
Installing a billboard by the road. How to put a billboard on the track

All about the lawn

Big City Agency offers road billboards(city boards measuring 2.7x3.7 meters) to attract customers in Moscow and the region. We place advertisements in different districts of the city, provide full-cycle services: we accompany you from the development of the layout to the direct placement of advertisements.

The main thing that our company is used to guaranteeing to its customers is the result. At the same time, advertising on city boards is one of the most effective ways to achieve it. You can independently choose the place of publication among those that we will offer individually for the tasks of your campaign.

In addition, you will be pleased with the price. The cost of such placement starts from 25,000 rubles per month, and for this money you can get dozens of new clients.

  • competition for a specific billboard from advertisers;
  • location of the structure (center of Moscow, outskirts or sleeping areas; busy highway or road with low traffic load);
  • time of its placement (season / off-season of your business plus time of year).

In any case, we will help you find the best advertising billboards on the road, depending on the budget, as well as the target audience.

Choose city boards of various formats:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral, where one surface is dynamic and the other is static;
  • two-sided, where both surfaces are dynamic;
  • prisms.

Why are billboards so good on city-board roads?

Note. City boards are also often referred to as scrollers or simply "billboards".

When choosing between city-boards and banners of 3x6 meters, stop at the first of them: it will be the most optimal solution. On the one hand, there will be an orientation not only towards passers-by, but also towards motorists, on the other hand, the city-board is much smaller in area, and therefore cheaper.

Let's add the benefits:

  • A person inevitably comes across such advertising. A passer-by will not be able to "turn it off" or somehow ignore it.
  • Unlike other channels of information distribution, additional devices are not required for reading.
  • Wide reach and excellent value for money based on frequency of impressions.
  • It is possible to select a region and a specific local market with the largest concentration of target audience.
  • Despite the affordable cost of this format, the size of the advertising space will be sufficient to accommodate all the necessary information.

"Big City" offers billboards on the road to publish advertisements with both external and internal lighting. Also, pay attention: dynamic image rotation will be more profitable than static rotation, and, despite slightly less coverage of your specific ad, it will still provide tangible benefits.

What are the requirements for scrolling ads?

Of course, when our client applies for an order, he wants to get a result: new customers, brand awareness, an increase in the company's status in the eyes of potential buyers, etc. - the final KPI can be different. All of this can only be achieved by placing billboards on the road correctly and making sure they meet a few key requirements.

  • the city-board was constantly in the field of vision of the target audience;
  • the advertisement itself attracted attention, was creative and unusual (but it all depends solely on the direction of your work and the tasks set for the campaign);
  • information was easily perceived on the go;
  • advertising was laconic in its messages and understandable for a wide audience.

This outdoor advertisement in the 2.7x3.7 meter format is most often used as an additional means and allows you to reinforce the results of work with the media and the brand as a whole. Of course, those 2-3 seconds that a potential client looks at a billboard is not enough to convey complex information to him. But if you present it correctly, succinctly and catchy, then the growth of the brand's popularity, sales volume (and what else do you want) will be immediately high.

Find out how to order advertising on scrollers in the "Big City" company

Billboards on the roads are notable for the fact that they are located throughout the city, which means that you will always have a wide choice in terms of placement. Our marketers will help you develop new effective advertising, or they will work with your ready-made layout.

Billboards suggest moving away from roads. The Ministry of Transport, Rosavtodor and RosdorNII advocate the abolition of the GOST provisions, which allowed the installation of such structures at a distance of 0.6 m from the highways. Experts believe that this threatens road safety. In the event of a return to the previous edition of the standard, the 5 m norm will reappear, which was in effect until 2016. But toughening is also being considered - to move billboards away from highways by 10 m, and outside settlements - by 40. Operators of outdoor advertising predict a crisis in the industry due to excessive regulation.

Save drivers

The majority of the participants in the October meeting of the technical committee for standardization spoke out for the cancellation of the 2016 changes in GOST on advertising that simplified the placement of billboards along the roads, Vladislav Elizarov, head of the Certification and Expertise Center of the Coordination Council for Road Safety, told Izvestia. The council itself, as well as the Ministry of Transport and the RosdorNII subordinate to it, have already sent their responses to the committee, their representatives said. Rosavtodor did not answer Izvestia's question about its position, but it follows from the minutes of the meeting of the standardization committee on October 22 (Izvestia has the document). The updated GOST allowed operators to place advertising structures at a distance of 0.6 m from the roads, canceling the changes will return the border to 5 m.

Moreover, RosdorNII is preparing new amendments to the GOST on advertising, as indicated in the protocol. According to them, the placement of billboards can be transferred to a more distant distance - 10 m from the edge of the road for settlements and 40 m - outside settlements, one of the participants in the meeting told Izvestia. The goal is to improve road safety.

Within this distance, only road signs should stand so that the car owner does not confuse them with something else, the expert noted.

Double regulation

The question of the relevance of GOST on advertising also arose due to contradictions with the new standard on road safety. One of its points says that "foreign objects" must be removed from roads, sidewalks, stops within three hours from the moment of detection, from dividing strips and roadsides - within three days.

The new requirements actually prohibit the placement of 90% of billboards on the roadway, sidewalks, dividing strips and roadsides, - said Maxim Resnyansky, Sales Director of Mosoblreklama Group, to Izvestia.

In August, the National Association for Visual Communications (NAVK) managed to postpone the entry into force of the controversial clause of the new standard through the Rosstandart Appeals Commission until July 1, 2019, a special technical committee should develop amendments to it. The rest of the GOST entered into force on September 1 and became mandatory from the end of October, with the exception of the provision on foreign objects.

The Ministry of Transport considers the adjustment of the item under discussion inappropriate, the department told Izvestia. Its adoption and cancellation of amendments to GOST on advertising will allow to reduce the indicators on the number of hazardous areas and the level of mortality as a result of road accidents, and this is provided for by the approved Strategy of road safety in the Russian Federation for 2018-2024 and the national project “Safe and high-quality roads ".

The changes adopted in 2016 also exclude restrictions on territories outside settlements, which, according to the Ministry of Transport, "can contribute to the placement of oversaturated advertising information on the roads and create conditions for reducing the level of road safety."

Rosstandart noted that there are contradictions in the provisions of GOSTs and should be eliminated taking into account the views of stakeholders.

Rosavtodor claims that the new GOST should simplify the procedure for dismantling shields from federal highways. Now the dismantling case is considered on average from several months to a year, and now the structures can be recognized by the court as foreign objects and removed in a maximum of three days, a representative of the agency explained to Izvestia.

The GOST requirements are appropriate, Sergei Kanaev is sure. Sometimes advertising objects are installed on the very roadway, and they obscure traffic lights or are near lanterns, reflecting light and forming a "blind zone", he added.

"Outside" threatens with a crisis

The abolition of indulgences will worsen the investment attractiveness of the outdoor advertising market, entail losses for the budget, job cuts, NAVK said. GOST on advertising cannot be changed before the entry into force of GOST on road safety: Rosstandart is obliged to notify the government of plans to cancel the standard at least a year in advance, the association said.

The adoption of new requirements threatens the onset of a crisis in the advertising services market, a sharp increase in the cost of placement, the collapse of most small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, as well as a serious leap in media inflation, believes Maxim Resnyansky of the Mosoblreklama Group of Companies. In addition, litigation with the district authorities will follow due to the need to terminate existing contracts. And this will reduce the local budget in the event of recovery of losses in favor of operators, he added.

The issue of security is questionable, it was widely discussed within the framework of changes in the GOST on outdoor advertising, and security requirements were taken into account as much as possible, - believes Evgenia Volgina, director of the legal department of Gallery.

The operators are supported by the Moscow media and advertising department.

We will strive to preserve the industry GOST 52044-2003 and make changes to the new, "road" one, ”the head of the department, Ivan Shubin, explained to Izvestia. He claims that "the outdoor advertising market performs an important social function in the prevention of road accidents, which the city authorities carry out together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Moscow."

The measures of the previous version of GOST, before the changes from 2016, were also "prohibitively strict", it is impossible to comply with them in urban conditions, says Andrey Berezkin, CEO of ESPAR-Analytic.

How to install an advertising structure along the road. How to place a billboard

However, keep in mind that this is not an easy task that requires renting an AGP and special skills in this matter.

Advertising space for rent on the site in Yanaul

The Internet is increasingly entering our lives, increasing its presence in the new business space. For those who do not want to miss new markets, we are starting to provide a new service - advertising placement on the "Option-52" website.

What is a banner?
Banner is a graphic (static or animated) element on website pages with short enticing information that stimulates a click. When the user clicks on the banner, he goes to a page with more detailed information about the advertised product, work or service.

Through banner in the header
Banner of standard size 728 by 90px with an active link, located on every page of the site, right in the header, which increases its click-through rate. The cost of placement is 2000 rubles per month.

Pass-through banner in the right column
A banner with a width of 240 and a height of 100 to 400px with an active link will be located in the first screen in the right column on every page of the site. The cost of placing 1000 rubles per month for a banner with a height of 100px, plus 300 for each additional 100px.

Pass-through banner in the right column in the "Ads" section
A banner with a width of 240 and a height of 400px will be located in the right column on each page of the "Announcements" section (more than 400 pages). It is possible to move vertically, for example, so that an advertisement for a car shop is next to advertisements for the sale of a car, etc. The cost of placement is 400 rubles per month without an active link, 800 rubles with an active link.

Other options for placing ads on the site
There are other options for placing advertising banners on the site, specific pages, for example, advertising a taxi on pages with bus timetables, etc., as well as placing advertising articles.

How to put up a billboard within the city?

We are ready to consider all your suggestions.

Send all applications by e-mail: [email protected] with notice " Advertising on the website"

About the site "Option-52"

The site was created more than five years ago. News, reference information, private announcements are published. During its existence, the site has gained high positions. It is indexed well by search engines.
The thematic site citation index for today -

Separately about attendance. On average, the site is visited by more than 4 thousand people a day, and if you look at the presented graph, you can clearly see that the peak of traffic falls on weekdays, which means that the site's audience mainly consists of working people, respectively, with purchasing power.
Included in the top ten most visited sites of the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the portal


  • there is no need to obtain permission from the municipal authorities to install advertising materials;
  • no need to conclude a contract with the owner of the land plot;
  • there is a ready-made metal frame;
  • the design will fully comply with safety requirements;
  • ensuring timely repairs and maintaining the structure in perfect condition.
  • But, at the same time, your own billboard provides the following opportunities:
  • independently change advertising, if necessary;
  • use both sides of the billboard for advertising;
  • to lease, receiving a certain profit.

If the billboard is located in the immediate vicinity of motorways, which is the case most often, then the approval of the relevant authorities is also required. Attaching a banner on the road brings more and more effect, since it will be seen by both pedestrians and drivers and passengers of passing cars.

If a model development is required, a turnkey shield can be installed. This will provide the following benefits:

  1. development of a layout from professionals;
  2. creating a banner on one of the selected materials;
  3. installation on one or more panels;
  4. maintenance, timely replacement of lighting, repair of obsolete elements or fasteners.

The cost of installing advertising banners over highways directly depends on the materials used, as well as on the side of placement. Of course, if the banner is installed facing the passing cars, then the price will be higher than against traffic. If finances allow, then it is advisable to install billboards on both sides, for greater efficiency. The expenses will fully pay off due to the expansion of the clientele.

To promote goods and form a positive image of the company, advertising on billboards will be effective. This type of advertising medium allows you to get a wide coverage of a potential audience in a specific location. It is effective to advertise goods and services of mass demand on outdoor billboards.

Billboard advertising: efficiency, pros and cons

Advertising on billboards is one of the most popular and effective means of delivering the necessary information to the consumer. A billboard is a large-format advertising structure, which can be made in different sizes and configurations, and is placed on highways, busy areas with a large traffic and passenger flow, as well as on the walls and roofs of buildings.

Efficiency assessment, advantages and disadvantages

When evaluating the effectiveness of placing an advertising message on such media, it is necessary to calculate the number of possible advertising contacts, taking into account the volume of the general potential audience in a specific location. To obtain such indicators, using special techniques and using coefficients, the main components of the target audience are measured: pedestrian flows, flows of personal and public vehicles.

Efficiency mark

Assessing the impact of a particular design on a potential audience, they study the following characteristics:

  • visibility distance and obstructions;
  • transport position and width of the carriageway;
  • angle of rotation;
  • distance to traffic lights;
  • the presence of competing designs.

The calculation of the efficiency indicator is carried out by methods of mathematical modeling, taking into account the assessments of experts.


  • Wide coverage.

    How to place a billboard

    Due to their large size (from 18 sq.m.), the billboards provide viewing of the advertising message by a large number of target audiences. Potential consumers who do not watch TV, do not read the press, most often pay attention to such outdoor advertising. These are people with high employment, with an average and high level of income, and it is precisely for such a cut of customers that advertising of most goods is designed.

  • Possibility of territorial selection of placement.
  • Kudos.
  • Unobtrusiveness.
  • Locality.
  • High price. The price for renting one side of the billboard is from $ 250 per month, while the recommended placement period is from three months, since people start noticing ads from the first day.
  • Oversaturation. The perception of advertising is difficult due to the fact that a large number of structures are installed in popular places. In order to stand out from competing billboards, custom configurations and lighting can be used.


For what types of activities is it effective to use advertising on billboards

The qualitative characteristics of the advertising medium must be considered in relation to the type of activity that needs to be advertised. When choosing a means of promotion, the following factors are assessed: coverage area, distribution methods, target audience, the size of the advertising budget, and many others.

  • shopping and entertainment centers, shops, salons;
  • cinemas, nightclubs;
  • catering establishments - cafes, restaurants, fast foods;
  • sports and fitness clubs;
  • law companies, notary and law offices;
  • car dealerships and national car manufacturers;
  • banks, insurance companies and other institutions providing services to the public;
  • private medical and dental clinics, pharmacies;
  • exhibition companies (before holding events);
  • major political parties and public organizations, government agencies.

and ineffective for:

  • manufacturing enterprises producing B2B goods;
  • enterprises producing goods of mass demand for import.
  • Efficiency of perception. Inscriptions and pictures should be large and bright, as they will not be readable from a distance.
  • The choice of material for the poster. Special papers ( blueback, backlit) are suitable for a short rental period - 1-2 months, vinyl banner canvas - for up to 1 year.

Comparative analysis for specific types of goods

Evaluation of the effectiveness of placement on billboards for two groups of goods: the production of bulky tiles and a mini-farm for breeding chinchillas.

Bulk tiles production

For a manufacturing company that manufactures and sells tiles with a three-dimensional 3D effect, placement on a billboard will be effective under the following conditions:

  • If the target audience is the final consumer. In advertising layouts, you must specify the specific addresses of stores, or contacts of dealer companies.
  • Rent of an advertising structure next to a store or production facility where tiles are sold.
  • Availability of an advertising budget from $ 500 / month.
  • Development of a memorable advertising layout.

Organization of a mini-farm for the production of chinchillas

For such a business, placement on billboards will be ineffective, since the main implementation is carried out in specialized ateliers and pet stores using direct sales methods.

Peter Stolypin, 2013-09-21

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked about the material yet, you have the opportunity to do it first

How to place a billboard?

Installing a billboard by the road

  • there is no need to obtain permission from the municipal authorities to install advertising materials;
  • no need to conclude a contract with the owner of the land plot;
  • there is a ready-made metal frame;
  • the design will fully comply with safety requirements;
  • ensuring timely repairs and maintaining the structure in perfect condition.
  • But, at the same time, your own billboard provides the following opportunities:
  • independently change advertising, if necessary;
  • use both sides of the billboard for advertising;
  • to lease, receiving a certain profit.

If the billboard is located in the immediate vicinity of motorways, which is the case most often, then the approval of the relevant authorities is also required. Attaching a banner on the road brings more and more effect, since it will be seen by both pedestrians and drivers and passengers of passing cars.

If a model development is required, a turnkey shield can be installed. This will provide the following benefits:

  1. development of a layout from professionals;
  2. creating a banner on one of the selected materials;
  3. installation on one or more panels;
  4. maintenance, timely replacement of lighting, repair of obsolete elements or fasteners.

The cost of installing advertising banners over highways directly depends on the materials used, as well as on the side of placement. Of course, if the banner is installed facing the passing cars, then the price will be higher than against traffic. If finances allow, then it is advisable to install billboards on both sides, for greater efficiency. The expenses will fully pay off due to the expansion of the clientele.

We offer the following list of federal laws related to the implementation of advertising activities:

  • Federal Law of March 13, 2006 No.

    Billboard on the road

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ;
  • Federal Law of May 7, 2013 No.

Your own business for renting and installing billboards

Their production requires precision, accuracy and, of course, special equipment. This category allows the consumer to draw attention to the location of various shopping and entertainment centers, manufacturing companies, car dealerships and other commercial organizations. Among other things, advertising structures include non-standard lighting and dynamic installations.

Important nuances In this field of activity, the most serious snag is the coordination of each separate place where the installation of the billboard will be carried out. For its installation on the territory of any settlement, it is required to conclude an appropriate agreement with the administration or the tenant of the land plot. If the billboard is to be placed on a residential building, a written agreement of the tenants is mandatory.

How to make money by renting billboards

This will allow working under a simplified taxation and financial reporting system. However, for large-scale production of outdoor advertising, it is better to choose LLC. Marketing The search for clients begins with drawing up a list of services and a price list.


You should not decide on the price in the process, so to speak for the client, it will show you not on the best side and scare away the customers. At first, it will be difficult to grab a large customer, so focus on a small entrepreneur. The method of good promotion of services will be the provision of installments for a large-scale order, as well as the provision of discounts.

Add free services to the price list. For example, free installation or layout development. Perhaps the cost of these works will be included in the price of the finished product, but the buyer will be attracted by the very fact of free offers. Get creative with your own ads. Let it be your calling card.

How to make money on billboards?

Business on the installation of billboards

That is, not everything is called advertising, what it is. To begin with, you can produce small, maybe not even very expensive, but popular products, and then, expanding the list of equipment, accordingly move on to larger and more expensive outdoor advertising. Before we start Outdoor advertising at every stage of its production allows its manufacturer to earn money: 1. Directly earnings from the production of a finished advertising product, the cost of which, as a rule, is 2 or even 3 times higher than the cost of the initial materials.

2. Installation of outdoor advertising income from the difference between the cost of installing advertising for the customer and the cost of the work of a team of installers. 3.

How to install a billboard in the city

The installation of a billboard must be preceded by many procedures: approvals and permits. But before going through the chain of command, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Nobody will talk to an ordinary individual.

How to make money on outdoor advertising-city-format

The next question in this case will be the advertising creation process itself. Of course, at the beginning you can agree with clients that you will not be engaged in the creation of an advertising canvas. However, this is extremely unprofessional and can scare off potential customers even at the stage of the application.

It would be advisable to hire a person for these matters who knows firsthand various graphic editors and will be able to make the desired layout in the shortest possible time, which, after printing, will be stretched onto a ready-made billboard advertising frame. However, if this option does not suit you, you can study programs such as Adobe Photoshop or the same CorelDRAW yourself. These are powerful graphics programs. They may well help you create exactly the billboard your client wants.

Advertising on billboards is exactly the type of advertising that has a long tradition. There are certain standard sizes of billboards: 3mx6m, 4mx8m, 6mx12m. Advertising on billboards - billboards of the largest size are often mounted on high-speed country roads. Information on them, if properly placed, is visible from afar and is easy to read even at high speed.

Advertising on billboards

Such outdoor advertising is installed in the most crowded places of the city and on the most popular highways of urban and suburban routes, it is designed for drivers, passengers of personal and public transport, and on city streets - also for pedestrians. Advertising achieves the greatest effect when a series of 6 × 3 billboards are placed around the city. Consistently appearing before the eyes of consumers on all key highways creates the effect of repetition, and therefore is well remembered even without any effort on the part of the respondent. By placing the same type of advertising on billboards scattered throughout the city, you will achieve that it will be seen by a large part of the population, and therefore, your chances of attracting new customers will increase many times over.

But you can also use non-serial outdoor advertising on the billboard. This makes sense, because the cost for one carrier and for a series is different at times. Single shields are located on the main roads of the city, on their dividing lanes, as well as at intersections. For companies advertising their products, it is very convenient if they manage to pick up a billboard near the advertised store.

Types of billboards

Typically, 3x6 billboards are double-sided. Moreover, if on the dividing strip of the road the cost of advertising on billboards on both sides is the same, then on the variants facing towards the traffic, it is different for the front and back sides. Here, most of the contacts are on the front side. Therefore, its prices are 30% higher.

We place advertisements on billboards in Moscow and other cities of Russia. According to our data, the greatest demand among advertisers in Moscow is for backbones on such roads and streets as Altufevskoe, Varshavskoe, Kashirskoe, Yaroslavskoe shosse, Volgogradsky, Kutuzovsky, Leningradsky, Leninsky, Ryazansky prospect, on Novy Arbat, Suschevsky Val, as well as on the Garden Ring , The Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road. Very often, customers ask to place advertisements near the metro (or on the walls of the metro itself).

The demand for this type of advertising is always great, and therefore, despite how much it costs to place on a billboard in Moscow, we can offer little free advertising space in the center of the capital. As a rule, the place on such media is assigned to a certain advertiser for many months in advance. However, if you just need to place your advertising materials there, we will still try to offer you acceptable options.

We are a full cycle advertising agency, we have our own production, and therefore we can offer not only the rental of billboards, but also a number of other services. We are ready to make for you the shield itself and the project for it, as well as install it in the right place or dismantle it. In some cases, we may consider offers to buy or sell a billboard network. Since we have a wide selection of places to place such advertisements, you can always choose the advertising medium that suits you.

The most popular places to rent billboards in Moscow:

  • Novy Arbat (advertising on billboards)
  • Leningrad Avenue
  • Leninsky prospect
  • Garden Ring road
  • Third Transport Ring
  • Suschevsky Val
  • Varshavskoe, Kashirskoe highway
  • Volgogradsky, Ryazansky prospect
  • Altufevskoe highway
  • Kutuzov Avenue
  • Yaroslavl highway
  • Near the metro (and in the metro on the walls)

* Details of the action "If you find it cheaper - we will refund the difference"

Everyone knows what noise is. Wherever a person is, he is accompanied everywhere by noise sounds. Natural phenomena (thunderstorm, rain, wind), as well as everything created by man (cars, factories, elevators, railways, metro and other goods), are accompanied by noise effects. Soundproof fences will help to cope with unpleasant decibels.

No one doubts that noise (hum) is the essence of our life and should be perceived as reality. But everything is fine if the noise does not exceed the permissible values. Otherwise, especially the inhabitants of megalopolises, are subject to noise discomfort and, as a result, numerous stresses and illnesses.

If it is impossible to eliminate all noise sources, then it is quite possible to reduce their level to the minimum (optimal) level by using noise-absorbing fences.

Noise features

Irregular vibrations of sound, called noise, are characterized by:

  • amplitude;
  • frequency;
  • sound volume.

The distance to the sound source, humidity, air temperature and even wind have a strong influence on the level of noise that we hear in a room.

Advice! As the distance to the noise source increases, the sound pressure level decreases by 6 dB.

Types of fences


All fences that are designed to combat noise are divided into:

  • sound-reflecting;
  • noise-absorbing;
  • combined.