
Do-it-yourself tree trunk made of wire. Do-it-yourself copper tree-talisman

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

Ornamental trees are considered worthy decoration of the house. They are appropriate in any interior, you just need to think in advance about the color scheme that fits into the finished design project. Ornamental trees do not require special conditions of maintenance and care. They do not need to be watered as they are artificial plants. These decor items are freely sold in stores, but it is better to make a topiary with your own hands. It will take some time to make it, but in the end you will get a unique decorative tree that fits perfectly into the existing interior of the room. And it is better to build a topiary on your own, because according to the Chinese ancient teachings of Feng Shui, this tree brings joy to the house. Making an ornamental tree, a person charges it. According to legend, the topiary can bring happiness only to its creator.

Topiary: the history of appearance and meaning in a modern interior

The word topiary or topiary comes from the term "topia" - an ornamental garden plot. The concept came from Ancient Rome and meant various figures carved from the crowns of trees or bushes. The ancient Roman civilization disappeared, but the Catholic Church picked up the ideas of beautifully decorating gardens. Then the topiary entered the secular life. Their heyday came in the 17th century: it was then that decorative trees appeared in the residences of the rulers of states, incl. and in the Russian Empire. Then they were forgotten about, but in the 20th century, topiaries became popular again. Now they no longer decorated the gardens and walls of palaces, but were planted in pots. Today, topiaries are no longer planted. They can be made from any material. Topiaries are made in the most bizarre shapes and colors, often quite controversially combining materials. In another way, they are called trees of happiness, believing that they bring joy to the house. They can be made from:

  • coffee beans;
  • walnuts;
  • fir cones;
  • straw;
  • sweets;
  • napkins;
  • silk ribbons;
  • plastic bags, etc.

Where to start assembling a tree

The assembly of the topiary must begin with planning the appearance of the future tree of happiness and finding the right details. The appearance of the topiary is determined by the style of the interior for which it is made. To begin with, there are materials necessary for constructing the base of the tree. In any case, you will need tapes, glue, colored paper, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, etc. The list of parts is limited only by the imagination of the creator. After collecting the necessary things, you can begin to create a topiary. First, the trunk is assembled, because. it is the basis of the topiary. Moreover, it must not only be strengthened, but also varnished or painted. Then one end of the trunk is attached to a pot, stone or shell, and a ball is hung on the other, which will later become the crown of a tree of happiness. To fasten all parts of the topiary, it is best to use glue.

The basis

To construct the basis of the tree of happiness, everything that is at hand at this moment will do. To make a base from newspapers, first you need to crumple them well, and only then form a sphere according to the given parameters. Newspapers are crumpled and tightly pressed, after which they are wrapped with tape. The base can also be made from newspaper clippings, but in this case they should be folded into a plastic bag. If you need to make a small base of synthetic winterizer, first you need to tamp it into a sock or stocking, then give it the necessary shape and wrap it tightly with sewing threads. It is even better to make this foam base using ordinary packaging from household appliances. But the foam crumbles, it is inconvenient to roll it into a ball, so this base is not very popular. In addition to the above, the following materials can become the basis of the topiary:

  • mounting foam;
  • Knitting thread;
  • papier-mâché, etc.


The trunk of the tree of happiness connects the base with the crown, so it must be strong and stable. In its role can be an ordinary wire, fixed with artistic tape, twine or plastic. For the realism of the product, this trunk can be made from a wooden branch or a piece of wood. But first, this branch must be cleaned of bark, varnished and stained. If a low topiary is made, then as a trunk, you can take a popsicle stick, sushi sticks or wooden skewers fastened together. The color and type of the trunk depends on the material of the base and crown. For topiary with coffee beans, white or brown is suitable. A curved trunk for a European tree can only be made of wire. You can also take any material that is approximately suitable for the topiary trunk, decorate it and fill it with plaster.


For the manufacture of a topiary crown, absolutely any materials that are currently at hand are suitable. To do this, you can take paper napkins, corrugated paper, folded origami, nylon ribbons, etc. Then the crown must be decorated. To do this, take spruce cones, real seashells, coffee beans, artificial flowers, etc. The crown is the main accent of the tree of happiness, so its design must be taken very seriously. The trunk and stand only emphasize the general theme of the topiary, so it is advisable to first decide on the material for the crown, and only then design the rest of the tree. But the topiary trunk may not withstand too large a crown, so it should not be overloaded. Some elements can only decorate the stand of the tree of happiness.


As a stand for a topiary, you can take an ordinary flower pot, a large flat stone or an iron bucket, decorate them beautifully and put them under the crown. The decor of the stand of the tree of happiness can be anything. It is decorated using the decoupage technique, decorated with lace or bright unusual shreds. You can stick stones, shells and artificial flowers on the stand. This element of the topiary is a semantic continuation of the crown, so its design must be based on the already existing elements of the decorative product. If the tree is decorated in a marine style, then shells and multi-colored pebbles will be appropriate, and for a romantic-style topiary, you will need lace and hearts made of colored paper. In size, the crown of the tree should be larger than its stand, so that the composition looks harmonious.

Wood making workshops

Making a topiary with your own hands is easy. To do this, you do not need to have an artistic taste or education as a designer. The ideal tree of happiness is decorated intuitively from the available materials. There are many tutorials on the Internet on this topic, some of them are presented below, but you should not follow these instructions step by step. According to feng shui, topiary quickly and effectively activates any sector of an apartment or house, instantly filling it with the necessary energy. But for proper operation, it must be decorated with the necessary elements. To normalize family relations, jasper or amazonite should be glued to the topiary stand. A tree with a tiger's eye, charoite or turquoise will help you climb the career ladder. And to improve the general financial situation, you need to decorate the topiary with a jet or a hawk's eye.

From coffee beans

For this topiary, you need to take high-quality large coffee beans and stick them on the base for the crown, laying them out with the central strip down. The ball is covered completely. For this, it is better to take a glue gun, although you can do without it, using ordinary glue from a tube. When the ball is completely sealed, a plastic tube is taken, which is sealed along the entire length with double-sided tape, departing from both edges 2-3 cm. A satin ribbon, fabric or corrugated paper of the desired color is glued onto the tape. Then you need to dilute the alabaster and pour the resulting mixture into a pot or an iron bucket. Then a barrel is inserted into this mixture and they wait for the alabaster to harden. After the mixture has hardened, its surface is spread with coffee beans in 2-3 layers. A finished crown is glued on top of the trunk itself.

The resulting topiary can be decorated with an elegant bow or jewelry.

From cones

Do-it-yourself topiary from cones is made according to a similar scheme. Small half-opened pine cones are glued to the foam ball with small gaps from each other. If the gaps are too large, they can be filled with acorns or chestnuts. For additional fixation of the elements, you can use golden or brown threads. To make the barrel, you need to put together several (up to 10) bamboo skewers, wrap them with a thick white or brown thread, leaving open areas along the edges of the sticks. Then you need to dilute the alabaster with water or take the finished cement mixture, pour it into a flower pot and insert the tree trunk into the base. When the mixture hardens, it is decorated with needles or sisal, a fully decorated crown of a tree of happiness is attached to the trunk, and the pot is decorated with a satin or lace ribbon.

From satin ribbons and other fabrics

As a basis for a satin ribbon topiary, you can take a foam sphere or a ball of crumpled newspapers, fixed with thick threads dipped in PVA glue. Then you need to take satin ribbons of any color, twist them into small rolls, after bending the ribbons at a right angle. You need to bend the satin ribbon several times until its length is over. As a result of these actions, you should get a rosebud. At the end of manufacturing, it is necessary to flash all the petals with a thin silk thread at the base. The number of such roses is determined by the size of the base. Usually 20-30 flowers are required. Then they decorate the crown of the topiary. As a trunk for such a tree, you can take an ordinary twig, and use a clay flower pot for a stand. The stand and tree trunk should be decorated with elegant green leaves made of satin ribbons or silk.

Corrugated paper

First you need to take a round foam ball. Then you need to make roses from corrugated paper. If they are very large, then there will be a lot of free space between the flowers, which will need to be closed with something, so it is better to make these roses medium. One small topiary will need 35-45 roses. To do this, it is better to take paper of different colors in order to alternate the shades of roses on the topiary in the future. The trunk for a tree of happiness can be made from traditional sushi sticks, and ordinary foam can be used as a primer. Alabaster is hard to make, but Styrofoam is easy to find. Only the barrel must be inserted into the foam base the first time. At the same time, it is necessary to decorate the crown by gluing roses in a chaotic manner. Then the crown is attached to the trunk and the topiary is considered ready. If desired, the soil in the pot is laid out with artificial grass, and the trunk of the tree is decorated with a bright bow.

A sea tree of happiness can be made from materials brought from the sea: pebbles, shells, dried crabs and pearls. They should paste over the base for the topiary crown. If there are few shells and pebbles, the space between them can be decorated with sisal, artificial starfish and marine-themed salt dough crafts. When making a topiary trunk, it is better to take sushi sticks decorated with white, blue or sand-colored satin ribbons. As a stand for a tree of happiness, you should take a white flower pot, which can be decorated with artificial pearls, lace and small figures from salt dough. Inside this pot, you need to fill it with alabaster and insert the trunk of the topiary into this alabaster mixture. Sisal fibers, sea pebbles and shells can be placed on top of the frozen fill.

Money topiary from coins and banknotes

This topiary is usually made from counterfeit banknotes, but for entourage, you can attach real coins to a tree crown or stand. Of course, it is better to use not ordinary, but rare, old or foreign coins. To begin with, each bill needs to be folded in half, slightly moving the edges, and then folded into an envelope from it, securing the uneven edges with double-sided tape. The number of banknotes depends on the size of the base ball, but usually about 20-25 banknotes are required. The trunk of a money tree can be made from twigs or sushi sticks, and a planter can be used as a stand. The cache-pot on the outside can be decorated with special self-adhesive paper with the image of money or lace. Alabaster is poured into the pot itself, a trunk is placed in it and they are waiting for it to dry. After that, the topiary soil is laid out with coins, sawdust or decorative stones.

From dried flowers and fresh flowers

A tree made from dried flowers is quite simple. You can decorate the base for the topiary crown with dried flowers and yellowed leaves, but the flowers and leaves taken for these purposes must be strong and dense, otherwise they will simply fall apart during work. Dried flowers are fixed directly on the foam ball. A curved branch from the street is taken as a trunk, and an ordinary clay pot turns into a stand. The pot is poured inside with alabaster, after fixing the trunk of the topiary. This trunk is inserted into the finished crown of the tree, and the dried alabaster is decorated with dry leaves and flowers. Fresh flower topiaries are usually created by professional florists, but you can try making your own at home. To do this, you need to take rosebuds, chamomile flowers, lilies or chrysanthemums, cut their stems correctly and carefully and attach them to the crown base. Otherwise, the technique for producing a tree of happiness and decorating a topiary pot is similar to its manufacture from dried flowers.

I have always wondered how you can make a beaded tree, but without beads - just from wire. And, besides, get a very beautiful composition! Here, today we will find out together how it is done! In the meantime, here's a little inspiration.

This instruction will teach you how to quickly and easily make artificial trees with your own hands from wire. They can be used as architectural and landscape models, or just to decorate your home (if you like this kind of decor).

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a typical deciduous tree (let's say mountain oak), but once you understand the technique of making such trees, you can make almost any kind of tree. Anyone with two hands and a little creativity can do this (children should be supervised by their parents when doing this project). Creating your first tree may take five to ten minutes, but with a little practice you can make it in 30 seconds. Let's get started.

Step 1. Materials

To create one of these beautiful trees you will need a few things:

4.5+m aluminum wire

1 small board (6.3cmx30.5cmx2.5cm or more)

2 small nails (5-7.5cm long)

wire cutters


2 clamps

Table or similar sturdy, flat surface

Small pliers (optional)

Steel shavings (optional)

Flock (optional)

Aerosol glue (optional)

Let's start.

Step 2. Prepare the base

This step will help you create the base for your tree. It can be reused to make any future trees.

1. Drive nails into the board with a hammer.

The distance between the nails should be 1.2 cm wider than the height of the desired tree. In this tutorial, I left 11.5cm spacing between nails to create a 10cm tall tree.

Drive the nails about 1.2cm - 2cm deep so that they don't move if you try to move them.

2. Bite off the heads of both nails with wire cutters

Warning: The nail heads are sharp and will fall off very quickly. Wear safety goggles to avoid injury.

After the hats are removed, bend any sharp edges on the nails with a hammer.

Step 3. Set up a workstation

Now that you have the base ready, you can start installing the workplace:

1. Attach the board to the edge of a table or work surface with two clips.
Attach one clip to each end of the board. Don't put clips between the nails, as you're more likely to hurt your fingers on them in later steps.

If you plan to make a lot of trees, then think about the comfort of your workplace. If you prefer to work standing up, you can use a higher table and you can also use a low table with a chair if you want to sit.

Step 4: Wrap the wire

Now that your workbench is ready, you can start crafting wood.

1. Wrap the wire tightly around the nails

Holding one end of the wire in your left hand, wrap it tightly around the nails in a clockwise direction.

Each full (360 degree) circle creates 2 branches, so think about how lush your tree is. In this tutorial, I made 20 full wraps for 40 branches.

Step 5. Cut the wire

At this point, you will cut through one end of the wire so that you have a U-shape that will later become the trunk and branches of the tree.

1. Squeeze the wire

Squeeze the wire on one side with your index and thumb.

2. Cut the wire

Cut the wire with wire cutters on the opposite side of the one you were squeezing. Be sure to see through all the layers of wire. If your wire cutters cannot cut through all the wire at once, cut them in small groups.

You should be left with a pile (20 in the case of this guide) of very small V-shaped pieces of wire. Throw them away.

You should now be left with 20 V-shaped pieces of wire about 10cm long.

Step 6: Roll the Barrel

Now it's time to make the trunk of your tree out of the V-shaped pieces.

1. Rotate them 90 degrees

Rotate the V-shaped wire around the nail 90 degrees until both ends point towards you.

2. Wrap the two halves around each other

Take the left half of the wire with your left thumb and forefinger, and the right half with your right thumb and forefinger.

Move the wire in your right hand to the left, over the wire in your left hand. At the same time, move the wire in your left hand to the right under the wire in your right hand.

Repeat the previous step 7-8 times or until just under half of the wire is twisted. You can do as many rotations as you want, depending on the desired height of your tree trunk.

3. Get your tree off the nail

Take the tree by the trunk and pull it vertically until it comes off the nail.

If you did everything right, your tree should look like the letter Y. If not, then put the nail back on it, untwisting the wire, and repeat steps 1-3.

Step 7: Make Branches

Now that your tree has a trunk, it's time to add some branches.

1. Divide your wire into groups

Divide the 40 untwisted wires into 2-5 groups of different sizes. It is important to have at least 2 wires and no more than 20 in one group.

Resizing these groups will help give your tree a more natural shape.

2. Spin one branch

Starting with one of these groups, twist the wires around you 4 or 5 times.
Continue twisting the rest of the groups.

Every 3-5 turns, separate a few wires and continue twisting until you have about 1.2 cm of untwisted wire left.

After that, go back and twist the wires you separated until they also have about 1.2 cm of untwisted wire left.

3. Spin the rest of the branches

Repeat Step 2 with the rest of the groups.

To make the tree more realistic add some changes to your twist. This can be done by adding or decreasing turns, by using more or less wire in each division, and so on.

You should now have something that resembles the shape of a tree. We will refine this form in the next step.

Step 8: Shape Your Tree

Now that you have branches, you can give your tree the shape you want.

1. Shape your tree

By moving and twisting the branches, you can begin to shape your tree into a real shape.

Most trees have a main vertical branch, so it's a good idea to point one of the branches vertically up.

It is very helpful to look at a real tree (or a picture of it) to help you with your branches.

Step 9 Conclusion - Decorate Your Tree

Congratulations! You have just created a beautiful tree model that will be the envy of all your friends. You can use this technique to create almost any other shape and size of tree. You can flatten your tree's trunk with pliers if you're going to attach it to something (such as a piece of Styrofoam).

There are also several ways to decorate your tree:

You can apply spray glue to the wood and sprinkle it with flock for more realism.

You can stretch steel shavings or cotton between the branches.

You can spray paint on your wood.

Try to invent your own way of decorating trees for a unique piece of art.

Artificial tiny trees have been very popular in our country for several decades. Of course, this souvenir can be bought in any store. But it is much more pleasant to make such beauty with your own hands. Moreover, such a wire tree needs the simplest materials.

Not only hand-made lovers are engaged in the manufacture of such trees. So from under the hand of the artist Kevin Iris came out a huge number of real sculptors from aluminum wire. The master's collection embodied different breeds, different sizes: both small desktop bonsai and huge palm trees as tall as a human being.

He is amazing at detailing in the very last leaves, the smallest knots, so his crafts are so similar to real trees, only covered with silver paint.

Real bonsai, like other trees lovingly grown by a florist, are planted in special trays. However, with the approach to the masterpieces, the illusion of naturalness is broken. But this work of Kevin Iris becomes even more valuable and wonderful.

But everyone who wants to make such a tree will get a job that will never be repeated by anyone else. After all, each homemade product is one and only of its kind. And to get inspired, you can first appreciate the amazing beauty of crafts created by the hands of professional craftsmen and amateurs. You yourself will not notice how from admiration there will be an acute desire to test your strength and try to do something like that. And over time, a hobby can develop into a completely successful business project.

As for the origins, the art of creating Bonsai sculptures was born in ancient times in China. So the masters tried to emphasize and preserve the beauty of wildlife and the closeness of man to it. In the painstaking work of the artist, bonsai has become a real work of art. It contains the deepest philosophical meaning and encrypted lines of poetry. From the unity and struggle of man with the forces of nature, the inflexibility of the spirit in front of its elements, sublime love, a small tree is born.

Later, the Japanese, who eventually became recognized masters of bonsai, borrowed this wonderful art, supplemented it, developed it, paying more attention to details, giving refinement to the form, and depth to the meaning.
From the cultivation of tiny trees of an unusual shape, a real cult arose, which received immense popularity in all countries of the world.

Compositions are tiny, a little more than a thimble, and impressive in size. Of course, making your own wire bonsai doesn't take as many years as growing real trees. However, although this process is not long, it is no less laborious and creative.

In general, the technique itself is not complicated. You just need to carefully form a tree out of wire, highlighting all its parts: a trunk with a bark relief, superficial roots, branches. It's a very enjoyable creative process.
The embodiment of a wonderful bonsai in itself is already a completely independent and complete thing. But if desired, the trees can be decorated by attaching leaves or beaded flowers to the branches. Look very nice on the branches and just glass beads or semi-precious stones.

A pine tree growing on a bare sheer cliff is considered in the East a symbol of fortitude and survival in any difficult situations. In such a composition, beautiful stones are used, for which a tree clings to its roots.
After fixing the lower part of the roots in a vase or pot, it needs to be weighted, because the tree can roll over. Slices of floral moss are glued on top, and the bonsai is considered ready.

This wonderful composition can be used as a wonderful gift with a deep life meaning. Such beauty will surely please and surprise the friends and relatives of the master, and even more so the recipients of such a souvenir.

DIY wire tree - video

To understand how to make a tree out of wire, you first need to watch a few videos with master classes, for example:

Wire is a very interesting and malleable material. It is widely used in industrial and household scales. And home craftsmen have long appreciated its rich decorative possibilities.
There are many different types of needlework that use this handy material. And thanks to various materials: steel, aluminum, copper, brass, from which wire and coatings are made, multi-color complex compositions are born in the hands of masters. Moreover, the flexibility of the wire remains beyond any competition.

How to make a wire tree

To perform such interesting works you will need:

  • wire made of brass, copper and aluminum, about 0.5 mm thick;
  • round nose pliers and pliers;
  • hot gun;
  • a small pot, for example, seedlings;
  • sheet of artificial floral moss.

To make such a composition, you must first approximately distribute the size of the pieces of wire. Usually, depending on the degree of complexity, about 5 meters of wire are used in one job.
A thinner wire is cut into identical pieces, each of which is 3 times longer than the final product. When a multi-color composition is planned, you can immediately add the desired shades. After that, you can begin to form roots, a trunk with bark, twigs, leaves and even flowers. The rods are twisted by hand, pliers or round-nose pliers.

Thicker pieces of wire are wrapped around the roots, the trunk and the thickest branches are formed to give the tree a bizarre shape. It remains only to “plant” a tree and decorate its base!

For the next work, you will need ordinary cardboard from under the boxes. A rectangle is cut out of it (22 cm X 16 cm). And rods (2 pieces) 62 cm long are cut out of aluminum wire.

Pieces of wire are twisted in pairs, but an untwisted section of 10 centimeters is left at the bottom. After that, the trunk of the tree is made. After 15 cm, one wire is separated from the bundle, bent and twisted like the lower branch of a tree. A little higher is another one, a little smaller. Then you need to rise along the height of the trunk by 3 cm, and then again separate one twig of wire, fold it in half and twist it. The length of this branch is about 20 cm. Later, a small painted bird can be planted on this branch.

Near this branch, you need to make two small branches that will support the bird. Further work consists in separating the wire and forming branches until the entire bundle is over.

Also, to make a wire tree with your own hands more believable and stable, you need to divide all the rods below and distribute them into separate bundles in the form of roots. Next, you need to glue the roots with a hot gun on the cardboard base.

After that, a second cardboard is taken, a cut is made on it and glued to the first cardboard. And the third cardboard with the same cut is glued to the second. In place of the cut, the same strip is glued, which was cut out of cardboard. But at the same time, it is not necessary to close the area where the trunk is distributed into the roots in order to emphasize the naturalness of the tree.

Now you need to prepare glue, tracing paper and a brush. Tracing paper is cut into thin strips and smeared with glue. Then it is wrapped around the tree trunk, branches and cardboard stand on all sides.

After that, gold paint is taken and the tree and stand are painted with this aerosol. Along the edges of the branches can be painted over with a silver spray.

But that's not all. You need to continue working with such materials: golden sequins in the form of leaves, yellow and red beads, golden wire for beading and 9 teardrop-shaped beads of different shades. First, a wire rod (20 cm) is cut off. A leaf, a bead and again a leaf is put on it. The wire is folded in half and twisted. 2 yellow beads are put on it, 1 red and again 2 yellow ones. A leaf is put on, an indent of 1 cm is made, the wire is folded and twisted. It turns out a leaf on a leg.

By attaching leaves to a branch, weaving trees from wire continues. To do this, you need to make two simple turns along the branch and again make a leaf on the leg. This continues the weaving of the leaves until the very end of each branch on the tree. It remains to hoist a bird on a long branch, move it to the very trunk and seat it on short branches. They will support the bird and will not let it fall off the branch.

The ends of the branches can be twisted into a ring, but carefully so that the paper does not burst. But when suddenly this happens, you can glue it with a glue gun. And finally, you need to make a bow out of a decorative blue cord and glue it under a tree on a stand. On the wet glue, you need to make an imprint of the seal and stick it over the bow. This gives the product a finished look.

Try it, and you will also get your own tree with a real bird of happiness!

The tree occupies a central place in many myths and legends, embodying the ideal world order and symbolizing life in all its complexity and diversity.

In Slavic fairy tales, the World Tree grows on the mysterious Alartyr-stone, on the island of Buyan, in the middle of the sea-ocean. In Scandinavian myths, we see the evergreen Ygdrassil, which serves as the basis of all things and connects the nine worlds. In Celtic legends, you can find the Tree of Life, which is the center of the universe and the gateway to the other world. And in many other nations, the tree plays a similar role.

Therefore, the image of a tree is considered a strong talisman that helps to find one's place in the world and harmony within oneself.

I propose to make such a talisman decoration with your own hands, using copper and semi-precious stones. It will turn out not only symbolic but also a beautiful little thing.

  • copper wire: a piece about 20 centimeters thick (1.2 mm in diameter) and five pieces of thinner wire, about 50 centimeters long;
  • a few beads made of natural stones (or any other material that you like);
  • pliers;
  • round nose pliers;
  • anvil (or any metal bar with a flat surface, the part from a dumbbell serves me faithfully);
  • hammer;
  • an improvised round object, the size of a rim for our tree (I have a glass vial, 4.5 cm in diameter).

Making a tree talisman from copper

First you need to make a ring-base. To do this, tightly wrap a piece of thick wire around something round.

Now we form the future suspension - with pliers we bend the ends of the wire outside the circle.

The tips should be the same and about three centimeters in length, we cut them. This is roughly how it should turn out.

We take round-nose pliers and create imposing “horns” at the tips, but not too big. Well, then we beat off our workpiece with a hammer.

Copper is very ductile and malleable, so we don’t knock very hard, we hold the hammer evenly (if you hit with the edge of the hammer, a dent will remain on the workpiece). You can flatten the “horns” harder, but the ring itself is only slightly better, because then we will wrap it with thinner wire.

Again we take the round-nose pliers and bend the tips in half so that the “horns”-curls are on the front side of the product.

The preparatory stage is over, we begin to grow a tree. We wrap a piece of thin wire around the bottom of the ring several times, tightly and with effort. Leave the ends inside the circle.

The remaining thin wires are also wound close to each other. It is better to make the number of turns unequal, so the roots of the tree will look livelier.

Now you can give free rein to your imagination. We make roots by twisting the wires together. First in pairs, then we combine them into groups, then we twist everything together, forming a trunk. The roots and trunk can be additionally bent with round nose pliers to make them look more natural.

At the top of the trunk, we separate the wires again to grow the crown. First we twist thick branches, then more and more thin branches, bending them as we please. A tree can be slender or sinuous, sparse or sprawling, in a word, your own, unique and inimitable.

Let's move on to the leaves. Let's start from the topmost branch: we string stones on a wire, they should come close to the ring. To fix the branch on the ring, wrap the wire tightly around it a couple of times.

We do the same with the second branch, it can be attached anywhere.

All other branches are also dressed with leaves and fixed on the ring.

When all the branches are fixed, the final step remains. Using the protruding ends of the wire, you need to wrap the entire ring to close the gaps.

We move along the ring from top to bottom, making turns close to each other. When we reach the next branch, we cut the wire, leaving a small tail.

Gently bend this tail with pliers to the wrong side.

The last, lowest wire will fit in turns close to the roots.
That's it, the tree is ready. I wish you warmth, harmony and new ideas!

If you want to learn how to create wire trees with your own hands, you need to read our instruction article to the end and remember it. With it, you can create any kind of tree from wire, buttons and other materials at hand.


To create a beautiful decorative tree, you will need the following materials:

  • 4-5 meters of aluminum wire;
  • a pair of small nails;
  • small board;
  • wire cutters;
  • dad clamps;
  • hammer;
  • table or other work surface;
  • steel shavings;
  • small pliers;
  • buttons;
  • flock;
  • glue.

Foundation preparation

This step creates the basis for the future tree, which we will create with our own hands. The base can be used for other trees in the future.

Hammering nails

Using a hammer, drive nails into the board at a distance exceeding the desired height of the tree by 1.5 centimeters. That is, if decorative trees will have a height of 10 cm, then you need to leave a distance between the nails of 11.5 cm.

Drive the nails to a depth of 1-2 cm so that they hold firmly and do not move from light touches.

Snapping caps

The nail heads are quite sharp and fall off quickly, so wear safety goggles to avoid injury. After removing all the hats, it is necessary to bend all sharp edges with a hammer.

Workplace installation

The base is ready, which means you can start installing the work surface. The board must be attached to the edge of a table or other work surface with two clamps. At each end you need to install a clamp. Do not install clips between nails, so as not to injure your fingers on them later.

If there are a lot of trees, think about the comfort of the workplace. If you are working standing up, you can set up a higher table or take a low table with a chair if you wish to sit.

Wire winding

After preparing the workplace, you need to start working with a decorative wire tree.

Grabbing one end of the wire with your left hand, wrap it tightly around the nails in a clockwise direction. Each full circle creates two branches, so think about how lush you want your tree to be.

Blanks for branches

At this stage of the work, it is necessary to cut one of the ends of the wire in such a way as to obtain a U-shape. It will turn into the future trunk and branches of our tree.

Wire compression

The wire on one side must be well compressed. This can be done with pliers or fingers.

Wire cutting

The wire should be cut with wire cutters on the other side of the one you squeezed. Make sure you bite through all the twigs. If the wire cutters are not able to cut all the wire, do it in several steps.

You'll end up with a bunch of small V-shaped pieces of wire that you can throw away. The remaining V-shaped pieces of wire, 10 cm long, we will need in further work.

Creation of the trunk

At this stage, you need to create a decorative tree trunk with your own hands from V-shaped parts.

90 degree turn

Rotate the V-wire 90 degrees around the nail until both ends point towards you.

Crossing wires

Grasp the left half of the wire with the index and thumb fingers of the left hand, and the right half with the fingers of the other hand. Start moving the wire in your right hand to the left, over the wire in your left hand. Move the wire you are holding with your left hand to the right under the wire in your other hand.

Repeat this several times until a little less than half of the pieces of wire are twisted together. You can do any number of rotations, depending on how tall you want the tree to be.

Removing a tree from a nail

Grab the ornamental tree by the trunk and pull it up to remove it from the nail. When done correctly, you will end up with something like the letter Y. Otherwise, put the wire on the nail, unwind the wire, and repeat all over again.

Creating branches

The tree has a trunk, so you can create branches.

Wire separation

The 40 untwisted wires should be divided into several groups of different sizes. Each group should have 2 to 20 wires. Resizing the groups allows you to give the tree a natural shape.

Twisting a branch

Starting with one group, the wires must be twisted around themselves 4-5 times. Roll up all the groups. After 3-5 turns, it is necessary to separate several wires and continue twisting until about 1.2 centimeters of untwisted wire remains. After that, you need to go back and twist the wires that were separated until they have 1.2 centimeters left.

Twisting the remaining branches

The previous step should be repeated with all remaining groups. In order for the tree to look as realistic as possible, it is necessary to make some changes in twisting. This can be done by adding or reducing turns with less or more wire in the divisions.

You should end up with something similar in shape to a real tree. We will refine the form in the next step.


Having created all the branches, you can give the tree the desired shape. By shifting and twisting the branches, you can shape the tree so that it becomes as similar as possible to the real one. Many trees have a main vertical branch, so one of the branches can be pointed up.

tree decoration

So, the tree model is ready, and now you can decorate it in any way that you like best:

  • you can cover the surface with glue and sprinkle with flock;
  • there is an option with stretching steel shavings or cotton between branches;
  • the option of painting the tree with ordinary paint is not excluded;

you can also choose your own method, consisting in the use of improvised materials, such as buttons, foam, candy, or anything else.