
Passage of the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. walkthrough call of duty advanced warfare walkthrough


After the intro video, close the hatch by pressing the F key. After landing, lower the left and right slings and get out. Go straight ahead with your squad until you see a hole in the wall. you there. Press the exo activation key (key 4 by default) and go down. Before falling, activate the satchel to land safely.

Before each task, the screen displays information about the type of your exoskeleton, which is used in the current mission. Don't neglect this information. Memorize all the abilities, as they will help in combat. For example, a shield can withstand more damage, and a double jump will allow you to get into hard-to-reach places.

Go outside and follow Cormac. After talking with another unit, go with your squad through the ruins. Shoot all enemies and, as soon as a swarm of drones appears, approach any car and break down the door. Using it as a shield, make your way to the turret. Use it to destroy the drones.

Press the jump button twice and jump over the bus. Clear the hotel of enemies and go up the stairs. Get over the landslide (if you don't succeed, you can climb up the mountain of debris on the left) and follow the squad. Climb down with the rocket pack, then kill the enemies without getting hit by drones.

Then go along the car and, as soon as you see smoke, throw a sensor grenade. Climb up and try to open the gate. Behind them you will meet a friendly squad. Go outside and clear the quarter from enemy infantry. Outflank the Heavy and kill him.

Use the binoculars to locate the bodies of the bombers. Climb down and cross to the other side, shooting enemies along the way. Pay attention to the enemy with RPG on the balcony. Don't forget to clear out the cafe as well. Pick up the explosive package, then head to the Havoc installation. Give the charge to Will.


After the introductory video, pay tribute to your former partner. Finding yourself near the house at night, kill the enemies on the terrace. Throw a sensor grenade into the ajar door and clear the room. Move forward along the corridor and set the charge on the door. Break inside and save the president.

At the end of each mission, you will be shown a summary of the completed task, after which you will be asked to go to the improvements screen. Remember to spend points on exoskeleton upgrades, as a 50% increase in reload speed or a decrease in recoil can greatly help in combat.

Go back to the main door and go outside. Kill as many enemies as possible without raising the alarm. Then kill the rest and follow your teammates. As soon as the enemy squad appears, lie down. Let him pass in peace. After that, shoot the enemies and try to open the car to evacuate the Prime Minister.

After a short cut-scene, get into the car with Jonathan Irons (played by Kevin Spacey). He will conduct a sightseeing tour of the training base. Visit the medbay and recalibrate your arm. Then follow Gideon and practice shooting as well as throwing grenades.

Take the elevator up and complete the staged mission again. Now you can act in the open and storm the building. Drones must be destroyed with EMP grenades, and military jeeps with fragmentation grenades.


Pick up the weapons that are convenient for you from the boxes and follow the squad. Activate the special gloves and climb up the wall to the roof. Install a silent charge there, and then jump down. Walk a little forward and attach Velcro to the wall. After that, quickly mark the enemies and shoot them. Be careful not to kill the hostages - they are on their knees with their hands up.

Free the prisoner and go to the square. After the explosion, take a seat by the fountain. Enemies will gradually surround you. Pay attention to the opponents on the roof and balcony. They can have both rocket launchers and sniper rifles.

After killing all the enemies, go to the yellow mark. From the appeared jeep with a turret, run away to the right. Deal with a detachment of infantrymen, then go behind the machine gunner. Kill the shooter and then meet up with your team. Climb over the fence and run across the highway without getting hit by the wheels of passing vehicles. Jump from one car to another. After that, a helicopter with arrows will appear. Eliminate them and keep moving.

Chain reaction

Once on board the helicopter, kill the enemies on the rooftops. First of all, deal with fighters armed with RPGs, as one hit is enough to bring down a transport. Then move along the highway. Clean it up. In the center there will be a large turret that will help you complete the task.

Seeing the Titan, run across to the rocket launcher and shoot the robot. On the other side of the street you will find ammo. Resupply and shoot the Titan. Go inside the building and follow the squad. Once in a large technical compartment, climb the stairs and shoot all the enemies from above.

Then go to the corridor and activate the elevator. By launching the drone, you can shoot all the enemies while remaining in cover. Keep moving, eliminating opponents. Don't forget to knock out enemy drones with EMP grenades. Go outside - a rescue helicopter will be waiting for you there.

Try to make your way to it, shooting the retreating enemies. Be careful not to hit the scientists leaving the station. When the tower starts to collapse, just stop in place and watch the cut-scene.


Follow Gideon. Take a motorcycle and ride around Detroit. The game will indicate when to stop and continue moving forward along the street. Enter the building. Move until you fall down. Wait for the enemy to hide around the corner, then turn left.

Crawl your way to the stairs, then move along the corridor - there will be no enemies in this location. After passing into the next zone, stun the enemy. Take his weapon. Eliminate the second one with a headshot.

Reunite with your partner and kill the soldiers on the street. Then go into the building - enemies will also be waiting for you in the hall. Next, you will meet your squad. Together you have to break through to the checkpoint. After hiding behind the ambulance, push it forward. Periodically, you will have to stop and clear the area from enemies.

After that, go into the building and make your way to the doctor on the second floor. Kick down the door. Eliminate the remaining enemies and capture the doctor. Climb down and get on a motorcycle to your base.


Start scanning. Use the cameras to find the right person, follow the object, and then stun him. Pick up a pistol with a silencer and clear the building. Get to the yellow marker, change clothes and take control of the drone. The person who resents parking is your target.

After that, you just need to escort the group, while strictly killing only those targets that are spoken about on the radio. If you raise the alarm, the task will fail. When the squad gets to the main office, kill Hades and protect the squad after the explosion.

When you regain control of your character, go downstairs and then deal with the enemies outside. Fight your way forward, but in no case shoot at civilians. Then open the lattice door and move to the bell tower. Climb onto the roof of the restaurant, raise the Stinger and shoot the sniper.

Climb off the roof and help Ilona push the van. Then plant explosives on the ground. When cars pass by, blow it up. Kill the surviving enemies, then go down the street to the monument. Open the car door, then during the cut-scene, press the buttons indicated on the screen.


Follow Gideon. After you have to talk with Ilona. Then watch the video and wait for a stranger to contact you. Stun the guard. Now head to the elevator, then climb the wall to the roof. Jump off it. Once in the pool, swim to the yellow mark and get out through the hatch to the surface.

Shoot back from opponents together with Ilona. Climb to the second floor and cross the beams to the other side. Next, you will meet a fortified fighter who is easy to eliminate with a few grenades or any other explosive. Get into the boat and just swim, avoiding missiles and enemy boats (when they appear, you need to go under water).

After crashing into the building, use the cable to climb up. Kill the enemies on the roof, then climb to the top of the tower. Jump onto the bridge and kill the enemies on it. Move forward and use sticky gloves to get to the other side.


Climb up the mountain with your team using the ropes. Then mark all the enemies and get to the veranda. Go into the bushes, attract the attention of a lone soldier and kill him. You can do the same several times until you get to the desired mark. The most important thing is not to let the enemies find you.

Get to the roof and plant the explosives, then move the hatch next to you. Jump inside. Put your hand on the sensor. Climb out with a rope. Then go forward along the ledge to the yellow mark. Try to stick to the left side of the area, as it has fewer enemies and more cover.

Having met Cormac, approach the table and discuss the details of the task. After that, it is no longer necessary to act covertly - you have been discovered. Go outside, crawl under the jeep and gain a foothold on it. After a short cut-scene, run out to the airstrip with your partner and deal with the enemies. Kill the drones with an EMP grenade, then jump on the plane and plant the tracking sensor.


Fly up to the plane and climb onto the wing where you need to set the charge. As soon as you land, kill the KVA infantry. Don't forget to use your double jump to hit hard to reach places. Reach the crate to be pushed into the transport plane.

Soon reinforcements will arrive along with heavy robots. Like last time, deal with them with EMP grenades and simple frag grenades. After falling through the ice, follow Ilona. Kill first two sentries, and then the rest of the enemies. In the battle with the big robot, press the necessary buttons, and then watch the cut-scene.

Move along the gorge behind Kormac, and when the water level starts to rise, swim to the exit. As soon as you surface, you will have a few seconds to kill as many opponents as possible. Then finish off the rest and use a double jump to get out.

Follow the yellow marks to get to the cargo guarded by the enemies. Pick up a sniper rifle and kill the opponents, then return the crate. View a small screensaver. Pick up a grenade launcher and shoot down an enemy helicopter. Jump onto a friendly vehicle and complete the mission.


After the video, turn on the masking. Follow Gideon. When a drone flies over you, don't move. Then approach the enemy from the side and stun him - the partner will deal with the second one. Move forward and do the same with the next patrol.

Reload your disguise. As soon as you see enemy robots, take cover behind the truck. Walk a little further and wait until the enemy squad is out of sight. In no case do not get under the light from the lanterns of opponents. Meet with the rest of the squad, then use the cable to go down the cliff.

Don't forget to reload and turn on the disguise. Remove two sentries and plant a silencing mine. Deal with the enemies and get into the laboratory. Activate the computer, then use it to transfer data. An alarm will be triggered, so further use of disguise is useless.

Get to the exit and activate the explosives, then go outside. Go through the wooden gate and get to the transport. On your way you will meet another heavy robot, so keep EMP grenades on hand. While the partner will open the door, go into the building opposite and install the scrambler.

Protect the burglar, then go through the opened gate. Get into the transport and take control of the turret. Switch between primary and secondary weapons, clearing a path in front of your vehicle. Then climb into the helicopter and complete the task.


Very short mission. Chase the enemy van while driving a jeep. Drive carefully and try not to crash into everything. Get to the red bridge and after the cut-scene, get out. Then gradually move towards the opposite bank, killing the enemies. At the same time, try not to hurt the civilians who are fleeing the crash site.


After the cutscene, deal with the enemies and install the jammer. Then kill the next squad and secure the second device. Move forward with the squad and wait for Cormac to open the door. As soon as the lights are cut out, activate night vision and go into the next compartment.

Kill the enemies inside, then exit to the hangar. Take cover from the helicopter behind the boxes, kill the enemy infantry and follow Gideon through the door. Run to the technical department and turn on night vision.

Sit behind the terminal and point the gun at the bulk carrier. Release several charges on him and the helicopters flying nearby. Then listen to Gideon's monologue about the injustice of the world and complete the mission.

Full throttle

Once in the cockpit, shoot down enemy aircraft. Now you need to get to your destination. Don't forget to press the boost button for better control. Deal with the enemies, after which you will be catapulted in a capsule.

After landing, kill the infantry and use the cable to get to the turrets. Destroy all three devices and regroup with your squad. Appeared armored robots can be destroyed with a cable or EMP grenades. Then get to the next building and kill another fighter. Head to the Stinger. However, along the way, you will be stunned and captured.


Follow the soldiers around the prison. Make an escape, then pick up a weapon and fight your way to the exit. At first, the door will be blocked, but after passing the scan, it will open. Kill the enemy infantry, but don't touch the scientists in blue suits.

Fight your way through the research department. Then help your partner open the door and interrogate the chief scientist. Push the platform a little forward, then jump down and crawl to the exit. Go outside and get to the transport helicopter. Once in the robot, move deeper into the office of Atlas.


Controlling a combat robot, kill enemy infantry with conventional weapons, and vehicles with missiles. Get to the landing site, then unhook from the transport by jumping into the river. Find an underwater entrance to the building and follow your partner. Despite the fact that the robot has thick armor, you should not go ahead, because the enemies have rocket launchers and EMP grenades.

Help a friend break the defense mechanism. Open the hatch. Adjust the fall by pressing certain keys, then go through the fire further. After getting out of the suit, shoot back from the pistol. After watching the cut-scene, run after Irons. Catch up with the main antagonist and watch the final cutscene.

Text: Artem Kusakov

Passage of the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

Chapter I: Baptism of Fire

Before starting the game, you need to watch an introductory video about the main character of the game. The first task takes place in Seoul. With the help of a drop pod, we will be dropped into the very epicenter of the battles. While still in flight, enemies begin to attack and break open the door. Now you have to save a colleague who is about to fly out of the capsule. You need to press the appropriate key and slam the emergency door. Landing right inside the house, without delay, we begin the battle.

Having dealt with numerous opponents, with the help of a jetpack, we go down even lower. The backpack will help not to break when falling. With a company of allies we go straight down the street. A swarm of drones awaits ahead. The door from the car will serve as a cover for us, we head to the turret, along the way we deal with the drones. A ready-made EMP strike will help you finish off the drones. Together with our allies we go to the hotel. Having dealt with all the enemies, with the help of a satchel we move to another building.

We follow Cormac and deal with the soldiers. Now we go through the subway car and go up the stairs. Having seen the lattice, we approach and open it. Warriors of a detachment called "Atlas" fall into our field of vision. We get out into the street, and on the way we learn that Will is the son of the head of this detachment.

We head to the right building, where with the help of binoculars we examine the number of our enemies and the number of dead allies. Near the corpses there is a lot of explosives, you need to pick it up. Having dealt with the soldiers once again, we blow up the Ravager. The main character does not have time to save his best friend, besides, he loses his arm in battle. Cormac manages to save Mitchell.

Chapter II: Atlas

From the watched video, it becomes clear that the American army is doing so-so. This stage begins with the funeral of the best friend. A little later, Irons and Cormack will come with a proposal to make a prosthetic arm, and they will also be called to work in the Atlas squad.

Now we are in an undefined place, storming the building in which the hostage is located. You need to free him and simultaneously destroy opponents. Getting out of this building is not difficult, but you need to hide from the drones. We notice that our hand is slightly buggy. Soon a patrol car will appear, it is better to hide in the bushes growing near the pool. It is necessary to urgently send a hostage in a car that has just arrived, but due to a malfunction of the arm, this is almost impossible to do. As a result, the hostage is killed, and the mission is considered failed. The good thing is that this is just a workout.

We travel through the Atlas base and have a conversation with Irons. Seeing Gideon, we go with him to the laboratory in order to fix the breakdown in the prosthesis. There is a shooting range at the base where you can practice shooting at targets. You need to learn how to slow down time and use grenades. Now Gideon will show in which room you can choose your weapon. We sit in the elevator, we have to go through the simulation again. As before, we go to the right house to free the hostage. Drones can be dealt with using grenades. Already on the street we control a drone, which will help us clear the way to the exit. Shooting back from opponents, we push the hostage into the approaching car, and wait until they fly for us.

Chapter III: Traffic

After watching the next video, we are going to Nigeria. The drone will help to study the desired building. We follow the group, after which we leave the door. We go forward along the bridge, and after, we jump down.

Magnetic gloves will help you climb up by going around the window. In the roof you need to make a hole, being inside the room, we neutralize the opponents. Now we go ahead, we use a new device that shines through the walls. It makes it possible to quickly detect enemies and, accordingly, destroy them.

We need to stop a truck full of hostages. We go down the stairs, go through the building and go out onto a busy street. We go forward until we hear a shot from a grenade launcher.

We are defending until we hear a big explosion. We walk along the street and along the way shoot back from enemy fighters. When you see a car rushing towards us, you need to turn right. To deal with the machine gunner in the car, we go in from the side. We climb over the fence and head to the road.

We cross the road carefully, here it is easy to get under the wheels of the car. Now we track down the right truck. We go further along the roofs of buses. On the third bus, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Having dealt with all the opponents, we jump onto the hood of their car. Now you need to drop the driver.

We climb onto the bus again, and deal with the helicopter. Having moved to the truck, we destroy its passengers. Now we jump into the water from the bridge, after we pulled the hostage ashore, we watch another video.

Chapter IV: Decay

Near the power plant there will be a large number of opponents who need to be dealt with. With the help of a cable we go down. We'll have to go forward with the fight, after which there is a turret. The turret will help knock out the tank, pick up the grenade launcher and deal with the remaining opponents.

In the right building, we head to the elevator shaft and go down the steel cable. We go forward, but there will be a fierce battle behind the large metal door. Having reached the elevator, we go up. With the help of a controlled drone, we destroy opponents. Now you need to get to the control room, where you need to activate the console, after which we watch the video. We immediately leave the building, breaking through to the evacuation point, it remains only to look at the bright and loud explosion.

Chapter V: Consequences

After watching the video, we have access to information about the further actions of the Atlas. We follow the Joker and Gideon, and then take the transport. We drive through the ruins of Detroit, and then we head for Gideon. On the way we will see a large number of corpses, we go into the right door and go upstairs using the stairs. We continue to follow him until we fall down. Without attracting attention, we get out.

The pointer will tell you the way, but along the way you will meet the enemy, you can get out into the street using the window. After we find Gideon, we'll have to deal with the patrol. Then we follow the signs and shoot at the enemies.

Soon we will find other members of this detachment. We will have to push the ambulance and along the way shoot back from opponents. In the hospital we go to the second floor. We shoot at opponents and storm the desired door. You need to pick up the doctor and get out on the roof. After the grenade explodes, we watch a video in which strangers will save us. We go down to the transport. We follow Gideon to the base to watch the next video.

Chapter VI: The Hunt

The next task will take place in Greece, the first thing to do is track Hades. We follow Ilona and deal with several of our enemies.

Quietly we go on the house and we destroy opponents. By wearing an exoskeleton, you can get control of the drone. Now we help members of the Atlas squad. First of all, you need to destroy the enemy who is heading towards the truck, then a couple more enemies are waiting on the second floor. To fully cope with this task, we finish the rest.

Now we deal with Hades and find out that this is not the one we needed. Hearing the explosion, be prepared for the attack of numerous opponents. The drone will be shot down, we have no choice but to find Ilona.

Be sure to hide from the sniper, we are waiting for the command of Ilona, ​​after which we open fire on the occupied enemy positions. Below you need to deal with all the drones. We follow Ilona and shoot at the sniper who sat on the tower from the Stinger.

We follow Ilona, ​​mining the road along the way, in order to blow up the convoy, which will soon pass. Having dealt with all the enemies, we are heading for the real Hades. After we tear off the door from the car, we see that Mitchell is in trouble, he will be pressed against the wall by a car belonging to terrorists.

We watch the fight between Ilona and Hades, after that we carefully listen to all the information that Hades will tell.

Chapter VII: Utopia

Ilona got data as a result of a conversation with Hades. They need to be carefully considered. From this information it follows that Irons knew everything about the terrorists and the attacks. Soon he will appear along with the fighters. After the conversation, Irons and Gideon leave, leaving their soldiers along with Ilona and the main character.

After activating the security system, you need to deal with these soldiers and pick up Ilona. After getting out of this base, we will use the sewer to go outside. Next, a serious enemy awaits us, which can be destroyed only by using an EMP grenade.

After a hard fight, we get into the boat, the signs will show the right direction. We immerse ourselves in water if necessary. Having reached the shore, we will use gloves that will help to climb up. After running through the tap, there will be one thing left to watch the video.

Chapter VIII: Guardian

To climb the mountain, it is better to use a grappling hook. We mark the enemies and go down.

Now we hide in the bushes and lure enemies in different ways. On the roof, you need to disable the alarm using EMP.

We head to the balcony, despite the fact that there are drones. Cormac will meet us there. After we download the necessary files, follow it. You need to crawl under the patrol car.

We are heading according to the plan, eavesdropping on someone's conversation. We follow Cormac and cling to the departing plane. We watch the video.

Chapter IX: Fall

You need to cut off the wings of the plane. After we land, enemy drop pods will fall from the sky. Having dealt with them, we put the necessary cargo in the transport. In the next battle with opponents, we will fall into an ice cave.

We follow Ilona and Kormak. At first, the battle will be simple, but then a soldier in a heavy exoskeleton will join the enemy side. Having defeated him, we will fall even lower. We follow Cormac, and then we dive into the water. After we emerge, we will have to deal with numerous opponents again.

We follow Kormac to the cargo and pick up all the weapons. There will be many enemies in this area. Now you have to download and watch the video. It is necessary to shoot down the Atlas transport, and pick up a sample of biological weapons.

Chapter X: Biolaboratory

We are looking for Manticore warehouses, they need to be blown up. Go ahead to attach the appliance. We need to find transportation.

We go according to the marker, at the same time we shoot opponents, it is necessary to get to the transporter.

Chapter XI: Collapse

The video will tell about further events. We advance behind the truck, shooting at interfering cars. We get into an accident, leave the transport, go over the bridge. We find the necessary car, without delay we open it, here they will show a video with the destruction of the already known bridge.

Chapter XII: Armada

We follow according to the signs, after which we attach the jammer to the gun. We do the same trick with another gun. We go to the captain's bridge, the company will be Cormac. At the same time, we shoot enemy ships.

Chapter XIII: Full throttle

Now you have to fly the plane. We fly and dodge from various obstacles, slowing down, shooting at enemy objects.

The whole squad landed on the ground. Now you need to destroy three turrets, but before you do this, you need to deal with the enemy aircraft. Using the hook, we destroy the opponents, after which we leave the plane crashing.

We climb onto the building and sit in the turret, with the help of which we shoot several guns.

Now there is a meeting with three AST soldiers. We destroy one with a hook, shoot the remaining enemies or throw them with grenades.

We head for Stinger, and then we watch a video with an attack, after which Ilona, ​​Gideon and Mitchell will survive.

Chapter XIV: Captivity

We are considering the Atlas camp, now we have to watch the next video, from which it will become known that Irons will injure Cormac, and the main character will again be left without a prosthesis, since the same Irons will break him.

We are freed by Ilona and Gideon, we see a guard in an exoskeleton, use force and remove it. Because of the left hand, it is impossible to reload your weapon, you will have to take a new one every time.

We take off for a few minutes by transport, and then pick up the exoskeleton. We go further, you need to open the door. This completes the task, we sit in the car and leave.

Chapter XV: The Ultimate

We need to get into the AST, along the way we try to destroy everyone who comes into view. Having reached the desired point, we dive under the water. On the way, we try to destroy everyone, having reached the goal, we open the hatch and jump into it.

We move forward, we wait for the order, and then we shoot at the rocket. We will stop the launch, but we are not going anywhere, because we are running out of strength. Gideon will not leave us and drag us to a safe place. Now we shoot at opponents again. Will have to face Irons. He will turn off the exoskeletons, as a result we will be immobilized. After the end of his conversation, it is worth trying to free yourself and rush to pursue the traitor. Having caught up with him on the balcony, we quickly press the necessary buttons, cut off the prosthesis, push Irons, let him fly with his hand.

Walkthrough Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare completed.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of Advanced Warfare, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Advanced Warfare. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Advanced Warfare read on our website.

in front of you. The plot company of the game is only 15 missions, but they are very exciting, so we will try to analyze each of them in detail.

Baptism of fire

Synopsis: North Korea has invaded the capital of South Korea, Seoul. Your first mission as part of the US Marine Corps is to fight off the attack and return the city to its rightful owners.

Watch the video in which the main character of the games will meet a guy at a military base. Then a small preview, you get into a capsule that is about to be thrown onto the battlefield. While descending, press the lever to close the door. Next up is a hard landing. Take off your fasteners, go to the roof of the building. Follow Gedion, kill terrorists on your way. Get to the cliff, jump down and keep your balance so as not to crash. Enter the streets of Seoul through the front door. Go through the ruined city after Gedion, kill the bad guys. When the drones appear, take control of the machine gun and fight off the robots. Then throw emmys at them. Move on, jump over the cars, enter the mall. Follow Gedion, leave behind the corpses of enemies. Get to the ruins of the building, jump down and continue the path for your partner. As a result, you will go to the shopping district of Seoul. Kill the bandits ahead, turn left. Now you need to go through the block, you can go straight or go around the enemies through the shops. Go to the rally point with another squad. Your friends have been killed, their corpses and bombs are at the other end of the street. Get down, kill the bad guys in front, go to the corpses of your comrades, take the bombs. Go left, go down to the fountain. Continue the fight, then go up the stairs and approach the flying car. Plant a bomb in it. Watch the long tragic video.

Bottom line: The Badger Squad was able to repel the attack of the North Koreans. The city is safe, but at what cost... Will Irons is dead and you are mutilated.


Synopsis: At a friend's funeral, you meet Jonathan Irons. He will offer you a second chance, for this you need to enter Atlant.

Listen to the speech at the funeral, touch the coffin. Go right along the carpet path, talk to Will's father. Shading follows. You are a fighter of the Atlas squad, your goal is to save the vice president. Follow your squad to the house, do not come close to it. On orders, kill the soldiers standing in the alley. Go to the door of the house, which is on the right. Break into the house, kill the bandits in the kitchen, and then in the hall. Go straight along the corridor to the door, throw a light grenade, break into the room and eliminate the fighters. Release the Vice President. Leave the building through the backyard, kill the mercenaries on it. Go left along the road, lie down in the bushes. Then go to the car, open the door and watch the cutscene. It was all virtual learning.

Get into the car with Jonathon Irons, listen to his conversation with your friend. Follow your partner to the laboratory, sit in a chair. Move your hand when the scientists ask. Go to the shooting range, take machine guns. Take a little shooting training, try to score as many points as possible. Follow to another training area, now you will learn all about grenades. Train and get briefed. After that, go with your partner to the virtual reality platform, where you need to re-pass the task that was at the beginning of the mission. Enter the elevator.

First, take a position and eliminate the crowd of enemies in the alley. Approach the house, select the door through which to break in. Penetrate the building, kill the terrorists, go to the familiar door. Rush in again and rescue the Vice President. Go back to the hall, throw grenades to destroy the drones. Get out into the backyard, clean it up and continue along the familiar path. Go to the car, put the vice president in it. Now move to the extraction point, which is located in the east. Just eliminate as many enemy fighters as possible, watch the video.


Synopsis: Now you are an Atlas operative, your squad has been given the task of saving the Prime Minister of Nigeria from the international terrorist organization KVA.

Follow the Joker and Gedion to the right, enter the building. Climb up the stairs, exit to the roof. Don't try to kill the people below, go through the passage on the left to the next building. Using gloves, go upstairs, plant bombs and enter the building. Kill the terrorists. Go to the place where the hostages are being held. Stand near the wall, scan it and highlight the KVA soldier. Kill them quickly, talk to the Nigerian prime minister. After the video, you will understand that the scientists are taken hostage. Get out of the building to the streets, exit to the freeway. Protect your position from terrorists. After a small victory, go to the main road, go quickly to the other end of the track, while trying not to get hit by cars. Watch the cutscene, jump over the bars onto the truck. Now you need to shoot the bad guys and jump on the cars while following your target. At some point, you will almost fall into the truck, but if you quickly press the right buttons. there will be no problems. Get to the right car, kill the drivers. Watch the video. Come up.

Outcome: The operation in Lagos was a success. Gideon's squad stopped the KVA from capturing neither the prime minister nor the scientist.

Chain reaction

Synopsis: Stop KVA intent on crashing US nuclear power plant

Fly in a helicopter, shoot at the bad guys who are standing on the roof of the building. Climb down the rope. Go straight until the turn, shoot the bad guys, turn right. Go to the tank, get into it and start shelling enemy vehicles and drones. Then an enemy tank will appear, which will destroy your car. Go left, take the rocket launcher, destroy the enemy car. After that, follow the detachment to the main building of the nuclear power plant. Follow through the premises to the main computer, eliminate many KVA fighters on your way. Clear the room with warheads from the guards, go to the main room. Interact with the computer. It turns out that the reactor is about to explode and you could not complete the task, run away from the nuclear power plant. Get out on the street, follow to the rescue helicopter.

Outcome: KVA managed to organize the explosion of the nuclear power plant reactor. Your squad managed to leave in time, but the consequences of the explosion are simply catastrophic.


Synopsis: Four years have passed. Hades' right-hand man, Dr. Pierre Dauna, is hiding in an abandoned Detroit. Capture him and find out where Hades is.

Follow Gedion down the alley, get on your motorcycle and follow your friend through devastated Detroit to the hospital. Go into the building. Go with a friend through the rooms, then you will go along a small ledge and fall down. Get up, go straight, then right, straight again. When the pipe breaks - quickly climb up the stairs. Kill the soldier who will attack you, get a weapon in your hands. Reunite with Gedion, go to the room with the scientist, kill the KVA soldiers. Now go back, leave behind the corpses of enemies. Get on a motorcycle and follow your friend to the base. Watch the video.

Outcome: You captured Pieri Down, the right hand of Hades. He has already been interrogated.


Synopsis: You are on the trail of Hades, he is holding important negotiations in Greece. Surprise the head of the KVA and eliminate him.

Chat with Jonah, pick up a tablet and start scanning the locals. Your goal is a bald guy in a hood who is talking to a black man. Get up from the table, follow Jonah through the streets. Go straight, turn right and reach two guys, kill one with a knife. Enter the house with Jonah. Scan the room, first kill the guard behind the wall, and then two more in the next room. Go upstairs, listen to the conversation between the terrorist and Hades, kill the first one. Put on a suit, go out to the balcony. Fly your drone into the huge building where negotiations are taking place. First, kill the guards who were trying to inspect your squad's car. Then kill two guys on the balcony of the second floor. Move the drone to the left, save Gedion. Throw a flash of light into the room, kill the guards. Move the drone more to the left, shoot at the car. The guards will be distracted, kill them. Then move the drone's gaze to Hades. Kill him on command, watch a cutscene, and then defend your squad from the KVA. The drone was shot down, now you have to control the main character. Follow Jonah through the streets of the city, kill the terrorists. At some point, a sniper will attack you, beware of his bullets. Get to Torres, pick up a grenade launcher and destroy the building with it. Get out on the road, put a mine, blow it up when the convoy passes. Hades and his gang had an accident, kill everyone around the car, open the door and watch the cutscene. When Iola is in danger - take a knife, cut the throat of Hades. Watch another video.

Bottom line: Hades is dead. His last words, like the information disk he gave you before he died, remain a mystery...


Synopsis: Jonah decided to check out the disk of Hades. Learn the terrible truth about Irons.

Talk to Gedion. Go with him to the neighboring building, go straight along the corridor, and then to the right and down the stairs. Pass authorization, go to the room where Iola is waiting for you. Watch the video, which will reveal new unpleasant facts and details about the head of the Atlas. When the alarm goes off, hit the guard in the leg, take the gun and kill the other guard. Go with Iola to the right through the corridor, wait until access to the elevator shaft is opened. Climb up the walls. Drones will attack you on the roofs of buildings, just quickly run away from them and go out into the streets of Baghdad. For complete safety, go through the houses, not the streets, get to the pier. Kill a strong warrior, get into the boat and swim along the markers. Get to the construction site. Now use the hook to climb up, sometimes use special gloves to follow up. Meet old friends in the cutscene.

Outcome: With the help of the commander of your old detachment, Cormac, you and Iola left New Baghdad. You are being taken to an unknown location for a countdown.


Synopsis: You have become a member of the Guard squad. Your first task is to find out what Airens is up to and what the Manticore code word means.

Follow your comrades, watch the cutscene. Then exit the waterfall. Use the hook to climb up with Carmack. Highlight the crowd of soldiers on the territory of the building. Move to them with the hook, wait for the guards to leave. Go into the bushes, shine. Kill the guard. Now follow the roofs of the houses to the server room, beware of drones and ordinary soldiers. Approach the protective cover, place the bomb and detonate it. Get inside. Launch a virus into the network, leave the area before the drones kill you. Follow to the new control point, or rather the office of Irons. Go to his desk, download the data. Watch a short video, go to the exit to the convoy. On Carmack's command, run to the truck, crawl under it. Roller again. Follow Carmack, eavesdrop on Irons' conversation. Now go through the pipes, exit to the stairs and run upstairs. Kill soldiers. Run up to the plane, hook on it with a hook, and then put a bug on it.

Outcome: Your first mission as part of the Guard was completed successfully. You were able to bug Irons' plane carrying something called the Manticore.


Synopsis: Manticore turned out to be a dangerous virus, with the help of which Irons decided to destroy the United States. You, along with the Guardians, need to get to the plane on which the bug was installed and destroy the cargo.

Fly in the sky and follow the plane, jump right on it. Put a mechanism on the wing of the aircraft that will cut the wing. Install your mechanism with wings, jump from the plane and go down with it. Watch the cutscene for the Atlas troopers to reclaim their cargo. Kill Atlas soldiers, advance to the cargo with your squad. Load the Manticore onto the ship, let it fly. Keep fighting off the Atlas soldiers, a cutscene will follow in which you will fall down. Go with your squad deep into the cave, look for a way out. You will find enemy soldiers and a bridge to the top, start the battle. During it, a large robot will appear, eliminate it, fall down. Once even deeper in the cave, continue downstream until you reach a dead end. Swim underwater. You will find a way out, fight another Atlas squad. Gedion will come to the rescue, he will call a rescue helicopter, take a rocket launcher and destroy him. Jump down, quickly get the Manticore form, jump into the helicopter.

Outcome: With the help of Gedion's unexpected support, you managed to retrieve the Manticore's cargo. Gedion came over to your side, he has information that can help in the fight against Atlas.


Synopsis: With the help of Gedion, you learned the place where the Manticore is made and stored. You need to get to the secret laboratory of Atlas and destroy it.

The first part of the mission you will follow with a partner through the forests and bypass enemy patrols. You will have the Invisibility ability available, with its help you will have to get to the rally point with the squad. Watch a short video, get down from the cliff. Go to the building, kill the guards. Then follow through the corridors of the laboratory, kill people with weapons, do not touch the scientists. Get to the main hall, activate the computer to get secret data. Plant a bomb in the room, follow to the rally point. After reaching it, get into the tank and leave the building. Drive along the path, destroy planes and tanks. Meet the rescue helicopter in flight, go and see him.

Bottom line: The Manticore stockpile has been cleared, and you have information that will reveal to the world the truth about Irons' enterprise for the production of weapons of mass destruction.


Synopsis: Irons declared war on the United States. The head of Atlas decided to destroy the American Navy to prove the seriousness of his intentions. Try to stop him.

Chase your car behind the white truck, it will be highlighted with a yellow marker. On your way, blow up the Atlas machines that will try to interfere with yours. Catch up with your target, hit the truck from behind. Watch the video in which you will have an accident. You need to get to your squad and find out what is in the truck. There is nothing difficult in this task, just go straight across the bridge and kill the Atlas soldiers. As soon as you get to the truck, open its back door, there you will see drones that will start the attack. Watch the video.

Outcome: With a devastating attack, Atlas destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge and dealt a crushing blow to the US Navy.


Synopsis: The US fleet is almost destroyed, protect the ships with the Guardians.

Talk to Carmack and Gedion. Follow them along the wreckage of the bridge to the deck of the ship. Go lively battle, kill Atlas fighters. There are powerful guns at the two ends of the ship, put sensors on them. Then follow Carmack inside the ship, go through the decks and clear them of the Atlas fighters. Go through many rooms, corridors and a server room, leaving behind a mountain of corpses of bad guys everywhere. As a result, you will find yourself in the main cabin, activate the computer. Start controlling the guns that were equipped with sensors at the beginning of the mission. Destroy 2 ships and 4 helicopters.

Outcome: Your squad drove back the attacking forces of Atlas and saved what was left of the American fleet.

Full throttle

Synopsis: Irons is hiding in his estate in New Baghdad. You, along with the guards, need to get to the city and take up a fighting position.

During the first half of the mission, control a plane, destroy enemy fighters and tanks. Beware of the mountains, blow up the dam at some point along the way. Get to the city, watch the video in which there will be a landing on the streets of Baghdad. Together with your squad, pass several streets of the city, get to the shopping center. There are three rocket launchers on it, destroy them with the help of explosive devices that need to be laid right at point-blank range with targets. As soon as you complete the task, return to the street, kill three reinforced Atlas fighters. Go back, pick up a rocket launcher, shoot at the tank. Destroy it, watch the cutscene.

Bottom line: Irons released the Manticore virus against the US Army. You, a former member of Atlas, proved resistant to the virus, but your squad was captured.

In captivity

Synopsis: You, along with the detachment, were captured, you will be executed soon, try to get out of captivity.

Go with your friends behind the guards, don't try to resist. Watch a long video in which Irons will torture you. Then he will leave, Gedion and Ilona will be freed from the guards, and then they will remove the fetters from you. Irons damaged your hand, so you can't reload your weapons now, so try to shoot as accurately as possible. Go to the elevator, activate it and watch the cutscene. Follow the exit through the corridors, kill the Atlas soldiers. Go down into the mine, move the trolley in it and get out into the street. Go straight ahead, eliminate the soldiers in the courtyard. Dress up as a big robot, go straight through the walls to meet your friends, destroy everything in your path. After meeting with Carmack and Ila, watch the cutscene.

Summary: With the help of Gideon and Ilona, ​​you've escaped the prison camp and rush back to New Baghdad to stop the Manticore from launching.


Synopsis: You and Gedion are on what may be the last mission of your life. You need to kill Irons.

Fly helicopter, destroy cars, Atlas soldier. When you reach the desired point, unhook and go underwater through a hole in the ground, you will exit at the Atlas complex. Go through the corridor, keep your way through the large halls, reach the rocket. The fire will interfere with you, but you do not give up and go straight. Shoot the rocket, watch it explode. Watch the cutscene where Irons breaks your exoskeleton, unhook it. Run after your target, run under the gate, push the guard. Take a knife, jump on Irons. What follows is an epic scene, cut off your hand to throw Irons off. He falls into the fire and dies. Watch the video. On this Walkthrough Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare finished, congratulations!

The passage was written on the basis of the English version, all translations are copyright (screenshots from the Russian-language PC version). Therefore, there may be some discrepancies with the official Russian version, which will be corrected later ..

Chapter I: Baptism of Fire

We watch an introductory video that tells about our main character - Mitchell and shows futuristic American military personnel. Next, we are sent on a mission to Seoul - the capital of South Korea, which is at war with its northern neighbor. We appear in the landing capsule and fly down under heavy enemy fire. On the way down, a rocket will fly into the capsule and take out the door. We will need to close the emergency door in order to prevent the poor fellow flying with us from falling out of the capsule. Next will be an unpleasant landing right in someone's apartment.
Next, we kill a bunch of North Korean soldiers and jump down, not forgetting to slow down in the air with our jetpack built into our exoskeleton. We go out into the street, meet with our people and make our way right along the street. A little further, a swarm of drones awaits us, from which we need to defend ourselves with a car door. Hiding behind her, we make our way to the turret, climb up and begin to mow down the drones.
A little later, an EMP strike will become available, which will completely save us from problems with drones. We climb out and follow our squad to the hotel. There we will meet many more enemy soldiers. We disassemble and take off on a jetpack through the window into the next building.

We follow Cormac, we observe an enemy aircraft and move on. Again, North Korean soldiers - we understand. Then we go through the destroyed car to the metro station, where we are again met by a dozen opponents. Climb up the stairs and follow the squad. We reach the grate, try to open it and meet the fighters of the Atlas PMC. Gideon opens the passage, we go outside, along the way listening to the conversation of the fighters of our detachment, from which it will become clear that one of our comrades, Will, is the son of the very head of Atlas, Jonathan Irons.

With fights we break through the street, we pass into the building indicated by the marker, we observe through the binoculars the enemy "Ravager" and the corpses of the dead soldiers from the "Demo" detachment, which we needed to find. We break through to the bodies and take an explosive package from one of the dead soldiers. We clear the way to the Ravager, give Will an explosive package. He shoves it inside the enemy car, but unfortunately the door suddenly closes, crushing Will's arm.

Unfortunately, we are unable to save our comrade, and he explodes along with the Ravager. We watch a cutscene where our hero falls to the ground and a large fragment from the explosion falls into his hand. Next, Mitchell is found by Cormac and dragged away from the scene ... where the left hand of our hero remains, which was chopped off by a fragment.

Chapter II: Atlas

The chapter begins with a video that tells about the losses of the American army in Seoul. The body of Will Irons, who died in the first chapter, is also shown. The level starts at the cemetery, where everyone says goodbye to the dead. On the way back, we will be met by Cormac and Will's father, who will offer us a job at Atlas and promise to make a prosthetic arm...
We appear in an unknown place, but with an artificial hand. We remove opponents, we pass into the house. We shine through the enemies with a grenade and effectively shoot them through the door. We pass along the corridor, install a jamming charge and storm the room in the tradition of Call of Duty. Next, we take out the hostage, hide from the drones and go outside, where our prosthesis fails. We make our way to the pool and move on. We hide from the enemy patrol, move on. Here we again expect a skirmish with enemies and another problem with our artificial limb. A car pulls up, we try to open the door, but the hand goes wrong again. At this time, the enemy runs up, knocks us down and kills the hostage, takes off the mask ... ah, it was just a training simulation, and under the mask was our friend Gideon.
Next, we meet Irons and get into the jeep. We ride through the huge Atlas base to the training point. We follow Gideon to the technicians who will repair our hand. We return to Gideon and follow to the shooting range. There you will have to shoot at targets and also use one of the exoskeleton chips, like slowing down time from F.E.A.R .. After shooting, we continue to follow Gideon. We are waiting for the test of multifunctional grenades. We follow the advice and very easily go through this workout. Again we follow Gideon, we go into the building and we select the weapon. We sit in the elevator and go upstairs.

We are again waiting for the simulation from the initial stage of the level. Only this time the option is much less stealthy and more shooting. We clean the house and save the hostage. We shoot down the drones with an EMP grenade and leave the house. We clear our way with the help of an assault drone. We put the hostage in the car and defend ourselves from enemies until the allies arrive.

Chapter III: Traffic

Let's watch the video. This time we are sent to Nigeria, where we have to free the Prime Minister from the captivity of terrorists. We inspect the desired building with the help of our small drone. Then we follow the group into the building and knock out the door to the roof. We pass along the metro bridge to the opposite half of the street, where we jump down.

We turn on the magnetic gloves and climb onto the roof of the building we need. Next, we install a jamming charge, cut through the roof and clean the room. We pass further and shine through the wall. As enlightened, you need to mark the enemies and clear the room without loss among the hostages.

After the cleanup, we have a new task - to stop the truck with the hostages. We go down the stairs down to the street and go through the building, located directly on the course. We pass through it and go out into the street full of traffic. We go further until they hit us with a grenade launcher.

Now you need to keep the defense in the fountain area until the big explosion. Now we go along the alley, generously endowing opponents with lead. When we see a car flying at full speed at us, we turn sharply to the right. Further, another car is waiting for us, but already with a machine gunner, who can be destroyed only by going around from the flank. Having solved the problem with the machine gunner, we climb over the fence and go out to the highway.

The main thing here is to calculate correctly and pass on time, otherwise you can become a victim of one of the hundreds of cars rushing along the road. We should not forget about another problem in the form of terrorists. After crossing to the other side, Gideon will open up for us to have to track down the required truck. Next is a vigorous jump on the buses paired with the shooting of enemies. On the third bus, a problem awaits us, because hanging on one hand, we will have to attach a couple of shooters on an enemy jeep, which is not so easy to do the first time. After killing them, we evade the car, and then effectively jump onto the hood of the pursuer, break the window and throw it out of the driver's cabin.

We jump back to the bus and deal with the helicopter that attacked us. Then we jump onto the required truck and deal with the crew. Unfortunately, a car crashes into the bus and we fall off the bridge into the water. Now we pull out the hostage and swim out to land. Let's watch a little cutscene. Everything.

Chapter IV: Decay

Relatively small level. We fly up to the power plant, shoot the opponents. We shoot the cable and go down. We make our way forward through the enemies. Further - more fun, because we would be able to sit in a walking turret. When the turret knocks out an enemy tank, we take the grenade launcher located by the minivan on the left side of the road and knock out the tank.

We go into the building, go down the elevator cable. We follow the squad. When we pass through the large iron door, we will be met by an abundance of opponents. We make our way towards the elevator. Having risen on the elevator, we launch the drone and clear our way. We pass into the control room, use the console and listen to the dialogue.

Now we urgently need to leave the building. Going outside, we make our way to the transport for evacuation. Next, we look at spectacular destruction. Everything.

Chapter V: Consequences

We are watching a video about a global terrorist attack, after which it is told how the Atlas Corporation began to restore normal life.

We follow Gideon and the Joker, we sit down on the hoverbike. We ride through the ruins of Detroit. Then we follow Gideon. We find the corpses, open the door and go up the stairs. Carefully follow Gideon until we fall down. Then we need to get out without attracting the attention of comrades in chemical protection suits.

We go further along the marker until the enemy attacks us, which we have to kill. Then we remove another one and go outside through the window. We meet Gideon and remove the patrol. Further, more enemies will attack us. We follow the marker, shooting the enemy along the way.

Then we meet our squad, go to the ambulance and push it, like a cart in Vorkuta from the first Black Ops, defending ourselves from shelling. We go into the hospital and follow to the second floor. We deal with opponents and storm the door. Now we capture the doctor and go through the roof. Next, a stun grenade will cover us and a cutscene will follow, where invisible guys will save us from death. Now we should go down, where hoverbikes are waiting for us.

Now everything is simple - you just need to follow Gideon. Upon returning to the base, we watch a cutscene where the guard effectively shoots down an enemy helicopter.

Chapter VI: The Hunt

We're going to Greece. We need to track down the Hades man with the camera. Then we follow Ilona and remove two opponents.

We make our way through the house quietly, imperceptibly kill opponents. Then we put on the exoskeleton. Next, we take control of the stealth drone, which we will support the Atlas squad. We imperceptibly remove the enemies: first - the one that comes up to the truck, then - two guys on the second floor. We carry out similar actions with the rest.

After stripping, we will need to remove Hades. We kill him, our squad enters the room and it turns out that this was not the person we need. Then there is an explosion and there are crowds of new enemies. We cover the squad until our drone is shot down. Now you need to break through with Ilona.

A little later, we have to dodge the sniper, who completely extinguishes us from MORS "a. When Ilona says, we open suppressive fire on the shooter's position, and then jump down. We deal with the drones and then go after Ilona. Then we take the "Stinger" and bestow a tower with a sniper with a generous portion of missiles.

We follow Ilona again and install an explosive package on the road. When the convoy passes, it will be necessary to detonate the charge. We clean the accident site and follow Hades. We tear out the door from the right car... and then a car of terrorists crashes into Mitchell and presses him against the wall.

We watch the fight between Hades and Ilona, ​​until he gets a chance to run the blade along the throat of Hades. When dying, the terrorist will give you some data and say "Irons knows".

Chapter VII: Utopia

Ilona calls Gideon and Jack to a private conversation. Having come to Ilona, ​​we will look at the data that Hades gave us.

From them it will become known that Irons was aware of all the terrorist attacks before they happened. Suddenly, Irons breaks into the room with soldiers. After a short conversation, Gideon leaves with Irons, and Ilona and I are left alone with the soldiers.

Suddenly, someone activates the security system and we manage to deal with the mercenaries. We follow Ilona until we manage to get out of the base. We climb out of the sewers and break through the street. A little later, we will meet a heavily armed soldier, against whom EMP grenades work well.

After killing him, we sit in the boat. Follow the markers and dive when there are threats. When we find ourselves on land, we use a rope and magnetic gloves to climb. We pass along the crane and watch the cutscene.

Chapter VIII: Guardian

Now you need to act covertly - we hide in the bushes and whistle to attract the attention of opponents. When the enemy comes close - we attract and kill. We make our way to the roof of the desired building, turn off the alarm using EMP, climb inside and use the computer.

Now you need to quietly get between the drones to the balcony, which is not such an easy task. The main thing is to calculate the moment. When we make our way to the balcony, Cormac will meet us. After downloading the files, we run after Cormac. When the patrol arrives, you need to crawl under the car.

We crawl out from under the car and follow the indicated position, where we eavesdrop on the conversation. Having finished, we follow Cormac and catch up with the plane, for which we need to catch on. Next, watch the cutscene.

Chapter IX: Fall

We cling to the plane and cut off the wings.

After we find ourselves on the ground, landing capsules with opponents will begin to fall. We clean the landing site and push the cargo into the transporter. Then the Atlasians will attack us again and we will fall deep into the ice cave.

We follow Kormak and Ilona. We will be met by enemies again - they will not be a big problem ... until a soldier in a heavy exoskeleton attacks, after a fight with which we will fall even deeper. Again we follow Cormac to the water into which we have to dive. When we emerge, we are waiting for the spectacular destruction of enemies in slow-mo.

Then we continue to break through until we reach the white light, where we simply follow Cormac. We reach the cargo, take MORS and clean up the area. When the transporter picks up the cargo, a cutscene awaits us. After it, we will need to shoot down the Atlas transporter and capture a sample of biological weapons.

Chapter X: Biolaboratory

We run with Gideon from the helicopter, climb the rock and turn on the stealth mode. Next, you will need to hide from the drones and destroy a couple of opponents.

In general, we follow Gideon until we meet with Cormac. Then we go down, remove the opponents and storm the door. We advance and use the computer.

We continue to follow the marker until we get to the Manticore warehouses, which need to be blown up. Then we move along the marker and install something like a transmitter at the indicated place. Then he follows the squad again until we get to the hovertank.

We climb into this monster and go to the marker, arranging the genocide of the Atlas fighters. We reach the right place and sit in the transporter. End of mission.

Chapter XI: Collapse

Not a particularly intricate mission, and therefore little to tell. We are watching a video, from which it will become clear that the old man heading the Atlas has completely blown off the roof ...

We are chasing the truck, along the way shooting the cars that interfere with us. When our transport turns over, we get out of the car and start moving along the bridge in the old fashioned way - on foot with shooting.

We get to the minivan, open it and watch the cutscene with the destruction of the San Francisco bridge.

Chapter XII: Armada

It's also a short and easy mission. We make our way to the marker and install the jammer on the gun. We do the same with the other cannon on the opposite side of the ship.

Now we follow Cormac, we make our way to the captain's bridge. We use the terminal - we extinguish from railguns on enemy cargo ships.

Chapter XIII: Full throttle

We fly by plane. The controls are quite simple: we dodge obstacles, and when we shoot at enemy objects, we slow down and shoot. Auto-guidance solves all problems.

We land and follow the squad. Next, you will need to destroy three turrets. We will interfere with the enemy "bird". The problem is solved with the help of a hook - we jump on board, kill two soldiers and a pilot and jump out before the falling aircraft "kisses" the ground. With the help of a hook, we climb onto the building, destroy the manager and climb into the turret ourselves. With the help of the captured cannon, we destroy the other two. Now it will be necessary to kill three soldiers in the AST. With the first one, the easiest thing is to tear it out of the suit with a hook and smear it with the face on the asphalt. With others, we do it the old fashioned way: EMP or fragmentation grenades and active shelling.

Having dealt with the heavy soldiers, we follow the "Stinger" ... we watch the cutscene with the attack of the "Manticore". Only Mitchell, Ilona and Gideon survive, for they are immune due to the vaccine.

Chapter XIV: Captivity

We just go and look at all the delights of the Atlas concentration camps... Later, a cutscene will follow with the participation of Irons, in which the latter injures Cormac and breaks the main character's prosthetic hand.

Ilona and Gideon free us. We go with Gideon until he kills the guard and we remove the exoskeleton from him, in which you can use weapons. The whole "charm" lies in the fact that in view of the failure of the left hand, we will not be able to reload weapons. We fired the store - we remove new weapons from the corpses.

As soon as we get to the transporter, we will take off into the air ... but not for long. For we will be visited by a soldier in the AST. We are falling. Mitchell and Gideon, of course, will survive, but our third passenger will be less lucky. However, his exoskeleton will still help us ...

AST is an incredibly powerful heavily armed exoskeleton that will allow us to pay off our offenders in full. We reach the right place, open the door ... well, this is the end of our walking tank. We get into the car and leave.

Chapter XV: The Ultimate

We're flying... to AST. Along the way, we shoot enemy boats, infantry and vehicles.

When we get to our destination, we will have a short walk through the underwater world. We follow Gideon.

We continue to walk along the marker, arranging the genocide of opponents. When we get to the right place, open the hatch and jump down. Now we go forward until we are told to extinguish a rocket from all available weapons. We stop the launch, but after a good heat treatment, our hero is no longer able to walk on his own ...

We are dragged by Gideon until we have to shoot a few soldiers. Given the state of health, it will be difficult to do this. As soon as we shoot, our comrade will continue to carry us ... until we meet Irons.

He'll disable the exoskeletons, so we'll be paralyzed. When the old man finishes making a speech and leaves, we will have an opportunity to free ourselves. Now we're chasing Irons. Having reached the balcony, we press the indicated buttons ... we cut off the prosthetic arm and Irons falls all the way with him. End.

Recently, not so many really interesting and high-quality games have come out. Pleasant exceptions include Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. We will consider the passage of this shooter on the pages of this material.

Beginning of the game

It all starts (as usual) with an introductory video containing a moderate dose of pathos. Our protégé is a Marine. Our task is to "bring democracy" to the North Koreans, who have decided to attack their southern neighbor. We note right away that the passage of the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare attracts many gamers with the opportunity to see enough of the most modern technology and its fictitious prototypes. I must say that it all looks really cool and spectacular!

Having admired enough of the futuristic weapons and equipment of our own and our neighbors, we follow to the landing capsule. The officer will once again remind us of the main tasks. Everything, the landing begins. At first, it does not go very well. A rocket “knocks” into the capsule, and we will need to perform the first of the feats that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is so rich in. The passage begins with the emergency closing of the door of the same capsule. If this is not done, the poor fellow who flies next to us will simply fall out of the compartment.

Start of hostilities

All together we fall straight into someone's not very comfortable apartment. Here, a small detachment of North Korean soldiers will already be waiting for us, who must be killed. Having finished with this important matter, we jump down from the apartment. In the air, we do not forget about the presence of jet engines in our ultra-modern exoskeleton and slow them down, avoiding a "cold" meeting with the pavement. We meet with our soldiers, together with them we go further down the street. Soon we see a whole brood of enemy drones. Hiding from their shots with a selected car door, we mow down these scoundrels.

What to remember when playing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? The passage of the 1st and subsequent chapters compares favorably with many shooters in that you really have to think here: you don’t need to shove straight! We are considering all possible ways, actively using shelters!

Soon we will be able to perform an electromagnetic strike, which will allow us to quickly and effortlessly deal with overly smart enemy equipment. Having dealt with the drones, we catch up with our squad and follow it further down the street. We stumble upon a large body of enemy soldiers. After a fierce firefight, we again activate our jetpack and fly to the neighboring house, where Cormac will already be waiting for us. But the passage of the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will please us with another surprise!

Meeting with Will

Having met with the officer, with a smart look we look at the enemy drone, and then we follow Cormac. Soon we again stumble upon a group of North Korean soldiers, with whom we also deal. Further, our path goes to the destroyed metro station, where a dozen enemy soldiers will again be waiting for us. Let's eliminate them. Next, you need to climb the stairs. There will be a closed door, when we try to open it, we will meet the fighters of the Atlas PMC. Cormac will open the door, after which we all follow together as part of the detachment. According to the conversations of the fighters, it soon becomes clear that one of them, Will, is the heir to the Atlas, Jonathan Irons.

In general, this person will play a huge role in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy! The passage of this part will eventually lead us to the idea that not everyone needs to be met by clothes ... However, we digress.

Will's death, injury

With battles, we break through further and see the dead detachment "Demo", which should have been found. We take explosives from the bodies of the dead. Having fought off the pressing enemies, we pass it to Will. As soon as he puts the package inside the enemy armored car, the door closes, she squeezes his hand. Alas, it will not be possible to save him: everything explodes, our hero's left hand is torn off by a large fragment. Cormac is dragging us from the battlefield. Do you think Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the passage of which we describe in the article, is over? Of course not! Great things are yet to come!


The chapter begins with a sad video: it turns out that the DPRK soldiers fought steadfastly, the US losses in Seoul turned out to be tens of percent higher than predicted. Will will be told about the sad fate of Will, we will be shown the funeral ceremony of farewell to him. On the way out of the graveyard, we'll run into Cormac and Will's father, who will not only recruit us for work at Atlas, but also promise to install a top-notch prosthetic left arm.

This is how another important meeting in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ends. Passage (part 2) is not interrupted by this!

New task

We appear at an unknown location, but with an artificial left hand. We destroy the enemies at the entrance to the house, the rest we shoot right through the door. We go into the room, drop and carry out an assault in the best traditions of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The passage continues: we take the hostage out of the room, go outside, where the new prosthesis starts to fail. From the pool we go further, into the bushes, where we hide from the patrol. But the enemies still find us, followed by a skirmish and new problems from an artificial hand. There's a car pulling up. We are trying to open the door ... but the damned limb fails again.

By the way, our hand will cause more problems in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Supremacy! The passage of the game will repeatedly touch on the theme of the ill-fated prosthesis.

A terrorist runs up and kills a hostage... But the enemy immediately pulls off his mask, and we see an old friend of Gideon's. Turns out it was just practice! After that, we stumble upon Irons, get into the car. It turns out that the Atlas training base is simply gigantic! We drive for a long time to the place. We get out of the car, follow Gideon to the technicians who will finally fix our long-suffering hand. After that, we will be taken to a shooting range where we can shoot at targets to our heart's content, as well as experience the main feature of the exoskeleton - time dilation.

Of course, these are not all Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare events. Passage (part 1) will require a lot of effort from us in the field of destroying entire crowds of the enemy! We will be convinced of this only when we start the next chapter!

New simulation

Tired of shooting? We follow Gideon again. He will give us multifunctional grenades. Using his advice, we easily go through the training. Again we follow our permanent guide. He reports that there is a new training ahead. We sit in the elevator, go upstairs. What to do in this chapter of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? Passage (intelligence data will already be in your computer) again involves honing your skills in rescuing hostages.

Again we find ourselves in a location already familiar to us. This time there is no need to hide in the bushes, but you will have to shoot a lot. Like last time, we need to clear the house and save the hostage. In addition to people, we will be attacked by drones. You can deal with them quickly and relatively simply by using an electromagnetic grenade. In addition, we have our own assault drone: we use its capabilities, clearing especially difficult sections of the path. We immediately push the hostage into the approaching car and fight off the advancing enemies, using our entire arsenal as intended.

However, we will not always suffer with such voluminous segments in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Passage (part 1) involves smaller, training levels. Such as the following.


In this chapter, we are sent to distant Nigeria: we have to free the prime minister from the tenacious terrorist embrace. Using the help of our miniature drone, we carefully examine the building in which we have to act. We go together with the group into the room, ruthlessly knocking out the door along the way. After that, we get to the railway bridge, cross it to the other side of the street, and then jump down.


With the help of magnetic gloves we climb onto the roof of the nearest building. We cut it, throw a jamming charge into the hole, jump into the room and completely clean it. We go further, and then we shine through the wall, using our high-tech equipment. After that, you need to mark the enemies on the display and clear the room, avoiding losses among the hostages.

By the way, those gamers who completed the passage of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 3 have repeatedly encountered similar tasks. In this regard, the game mechanics have practically not undergone any visible changes.

Then we are given a new task: to stop a truck carrying a new batch of hostages. Going down the stairs, we go into the building, which is located directly on the course. We pass through it and find ourselves on a street with a dense traffic flow: we walk carelessly and walk until some ill-wisher shoots at us from a grenade launcher.

We hold the defense

We cling to the fountain and steadfastly endure the massive onslaught of enemies. After that, we quickly go along the lane, along the way endowing our enemies with generous flows of lead. When a car is rushing towards us, we turn sharply to the left. We see a new car, but this time with a machine gunner in the kit. To destroy it, we sneak to the car from the flank direction.

There is one difficulty here - if we miscalculate the time, we will fall under one of the hundreds of rushing cars. At the same time, we do not forget that terrorists continue to constantly "accompany" us. As soon as we manage to cross to the other side of the street, it will become easier: Gideon will meet us and point to a new target in the form of a bus. After that, we cheerfully jump on public transport, shooting enemies along the way. With the third bus, the most problems will arise: hanging on one hand, you need to destroy a couple of enemies. This is not so easy to do. As soon as we are done with this case, we jump right on the hood of the pursuing car, break the glass, throw out the unlucky driver and take possession of his vehicle.

Then again we jump into the bus, and then we destroy the arrived enemy helicopter. From the roof we get on the truck, simultaneously dealing with its aggressive crew. Alas, at that moment a car crashes into the bus at full speed, after which it falls into the river. We quickly follow. We take out the hostage, after which we are shown the final video. Think we have nothing more to be surprised about when playing Call of Duty 4 Advanced Warfare? The passage will present many more surprises, so it's too early to relax!


One of the smallest levels. By helicopter we fly up to the power plant, along the way shooting enemies. We use the cable and go down. Here we are again warmly greeted by crowds of enemies from whom we need to shoot back. After that, we will be given the opportunity to sit in a special turret and control it. Having knocked out an enemy tank, we will get out of the cab, pick up an ownerless grenade launcher lying near the van, after which we will like another tank. Those players who completed the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2 walkthrough will surely remember such a task. However, everything is much more spectacular in the new part!

We go into the building and go down the elevator cable. There we are met by a detachment of allies, with whom we need to break through further. After we pass the massive iron gates, we see a huge crowd of enemies. Our main task is to make our way to the elevator with all our might. After we have reached it and climbed up, we launch our hand-held drone and clear the path with it. We go into the main control compartment, listen to the dialogue.

After that, it is necessary to leave the building with maximum urgency. Enemies will do their best to prevent us from getting to the evacuation vehicle. Once this is done, it remains just to watch the final video with spectacular scenes of destruction. Actually, this is what Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (walkthrough) is interesting for. Part of the game, and an important one, is colorful and beautiful videos, which reveal in detail much of what remains behind the scenes of the "official" gameplay.


Let's watch the video again. It tells how, after a global terrorist attack, Atlas began to restore normal life in the country. Our guides are Gideon and Joker. We follow them, we sit down in a hoverbike. We'll be driven through the ruins of Detroit. We follow Gideon. After finding a pile of corpses, we stop at the building and get inside. Again we follow the conductor, together with him we fall down. Here we should be as quiet as possible, in no case attract the attention of individuals in chemical protection suits.

We go further along the labels on the display. We are suddenly attacked by the enemy. It, in order not to create unnecessary noise, should be carefully cut with a knife. Remove the second enemy in the same way. We meet with Gideon and, together with him, we “receive” the patrol, which we will come across along the way. After that, we will be attacked by a lot of overly aggressive enemies. Again we go along the markers, simultaneously shooting off overly aggressive enemies.

Let's meet with our team. To protect ourselves from the enemy's growing shelling, we roll the ambulance in front of us. Approaching the hospital, we penetrate into its building and go to the second floor. There we deal with a small detachment of the enemy and go up to the roof. Along the way, we grab the doctor. Generously throw stun grenades. A video will follow, which shows how some guys save us from death. We go down and sit on the hoverbikes.

And after that, everything is as simple as possible - we follow Gideon and are not distracted by anything. After returning to the base, we observe how the guard epicly shoots down the helicopter. We continue to consider the passage of missions Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.


In this chapter we have to go to Greece. We track down the man of Hades using a miniature camera. We follow Ilona, ​​carefully removing a couple of opponents along the way. We go into the house, "without noise and dust" removing all the enemies we meet on the way. After that, we finally get the exoskeleton. We take control of a combat drone that will support the Atlas squad. We remove three enemies: first going to the truck, and then two people in the building. Then we deal with the remaining opponents.

As soon as we complete the sweep, we have to eliminate Hades himself. We destroy him ... but when our squad enters the room, it turns out that it was not the same person. Everything explodes around us, crowds of enemies are attacking us. We cover the detachment until the UAV is shot down. After that, we break out of the encirclement, simultaneously covering Ilona.

We actively dodge snipers, who enthusiastically land on us from MORS. When Ilona commands, we crush the unknown shooter with fire, and then we jump down. We beat enemy drones with an electromagnetic grenade, we follow Ilona further. It's time to get even with the sniper: we pick up the Stinger and generously shower the tower with the shooter with a hail of missiles.

When this is over, we install an explosive device at the place indicated by Ilona. We hide and wait for the convoy. When he passes, we blow up and proceed to clean up. Having torn out the door on the car with Hades, we are preparing to triumph, but then another car presses us against the wall. Ilona will have to fight Hades herself. Dying, he will say: "Irons knows," and will give us some kind of device with data.

What else will please Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (walkthrough)? Intelligence points to a sinister plot that our pretty ally will soon tell us about!


Ilona calls us to a secret conversation. We come and watch a video from Aida's flash drive. It becomes clear that the head of Atlas was well aware of all the terrorist attacks long before they actually carried them out. Then soldiers burst into the room: Gideon is immediately taken away, and Ilona and I remain in the room.

Fortunately, at this moment the security system is activated, and we manage to deal with the enemy. We run after Ilona and get out of the base. You will have to go through the sewers, as there are no other escape routes. As soon as we leave the unnecessarily odorous tunnels, we will meet a heavy attack aircraft. We suppress the clumsy soldier with electromagnetic grenades, and then we finish it off. As soon as we finish this business, we sit in the boat. Once on land, use the cable and gloves to climb higher. When we approach the crane, we will see another video.

At this point, the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (walkthrough) almost ends. The final will not take us much time, as it consists of one rather short level.


We fly to the "heart" of the Atlas Corporation. Of course, on the way you need to shoot a lot of enemy units, which will not be delighted with our voyage. Arriving, we activate our suit and follow Gideon, who will lead us through the flooded tunnels.

Focusing on the display markers, we continue to move forward, mowing down all the opponents along the way. Having reached the right place, we jump into the open hatch. We stop the launch of the rocket, hammering on it from the entire available arsenal. During this important process, the main character gets very hard ... Here we are met by an old man, Will's father. He is behind all terrorist attacks. Smiling nastily, the old scoundrel will disable our exoskeletons so that neither we nor Gideon can move.

Luckily, as Irons starts to walk away, there is an opportunity to slip out of the suit. We're chasing the villain. When we reach the balcony, we simply press the indicated buttons, after which the scoundrel, together with our prosthesis, will fly down into the fire. Everything.

Zombies and other horror add-ons Supremacy

What else is interesting about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? Zombie! The passage of the cooperative mode, perhaps, is worth starting just for the sake of it, since in all other respects this DLC does not shine with something unique.

First, let's start the Exo Survival mode. As you progress through it (kill as many opponents as possible), we will be given unique "necrotic" items of equipment. It is important to try as efficiently as possible to destroy the opponents who attack us. But the most important thing is the skin of the zombie itself. How to get it in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? Zombies (walkthrough) will make even the most experienced player sweat!

Secondly, you will have to survive exactly 50 (!) rounds on the easiest maps. We advise you to play alone, as this will greatly speed up the process. Important! We don’t need to hold the defense to the end at all: we just play a dozen rounds on the first map, another ten on the second, and so on. When the list of second-class locations opens, they (in a similar way) will need to endure 75 battles already.

With the third - everything is similar. Only in this case, you will have to win back exactly one hundred rounds. And only after that the Riot level opens. We live through ten battles, watch a video with the Manticore attack and see a whole crowd. We take any weapon that has turned up and quickly run away from enemies. You only need to hold out for five minutes, after which it will be possible to wash off. We watch the final video and admire the zombie skin, which will appear in the corresponding section.

This is how this part of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ends. Zombie - walkthrough - will take a lot of effort, but the result is worth it!