
What does it mean to see a cockroach in a dream. Why do cockroaches dream in a woman's dream: black, red, large

Water supply, options, device

Some dream books say that living cockroaches dreamed - an auspicious sign that brings joy, prosperity, prosperity. Others - look from the perspective of messengers of upcoming losses.

Large- a sure sign of obsession with an idea.

Small, chaotic Prussians running around means susceptibility to strong feelings, excruciating suffering. In this case, one should relax, abandon the passions that corrode the soul, gain clarity of mind, sobriety of reasoning.

If in your dreams their number on the floor is increasing exponentially, professional activity will force you to strain your strength and make a strong leap to overcome difficulties. Satisfaction and joy will come after the end of hard working days.

The color of the "mustache" also determines the interpretation. Brown "pests"- to worries about problems. It is important to remember that with the help of your own knowledge and efforts you will be able to overcome troubles.

You need to remember all the images, make a complete picture of what is happening. Only through a detailed comprehension of what he saw, you can come to the correct interpretation.

Why do cockroaches dream meaning

Popular dream books predict good luck and wealth for someone who dreamed of whole hordes.
If it so happened that in a dream someone seeks to get rid of the enemy and this works out, then the dream speaks of a positive key to the development of affairs.

  • To dream of a murdered "visitor" promises an unpredictable end to a process, event or event, the control of which is beyond the control of the master of sleep.
  • When living cockroaches dream, the interpretation depends on the nature of the vision. Large- dream of conflicts or gossip, a lot and small- predict the imminent arrival of relatives. The probability of an unexpected visit is high. An influential guest will arrive at the house.

If you dreamed about living cockroaches

The ambiguity of dream predictions associated with mustachioed pests leads to speculation about the perception of each personality:

  • There are many living dreams- the interpretation in Miller's dream book explains: "The problem that bothered for a long time will now be resolved."
  • Dreaming live on the body- awkward incident ahead. A decent way out of the situation is possible with an extraordinary approach to the situation.
  • They are dreaming of those running below- career growth is imminent (the Modern Dream Book predicts).

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus prophesied a big win in a casino, a lottery, a notice of an unexpected inheritance.

According to Vanga's dream book in a dream, an insect warns of impending disappointments, but not in all situations. If they dreamed crawling up the wall turned out to be on the ceiling, interpretation means a possible significant income.

Why do cockroaches dream a lot

The truth should be sought based on the number of pests and the circumstances of the invasion:

  • Big living dreams- self-deception. It is necessary to assess the personal situation in the surrounding reality, to draw the correct conclusion.
  • Attack- a call to act. We must fight for a "place in the sun", the health and well-being of loved ones.
  • Dream about food- life will present an unpleasant surprise.

Why do cockroaches dream of a woman

Dead cockroaches warn the girl about the appearance of a deceitful admirer.

Dreamed living in bed- soon the lady will become a hostage of relations with the opposite sex. The man will use her for lustful purposes.

It is important to know why a woman is dreaming about cockroaches pregnant... The expectant mother will plan pleasant purchases for the future baby.

See many cockroaches in a dream

Often a large number of uninvited "guests" are accompanied by a notification of gifts and unexpected news. Seeing a lot of live cockroaches in a dream promises good luck in your endeavors, and a change of image is coming in your hair.

Why do cockroaches dream about red interpretation of dreams

Dreamed live redheads, mustachioed“Neighbors” - financial take-off is near. This is the interpretation of some dream books. Money will flow like a river.

A modern dream book foreshadows squabbles and understatements.

According to the creator of the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation, brown Prusak is a symbol of empty promises. There are many of the same living - the impurity of thoughts.

Kill cockroaches

  • I dreamed of small live cockroaches, accompanied by an irresistible desire crush- the foreseeable future will indicate an opportunity to do away with debt obligations.
  • Try poison"Alien" - pleasant chores are expected. The dream interpretation recommends killing uninvited guests.
  • Kill- long-awaited news, good news.
  • Dead- a sign of a low probability of success in business. If you fell or ended up right in your head, your cherished dream will come true. Catch on the table - a reward for hard work is expected.

Why do black cockroaches dream in a dream

Dreamed alive black cockroaches? A good sign for those eager for a career advancement.

There is one nuance worth considering. If small pests are black, this indicates that an influential person is starting a serious intrigue.

As a rule, dreams in which we see certain insects are interpreted as favorable, positive. Many interpreters argue that the insects seen indicate good events that should happen in the dreamer's life in the near future. But can you say this if you dreamed about red and mustachioed cockroaches? Is it good or bad to see cockroaches in a dream? Let's open the dream book soon!

Cockroaches dream: general interpretation

To many people, cockroaches are disgusting not so much in reality as in a dream. And this is understandable. Sometimes in our dreams, these creatures can take on such bizarre forms that we have to wake up in a cold sweat. However, do not be upset ahead of time if you dreamed about these insects. The fact is that, unlike reality, cockroaches in a dream can be messengers of beauty.

These insects can carry a message directly addressed to the dreamer. Usually they warn of any upcoming positive changes in life. According to interpreters, often dreamed cockroaches promise us some kind of monetary reward, success in certain matters, winning the lottery, a sudden inheritance. So do not be alarmed ahead of time if you see such a dream.

What does it mean: cockroaches appeared in a dream? Dream interpretation of Juno

These insects in a dream symbolize profit, purchases, monetary rewards. If you dreamed of a room teeming with cockroaches, rejoice, because solid profits and material wealth are not far off. However, if you constantly dream of a variety of cockroaches, think about it! Perhaps it's time to go through the accumulated items and throw out the old ones. However, do not forget that this is just a dream.

The large cockroach symbolizes your enemy. If you dreamed about him, reconsider your social circle. Perhaps there is a dishonest person in your environment, hiding behind the mask of a friend and pursuing his own selfish goals. To kill a cockroach in a dream with a slipper - to success in certain professional affairs and endeavors.

Why do I dream about cockroaches? Folk dream book

Various beliefs and legends based on certain dreams are called folk dream books. For example, if the cockroaches you dreamed look somehow strange and do not quite resemble the red domestic cockroaches we are used to, then bad energy reigns in your house. Perhaps the evil eye lies on you or someone in a black way envies you.

According to popular belief, cockroaches can dream of any news. To crush cockroaches in a dream - to receive favorable news, but to see already dead insects - to a deterioration and intensity of a particular situation: misunderstanding at work, financial difficulties, etc. One of the popular beliefs associated with dreams says: if in a dream a cockroach fell on you from somewhere above - the fulfillment of one of your most cherished desires is not far off.

What will Evgeny Tsvetkov tell us?

According to the dream book of the same name by the famous interpreter Yevgeny Tsvetkov, the more cockroaches in your dreams you see, the better for you. But even here there is a caveat. A dream in which you observe black cockroaches is considered bad. Think about it, because in reality you have ill-wishers who are actively gossiping behind your back, significantly damaging your reputation.

One of the most popular dreams involving these insects reminds everyone of a familiar life situation: you go into the kitchen at night, turn on the light and see dozens of cockroaches scattering in horror across your dining table in different directions. Evgeny Tsvetkov describes an identical dream as a warning that the dreamer needs to approach his financial expenses with all responsibility. Otherwise, your financial situation will worsen.

Dream interpretation of Mrs. Hasse: cockroaches

Seeing huge cockroaches attacking you in a dream promises some difficulties at a certain stage in life. You will have to fight for the happiness and peace of your family.

The interpreters of this dream book also describe flying cockroaches, personifying them with the appearance of a serious and powerful rival in the dreamer's life. If you see a large and mustachioed cockroach, a sponsor or even a powerful patron will appear in your life.

The compilers of Mrs Hasse's dream book pay special attention to the color of the insects you dreamed of. For example, black cockroaches in a dream symbolize the impending shame and absurdity of the whole situation. Perhaps in reality your enemies will expose you to ridicule, significantly tarnishing your reputation in society.

White cockroaches dream of lies and betrayal. Be very careful and don't trust anyone with your deepest secrets. Red cockroaches portend squabbles, quarrels, scandals and family troubles.

Aesop's dream book: cockroaches in a dream

The compilers of this book are in solidarity with their colleagues. They endow "cockroach" dreams with optimism: one insect dreams of profit in your home, and many dreams of stable prosperity and comfortable old age. It's good if you see exactly red cockroaches with long mustaches, because this promises you a promotion with further career growth. If insects run away from you, a job change or moving to another city is not far off.

Wanga's prediction

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga is also known as the compiler of the dream book of the same name. According to her interpretation, seeing black cockroaches in a dream is a sign of successful promotion. Bright prospects are coming, promising a stable income. If you dream of huge black cockroaches, be on the lookout: people in power are fabricating something against you. Perhaps you previously got involved in some kind of adventure, or someone crossed the road.

Freud's interpretation

Let's take a look at Freud's interpretation of dreams. The cockroaches you see while sleeping can represent sperm. If a woman sees that they are running towards her, then in the near future she will bear from the man.

It is not recommended for women to kill cockroaches in their sleep. Sigmund Freud says that in this case you kill the sperm, that is, the unborn child. Translated into reality, this can mean problems with the fetus, as a result of which you will have to have an abortion.

If a girl sees that cockroaches are entangled in her hair, in reality she should be wary of accidental sexual relations. Otherwise, you can catch any sexually transmitted infectious disease: syphilis, AIDS, etc. Cockroaches with long mustaches symbolize rich and representative patrons, so in no case should you kill such insects in a dream.

If a woman dreams of how red-haired dirty tricks are crawling on your legs, do not be afraid! Freud sees nothing wrong with this, since he equates such a dream with women's critical days. According to him, cockroaches on the dreamer's legs are blood lost by her during her period. This dream should be considered prophetic.

Many cockroaches seen in a dream in their own sink in the kitchen predict a big drinking bout. If men dreamed about this, then there is no reason for concern, and if women, then you should take care of your reputation in advance, because there is a risk of being noticed in a dubious company. Debauchery is not excluded. Women, do not lose your head! To see in a dream the intercourse of two or more cockroaches - to treason on the part of your other half.

Family dream book: why see cockroaches?

The compilers of this book give their own interpretation of dreams. The cockroaches you dream about are pedestrians. The further interpretation of sleep will depend on how and where they move. If the insect moves along the dreamer's leg, the latter needs to be careful on the streets of his own city. A cockroach sitting on his personal belongings warns of their possible theft in reality.

There is another dream: cockroaches eat a lot, a lot and constantly breed in your dream. Dont be upset! This indicates that your wallet will soon be replenished: you will get a solid profit, win the lottery, etc. If you dream with red-haired mustachioed "bandits" on the night of Monday to Tuesday, do not expect any bright prospects in the near future. Most likely, you will have to pay for the mistakes you made, but a little earlier.

Dream interpretation of Medea: red mustachioed insects

Do you kill cockroaches in your sleep? This is bad. Soon, you will unwittingly tarnish your reputation. To avoid this, try not to appear in dubious companies and provocative places.

Fighting cockroaches in a dream is to solve your problems in reality. The more successfully you fight them, the better for you: in real life you will overcome all obstacles.

There are hardly any people who love cockroaches. Insects unexpectedly invade the kitchen and spoil the food supply. They are found in hospital bedside tables, under the bed, or just running around on the floor. A person seeks to kill a Prusak, because he is a source of infection. Meanwhile, the cockroach in dream books is described as a sign of imminent success, profit, promotion and other favorable moments.

If in a dream the darkness of pests is teeming underfoot, and the dreamer is trying to crush them, in reality he will be able to cope with a competitor and increase income. It can be successfully gaining a lucrative position in the workplace or worsening the affairs of business competitors.

A dream promises great luck to a person, where he runs away from a horde of mustachioed aliens. Large profits await those who, in a dream, hold live pests in their hands. The income will come suddenly and legally. If a sleeping person drives a family of cockroaches in an apartment in a dream, the vision signals big plans and dreams that are destined to come true.

The gray cockroach, like the black one, dreams of serious trouble. They will be associated with the well-being of the dreamer's loved ones. But an attentive attitude to the problems of relatives will help a person deal with a dangerous situation.

Gray pests are interpreted as a hint that it is time to change the life situation. The outcome of the efforts will be successful, but you will have to work hard. As a symbol of kindness, gray insects will not improve the dreamer's state of affairs without his independent efforts.

And the ginger cockroach dreams of profit. This can be a bonus, a salary increase, a cash gift, winning the lottery, finding someone else's wallet. If a golden cockroach in a dream is localized near the ears, this promises gossip and rumors about your person. The advice is to temporarily distance yourself from others and not initiate a large number of people into your business.

A white cockroach symbolizes a deceptive idea of ​​a person in a dream. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to recognize insincere people. Despite showing sympathy, they do not have the best feelings for you.

Flying cockroaches portend the appearance of a competitor to men in dreams. The field can be personal or business. The rival will appear on the horizon unexpectedly and will do everything to overthrow the dreamer from an advantageous position.

Flying Prussians promise a woman a meeting with such a man who will win the heart and will be determined to have a long relationship.

Why do live cockroaches dream in a dream

People don't dream about Prussians just like that. Their behavior in dreams either reflects inner experiences or brings happy events closer. Therefore, carefully analyze dreams in which live cockroaches are seen in your own apartment:

  • Insects run around the body - a sudden and unpleasant situation will arise in life. The extraordinary behavior of the dreamer will help to get out of it.
  • A lot of living cockroaches dreamed of - wait for a quick resolution of the sore problem (Miller's interpretation).
  • Running on the floor - A modern dream book predicts career growth through cockroaches.

In Nostradamus, such dreams predict inheritance and cash prizes in gambling. Wanga compares cockroaches in dreams with disappointment, but warns that when insects crawl up the walls to the ceiling, you should expect big incomes.

If the pest ran across the floor and turned to the side, the profit would not be significant. Vanga does not advise killing them in a dream, otherwise a new promising business will end in failure.

If you dream of a lot of cockroaches

A huge cockroach (alone or surrounded by fellow tribesmen) has the following interpretations in dreams:

  • Alive - self-deception and arrogance, an incorrect assessment of one's own strength.
  • Striker - Hints at the importance of timely action when it comes to the well-being of family members.
  • Got into food - an unpleasant surprise from life, no options.

Why do cockroaches dream of a woman

Dead insects promise a young girl a frivolous relationship with the opposite sex. An adult pregnant woman dreams of these insects for pleasant chores. Soon, the expectant mother will start buying things for the baby.

And what is the dream of the Prussians, who dreamed of a woman in her bed alive? Such a vision is unpleasant and reality is no better. Soon, the lady will start a relationship with a man who will communicate with her only for the sake of sexual pleasures.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, cockroaches in dreams mean affection. This is not a relationship, but a banal fear or obsession that haunts the dreamer from childhood. When such a person often begins to dream of a cockroach, the Higher powers require him to change his being for the better.

If uninvited tenants do not leave when the sleeper drives them away in different ways, expect all sorts of worries and new responsibilities in the coming days. Which will have to be performed with special diligence. The troubles will be pleasant.

If you dream about cockroaches scattering in the corners when you turn on the light in the room, Miller identifies this with the need to revise the position in life. For a dreamer prone to dubious pleasures, neglecting this advice will result in serious problems.

Finally, a huge Prusak of unrealistic size is interpreted by Miller as obsessive anxiety. A thorough assessment of the life situation and the recognition of the absence of a serious threat will help to change oneself.

Seeing cockroaches in a dream according to Freud

According to Freud, the running cockroaches seen in a dream personify sperm. For women, such dreams promise conception. The interpreter does not recommend fighting the Prussians in a dream, because you are killing future offspring. In other words, health problems will arise that will affect the embryo and will have to have an abortion.

There are dreams when cockroaches get entangled in the hair. For girls, this predicts casual sexual relations. In fact, you cannot follow the lead of unfamiliar men, since there is a danger of contracting genital infections.

Favorable in dreams for women are cockroaches with long mustaches. They represent respectable patrons. Do not kill mustachioed broadcasters of wealth in your sleep. It can also be imagined that the Prussians are climbing on their legs. Freud identifies this phenomenon for a woman with the coming menstrual days. Sigmund compares ginger insects on their feet to blood and considers such dreams prophetic.

Lots of cockroaches running in the sink promise a tremendous drinking bout. For men, such a vision does not predict bad things, but women should take care of their reputation and prevent communication with a dubious company. If you dreamed of sexual intercourse between cockroaches, expect betrayal of your loved one.

Why dream of killing a cockroach

Try to poison cockroaches in a dream - get ready for pleasant chores. Dream decoders do not prohibit doing this. An already dead insect does not bode well for great success in life. But if you tried to poison cockroaches, and one corpse fell on the dreamer's head, expect the fulfillment of the most cherished dream. If you catch the fugitive on the table, you will receive a reward for hard work.

Cockroach baiting speaks of the need for a break in efforts to achieve the assigned tasks. In the absence of rest and overdoing it, the success of the intentions will be in jeopardy of disrupting the planned enterprise.

If a woman dreamed of a cockroach, she should soon wait for a promotion. Moreover, career growth will be rapid, and the new position will be occupied for a long time.

To kill a cockroach in a dream means to receive good news that will affect family members.

If a woman dreams of a flying cockroach, then soon she will meet a worthy person with whom she will fall in love.

But if the uninvited guests dreamed of a girl in bed, you should pay attention to your partner. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, the frightening image hints: the man next to you is not for love! If you don't want to become a victim of an unhappy relationship, you should give up on them before it's too late.

The plot will also turn out to be an unfavorable outcome if a large cockroach painfully bit the dreamer. There is a risk of being involved in a relationship with a real dictator, a man who will not let him live in peace.

If in a dream you are trying to destroy beetles, but cannot hit them with your feet, in reality you will need to make much more effort to achieve the goal than expected. Conversely, a plot in which it was possible to crush all the insects without much difficulty promises a large profit.

If you had to poison cockroaches in a dream, but this venture was not crowned with success, then in life, get ready for an increased level of responsibility. Be careful not to let people sit on your neck!

To kill a cockroach after a long chase is to achieve a big dream. Most likely, the dreamer has been walking towards this goal for a long time, but right now the time has come, the dream book claims.

Using chemicals to destroy unpleasant roommates means that in reality your ill-wishers will get what they deserve. In this case, the dreamer does not have to make any effort to this, fate will cope on its own.

Have you watched another person poison the cockroaches? Perhaps in life you are very envious of someone. Do not forget that such a feeling acts destructively, first of all, on the envious person. The dream interpretation advises: get rid of it right now!

If you dream of cockroaches, then you will soon suddenly become rich. Although insects also cause unpleasant associations, the meanings of dream books indicate a positive.

Their number in a dream indicates the amount of expected wealth.

Suppose you dreamed about how you kill a cockroach, which means that something good will certainly happen.

Seeing a dead, dead cockroach in a dream speaks of an unpredictable outcome of events that you cannot control.

Big cockroaches dream of gossip, or intrigues against you by influential people, officials.

A dreamed cockroach can notify you of the arrival of a rich relative or acquaintance.

Why do cockroaches dream? During a night's rest, it is common for a person to dream. Psychologists and astrologers are sure that a dream is a kind of hint, thanks to which you can change your future if you interpret it correctly. If in a dream you saw insects in the form of cockroaches, then this is an auspicious sign.

So what does a dream with cockroaches promise? What to expect from fate, what do insects warn about? Let's turn to dream books of famous astrologers and clairvoyants for help.

Few cockroaches will cause pleasant emotions. But there are people who keep these insects like pets. Previously, it was believed that cockroaches bring only grief and misfortune to the house, so they tried to keep the house clean in order to prevent the appearance of cockroaches in their home. But is it? Why do cockroaches dream - the dream book will tell.

People don't dream about Prussians just like that. Their behavior in dreams either reflects inner experiences or brings happy events closer. Therefore, carefully analyze dreams in which live cockroaches are seen in your own apartment:

  • Insects run around the body - a sudden and unpleasant situation will arise in life. The extraordinary behavior of the dreamer will help to get out of it.
  • A lot of living cockroaches dreamed of - wait for a quick resolution of the sore problem (Miller's interpretation).
  • Running on the floor - A modern dream book predicts career growth through cockroaches.

In Nostradamus, such dreams predict inheritance and cash prizes in gambling. Wanga compares cockroaches in dreams with disappointment, but warns that when insects crawl up the walls to the ceiling, you should expect big incomes.

If the pest ran across the floor and turned to the side, the profit would not be significant. Vanga does not advise killing them in a dream, otherwise a new promising business will end in failure.

A huge cockroach (alone or surrounded by fellow tribesmen) has the following interpretations in dreams:

  • Alive - self-deception and arrogance, an incorrect assessment of one's own strength.
  • Striker - Hints at the importance of timely action when it comes to the well-being of family members.
  • Got into food - an unpleasant surprise from life, no options.

Most people treat cockroaches with disdain, disgust and even disgust, so they do not expect anything good from the dream in which they appear.

Indeed, these insects sometimes represent a negative image associated with obsessive vampiric energy.

Nevertheless, cockroaches are one of the most harmless symbols, as they do not pose a serious threat to human life.

Dream interpretation

Cockroaches in a dream according to various dream books:

  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima: stupid hobbies or bad habits;
  • Freud: the dreamer's disgust in sexual matters, which interferes with enjoying intimate life;
  • Modern: to changes in life;
  • Houses of the Sun: minor flaws, burdensome duties;
  • Family: nagging of relatives and colleagues, conflicts;
  • The wanderer: bad conscience, remorse, dishonest money;
  • Aesop: profit and wealth;
  • Ukrainian: everyday worries, chores around the house;
  • Longo: a symbol of a waste of time and effort, doing unnecessary business.


Seeing cockroaches in a dream is a symbol of dirt and uncleanliness, denotes unpleasant small everyday problems that haunt you. Since these pests start where they have something to profit from, their appearance in a dream can signal an increase in material wealth. Due to the eternal neighborhood with a person - the appearance of guests in the house.

Interpretation in various situations

To understand why cockroaches dream in each specific case, you should analyze:

  • feelings caused by the appearance of beetles in a dream: fear, disgust, curiosity, indifference;
  • their number and appearance;
  • location (in an apartment, on the body of a dreamer or another person, in food);
  • insect behavior;
  • the dreamer's actions.

Cockroaches dream in different situations: many and alive, one, dead

Dream interpretation

  • Wanderer: to see a cockroach in a dream - big and wiggling his mustache- to matchmaking;
  • 21st century: cockroach redhead or brown dreams of colors for lucrative business offers, black - for a quick takeoff up the career ladder, white - for deception;
  • Tsvetkova: dreaming of big cockroaches - a metaphor for a rich visitor, a promising acquaintance;
  • Russian: redheads The Prussians symbolize the dreamer's bad conscience or dishonest people in his environment.


Cockroaches, creeping from all the cracks, as a rule, symbolize the dreamer's overwhelming anxieties and fears. However, if you dream cockroaches, let them and lot, but they alive, do not carry a real danger to human life in reality, the unconscious with the help of such a vision shows that there is nothing to worry about: the problems that have arisen are easily eliminated, the worries are in vain.

For business people, there is another common decryption option for which cockroaches dream in large numbers : lot cockroaches - a lot of money. The dream predicts the emergence of an additional source of income. However, if in the plot of the dream cockroaches run away scattered from the dreamer, this is a metaphor for monetary losses.

Dead beetles in a dream can also talk about profit, but the option is not excluded that this is a hint that the dreamer's hopes will not come true. Events will occur that a person will not be able to influence.

Why is the cockroach dreaming - one, large unpleasant? This is a metaphor for a single problem that seriously torments a person or the image of a specific acquaintance, which is a source of unpleasant experiences for the dreamer. The beetle's hypertrophied size symbolizes a tendency to dramatize its existing problems. Only flying the insect symbolizes an enemy superior in strength, to resist which will have to spend a lot of effort. bug black color predicts a serious struggle for material well-being or the well-being of loved ones.

If the insect does not look ominously, a dream promises communication in the future with an influential wealthy person, for example, a wealthy relative. Strange color beetle or some fantastic the elements in its appearance they promise a strong amazement in reality.

Why do cockroaches dream in a dream a woman? Unnatural large sizes,fatty, whiskered a beetle is a symbol of a wealthy boyfriend, a temporary patron to whom romantic feelings will hardly flare up in the dreamer. For pregnant women see big cockroach in a dream - a promise that her child will be successful and rich.


Dream interpretation

  • Modern: cockroaches in an apartment or house- dream of moving;
  • Longo: pests, filling all the space in the house, reflect a person's fear of losing acquired property;
  • Family: the appearance of pests in the House- to unpleasant annoying guests who are difficult to get out;
  • Meneghetti: large cockroaches on the ceiling, on the walls in the house they symbolize the presence in the dreamer's life of people who oppress the dreamer; metaphor of social pressure;
  • Prozorova: cockroach, crawling up the wall- to the receipt of large financial resources, down or sideways- to the appearance of a small amount of money.


See beetles in close proximity to yourself and even more to feel their presence on your body- unpleasant sensation. For most people, these insects evoke persistent disgusting feelings. And a dream with such a plot does not promise pleasant experiences in reality.

So, cockroaches in food warn that someone in reality is jealous of a person with black envy. Insects in hair- a symbol of obsessions (" cockroaches in my head"Instead of thoughts), dependence on other people's conscious attitudes.

Why do cockroaches dream in the bed? When dreaming like cockroaches crawl over the body- this is a metaphor for getting into an awkward position, shame. Insects on the body can also symbolize the development of the disease. Black insect in the bed of the spouses- to the appearance of a lover or mistress from one of the partners.

Insect behavior

Dream interpretation

  • Small: turn on the light in a dark room and see scattering insects - a call to the unconscious to abandon dubious pleasures for its own good;
  • Ukrainian: bite insect - to injury in the workplace.


A dream in which cockroaches bite or attack in any other way - a bad sign. You should be prepared for the attacks of others, the nagging of the authorities.

If insects do not do not disturb or run away from the dreamer, you can build a favorable forecast. Most likely, he will soon be able to solve all his problems and get rid of obsessive thoughts.

If you dream cockroaches which easily succeed crush or kill in any other way, this means that the source of the dreamer's irritation in real life can be easily eliminated. If catch up and catch insect in any way does not work, then the dreamer's goal is difficult to achieve. Bugs, running through the body and caught, predict well-being at the cost of titanic efforts.

Catch Zhukov, running across the table- a symbol of the dreamer's hard work, which will soon be appreciated.

Image in culture

In Russia, cockroaches were compared with the invaders and were called Prussians, in Germany at the same time - with the Russians. The cockroach is a symbol of a nomad, a foreigner, an annoying visitor.

Along with this, in the Slavic culture, these insects are the good spirits of the house, the first tenants, new settlers. Many eastern peoples called them lovingly "baked guests", since these beetles love heat very much and do not tolerate frost. It was believed that if insects settled in a house, it means that comfort, warmth, prosperity and prosperity reign there.

On the other hand, the cockroach is ridiculous with its mustache, thick belly and thin legs, a cowardly escape from the deadly sneaker pursuing it. It is always found where it is not expected - a symbol of protest against etiquette, regulations, seriousness.

It puts a person in front of the need to come to terms with an unpleasant neighborhood, despite the current level of development of civilization. We are not able to completely eradicate these insects from our homes, because there is no more unpretentious and adaptable animal. Small dirty tricksters are eternally persecuted, but indestructible. They may be physiological aversion, but their resilience is admirable.

Consequently, such a contradictory perception of the image of an insect leads to the fact that its appearance in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways.