen in his shot, although no one had ever put it in guilt.

The film was drawn with a dubler. He was Ched Stachelski, a former Martial Art Teacher Brandon. The main reasons for this choice were, in addition to external similarity, the wonderful knowledge of the stack style and the technique of Lee and the ability to move like him.

The sister of Brandon, Shannon, as well as his bride Eliza, was very hard worried about his death. Together with Mom and Elise, they were engaged and continue to engage in the perpetuating memory of Bruce and Brandon, by shooting films about them and writing books. And also she, together with Mom, Linda Lee Cadwell, and her husband, Jan Kesler, founded the Bruce Lee Foundation, the main task of which is to keep for the descendants, the heritage that they left the great master, his art and philosophy.

Where is Brandon Lee buried?

Brandon Li was buried in Seattle, in the cemetery Lakeview Semetri, next to his father. The inscription on his grave reads: "Since we can not know when we die, we should think about life, as something endless. After all, everything in life has its limit, actually very few real opportunities. How often will you remember any day from your childhood, or a few days, those most that have become so part of you yourself that you can not imagine your life without them? Perhaps three or four times. Perhaps more. Or maybe even not so much. Do you know how much time to see the sunrise of the full moon? Perhaps twenty, but at the moment you do not see this limit and life seems eternal ... "

These lines are taken from the book "Heavenly Shelter" written by the Bowl field. Brandon wanted them to be printed at invitations on their wedding with Elise. And nearby, on the grave of the father, words are engraved on the pages of the stone opened book: "You continue to inspire us and lead to the inner freedom."

Bruce was only thirty-two years at the time of death. He possessed good health, and nothing foreshadowed his sustainable death. In this actor was in Hong Kong and worked on the film "Game of Death". Before the death of Bruce allegedly drank a tablet containing aspirin and meproamat, which led to an extensive brain echo that caused. At the same time, no analyzes were carried out, which was in the further fertile soil for the spread of various rumors. But in the official version, no one is really not.

It is known that Bruce Lee was worn with the thought that he would die at thirty three years old. A month before death, a glass little man, whom he considered his talisman, was fallen from the roof of his house, which he made a strong impression on the actor.

Unofficial versions of the death of Bruce Lee

The actor's doctor said that recently Bruce worked a lot and was in a state of constant nervous and physical overvoltage. He not only trained a lot and participated in the shooting, but also worked on his own style Kung Fu. This overvoltage and could provoke a brain swelling.

In addition, there is a suspicion that the actor began to abuse stimulants, and about his addiction to alcohol knew everything around. Perhaps death occurred as a result of a combination of incompatible drugs. There are several criminal versions of the death of the actor. After lush, one Chinese newspaper launched the facts that Bruce Lee was actual bankrupt - his house did not officially belonged to him, and most of his securities were recorded on the butler. Journalists tried to talk to this butler, but were put up for the door. So the version was born that Bruce Lee killed Mafios from the triads, who put her man in the form of the butler.

It is known that the Chinese mafia gave money to the first films. Perhaps he decided to abandon the compromising custody of the triad and was eliminated. Bruce Lee used only Chinese folk drugs that bought in specialized stores, and he could well die as a result of poisoning.

In twenty years, the triad was accused of murdering the son of Bruce - Brandon Lee, who was killed along the tragic chance right on the set. In the gun turned out to be a battle cartridge.

There is another version of the death of the great actor. Some believe that he was eliminated by a powerful master of martial arts, which owns the "energy of slow motion" - for the Chinese, this is not considered something fantastic.

On July 20, 1973, Hong Kong, and then, and on the whole world, the news of the death of Bruce Lee's death, the highest level of Master of the fight Kung Fu and film actor. It was a man who became a cumier of millions of people who mastered the art of oriental martial arts and glorified him. The cinema did not know earlier and still does not know the artist, who would have so much filigious skill with the ability to artistically execute the roles like Bruce Lee. Date of death has become a black day not only for fans of Hong Kong militants, but also for connoisseurs of the art of the blue screen worldwide. At the same time, she gave the launch of numerous attempts to solve the mystery of sudden leaving the master's life, sometimes sincere, and sometimes mercenary.

Observing mastery

To understand how Bruce Lee died, it is important to know how he lived.

In 1940, the opera of the Opera from Lie Hui Chun and his spouse Grace was rejoiced, they found the heir. The boy called a little this name sounded like Xiao Lun, but there were two more options: whether Zhenyfan and Bruce Lee. Mother was not a purebred Chinese china, her in the veins flowed and German blood. The future king of Kung Fu in the USA was born, in San Francisco, where the theater was toured.

During the compensation of the future, Hong Kong actor was a multinational "anthill", the English colony, in which all races and peoples were mixed, and a refuge for adventurers of the whole world. The criminal situation in the metropolis corresponded to his reputation. Numerous youth gangs shared the spheres of influence among themselves, usually finding out the relationship in hand. A member of one of the triad was "Little Dragon".

Ip Maine Lee, master of martial arts, became the first teacher of Bruce. The young man was trained so hard that he soon became a noticeable star on the criminal chaise of the Vachery district, and the godfather of Hong Kong Mafia began to look closely to him. In order to protect the Son from their influence, the parents sent him to study in the United States technical sciences and philosophy, believing that it would be better. However, there were Chinese, American, of course, who had something to learn the adhered by the ancient art of the combat of the young man. The variety of styles was already the business card of Lee.

First version - Overwork

Return to the Motherland, the beginning of a cinematic career and its success are described in a variety of articles, books and reflected in biographical filmters. All these numerous sources do not give a definite answer to the question of what Bruce Lee died, but one of the options suggests itself. The master was engaged in his favorite thing so active that it could cause an extreme degree of overwork, the cause of the tumor and the failure of the vital functions of the brain. Perhaps such an explanation may seem like vulgar professional doctors, but this particular version was voiced by his mother-in-law, having learned about the tragedy. She knew about the mode of merciless workouts, which herself had to raise her in the desire for improving skill. Sometimes he got up among the night and went to the hall to work out the techniques, which, as it seemed to him, he was not good enough. It lasted for many years.

This can be explained by the fact that how many years Bruce Lee died. After all, he was only 32 years old.

Second version - Revenge of the Dragons

In China and in the East, it is generally paid much more attention to the "Signs of Fate" than in Western countries. On the fate of a person, according to the wise men, faded with gray, can influence the various circumstances, in our opinion, insignificant. For example, an expensive mansion in the Kaulun area, purchased by the actor for himself and spouse, was located in terms of exposure to health and well-being extremely unsuccessfully. In the lowest part of the Island of Hong Kong, there are threspective of nine dragons, which could cause jealousy such a stubborn desire for self-improvement. What Bruce Lee died, it may well be the embodiment of an evil will of intangible mysterious spirits living in this "lake", and they pre-warned the actor about the possible consequences, weave it in ten days before the death. In favor of this version, stubborn rumors say that financial affairs beloved to the whole world of artist not in the best way.

Third hypothesis - excessive loving

Fans and just not indifferent people, in addition to the question of why Bruce Lee died, agitated and what the tragedy did not have in his house, but completely differently. Oils in the fire poured the fact that the actress Betty Ting, visiting which he suddenly Zalenor, initially denied his involvement in the events and even the presence of the actor. Of course, the truth was soon revealed, and the assumptions about the love association of partners in filmmakers began to express almost everything. As the scandal incites the names of other women, with whom Bruce connected relationships, possibly leaving the scope of simple friendship. A large role in the spread of these rumors was played by press, trying, and not without success, earn money on sensational materials. As far as this information is true, no one interested.


When opening the body in the stomach actor, doctors found a substance resulting in durability use, presumably based on marijuana. Immediately, a version appeared in the press that it was the drugs - this is what Bruce Lee died. The grounds for this hypothesis were not enough, the actor did not drink alcohol, did not smoke and led a very healthy lifestyle. In addition, the concentration of these chemical compounds indicated that harm from them could be about as much as from a couple of coffee cups. Nevertheless, the reporters immediately raised to the sensations immediately with the statements that the Master Kung Fu turned out to be a drug addict. Someone believes in it now.

Headache Tablet

Being visiting Betty Ting, the actor suddenly felt a strong headache. It did not give any importance to this and he himself, not to mention the hostess, who offered him a pill prescribed from the attacks of migraine. It was called the "Equajesik" medicine, and it was an arrangement of aspirin and mepalobanate, a weak narcotic substance, which is caused by the fact that it is released exclusively by the doctor's prescription. In itself, it was unlikely to be dangerous, but in conjunction with other factors, as it turned out in the future, people who knew the actor on his movies, wondered: "Is the tiny tablet - this is what Bruce Lie died?" And they did not want to believe that the masters, to whom it was not necessary, could crush such a trifle ...

Currently, this version seems to be the most likely.


Crowds of the people accompanied the funeral procession. The fact that the cause of the death of Bruce Lee was not officially announced at that time, caused many of the most fantastic assumptions. It was rumored that the actor was made a slowdown action, which was poisoned by secret potion, which is impossible to identify at the opening that he made him an exceptional loving lubility too temperamental Betty Ting, and many other unimaginable hypotheses. People did not want to believe in the ability of the circumstances of the death of an extraordinary person.

The last restraint the actor found on American land. During the flight, the dear coffin was damaged so much that he had to be replaced. The Chinese, counted that this is bad sign, and the spirit of the actor will be watched and the rest does not have peace for a long time. Well, they were right ...