
Zucchini caviar from the times of the USSR. USSR recipes

Preparations for the winter from tomatoes

Zucchini are surprisingly popular with gardeners. There is an opportunity to try a fresh vegetable, to prepare preservation for the winter. Interested in how to cook zucchini caviar according to GOST, it is advisable to carefully study all the recipes and understand in which case the products will become like store-bought in terms of taste and aroma characteristics.

Classic recipe


  1. Two kilograms of zucchini without peel, seeds.
  2. One hundred and twenty grams of carrots.
  3. One hundred and ninety grams of tomato paste.
  4. Eighty g. onions.
  5. Ninety grams of vegetable oil.
  6. Black and allspice ground peppers.
  7. Ten grams of salt.
  8. Twenty grams of sand.

The above components are designed for one liter of the finished product. It is advisable to use young zucchini, which have more pulp and a minimum number of seeds.


Each housewife will appreciate that zucchini caviar according to GOST recipe has a pleasant taste and amazing aroma, useful properties:

  1. Initially, zucchini is washed and cleaned. Young and special fruits are allowed to be consumed with a peel, despite the fact that vegetables are best peeled. Then each vegetable is cut into 2 parts with the removal of the core with seeds. Zucchini is recommended to be cut into half rings and squares.
  2. Carrots, onions are peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. The dish is allowed to cook in a slow cooker with the addition of vegetable oil. Chopped vegetables are fried in turn: zucchini, carrots with onions. Roasting occurs until the vegetables acquire a beige color.
  4. Fried vegetables are processed with an immersion blender. For the procedure, the use of a multicooker bowl is not recommended: otherwise, the coating of the container will be damaged.
  5. Further instructions will allow you to understand what to do for the sole purpose: zucchini caviar will be perceived as a delicacy in winter.
  6. After reaching the required degree of grinding, it is recommended to put the puree in the multicooker bowl. It is supposed to select the "Extinguishing" program for 40 minutes without closing the lid. Product boil.
  7. Tomato paste and spices are added.
  8. The duration of the quenching is 20 minutes.

Please note: the step-by-step recipe continues. You should move on to rolling cans. Boiling the container for 15 minutes is not the best option. It is recommended to wash the jars thoroughly, after which - pour 6 - 8 centimeters of boiled water. For closing, lids designed for further use are used. Before twisting, the lids are first dipped in boiled water. Actions guarantee: conservation for the winter is successfully prepared and will last for a long time.

The optimal volume of used jars is 400 - 600 grams.

Second recipe

People know how tasty classic squash caviar is according to GOST USSR in compliance with different standards: 2002, 2654, 3, 51926, 86. Modern manufacturers often deviate from Soviet technology, but it is recommended to follow the technologist's recommendations regarding the stages of preparing a dish at home and suitable volumes of products.

The main rule: zucchini caviar according to GOST USSR will turn out delicious based on the proportions of the components used. Each stage of the culinary process plays an important role and affects the overall result.


  1. Zucchini completely peeled - 1 kilogram.
  2. Tomato paste - 95 grams.
  3. Carrot - 59.5 grams.
  4. Vegetable oil - 46 grams.
  5. Luchok - 41 g.
  6. Salt - 19 g.
  7. Roots - 17
  8. Sand - 10 grams.
  9. 0.5 grams - black, allspice.

It should be noted: a recipe with zucchini, tomato paste, roots, carrots will be healthy, tasty. The task is encircled by a step-by-step recipe available for quick, easy execution:

  1. Zucchini are peeled, seeds. Then the vegetables are cut into pieces 1 cm thick.
  2. Carrots, the roots are rubbed.
  3. The onion is finely cut.
  4. The classic version allows you to fry the ingredients together and separately. Frying starts after heating the oil to a temperature of 180 - 190 degrees. Roasting is carried out at 130 - 140 degrees. The technology according to the Soviet does not allow to acquire a dark brown color of the components.
  5. Zucchini are fried until yellow with a brown tint, softened state.
  6. The roots are fried until soft, yellowish in color.
  7. Onions, carrots are fried until soft.

Then the recipe for zucchini caviar according to the standard version involves the joint study of the components with a blender. Implementing the squash caviar recipe in practice, the use of dry herbs (celery, parsley, dill) is allowed. The mass is stewed for half an hour under the lid of the saucepan.

To successfully implement the recipe, tomato paste is added, followed by stewing for 5 to 10 minutes.

The recipe with a photo allows you to pre-evaluate the beauty of the dish, tune in to the culinary process, tasting.

Those who found the times of the USSR remember well the taste of squash caviar, because the shelves of grocery stores were filled with it. Now such caviar is no longer made, although the choice is huge, but the composition leaves much to be desired. Since now the zucchini season is in full swing, it’s a sin not to roll up a few jars of delicious zucchini caviar for the winter. This year I have grown a lot of them, I have already prepared a huge number of dishes with them and will cook more.

I always use this particular recipe, the caviar turns out to be very tasty and tender, I recommend that you try it too.

So, for starters, we will prepare all the necessary products for preparing squash caviar for the winter according to GOST USSR (as in a store).

First, wash and cut the zucchini into small pieces. Heat a thick-bottomed patch, pour in a small amount of oil, put the zucchini and simmer over low heat without a lid, while excess moisture should partially evaporate.

I use young zucchini from the garden, do not remove the skin and seeds. If you have a store, it is advisable to cut the skin.

Peel onions and carrots, cut into medium pieces, carrots can be grated on a coarse grater.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put the onion.

Add carrots.

Add parsley root and, stirring, fry over medium heat until soft, no need to fry.

Transfer the browned vegetables to a patch with zucchini.

Grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass or pass through a meat grinder with a fine grinding attachment. Put on a very low heat and simmer covered for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

Then add tomato paste, salt, sugar, pepper, mix well and simmer for another 30 minutes.

Arrange the boiling squash mass in sterile jars, close with sterilized lids, turn over, cool completely and put in the refrigerator.

Zucchini caviar for the winter according to GOST USSR (as in a store!) Is ready.

Bon appetit!

The USSR can be treated differently, but one cannot be taken away: the phrase “made according to GOST” in those not so distant times always meant first-class quality. It is no coincidence that representatives of the older generation still recall with smacking “Gost” zucchini caviar with a delicate texture and multifaceted taste, assuring that you will not find such a delicacy in today's stores. But let's leave the nostalgia! We will rummage on the Internet, buy zucchini from a fresh crop and cook the famous caviar on our own.

Zucchini caviar for the winter according to GOST

Let's make a reservation right away: GOST included not only indications of the quantity and quality of the products included in the recipe, but also a description of the method of their preparation. And since none of us has a miniature canning shop with ovens and dryers hidden in the kitchen, we will not be able to perfectly comply with the official technology. So, formally, the caviar will not be quite “Ghost”, although this will not harm its taste in the least.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of young zucchini;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 80 g of onions;
  • 15 g of parsnip root;
  • 7–8 g of parsley and celery roots;
  • 1-2 sprigs of parsley, celery and dill;
  • a small pinch (at the tip of a knife) of black ground and allspice;
  • 80 g of tomato paste;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 6-7 g sugar;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar 9% - optional.


  1. According to the original recipe, zucchini, carrots and onions need to be peeled and finely chopped. But if you got juicy young zucchini with a thin skin, you can skip the cleaning step.

    Young zucchini less than 20 cm in size do not need to be peeled

  2. Grate parsnip, parsley and celery roots on a fine grater.

    Roots can be finely chopped

  3. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry carrots in it.

    The hardest vegetable goes into the pan first.

  4. After 5-7 minutes, add the onion.

    Make sure that the vegetables do not burn, this will ruin the taste and color of the caviar.

  5. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, put the zucchini with roots on top, reduce the heat and simmer the vegetables in the released juice until completely soft - 40–60 minutes.

    Zucchini will become soft and almost translucent.

  6. Finely chop the greens.

    Greens will enrich caviar with new shades of taste

  7. Now use a meat grinder or blender to turn the pieces of vegetables into a smooth puree.

    A blender is preferable to a meat grinder - it gives the puree airiness

  8. Salt and pepper the resulting mass, mix with tomato paste, add sugar and herbs, return to the stove and cook over low heat, stirring, for another 20-30 minutes.

    Stir constantly to keep the brew from burning.

  9. Connoisseurs say that such caviar is perfectly stored even without vinegar, but if you do not want to take risks, put it in the pan 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. And then package the finished caviar in sterilized jars and cork.

    Homemade caviar is stored up to 1 year

Are you planning not to harvest caviar for the winter, but to serve it as a side dish? Prepare it a day before the proposed feast. Having insisted, the caviar will become even tastier.

Video: homemade caviar from zucchini

And now you can spread a generous portion of vegetable caviar on bread or put it on a plate and indulge in nostalgia, enjoying the taste of the “Soviet” delicacy. They say that you need to take the best from the past. Rejoice, you made it!

see also

Zucchini caviar prepared according to the official Soviet recipe.

Finally, I figured out this recipe and have already cooked it several times. Looking ahead, I will say that I will continue to cook only this way, with the same ingredients and proportions.

This is exactly the recipe by which caviar was prepared in Soviet times. It is possible that some enterprises still use it now, because the same recommendations are also present in Russian official collections.

I have already told, using the example of baking, what is "recipe according to GOST"(see my tag). GOST did not prescribe recipes: there were requirements for the quality of ingredients and finished products, requirements for packaging, storage, etc. Recipes were developed and approved by completely different departments, and then published in separate editions. In turn, the instructions for these recipes, that is, the technology of preparation, also need to be looked for separately, in completely different publications.

The technologies were standard, but could include some variations. Each enterprise could change something in the recipe recommended by official departments, so the taste and type of cake, cake, bun, biscuit and squash caviar could also differ even in neighboring cities, not to mention Moscow and the Far East. The same technologies are still being followed today: it is difficult to come up with something completely new, unless we are talking about some modern equipment.

Page of the official publication "Collection of recipes for fruits and vegetables"

The composition is simple and very clear. When I saw it, it became clear to me why the caviar had a mushroom flavor and it was possible to eat the whole jar at a time :) On the labels, sometimes they wrote something like “white roots” or “greens” without decoding.


Zucchini, onions, carrots, tomato paste, celery, parsnip root and parsley root

To prepare caviar, I took everything listed in the book list. This table shows consumption in kilograms. By the way, here you can also see the proportions for eggplant and beetroot caviar, the cooking technology of which is almost the same.

It is very easy to calculate smaller volumes from them. For example, my proportions for 1.5 kg of zucchini:
carrots - 100 g
white roots - 30 g
onion - 80 g
greens - 5 g
table salt - 15 g
sugar - 7 g
ground black pepper - 0.5 g
ground allspice - 0.5 g
tomato paste 30% - 80 g
vegetable oil - 100 ml

About salt, sugar and tomato paste: their number is valid for the number of other ingredients indicated in the initial list. If the volume of stewed / fried vegetables is greatly reduced, then the amount of salt, sugar and tomato paste will also need to be reduced!

Percentage composition after roasting
On the second line there were eggplants, I removed them so as not to interfere with concentration (there was a dash in front of them, they are not part of the squash caviar).

The text concerning vegetable caviar is large. I collected it from various publications, but found out everything, incl. how to wash and cut vegetables, how to fry, in which ovens, how to grind fried, etc. Here I show copies of only some of the pages.

Cooking at home:

1. Peeled zucchini, carrots and onions cut into pieces 15-20 mm thick. White roots can be grated or chopped, as it turns out (they are hard and fibrous). Grind the greens no earlier than 30 minutes before adding to the mixture.

2. Can be fried all vegetables together or separately. I noticed that in the second case, the output of caviar may turn out to be greater. Moreover, it is better to fry at a certain temperature of the oil.

3. After the vegetables are fried, they can be stewed a little, as we always do when preparing such dishes. It is not necessary to fry strongly and stew for a long time, otherwise you will have to reduce the amount of salt, sugar and tomato paste.

At home, it is impossible to create conditions similar to industrial ones: we, for example, do not have special furnaces or vacuum installations. By the way, vegetable caviar at enterprises could be prepared by different methods, which involved the use of just such devices.

4. The next step is chopping vegetables, but first it is desirable to get rid of excess oil. At home, it is best to use a blender or food processor for grinding. If the volume of vegetables is small, then you can authentically chop them with a knife, preferably a wooden one :)

5.Return the chopped vegetable mixture. on fire and add salt, sugar, tomato paste, a mixture of peppers, chopped herbs. Mix quickly until smooth. Heat until salt and sugar dissolve.

5. Packing caviar in jars should be warm (70 C), and then sterilized for better storage.

By the way, even if you follow this recipe, then the resulting caviar can be called "gost" only if it has a certain content of solids, fat, etc. It is incorrect to call "Gostovsky" just a "naked" recipe.

Page of the publication "Technology of preserving fruits and vegetables and quality control of products."

I know that some culinary specialists complain that such blanks are not stored without vinegar, but I have not seen stories about sterilizing packaged caviar from them either.

For example, I’ll say that the same Hungarians or South Slavs prepare similar blanks in hundreds of kilograms! And no vinegar! Lecho, pepper caviar, eggplant caviar, other vegetable preparations ... people fiddle with one "batch" for several days, and after cooking sterilize each jar. Despite the fact that in September it is still warm and even hot in their houses (however, if possible, then all the cooking is done on the street). Of course, such a product can be eaten right away, but if you want to keep it longer, then you need to adhere to the technology, this is my opinion.

Vinegar (acetic acid) affects the safety of blanks only under certain conditions and in a certain concentration.

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UPD about sterilization of ready-made canned food.

Namestnikov A.F. Canning fruits and vegetables at home. 4th edition, 1967

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Rashchenko I.N. Homemade pickles, jams and marinades. Alma-Ata, 1972

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Ready caviar should be infused for at least a few hours, or better - a day Otherwise, it will be difficult to determine its taste. Only after this time has elapsed it will become clear whether, for example, the proportions of salt, sugar were optimal and which roasting technology to follow in the future (separate or joint). For example, hot caviar may seem salty or sour, but once steeped, it will be almost perfect! In order to understand such moments, you need to cook such a dish at least once, and preferably two :)

To hone the technology and check some points, I cooked this caviar twice in a row: I fried everything together and separately. By the way, in the second case, the technological instructions recommend slightly changing the proportions of the ingredients, incl. oils. Only when I myself went through all the stages, I realized why one batch of store-bought squash caviar was very dark and "mushroom", and the other, for example, was light and with slightly different flavors, although the manufacturer and composition were the same.

According to this recipe, I got caviar like Soviet / "shop", this was confirmed by everyone who tried it. But no matter how many times I cook it, my family always asks me what mushrooms I added here :) I talked about imitation of mushroom taste in culinary dishes in a separate article: (link opens in a new window). In this case, the combination of "parsnip-parsley-celery-tomato paste-onion" together with the frying technology is responsible for the "mushrooms" in squash caviar. If you add pieces of eggplant, then in general, few people will distinguish from mushrooms.

Zucchini caviar is sent to the FM "Summer - in a jar!" and at the "Autumn Marathon-2016".

I will also add this recipe to my Consolidated Post as an example of imitation of mushroom taste.

Zucchini caviar was one of the most delicious and affordable delicacies in the Soviet Union. And, although the USSR no longer exists, this is no reason to refuse zucchini caviar prepared according to the Soviet recipe. It just so happened that caviar prepared in accordance with GOST 52477 2005 (the current GOST) did not seem worthy to the post-Soviet society. That is why in the store they often look for zucchini caviar, the recipe of which corresponds to GOST 51926 2002. Were there any unusual ingredients in this product? No, according to the old GOST, the composition of squash caviar includes the most affordable vegetables: onions, roots, celery, spices, carrots and, of course, zucchini. So why look for it in the store if cooking caviar from zucchini at home is quite possible? By the way, the technology for preparing this product is not as strict as its composition. For example, you can fry vegetables both together and separately.

We will tell you how to make squash caviar in accordance with GOST 51926 2002, which has remained in the memory of people. You have already roughly understood what ingredients will be in its composition, so you can study the recipe and start cooking the most delicious Soviet zucchini caviar.