
What is Gryd Firu and UMO. Regulations on the procedure for appropriating the educational publications of the grid of the educational and methodological association of the Russian Academy of Natural Science - Publisher - Russian Academy of Natural Science



On the procedure for assigning educational publications
Grid educational and methodical association
Russian Academy of Natural Science (Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision determines the procedure for assigning the grid to the educational and methodological association of the Russian Academy of Natural Science for higher and secondary educational institutions.

1.2. Gryd UMO is assigned to the educational publications of the type of textbook, the study manual to which include: a textbook, educational and methodological manual, workshop, a teacher, allowance for independent work of students, etc.

1.3. The assignment of the UMO Grid is implemented through the procedure of examination of the educational publication, on the basis of which the results of which the UMO decides on the assignment or refusal to assign the desired griff.

1.4. Gryd UMO can be assigned by educational publications on the disciplines of the federal component in the GSE cycles, it The educational program, as well as on the disciplines of the national-regional (university) component and disciplines of specializations.

1.5. Viort UMO suggests that this educational publication (textbook) meets the requirements of the educational standard of higher and secondary vocational education, exemplary discipline programs and other requirements established in UMO when making an examination of educational publications.

1.6. Griffing UMOs assigned by educational editions has the following wording

"Recommended by UMO Rae (International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists) on the Classical University and Technical Education as a textbook (textbook) for students of higher (secondary) educational institutions, students in the specialties ________________.

1.7. The text of the GEFU UMO is placed on the left side of the title sheet of subtitle data. The editorial board cannot be changed from the publisher or author (authors).

1.8. The maximum term of working on the assignment of GRIF UMO to the educational publication to 2 months.

1.9. The term of the right to publish the educational literature after receiving the GRAF UMO is 1 year.

1.10. The volume of the manuscript presented on the assignment of the GEFU of the UMO should not be less than 5 printed sheets.

2. The procedure for presenting materials in UMO

To solve the question of assigning the GRAF UMO, the author (authors) direct the following materials in UMO:

2.1. Accompanying letter signed by the authors, brief information about the publication, its weekend (name of the manuscript, surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors), planned circulation and year of manufacture, volume in printed sheets), the name of the main educational program and discipline, the direction of preparation with An indication of the specialty cipher.

2.3. A copy of the payment document for payment for the work on the admission to the educational publication of GRIF UMO RAE. Organizational costs - 4355 rubles.

2.4. Extended publication annotation with full output data in Word format.
Volume of annotation 1-1.5 distribution and Publishing mock Covers of publication in high quality in PDF format or color professional photo in TIFF or JPG format). The cover should be photographed on a white background, without foreign objects, glare and overparts.

All documents are sent by email E-mail:
The manuscript file appears in PDF format and should not exceed 15 MB.

3. The procedure for conducting an examination and design of the game

3.1. The educational publications received in UMO RAE are registered and sent with the accompanying letter of the Chairman (deputy chairman) of the Council of the UMO for examination.

3.3. Assigns to Gryd by UMO by the decision of the Plenum (Presidium) of the UMO Council on the basis of the conclusion of the NMC, the reviews of experts on the assignment of the graduate publication of the griff. The solution is issued and communicated to the applicant in the form of a letter decision.

3.4. The rejected training edition can be re-submitted to the UMO after refinement of reviewers, but not earlier than 2 months after the deviation.

4. Financing of work on the assignment of Grid UMO

4.1. Funding for assigning work on the admission institutions of Grid UMO is carried out at the expense of the applicant (publishing house, university), as well as other interested legal entities and individuals.

4.3 The amount of payment for the assignment of the GEFA GRIF is determined on the basis of the volume of manuscript and the minimum amount of labor payment (minimum wage) taking into account overhead and taxes.

The basic rate of the target organizational contribution is 4355 rubles.

Revenues from paid services are sent to the provision of UMO activities:

Scientific and methodological, educational and organizational activities and technical support of the work of the UMO apparatus;

Purchase of computing equipment, office equipment and other equipment for the UMO apparatus;

Encourage members of the UMO for scientific and methodological, expert and educational and organizational work as part of the activities of the UMO.

Replication and publication of materials on the activity of the UMO;

Conducting plenums, conferences, meetings of educational councils, Olympics organized by UMO;

On communication services and postage;

On travel expenses associated with the activities of the UMO;

The acquisition of stationery, literature, components and consumables for office equipment;

To pay for other unforeseen expenses related to the activities of the UMO.

The accompanying letter includes:

  1. The name of the educational publication, the proposed circulation and year of release.
  2. Surname, first name, patronymic of the author (authors), degree and title, place of work and position. Contact details (accurate mailing address with an index for correspondence, telephone, fax, e-mail).
  3. The name of the main educational program, as well as the directions of training, specialty, cycle of disciplines and discipline, on which the educational publication has been trained.
  4. The structure and content of the educational publication.
  5. The degree of compliance of the content of the educational publication by an exemplary curriculum, the requirements of the qualification characteristics of the graduate in accordance with the state VPO under this main educational program.
  6. The difference between the manuscripts from the available literature, the degree of its continuity.
  7. Scientific level of manuscript.
  8. The degree of coverage of practical issues and their relevance.
  9. Methodical level of material presentation, compliance with modern educational technologies.

"I argue"

Deputy. Chairman of the Council of the UMO of the Universities of the Russian Federation

by construction in the field of construction

vice-Rector O.V. Ignatiev

Regulations on the procedure for appropriate educational publications of the grid of the educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation for the construction of construction


1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision determines the procedure for assigning the grid of the educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation for the construction of construction for higher educational institutions.

1.2. Gryd UMO is assigned to educational publications of the type of textbook and a training manual, to which include: educational and methodological manual, workshop, teacher, allowance for independent work of students, etc.

1.3. The assignment of the UMO Grid is implemented through the procedure of examination of the educational publication, on the basis of which the results of which the UMO decides on the assignment or refusal to assign the desired griff.

1.4. Gryd UMOs can be assigned by educational publications on the disciplines of the basic and variable part of the humanitarian, natural scientific and professional cycles of GEF VPO, related to the competence of this UMO.

1.5. Gryd UMO suggests that this training publication meets the requirements of the educational standard of higher vocational education, exemplary discipline programs and other requirements established in the UMO when making an examination of educational publications.

1.6. Griffing UMOs assigned to educational publications has the following wording:

(indicates the reader's purpose of the educational publication)

1.7. The text of the UMO Grid is placed on the front side of the title leaf.

The editorial board cannot be changed from the publisher or author (authors).

1.8. The maximum term of work on the assignment of GRAF UMO to the educational publication up to 3 months.

1.9. The term of the right to publish the educational literature after receiving the GRAF UMO is 1 year.

1.10. The volume of the manuscript presented on the assignment of the GEFU of the UMO should not be less than 5 printed sheets for the textbook and 6 printed sheets for the textbook.

2. Procedure for conducting examination and design of GRUFA UMO

2.1. The educational publications received in the UMO are registered and sent with the accompanying letter to the Profile Department of the Head University UMO for review.

2.3. The decision on the assignment of the GEFU (or refusal) on the basis of the presented reviews is made. The solution is issued and communicated to the applicant as a letter.

2.4. The rejected training edition can be re-submitted for consideration in OMO after refinement of reviewers, but not earlier than 3 months after deviation.

3. Financing works on the assignment of Grid UMO

3.1. Financing works on the assignment of Grid UMOs is carried out at the expense of the applicant's funds (publishing house, university), as well as other interested legal entities and individuals.

3.2. The amount of payment of work on the assignment of the GEFA GRAI is determined on the basis of the volume of manuscript and the minimum amount of wages (minimum wage), taking into account taxes and overhead.


"There is nothing easier than spending budget money.
It seems that they do not belong to anyone. "

Kalvin Kulidge

Anastasia Urnov: Hello! You are watching public television of Russia. This is the program "Right! Yes?". My name is Anastasia Urnov. And here we will talk about today:

Funding schools and distribution of them received money - one of the most problematic issues in education. The main source of income of most schools is budgetary funds. However, despite the assurances of officials about uninterrupted financing, not in every educational institution the situation is prosperous. In some schools, there are not enough textbooks, in other toilet paper, in third money on the repair of the class is collected from parents. At the same time, the state allocates funding for each student, including hygiene, repair of buildings and to ensure the educational process with everything necessary.

Anastasia Urnov: Today, many parents do not understand how schools are financed and where funds are being made, which, in theory, should be enough for all necessary needs, because, as a rule, when the money in school is missing, the administration appeals to the parents of their students. And then, as in a famous joke, the entrance to the parent meeting is free, and the output is paid - from 3 thousand rubles. Well, let's understand how things really are.

Mikhail, how transparent is the current school financing system today? And can there be any leaks of funds there?

Mikhail Men: Thanks for the question. Well, you know that the Accounts Chamber checks specific federal funds, which are allocated to the relevant programs - either federal targeted programs or government major programs. We do not control the means that are spent in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. So I can say what exactly we do. Today, a lot of work is going on the construction of new schools. We know that there is a presidential decree, a new decree of the president, which is six years ahead of us for the decision of serious issues.

So we looked and made the analysis, how much will be one place for a student. They took high school. Power - 400 students. We looked at. I even made specially statistical data for you. Well, it turns out that one place is 600 with something thousands of rubles, registered in the national project from our colleagues in the Ministry of Enlightenment. We began to look at the pricing, and there a completely different figure is obtained. Because the cost of one child-place in school develops from what? - from the NCS (standard of construction price) and, accordingly, from that equipment that the Ministry of Education recommends today for school, including with digitalization elements. And there it turns out if the memory does not change me, 970 thousand.

That is what we see? We have a task, the auditors do not just be the ryristers, but also to conduct a strategic audit. Today it is obvious that, strictly speaking, underfunding immediately. And we turned to the ministry so that either then reduced the number of schools, construction, or then increased financing. This is what we see at first glance. And a number of moments. This is what we see is already very specifically and directly on paper in numbers.

Anastasia Urnov: Very interesting! Because I, to be honest, I expected that I laid more than need. And here it turns out - on the contrary.

Mikhail Men: On the contrary. You see, laid, in fact, only NCC alone, without equipment, without anything. But today, especially in large cities, a modern school is required. Already parents want to be a swimming pool, so that there is a gym, so that there is a digital equipment appropriate. And this is about a million rubles, that is, 900 with something thousands. Or then we will build again without all this school, right? Well, this is another story. And here we insist that this in national projects it is in line with those tasks that are put by the president in his May decree.

Anastasia Urnov: Thank you so much.

Amemet, how do you assess the existing school financing system? It is very important, of course, to talk about the construction of new ones, but we understand that there are already existing ones - there are regulatory financing. And there are different rumors about him too: someone says "wonderful", someone says "badly." What is your opinion?

Amemet Volodarsky: I am very glad that Mikhail Alexandrovich is here, a representative of the Accounts Chamber.

Anastasia Urnov: We, too.

Amemet Volodarsky: Because I watched, studied the passport of the National Project "Education". It is known that we now have the national project "Education", the National Project "Science", in which the topic of education, textbooks is also laid. So I would like to contact the Accounts Chamber: Please be more closely. And please - transfer things to the prosecutor's office, please. Okay? Rather, bring things to the prosecutor's office, because ...

Well, very nice, of course, when the Accounts Chamber tells the society that somewhere there is no meary, somewhere there are serious problems. But it seems to me that in the period when we have approximately the budget of 105 trillion rubles for 2019, of which 3.7% of them somewhere until 2021 ... No, well, we approximately laid 3.5-3, 7% of GDP. Colleagues, it is very small. By the way, for health care - 3.8%. Well, there is a plus minus. That is, health care and education are two legs of one body called the "state". And both of them ...

Anastasia Urnov: What can we compare these 3.5% and 3.8%? What is more?

Amemet Volodarsky: See what we can compare with whom. In Finland - 6-7%. In Belarus - 6%. In the UK - 5%. Listen, today leading countries ... Well, for Finland it is clear, this is their line of defense, right? They have practically no other resources. And those countries that understand that today you need to catch a trend on digital economy ... After all, we have one of the tasks now is a transition to a digital economy. Yes, we at one time did not have time to get into the composition called "Economics of household appliances", we missed, we lost this economy, despite the fact that we had high research results in this area. But today we have the opportunity - first of all, thanks to the remaining potentials that were laid in previous decades. Here they need to be used. But we will not be able to so much financing ...

What can we do now? We can prepare thinking people who will leave and work in other countries. Therefore, today much attention should be paid to financing - this is the first. Second ... and regardless of the form of ownership. See. We have private educational schools that have proven that they have the right to exist, they are locomotives in many directions. Today, they must receive the same amount of money according to the law, as in public schools, but somewhere on the road ...

Petya Ivanov, when he studied at the State School, he received almost 200 thousand rubles a year. As soon as he passes the road and begins to learn, say, in an IT school, but in private, he already gets 63 thousand rubles a year. Where did this money disappear? No one knows.

Anastasia Urnov: So, good financing.

Amemet Volodarsky: Financing. It seems to me that you need a serious support for modern trends, family support and educational structures on the choice of textbooks. Today, publishers have to be not easy to promote their textbooks. You need to pass seven circles of hell to get a vulture of the Ministry of Education. I want to say you ...

Anastasia Urnov: I will interrupt a little bit, because we have a major topic today - school economy. Just so that we do not spread. About textbooks?

Amemet Volodarsky: Well, I just want to say that if we stand on the verge of transition to a digital economy, today today just pools and basketball halls are not ...

Anastasia Urnov: This is not enough?

Amemet Volodarsky: This is not enough. We are talking about the fact that a new education is a digital formation.

Anastasia Urnov: Maxim, nevertheless I looked at the budget of 2019, and it seems to be the money there is more money than in the same 2018. For example, schools will somehow notice?

Maxim Dulinov: Well, if we talk about the same 3.6% and 3.8%, in fact, in this total school, they feel the least deprived, along with universities, if you look at the levels of financing. The most underfinanced secondary vocational education. And taking into account the fact that there are many children there, we actually lose this block.

Another point is simply, maybe closer to Earth - on financing.

Anastasia Urnov: You are welcome.

Maxim Dulinov: Money in municipal schools go from the budget of the subject - the so-called subsidy to ensure training costs and wages. And in the structure of this massive money, this is, of course, the Fund for the remuneration of teachers. Extremely little money is laid on study costs - well, simply because there is no sufficient budget security. And in this sense, when Amet says that 200 thousand in public school and 63 thousand in a private school, then it is necessary to understand that, most likely, 200 thousand is together with a standard for the content of the property that we have separately, this is a municipality Pays. We will not go go now, whether he has its own money ...

Amemet Volodarsky: No, no, no, there is clearly talking about the fact that money should go beyond the child, no matter what.

Maxim Dulinov: Regulatory on education, for the provision of an educational service, which can and make up the same 63 thousand. The question is not really in this. The question is correct - about the fact that regulations for content in private schools, why do we shift it on your parents?

Anastasia Urnov: So this is a private school, it is called.

Amemet Volodarsky: No, no, no, it does not matter.

Maxim Dulinov: Well, the right to education is for all.

Amemet Volodarsky: Sure.

Maxim Dulinov: It is not even limited to citizenship. Just the right of everyone ...

Anastasia Urnov: That is, a private school should receive as much money as the municipal, plus more parents pay for some extra ...

Anastasia Urnov: Clear.

Maxim Dulinov: This is a little another story. Municipalities when the budgets of each school are also calculated. And why is one school get more, the other is less? Colleagues, probably, will say a little more about it. From the mid-2000s, well, since the late 2000s, the so-called corrective coefficients when the municipality is in the presence of small, small-scale schools (and especially the cities, urban schools) applies corrective coefficients to the money that received from the regional budget , reduces the amount of money in schools with a large fitness in order to compensate for the lack of financing in a small school.

Well, conventionally speaking, the school is 1,000 and a school of 300 people, some kind of outlook, in some Regional Center. And we get that the school per 1,000 receives with a ratio of 0.8, and the school is 300 people in order to ensure the level of salary, it receives with a coefficient of 1.2 in this case. This difference in financing occurs and here. Unfortunately, yes, this is not the subject of consideration of the Accounts Chamber at all.

Anastasia Urnov: Maybe colleagues draw.

Maxim Dulinov: Although regional countable chambers ...

Mikhail Men: I as a former governor confirm, it was quite right here. But, in addition to the Accounts Chamber, there are also the Control and Accounts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and they may well look at this story.

Maxim Dulinov: Yes.

Anastasia Urnov: Okay. Anna, let's make a little clarity, because it has already been to sound: private schools, municipal budget, regional budget. What is the school budget at all? It seems to me that this is a huge question for most of the same parents.

Anna Vavilova: Well, in fact, in general, Maxim Viktorovich the highlights here already voiced. That is, for the school level ... By the way, now it is the subject of intensive discussion of the same minimization. Regional projects we have regarding the possibility of school lift to the regional level. That is, now you can even say that we have had any options for responding to regions.

That is, we now have some dual system. Our region provides state-law on education - this is a standard, but not entire normative costs. That is, the cost of the service is the normative costs. It lies at the municipality. The municipality as the founder finances in the amount of normative costs, and their theoretically must be enough in the theory on everything. Theoretically, all types of expenses should be laid there, well, in the appropriate adequate amount. The regional financing of schools is not laid as such, there is no such authority. The region is obliged to finance state guarantees. As Maxim Viktorovich said, this is our wage foundation plus textbooks, teaching aids, games, toys, and so on. That is, this moment.

That is, key expenditures that should come from the region to the municipality. Further in the municipality, municipal money should be added to them. All this together should - the standard plus the municipal budget must provide regulatory costs. And in the amount of normative costs should come to school. The problem is that there is no money in the municipality. That is, as if on this, we begin the greatest difficulty. And on this, we begin to fly out whole groups of costs, for example, because we, based on legislation, the founder himself believes according to the methodology, that is, it accepts the calculation technique.

Now we have an order in 2015 No. 1040, general requirements, basic requirements for the calculation, but he, in general, noncommose enough, that is, he already has some moments, some point moments decided ... well, for example, what we do there ? Well, conditionally, with disabled children in kindergarten - who pays for their care and care? That is some microms. But globally, of course, this situation, he does not decide yet. We still have a story when some kind of costs, admissible, is not laid, or it is laid, but is considered at the prices of five years ago. That is, this situation, unfortunately, is preserved.

Anastasia Urnov: Andrei, that is, when I say at school: "We have no money for textbooks. We have no money for toilet paper. We have no money for repair, "I don't need to blame the director of the school? Is this all the state budget?

Andrei Galiev: Absolutely not necessary. But the point is not even that you do not need to blame him. The main thing is that his prosecutor's office does not accuse him, otherwise just one solid prosecutor's office. Calling to the Accounts Chamber bring your investigations to the prosecutor's office - it is generally correct, but I would not like to throw together school groups, and directors, and teachers together.

The story is as follows. If you return to the very beginning of our transfer and your initiating question: is there enough money or not enough? On average, it should be enough, and in each particular particular it turns out that there is not enough, because we have a very different country, very different territories with varying degrees of budget security at all, not only in education.

And in fact, we have very many director of schools, in some cases, even leaders of regional and municipal education management bodies, they work in the mode, in fact, "aspired cats", and in more From what is, to make something that they: a) will be able to report; b) so that at least somehow ensure this educational process.

Anastasia Urnov: Maxim, when you read at all what is happening in schools, who is trying to take money from, often heard that the director is really so in a pan who should and from there, and there, and Syah somewhere to save. And as a result, the pressure on it is colossal and from the prosecutor's office, and from the Department, and from Parents, and so on. But for some reason, in some schools, for example, the parents are gathering money, and in other schools - no. That's what it depends on?

Maxim Dulinov: Solely on how inside ...

Anastasia Urnov: How does the director be spinning well?

Maxim Dulinov: Yes, as far as the director is active.

Anna Vavilova: Well, I would also say - from the situation of the school. One thing is you a large city school for 2 thousand people in the city center with a not bad economic situation. And another thing ...

Andrei Galiev: Rural school in the depressive region.

Anna Vavilova: Yes.

Anastasia Urnov: But at the same time, we also read ... have already started talking about some kind of raising factors, right? And we know that the rural school receives extra, higher coefficients. As a result, it can receive sponsoring greater. She, for example, the number of students and the number of parents plus-minus is the same, and it receives the money as much as some kind of school in the working village with a much more disciple. Or not?

Maxim Dulinov: When moving to regulatory and per capita financing, most of the subjects retained the same 25% of the "rural", which earlier in the law were directly spelled out that the financing of organizations located in rural areas should be 25% more. And the automatic simply, this volume was included inside the standard. One is now not called the "rural" none, but on the fact the regulations for city schools and for rural, yes, they differ. Plus, we still have small-scale, where the normative costs in principle are not dependent on the provision of the service, and on the basis of actual expenses they should be treated and finance.

By the way, let the replica about parents. Collect money from parents in principle a school should not.

Anastasia Urnov: Well, should not. In general, many who should not.

Maxim Dulinov: No, we are to what ...

Amemet Volodarsky: But I want to say that it should have such a right. I just wanted ...

Maxim Dulinov: She has.

Amemet Volodarsky: She has, but the director is afraid.

Maxim Dulinov: Parents should organize to help.

Amemet Volodarsky: I was 12 years old was the school director. And now I want to say you that I have my child ... I have four children, and the two elders go to school already. And I want to say that I am now ... I will not call school, but I come to the office (and this is a public school), I come to the office - and nothing! I say: "Let me give you, please buy something, that's something, then." "No," say, "Amemet Alexandrovich, we have no right." I say: "I will write a receipt. I understand how to work in education. I will give you all the documents. My child will finish a four-year apartment - in any case I will write what I take. " Listen, do not believe, there is no poster. And there are 30 with something. They have no right to…

Anastasia Urnov: Is it in Moscow?

Amemet Volodarsky: This is in Moscow. And teachers are afraid. I say: "Let's the Color Printer We, the Parent Committee, at least somehow buy." - "No, we have no right."

Anastasia Urnov: I just clarify - is it in Moscow?

Amemet Volodarsky: This is in Moscow.

Anna Vavilova: This is not only in Moscow.

Anastasia Urnov: Because when Moscow Directors come to us, they say: "Yes, what? We generally have enough for everything. "

Amemet Volodarsky: Not enough, lacks.

Andrei Galiev: This is not only in Moscow. I have two remarks to this. I absolutely agree, but ... My daughter in the year before last graduated from school who loved her that she loved. She all the time goes there, the school is completely wonderful, but it is the author. She is headed by the director ... just in case I will not say who for the school. Little, yes?

Amemet Volodarsky: We already understood. You did not say anything at all.

Andrei Galiev: Accordingly, the director of this school in order to provide that educational process at the level that he considers the necessary and correct, made a very simple thing. He helped self-organizing parents in NGOs with all the necessary attributes in which there is an entrance fee, an annual contribution and so on. There is a revision commission from this NGO, which looks where and how this money is distributed. But this is what concerns the author's school with a very strong leader.

Amemet Volodarsky: Sure.

Andrei Galiev: This thing does not work in the mass school. It cannot be extended to everyone else. So far so.

Anastasia Urnov: You know, sorry ...

Anna Vavilova: But nevertheless, this is not such an exception really.

Amemet Volodarsky: This is a good experience.

Anna Vavilova: This experience is quite replicable in fact.

Anastasia Urnov: And please explain to me why ... everything seems to be all dear experts, we are not discussing criminal schemes. Why are you afraid to call numbers of specific schools?

Andrei Galiev: And because ... well, it happened that we have an education system ...

Amemet Volodarsky: Where good, there then suddenly be bad.

Andrei Galiev: The education system occupies, on the one hand, such an important place in our social life. On the other hand, somehow it turns out that all questions in it are solved exclusively under the lantern. And if you accidentally hit this lamp, then you still have to think: and with what intentions they were sent to you and what are you going to do?

Amemet Volodarsky: Right. Therefore, I will answer you this question. Come in April on MMSO, Moscow International Education Salon. Leading schools in Moscow and Russia will be presented there. Moreover, there will be the Congress of the leaders of private educational organizations, there will be a SMART SCHOOL system and so on. Come. I think these schools will be there too.

Anastasia Urnov: Certainly. Yes?

Andrei Galiev: Very short thing. Now we are doing, we begin to conduct a study ... Rather, not a study, but such an analysis of accumulated experience, and we are going to do for school managers (directors, worship and so on), we have many courses on their preparation, but now we thought seriously In order to make a course on legal security in the decisions they accept. Just not every school can afford a competent lawyer who should somehow spend it on this difficult icebreaking go.

Amemet Volodarsky: And there are few of them, there are practically no lawyers in the education system.

Anastasia Urnov: Mikhail, if they are still talking about regulatoryly financing, then who first won it, what schools? Were high-quality schools get more money, and less high-quality, maybe eventually come to closure?

Mikhail Men: No, that is the analysis that we do, still says that in addition to what it was said that something was transferred from large schools to small schools, well, here we do not see such direct disorders. Maybe if the CSR (control and counting bodies) of the subjects will go deeper - maybe they will see. But in fact, we do not see.

Anastasia Urnov: That's not the first time at the federal level everything is fine, but you look next - and something strange is starting under the lantern ...

Anna Vavilova: I can, by the way, answer this question.

Anastasia Urnov: Yes please.

Anna Vavilova: We won the unequivocally sought-after schools, the most filled with the limit of their licensed maximum number. That is, this is absolutely clear. And especially well, if they have a relatively inexpensive content of the property complex. These schools began to feel better. Those schools, respectively, from which student outflows are an absolutely different story. Again, if an expensive property complex, then this also leaks the situation somewhat.

But I'm not ready to put an unequivocally sign of equality between the "Quality School" and "Survived School", because there is a large proportion that the sought -led school will be high quality, but I would still ...

Anastasia Urnov: At the same time, this reform was still under the auspices that it is necessary to create competition between schools: School worse, let's say, they will reach, improve the quality of their work in order to get more students, more money. Do we see now any examples of the fact that the level of school has gone?

Amemet Volodarsky: No, competition ... In any case, I as an expert and a person who goes to schools, I do not see this competition. And very sorry ... So I just wanted to say, I again appeal to Mikhail Alexandrovich. He does not see ... You asked a question: "Are there any problems after the introduction of per capita financing?" On August 30 of this year, Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin, speaking at the universal Moscow pedsovet, even he raised this topic of inequality, injustice in the financing of schools. And just showed ...

We talked about whether per capita financing could not - regardless of nationality, from the religion, from the choice of school. But it turns out that we again violate this process. That is, private schools that have state accreditation, they are not only not liberated from the rental of property, from payment for land rental and so on, and so on. So they are also not allowed, although they must receive.

That is, the Ministry of Finance ... When we appeal to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance says: "And we allocate in the number of schoolchildren in Moscow." - "Okay. Did you consider children in private schools? " - "Sure! We allocated. " And where did the money disappear? Why didn't they reach? This is the first question. And the second question ...

Anastasia Urnov: Is there an answer to it? Not?

Amemet Volodarsky: Here we do not yet get until you can get a response.

Mikhail Men: It is necessary to study this methodology and understand what is the problem.

Amemet Volodarsky: And we do not know. That is, 100 with something thousand rubles for each child were lost, although schools have a state ...

Anastasia Urnov: This is generally huge money.

Amemet Volodarsky: In year. Although this state accredited schools. This is the first question.

The second question is better or worse. Yes, per capita financing, of course, had to lead to the issue of competition. But we immediately intervened the following reform - the so-called improvement in the situation in terms of education. We started the school to unite into huge conglomerates.

Anastasia Urnov: In educational complexes.

Amemet Volodarsky: In educational complexes, conglomerates. I call them "Factories for the release of reading youth." Well, well, if they still know how to read. Previously, the director of schools almost knew everyone in his name. Well, 500, 600, 700 people in school was. Now it is five or six buildings, these are two or three kindergartens. And the director of the school today ceases to be a teacher, ceases to be a person, as in the case when a colleague spoke about the author's school, and simply becomes a simple managers. And many of them, by the way, will be taken to deputies and so on. They forget about school.

Mikhail Men: Can I add right away? The fact is that we have for the next year, in prior plan there is an expert and analytical event, not a control, and an expert and analytical event on the national project "Education". And I will try to encourage this expert and analytical event to check.

Amemet Volodarsky: Thank you.

Mikhail Men: But the only thing that Moscow is a little not an indicative subject, because Moscow is a subject, and the municipality in one person. And problems arise, it is when regional money, you spoke correctly, descend to the municipal level, there is not enough co-financing of the municipal - and all this starts to crumble. Well, good idea, we will definitely try to see this expert and analytical event, give an assessment of this methodology. Maybe something we can suggest our colleagues.

Anastasia Urnov: Maxim, and we understand that, first of all, it is usually missing money? On textbooks? For repairs? For what? As a rule, what falls? On the salary of teachers?

Maxim Dulinov: According to salaries, it is impossible because ...

Anastasia Urnov: Oh, now we will talk about wages.

Maxim Dulinov: Yes. For salaries, it is impossible, of course, underfinancing, and in one form or another, this money is brought. Naturally, they suffer primarily by study costs, if we talk about the money that go from the regional budget. Well, the repair and content of property is municipal money. And we can say that it is originally ...

Anastasia Urnov: And here is just ...

Maxim Dulinov: In most cases, they are simply originally settled. And further municipalities - especially small towns, especially villages - they live at the expense of transfer from the regional budget. And in this sense, this is also, of course, regional money, but the region has a large number of municipalities, and they also go on the calculations. And our regions, too, unfortunately, are not in that condition to cover all these costs, well, just immediately initially.

Regarding the competition, the only replica. After all, at first we introduced regulatory financing precisely with the sending that you denoted. Then we introduced the "serfdom" for schoolchildren - that is, the binding at the place of residence for training. Therefore, naturally, those areas that are more densely populated in the city, if we take large cities, of course, the schools that are in them, they will receive more students initially, because they live more around them. And therefore competition is arranged today between ...

On the one hand, it took off the scandal. Yes, truly queues of the night with fights, did not become with a nourish. But, on the other hand, we have the very competition to which it might lead, including the introduction of regulatory financing, is not. It is between small, let's say, groups of parents, most motivated and interested. Although it gave a push to another business species - this is the delivery of the apartment next to a good school.

Anastasia Urnov: Also an option. Andrei, while we often hear that the school now received such a certain financial freedom, they say: "You yourself decide what you buy. In general, your money is yourself and operate with them. " On the other hand, I am now listening to colleagues - and it turns out that there are specific articles, they are quite rigidly painted. And then can the director then? And whether something is solved by the School Council, which, too, what would be great importance now?

Andrei Galiev: The school council, as very many public advice in our country, where the participation of the state is determining, as it seems to be, wears such a fairly ceremonial nature.

As for the freedom or tough handling of costs of expenses, that is, both. On the one hand, per capita financing flies almost one piece. And in this sense, they require the director of large talents in order for these "seven breads" to feed all those wishing. On the other hand, there is, for example, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education", the duty of the state to ensure through schools, respectively, and throughout the vertical of free different services of students, in particular there must be free textbooks and teaching aids.

But, probably, the most popular and scandalous story that we now hear is when parents begin to complain that the school makes them buy tutorials. There are enough money for schools with money, there is no money for teaching aids.

There are a lot of objects where without tutorials (for example, workers' notebooks) in modern school it is difficult to exist. For example, English, any foreign language, yes? Well, they need them there. And the school has no money for it. So what makes the normal director? He says to parents: "Guys, I have on textbooks in English, - or in any other language - there is money, and there are no money on the workingbooks. From a formal point of view, of course, I have to provide it to you, but I can not provide, because I do not have enough money for it. "

And then a very interesting story arises. If the director said so, well, or the teachers said so, then the prosecutor's office and to initiate a case of coercion for the payment of those services that the state should have been provided, pay independently.

Anastasia Urnov: And find out why there is no money.

Andrei Galiev: Yes. And if the director is just silent, and at school simply do not have these benefits, then no matter how quietly, and you can live on. Of course, the educational result suffers from this.

Amemet Volodarsky: This is a question of autonomy. You know, we will come to this, maybe not in this five-year plan.

Anastasia Urnov: Well, at least in the next.

Amemet Volodarsky: This is a question of autonomy. Educational organizations in the country (we, sorry, in the XXI century we live, the second decade ends) you need to give autonomy, at least: a) in the use of funds; b) techniques; and c) the choice of textbooks. Believe me, then in many things the question will be removed, as, for example, in Finland, in Singapore, in the UK, and so on.

Anastasia Urnov: Anna, look ...

Anna Vavilova: I can not fully agree ...

Amemet Volodarsky: Well, this is my opinion.

Anna Vavilova: Because, in my opinion, this is a question in a lack of money. Let's just say, the abstract director would be absolutely not against acquiring ...

Amemet Volodarsky: And you explain to me why English needs to be taught on Ivanov / Petrov's textbook, and not on the textbook of the University of Cambridge? I mean Ivanova / Petrova, who defended himself here.

Anna Vavilova: I doubt that there is at least one director who, having finances on the textbook of the University of Cambridge ...

Amemet Volodarsky: Prohibited. Sorry, no textbook of the University of Cambridge ...

Andrei Galiev: As an extra - please.

Amemet Volodarsky: No textbook of the University of Cambridge has a griff ...

Anna Vavilova: He must, naturally, enter our list.

Amemet Volodarsky: Here! I'm talking about it. This is a question ...

Anna Vavilova: Here we, firstly, the key point is an administrative barrier of inclusion in the list. But this is not a question of financing.

Amemet Volodarsky: This is a question of autonomy, this is a matter of autonomy.

Anna Vavilova: And here the colleague said absolutely true about another situation. Just no money. There is something to choose, but there is no money. Teaching aids are, they can potentially purchase. And some kind of school, who has a better situation with financing, acquires them. And some other, which, for example, let's say, does not have such financial security, she is simply ...

Anastasia Urnov: But look. We learned that there is no money. What then does the school begins to save, as a rule?

Anna Vavilova: Usually? As a matter of fact, colleagues actually have fully identified that at all can not be ...

Amemet Volodarsky: Additional education. Save on additional education, which should be within ... well, this is the so-called "second half of the day." Save on departures. That is, save on everything - before the salary of teachers.

Anastasia Urnov: I just ask this question?

Andrei Galiev: There is another article - utility costs.

Amemet Volodarsky: Well, utility costs, yes.

Andrei Galiev: Here is a salary and utility costs - these are two articles on which it is impossible to save.

Mikhail Men: Protected.

Andrei Galiev: In some sense, protected, yes.

Anastasia Urnov: See. It's just what you say goes against what I read when I watch teacher reviews about what is happening in schools, I read their open letters and so on. Because the teachers just say: either reduce the number of teachers, or increase the load on teachers. You should work not 18 hours, and 23, 38 or some more excessive quantity. And this is the only way to receive that salary, which then looks great in statements and reports.

Andrei Galiev: And there is no contradiction.

Amemet Volodarsky: Sure.

Andrei Galiev: It is impossible to save on it, but ... no person - no problem. Well, the payroll fund, which was, it is distributed to a smaller number of people. Respectively…

Anastasia Urnov: Well, just then we are engaged in some verbal equilibristics, I apologize, because in fact it turns out that it is on teachers ... how modestly seems to me, the teacher is still more important than the presence of a pool at school, and save something in the end On him. Or not? By the way, recently, in 2017, Ranjigs conducted a study, he asked teachers, whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied with their salary. You will now see the results of this study. Well, they are not comforting. It turns out that more than 60% of them are unhappy with their salary.

A logical question arises: how in a situation where the salary is completely satisfied with 12% of all Russian teachers, we continue to fully talk about the digital economy, the choice of textbooks and so on?

Amemet Volodarsky: And May decrees.

Anastasia Urnov: And May decrees. And here two questions. Is the salaries are LOW? Why don't they like? And here it is also said that this figure has grown up compared to 2016, because it was still before the elections, and 2018 is the year of reporting on Mayra. In general, everyone has surcharged there anyway. In general, reporting has improved. Here's how to be with it? Who to count on?

Maxim Dulinov: Well, the question ... The study was conducted - arrange / do not suit, not low or high.

Anastasia Urnov: No, arrange / do not suit, of course. I ask: maybe they are excellent?

Maxim Dulinov: No, there is actually in the results of these studies that ...

Mikhail Men: I'll overwhelm. You know, as they say: "I have a good salary, but small."

Maxim Dulinov: Yes.

Anastasia Urnov: Listen, I can give specific figures. Why go far?

Amemet Volodarsky: No, we all know all these numbers, of course. The question is different - the question in the pyramid of the butter.

Anastasia Urnov: In Dagestan, the average salary - 17 500, for example. And in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District - 83 thousand, for example. Well, I think there is another thing there.

Maxim Dulinov: This is largely determined.

Amemet Volodarsky: Sure.

Maxim Dulinov: We just have to understand that when we are talking about the salary of teachers, they are still regulatoryly tied to the average for the region in which they work. Lower the question about justice, right? Such a law is. I just say why I give the question about justice? Because it is already a little another story.

If you look, arrange or not satisfied, then there, there are still many layers - the same load. That is, the salary can be high enough, including relatively medium in Russia, but, indeed, by increasing the load, due to dissatisfaction with the general working conditions of the teacher, right up to the absence of educational equipment or something else. This is discontent with the wage. That is, it does not compensate for the costs that the teacher have to carry every day.

Anastasia Urnov: Well, how many today you have to work on the clock of the teacher, to get (well, let's say so) a worthy salary?

Andrei Galiev: I'm afraid that anything. The concept of "decent salary" is very ...

Anastasia Urnov: Oh well. They say: "If I work for 18 hours, I will receive, - I do not know, - 15 thousand rubles. It is impossible to live for this money. I work 23, 38. The teacher burns out.

Andrei Galiev: Burns out and happens.

Amemet Volodarsky: By the way, discontent further, it will increase from next year, because ... you know this problem that in schools it will not be possible to work with people who do not have pedagogical education will not work?

Andrei Galiev: Quite right.

Amemet Volodarsky: A lot of people, employees, former employees of research institutes, candidates of science, not having pedagogical education ...

Anastasia Urnov: In general, physicist mathematician.

Amemet Volodarsky: The mathematician teaches at school without having pedagogical education. Do you imagine what such regulations are for our country? Well it…

Anastasia Urnov: Scary. Please, Andrei.

Andrei Galiev: See. There is no accurate answer to your question, because very different territories, very different per capita financing. What are we just regions remembered? Yamalo-Nenets?

Anastasia Urnov: Yes.

Andrei Galiev: Here is the region, from the point of view of budget security in general. That is - compare. One very clever person (unfortunately, the wording is not mine) said: "Russia's management is a diversity space management." Here we still have, unfortunately it turns out that we have such a big state car, so many people are involved in it, we have a rather many of the population, but to make it work efficiently, reading signals, considering what is happening directly on Earth, In a specific settlement, we do not really work. It is possible that ...

Moreover, from an information point of view. We, see, all the time we operate with certain averages. Average indicators are nothing. Well, for me the average is low-informative and not at all operational nature. If we want to correct something somewhere, where something happens bad - it means that we should not look at the average, but at the minimum, exactly for the situation that is happening there. And indeed, the scale of the problem is colossal, because ...

Well, a simple example. We are proud now we are talking about the fact that we are in primary school and in the tests of Pirls almost ahead of the planet all. Several years have been introduced - introduced. Teachers were still sufficient to prepare themselves and meet children. We did this thing.

In general school, it did not work out, because when introducing new standards (and they really are very good, they allow them to be very flexible, they would have a lot of all) it would be necessary to theoretically organize an intensive to prepare teachers who will continue to work with children. That did not happen. Under this, in theory, a separate state program of retraining teachers was supposed to be sharpened.

Anastasia Urnov: But it is not?

Andrei Galiev: But it is not. Seems to be…

Amemet Volodarsky: But there is no time for retraining.

Anastasia Urnov: It turns out that there are no money teachers for independent training, because they are overwhelmed at school.

Andrei Galiev: They have a duty - to pass every five years.

Maxim Dulinov: There is a right once in three years to undergo advanced training. Regarding Pirls ...

Anastasia Urnov: And maybe even getting allowed for it.

Maxim Dulinov: Well, this is already as a wage system in school installed. About Pirls really. We were also the first and second places in studies before the introduction of a new standard. That is, in fact, not only the standard played its role in the fact that we have shown such ... two previous studies - also in the first places, first and second.

Amemet Volodarsky: But this is not only the merit of schools.

Maxim Dulinov: No, no, no, I want to say about another.

Amemet Volodarsky: These are parents. This is mentality

Maxim Dulinov: These are parents, because parents still follow the children at this age.

Amemet Volodarsky: Sure. This is an additional education, this is the mentality of the parents.

Maxim Dulinov: Teachers are actively working ...

Anastasia Urnov: Let me return just to Bren, because we have already very little time. There is not enough money. Let's think from where you can still take them. On the mind, this suddenly suddenly comes a public-private partnership.

Amemet Volodarsky: That's just like to tell you. From the language removed!

Anastasia Urnov: What are the prospects for this? And in general, in Russia already have any good examples?

Amemet Volodarsky: No one ... I'm like an ombudsman in the field of education, now this new such institution has appeared. No one today in Russia can not answer the answer: what is the private partnership?

Anastasia Urnov: The law of 2016 is.

Amemet Volodarsky: There is a law. Law "On Education", New Law. From the 92nd year the law has not changed. No one! That's just we want to ask a question. Let us attach an additional regulatory framework to this particular public partnership so that we understand what it is: or it's just a sawing of some (sorry, not at the Accounts Chamber will be said) means ...

Anastasia Urnov: Just at the Accounts Chamber!

Amemet Volodarsky: Yes. Either it is still a real situation.

Anastasia Urnov: I think Andrei knows the answer to this question.

Amemet Volodarsky: I want to say that we have very good and positive examples on public-private partnership - on the Baltic States, again, Scandinavian countries, in Europe. While it is only the allocation of some funds, where the state gives under some private projects.

Anastasia Urnov: Andrei, what in Russia?

Andrei Galiev: See. We have really very few examples of PPP. It is mainly not even PPP, but concession contracts for the construction of new schools in different places.

Amemet Volodarsky: No more.

Andrei Galiev: It is quite simple ... that is, it is very complex and very capital-intensive, but essentially a simple story when there is a private partner who says: "I build you," - and there is a municipality or region that says: "Yes. And I will return to you then the money for which you will build, "and, as a rule, a bank that finances this story. In principle, the story begins to gain momentum. And it is very good, because then we can come to the question at some point to find a response to the question: why do we need it? Just in order to provide schoolchildren with new combat seats? Good but not enough. We were not bad to achieve some specific educational results. But this existing regulatory framework in order to ...

Anna Vavilova: Does not allow.

Andrei Galiev: ... to tie an educational result, which is achieved at school in the framework of the PPP, with the actual PPP mode, until it allows. We work on this on our part. We even as a Russian textbook corporation entered into an agreement with Sberbank in order to expand the potential of its boxing decision on a concession to further educational results. There is, thank God, there are certain obscalog and state institutions, including the development institutions that begin to think in this direction. Including an attempt to comprehend Using SIB (Social Impact Bond) to solve ...

Anastasia Urnov: Let's go in Russian, understandable.

Andrei Galiev: Projects of public importance. The term came up with, if I correctly remember, in the UK, when in some particular municipality it was necessary to solve the problem very specific - with the recurrence of people who return from the places of imprisonment to this municipality. The police tried to decide, the mayor somehow tried to decide - nothing worked. There was a structure ... in their case it was NGO, but here the difference is small. We have a NPO system not very developed, and we, unfortunately, you need to navigate to business in this sense. They were told: "Decide?" - "I decide." And they solved this problem.

Now, we now try to adapt this system to solve specific tasks in the field of education. It may be an increase in the educational result, which we are currently measured as OGE and EGE. Well, we have no other measurement. And it is very important to develop a regulatory framework, and in the case of SIB - to create this regulatory framework, because, sorry ... A private investor has come, assumed obligations, long money, long payback period.

Amemet Volodarsky: And no guarantees.

Andrei Galiev: Very difficult. His state is ready to provide what is called the grandfather reservation? Grandfather reservation is the obligation of the state without worsening the rules of investment activities. Yes? And how can it be? And what could it be? We approached this projecture. And I really hope that in some near future we will do it.

Anastasia Urnov: You are welcome.

Mikhail Men: This is very important - that's what you touched now. This is an infrastructure mortgage in the social sphere. Today in the government, as far as I know, an active work on the infrastructure mortgage is in the Ministry of Economic Development. And there is one underwater stone, which you need to understand very clearly: if a private investor comes, step by step with him then the subject of the Russian Federation or the municipality is calculated.

But my experience on earth shows that, as a rule, these proposals are less beneficial than just a commercial bank loan. Here it all should be clearly calculated. But for this, of course ... Well, not the whole future of education, it is clear, but the segment is defined very much. In addition, it seems to me that in a certain network education of high school students, too, the element of PPP may be present.

Anastasia Urnov: Andrei, you have an answer, how to make it attractive?

Andrei Galiev: No, it's next. In all existing regulatory versions and in what I called SIB, there is still no binding to an educational result. As soon as the binding to the educational result and remuneration of the private participant of this partnership begins to depend on this educational result, the history of commercial disappears.

Anastasia Urnov: And this remuneration gets from the state, yes?

Andrei Galiev: Quite right. Commercial disappears ... that is, it does not disappear, and it gets another content that will not provide a commercial loan.

Mikhail Men: Sure.

Amemet Volodarsky: Here are looking. In addition to such a straight, public partnership - because it is not only an investment, and this is also a program of the program, it is still intelligence. I just think that you need to pay attention to ... This year there will be almost the 30th anniversary of private education in Russia. And you need to stretch your hand.

Anastasia Urnov: Thank you so much. Well, unfortunately, we have already ended time. Today they talked about the financing of schools. Yes, apparently, experts agree that there is not enough money today, but nevertheless there are ideas, there are decisions from where to take money. Let's hope that everything will work out.

The truth together with you was looking for Anastasia Urnov. Stay on public television of Russia.

10.29.2015 - post-release on holding the I All-Russian Congress of Defectologists "Special Children in Society"

Since October 26 to October 28, 2015 In Moscow, the I All-Russian Congress of Defectologists "Special Children in Society" (hereinafter - the Congress) took place.

The congress was held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and FGAU Federal Institute for Education Development as part of paragraph 3.6. An interdepartmental comprehensive plan for organizing inclusive pre-school and general education and the creation of special conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with OVD for 2015 (priority) approved by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Hungts № 2466p-p8.

The events of the congress took part 1850 delegates from 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of the United States, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan.

In greetings of state and public figures of Russia, it was noted that recently there is a serious promotion in providing high-quality and affordable education for children with disabilities (hereinafter - OPS) and disabilities. In this regard, the role of the teacher-defectologist is increasing responsible for the positive socialization of this category of children.

In particular, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation V.Sh. Kaganov noted: "The current law on education prescribes that every child, regardless of the place of residence, health, social status, all conditions should be created to obtain affordable and high-quality education. The state, society, the education system has been taken in recent years with tremendous efforts in this direction. Help the child with ABS rehabilitate, get the necessary competence for living - an extremely difficult task that is unattainable without teachers of defectologists. "

At the congress, the activities of scientists and teachers and practitioners who have made a significant personal contribution to the development of defectology are noted. At the solemn ceremony of the opening of the congress, awarded and celebration of veterans-defectologists V.M. Shklovsky, V.I. Lubovsky and N.A. Flash. At the closure ceremony, leading scholars-defectologists of Russia are awarded with memorable signs.

The program of the congress included plenary sessions, 2 panel discussions, 10 sectional meetings, 9 public lectures, a master class and 6 round tables.

Within the framework of the Congress, delegates, including leading scientists, experts, representatives of the public, discussed development priorities and identifies the direction of improving quality of both special and inclusive education, the "points of growth" of the innovative development of the education system of children with disabilities and disabilities were revealed.

As a result of the work of the Congress, issues of creating conditions for positive socialization and self-realization of special children in the modern world, including:

  • - individualization of education in secondary school and ensuring the variations of the education of children with ATS;
  • - the development of interdisciplinary forms of education of children with ABS;
  • - introduction of inclusive education for various categories of children with OVD;
  • - assessment and quality control in the field of education, taking into account the introduction of the GEF of primary general education for children with ABS and GEF of education for persons with intellectual violations;
  • - Introduction of the professional standard "Teacher-defectologist (teacher-speech therapist, Surdopedagog, oligophrenopedagog, Tifflopedagog)" and the development of the competencies of the teacher in working with children with OVD, including social and communicative competence;
  • - modernization of professional education of specialists working with children with OVD;
  • - development of an affordable educational environment;
  • - Employment Employment of Youth with ABS, their introduction to different professions;
  • - Motivation of representatives of the field of business and public organizations to participate in the fate of children with ABS;
  • - social and psychological support of parents and families with special children;
  • - Formation of tolerance to special children through education, culture and mass media.

Filled table in electronic form up to October 1, 2013 You must send by email:

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The wording (editorial office) of the UMO Grid, assigned by educational publications

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Soviet vultures

G. reef in educational book publishing - a mark, assigned to the book on the results of the special kind of academic examination (bridge). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe grief as a quality indicator is rooted in the history of domestic education.

In the Soviet Union, there has been its own tradition of breeding associated with document flow and censorship of publications. The most famous vultures "Top Secret", "for official use", etc., but we will focus on training editions.

Since the state monopoly on printing and almost all educational institutions were state-owned, the voyage performed the task of identifying the passage of one or another edition of the methodological inspection and ideological censorship. Without a grind, the book de facto could not be included in the educational process of any third-party university, while remaining intravourism.

Assigning a gryf had the right to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, industry ministries (health, agriculture, etc.), as well as the ministries of the Union republics.

A system of four consecutive levels of educational publication was developed: "admitted as a textbook", "recommended as a tutorial", "was admitted as a textbook", "recommended as a textbook". As a rule, at the first edition, the book was obtained from the "admitted", but after practical testing in the educational process, it was assigned a higher vulture - "recommended". Sometimes the edition "grew" from the benefit to a full tutorial.

Russian vultures

IN the maintenance of the principle of publicity and the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the disorganization of the system of the corpus. With the abolition of censorship, only methodological functions remained with the vultures of the educational department. Gradually, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia came to full abandonment (it remained only in general education), and similar tasks began to perform various organizations of the academic community: educational and methodological associations (UMO), scientific and methodological advice, the Federal Institute for Education Development (Firo).

The idea was wonderful: to provide scientists and educators the right to identify the quality of educational publications of higher and secondary vocational education. Alas, in fact, not all, but many UMO has become a substantiated bureaucratic instance that are not capable of adequate evaluation of publications. Often, the proceedings of the bridge occupied for a long time, many copyright teams received vulture "on acquaintance" or paying the services of OMO reviewers. There were also situations where the representatives of one scientific school did not miss the work of opponents, which led to a comic "split" of the UMO in economics, management and a number of other popular destinations. Of course, some UMOs retained the scientific and methodological principles of the bridge, but the authority of the vultures in the academic community turned out to be irreparably undermined.

Cancel of vulture for higher and secondary vocational education

TO reesessis UMO became so obvious that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation began to organize federal UMOs on enlarged groups of specialties and preparation directions. However, the new FMO will be carried out primarily by bringing educational programs of universities and colleges in line with the FGOSs and professandards.

In the Model Regulations on the UMO, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2015 No. 505, among the activities of FMO, the reviews and the guilt of educational publications are not mentioned. As you can see, the issue of providing the learning process with high-quality publications is still not solved.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of September 2, 2015 No. 942 canceled the previously operating order of January 15, 2007 No. 10 "On reviewing educational publications ...". In the letter of the Deputy Minister A.A. Klimov "On the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia" of September 16, 2015 No. AK-2692/05 drawn attention to the fact that in accordance with Art. 18 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", in the implementation of professional educational programs, training publications are used, including electronic, determined by the Organization, carrying out educational activities.

We often hear complaints from professors to the bureaucracy of regulatory procedures. It is gratifying to state that it is universities and colleges, their teachers, librarians and methodologists now define (and are responsible for their choice), for what textbooks their students will learn.

Quality system

M. as a leading publisher for the production of educational literature for universities and colleges, I do not know how important and it is difficult to determine the quality of one or another manuscript. Ill-dimensional, outdated books not only bring reputational damage to the publisher, but also commercially unprofitable. Unfortunately, we have repeatedly encountered cases when the publications have already received the vulture of UMO, but under no circumstances could be recognized as high-quality.

To ensure the necessary check, in Yurai, have developed a multi-stage quality management system that allows you to track the compliance of the publication of the modern level of the educational process.

In the structure of our publishing house, two educational and methodological departments were created: higher and secondary vocational education (UMO and UMO SPO), which is entrusted with the task of carrying out the internal and external review of all publications.

Each manuscript is estimated in the following indicators:

· compliance with the subject and volume of the course;

· registration in accordance with the requirements of GEF 3+, GEF 4;

· the relevance and accuracy of the outlined information and definitions;

· Originality;

· the clarity of the structure and logic of the presentation of the material;

· registration of the bibliographic apparatus and the literature of the literature;

· clarity of the presentation of the material;

· reflection of Russian and foreign experience;

· the composition of the methodological complex.

Based on the evaluation of the reviewer (candidate or doctor of sciences on the textbook's profile), a decision is made on the possibility of awarding the grid.

Special attention to UMO and SPOs pay a thorough check for plagiarism and incorrect borrowing in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation and academic ethics. So, work cannot be published that violate the rights of intellectual property of third parties, be it the other authors, our colleagues - publishers or employers - universities. We believe that only with mutual respect for the agents of education it is possible to efficiently develop the industry.

Of course, the authors of the "Yuratt" are actively involved in the activities of the UMO and the Authors of the country's leading scientific schools. Among the reviewers there are experts of traditional UMOs. Their experience, recommendations and constructive criticism allow you to make books even better.

Therefore, many books of our publisher receive a special chamber: "Recommended by the UMO in" or "recommended by UMO SPO", reflecting the quality standards of "Yuratt". It should be noted that the receipt of such a grid for our authors is completely free and depends solely on the quality of the manuscript. Vulture receive only decent work. Due to the large current workload of Reviews, UMOs, and the SPO, the bridge of projects of other publishers is not carried out.

Form and meaning

Today, the vulture is still interested in libraries and many ordinary buyers seeking to quickly take away high-quality educational literature. Moreover, although the bridgeing has been not mandatory and state for many years, the archaic norms and instructions for the recruitment of library funds of precarious literature remain.

As the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation officially confirms, there are no current legislative norms in this area and, thus, all D-Yura vultures are equal. But the de facto vulture of UMO WMO and UMO ATO is not only not inferior to the traditional, but in many cases and exceed them.

It is always worth keeping in mind the following circumstance: not a form, but the meaning behind it is an independent assessment of their work. We are a commercial publishing house, and our profits directly depends on the quality of our product - the textbook.

Accordingly, "Yuratt" applies maximum effort to impartial and thorough assessment of each manufactured book.

Feedback from teachers and students of Russian universities confirms: UMOs of the UMO and the SPO can be trusted.