
What to do with a guy at home original. How to spend a day off with your husband

Where to begin

Helpful Hints

In the modern world, a person feels like a squirrel in a wheel. Many people live by stereotypes and habits that have been established in society.

However, be that as it may, even the busiest person has a little free time during the day.

Have you ever thought about how much interesting things you could do if you used your free time to good use?

Here 10 great ways to spend your free time.

© Alexander Kichigin

This, of course, sounds strange, but why not? Each person is free to decide what to do and how to spend your free time. However, many of us devote too much time to work, which negatively affects our health and the pace of life in general.

But the human body needs time to recuperate after physical or mental stress. He can't work hard all the time.

Therefore, allow yourself at least sometimes the so-called "doing nothing", enjoy the feeling of complete physical and mental relaxation. Try not to think about anything. Know that the state of complete frivolity has a healing effect.

Remember! It is quite normal to do nothing when you have free time during the day.

© DanilNevsky

Healthy and full sleep- this is the most useful state that a person needs. Therefore, approximately 30% of a person's entire life is in this state. As numerous studies have shown, it is Most diseases are caused by lack of sleep..

Therefore, for the normal functioning of the body, it is extremely necessary to get enough sleep, which is what you need to do in your free time. In this case, the duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours. We should not forget about the healing daytime sleep.

Sleep Benefits:

  • Recuperation
  • Recovery of cells of the nervous system
  • Prevention of diseases such as apathy, depression, chronic fatigue
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Speeding up the healing process.

© Billion Photos

Even short meditation during the day, clearing the mind and mind can make a big difference. After all, it helps to look at the problem from the other side, and, therefore, more competently and solve this or that issue.

It is better to indulge in reflection in a calm and relaxing environment, and not, for example, while driving a car, since in such a situation you need to fully concentrate on the process of driving a car (although if you are a passenger, then you have a great opportunity plunge into the power of fantasy).

Take a short break from work to focus on some nice illusion.

Feel the warmth in your body. Imagine how the oxygen you breathe restores every cell of the body, improving the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems. These thoughts will help restore mental and physical balance.

It should also be noted that positive thinking attracts into our lives auspicious events and changes.

© Sergey Nivens

Music is the best way to pass the time and feel rush of pleasant emotions. Today, electronic technology allows you to listen to music almost anywhere and anytime. If you are one of the passionate music lovers, then do not deprive yourself of pleasure listen to your favorite music.

Such a pastime can inspire and motivate a person to work productively.

Each song or melody carries a certain sign, experience or information. Try listening to the positive vibrations of live music.

By the way, it has long been proven that soft classical music can have a great healing effect on the human mind and body.

Reading books has always been a sensible and rewarding way to spend your free time. The human brain is like a theater, as it is full of numerous thoughts and images. With the help of the book, you can plunge into the world that is described in the story or story. You can feel the atmosphere of the era described in the book.

Besides, reading is a great way to develop your mind, which all successful people know about, in whose life, despite the lack of time, there is always a place to read your favorite book. If you still think that reading is an old-fashioned way of self-development, then you are seriously mistaken.

And do not think that books are too bulky and inconvenient to use, because now almost all phones support applications with which you can read any book, not to mention the e-book, which is extremely convenient for reading and storing many books in electronic form. .

© AndreyPopov / Getty Images Pro

For a few simple exercises, there is always a free minute. This is the best thing you can do for your body.

There are many types of gymnastics. One day you can set aside time for breathing exercises, in the other - gymnastics for the eyes, especially for office workers who spend the whole day at the computer.

Know that exercise increases blood flow to muscles and organs. Even five minutes of exercise will make you feel better and cheer you up.

© Yuganov Konstantin

Sometimes very good to get rid of old stuff and unnecessary, and each of us has a lot of such things.

Putting things in order- a great way to deal with negative emotions and even depression, which is proved by numerous studies. Yes, yes, it is the usual housework that helps to distract from obsessive thoughts.

Psychologists say that, parting with old things that remind us of some event (even a joyful and bright one), we say goodbye to the past and thereby open the way to a new bright future.

© studioroman

If you want to not only spend time with benefit, but also get a boost of positive energy, then be sure to organize meeting with friends. A joint walk in the park, a game of volleyball or just friendly gatherings in a cafe will definitely do you good.

© Alena Ozerova

It so happened that in the pursuit of wealth and social status, we often forget about ourselves and those little joys that make life more interesting and eventful. But in vain!

Ordinary going to the hairdresser or spa- a great option to relax after a hard week of work. Men won't give up visits to the bath or sauna.

When boring routine meetings overwhelm her (and yours too) patience, they come to the rescue - tips on how to spend a cool evening with a girl.

So much has already been written on this topic that sometimes you wonder. Guys with Internet access always have a whole network of sites in front of their eyes that advise how to have a date. In all of them there are a lot of options and ideas ... it's not difficult to get confused about what you can and cannot do.

It is important to be able to choose among the abundance of tips those that really create the desired effect.

Fortunately for you, I have selected for you several options for such a pastime. Well, as always, there were additional (but very important) rules that would be very useful.

Plan, but without fanaticism!

Making plans is good. Planning in life is 100% necessary.

But when it comes to a date, the exact plan can play a trick on you.

Girls are insightful creatures. When you have made an accurate date plan, then it is written on your face that you are tense and waiting for something. Every minute of your time you think not about how good you are with a girl, but how soon you will move to another place.

Besides, if you plan everything accurately, then any unexpected turn of events will easily unsettle you.

But “easy” planning is what should always be. Have a rough idea in your head where you will go first, where you will go second, and where if unforeseen circumstances arise (the girl does not want to go to the sushi bar or in the evening the places in any institution will be occupied).

The itinerary is also important.. Not only the places themselves are of great importance, but also how easily you will move between them. If going to a place on the other side of the city is a matter of principle, then try to take the lady there by car or taxi (you can also use public transport, but in this case you risk that the romantic mood will disappear).

Planning is good, of course. But it doesn’t hurt to have a few ready-made ideas on how you can spend an evening with a girl in stock.

Option number 1. At home

So-so option, because girls do not like domestic boys.

True, there is an exception: if until now she has not had a reason to think that you are “home”, then why not spend the evening at home?

The main thing is not to force the girl to watch movies, listen to music or drink coffee. She can do this at home too.

But if, along with the music, you dance with her, and chew popcorn along with watching a movie (playfully hinting that you can’t watch a movie without popcorn),. After all, how confidently you present yourself, it will be so interesting for her to be with you.

Ideal option - cook dinner for two. Find recipes for unusual dishes on the Internet, try to cook them at least once (both for training and in order to appreciate the taste), and then just make an offer you can’t refuse (by the way, this is a good reason to invite a girl home for the first time , though for this dish they really should be unusual).

Such a dinner will have the strongest effect if you have not arranged anything like this until now.

What to do in free time

100 and 1 idea how to have fun together


What to do…


1. Launch paper boats on the water and see whose is faster

swim to the finish line (stone, turn of the river, etc.).

2. Spend the whole day in an amusement park.

3. Write your desires on a piece of paper, cork it in a bottle and let it go


4. If you live in a big city, ride it at night.

5. Learn to cook Mojito (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and

spend the evening talking.

6. Sit on deck and kiss.

7. Write essays on the topic “How will we spend this summer” (the more

time has passed since graduation - the more fun).

8. Learn to bake pancakes by flipping them in the air.

9. Buy a balloon filled with helium, write your

desires and let go to the sky.

10. Look at the stars and talk about the eternal.

In summer

11. Go to the park and fly a kite.

12. Swim at sunset.

13. Swim in the pond after the rain.

14. Look at the shooting stars (mid-August).

15. Let the sunbeams in.

16. Go to the zoo: remember your childhood, feed the animals, and yourself

buy cotton candy.

17. Go to the park and lie on the grass, looking at the sky and guessing what

like clouds.

18. Ride bicycles (rollers) together. It will be doubly fun.

find a tandem bike for rent and master it.

19. Leave for the sea in the middle of the night. 100 and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

20. Have a water pistol fight.

21. Go to the park and rent a boat or catamaran.

22. Get up early in the morning and walk in the dew.

23. Go to the country and eat your favorite berries.

24. Walk in the summer rain.

25. Lie together in a hammock.

26. Go to the lake and watch the sunset, sitting on a wooden pier.

27. Marinate and fry kebabs together.

28. Spend the night in nature (in a hut).

29. Swim naked in the river.


30. Take a stroll through the yellow leaves.

31. Pick up a whole bunch of them and arrange leaf fall.

32. Bake charlotte.

33. Carve a monster in a pumpkin for Halloween.

34. Tell horror stories around the campfire.

35. Jump in puddles.

36. Have an evening of childhood memories by asking each other

queue questions.

37. Ride on a children's swing.

38. Launch a flying flashlight (which is set on fire).

in winter

40. Meet the New Year in an unusual place.

41. Have a winter picnic, decorate it with candles sunk into the holes

In the snow.

42. Make a special cookie for birds and hang it on a walk


43. Arrange One Day of Summer: go to the water park.

44. Roll down a high ice mountain.

45. Making snow angels in the snow. 100 and 1 ideas of what to do with your loved one.

46. ​​Cut paper snowflakes and decorate your apartment with them.

47. Pack and sign gifts for friends for the New Year.

48. Cover yourself with one blanket and watch Ordinary Miracle.

49. Turn off the lights and watch the lights on the Christmas tree flicker.

50. Learn to cook mulled wine.

51. Take a ride on the ice tracks that children roll on


52. Make a snowman.

53. Decorate the Christmas tree and the apartment for the New Year.

54. Go to the skating rink, ride it all day, and then drink tea or

mulled wine from a thermos.

55. Play snowballs. You can even make a snow castle for this.

Ideas that you can implement regardless of the season

56. Jump on a trampoline.

57. Bet a small amount on the victory of his favorite football


58. Blow soap bubbles from the bridge.

59. Attend a hockey or football match.

60. Learn how to make sushi.

61. Learn to eat with Chinese chopsticks.

62. Make a milkshake in a glass beautifully garnished with sugar


63. Give each other funny roles for one day and perform them.

64. Eat with your eyes closed, or feed each other with your eyes closed


65. Lead each other around the apartment when one of you is blindfolded.

66. Shoot a joint video clip.

67. Compose a story together about you (how did you meet, what awaits you

etc.) and print this story in the form of a photo book.

68. Learn how to perform magic tricks and arrange a themed evening.

69. Come up with your own gesture (for example, squeeze your palm tightly three times

another means "I love you").

70. Arrange a shadow theater at home.

71. Shake a tree branch when the half is under it and arrange

leaf fall (snowfall, rain).

72. Meet the sunrise and sunset.

73. Sing a duet in karaoke.

74. Talk about dreams.

75. Go on a picnic.

76. Have a pillow fight.

77. Make popcorn and buy a DVD of a movie you've been

wanted to see.

78. Spend a weekend in the countryside - explore neighboring villages


79. Choose a book that both of you are interested in and read it out loud.

80. Have a romantic dinner.

81. Feed each other pieces of fruit spread on the body.

82. Write a letter to yourself in the future: how do you see your

relationships, your dreams, what you feel now, wishes and so on.

83. Paint each other with gouache. You can draw on the body -

chocolate paste or whipped cream.

84. Arrange a photo shoot for each other.

85. Play first date: take off wedding rings, order

two different tables in a restaurant and meet there "by chance".

86. Come up with a joint poem about you, your relationship or about

how you met.

87. Play chess/checkers/strip fool/wish.

88. Take a shower together.

89. Go for a test drive.

90. Massage each other as instructed (or go to a massage together)

Training courses).

91. Dance funny dances at home (you can do it without music).

92. Play catch-up at the big mall.

93. Fight pretend.

94. Solve the puzzle. 100 and 1 idea of ​​what to do with your loved one.

95. Sing each other a lullaby before going to bed.

96. Make faces and mimic each other (no offense!).

97. Speak only in sign language all day long.

98. Play sea battle.

99. Eating long noodles together (one for two).

100. Go on a healthy eating diet together.

101. Go to a nursing home with homemade goodies or

orphanage with toys.

1. Classics of the genre. Light candles, prepare fragrant tea and talk about everything in the world. In the cycle of life, there is so little time left for spiritual conversations with a loved one.

2. Romantic astronomy. Gaze at the stars with a constellation map or telescope. Dream up, creating your own original combinations of stars.

3. Themed dinner. Try to cook a dish from French or, and then eat a joint culinary masterpiece with a glass of good wine.

4. Evening for body and soul. Find a spa program for two. Aroma massage with essential oils, body wrap with honey, vanilla-scented sauna and delicious tea… What could be better?

5. Photo history. Arrange a creative home photo session. You will need a camera (or a smartphone with a good camera), a tripod, and a creative mood!

6. Back to the past. Review the wedding video and joint photos. These beautiful, bonding moments will remind you how much you love each other and how wonderful it is to be one family.

7. First date again. Imagine that you are two strangers who really liked each other and decided to go to a cafe together. Try not to leave the role for a while. You can rediscover each other.

8. Family portrait. Both pleasant and useful. Such a canvas can encourage the study of the genealogy and the compilation of a family history book for future generations.

9. Reincarnation. In each person lives an unfamiliar and unexpected personality for us. Try to reincarnate into the personality that you always wanted to try on. Dressing up, changing your demeanor, and even creating a new biography will help you with this.

10. Renewal of feelings. Rent a honeymoon suite at a hotel, dress up for the occasion, hire an elite taxi and spend time like newlyweds. May there be only you, love and happiness in the whole world!

Game lovers

1. Evening in the anti-cafe. A great way to change the situation, play enough, have fun and meet interesting people.

2. Game night. Fight on the game console for the title of the best gamer or form a strong team of two fighters. Passing exciting levels will color the evening with vivid emotions.

3. Board games. Start with the classic ones (chess, checkers, backgammon), and then move on to Monopoly, Tower, Battle of the Sexes and a hundred more funny, mystical, serious, logical ones.

4. Dungeons and Dragons. This is an amazing fantasy tabletop role-playing game that you can get lost in for more than one hour. You can search for D&D organizers in your city and simply join the team. Playing on your own will require reading the manual, having character sheets, and a set of dice with a given number of sides.

5. Game store. This is a paradise for gamers. Here you can not only try out a lot of new games that have just appeared on sale, but also replenish your home collection.

6. Puzzles and games on paper. Forgotten, but not lost their relevance, "Tic-tac-toe on an endless field", "Labyrinth", "Sea battle", "Points", "Balda", "Football 8 × 12".

7. Intellectual battles. Discover, for example, the logic game of Go with deep strategic content, one of the five core disciplines of the World Mind Games.

8. Puzzles. Instead of classic puzzles with thousands of elements, you can try to assemble spherical or figured puzzles.

9. Entertainment games. In advance, create a selection of fun games suitable for fun pastime. For example, the popular pantomime game "Crocodile" will charge you with a positive mood for the whole evening.

10. Passage of quests. Original plots, surroundings, interesting tasks, riddles, puzzles and the opportunity to be anyone. Choose any quest you like.

Active and restless

1. Sports event. Go to any sporting event in your city and cheer for any selected team from the bottom of your heart.

2. Step forward. Playing sports is indescribable. Be sure to go for a trial workout in the gym, swim in the pool or try yourself in martial arts.

3. Shopping. As you know, you can walk more than one kilometer through the shopping center. Both useful and pleasant. At the same time, look for gifts for relatives and friends.

4. Dance lesson. Passionate bachata, classical waltz, incendiary salsa, rumba, foxtrot or tango - communicate in body language and have fun.

5. Trying new things. A great date option is to attend a class in a new type of physical activity for you, such as yoga or stretching.

6. Fitness for two. Evening jogging, warming up on simulators, doing stretching exercises and preparing a light dinner together is the perfect plan for an active, healthy and enjoyable evening.

7. Forward with the wind. Go for a bike ride, go rollerblading, or try skateboarding. On the way, you can fly a kite and admire the beautiful scenery. Open up new horizons of possibilities.

8. Dance simulator. If you absolutely do not want to leave the house, then you can plunge into the world of movements with animated dancers to popular music tracks. Move along with your partner, learning dance elements and earning points.

9. Alone with nature. Make an interesting city walking route. Visit places where you have never been before.

10. Picnic. Arrange a camping trip with an overnight stay in a tent under the stars and long conversations by the fire. Let it take only one day, but it will remain in memory for many years.

Connoisseurs of peace and tranquility

1. Rustling pages. Read your favorite books, wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and making hot berry tea.

2. At the peak of calm. Take a thermos, sandwiches, warm blankets and spend the evening on the roof of a high-rise building, watching the boil of life far below.

3. Library evening. Spend time in the library with a cup of coffee. You may be able to get to an evening of poetry or a bard song.

4. Movie night. Find out in advance in which cafe the movie night will be held. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and travel through fictional worlds.

5. Trip out of town. Autumn forest, a secluded house with a fireplace and the two of you. You can walk, fish, take pictures, warm your legs by the fire and enjoy the slow pace of life.

6. Riding lesson. Communication with horses relaxes, relieves stress and brings real happiness. No wonder hippotherapy works wonders.

7. Swimming with dolphins. An evening with these fantastic creatures will give you a real childhood joy and an excellent memory.

8. Feeding the birds. Stock up on bird treats and head to the nearest park. And take a walk, and breathe the air, and make the birds pleasant.

9. Cultural program. An excellent solution for everyone who does not like fuss will be a visit to a performance, opera, ballet.

10. Live music. You can book a table in a jazz club or a blues club. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed.


1. Lead us, Susanin. Make a map of attractions in your city or area. Find as much information as you can about them in advance and take a walking tour in the evening, telling each other about what you have learned.

2. We explore the microworld. Borrow a microscope from friends or acquaintances for the evening. You can make at least fifty discoveries at a time.

3. Be scientists. Conducting chemical experiments or creating your own watercolors at home will bring a lot of fun.

4. Handmade gifts. This can include creating your own, author's candles or a family recipe for one amazing dessert. And the resulting masterpiece can be presented to your loved ones.

5. Taste it. Go to a cafe where you have never been and order a dish from Indian, Japanese, Korean or any other cuisine.

6. Industrial tourism. If you want to know how real chocolate is made, wine or Coca-Cola drinks are made, visit the corresponding enterprise with a tour. It will be really informative and interesting.

7. Focuses. Have an evening of wonders and try some unusual magic tricks or math tricks. You can learn the secrets of magic the day before the joint evening.

8. Learning together. Finally, start learning the foreign language you like. Together it is much more fun and productive.

9. Lectures. An excellent find for the curious will be visiting open popular science lectures, which are often held in higher educational institutions. This also includes chamber meetings with interesting creative people.

10. Origami. The art of origami is the folding of unusual paper figures. For example, on the eve of Halloween, you can try to fold a creepy hand with claws or a gravestone.

extreme lovers

1. Making a tattoo. A romantic adventure filled with adrenaline. The tattoo will become your little, original secret.

2. Change of image. Change the style, hairstyles and hair color in the beauty salon. Look at life in a new way.

3. Rock climbing. The first lesson on the climbing wall can turn into a common passion with subsequent trips to overcome real rocky terrain.

4. Ghostbusters. Spend the night in a place steeped in scary legends and mystical fame. Try to take otherworldly inhabitants on camera and feel the true nature.

5. Two warriors. Play paintball or laser tag - high-tech games taking place in real time and space. Modern weapons, well-equipped training grounds, scenarios of famous computer games and movies will help you unwind and feel like a team.

6. Jailoo tourism. This is a completely new type of tourism, which involves rest in complete isolation from civilization in places where mobile communications do not work and there is no electricity. A good opportunity to test your resourcefulness, endurance and patience.

7. Parkour. Parkour is urban acrobatics. Try to run through the city obstacles, flying over fences and steps, climbing walls and over rooftops. If you are not avid tracers, familiarize yourself with the style in advance and be extremely careful.

8. Overexposure for the animal. Borrow a cat or dog by contacting animal welfare groups. If your house does not have a permanent pet, then for you it will most likely become an extremely spent period, and the animal will be given the opportunity to feel love and care.

9. Ticket to anywhere. Buy tickets for the first train you come across and go to a new city for you. Stay there for at least a few hours, soak up new impressions and come back.

10. Dare. Spontaneously make the decision to participate together in a competition or competition that you have always feared. Get over yourself and get support from a loved one.

How do you spend evenings together?

Childhood is sometimes necessary not only for children, but also for adults. In fact, a little childishness can make a relationship happier and stronger. To fool around with your boyfriend, don't be afraid to be sincere and funny. Start throwing food or have a tickle war. Goof off by taking crazy selfies, playfully teasing and giving each other funny nicknames.


Tune in for childishness

    Embrace your unique personality. To fool around with your boyfriend, stop worrying about what he thinks. Decide to be yourself instead of trying to fit in with a guy. If he doesn't appreciate your authentic personality, he's definitely not worth your time.

    Live in the present. Part of childishness is total immersion in the present moment. Instead of worrying about being funny or saying the right things, focus on having a great time with your boyfriend.

    Be spontaneous. If you just need to do something stupid, do it right now. After all, childishness means letting things take their course. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to hold back. Wake up your funny inner child who doesn't care what others think.

    • If you're sitting by a lake, start splashing!
    • Suggest an impromptu game of hide-and-seek or catch-up.
  1. Don't take everything too seriously. Of course, there are times when you need to be serious, but sometimes you can laugh and fool around. Not every conversation with a guy needs to be deep and emotional. Goofy and carefree interactions are also important for strong relationships.

    • Also, don't take yourself too seriously. It's okay to be stupid sometimes. In fact, it can actually be quite fun!

    Play games

    1. Set up a wrestling match. Challenge your boyfriend or surprise him from behind! Have fun, but keep the fight under control. You don't want to really hurt each other.

      • Pretend you're fighting in a specific fighting style like boxing, martial arts, or sumo. Take turns declaring a fight.
      • If your boyfriend is much stronger than you, set a few rules to even the odds. For example, he can "fight" with one arm behind his back.
    2. Plan a surprise pillow fight. The next time you're lounging on the bed or couch with your boyfriend, grab a pillow and hit him. Before you know it, a full-scale pillow fight will begin.

    3. Throw a dance party. Turn on your favorite songs and rock! You can start a childish couple dance or arrange a dance duel. Don't be afraid to show class with all your hilarious dance moves.

      • Try playing a dance video game together, like Dance Dance Revolution or Just Dance.
      • Watch videos of professional dancers and try to copy their crazy moves. Make your mark on Dancing with the Stars and let the fun begin!
    4. Play with food. When baking cookies in the kitchen with your boyfriend, blow some flour on his nose. After he blows flour back, toss a couple of chocolate chips at him. And let the food battle begin!

      • Play food catching: you toss some gummies or grapes to the guy, and he has to catch them in his mouth.
    5. Start a tickle war. Suddenly provoke a guy in the middle of the movie and start a tickle war! In a few seconds, you'll both be doubled over with laughter.

      • Find his most vulnerable spots. Try the ribs, abdomen, armpits, and even the feet.

    play the fool

    1. Give him a funny nickname. The options are endless. You can choose a nickname that reflects his funny habit, or one that doesn't fit him at all.

      • If your boyfriend is just obsessed with Star Wars, call him Chewbacca.
      • If your boyfriend is very tall, call him Tiny.
    2. Tease him lightly. Playfully banter - flirty and fun. Laugh at one of his quirks, parody him kindly, or give him an ambiguous compliment. Tease in a casual and fun way. His insecurity should not be the butt of your jokes. Stop immediately if he looks upset or asks you to stop. Feeling hurt is definitely not funny.

      • Say something like, "Wow, for someone who lives on instant noodles, you're a pretty good cook."
      • If he laughs insanely, parody him.
    3. Take stupid selfies. Put on the weirdest faces and take lots of selfies. Try recreating famous photos or paintings, or use Snapchat filters to make your photos look even weirder. Then review them together and judge your stupidity.

      • Send your boyfriend one of these funny photos in a few weeks with the caption: "We're so attractive, aren't we?"
    4. Act out a scene from your favorite movie. Turn on the stage, turn down the volume and create your own version of the dialogue. Don't be afraid to be funny, because the dumber the better.

      • For a funny contrast, come up with goofy dialogue for a very tense romantic scene.
      • Use foreign accents to spice up the scene.