
Hype projects. Trustworthy projects for investment

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Every year, investors in HYIP projects have the same exclamations and questions: “there is a crisis, the HYIP industry is falling apart and dying, there are a huge number of outright scammers, monitoring is not needed,” and the like. In this article we will try to voice what happened and what awaits us, what hype projects will be in 2016 and what we can hope for this year.

Of course, hype programs will not escape us. Just as there were outright scammers, so they will be. This also applies to worthy long-lived hype projects that will be created and delight us with the opportunity to receive a stable profit. Gradually, the quality of HYIP programs is improving and the number of truly powerful HYIP projects is increasing. However, the last few years have indeed seen a certain turning point in the hype industry, which is caused by several factors. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Rapid growth of technology

Previously, an investment fund could only be created by teams or truly advanced and smart people. Today, as a result of the availability of technology, almost every person, any of them, even a schoolchild, can create and run their own program right on their phone. What then can we say about computers, which have thoroughly entered the life of almost every family. Of course, the quality of such projects is poor and many of them are closed after receiving money for small needs.

The huge influx of such low-quality projects has put most investors at risk. If the HYIP program could function for years, while the first round could be completed in any HYIP project, then the presence of such money collections scared away the old ones and continues to alarm potential investors.

Closing of the Liberty Reserve payment system

Liba or Liberty Reserve at one time was the main payment system in HYIP projects, so its scam removed not only the majority of large investors, but also smart administrators, which significantly affected the quality of many HYIP programs. Also, during one period, many long-lived working HYIPs ceased to exist and the operating time of other programs decreased.

The appearance of the Hitrans

These are investors who, at the start of a HYIP program, try to enter big and then exit after a short time. Previously, there were few such investors, but fast scams taught this method to many hypers. As a result, this provoked the abandonment of many good hype programs at the start of their activities, as well as a shortening of their existence.

Prospects for HYIPs in 2016

Despite the above information, today everything is gradually being restored and let’s hope that the new HYIPs of 2016 will be safer and stronger:

  • firstly, many reliable electronic payment systems have appeared;
  • secondly, each investor has developed his own system of rules against scammers and has become more selective and careful when choosing an investment fund;
  • thirdly, the quality of HYIP projects is enhanced by unique technical data and good content. This is competition and certain financial waste of the administration, so many scammers definitely lose.

Well, potential investors will continue to look only for the best HYIP projects of 2016 and at the same time receive a stable income. To minimize the possible risk of loss of capital when investing, when choosing a particular fund, you should monitor the 2016 HYIP monitoring, which will set the 2016 HYIP rating.

Greetings! Friends, I simply cannot remain silent today, because a very large number of people in the field of high-yield investing have recently been talking about a large number of scams, and that the HYIP industry is more unstable than ever. In this regard, I have decided to work with you to understand what changes are needed in investment strategies so that they are relevant and in line with the latest trends in the market. I suggest you in detail study HYIP marketing, evaluate development prospects, talk about the intricacies of monitoring hyip projects and study the best and most reliable HYIPs of the outgoing year. Ready for the next couple of hours become cool analysts and make a forecast - what will happen to the hyip sphere in the very near future? If yes, then we begin!

I would like to start with a short introduction and remind you that in recent years, every summer has become a harbinger of another crisis in the high-yield investment industry, the absence of any prospects in this sector and its very imminent collapse. Industry dynamism makes you treat some changes with caution, while others with delight. So let’s finally decide how we should regard hyip project scams: as another crisis or as the specifics of working in this area?

What are scams in HYIPs?

Tell me, dear friends, can the closure of reliable projects with stable payments be considered the first bell foreshadowing the imminent disappearance of the hyip industry as a whole? Personally, I think not. After all, even the most popular and high-quality HYIPs, long-lived ones who pay, are not at all immune from tomorrow’s closure. It is for this reason that investors and administrators must always be able to “ combat readiness" Since there is no way we can avoid scams in the project, we just need to learn to adapt to this phenomenon.

It’s a completely different matter when more and more cheap hypes spring up on the market like mushrooms after rain. In principle, the cheapness of such projects immediately indicates that hyip does not plan to work for a long time, and they created it only in order to quickly earn money. I won’t surprise experienced hypers with this news, but I’m sure that I will somewhat disappoint a newbie. Quite often, new investors, after working with fast scammers, lose confidence in this type of income and simply leave the market. That's why I encourage everyone do not believe overly attractive offers, promising mountains of gold and rivers of milk. Swipe thorough monitoring hype projects, analyze and evaluate those that you like the most, and only after you feel that this is a reliable hyip, join!

In addition to beginners who are just starting to make their own, study and delve into the topic, study educational articles and actively communicate with experienced investors, there is also a category of people who treat hyip projects as a kind of deposits. Moreover, I can conditionally divide the investors of this group into those who simply lose their money and leave the market, and those who start cheat. Moreover, the more second ones there are in the project, the higher the likelihood that the hyip will close in the very near future.

Don’t think, I in no way want to blame investors for the fact that it is their fault that HYIPs are closed. I just I want you to understand the principle of operation such highly profitable projects, they knew what affected their closure, were aware of how it was happening, could carry them out independently and draw the appropriate conclusions. Of course, quick-scammers are constantly looking for new victims whom they can attract to their low-grade projects. However, I really hope you can bypass their networks. Be extremely careful, carefully select HYIPs, and then cheap projects will gradually begin to decline.

Learning to monitor projects

Regular monitoring of hyip allowed me to highlight several key parameters, with which you can evaluate the reliability and quality of the project:

Of course, the variety of HYIPs with huge incomes, a dizzyingly attractive affiliate program and all kinds of bonuses can confuse the cards even for the most experienced investors, not to mention beginners. In fact, new HYIPs that pay are a real rarity. As a rule, the success of one hype always gives rise to the appearance of several low-quality copies of it. Therefore, closing the original immediately entails scam clones.

It is under the influence of successful projects fashion and demand are formed, which in a certain way are reflected in new hyips. Do not be surprised that the closure of a large and fairly successful project will undermine confidence in similar ones. By and large, none of us can insure ourselves against errors in projects. But this does not mean at all that one failure should make us disillusioned with the entire industry and give up on it, or, on the contrary, immediately blindly rush to the next embrasure, hoping to return the burned funds.

If you run into low-grade hype, then take a break, look around and analyze the situation, weigh all the pros and cons, and only then try to invest again. I repeat once again that reliable projects have high-quality websites, a wide client geography and uniform development plan. Try to find HYIPs that are created by experienced owners, known for their past projects, on which not only the investors of the first wave made money. Be strict in your assessment of hyip, this is the only way you can weed out consumer goods and find a truly worthwhile option.

What does the success of a hype project depend on?

Today, we should highlight several main trends that directly affect the success of your investments in HYIPs:

Declining profitability

The logical result of sharply increased competition. Now that money is scattered between a huge number of projects, it is quite difficult to find a sufficient number of investors for a new hyip.
As a result, it turns out that a successful start, strong support with high-quality promotion and an excellent reputation are not at all a guarantee that the hype will last on the market for more than a year. A striking example, again, can be considered the “success” of the sensational Eleurus.

Scams of high-quality projects have led Internet investors to real confusion, and therefore it is not surprising that most of them began to give preference to those HYIPs that offer lower returns. Reasonable profitability limit range can be considered 10-25% monthly. Investments in projects that offer a monthly return of 15-20% can be considered safe only in the early stages after their start. As for enterprises whose profitability does not exceed 15%, it is quite difficult to talk about their reliability, since the success of the development of such projects is influenced by too many factors. However, you can invest in such HYIPs in the first half of the year without much fear if you are confident in the reliability of your investment.

Consistent growth

It is the optimal growth rate of the project that is the key to long and fruitful work of hyip. Simply put, there should be more cash investments than payments. Agree that no investor will take his money to a hopeless company with huge losses. To ensure a uniform growth rate for hype, it is very important to attract major referral providers. They are the ones who will set stable growth for the project and protect it from sharp acceleration or, conversely, slowdown. If you remember about such a huge and sensational project as Eleurus, then the fault of its scam was precisely its excessive growth in the first months of work.

The noise and enormous scale of work set by the project in the summer of 2015 ended with an equally loud and impressive collapse in December of the same year. To assess the uniformity of project growth, simply contact the senior managers of the hyip you like and request relevant information. Such data is provided by managers quite willingly, because it allows them to attract new investors. If for some reason they don’t want to show you the dynamics of cash flow, then, most likely, the hype just started having financial problems, and it’s better for you to refuse to participate in such a project.

Today the geography of HYIPs is growing inexorably. If just a few years ago projects covered only one or two countries, today this trend is changing. Most hyip projects focus their development on an international audience. Thus, the hype, which originated in Britain and attracted users from the CIS countries to cooperate, may well expand to an audience in African and Asian countries. Therefore, support for a wide range of currencies and ability to change languages ​​on the site project - necessary conditions for its survival in the future.

Improving Marketing and Legends

Taking into account the growing literacy of investors and their selectivity, the creators of HYIPs have to spend more and more money on creating a reliable image. In order for people to believe the project, you have to get a working office and even a hotline. Agree that creating full-fledged attributes of a real company is not a cheap undertaking. Therefore, investors will be more willing to give their money to the hyip that has all of them. In principle, the logic is quite clear: a project in which a lot of money has been invested will last longer. Creating a believable legend for hype is an integral part of the image of a reliable project.
However, no one can give us guarantees that hyip will not close immediately after its creators recoup their expenses spent on its launch. By the way, marketing also does not stand still, and therefore simple financial plans are gradually being replaced by rather complex and extensive strategies in which the main role belongs to the size of the deposit. The following principle works here: the more you invest, the more you will earn in the end. I by no means want to say that HYIPs that offer a yield of 0.5% daily have no right to the future. On the contrary, in many cases, it is the simplicity of marketing that serves as a sign of the financial stability of a company. I just want to draw your attention to the fact that hyip creators are becoming more inventive and resourceful. If you are planning to buy a turnkey HYIP project for yourself, be sure to make sure that it meets all the above parameters.

How has the hype industry changed in 2016?

I have already mentioned that I personally do not see any crisis processes in the high-yield investment industry. Yes, the hype of 2016 really acquired new qualities, which in a certain way affected the industry as a whole. Despite the fact that some investors regard them as the beginning of the end, I cannot agree with them.

In principle, I will not deny the fact that over the past year the amount of scam in hyip projects has increased significantly. I am sure that many of my readers who work in this area will confirm that along with numerous closures there is also an unprecedented increase in the number of new projects. So, if a few years ago no one thought about how to make a HYIP project, the reins of power in this area belonged only to professional groups and industry communities, then modern technologies, numerous blogs and forums dedicated to how to create hype from scratch, fixed this situation.
Therefore, it makes no sense to roll your eyes and be surprised every time a cheap project is closed before it comes full circle, and trumpet the collapse of the hyip industry. If you, dear friends, are critical of information about new paying HYIPs and statements about the lack of worthwhile projects in the industry, everything will be fine.

Those investors who do not bother searching for and analyzing smart projects, do not evaluate HYIPs, and simply play a kind of roulette, entering into hyip with a huge amount of money, also contributed to the development of the industry. It is quite possible that such tactics yield certain results, but personally, so far I have only managed to notice that quite a few high-quality projects, having encountered exorbitant amounts, could not withstand the financial burden. Therefore, instead of long and fruitful work, we received from them a kind of scam pig. “Kooks” or “cunning people” doom hyip projects to destruction, shorten the life cycle of even the strongest.

Undoubtedly, the growing number of projects being closed, increased competition and the distrust on the part of investors caused by the closure of the largest and seemingly quite reliable hyips forces not only hyip admins to change their tactics, but also to edit investor strategies and change existing preferences.


So, in order not to be among the unsuccessful investors, but to raise good money by participating in highly profitable projects, you must always keep your finger on the pulse. Stay up to date with the latest events, read the news, study the experience of experienced investors. Learn by heart and make only informed and sober decisions. Good luck with your investments and huge profits. See you again!

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Where we managed to increase this amount 6 times. At the same time, 89 out of 95 HYIPs paid all the money and only 6 projects managed to close ahead of time.

Hype is a business project for investment with high profits and risks of losing money.

Therefore, we decided to collect the best HYIPs that pay in 2016 and monitor them with a report every 2 weeks on this page.

HYIPs that pay in 2016

Latest HYIP update: 12/20/2016. Next update in a week.

All projects were closed and worked with great profits. Which you can find out at the end of the article. Thank you for your attention.

Attention: in the table only those HYIPs that pay in 2016. However, this does not exclude high investment risks.

We also want to warn you that HYIPs are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Highly profitable— gives a profit of more than 30% per month, lifetime 1-4 months;
  2. Average income— from 10 to 30% profit per month, lifespan 2-24 months;
  3. Low income- less than 10% of profit per month, such a project lasts up to 5 years.

Therefore, always pay attention to the date of creation of the hype and its current position before investing in projects.

If you are attracted by one of the hypes above, be sure to register through the links in the table, so we can pay 60% of the money back to your account. To do this, write to the page.

HYIPs that stopped paying (closed)

This table will contain projects that once paid money and into which they made contributions. The last column shows how much you managed to earn or lose on the hype.

HypeInvestment termEarned
HYIPs: 23Invested: $3,000Average period: 60 days.+12 565$
1 TrueBit82 days+425$
2 ClickCredit48 days+10$
3 GoldenProf232 days+745$
4 LaraWith.me114 days+810$
5 Bots Family48 days+10$
6 Pure Energy18 days-410$
7 InSolt318 days+250$
8 TokyoInv252 days+3 210$
9 Mowa46 days-120$
10 Quickpay54 days+42$
11 Forex Busters44 days-65$
12 Unicorn-Analitycs92 days+25$
13 Rosoplata114 days+720$
14 Bmi-investment89 days+210$
15 ProActive Trading65 days+440$
16 Razzleton330 days+2 277$
17 PaytUp60 days+540$
18 Skyllex90 days+540$
19 Yamana Gold60 days+276$
20 Diversion Club90 days+320$
21 180 days+710$
22 Ethtrade150 days+600$
23 ShareInStock360 days+1 000$

Earning money from HYIPs

HYIP translates as a high-yield investment program and this name perfectly reflects the essence. Such sites offer us from 5% to 200% per month, which is very, very “tasty” compared to investments in banks. On the other hand, the risk of losing a deposit increases with increasing interest rates, so investing large amounts is not recommended. Such funds are ideal for introducing yourself to the world of investments, minimum amounts and quickly growing your money for larger and “correct” investments.

Investments in highly profitable projects are associated with high risks, but at the same time, knowing the rules of the game and being very critical in choosing objects for investing money, you can make good money from it. And such areas of activity of the fund administration as betting, binary options, cryptocurrency mining allow not only HYIPs to work on the principle of a pyramid, but to actually engage in this activity, pay high interest and work not only for months, but sometimes for years.

Unfortunately, most of the sites that appear on the Internet every day are of frankly poor quality and not only do not engage in any activity, but even only work for a couple of days. Therefore, it is very easy to run into losing your deposit, and in most cases this is what happens. I have been investing in Internet HYIPs for a very long time and have developed my own rules for choosing projects that really work and in most cases allow not only to gain profit, but also to earn decent money.

My TOP projects that pay

I add the most interesting new funds in my opinion to the blog for review, although I myself invest in many more sites. These best paying HYIPs of 2019 and 2020, in my opinion, are the most promising both in terms of earnings and long-term work. Whether or not to participate in such investment funds is a personal matter for each person, and in no way do I encourage you to invest money in this or that project. The only thing I can guarantee you is that the entire list on the blog consists of working sites and I monitor them every day to ensure they fulfill their obligations to investors, since I invest my own money and I really don’t want to lose it, just like you.

(11 ratings, average: 4,91 out of 5)

Friends, every year HYIP players have the same questions and exclamations. That the grass was greener before and Hyip worked consistently for a long time, there were a lot of outright scammers, the industry was dying and falling apart, monitoring was not needed, there was a crisis and the like. In this article I will try to voice a few of my own thoughts about what happened and what will happen, what the hype will be for 2016 and what can await us next year.

Firstly, of course, they will not leave us anywhere, just as they were and will be, just as there were outright slags and scammers, they will continue to be and, accordingly, just as there were cool long-lived projects, they will continue to appear and delight us with big earnings. In general, in my opinion, on the contrary, the quality of projects and the number of truly powerful hyips are improving. Nevertheless, the last few years have indeed witnessed a certain crisis in the industry due to several factors.

First of all, a huge downward push came from the rapid growth of technology. If earlier an investment fund could be launched either by teams or by really very smart advanced people, now, due to the increased accessibility of technology, any boy at school can make and launch his project right on his phone, not to mention the fact that computers They have firmly entered our lives and exist in every family. It is clear that the quality of such funds is poor and many immediately close down, grabbing money for chewing gum and drinks. The huge influx of just such “slag” put the players under attack, if the projects had been working for years and the first round could be completed in almost any Hyip, now we are bombarded with thousands of outright money-gatherings, which scared away all the old ones and continue to scare away new players.

Almost simultaneously, a huge blow was dealt by the failed payment system Liberty Reserve (Lib). At one time it was the main payment system in hyip and the scam knocked out not only many large players but also smart admins, which again affected the quality of most funds. Also, most of the long-lived hype workers closed overnight and the lifespan of all other projects was reduced.

In the wake of widespread scams and outright “slag”, the third scourge of the industry in recent years appears - the so-called hitran. These are players who try to get in big at the start of the project and leave after a short time. If previously there were few such hypers, then fast scams taught this technique to many investors and this layer has grown significantly. And this, in turn, led to the abandonment of many, even good, projects at the start and also to a reduction in their lifespan.

Now for the good stuff :). Despite all of the above, I believe that at the moment everything is being restored and the hype of 2016 will be stronger and more reliable than in recent years. Firstly, , which has now replaced Liba, has become stronger, and other interesting EPS, the same cryptocurrencies, have appeared. Secondly, the players have developed their own rules against outright slag, they have become picky, and it will also gradually die out. Thirdly, the quality of hyip really improves with unique content and good technical data, but this is waste of the administration and competition, schoolchildren definitely lose and go back to economic games with their crafts. Well, we are simple players, we will continue to look for only high-quality projects and earn extra money from them.