
DMC: Devil May Cry. Walkthrough

Where to begin

Upon completion of watching the introductory video, Dante is drawn into the parallel world of Limbo.

Mission 1 - Discovered

The first type of enemy in the game will be the so-called "Lesser Hell Spawn". Enemies are weak and will not cause much difficulty. Under dynamic music, we deal with the first game, using a light combo technique, we get a sphere and a certain number of souls for killing.

As soon as the enemies are defeated, a stranger in a hood will call us. We follow her, pass a pile of stones and observe in the distance painfully familiar pistols hanging on someone's bra. Behind us, the wharf will begin to collapse. We run with all our might forward, trying not to fall into the water. We watch a small cut-scene, we get pistols with stupid names Black and White for use.

Enemies appear in the air - new winged-horned entities, which the developers called "Batos". Very annoying and dangerous creatures on high difficulty levels. They attack in packs and are able to drop bombs on the ground.

Having dealt with all the wickedness at this stage, we are talking with a stranger pursuing goals unknown to us. We run after her, we find the lost soul. To free it, use a melee attack.

We go to the left, we pass several obstacles, we select a huge shining key. We return to the place where the soul was recently released, we go into the alley and find ourselves in an open area with a colorful carousel.

At a fast pace, we exterminate the creatures that have appeared, trying not to touch the spinning frame of the carousel. We are heading towards the huge and bright Ferris wheel. Along the way, it will be possible to improve Dante's skills and acquire items necessary for the further game.

The hunter will start attacking with a hook from a distance, but we just have to dodge in time, and then dive into the doorway flooded with light. The passage behind the back will be unavailable, move on.

We get into the art gallery, move along an intuitive route, find ourselves in a room with dozens of mechanisms. Spinning gears pose a certain danger to enemies and to ourselves, so be creative and accurate.

At the end of the battle, a door will open on the opposite side of the room. The room itself will stretch out, and the gears that were on the floor will begin to move. We pass dangerous areas, we step beyond the threshold of the door.

On the other side, we will meet another cut-scene and the opportunity to upgrade Dante's skills with the help of a statue. Having completed the desired actions, we run along the rocks growing out of the ground, get to the building with a clown sign on the facade, watch the video.

The stranger will throw a Molotov cocktail into the boss's face, and finally, the final battle of the first mission will begin.

The hunter-boss is far from the strongest and you should not have any special difficulties in passing it. When he approaches us, it is best to roll to the side, strike, and run around him, go behind his back and methodically land blow after blow. At some point, the Hunter will collapse to the ground and Dante will have a chance to beat the demon with impunity.

After the Hunter gets back on his feet, we keep our distance, while not forgetting to shoot at him with gunshot crumbs. In practice, these are all the actions required from the player to successfully complete the battle.

They will alternate and towards the end of the battle, the Hunter will create a black fog in Limbo. Taking advantage of Dante's poor visibility, he will launch a dagger into the air. We need to quickly and in time evade a sharp object. When the fog clears, we can again beat the enemy as we please.

Having defeated the first boss in the game, we, together with Dante, move on in the story. This completes the first mission.

Mission 2 - The Bitter Truth

After watching the video, we run forward along the corridors of the old mansion. Once in a huge hall, we climb the left stairs, go into the nearest door, if necessary, we pump Dante at the statue. Turn left, go forward all the way until a cut-scene is shown. Few enemies and a brand new Demon Death Knight will soon appear. Normal attacks on him are ineffective, so first of all you need to remove his shield. We make several rough attacks, you can combine and, depriving him of protection, we finish him off.

After the battle, we approach the portrait of Sparda and get a new weapon Arbiter. Immediately there is an opportunity to test it on a knight, breaking through the defense and inflicting fatal damage. We deal with a few more creatures, go to the children's laughter. We go down lower and lower, we return to the main hall. Another skirmish with enemies - we kill, we watch a cut-scene with the ghosts of the past. We rise along the right stairs, with the help of the Arbiter we destroy the red door. We run after children's silhouettes. Again we deal with the creatures, watch the video.

We get into Dante's subconscious and get a hell of a craving. With its help, we pull up the nearest stone island. We follow a straight path, sometimes pulling the plates towards us or floating on them. Batos and ordinary creatures will appear again - we attract to ourselves with the help of traction. We break the chain a little further, watch a short video.

We follow an intuitive route, sometimes pulling the plates towards us. We reach the red door, we cut it with the help of the Arbiter. We run after the ghost of a woman, we look at the deformation of the mansion. Batos with shields appear - for destruction we use infernal traction. Again we rush after the ghost, We destroy the red door with the Arbiter. We go along the corridor, get into the hall, watch the cut-scene.

We cut the demons, we approach the portrait of the mother, we get Osiris. The hall will be filled with crowds of enemies - we destroy, we run back for the ghost. The terrain will change again. We run to the red door, destroy it with the Arbiter. The blue barrier will succumb to the power of Osiris. We cut our way, we go along the corridor, we cut down the red door. We go into the hall, approach the rose on the floor, watch the video.

We again fall into the subconscious of Dante. Going a little forward, we get an angelic hook. With it, we bypass the abyss, destroy the enemies, get to the chain, once changing the hook to the traction, destroy the stone blocks of the chain, watch the cut-scene. Deal with the demons, go into the central opening, watch the video. We go down lower and lower, periodically changing the hook to traction and, vice versa, to overcome dips and abysses. After running along a long corridor, we reach the point of return to the real world. The video will start. This completes the second mission.

Mission 3 - Pedigree

The third mission begins with a fight near the fountain. We give kicks to several demons, get acquainted with a new species - the Ravager. We go to Kat, but the masonry crumbles underfoot. There is no further way, we return back to the fountain, we fight with a crowd of creatures.

We run up to the light point, use the angelic hook to get to the second tier of the building. We stumble upon one devastator, we move on. We approach the edge of the building, use the hook points. When we find ourselves in front of two soaring plates, we wait for the moment to reach a shining rose. We watch the video, we get into the subconscious.

Dante has received some kind of angelic acceleration, using which we get to the chain. There are no difficulties at this stage of the game. Alternate and combine Dante's skills to move. Having knocked down the chain, we return to Limbo. A new type of flying creature appears - Paphos. We destroy the party of demons, we go into the opened arch. Using the new opportunity to accelerate, we pass the cliff, we stand on the shining point of return. Mission completed.

Mission 4 - At gunpoint

We meet new creatures - Hellspawn in the company of already familiar demons. We chop everyone, we go along the left street. We use traction on the red dot, then we pull ourselves up with a hook. We turn to the right, there is a red dot near the far wall - we pull it towards us, we pull ourselves up. We tear out a keen eye, the passage to the next street is open.

After the cut-scene, we turn right, go down narrow streets, get to the fountain, meet Paphos with a shield and several ordinary demons. Having dealt with the enemy, we go along the opened street, we watch a short scene. The street will narrow sharply, we need to pass it as quickly as possible.

The Knight of Ice appears, who only dies from angelic weapons. After the battle, the next task is to snatch two big-eyed cameras. We pass along the far street, cling to the blue dot with a hook, jump from the platform to the nearest surface. We turn our head to the left, we make a double jump and acceleration. We pull out the eyes.

We jump down and find Kat, watch the cut-scene. We apply thrust to the stairs, jump on it, pull the point on the wall, jump to the platform that appears. We perform similar actions several times with hook points on the walls. We approach the edge of the roof, tear out the eye, jump to the square. We defeat opponents, pass under the white arch, quickly run through the crumbling streets, halls and corridors.

We get into the green hall, destroy the party of demons, get acquainted with the Tyrant. We miss his battering ram, we go behind our back, we are attracted by the angelic hook and we chop the enemy with the Arbiter. So several times with possible combined attacks. The hall will begin to collapse, so we quickly pass all the abysses, using jerks and hooks. Let's watch the video.

Mission 5 - Virility

We run along the green pipes behind Kat, we get to the warehouse, we are looking for an open area. A cut-scene will start. Dante will be transported back to Limbo.

There is nothing difficult at the beginning of the journey. We jump from one platform to another, rising higher and higher, sometimes using infernal traction and an angelic hook. We get to the plate, we face a few opponents, we jump further. The route is quite clear and logical, do not get lost.

After opening the doors of the red container, we meet with the Hell Knight. The fighting style is the same as against the ice knight, you just need to change weapons to the Arbiter. We beat the enemy, we go into the opened passage in the wall. We go to the farthest corner of the corridor, climb a pile of boxes, at the top we kill several Pathos.

We are shown the opposite point, which Dante needs to get to by jumping, pulling and hooking. From time to time we will meet demons, but they do not present difficulties, as well as points of interaction that are confusing at first sight. Having reached the workshop for mixing ingredients, we fight with several creatures.

We run into the open door, follow the corridor to the blue cobweb. Sharply to the right, the path will be closed, we return back, we go along the pipes. Green puddles of waste pose a threat to Dante's health. We kill the demon alone, go further along the same pipes, stumble upon a devastator, chop it, turn right through the door. A short video will be shown.

We get into the main mixing hall and immediately enter into an unequal battle with the demons (as always). At this stage of the mission, there are a lot of enemies and there is a chance to hit the green goo on the floor. After the battle, we go to the free passage, watch the video.

Mission 6 - Secret Ingredient

At first, the task is extremely simple - in a certain time to reach the huge blades on the opposite side of the location. You don't have to kill demons along the way. Having reached a given point, we watch the cut-scene. We go along the pipe, they show a video. Again, we move forward to the wings. Another video.

Dante meets a boss named Succubus. You should behave with her something like this: inflict constant damage on the head and hands, guess the moment of her attack with claws, dodge in a timely manner. After removing the first bar of life from the boss, a spectacular Dante strike will be shown and the fight will continue. The Succubus has 3 lives in total.

On the second life, the creature can vomit the entire arena with a green substance, causing decent damage to us. To avoid loss of life, we change the arena with an angelic hook. Points for hooking are located on top on both sides of the demon.

With the loss of her last life, the Succubus will collapse without strength, and a red dot will shine on her head for hellish thrust. Use it, watch the cut-scene. After we run into the bright gate, again we stumble upon a tenacious boss.

We use infernal thrust to destroy the stones that prevented the huge carcass from going with the flow. Then a pull on the creature itself, and then a hook on a stone slab. We watch a video where the Succubus is chopped into meat.

Mission 7 - Overthrow

We jump on the boulders, we break the red door with the new weapon Eriks. We approach the red growth on the floor, we break it with the same weapon. Use the hook point with the angel hook several times in a row, use Eryx again. We move forward, sometimes making jerks and hooks, using our fists.

We reach the battle arena, deal with the demons, break the barrier in a way we already know. We're running into trouble again. Having solved the problems with the creatures, we break another barrier with mittens. We watch the cut-scene.

After viewing, use the hook point on the left side of the map, then apply traction on the stone. We move forward, tear out a piece of the wall, and then we follow a primitive and quite understandable route. It's hard to get confused. We get to the wall with red fragments, destroy it and watch a short video.

Using the new ability "ring of acceleration" we move on. Open the red container on top, pick up the big health star and continue on to the tower. We reach the arena with a dozen creatures, destroy them, pull ourselves up to the hole at the top, a little further we will be shown a cut-scene.

Limbo arrived in the regiment of fiends. We fight with a creature named Wrath, using an angel-type weapon. We climb into the hole in the part of the room where the fire burns. We rise to the second tier of the tower, we meet monsters. Having dealt with them, we rise above. We jump into the elevator shaft, strike the lid with gloves. We go into the back room, destroy the floor, fight with several representatives of Wrath.

We pull ourselves up with a hook to a high blue dot, optionally buy the necessary items from the statue, jump into a small hole on the left side of the sculpture. We go along the long bridge, we watch a small video. We jump from one car to another, get to the harpies, fight. At the end of the battle, watch the video.

Mission 8 - No Eyes

We rush after a flock of harpies. The route and goals that the game sets for us are quite passable and should not cause difficulties. Do not miss points of interaction with objects and do not lose the right direction.

Having reached the rushing train, we turn right, go forward along the tunnel and, when you hear the rattle of metal, jump to the edge of the tracks so as not to fall under the burning car. We repeat this action several times, peeping at the burning lamps from above, where the green ones indicate the right choice, and the red ones indicate the opposite.

We enter the battle arena, deal with the monsters, jump onto the platform on the left side, go down the stairs, break the barrier and again run after the harpies. After watching the cut-scene, we pull the eye of the demon towards us. We fall into an ambush, get out of trouble, pull ourselves up to the exit, which is highlighted from below with a green sign. We go along the corridor, we rise higher and higher, we stumble upon a pair of four-legged creatures.

Having dealt with them, we return by the route already known to us. We go into the tunnel with green lights, move deeper, turn left, jump, get into trouble. After defeating the enemy, we return to the old demon, watch the video.

Mission 9 - The Devil Within

We run along the iron bridge, break the wall highlighted in red, we reach the cut-scene. After viewing, we jump down to the slab, repeat this several times until we land on the stone wing. A fight with a witch will start. As soon as she is defeated, you will need to get the winged key located above. Jerks, thrust and a hook will help us get to it. We fall into the subconscious of Dante.

We make two jumps on the platforms, destroy the stone fasteners of the chain. We watch the cut-scene. We have a new ability "Hell Trigger", giving Dante the familiar image of a blond guy and considerable strength. We test it on the creatures that have appeared.

We return to Limbo, use the hook, find ourselves in the arena of battles. We leave the room, climb higher, buy items at will. Then we move along an intuitive route.

On suspended platforms we fight harpies, small offspring and other creatures. After the battle, we leave this room, pull ourselves up and make several jerks towards the video.

Mission 10 - Bad News

Being in an inverted position, we step towards the shimmering tower along the bottom of the bridge. We watch the cut-scene. We hurriedly run along the wreckage of the recent bridge, without falling under the spotlight's luminous flux. When we reach the tower, a cutscene will be shown.

We change the information blocks of news under us, jump into the graphic globe. After watching the video clip, we fight Bob Barbas. We jump over the rotating beams, and when the second, more powerful attack begins, you need to hit the red dot (button) on the floor with your gloves. There are only three of them.

After the blow, we run up to the hologram of Barbas and inflict a series of blows on him. We retreat, bounce over the rays and again knock out the red, already the second point on the floor. Again we run to the boss, give a slap in the face, run away, dodge and hit the point for the third time. Now you need to be attracted to Bob's eye.

We fall into the lenses of television cameras. We deal with a dozen creatures, we return to the boss. We dodge a series of attacks by Barbas, we knock out two points of interaction at once, highlighted in red. Again, we mutuzim the physiognomy of the TV presenter.

Having evaded a series of attacks, we again knock out two points (buttons) and inflict damage on the hologram. At some point, Bob's second life will dry up and we will be able to pull ourselves up to the second eye.

Destroy the creatures, watch the video. Barbas has one last life left. Dodging a hail of attacks, we hit three buttons on the floor already. We beat the boss. We repeat this action at least two or three times. Fat, unattractive Bob Barbas is defeated, and Dante is given an Aquila throwing weapon.

Mission 11 - Order of Chaos

We go along the dark alley, kill the creatures on the way. The Butcher appears, launching sharp discs that you can jump over. After evading the attack, we run close to the enemy and deal damage with the help of the Arbiter. When the enemies are defeated, we are attracted to the blue dot on the scaffolding, from there to the far platform. We cut the blue web with Aquila, jump inside.

We break the door, we buy things from the statue, again we break the floor. Cobweb mode, jump down, break down the door, go along the corridor, in the next room we destroy the floor, again use the gloves.

We jump to the battle arena, deal with evil spirits, watch a short video fragment. We follow the group of "special forces", we kill the monsters in the round hall. We launch Aquila into the cobweb from above, jump inside. There again we meet enemies.

We go down the stairs, run along the corridor, break the door. We reach the statue, we swing at will. We enter the large hall, shred the creatures, stumble upon an unknown character who can teleport. We cripple him, we find Kat a little further.

Mission 12 - Under siege

We follow Kat, we pull out drawings with a thrust. We go back, again we use traction on the white wall, we run after Kat, sometimes repeating the same actions with traction. We fall into a huge hall, save Virgil from the Butcher. We delay the enemy for a certain amount of time. We get the weapon "Resurrected" and new enemies "Spawn of Wrath". Having literally destroyed crowds of enemies, we watch a sad video.

Mission 13 - Devilish Infatuation

To the rhythmic music, we smear the creatures on the neon dance floor. After a short video, we again enter the battle with the demons. Roller again. We rise above, beat with mittens on the start button of the player. And another video...

We pass along the light paths, clamping the demonic or angelic mode in the path corresponding to them. We deal with the creatures, hit the start button, jump on the cubes.

We reach the next dance floor, round 2 begins. In 30 seconds we kill a few opponents, move on, hit the button. We run up the stairs, jump on moving cubes, choosing the moment and time to make the jump.

The 3rd round begins, where you need to destroy the enemies at the same time, without stepping, for example, in the angelic mode on the red stripes and vice versa. "Press" the button on the floor.

When we enter the dark room, round 4 begins. We deal with small creatures, press the button. There are no difficulties in this round.

When round 5 starts, we will meet that mysterious teleporter again.

Round number 6 introduces us to the Phantom Wrath, against which the attacks of Aquila and Osiris work. After defeating him, Blood Wrath will appear, which is weak against Hell-type weapons.

Mission 14 - The Last Dance

After watching the cutscene, we will get to know the Spawn of Mundus. In the battle with him, the player is required to: deal constant damage to the boss itself and dodge combo attacks such as electric waves and direct blows in a timely manner.

The easiest way to defeat this big man is in the Hell Trigger mode, which can be activated with a small star of the appropriate category. The second option for fighting is to pull yourself up to the eye of the creature with a hook and shred it already in the air. After dealing sufficient damage to the boss, he falls with a crash, and his mother's legs are shown from his carcass. We use traction to pull it out, beat it. The spawn of Mundus will suck it back into the carcass and the fight will continue.

The number of such approaches varies depending on the level of difficulty you choose. On average, you need to turn it 3-5 times. At the end of the battle, a short video will be shown.

Mission 15 - Exchange

When the video ends, we run up to the car frozen in the air, use the hook, now, using the traction, we remove the container from the path of the car. Virgil and Kat need help again. We pull ourselves up to the car, jump onto the roofs of the containers, and with our mittens we inflict three blows on the red growth. The car goes on. We pursue it, clinging to the interaction points with a hook.

A huge screw threatens to crush the car. As soon as possible, we deal with the creatures that appeared on the way, we pull out the screw with a thrust. From the roof of the gazelle, we use the hooks of the Angel's Hook, pull up the bus, jump onto its roof, and from there to the nearest island of asphalt.

We chop demons, we approach the bridge support, we use mittens. Let's watch a short video.

Mission 16 - Plan

We run through the crumbling city, sometimes clinging to certain points of interaction. We land near the entrance to the Mundus building, destroy the Elite infernal spawn and small fry. We watch a short video fragment with Virgil.

In thirty seconds, we deal with several shield bearers with the help of mittens or the Arbiter. We quickly run into the building until the entrance is sealed. We meet the Dreamer, against whom angel-type weapons are effective. We go to the central doors, watch the video.

We wander through the corridor locations, go into the elevator. Short video. We share with our brother, turn right, go forward until we stumble upon the Limbo creatures.

The drawn arrow points to the left, showing the video. Lasers disappear, we go forward.

We fall into the financial wing, deal with the Dreamer and ordinary demons. We cling to the hook to the second tier of the building, we go into the elevator. Turn right or left, it doesn't matter. We destroy the creatures on the way, we pass to the back of the floor, again we meet enemies. We climb onto the roof of a small metal structure, pull ourselves up to the next floor. We follow the direction of the arrow.

At some point, we fight with the elite, we move on along a completely understandable route. It's extremely difficult to get confused. When we reach the lasers, we watch the video. The shutdown is only partial, so we select the moment to overcome the obstacle. On the other side we meet the Dreamer and a couple of brats. After that, we pass the next lasers, turn right. We get to the elevator, watch the video.

Having received the stun gun, we test it on a lonely demon a little further. Also, this weapon is effective on flying creatures. Having reached the fork, we turn right, run along the crumbling bridge, go into the elevator. On the roof we deal with the creatures, jump on the flying stone islands, get to the core.

Mission 17 - Furnace of Souls

The entire mission is entirely devoted to the extermination of the undead and the rush from one island to another. There are no problems or puzzles here. So the route is logical and not complicated. We jump from mineral to mineral without falling into the fire of damned souls. We kill demons, again we perform similar actions. And so several times.

When we get to the second large arena and fight with a whole pack of demons, we raise our heads, cling to the boulders with an angelic hook. That's where the mission ends.

Mission 18 - Demon Lair

We are faced with approximately the following task: to activate four generators with the help of Infernal thrust and destroy the creatures that have appeared at the same time. We don't have to look for generators. There are four branches in the hall, the ends of which are occupied by these devices.

After activating all four beams, we return to the central hall. Here we run into a simple problem. It is necessary to arrange the drawings that are on the floor in accordance with the drawings on the pillars. We beat the mittens on the red growths - the mechanism will begin to rotate.

We put a crescent to a crescent, a similarity of a gear to a similarity of a gear, a star to a star, a wave to a wave. Nothing complicated. Upon completion of the work, the doors will open.

Mission 19 - Face of the Demon

After watching a long video, we slide down the roof, cling to everything that is possible with a hook, and again we watch the video. Once in the building, we pull out the car with thrust, run after Virgil, periodically destroying obstacles in our path. After the brother is sucked into the body of Mundus, we use traction on the hook points.

The battle begins. The boss's health bar is double, corresponding to the number of his hands. We are attracted by a hook to the giant's right hand, inflict damage, dodge rough attacks. Guessing the place of the attack is not difficult, just follow the glow on the roof. Then we hit the right limb when it is in close proximity to Dante. Also, there is the possibility of changing the battle arena when the giant begins to flood the roof with burning lava.

When one of the arms is cut off, the eye of Mundus will glow red. Use Infernal Thrust to dash. We turn the same thing after cutting off the second limb.

Now, you need to pull yourself up to the face of Mundus when he brings his head closer. After dealing enough damage, a cutscene will be shown to the boss.

Mission 20 - End

Alas, friends, but we have to fight with Virgil. In general, the fight is not difficult, almost no different from the fight with the Dreamer. We beat off the swords flying at us, while doing damage ourselves. The best weapon against Virgil is the angel style weapon. It is easier and much faster for them to strike at a speedy brother. But as a finishing weapon, you can use the Arbiter. Also, do not forget about the trigger mode. Take note.

When Vergil creates a clone, then we should focus on the original, dodging the speed attacks of the copy. The game does not require more from us. Hit, dodge in a timely manner and watch the final cutscene.

On this, ends the passage

You can not only shred enemies, but also complete secret missions. However, first you have to find them! In today's guide, we will tell you how to discover all 12 missions and what you need to do to complete them.

1 secret mission

First secret mission you will find in the second chapter of the main story. To do this, you must first use the second Nidhogg Hatchling and destroy the second barrier blocking the path. In the bedroom, you will see a red pentagram, and the game gives a clue to the location of the secret mission.

Stand next to the bed on the red dot so that the pentagram begins to glow, and you can unlock the secret mission. You will need to destroy all the demons. The easiest way to do this is on Human difficulty. Please note that you will only have 1 minute and 30 seconds to complete the task.

2 secret mission

Second secret mission you will find during the third mission of the main story, when you deal with the roots in the sewers. You need to free your way to the door, above which there is a green sign. You will enter a room with stairs, after which you need to go down to the very bottom of the room. Look around a little and notice a red dot, and then a pentagram, which will be in a small arch.

This time you need to stop all the Red Empusa from escaping. There will be five of them in total, and in order to destroy them, you cannot let them dig a hole. The easiest way to kill them is with the Overture Devil Breaker. If one of the creatures escapes, then grab it with a cable and continue to use the Prelude.

3 secret mission

Third secret mission located in the fourth main mission of the story. After you pass the railway bridge, you will see a Nidgehh Cub. Take it and move on. You need to go through the warehouse to a large street where a lot of enemies are waiting for you to destroy. Use "Nightmare" to break through the wall of the building and go there after you kill all the creatures. Along the way, you will find another Nidhogg - take it with you and return to the big street.

During a short walk, you will not only stumble upon several opponents, but also find roots blocking your further path. Destroy them with Nidgehh Hatchling and take the Blue Orb. Do the same with other roots that interfere with passing. When the path is clear, go to the dark building and climb to the very top. Near the window you will find a red dot, and turning around a little, you will find a pentagram.

In this secret mission, you will need to collect all the red orbs. They will be attracted to you if you are close enough. First, just walk forward, then look between the cabinets and tables. Don't forget about those spheres that float in the air. The reward for such a warm-up will be a fragment of the blue sphere.

4 secret mission

Fourth secret mission is in the fifth task of the plot. You will find yourself at the docks, where you will need to deal with a certain number of opponents. After that, go down and pay attention to the container on the left side. Approach it and take a closer look - you will see the desired symbol on the wall. Summon Nightmare to destroy the wall, then head upstairs, killing enemies along the way. Look back where you came from and you will see a passage.

In order to complete this secret mission, you will have to eliminate all the enemies without taking any damage. To do this, you need to open one of V's abilities, with which he can ride the Nightmare. Summon him, get on your back and start crushing enemies.

You can also unlock "Combo B", which will allow you to destroy all enemies that are close to you.

5 secret mission

Fifth secret mission you will find in the eighth mission. You need to get to the second lava flow, along which stone platforms rise. Climb to the ledges and then pay attention to the red orbs. You can get there with a zipline and then find a passage between the red crystals.

To complete the fifth mission, you need to get to the target without touching the ground. To do this, you need to find capture points and cling to them with a cable. For more fun, try using a prosthetic, as it will allow you to "fly" over the ground without constantly using the grapple points.

6 secret mission

In order to open sixth secret mission, you need to get to the ninth task of the main plot. Get ready to fight the knights! Well, after you defeat them, pay attention to the passage, the path to which is blocked by roots. Use Nightmare to clear the path and go look for the blue fragment. Then return to the place where the knights were previously destroyed, climb onto the ledge above the arch and look around - you will find a symbol.

To complete this task, you need to buy all the purple orbs that are only in the in-game store. What for? Then, that's the only way you can destroy all the demons in 20 seconds. It is necessary to go on a mission only with a fully filled demon scale, otherwise you will not see victory. It will be easiest if you use Nightmare, here he will be a good helper. Another decision can lead you to victory - complete the mission on the "Human" difficulty level.

7 secret mission

Located seventh secret mission in the tenth task of the main plot. You will come to a huge room, where, of course, you will have to fight with a certain number of enemies. Pay attention to the passages with teeth - you need the one on the right side. Have time to jump into it before the teeth close and go upstairs. Here you will find a red symbol and you can activate the passage to the secret mission.

To complete the mission, you will need to aim at the vulnerable points of the enemy and destroy him with one blow. You will have to fight with the Scissors of Death, while you need to destroy his scissors. To do this, attack the enemy in such a way that he uses scissors to block. Once they are broken, the opponent's head will turn red. Get one shot with Ebony and Ivory. Before you go to the enemy, do not forget to use Balrog's gloves and boots - this will greatly facilitate the job.

8 secret mission

Eighth Secret Mission awaits you in the eleventh mission of the story. You will need to destroy three blood clots. After the first one is destroyed, you will see a cut-scene and the building will go down. So you can get to the remaining clots. After that, you need to return to the beginning and go upstairs. Go to the corridor where one of the clumps was and look back to see the pattern in front of the entrance to the ruins. So you can find the passage.

To complete the mission, you will have to hold the S rank. Use attacks and fire weapons. You can also use automatic combinations. Lift enemies into the air and shoot them with long-range weapons. Good help.

9 secret mission

To open ninth secret mission, you will need to reach the twelfth mission of the main story. You will find yourself in the catacombs, where you will need to climb onto the ledges and then get to the distant platforms. Turn around in the direction of the path and notice a sign indicating a secret mission.

In order to pass it, you will need to be in the air for at least 15 seconds. The easiest way to do this is by activating the Cavaliere motorcycle. Just attack enemies from the air. The task is very easy.

10 secret mission

Tenth Secret Mission located in the twelfth task of the main plot. To begin, you will need to return three pets that belong to Vee. Then, immediately after the destruction of the second blood clot, you will need to go a little further from the place where he was. You will come across a red dot. Then turn around to the place where the bloody root was and find the pentagram.

To complete the mission, you need to reach the goal without touching the ground. Here you need a skill that allows you to ride the Nightmare. Summon him, then jump off. Hold the spacebar again and glide the Nightmare back with the Griffon.

11 secret mission

penultimate secret mission located in the fifteenth mission of the story. To start, you will need to choose one of two paths, although both will eventually intersect at the Divinity Statues. Near one of the statues you can find three collectibles. After the cut-scene passes, to activate which you need to go behind the statue, go upstairs (the easiest way is to use the Killer Thing). There you will find a red dot located exactly above the blue shard that was in the cut-scene.

The Devil May Cry series has always been famous not only for its reference combat mechanics and charismatic characters, but also for boss battles and Devil May Cry 5 is no exception. If you don't want to get stuck on one of them, remembering the developers for their mother, you will need a tactic for each boss. For your convenience, they will be listed in chronological order. Some bosses, such as Urizen, the game's main antagonist, will appear multiple times throughout the story.

Prologue - Urizen

The first boss is guarded by a red crystal and before you can get to Urizen, you will have to destroy him. Load the revolver while holding "Square" / "X" It may be quite difficult to do this on the first try, in which case you will need to upgrade some skills and save up health. In combat, you need to be pretty good at dodging all of the boss's attacks. It uses: blue orbs that slow you down; damaging red lava balls; a laser beam that slowly moves back and forth across the map and sometimes hits like a whip; laser beams emerging from the floor. Just walk around the edges of the map all the time and shoot the crystal from afar. And now that the interference has disappeared, it's time to attack Urizen. Be careful, it restores the crystal and you only have 3-5 seconds to attack. In order not to waste precious time, it is best to get close to him right before destroying the crystal.

On Human difficulty, you will defeat him in 2 rounds. If you choose the difficulty "Demon Hunter", then you can do it in 3-4 rounds. If your health bar runs out at least once, a cut-scene will start and the fight will end with Nero's defeat. But if you manage to complete this fight perfectly, you will receive a secret prologue.

Mission 1 - Qliphoth Roots

One of the easiest bosses in the game. Attacks only with its tentacles, but can create single opponents. If you want to go through it in the safest possible way, then just shoot the boss with a revolver from a safe distance. If this approach is not for you, attack him in close combat when he is not going to attack with his hands. As soon as the hands begin to move, it means that the boss is preparing to attack, move away.

Mission 2 - Goliath

Goliath has a huge amount of health, but don't be alarmed, he is relatively slow. And again, no one bothers you to choose the easier way and just use the revolver from afar to minimize the risk. The process will be slow, but effective! Hold "Square" / "X" to fire three devastating shots that deal more damage than if you just fired quickly.

If you want to have some fun, then hold the camera on the enemy and attack him from the back with a melee weapon. As soon as he starts moving his arms, tilt the stick to the right + "X" / "A" to instantly dodge. If you press the buttons in time, Goliath will not have time to hit you. Most importantly, do not forget to stay behind him. You can also double jump in the air and attack the boss with air attacks. If you want to deal more damage, then use one of the Devil Breakers (Devil Breakers) - Prelude (The Overture)

Mission 3 - Artemis

This is a flying boss and one of the most difficult opponents in the game. She will use mostly laser attacks, but she also has two drones that can attack you. Drones are the least of the problems, they can simply be ignored or killed (they have very low HP and are easily destroyed). But be careful, the boss will create new drones, and the old ones will turn into homing mines that will hunt for you and explode nearby.

Grab Artemis by pressing R1 + Circle / RB + B. Then perform an air attack, "Triangle" / "Y". When the boss flies away, run after her and repeat the attack in the air. In order to perform tricks in the air and quickly jump after the boss as he flies away, one of the Devil Breakers, Gerbera, will come in handy. When the boss rises to the ceiling and starts to emit an arc light to the ground, you need to quickly defeat the two drones and use them as grappling hooks to reach him and knock him to the ground. Otherwise, Artemis will unleash a powerful aerial attack. After that, the boss will become stronger and rush at you. Always use a double jump to get out of the enemy's path and carefully repeat air attacks as before.

As before, you can use revolver tactics, but since the boss focuses on ranged attacks, it is much faster and easier to fight him in melee. By the way, most of Artemis's attacks will miss you when you are in the air next to her.

Mission 4 - Nidhogg

There are two ways to damage him: by attacking one of his tentacle arms, or by attacking the boss directly. It's best to focus on the boss, as destroying the tentacles doesn't deal much damage to him. It is best to buff Griffon with L2 + Square / LT + X. Then his ranged attacks will turn into bolts of lightning from above. The bottom line is that lightning will hit not only the boss himself, but also the tentacles. In this way, you can quickly destroy them. After destroying all three tentacles, the boss will be stunned for a short time. Luckily, Nidhogg's attacks are easy to dodge and he doesn't deal much damage.

Mission 5 - Elder Geryon Knight

The first fight with this boss will be quite difficult, as he can kill both of your demonic pets. When he charges an attack all over the map, keep your pets away. Griffon Vigor 2 and Shadow Vigor 2 are great skills in this situation, but at this stage of the game you most likely won't have them yet. When the health of your pets is seriously reduced, summon the Shadow with the "L1" key and it will instantly raise their health. If both of your pets survive during the fight, you will receive the Pet protection trophy. Only use Nightmare when your pets are low on health. The boss's attacks are pretty easy to dodge, given that the pets will take all the hit.

Mission 6 - Gilgamesh

Huge metal beetle. First you need to attack the weak spots on his legs. When they are destroyed, dots marked in blue will appear in their place for a grappling hook. Cling to the point and you will be catapulted onto the back of the boss. There you will find a large red blob that must be attacked to take the crab's health off. After some time, the boss will try to throw you off, and the clot will disappear. After that, you will have to repeat the whole process with the other leg of the monster. There are only a few dangerous moments during this fight: spikes on the back of the boss; the moment when he shoots a laser from his hands and when he bombards you with explosives. But with the help of double jumps and the devil scourge "Gerbera", you can easily dodge these attacks.

Mission 8 - Urizen

Mission 9 - Urizen

Exactly the same battle as in the prologue, which cannot be won. After your health bar is empty, a cutscene will start, and then the next mission.

Mission 10 - Urizen

Exactly the same battle as in the prologue, which cannot be won. After your health bar is empty, a cutscene will start, and then the next mission.

Mission 11 - Cavaliere Angelo

The best strategy for this boss is to use the RoyalGuard defensive stance by pressing Down on the D-pad and block Angelo's attacks with Circle/B. The block absorbs a small amount of Devil Trigger's charge, but you will replenish it by attacking the boss. After he's finished attacking (usually after four hits), hit him with the Stinger and press the stick up + Triangle / Y. Repeat the same. After a few of these hits, you'll manage to stun him and the Cavalier will teleport away to charge up a ranged attack. If you picked up the Kalina Ann grenade launcher earlier in this chapter, then use it (you will find it in the ruins after destroying three blood clots. It is in the room from which you entered the ruins). Missiles deal quite a lot of damage to the boss. When he returns to melee, repeat the block and strike with Sting.

Mission 12 - Urizen

Again the boss from the prologue, but this time you have to defeat him. He is incredibly strong in close combat, so the best strategy is to stay away and shoot him with a grenade launcher. Urizen will often try to attack you with his tentacles, but you can quickly dodge them by turning the stick left + "X" / "A". When the Hell Trigger is fully charged, hold "L1" / "LB" to change into Devil Form. You can now melee attack the boss, your attacks do a lot of damage. It's best not to drain the Hell Trigger before Urizen creates a red crystal that protects it, which you can destroy in one hit while in demon form.

Mission 14 - three bosses

In this chapter, you will have to fight three bosses. The easiest way is to start from the gate on the right, where the Goliath from the second mission is kept, and resurrect Shadow (V's pet). After the second boss, go to the left gate, where Cavalier Angelo is sitting and resurrect the Griffin. Then, head to the middle gate with Artemis from the third mission and resurrect the Nightmare. You now have all your demonic pets again. The bosses in this mission have a lot less health than before. If one of your pets dies, stay close to him to resurrect him.

Mission 15 - Malphas

This boss is sitting on a big bird. The best and easiest way would be to shoot him. Charge your shots while holding Triangle/X to deal more damage. Just enter the circle next to the playground. When a bird attacks you, quickly dodge to the side or use the double jump and Gerbera to fly away with a dash in the air.

Mission 16 - King Cerberus

One of the most difficult bosses, able to control the elements of fire, lightning, ice. In this battle, you need to use your devilish form wisely if you want to survive. Ideally, you should enter the fight with two full Hell Trigger bars. Then, at the very beginning of the battle, you will be able to use the demonic form a second time and attack the boss's heads, stunning him. Continue attacking in Swordmaster stance by pressing D-pad Right and spam Triangle, Circle / Y, B with Devil Sword Dante equipped.

In the Blademaster stance, multiple swords can fight for you when you press Circle. When the boss gets up, avoid attacks and wait for an opportunity to attack. Always try to hit the Cerberus on his head - this way you have the opportunity to stun him, and you also deal more damage. Try to fill the second gauge of your Devil Trigger so that you can take on a devilish form. On Demon Hunter difficulty, two transformations into the devil are enough to defeat the boss. On a higher difficulty, you will need to repeat this procedure a few more times.

In general, the whole essence of the battle comes down to the ability to properly use the Trigger. The boss is most dangerous when he uses the element of ice, because the ice deals huge damage in an area and is harder to dodge. Cerberus is also one of the hardest bosses on Hell and Inferno difficulty, so if you want to try it, it's best to practice on Dante Must Die difficulty first.

Mission 17 - Evolved Urizen

The best solution in this fight is to jump behind the boss with a double jump and use air melee attacks against him. Urizen only hits the ground in front of him and will never be able to directly hit you if you stick behind him. But the boss also uses ranged attacks, learning how to dodge which is very important.

He used basically the same attacks in the prologue, so you should be familiar with them. But if for some reason you don't feel like fighting the boss in melee, then you can just shoot him from a distance and dodge all attacks. It's boring and takes a lot of time, but if you're great at dodging enemy attacks, then it's a good way to go for higher difficulty levels. At low levels, just jump behind Urizen and land air strikes as they deal more damage.

Mission 18 - Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare (Griffon, Shadow, Nightmare)

Throughout the mission, you fight V's demonic pets. In the last battle, you will fight all three, including Nightmare. Focus your attacks on him. How quickly his health bar empties will determine when the fight is over. The health level of the other two demons doesn't matter, and even if you kill them before Nightmare, he will simply resurrect them. At a certain point in the battle, the Nightmare will disappear. When he reappears, activate your devil form and deal damage.

Watch the introductory video. In this part of the game, you will control Nero, but you will also meet old acquaintances - Dante, V, and the demon who deprived Nero of his hand. Go forward after V, learn the first move that allows you to climb high hills: press the "Space" twice to make Nero jump, hook on the wall and jump even higher. Very soon you will see your first opponent - the demonic insect Empusu.

Ordinary Empusa.

As in previous games in the series, all levels are divided into several sections, each of which you are waiting for battles with monsters. As long as at least one creature is alive, you will not be able to go further because of the demonic barrier. Defeat the first opponents using standard Crimson Queen (LMB) strikes and Blue Rose (RMB) shots. As the battle progresses, you will learn about the capture of the target - the Shift key. Note that the hero will always only attack the captured target. You can release the hold by pressing Shift again or switch to another enemy by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT key combination.

Enemies will drop small red shards. As before, these items are used for in-game purchases, gaining new skills and improving existing ones.

Move on and learn the new High Roller move. To activate it, you must stand next to the enemy, simultaneously press the SHIFT and S (back) keys and add LMB to them. This will throw the enemy into the air. If you hold LMB, then jump with him. You can also use the "New Paints" move: it allows you to charge the "Blue Rose" and make three shots at the enemy at once. To do this, you need to hold RMB, and then release when you need to shoot (but let Nero load the weapon). Here you will meet a new enemy - the flying evil, the Green Empusa. This airborne insect has the ability to revive other fallen Empusa.

Green Empusa.

Get to the demon and fight him. No matter what you do, you will not be able to defeat the enemy. So you can just stand still and wait for the inevitable. This completes the prologue.

First meeting with Urizen.


The opening credits will end with Nero on a bridge surrounded by insects. Deal with them all. This time you can use the "Devil's Whip" mechanical arm. For a normal hand attack, press the mouse wheel. To perform a charged attack, hold the mouse wheel. Please note that if Nero is attacked while charging, he will lose his arm. In addition, you can throw it yourself on the Z key: the hand will explode, dealing damage to monsters. Good welcome if you're in a tight spot!

Pay attention to one more trick: SHIFT + "mouse wheel" will allow you to pull enemies, and you can do this even while jumping. If the opponent is too heavy, then Nero will pull up to him instead.

To destroy the shoots of the demonic tree, use a pistol. Don't get too close to them. Climb up the road (by this point you should already know what the red and green spheres are for: the game currency and the first aid kit, respectively) to start the cut-scene. You will see a new monster - the blood-drinking scavenger, Red Empusa. Unlike previous insects, this enemy will not attack you. You must pursue it yourself, as the demonic creature will try to hide. And all for one simple reason: Red Empusa is the source of red orbs.

Red Empusa.

Jump down, turn around and take out the Red Empusa. Please note that there is a blue object on a small branch near the wall under the bridge. This Blue Orb Shard. Pick it up. Four of these shards form a whole sphere that increases health by one bar.

Move in the opposite direction, destroying insects and shoots. Eventually, you will reach the bloody plant from Qliphoth Roots. This is the first boss of the game. To destroy it, you do not need to make super efforts: get close and attack the red belly, periodically dodging the appendages trying to attack Nero. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + "Space" + A or D (left or right).

Here you will be reminded of Accelerator on the Scarlet Queen. Hold down the E key to fill the scale in the upper left screen. Thanks to this, your melee weapons will deal increased damage. Watch a video with a flashback from the past when Yamato visited Nero.

Roots of Qliphoth.


At the beginning of the task, read Morrison's letter. You will receive similar notes as you progress through the storyline. Niko will also give out some new Devil Breakers.

You will be able to make your first skill purchases. Please note that there are several categories. Explore them in more detail. Red orbs can be used to buy new moves to diversify combos and increase your chances of getting a high rating. When you're ready, start the quest.

Moving along the only route (by the way, this segment was in the demo version of the game), pay attention to the red growths on the ground. Destroy them to get red orbs. After defeating the monsters, you will open the barrier. If you play the game again, you can jump onto one of the ledges with a red growth (where you fought the first enemies) to take part in a new battle on the other side and pick up golden sphere.

Golden sphere.

Go back. There is one path ahead, but there is an alley on the right. Follow there so that the Red Empusa appears, from which spheres fall out. Destroy the sprouts until you are in the yard. New enemies will appear here - vanguard grunts, Infernal Cains.

Hellish Cains.

Monsters use long scythes, so they swing very slowly. You will have time to either dodge or hit the enemy before he has time to strike. After the victory, enter the building, go upstairs, destroy the spheres and go downstairs, where the enemies appeared. Among them will be the Red Empusa.

After rising to the second floor, go to the left to find a red growth with orbs. Move back, destroy the Red Empusa and climb the stairs to the top. Ruins block the path further, but you can collect spheres from the growth. Go down to the previous floor and go right. Look into the room on the right to destroy the red growth under the ceiling. Kill the demon that appears.

To get to this one, stand next to the bed. The floor should glow under Nero's feet. Look towards the doorway and choose an angle that forms a solid circle (along with the part from the hallway). This will bring up a prompt on the screen: press the E key if you want to visit secret mission 01.

Secret mission 01

This will be the only mission that we will cover in this article. The rest can be found in a separate guide. All that is required of you is to kill all the demons within the allotted time. If you do this, you can collect the reward - Blue Orb Shard.

After going down the alley and turning right down the street, you will find a red telephone booth. Interact with her to answer Niko's call. Such phone booths will later be used to call Niko's van and spend red orbs to personalize the protagonist. This can also be done before starting any mission. Climb up the road to trigger a cut-scene with the appearance of a new boss - Goliath.


The opponent's health bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. Another, more familiar health point dial will be visible when locking onto a target. Approach the enemy and attack him using different techniques. From time to time, dodge by "Space" + SHIFT with a choice of direction left or right. When you are behind Goliath, you are practically invulnerable. He simply cannot reach you from behind, and he is not so maneuverable as to turn around sharply and attack Nero.

When Goliath has about 75% of his maximum health left, he will destroy the floor, and the battle will continue inside the cathedral. Use the columns as cover and attack the enemy. At about 50% health, the boss will suck Nero into himself and spit it out, breaking through the wall of the cathedral. The fight will continue outside.

Here you need to repeat the same steps as before. Please note that there will be consumables on the location outside, including a green orb and Prelude. Fight the enemy, trying to stay behind him. In the end, the monster will be defeated. Watch the video.


The task, as always, begins with a new video. Niko will also give you two new Devil Scourges. From the very beginning of the level, you will learn about the "Cable Tangles". This is a special fiery platform, standing on it, you will see a dark grip. Aim at it by holding Shift and use the mouse wheel to pull yourself up and fly forward across the chasm. Do this with the first platform. You will be attacked by new opponents - winged Pyromancers.

After the victory, you can jump down to the visor below to destroy the green growth. Move to the next building. There is a red growth behind the structure nearby. Jump a little higher and drop down to the visor on the other side. In addition to another red growth between structures, you can find Blue Orb Shard. Return to the fire platform and jump over to the next building.

After defeating several opponents, go to the corner of the building to go down and through the destroyed wall to go inside. There are some red growths here and golden sphere. It works automatically every time the main character takes fatal damage (resurrects him).

Use the new fire platform to get on the roof of a low building. On the side you can find a place where a new hint will appear. You will see an inactive dark hold that you can target. Do this and fire the pistol. Wait. The dark grip should go down, and when it rises, use it to pull the "Devil Scourge" onto the roof of a neighboring house.

Upstairs, kill three Red Empusas, take golden sphere and move to the adjacent building using the platform. There will be a whole mahogany here. Destroy it to get just over 3,000 Red Orbs. Go back to the building where you activated the capture by shooting at it. Look to the left of the capture. On the ground lies "Kavardak". From there, you can jump onto another building to kill the Qliphoth sprouts and destroy the two red growths.

Use the fire platform on the previous building to move to the next one. Destroy the red growth and take golden sphere. Move even further until you find yourself in a tunnel.

Move forward and destroy the blood clots of the demonic tree on the right side. A little further to the left there is a red growth. Go to the formed passage, follow the new tunnel. There are blocked passages to the right and left. A little further away, when you defeat the opponents, destroy another blood clot of the demonic tree (on the right). By doing this, you will destroy one of the stems. But this is not enough. Go to the end of the tunnel and turn into the room on the right. Look for blood clots and destroy them. The path will open further, but monsters will appear.

Defeat the enemies. You can shoot a balloon lying on the ground to deal damage to several nearby enemies with an explosion. Go to the open passage. You will return to the familiar tunnel and can go further through the opening under the green sign. In a room with a flight of stairs, do not rush to go upstairs. Climb down and stand next to the tunnel near the stairs. A spark will light up on the ground. Look up to see a round seal to start secret mission 02. Pass it to get Blue Orb Shard.

Returning back to the landing, I recommend not to pay attention to the dark capture. You don't need it! You can climb up to the hole in the wall using the stairs. To rise even higher where hidden Blue Orb Shard, you need to unlock the "Double Jump" skill. You can do this a little later, when you call Niko by phone. In this case, it will be possible to return here. You need to jump up to the sphere from the very last step of the destroyed stairs (turn around and see a ledge).

Go to the library to see a new monster. Go to the library nearby, where you will have to kill two demons called Death Scissors. Having done this, go upstairs and run around the balcony with bookshelves to find a red growth. Follow the only route until you find a room with a blue phone. Contact Niko and upgrade Nero. It is advisable to buy the "Double Jump" skill for 20,000 spheres. Then you will have a boss fight.

Scissors of Death.


This will be the Luminous Blight of Artemis. The boss uses several different tricks. When horizontally luminous projectiles fly in your direction, you need to jump over them. If Artemis fires glowing projectiles placed vertically, dodge to the side. Get close to the boss, aim at him and be pulled by the Devil Breaker. Attack while Artemis allows it. From time to time the boss will move away from you, and Nero will have to re-approach the enemy.

At some point, Artemis will fly into the air. Under it will remain two luminous dots. Use them to get higher with the Devil Breaker and then attack the enemy. Previously, these flying "drones" must be shot down. Repeat the procedure until the monster is completely destroyed, and then watch the video that ends the chapter.

Move through the ruins, dealing with enemies, and you will see stone platforms moving up. Climb one of them to the very top. Deal with the enemies and enter the river of blood. After killing the opponents in front, find the redwood on the ledge and get to the room with the Baphomets, new enemies.

Get close to them as soon as possible before they can attack the main character with ice shards. There is a blue orb shard on the ledge ahead, but it can only be reached with the Rock skill, which is unlocked during the second playthrough of the game (when Nero has his demon form).

Follow on until you find new platforms going up. Climb up them and jump to the ledges on the right, where there is a mechanical arm and red orbs. Look up and see a dark grip. Shoot him, pull up, shoot the second one and pull up to him to climb up. In addition to useful loot, you will find a seal for secret missions 05.

Go back, on the platform, climb to the very top and go forward. Go around the river of blood, kill the root of the Qliphoth and find a fragment of the blue sphere near the entrance. This path will lead you to Urizen.

How to defeat Urizen

You need to attack the yellow spiked object protecting him. As soon as you destroy this contraption, Urizen will rise to his feet. Keep fighting, but you won't be able to win here. In general, you just need to go through the first phase of the battle, and when Urizen is on his feet, then just surrender to him.

Mission 9

Follow on until you find a new enemy - the Behemoth. To kill him, you have to break the chains. But once that happens, the monster will become more mobile. On the other hand, he attacks other demons as well. Keep moving, killing opponents, but do not rush to go down to the remains of the cemetery. On the left you will see a passage with blue orb shard and a blood clot. Approach the roots blocking the path and summon Nightmare on F while looking at the blood clot. Your monster will destroy the clots, allowing you to go inside. Collect the shard, go up the hill and activate the seal for secret mission 06.

Make your way through the graveyard, enter the crypt, kill the enemies and jump into the pit. Having dealt with other enemies, do not rush to jump down. Opposite there is a ledge. Jump there and get to Blue Orb Shard located even higher. Continue on the only route. When you get out of the crypt, you will find a golden sphere on the right. Pick it up and destroy the enemies that appear. Use the phone in front and go to the battlefield, where you will need to kill three new monsters. They will be in place of the boss in this chapter.

Mission 10

This is the first quest that can be completed with Dante. And even necessary, because you have no choice. Use the hints on the screen and destroy the enemies on the way. Soon you will meet a new enemy - Chaos. Its rotation can be interrupted, but it's still not worth the risk.

During the passage of this mission, passages with teeth will appear. After the second such passage, go further and destroy the two red growths in the corridor. Do not rush to go forward, but look up to the right hand. Jump to the sphere, go forward and defeat Empuz in the secret room. At the end there will be Empusa the Queen. After it is destroyed, it will appear Blue Orb Shard.

Soon you will meet a new enemy - the Infernal Pyromancer. Destroy it as soon as possible. If at the end it inflates, then run away, otherwise the explosion will touch Dante himself. As soon as you get into a room with two passages with teeth, then kill the enemies and decide what is more important to you at the moment. If you go to the left passage, you will find golden sphere, to the right - activate secret mission 07.

Climb up the disappearing platforms. When there are several of them (three in a row), then, having hit the top, turn around and see a platform with golden sphere. Pick it up if you wish. In the end, you will need to fight Urizen, which was at the beginning of the game. It is useless to fight, so you can immediately surrender.

Mission 11

Go the only way until you destroy the blood clots to go up. Kill the enemies in front of the houses, then go inside. Climb down and destroy the red tree. Go to the next building, go down into the pit and destroy the blood clot. Jump out of the hole, return to the first building and go upstairs. In the hallway connecting the two buildings, look back to match the two seal pieces and unlock secret mission 08.