
Finishing: step-by-step process with photos and videos. Stages of house finishing work Sequence of finishing the room

Herbs in the garden

If you have built your own house, then, of course, you cannot do without major finishing work. But nowadays, even getting an apartment in a new building does not free you from the need to redo everything or even continue finishing “for the builders” literally from scratch.

In any case, there is a lot of work, so it is impossible to do without their precise definition. Moreover, it will be necessary to draw up not only a list of works, but also to determine their strict sequence. This will help you clearly set current goals and accurately allocate resources, both financial and labor.

When discipline is everything

Strictly speaking, how many objects, houses, there are so many different approaches to finishing. Of course, there are general principles that govern everything. But there are so many nuances that without an accurate understanding of how to overcome them, doing something efficiently and on time becomes almost impossible.

Therefore, we take as a basis the most, unfortunately, common situation in modern times - you buy an apartment in a new building, in which there is practically nothing, only bare walls made of reinforced concrete and some kind of windows, it’s good if they are plastic and well installed.

As a start - analysis

The first point of the plan will necessarily be an analysis of the existing situation:

  • what is the location of the premises;
  • how load-bearing walls are located;
  • drawing up a plan for alterations, moves and creation of new walls, as they say, we work with space;

Helpful advice!
Throughout the entire sequence of finishing work, we advise you to immediately determine the scope of tasks that you can handle yourself, and the tasks that you will entrust to a contractor.
This will significantly discipline the entire course of work.

  • Next, we decide which heating systems will be used and how the water supply will be ensured;
  • the most important point is planning the electrical wiring;
  • then the choice of finishing materials;
  • resolving the issue with the performers.

As a result of the assessment phase, the following decisions are made:

  • we will break down internal walls that do not have a load;
  • we put up partitions;
  • We make self-leveling insulated floors with electric heating;
  • in the bathroom and toilet - tiles, boiler.
  • In the kitchen there is a complete set of built-in furniture.


When a general plan has been developed, we begin to implement the entire sequence, and it can also be considered as a sequence for finishing a wooden house, there are practically no differences, only the selected materials and technologies will introduce their own nuances.

We act strictly step by step

We start, as usual, with the main thing, which will affect all further work.

  • Working on the walls is where you need to focus your attention from the very beginning:
    • here we break down unnecessary walls;
    • we move them, if necessary;
    • We build new ones from metal profiles and plasterboard.
  • At this first level of work, we make sure to insulate the space between the drywall planes.

Helpful advice!
A good rule of thumb is to prepare an estimate for all repairs that need to be done.
We advise you to decide in advance on all the materials and tools that may be needed in the future.
Moreover, divide all materials into basic and auxiliary, and tools into those purchased for permanent use and those that can only be rented for the duration of the work.

  • If you plan not to overwhelm the space and abandon unnecessary doors in favor of arches, then we calculate the openings in advance, choose the shape of the arches and install them.
  • If your toilet and bathroom are separated, we can solve the problem of combining them and making a shared bathroom.
  • At this stage, we will definitely build a scheme for water supply and heat supply - these two systems simply require taking care of future routes for laying pipes.
  • But the electrical wiring should already be completely completed in such a way that in the future, after finishing the walls, you only have to install sockets and switches.
  • Upon completion of this stage of work, we have at our disposal an apartment with a fully planned space, we have determined the size of the openings, all the ways to move around the apartment, all the locations of the doors. We remove garbage.

  • Next, we ensure the apartment’s water supply by laying pipes and installing plumbing, including equipment in the bathroom.
  • If we plan to install heated floors, we decide to abandon radiators and extra pipes.
  • Next comes the floor's turn.
    Everything, including pouring the electric heating system, is carried out according to the methodology for creating such floors:
    • alignment;
    • waterproofing;
    • cement strainer;
    • cable laying;
    • checking and debugging operation;
    • floor filling;
    • finishing treatment.
  • A good rule of thumb is to remove debris after completing each significant stage of work. Now is the time to do this.

Helpful advice!
The market for building materials and related technologies is so large that it is impossible to do without research.
We advise you to read all offers very carefully before making a purchasing decision.
Prices even in neighboring construction supermarkets for the same product can vary by 1.5-2 times.

  • We move on to the walls and wet plaster. Moreover, we follow the rule of applying a layer of gypsum plaster on top of the lime-cement layer, which, we take into account, takes a little longer to dry.
  • We take into account that the windows are already in place, and this is the only element “from the builders” that we accepted from the very beginning. At the same time, we are already installing slopes and window sills ourselves. Here it will be very important to be prudent and, in order to avoid unintentional damage to what has already been done, temporarily close it.

  • Once all the wet work on the walls, floor and ceiling is completed, it’s time for the baseboards and doors.
  • Next we move to the hallway. Again, the floor is now tiles, the walls are wet plaster and the ceiling is suspended.
  • - tiles, suspended ceiling on the ceiling.
  • In the kitchen, a lot is determined by the set of selected built-in furniture. Therefore, we recommend that elements not included in the kit, which you will already purchase separately, be strictly coordinated in texture and design with the kitchen elements.
  • At the final stage we work with furniture, built-in electronic and plumbing equipment. Setting up the lighting.

Helpful advice!
Even if you are extremely prudent and accurate, and some even record each completed stage of finishing with a photo of its completion, you still cannot avoid “feedback”.
You will constantly catch yourself thinking that something should have been done in advance.
And this is a normal course of construction; you shouldn’t blame yourself for being short-sighted.
In this situation, we advise that in order not to spoil what has already been done, just securely protect the results of your work from damage and continue.

Any repair should begin with the production of a design project. Such a project contains data on the floor, ceiling, lighting scheme, furniture arrangement diagram, etc. Such a project can be created within three months, but this time and costs are necessary, because otherwise all the expensive repair work carried out may give a completely different result than we would like. The development of a design project can be extended for a couple of months if redevelopment is planned in the apartment, a change in the location of plumbing or gas equipment, etc. Such changes require approval from the relevant authorities.

Composition of the design project

The process of creating a design project consists of several mandatory stages, which are as follows.

  1. The first step is studying the client's wishes to the future interior, its style, discussion of the main details and the main concept.
  2. Then it is created preliminary design: all the client’s wishes are taken into account when creating a three-dimensional sketch that shows the design solution and the location of the main elements in the room or apartment.
  3. After the preliminary design has been drawn up, they move on to selection of building materials and furniture, and here the specific model of a particular piece of furniture is already indicated.
  4. Then move on to 3D visualization of space and creation of working drawings. The working drawing is created on the basis of a preliminary design, but contains specific details for the builders who will carry out all stages of the work. The author of the completed design project retains control over how his ideas and developments are implemented.

Programs for creating an apartment design project

To draw up a design project, at the visualization stage, designers often use special software with which they can virtually imagine the future design of a room or apartment. In such programs it is easy to change the color of walls, the width of passages, the size of windows, move furniture, change the layout of rooms, etc. Some such programs can ultimately produce a detailed drawing with all the necessary quantities and values ​​for future implementation by specialists.

Let's look at a few examples of such software. It is worth noting that both free and paid programs have been released and are available. Let's look at what their main advantages are further.

Free programs
  • Aston Design- a program that allows you to easily simulate a future room. You just need to set the parameters of the room, as well as the size and location of windows and doors. The program has a huge range of furniture that can be used in it, which can be used when designing bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, etc. When all the parameters have been entered and the furniture has been selected, all that remains is to move it around the room and change the colors of the walls and floor, and then you can clearly see everything that we are trying to see by moving the furniture from corner to corner and from room to room.

    You can send a request for the Aston Design program (Astron Design).
  • Google Sketchup- a program that has two versions at once: paid and free. Interestingly, the free version has a fairly wide range of tools that can be used when creating a project. This program is easy to learn and will be useful for novice designers, but, nevertheless, it gives the opportunity to get excellent results. Some elements can additionally be downloaded on the Internet, where you can find already created interior projects, which can be used by some as a basis.

    Download Google Sketchup from the official website.
  • Sweet Home 3D is a fairly easy-to-learn and use program that contains a lot of textures for floors, walls, doors, windows, furniture and accessories that can be used in a project. Any minimally trained person can quickly master such a program. The result of your design can be easily printed and sent by mail.

    You can download the Sweet Home 3D program (available in several languages, including Russian), and also get acquainted with its capabilities on the official website of the developer.
Paid programs
  • PRO100– a program that has wide functionality for moving pieces of furniture around a virtual room. Each item in this program has its own pop-up menu, which allows you to select some characteristics of the item: color, material, texture, etc. A designer working with this program has the opportunity to view the created virtual interior in seven projections. When a change occurs in one of the project elements, this change is taken into account by other elements.

    More detailed information about the program can be obtained on the official website.
  • Arcon Eleco is a program that is designed mainly for professional architects, but, unlike other paid programs, it is not very difficult to learn, since it does not have an overloaded, intricate menu. The process of creating a project in the program is quite typical for programs of this kind: the dimensions of the room are selected, all the furniture and accessories are placed, the finishing is selected, and then the designer receives three-dimensional models of the room of very high quality, which is why this program is very popular in Europe, where more than 20 people use it 000 specialists.
  • ArchiCAD- a program that is widespread in the circles of architects and designers. With its help, the most complex objects are designed, although it can be used to create projects of any complexity. The program has very high capabilities, which makes it perhaps the most expensive among similar programs. It is worth noting that in addition to the design of the premises, the program makes it possible to maintain all kinds of construction documentation. The video shows a residential building project developed in the ArchiCAD program.

Stages of repair and finishing work

All repair work is carried out in several stages, the main characteristics of which will be given below. It is worth considering a brief sequence of all the work so that the entire order of their implementation will be more clear. So, the main stages of work are as follows.

1. Preparatory work:

  • dismantling work and waste removal;
  • installation of interior partitions, if necessary, as well as all necessary plasterboard structures.

2. Rough finish:

  • ceiling plaster and;
  • laying all cables and wires: internet, etc.;
  • , as well as, if necessary, sound insulation;
  • performing floor screeding;
  • installation of sewer and water pipes;
  • if necessary, moving heating and water supply risers;
  • preparation of pipes and external unit;
  • laying heated floors, if provided;
  • installation of a towel dryer;
  • installing frames for plumbing items that will not stand on the floor;
  • installation of windows and .

3. Finish:

  • laying tile flooring;
  • installation of plasterboard structures or;
  • priming the ceiling and walls;
  • installation of reinforcing mesh on the walls;
  • performing putty on the ceiling and walls;
  • installation of socket boxes;
  • laying ceiling plinth;
  • performing finishing work on the walls;
  • preparatory work for laying flooring.

4. Final stage:

  • final painting of the ceiling and finishing of the walls;
  • laying flooring and skirting boards;
  • installation, lamps and;
  • installation of radiators and towel dryers;
  • installation of all plumbing;
  • installation of air conditioning and underfloor heating controls, if necessary;
  • installation of accessories and decorative elements.

5. Renting the apartment to the owner:

  • removal of all construction debris and tools;
  • cleaning.

It is with dismantling work that the entire process of repairing the premises begins. So, all the old finishing, and this is wallpaper, tiles, various partitions, is removed, preparing the surface for a new coating. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve the maximum amount of dismantling of the old finish, otherwise all further work may not bring the desired result.

Dismantling partitions

Partitions in the apartment can be safely removed, since they, unlike load-bearing walls, do not bear any load, but serve only to divide the space. There is usually a small gap between the partition and the ceiling, which ensures its integrity when the entire building shrinks. This gap is filled with tow, which needs to be removed. After this, the partition itself is dismantled: this must be done from top to bottom. So, for a brick wall, dismantling consists of gradually disassembling it. It is worth paying attention to protecting the floor from falling particles of the destroyed partition.

For this rather dirty procedure, you need to make sure you have gloves, headgear and special clothing to avoid injuries and negative effects on health. It is better to put construction waste on a cart or something similar, since garbage bags often break under the weight of the old floor covering. To dismantle a tiled floor you will need a sledgehammer and a chisel, but for a wooden floor you will not need to use as much force. If the floor covering does not need to be replaced, it must be carefully sealed to prevent damage.

To dismantle the door block, you must first start with the door, which is not so difficult to remove. It will be more difficult to remove the door jamb from the wall, especially since it can be installed in a load-bearing wall. After the door block is removed, the doorway can be changed in size depending on the parameters of the new jamb. If replacement of windows and doors is not expected, then you need to carefully remove the cracked paint, preparing the surface for applying a new coating.

Plaster is removed from the walls layer by layer, starting from the top of the wall. The wallpaper is torn off in pieces, and those that are firmly attached to the wall are soaked and removed using a spatula. Paints and enamels that are used to cover the ceiling can be removed with a spatula, starting from the places where cracks have formed, or you can simply wash it off until a layer of putty appears.

When all dismantling work is completed, you can proceed to the installation of new partitions in accordance with the prepared project. Partitions can be made of various materials: plasterboard, etc. All these materials have their pros and cons, but in most cases, each partition requires leaving a small gap between it and the ceiling, which is necessary in case the building shrinks.

Types of interior partitions

Naturally, a screen or a sliding door can serve as an interior partition, but many still prefer stationary partitions, which can be of different types. It is them that will be discussed further.

Review of stationary interior partitions made of various materials

Brick interior partitions

Such partitions are very often erected in modern apartments, including in bathrooms. The reason for this popularity is the advantages of brick, which consist in its moisture resistance and high ability to. However, brick is not without its drawbacks: for example, the construction of brick partitions requires a lot of time compared to interior partitions made of plasterboard and foam blocks, and also have significant weight.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs

Suitable for use in any room and under any conditions. Their advantages include fire resistance, moisture resistance, breathability, and environmental friendliness. Partitions of this type are relatively easy to install, and inside such partitions you can hide, for example, an electrical cable if the partition is single, and even a sewer or water pipe if it is double.

Foam block partitions

Such partitions are a type of concrete partitions, and therefore have such properties as fire resistance, high thermal and sound insulation ability, and excellent load-bearing capacity. The negative side of this type of partition is its low air permeability, but it is no less popular in use, since it is now considered the best solution for organizing interior partitions. Such partitions are strong and strong enough even to hang a kitchen, TV, loaded shelves, etc. on them.

Glass block partition

This type of partition is useful for unusual design ideas. The glass for such partitions is quite strong and has a width of up to 10 mm, and can also be decorated with any pattern, which makes it invaluable for creating an interesting design. In addition to design, the advantages of such a material include their heat and fire resistance, strength and reliability, as well as the ability to transmit light, which other types of partitions cannot do. Naturally, you cannot nail shelves to such a partition and lay electrical wiring in it.

Plasterboard partitions

Such partitions are often used to create frame structures. Due to the fact that drywall itself does not have sufficient strength, it is attached to a finished metal frame. With a small mass of such a partition, it has good soundproofing properties, it is vapor-tight and fire-resistant. Drywall, however, has some disadvantages: for example, it is not very durable, breaks easily, and can become saturated with moisture and become deformed. If you need to attach something to such a partition, you need to remember that it cannot withstand a lot of weight, and it is better to attach some structures to a metal frame.

Wooden partitions

Such partitions may differ in design, but they are all natural and have properties such as strength, good sound insulation and thermal insulation. But, in addition to these positive characteristics, wooden partitions have several disadvantages: they are able to absorb moisture and do not withstand fire well.

After installing all the necessary partitions, you should move on to plaster. Most often, gypsum plasters are used for this. When performing such work, you should carefully approach the process of applying and drying the plaster layer. So, a layer 6 cm thick can dry from 15 to 20 days, depending on the temperature. You should not use several layers, and especially, even if this is necessary, do long intervals between applying layers of plaster. Although it takes a long time to dry, it hardens quickly, which can cause the plaster to simply break off in pieces after the repair is completed and with a slight vibration effect on the walls due to the fact that its adhesion to the previous layer is very weak. Therefore, it is better to apply the plaster in only one layer, or, if absolutely necessary, apply the first layer evenly with slaps, and immediately after that move on to the second.

Plastering work can be done manually or using special equipment.

Machine plaster

Machine plastering is performed using a special plastering machine in which the solution is prepared and with which it is applied to the walls. The main advantages of this method are the high quality of the prepared solution, the simultaneous application of it to the wall, which allows you to obtain high-quality results, the speed of work, and the price, which is a third lower than manual work. Machine plaster will be useful mainly for those rooms that have a large area, standard non-relief shapes, and where a distinctive aesthetic effect is needed.

Hand plastering

Hand plastering requires the use of hand tools such as a putty knife and trowel. This type of plaster takes much longer to complete than mechanical plaster, but it is what is most often needed in small rooms, apartments, and other premises, especially if they have a rather complex surface: they have columns, etc.

All work on the installation of the water supply system is carried out simultaneously. These works require a clear understanding and idea of ​​where each piece of plumbing should be located. Naturally, this stage of repair work also assumes the presence of all plumbing products that must be installed. Also at this stage, water supply and sewerage pipes are laid.

After all plastering work is completed, water supply and sewerage equipment is installed, you can move on. In most cases, this stage is for newer and more advanced models. Also, sometimes shut-off valves can be installed near the battery, which will make it possible to regulate the flow of the body, saving money, resources, and creating a comfortable microclimate.

It is worth noting that when other finishing work is carried out, the batteries may have to be temporarily removed.

As for, for example, installing a heated floor in a bathroom, it is advisable to carry it out at the stage of screeding the floor.

When the main elements of the air conditioner begin to be installed, it is necessary to clearly know where it will be located and what type of air conditioner will be installed. This stage involves the installation of equipment such as an external unit, drainage system, air conditioning lines, etc. However, the internal units are installed during the finishing process.

Immediately after plastering work, almost at the same time as the installation of plumbing, they are carried out. Here you need to clearly know where and how many sockets and switches to install; you also need to know the number and location of the main consumers of electricity. After this, all this is done regarding the load on the electrical network and the wiring is installed according to a certain scheme.

The procedure for performing electrical installation work

It is very important to carry out the installation of electrical wiring after plastering the walls. Indeed, in this case, the accuracy of the location of switches and sockets increases, future finishing is not damaged, and the chance of damaging electrical wiring is also reduced. In addition, it is thanks to the execution of electrical installation work after plastering that there is a chance to correct some miscalculations without resorting to destruction of the already completed plaster.

It is worth emphasizing the importance of an accurate representation of the future interior of the room or apartment, so that you can know exactly where the sockets will be needed, because when they are installed thoughtlessly, this often leads to not entirely pleasant results. Therefore, you need to draw up a plan in advance for the location of all sockets and switches, and then discuss it with a specialist in order to agree on some details or eliminate possible miscalculations. After the layout design has been agreed upon, it is necessary to make a working electrical design, according to which the rough electrical installation work is carried out. They consist of laying wiring, installing socket boxes and an electrical panel. But all other elements, sockets, switches, lighting fixtures, are installed after all finishing work has been completed.

Floor screeding is carried out after all plastering work has been completed and communications have been installed. Screed is necessary, which are needed at the stage of finishing the room. There are a lot of requirements for performing such work, which include the nuances of performing the work, the materials used, drying time, etc.
There are several types and methods for laying floor screeds. We will consider them further.

Types and methods of applying screed

Wet method of concrete screed

This is by far the most common method. This screed is carried out using a very liquid sand-cement mixture, which can also be reinforced with a metal mesh for additional strength. The thickness of the screed layer made in this way is usually about 3 cm. This is a cheap and reliable method, which, unfortunately, is not without its some shortcomings:

  • drying time (for certain finishing materials – up to 30 days),
  • possibility of deformation and cracking,
  • obtaining an uneven surface,
  • possibility of water passage.

This method can be used to reduce the cost of work, but now it is gradually being abandoned.

Dry floor screed

This method is increasingly used by modern specialists, and most often in private homes. This screed eliminates the use of any wet processes, which is its main advantage. When arranging it, gypsum fiber sheets and glue are used. However, this method also has disadvantages, the main ones being the cost of the work, as well as the need to wait for the so-called maturation of the floor.

Semi-dry floor screed

This method is the most affordable in terms of price and quality of work performed. The main advantage is the ability to begin laying finishing materials on the floor 10-14 hours after the screed work has been carried out. This screed is performed using a semi-dry solution with polypropylene fiber. The result is a smooth surface that is resistant to cracks, deformation and other damage.

Mechanical floor screeding

The peculiarity of such a screed is that the solution for it is prepared in a special apparatus, which, after its preparation, is passed through a hose to the place where the screed needs to be poured. Such a screed quickly becomes strong: so, already on the fourth day you can carry out finishing work. The screed makes it possible to obtain a flat surface, and the mechanical screed is well suited for large rooms of simple geometry - in them the screed can be completed very quickly.

Plasterboard works

The work is usually carried out after the screed has dried well and settled. An excellent option for use in many rooms, especially in, is moisture-resistant drywall. Next we will dwell on specific types of drywall and their characteristics.

Types of drywall and its properties

The following main types of drywall are distinguished:

  • wall: its thickness is 12.5 mm, it is used very often for wall cladding, as it makes it possible to create a smooth surface without plaster. It is also used for arranging partitions, and sometimes for cladding the ceiling;
  • ceiling: used in ceiling cladding, especially when it is planned to use suspended ceilings. Its thickness is 9.5 mm to facilitate the ceiling structure;
  • arched: the thickness of this drywall is even smaller - 6.5 mm. It is used to create arched structures of various sizes.

Drywall is also divided depending on the place of use according to a number of characteristics. Thus, there is moisture-resistant plasterboard, which is practically unable to absorb moisture, and is often used in bathrooms and kitchens, fire-resistant, which is recommended for use, for example, in the area near the fireplace.

All types of plasterboard have such positive properties as thermal insulation, good sound insulation, environmental friendliness, and the ability to carry out clean, “dry” construction work using it. Partitions made from plasterboard can be subjected to any finishing work; plasterboard bonds well with almost any material.

Disadvantages of drywall

Despite all the advantages listed above, it is important to note that drywall also has some disadvantages. Thus, the main disadvantage of plasterboard structures is their low durability and inability to withstand heavy loads and impacts, which manifests itself in the inability to attach a medium-heavy cabinet, etc., to such a wall. This makes drywall impossible to use in some areas. Over time, cracks may form on drywall due to exposure to vibrations and displacement of sheets relative to the joints.

Drywall also causes some difficulties in installation and the need for a special approach, especially for ceiling structures.

The use of drywall is also associated with a decrease in usable area: metal frames take up space and reduce the height of rooms. By the way, rodents can grow in the space between two sheets of drywall and mold can also develop. It is worth noting the low breathability of plasterboard, which affects the microclimate of the room and calls into question its use by people with respiratory diseases. Drywall is hygroscopic, and therefore can become deformed over time when exposed to humidity.

All these qualities of drywall make it not the material that is used in elite-class repairs, since very often its behavior in certain conditions cannot be predicted. Although, the popularity of such designs remains at the same high level.

They must be done as carefully and carefully as possible, since it is the quality of its installation that largely determines the overall impression of the repair. Naturally, the finished tile covering directly depends on the quality of the tile itself, which is almost impossible to predict - its quality becomes known only when the time comes to lay it, and it finally arrives at the work site.

It is worth noting that the most difficult thing to lay is tiles that have a complex pattern and various decorative elements: the more such elements, the lower the quality of installation and the higher the complexity. It is also more difficult to lay tiles that are elongated in length.


As for ceilings, painting work begins with priming the surface, installing a painting corner and sealing the seams between sheets of drywall. Then they move on to gluing the fiberglass and priming it, puttying and sanding the ceiling, which can be done in two stages. All painting work on the ceiling is completed by painting it.

Usually, the installation of plumbing begins after all the facing work has been completed: bidet,. Sometimes, when the intended design requires it, some of the facing work is carried out after installing the plumbing. So, sometimes it is necessary to lay tiles exactly along the edge of a shower stall or bathtub.

When installing, which is also included in the list of plumbing installation works, it is important not to scratch the chrome parts, so you need to use special tools. You should also not forget about the need to seal the joints of sanitary ceramics with cladding.

It is best to start laying flooring when all other finishing work has been completed, i.e. It is better to use the floor covering to complete all stages of finishing. The same applies to doors, as well as stairs, which are provided for installation by the project.

Each type of flooring has a number of requirements for their implementation. So, for example, on foamed polyethylene, and parquet requires laying on a concrete screed covered with plywood, after which all the necessary painting work is carried out, upon completion of which the coating itself is laid, fastening it to the plywood with nails. To avoid getting dirty, it is usually covered with paper or cardboard on top.

Finishing work

Such work includes all finishing work that involves decorating the finishing of the room. In addition to the painting work itself, finishing work also includes work on applying complex decor to walls and ceilings. So, it is this stage that involves performing Venetian plaster, applying texture paint, and others. After all the painting and finishing work has been completed, they begin to complete the installation of electrical equipment that began earlier. Thus, this stage involves the final arrangement of sockets and switches, as well as the installation of various types of lighting fixtures: lamps, chandeliers, sconces, etc. At this stage, various electrical appliances are also connected.

Repairing and finishing an apartment is a voluminous, multi-stage process based on strict adherence to the sequence of stages of construction and finishing work and appropriate technologies. It cannot be said that work is divided into mandatory and less important. All of them are interconnected - mistakes and non-compliance with the technologies of previous works are sure to affect subsequent cycles according to the “domino principle”.

The section presents stages of apartment renovation and technologies of construction and finishing works, used by "Author's Repair" masters.

Preliminary stage

Design project development

The beginning of a major overhaul begins with finding out the details, the wishes of the customer and going to take measurements of the future object of work. Based on the data obtained, work is carried out to create a design project package: starting from the general plan, arrangement of furniture, plumbing, ending with technical details in the electrical project.


After approval of the design project, a technical analysis, work estimate and specifications for finishing materials are drawn up. It happens that customers come to us with a ready-made design project. In such cases, we limit ourselves to drawing up detailed estimates.

Supply of building materials

After signing the contract, the first stage of apartment renovation begins - the purchase and delivery of building materials. Usually we take responsibility for supplying the site with construction materials, using the services of large wholesale organizations that have been proven over the years and provide us with good discounts. In order to quickly complete the work, the supply and types of materials are tied to each stage of rough repairs and finishing.

The customer can also take on the function of delivering finishing materials according to a pre-agreed plan. This is not important. But this scenario occurs very rarely in our practice for a simple reason - everyone minds their own business.

Rough stages of apartment renovation

The rough stages of apartment renovation include dismantling, assembly, plastering, concrete work, as well as laying basic electrical and plumbing communications. Below are the sequence and technologies for major apartment renovations.

Preparatory stage

According to the approved redevelopment plan, at the preparatory stage of the rough renovation, work is carried out to demolish interior walls, seal interpanel joints and other seams, and remove built-in cabins along with screed in bathrooms. The latter take place in apartments of standard new buildings. This is followed by cleaning the premises, storing and loading construction waste into a pre-prepared container.

Now comes the turn of marking new interior walls. There are often cases of minor corrections due to various technical reasons that may occur during the work process.

Construction of interior walls

The next stage of apartment renovation is the construction of interior walls. Depending on the design features of the future interior and the technical characteristics of the room, internal walls are built from the following materials:

  1. red building brick;
  2. tongue-and-groove gypsum board;
  3. foam block brick;
  4. construction made of Knauf profiles and plasterboard.

Of the above, the most preferable option is, of course, classic brickwork, which can withstand any wall cabinets and structures. However, due to its considerable weight, masonry from building bricks is not always acceptable.

The second and third numbers in terms of strength and weight are walls made of tongue-and-groove walls, followed by those made of foam blocks. The lightest and least durable walls are made from plasterboard construction. The latter are justified in old houses with wooden floors, as well as in combined versions with more durable materials to create complex design forms. Each option has its own technology and professional nuances.

In parallel with the construction of interior partitions, plumbing distribution units for the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen are being assembled. The main goal of the first part of the plumbing work is to make the basic layout of water supply and sewer pipes for bathrooms in conditions of free access.

Plastering works

This stage of apartment renovation refers to leveling plaster for walls, window and door slopes. Plastering work is carried out in compliance with the following sequence:

  • markings for beacon profiles;
  • priming walls;
  • installation of a beacon profile;
  • plastering walls, slopes.

Plasterboard walls cannot be plastered.

Plastering the ceiling and installing suspended and tension structures are carried out only after electrical cables, ventilation and other communications have been installed on the ceiling.

Wiring of electrical communications, plumbing work

The following activities include to the most crucial stage any major repairs - installation of heating radiators, laying and wiring of electrical cables, low-current wires. The latter includes grounding cables, TV, Internet, telephone, alarm.

Before laying cables, the output of switches and sockets is marked on the plastered walls. Next, work is carried out on grooves, holes for cables, socket boxes, distribution boxes, and a built-in electrical unit is installed.

Depending on the purpose, different cables are laid to the points indicated on the electrical design as follows (a short example is given):

  • an electrical cable with a cross section of 3/1.5 mm is laid according to the wall (from the distribution box to the switching point) - ceiling (to the lighting point);
  • The 3/2.5mm electrical cable is designed to power electrical outlets and is routed slightly differently: wall (socket point) - floor - wall (electrical panel point with circuit breakers). This cable is also used for connecting distribution boxes intended for node connection of a group of sockets or switches

According to SNiP standards, more powerful dedicated power cables are laid for each unit of electrical appliances: hob, oven, electric grill. In order to protect against mechanical damage, all cables are packaged in a non-flammable corrugated pipe sheath and laid in neat cables in special clips. The latter are fixed to the floor and ceiling at the beginning of electrical installation work.

Upon completion of basic electrical work, all grooves and holes in the walls are sealed with gypsum mortar, and circuit breakers are assembled and connected in the main electrical panel. A detailed plan for the location of all cables is drawn up

At the technical stage of apartment renovation, wiring work is also carried out - welding water and sewer pipes, installing, connecting and checking the tightness of connection points on heating radiators.

Ceiling plaster

The next step is plastering the ceiling. This is a classic method of rough finishing the ceiling if you plan to install gypsum cornices, ceiling rosettes and ornaments in the future. Here it is worth focusing your attention on one feature in plastering technology. For the purpose of insurance against various kinds of misunderstandings, plasterers of the company "Author's Apartment Repair" work in the following order:

  1. priming the ceiling;
  2. fastening with a gap of 3-5mm galvanized metal mesh;
  3. installation of beacon profiles;
  4. plastering the ceiling with gypsum mortar.

In this case, metal mesh serves as an excellent means both for reinforcing the plaster layer, which during leveling the ceiling can reach up to 5 cm, and for customers’ confidence in their safety.

In addition to plaster, suspended structures made of plasterboard, panels, and suspended ceilings are widely used, both in mixed and individual versions.

Installation of concrete screed, waterproofing

Pouring the concrete screed and waterproofing the bathrooms is the final stage of the rough renovation. A primer liquid is applied to the floor, cleared of construction debris and dust. Next, all the cracks are closed with a waterproofing composition based on Vodostop cement.

Now comes the turn of pouring concrete screed along the beacons. In order to lighten the load on the interfloor floors, expanded clay is added to the screed. The mixed expanded clay concrete mortar is distributed onto a pre-installed reinforcing metal mesh and pulled out using a “rule” (a 2-meter ruler made of a light alloy) along the beacons. After a day, the surface of the concrete screed is covered with dense polyethylene to ensure uniform setting of the concrete mass, as well as to protect the screed from possible debris from subsequent puttying work.

Waterproofing the floor in the bathroom and toilets is carried out after the screed has completely dried. The surface of the screed is first primed and then coated with a coating waterproofing polymer. Coating waterproofing is applied with a brush with intermediate drying between layers. At this point, the rough stages of the repair are completed.

The final stages of apartment renovation

The finishing stages include painting and commissioning work, laying tiles, flooring, installation of plumbing fixtures, electrical equipment, lighting and interior doors. As previously noted, compliance with technology, sequence of rough stages of major repairs directly affect the apartment’s readiness for final finishing.

Installation of ceiling cornices

Before starting puttying work, ceiling cornices are installed. Here it is worth paying attention to the right choice of material: gypsum or polyurethane. The former are more expensive, the latter are an order of magnitude cheaper, but over time they “dry out”, due to which decent gaps form at the connecting joints. There are no such problems with gypsum cornices.

Plastering walls and ceilings

Before finishing puttying, you need to decide: should you prepare the walls and ceiling for wallpaper or painting? This is an important question, because for Each type of finish uses its own types of putty:

  • for painting - polymer putty "Shitrok";
  • under the wallpaper - gypsum putty "Pufas", "Uniflot".

At this stage of repair, the walls and ceiling are prepared for the chosen option. The pre-plastered surface is sanded and primed. When applying the first putty layer, a reinforcing painting mesh is simultaneously laid, protecting the thin layer of putty from microcracks.

Depending on the purpose, further putty technologies are divided:

  • for areas to be painted, fiberglass fabric "Gossamer" is additionally used;
  • under the wallpaper - we limit ourselves to a painting mesh, on which 2 more layers of putty are applied."

Putty surfaces are sanded with fine sandpaper and dusted with primer impregnation.

Installation of bathtubs and inspection hatches

Before laying the wall tiles, an inspection hatch of the appropriate size is installed under the tiles. The hatch is fixed into the wall hole in such a way that there is unobstructed access to distribution taps, water purification filters, etc. and at the same time, the contour of the hatch coincided with the seam between the tiles.

At the same stage, a bathtub with a connection to the sewer is installed. There is pre-laying of floor tiles here, but only for the area under the bathtub. Subsequently, the bath parapet is covered with wall tiles. The dividing seam between the tiles and the bathtub is filled with waterproof sealant with a selected shade to match the color of the tile grout.

Laying floor and wall tiles

The process of laying tiles begins with the walls. The necessary measurements are taken to center the tile seams, and the most important places are marked. Next, along the perimeter of the walls below, with one tile step from the floor, guides from the PN 27/28mm profile are fixed, acting as a support for the first row of tiles.

Wall tiles are laid from bottom to top. The bottom row remains empty on the walls. It is laid last after laying the floor tiles. Note: laying floor tiles in bathrooms, hallways and kitchens is carried out taking into account the common horizon with other floor coverings - parquet, parquet boards, laminate.

Laying parquet boards

To lay a certain type of parquet board, an additional backing in the form of plywood is required. The latter is cut into 80/80cm squares or bought already cut, glued to the floor, with additional fasteners in the form of dowel nails. After sanding, the deck assembly of parquet boards is carried out on plywood and glued to the base. Possible excess glue is removed using white spirit.

To move to the next stage, areas of parquet boards and floor tiles are covered with hardboard sheets. The joints of the hardboard sheets are sealed with self-adhesive masking tape.

Final stage: painting, wallpaper, doors, commissioning

We have reached the final stage of renovation and finishing of apartments. In fact, painting work and, partly, wallpaper are an excellent catalyst for previous work on plastering and puttying walls and ceilings. All shortcomings, “jambs”, if they were previously admitted, are clearly visible after painting or pasting the walls with thin wallpaper.

To prevent such troubles, during plastering and painting work we use 500W floodlights. The spotlight's light is directed along the work area, showing all possible recesses, irregularities and bulges, which are removed in a timely manner. Using this simple but effective method, you can achieve almost ideal results.

After painting and wallpapering, interior doors, floor plinths, sockets and switches, household electrical equipment and lighting fixtures are installed.

At the same time, the installation and connection of plumbing equipment is carried out:

  • shower cabin;
  • toilets;
  • bidet;
  • shells;
  • faucets,
  • water heated towel rails.

In conclusion, the hardboard is removed from the floor, general cleaning is done and garbage is removed. This completes the major renovation of the apartment. After the customer accepts the work object, the acceptance certificate and warranty obligations are signed. The guarantees come into force from the moment the acceptance certificate is signed and are valid for 3 years.

Compliance with the sequence of work stages is the key to successful repairs!

ElenaRudenkaya (Builderclub expert)

Good afternoon.

Svetlana, you are absolutely right that for finishing work you need to hire specialists, and high-class ones at that. All finishing work is on the surface and visible to the owners. Ironically, there is usually little money left for these works and materials, and this is where people begin to save. My personal opinion is that correct, high-quality, clean execution at this stage is very important. Builders need to be supervised day and night or a foreman must be paid well to keep an eye on the workers.

Exterior and interior finishing work can be carried out simultaneously, that is, a team of 6 people can complete the work in parallel. Although this will be more expensive, it will be faster.

External finishing includes plastering under the mesh and painting the facade, as well as finishing the base (usually clinker tiles, stone tiles, etc.) polymer tiles,resin based tiles,fake diamond, slate, PVC panels, various plasters).

I recommend making a blind area in the first year after building a house, since sedimentary water can greatly soak the foundation. It’s better to make the blind area first, and then start finishing. After exterior finishing, take care of the drainage system and drainage immediately.

Before any finishing work begins, partitions and entrance doors are installed in the house, at least temporarily. As for the interior finishing of a private house, all interior finishing work begins after the subfloor has been created, electrical wiring has been installed, heating and plumbing have been installed. That is, a rough floor screed is produced. To do this, the main utilities are installed: an electrical cable is pulled into the house, pipes for water supply and sewerage pipes are pulled, and diesel fuel is supplied if there is no gas pipeline in the house. The source of water supply can be central water supply systems, boreholes or wells. When all the necessary communications have been made, the floor is covered with expanded clay (or half sand and then expanded clay), on top of which a rough concrete screed is poured. Or EPPS is laid over the pipes and a rough screed reinforced with a mesh of 100x100 mm and a wire thickness of 3-4 mm is poured.Next, all utilities are laid and installed. At this stage of finishing work, walls are tapped, electrical cables are laid, and sockets for sockets and switches are prepared. A special heat-retaining material isolon is spread over the rough screed, covered with a special mesh and heated floor pipes are laid. Place the beacons and fill the floor with a self-leveling mixture. They extend pipes to all heating radiators and bring pipes with a heating cable from the water supply into the house. They cut and lay out hot and cold water supply pipes, lay internal sewerage pipes and lead to a septic tank or pit. In this case, it is necessary to know in advance the layout of the kitchen and bathrooms, with all the furniture and plumbing fixtures.

1. It is most convenient to start interior finishing work from the ceiling. Because in any case, something will “blur” or fall somewhere, and then you will have to clean the surface or even redo it again.

Attention: At this moment, tiles are laid on the walls or the walls are painted.

2. Floor finishing. It should be immediately noted that the finishing floor covering is laid at the very end, after all finishing is completed, so as not to accidentally damage it during all the work.

The choice of flooring depends on what the floor will be, concrete or wood. So, any floor coverings are suitable for concrete floors, from ceramic floor tiles to parquet. But for wood, there are certain restrictions on materials. To finish them, you can use solid boards, parquet, laminate, linoleum. Such limitations are associated with the design of the wooden floor and the technology of laying floor coverings. Of course, you can even lay ceramic tiles on a wooden floor and install a “warm floor” system, but the reliability and durability of such a design will be in question.

3. The last stage of work after finishing the ceiling is finishing the walls of a private house. This applies to wallpapering.

This is approximately how everything should happen. Ask.
