
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Walkthrough Game Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (2016) What has become of us, Watson

All about grapes

The release date is the point in time after which the game is considered released, which usually means that it can already be downloaded and tested if you purchase a licensed copy. For example, the release date for Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter is June 10, 2016.

Recently, more and more developers allow you to buy the game in advance - to make a pre-order. In response to the support from potential buyers, who believe so much in the success of the project that they give money for it even before the release, the developers share various bonuses and exclusive materials. It can be a soundtrack, an artbook, or some mini-addons for the game.

Thus, a pre-order actually allows you to buy the game before its official release, but this does not mean that the announced release date loses its meaning, since you can fully play only after the release.

Why do you need to know release dates for games?

If only because it is more convenient to plan your time and finances. If you know, for example, when Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter will be released, then it will be easier for you to navigate: set aside money to buy it in advance, plan things so that you can immerse yourself in the game as soon as it comes out.

A lot of gamers keep track of game release dates with special calendars and feature articles about the most important releases of the month or season. You can find both on our game portal site.

How do developers choose when to release?

They are guided by many factors at once. Firstly, it is important for them to know that their target audience will be able to immediately join the gameplay, so games are less likely to be released during the holiday season, as well as in those months when work is usually all hands on deck and students have a session.

Secondly, for a successful release, developers are trying to compare their plans with the announcements of potential competitors. For example, if we are talking about a shooter, then releasing it simultaneously with the new Battlefield or Call of Duty is not very reasonable.

Thirdly, the release date indicates the so-called deadline - the very line after which the game is already ready. This means that it must be completed within the stated time. Alas, this does not always work out, and therefore the release date of the game can be shifted one or even several times.

In addition to this, the release of Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter on PC and consoles may differ - often developers try to release one version first, and only then move on to the next.

After the introductory video, you will be at the scene of the accident. You need to save a total of 10 people. Saving everyone is not absolutely necessary, but desirable.

Exercise. Save everyone you can.

So, first, as Watson, you must restart the heart of the poor fellow. This is done in the same mini-game as in the case when you made a knife in the smelter.

After that, the countdown will begin. You must prioritize. It is best to proceed as follows:

1. Run to the burning store, look inside and look at all points: a person, a fallen cabinet, a fire and a bucket of water outside the store. After that, click on the bucket to pour water on Holmes, go to the store and move the cabinet away by pressing the left mouse button several times. Click on the man on the floor, pull him out of the store, periodically pressing the S key.

2. When you leave the store, then approach the man opposite, near the rickety structure. Click on it to start the sequence. Click again to push it aside and save it from the falling beam.

3. There is a burning carriage nearby. Examine her: the man is unconscious, there is no door handle, you can break the door hinges, an ax. Pick up an ax and hit the hinge to tear out the door.

4. Run to the other side of the street, where the dead horse pressed the man. Examine everything: a man, a horse, a wooden platform and a saw. Take a hacksaw and saw off the wooden scaffolding, then pull the man out from under the horse.

5. Return to the store, where another poor fellow was squeezed by the carriage. Examine him: a man, his legs are intact, the carriage is metal and heavy, a wooden stick. Take a wooden stick and use it as a lever to raise the carriage. Then take the man out.

6. Switch to Watson. Run to the guy lying on the ground. Examine him, try to wake him up, and then give ammonia.

7. Examine one of the men complaining of shoulder pain. You need to straighten your shoulder. Pull out the bone by clicking the left mouse button. Next, hold down the right mouse button and rotate the bone so that the three red dots are the minimum size. Then insert the bone into place by pressing the W key.

8. Another man complains of pain in his leg. Examine the leg, then the bone. Put on a splint: first put two sticks on both sides, and then tie them with a rope.

Exercise. Find out the cause of the incident.

Approach the constable and talk to him. The area is cordoned off.

Exercise. Identify all involved in the incident.

There are 13 important items to find in total. Press the ESC key and start searching.

Here they are: the fallen flags of Britain, the cab that crashed into the stage, the chaise near the burning building, the cab near the lamp store, the stage (will be added automatically when inspecting another element), the horse inside the lamp store, two-wheeled carriage, fallen cabinets, talk to the bearded man at the wagon with pumpkins, click on the wagon with pumpkins. Next, inspect the fallen electric pole, open the door on its right side and use the tool to pull out both fuses. Inspect the cab that has stopped near the fallen electric pole. Click on the carriage on which the scaffolding has fallen.

Finally, approach the lifting mechanism by the scaffold. Examine it, activate Holmes's imagination with the F key, and then build a sequence of events: a pumpkin, a beam, a mechanism handle, a counterweight falls down, a platform flies up. Start the sequence with the Q key.

All elements are collected. Press the spacebar to start plotting events. Click on the W key to move to the past and put all the elements in their places. The sequence was this:

- The cab on the right stops on the water.
The pumpkin wagon next to him overturns.
- The lifting mechanism at the scaffolds is activated.
- With an ax, he cuts the rope with the flags of Britain.
- A small carriage from the left street crashes into a store.
- A cab from the left street crashes into the scaffolding.
- The scaffolds are collapsing.
– The scaffolding falls onto the trolley from below in this diagram.
- The shop is on fire.
- The cab breaks down near the store.
“Because of this cab, another crew is suffering, a little higher on the map.
- Wardrobes are falling.
- Cabinets fall on a lamppost, causing a short circuit.

Everything would be fine, but if the circuit happened later, then why did the cab stop?

This is how the scheme of the incident at one of the intersections of London looks like.

Exercise. Determine the reason for the sudden stop of the technical cab.

Come to that same cab. Examine the driver, the water pump, the wheel, and the painted over inscription on the carriage. Look inside, examine the corpse of a man, an air hammer, a dirty floor and a box with a solvent and a rag. If you inspect the repainted side of the carriage (you had to turn on Holmes' talent on T and click on the barely visible inscription), then Holmes will take away the solvent. Click on the carriage again to wipe off the fresh paint with a rag. The carriage is owned by London Underground Electric Roads.

But that's not all. Turn on Holmes' talent with the T key, then look under the bottom of the carriage. At the hatch you will notice a wire. Click on it to come to the conclusion: an ambush has been set up.

Exercise. Find the place from which the electric charge was fired.

Open the door nearby, go up to the second floor and break open the second door on the right side with the master keys. Look around the room. In particular, examine the strange device to the right of the window. You need to run it. At the bottom there are four small toggle switches, a little higher and in the middle - one large one. First, press the third toggle switch from left to right to turn on the light in the center. Next, use other switches so that the left or right lights turn green. After that, lower the large toggle switch.

One of the coils will begin to charge with energy. Next, make the other light turn green. In this case, the light bulb that was already green must be completely extinguished (if it is red, the coil will stop working). After that, pull the large toggle switch again to charge the second coil.

Talk to the constable, who blames the stage worker for everything. Maybe the killer is still around.

Exercise. Figure out who is the suspect in the square.

Turn on Sherlock's talent, walk around the area and find five suspects. In the mode activated by the T key, you need to approach each of them and watch while various details pop up on the screen. There are five suspects: two wagon drivers, a worker detained by a constable, a man standing not far from the very apartment with the device, and also a nervous type located in the distance.

When you find all five suspects, then press the "Space" key. The two wagon drivers can't be suspects, point it out. As for the other three, they are all suspected of committing a crime.

And talk to the constable again. He will send all three suspects to Scotland Yard.

Exercise. Interview all suspects in the crime.

Move to Scotland Yard and interrogate three people. One of the suspects escaped. Interrogate a bald man named Benjamin Fowler. Draw his portrait:

- Smoker.
- Works with hands.
- Injured leg.
- Believer.
- Gang member.

Conduct an interrogation. When he says he doesn't know who Rasko is, point out the dog tattoos on his neck.

- Poor.
- Works with electricity.
- Silicosis.
- Is sick.
- Anarchist badge.

Talk about everything. When he denies his illness, point to the black sputum.

Exercise. Examine the belongings of victims and suspects.

Go to the room where the things of criminals and victims are kept. You will have to examine four boxes. You will find out the address where the letter came from to Reginald Butcher, the escaped suspect.

New location: Ormond Hospital.

Exercise. Find the suspect who managed to escape from Scotland Yard.

Move to Ormond Hospital. Go to the very end and you will see a man sitting by the children's bed. First, examine the photo on the cabinet, and also read the letter. Talk to Reginald. Draw his portrait:

- Gift for daughter.
- Married.
- Railroad employee.
- Recently cleaned.
- He was wealthy.

When interrogating, ask about expensive treatment, select the option "Treatment of Meryl Butcher". Next, ask about problems at work. He will try to cheat, but you indicate that you read a letter from work. This completes the interrogation.

Exercise. Find out where the technical cab came from: perhaps this place is somewhere nearby.

Open the deductive analysis and compare all possible clues. Return to the scene. Go in the direction where the technical cab was coming from. After the cart you originally arrived on, activate Holmes' talent by pressing the T key. There will be sparkling items on the left side. Examine the three active points, then go inside the store.

Exercise. Inspect the Barrels and Buckets store at the scene.

Go to the far door and break it open using one double and one normal lockpick. Enter the room, examine the floor. Activate Holmes' talent with the T key, and then click on the carpet on the floor in the far corner of the room. After exiting the mode, click on the carpet again to move it away and reveal a passage to the sewers.

Exercise. Inspect the sewers under the Barrels and Buckets store at the scene.

Move through the sewers until you reach a room flooded with water. In the middle is a unit with a lever - 0, 1/2 and 1. The number "1" means that the room is completely filled with water; "0" - completely without water, "1/2" - half filled with water.

Empty the room completely, turn the valve on the right to open the door, and then go downstairs. Move the wooden structure to the stop. Climb up again and move the lever to the "1/2" indicator. Now jump over with the wooden structure to the other side.

Immediately move along the long pipe to the other side. Keep your balance using the mouse and direction keys. On the other side, lower the lever on the right first so that a bridge appears instead of a pipe. Next, turn the lever on the wall on the left to move the stairs all the way to the left. Finally, empty the room of water using the unit installed here. Get down and move all the way to the far part of the wooden structure. Climb up and switch the lever to the "1/2" indicator.

Move across the bridge to the other side, go down the stairs here and jump over the floating wooden structure to the stairs against the wall. Climb up, turn the valve to open the passage, and go further.

There will be a table ahead. Inspect different magnetic powders and so on. Go further to get into the safe of the Bank of England. Explore everything here. Be sure to take the sheet with the old sewer map, which lies on the barrel, to the right of the safe door. A new task will appear.

Exercise. Find the place marked in red in the sewers.

At any time, you can press the Spacebar to re-look at the sewer map. Go back through the room in which the water level was raised and lowered. Go down the stairs and break the wooden door on the left side. Walk forward and to the right. You have found the right place!

Examine all the barrels and other items, including a cigarette butt. Sewer inspection completed!

Now it's time to find out who the killer is.

Right Moral Choice: Reginald Butcher. Select the following clues in deductive analysis:

- Simple anarchist.
- Bank robbed.
- Lack of knowledge.
- Gang Rasko.
- Fowler's new life.
- A criminal in the past.
- Not an expert.
- A sinister plan.
- Butcher's problems.
- Subway worker.
- Butcher's trap.
- Hopelessness.

After that, you can either put Butcher behind bars, or justify him so that he can still save his daughter.

Reginald Butcher, prime suspect in the accident.

Wrong moral choices

You can blame Thomas Garrett. To do this, select the following evidence:

- Anarchists and bandits.
- Bank robbed.
Enough knowledge.
- Gang Rasko.
- Fowler's new life.
- A criminal in the past.
- Not an expert.
- A sinister plan.
- Butcher's problems.
- Subway worker.
- Butcher's trap.
Butcher love.

Blame Benjamin Fowler

- Simple anarchist.
- Bank robbed.
Enough knowledge.
- Gang Rasko.
- Criminal forever.
- A criminal in the past.
“Mr. Fowler's work.
- A sinister plan.
- Butcher's problems.
- Subway worker.
- Butcher's trap.
Butcher love.

CASE 5. Fever

Exercise. Find Kate.

Go to the living room, go to Kate's room, where Wylde was. Examine the bed, examine the dressing table, where the makeup box disappeared from, and then take a look at the wardrobe. Next, you will hear screams. Exit through the door and find yourself in the cemetery. Go forward, break open the crypt and get into Alice's room.

Exercise. Search Alice's room.

Examine Alice, don't hit the girl. Create her portrait. Next, you will need to figure out which items have disappeared from the room since your last visit. Five items need to be highlighted: the candles around the chair, a portrait of Hamilton next to him, a book from the stand, a ouija board next to the stand, and a phonograph on the table. Press the Q key.

Open deductive analysis, combine two pairs of clues, and then come to one general conclusion.

Exercise. Examine the crypt of Alice's father.

Click on all the inscriptions on the floor, inspect the portrait, Ouija board and candles. You need to study ALL the inscriptions left in chalk. Next, read Kate's diary, click on the suitcase. Break the wooden door and inspect Hamilton's mummy. Look in the chest to inspect Alice's father's belongings. Examine the bed, after which the task will be completed.

Exercise. Find the crypt mentioned by Alice.

William Shaw (The Digging Giant), Archibald Irwin (The Road Learner), Henry Anthony Evans (The Bullet Hit) and William Fitzclarence (The Trampled Underfoot). After that, press the Q key. Enter the indicated crypt, go down and listen to Moriarty's message. Examine the documents on the table, as well as a strange star that you will have to use somewhere. Read the note lying near the sarcophagus. The task will be updated.

Exercise. Return to Alice in Baker Street.

Go to the door to leave the crypt, but all in vain.

Exercise. Find a way out of the crypt.

Move back and find the constellation on the left wall. Take that very star and click on the wall. You need to solve the puzzle. On the right side, you see how the lines of the entire constellation are connected. You need to repeat the same on the main part of the wall. The solution is the following:

After that, get out of the crypt, talk to Watson and run to the pier. Take the boat to the Madame Destiny steamer, where you climb the steps and enter the main room. Talk about everything with Kate, dodge flying objects, save your daughter by cutting the rope with the butcher's axe. When you are on the other side, you will need to pick up the right phrases. Say that Moriarty was a criminal. What do you love Kate. In general, speak exclusively to Kate and do not say a word towards Alice.

If you talk boldly with Alice, then Kate may die ..

The release date of the eighth part of a series of quests about the adventures of the legendary detective falls on June 10, 2016. The publishers continued the story of masterful investigations of crimes that Scotland Yard could not handle.

The game Sherlock Holmes 2016 has nothing to do with the previous parts. Events unfold in a different time period. The characters Sherlock Holm and Dr. Watson themselves are much younger. Holmes has changed not only outwardly. He became sharper and bolder. This change had a positive impact on the entire gameplay. This image of Sherlock is much better suited to the modern views of adventure fans.


The storyline of The Devil's Daughter consists of five full stories, consisting of an introduction, development and end. Each case has nothing to do with the previous ones and is a kind of mini-game. The stories that need to be investigated are of a different nature, interesting dialogues. Some are inherent. The atmosphere conveys all the horror of the events so vividly that at times it can be truly scary. You have to investigate the disappearance of the poor, a strange collision of carriages, the murder of an archaeologist and an attack on Holmes himself.

The dwelling of the character remained the same as in the previous parts. The Baker Street apartment still has an archive, a laboratory, and a map on the wall. For each case, it is better for a detective to change into clothes suitable for this case. Sometimes the plot requires making up the hero. But players have the opportunity at any time to change the appearance of the character and turn it into a kind of bald mustachioed.

In this version, the main character appears before us as the father of the girl. Where did she come from and what kind of strange neighbor is spinning around all the time, you have to find out in the last chapter. Although you can understand how the matter will end already in the middle of the gameplay. But, nevertheless, interesting dialogues will not let you get bored until the very end.

Genre Blending and Gameplay Mechanics

Devil's Daughter was originally planned as a detective adventure. But as a result, the developers managed to combine several game genres. The quest component remained unchanged. You still have to explore locations, study the evidence found, solve various puzzles and sum up.

Also now you can analyze your interlocutor. Facts are obtained in many ways: in a conversation with people, by studying objects, by searching for hidden clues. The details seen are subject to different interpretations. For example, a boy has red eyes. Has he cried recently or does he have conjunctivitis? The woman has strange wounds on her arm. What is it - a suicide attempt or an ordinary household wound? Is an expensive brooch on her chest a sign of ostentation, or is the lady really rich? The wrong decision is fraught with the creation of the wrong picture of the character. In the future, this affects the conduct of dialogues and the unfolding of the plot. The errors of the deductive method can lead to a dead end.

Some chapters are full of action elements. Either you have to run away from a maniac with a gun, then make your way through the swamps, then shoot back with a revolver, then follow and run on the roofs. Such scenes add dynamics and allow you to take your mind off solving puzzles.

But the elements with QTE bring boredom and longing. There are quite a few of them in Sherock Holms. In each part, you have to either eavesdrop on a conversation, or walk along a pipe or a board. And you can't do without quick keystrokes. It is not always possible to do these manipulations the first time. Therefore, some "lucky ones" have to do the same procedure over and over again in order to move on.

Basically gameplay decisions are common. Finding out the facts and logical comparison in the halls of the mind of a brilliant crime investigator allows us to draw the appropriate conclusions. However, the decision made may be controversial. Sometimes you face a dilemma of what to do and how to deal with this or that villain.

For example, Holmes concludes that Mr. George Hurst is a psychopath. He preys on the poor and the lords involved in the special training program. And here you need to make a verdict: let him go or justify. In any case, George is a sick man and needs treatment. But with a verdict of not guilty, Mr. Hurst has the opportunity to return to his son Tom.

Such moral throwing is present at the end of each chapter. There you can also find out how many other users have made a similar decision, and if you want to replay your own. To compose a complete picture Sherlock helps imagination and a special device of vision. By the way, you can play not only for a brilliant detective. In one of the missions, the developers allowed the players to play the role of the protagonist's dog. Sometimes Watson comes to the rescue. He is entrusted with the task of moving boxes, shooting from a revolver and covering his partner's back.

Graphics and open world features

The past parts about the famous detective looked good in terms of graphics. Game Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter just got better. However, along with the improvement of the graphics component, the system requirements have also increased. The publishers did not change the old habit and left the graphics on the Unreal Engine 3 engine.

Location design is top notch. The designers of the project took their work seriously. The Victorian style is worked out to the smallest detail. However, it was not without a fly in the ointment. Sometimes frankly terrible textures slip through. The animation doesn't impress either. The movements of the characters look somewhat clumsy and torn. But you can close your eyes to these shortcomings. Moreover, the project budget is not as serious as that of eminent competitors.

There is a semblance of an open world in the creation of Frogwares. Now the possibilities of users are not limited by the location. You can stroll through the gray streets of London, pop into a few pubs, watch the misty skies and even knock on some doors. Active city life is simulated on the streets. You don't have to interact with NPS. And yes, they act weird at times.

Sound and musical accompaniment raises no objections. Music corresponds to the current event, emphasizes especially tense moments. The voice acting in English fully conveys the character of the characters. Subtitles have been translated for Russian-speaking users.

We pass judgment

In general, the developers did an excellent job with the task. The atmosphere and dynamics of the gameplay give each story a style characteristic of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Not without flaws and roughness, but they are not so critical. An interesting plot and an unusual approach to the adventure genre with the addition of action and stealth elements bring modernity and entertainment that will attract both beginners and veterans of such adventure games.

The advantages of Devil's Daughter include:

Mystical component;
A large number of puzzles;
Variety of genres;
Detailed plot;
Good graphics.

The cons were limited to the monotony of the QTE mode and a small number of chapters.

Minimum system requirements

  • Processor – Intel Core i3 3.6GHz / AMD FX Series 4.2GHz Quad-Core
  • Video Card – AMD Radeon HD 7790 1024MB / NVIDIA GeForce 460 GTX 1024MB
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Free space - 20 GB
  • Operating system - Windows 7/8/10 (64 - x bit)
  • Processor – Intel Core i5 2100 3.1GHz / AMD A8-7600 3.1GHz
  • Video Card - ATI R9 270X 2048 MB / NVIDIA GeForce 760 GTX 2048 MB or higher
  • RAM - 8GB
  • Free space - 20 GB



The developers have made the game a little more varied and intense compared to past games. As in the previous part, SherlockHolmes: crimes & Punishments, most of the gameplay takes place in the study of crime scenes and examination of evidence. Found clues are transferred to a "deductive board" where the player can connect pieces of information. When all the deductive inferences are connected, a complete deductive tree emerges in the player's memory, called the "mental palace". The conclusions depend on the interpretation of the clues by the player, the player can successfully solve the problem or fail.

  • Hunt down criminals in the darkest areas of London. You will unravel a web of intrigue leading to a stunning final discovery.
  • Your every conclusion and action affects the rest of the story, for better or for worse...
  • Play as Sherlock Holmes, progress through the adventure with his extraordinary abilities.
  • Freely explore several neighborhoods of the city to find clues and suspects.
  • Interrogations, fights, harassment, penetrations... get to know a game like no other!

Compared to previous games, Holmes is younger. He works and has a daughter, Kate, who befriends their mysterious new neighbor, Alice De Bouvier. The story touches on Kate's true origins and Alice's motives for moving to Baker Street. Each case is investigated in a manner largely familiar from past installments. It usually takes 3-4 hours to investigate a case. Sherlock meets a new client and analyzes him, paying attention to every detail. A successfully analyzed "profile" of the client allows you to uncover clues that are applicable in conversations and deductive conclusions. Sherlock then drives around Victorian London and finds new clues with the help of his intuition. Methods of obtaining information can be conversations, autopsies, chemical experiments, archival research, and even bowls. In addition, the game has many mini-games and random elements that add variety to the gameplay. Sometimes the game will go into QTE mode, such as when escaping a sniper in Epping Forest or balancing on a crossbar to get to the balcony. The overall goal of any case is to gather evidence for conclusions. New for the game was the moral choice when reaching the final conclusion, which introduces branching into the plot. The game allows you to make incorrect conclusions, due to which there is a chance to miss the necessary evidence. Also, along with the investigation, Sherlock must solve puzzles, although they can be skipped if desired.

System requirements

  • OS: 64-bit Win7 or newer Windows
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 3.6 GHz or AMD FX Series Quad Core 4.2 GHz
  • Memory: 6 GB
  • video card: 1024 MB, 100% DirectX 11 compatible, AMD Radeon HD 7790 or NVIDIA GeForce 460 GTX
  • Disk space: 20 GB
Ace Attorney L.A. Noire The Wolf Among Us "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Ritchie Books by Arthur Conan Doyle

Last Frogwares game about Sherlock Holmes, Crimes & Punishments, was not perfect, but it could make for an outstanding adventure. It was worth paying more attention to the characters, adding interesting cases and getting rid of unnecessary QTEs... but the developers did the opposite. V The Devil's Daughter unintelligible through plot, investigations have become less, and the share of annoying mini-games has increased!

Why are elements persistently inserted into the adventure about Sherlock Holmes Assassin's Creed and tomb raider? They don't belong here! Why make locations even larger if almost nothing happens on extra streets?

Well, the performance with Sherlock as a loving dad is initially a dubious topic.

Who are you Mr Holmes?

In two years of real time, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have changed markedly. One can argue about the appearance of the detective, but his old friend is almost a double of Jude Law. There is other news: Holmes has a daughter! And the new neighbor is a young lady who will quickly find a common language with a young fidget. It is the relationship of this trinity that is dedicated to The Devil's Daughter, and its four episodes are, in fact, the backdrop for the growing conflict. In the final part, it will result in a long-awaited, but far from ideal, denouement.

What's wrong with Sherlock the father? If we ignore the originality of the idea, then almost everything. Frogwares should be commended for trying to show the detective in an unusual situation. The problem, however, is that the image of the genius of deduction that has stood the test of time crumbles in it like a house of cards. A smart and cunning crime fighter suddenly begins to behave like a juvenile fool who does not care about logic or common sense, and in this light, the final (as if "heartbreaking") dialogue does not impress in principle. There is no intrigue from the very beginning (“thanks” to the transparent hints of the scriptwriters), it is simply impossible to believe in what is happening, so why should the player pretend that he cares?

Sherlock and John have changed a lot, that's a fact. But for the better is the big question.

During the inspection of the interlocutor, you can make the wrong conclusion, say, about the origin of some scar or spot. But if such errors affect the outcome of the case, it is insignificant.

The plot of Crimes & Punishments is not outstanding, but then what about The Devil's Daughter? The first secret is not bad, but superficial and overloaded with stupid running from cover to cover. The second in the end turns into a natural narcotic nonsense. Next - a curious scene with Sherlock the exorcist, and immediately after it - it is unclear why the inserted stealth. And it's always like this: you just want to praise the developers for a good dialogue or an interesting puzzle, and they suddenly throw out a trick like balancing on a narrow plank.

In theory, the main thing here is the plot and investigations, but the lion's share of the time you will be almost jumping on the platforms. The Devil's Daughter simply can't handle the accents. Is it a thing that has been heard: a fleeting story about a sick girl and her suffering father takes over the soul much more than that very diabolical intrigue from the subtitle!

The Devil's Daughter pleases with an abundance of details. Like its predecessor, but this time we often get to walk along the streets of London. It's a pity that such scenery was used a few times.

Think like a criminal

And The Devil’s Daughter itself looks like a hell of a predecessor, even some locations have not changed much. The basis is the same: Sherlock, as if by chance, gets involved in mysterious stories, collects evidence, interviews witnesses, notices barely noticeable details and draws far-reaching conclusions. Sometimes any of the three suspects can be sent to the chopping block - an unheard-of non-linearity ... would be if the choice really influenced something.

Here we return to the common shortcoming of the latest releases of Sherlock Holmes: the script lacks details, those very elements without which the protagonist's conclusions often seem superficial, and there is an unpleasant innuendo in the cases. This is not in the spirit of Conan Doyle.

There can be no mistake, because the game monitors your progress and - as before - will tell you if you have convicted an innocent, helpfully offering to rewind time. Notes in the diary are made in such a way that it seems impossible to turn in the wrong direction, although it’s not at all scary to stumble: let’s say they remind you of this in the final - think of something and get out!

There is nothing wrong with a friendly attitude, something else is depressing: apparently, it is no longer fashionable to defeat villains with intellect, so Holmes more and more often has to move not with convolutions, but with his legs.

Holmes needs to forge something. No problem! And it is quite natural that they made a mini-game tied to QTE out of this.

We almost never use old tricks. Favorite table with chemicals, by the way ... hmm ... will break in the middle of the game.

Holmes' assistant plays spy. We need to trace the suspicious type. The route is linear (if it becomes possible to turn into an alley, then you need to go there), and the objects behind which you can hide are marked with a word ... well, you can see for yourself what word.

What happened to us, Watson?

The Devil's Daughter is a real collection of failed attempts to fix a working bike. The typical "adventure" gameplay was diluted with running around, fighting, swinging on ropes and annoying QTEs like holding two small but very moving circles within one large one.

One of these misunderstandings is the tedious and frankly boring surveillance of a suspicious type by Holmes' underage assistant, accompanied by running around the streets and rooftops. Other equally sad examples are the shooting in the home of a seasoned traveler and the escape from an armed "hunter".

The desire to diversify the action can only be welcomed, but the developers, frankly, lack either skill or budget. Either one or the other. The top of bad taste and absurdity is a huge overseas temple, crammed full of traps. Lara Croft would have come to court here (although by the standards of any Tomb Raider, the level is frankly weak), but why send the famous detective there?

It's like we used to run past Lestrade's office all the time. Now there will be very few meetings with him.

We are listening. Then we will stand in another place, no one will suspect anything. By the way, although Sherlock has a good set of costumes, false mustaches and beards, you will only have to change clothes a few times.

A very curious episode, even QTE is in place. At first glance - just a massive accident, but in reality ...

And at its best, The Devil's Daughter simply returns to what it was in Crimes & Punishments. For example, the reconstruction of an accident and the investigation of its causes is a truly unexpected, interesting and somewhat touching adventure ... but it was also ruined by a trivial fuss with boxes in the London sewer. Clumsy acrobatics and tortured "interior" puzzles, the essence of which is not at all in finding a cleverly hidden evidence, but in clearing the way to the next room, is not at all what you expect from a game with the name of Sherlock Holmes in the title. In any case, not at that level.