
The most profitable business on a personal plot. Ideas for making money at the dacha


Every second Russian has a dacha plot, every fourth wonders whether a dacha business is profitable, and what commercial initiatives will make money on their own piece of land. The dacha business is possible, and it has its own secrets. At the same time, it should be understood that such commerce is risky. The weather factor, the lack of civilized sales markets, access to cheap loans and vehicles make life difficult for those who want to make money from their own dacha. But it doesn't stop them. For a Russian person there are no barriers that cannot be circumvented.

Before organizing your own business at your summer cottage, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  1. find out which products are in demand in the region in which you live, since long-distance transportation increases the cost of what is produced - sometimes several times;
  2. determine (or organize independently) sales channels - where and how to transport (sell) the received products;
  3. understand production (growing) technology;
  4. draw up a business plan that details expected expenses and income.

Important! Large-scale business on a summer cottage is prohibited by law. You cannot build a supermarket or a brick factory on land intended for subsidiary farming. However, if the site is located near the highway and there is a desire to build a store or open an auto repair shop on it, you can change the purpose of the land.

Little secrets of income from a summer cottage

Combining business ideas and dacha farming has its secrets. What grows in everyone’s yard cannot be sold at a high price, and transportation immediately increases overhead costs - the business becomes unprofitable. Growing seedlings and early varieties requires heat, light, and frequent watering - at the same time, there are plots of land without water or electricity. The construction of a greenhouse will have a beneficial effect on plant growth and increase the yield, but will require additional financial investments. In addition, in order to implement a business idea on a summer cottage, you need to live there around the clock or visit often.

Important! Any business that involves making money on minimal financial investments is built on significant labor costs. In addition, the work itself on the land requires labor - it is difficult for one person to independently carry out the entire cycle of work. Automated tools make the process easier, but they cost money - in this case there is no need to talk about business from scratch.

10 ideas for making money at your dacha for the brave and hardworking

The first thing that comes to mind is to use the dacha plot for its intended purpose: to grow edible and ornamental plants. Vegetables that require minimal investment of labor and time include green onions, parsley and dill. Also at the dacha they raise chickens and raise fur-bearing animals (rabbits, nutria), and this is double income - from the sale of meat and fur. There are unusual ways to earn income. Let's take a closer look at how much you can earn.

Important information! In crop farming, profitable options for earning money are from seed and planting material, flowers, early vegetables and berries. In livestock farming - fur-bearing animals, raising quails and ostriches, rabbit breeding.

1. Income from edible greens

Dill, lettuce, parsley, and radishes are in demand and it’s easy to make money from them. Dill is the most popular type of greenery, and it begins to grow at 2-3 degrees Celsius. To ensure a higher harvest, the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground, but not germinated. It is better to purchase varietal dill seeds, or even better - to save them yourself. Your own greenhouse will help you get a harvest at any time of the year.

Country business as a profitable and convenient line of business

Before revealing all the secrets and options for a summer cottage business, we will determine the main advantages of this business direction. Let’s give ourselves, so to speak, incentive for further action.

1. Self-realization

Do you like to grow flowers or is your vegetable harvest getting richer every year? Or are you good at making garden figures, the presence of which on the site literally transforms it? Why not use your hobby as income? Many novice summer residents will be happy to purchase both.

In the conditions of a summer cottage, you can do many things that cannot be organized in a city apartment. For example, equip a carpentry workshop and a mini sewing workshop. Any professional skill or hobby can lead to a great business idea. The main thing is that you like the work and give pleasure.

2. Freedom of action

Dacha business does not require a direct boss or strict labor discipline. You set your own work schedule. Moreover, this type of income can be either additional, in your free time from your main job, or the only source of income.

3. Savings and convenience

A dacha business, if we consider it in terms of a production business, will significantly save on renting premises and utility bills.

And the convenience lies in independently adjusting production volumes. Based on demand, you can purchase raw materials and manufacture products.

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to is that a summer cottage business is suitable for anyone. A pensioner, a mother on maternity leave, a student or a schoolboy - everyone can find themselves. We will look at earning options both in general and by gender.

3 areas of dacha business

So let's get started. For most people, a summer cottage is an opportunity to grow various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Let's start with this.

Growing crop products for sale

First you need to decide on the type of crop. It depends on climatic conditions. For example, in the south of the country you can grow vegetables all year round. The harsh northern conditions will not allow this to be done even in greenhouses.

So, what can you grow in your dacha for sale:

  • vegetables – greenhouse and ground;
  • greenery;
  • fruits - if climatic conditions allow it;
  • seedlings;
  • flowers;
  • mushrooms.

You can sell grown products either on your own or by concluding an agreement with the relevant companies involved in purchasing the crop. Contracts for direct supply of products to stores and retail outlets will also not hurt.

Today, many people follow a healthy diet. Accordingly, the number of specialized stores that are happy to purchase crop products is growing. Participation in various specialized exhibitions will also help.

Growing mushrooms is considered more expensive, but also more profitable. This process requires additional equipment and a specially equipped room. To grow mushrooms, you also need to enlist the support of the relevant services in the form of permits.

If the size of your summer cottage allows, you can start growing seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs. But this requires patience: the tree must be nurtured for several years to be suitable for sale.

A good option for business would be to grow phyto-products. Small plantations of several medicinal plants will make it possible to deliver finished products to pharmaceutical companies year-round. The price also includes grass seeds for planting.

Livestock farming as a profitable business in the country

Raising animals is a long and expensive business, but very profitable. You can sell not only the livestock itself, but also by-products: milk, eggs, meat, offal.

The most profitable areas of livestock farming in the conditions of a summer cottage are

  • breeding birds and rabbits;
  • pig and sheep farming.

Poultry farming can even be highlighted as a separate line, since, based on feed costs and costs of maintaining poultry, this path is the most profitable.

You can either raise adult birds or master the incubator business. To do this, you need to stock up on eggs and special incubators. Large poultry farms will tear off young chicks “with arms and legs.”

As for raising adult birds, special attention should be paid to geese. Not only poultry meat is valuable, but also eggs, feathers, fluff, fat and offal.

We include beekeeping and dog breeding in the same group as animal husbandry. Doing both requires specialized knowledge, but the end result is worth it.

Honey always remains a valuable product that can be sold both independently and through the retail chain.

There will always be a demand for dogs of expensive breeds. This especially applies to large guard dogs. A city apartment is not suitable for this line of business, but country enclosures will help raise a couple of individuals in order to obtain offspring from them. The puppy will need about a couple of months to adapt “to society,” after which it can be separated from its mother and handed over to the client.

In addition to selling puppies, you can engage in an exhibition business. If a dog has an excellent pedigree, external and physical characteristics, then you can make good money by participating in all kinds of exhibitions with it. And many dog ​​breeders will want to buy a puppy from such a dog.

Rent and rent are different

If apartments are for rent, why not do this with a dacha? Couples in love or those wishing to organize a corporate event in nature will welcome this idea with a bang. Especially if the dacha is located in a picturesque place and is fully landscaped.

In the summer, the dacha will be chosen by those who want to spend their holidays in the fresh air, and in the winter, the house can come in handy for the January holidays.

Continuing the theme of animals: you can set up a mini hotel for cats and dogs. Often their owners do not know where to place their pets during a short absence.
And the territorial location of the dacha near the city will make it possible to organize a training ground for dogs on the site.
Don’t forget about the bathhouse, which every self-respecting summer resident has. It can also be rented out by the hour.

Dacha business for women: 4 profitable directions

Women can be offered the following options for profitable self-realization in the country:

1. Any direction of handmade

Think about what you like to do and what can bring you good income. Embroidery, knitting, weaving, handmade soap, jewelry, decoupage - anything can be used. The main thing is to find your clients and do what you love. Some will say that all this can be done at home. Yes, but in nature the environment itself promotes more productive creativity.

2. Mini studio in the country

Previous minor activities may develop into large-scale activities. The latter will require both financial investments and registration of your activities. But there are plenty of ideas for implementation: clothes, bedspreads, curtains!

Moreover, you can take on everything at once, or specialize in the production of one line. For example, maternity clothes or bedspreads with designer patterns. Animal lovers will be able to make our little brothers happy with new costumes and accessories.

This production business idea will be an excellent solution for female workers in large studios. If you are tired of working for your uncle, and the clientele of the studio values ​​you as an employee, then you can open your own business.

3. Cooking in a summer cottage

Since an additional refrigerator and a professional oven would not hurt to make cakes and pies to order, dacha conditions are ideal for such a business. The main conditions for creation are having a health certificate and the ability to not only bake delicious cakes and decorate them beautifully.

4. Country food preparations

Processing of vegetables and fruits, their preservation and freezing - such products will always be in demand. You can organize a mini workshop for the production of hard cheeses or smoked meats. In the direction of food products you can also take a walk. And dacha conditions only contribute to profitable production.

Dacha business for men: another attractive four

Men at the dacha will not be offended either. For them, we have prepared the following options for a summer cottage business:

1. Garden landscape

Many people think about beautifully decorating their site, but not everyone can bring their ideas to life. If the neighbors are staring at your homemade ducks and ponds, then why not take your talent outside the territory? You can make money by making garden figures and lanterns, small ponds and pools, wooden structures in the form of gazebos, benches and tables.

2. Country workshop

Another good activity for men. You can make anything. This direction can also be called a business on unnecessary things. Many people throw away unwanted things. This could be either old furniture or broken down appliances.

Do you like to give things a second life? Let people know about this. And there will be no end to customers. You can return the repaired item to its owner, or you can take it to specialized consignment stores.
Another variation is giving an old thing a completely new look. For example, a motor from a non-working moped will be an excellent addition to an old bicycle.

3. Garage at the dacha

Many people use the garage as an auto repair shop. We can do the same. If you understand the structure of the car, then you can easily offer services for its repair. Tire service and anti-freeze production will continue the dacha automotive theme.

4. Everything for the garden

And, of course, if we are talking about a dacha, we cannot ignore the garden theme. You can make everything: from shovels and rakes to greenhouses.

Dacha startup

In conclusion of the article, I would like to propose one of the new areas of business production: growing leeches. Hirudotherapy is gaining momentum. People willingly seek the help of leeches. Alternative medicine centers are growing by leaps and bounds.

Leech cultivation is carried out in specialized factories, available only in large cities. Visit clinics offering leech treatment services and ask them whether it would be more profitable for them to buy treatment material locally than to purchase it from another city.

If an agreement has been reached, you can begin to implement your plans. Country conditions are the best suited for growing leeches. It is necessary to obtain permission to operate, purchase the necessary equipment, create conditions for cultivation, and you can explore a new area of ​​business.

Summing up

A person with an entrepreneurial streak will always find opportunities for doing business. Beginners in business should pay close attention to their dacha. Believe me, it contains many ways to generate income.

After all, what is a dacha? A dacha is, first of all, a plot of land. Where you can relax and work, build residential buildings and grow crops. Just think: according to VTsIOM, the majority of Russian residents spend their summer vacations at their dachas and only 14% choose to vacation at local or foreign resorts. That is, more than 80% of dacha owners spend all their free time at these same dachas. Imagine so many people and unspent energy in one place. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a phenomenon as "dacha business"- quickly developed into an independent direction.

At the dacha, you can engage in cultivation and construction, you can build these same dachas, bathhouses, fences and septic tanks, buy and resell. The dacha can finally be rented out. More complex types of dacha business involve the transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction plots, however, the notorious transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction lands is already a business for realtors, lawyers and savvy people. You can also develop side business areas - drilling wells for water, gas supply, etc. .

Let's consider some types of business in the country separately.


The simplest and most accessible type of dacha business is helping these same dacha residents, saving their time - digging, excavating, adjusting, repairing, harvesting, and so on.


Installation of solar panels and collectors. For electricity and heating. An excellent business in dachas where energy is needed, but there are no opportunities. It is very easy to learn how to install and configure the equipment. Demand is stable, due to the fact that sites appear faster than they are equipped with electricity.

According to statistics, in Russia 60% of the population have dachas and summer cottages.


The article, by the way, is very useful. He talks about how to legally and without extra taxes organize some types of business on your summer cottages.


Tulips for March 8th are a very profitable business niche. Demand exceeds not only supply, but also knowledge of how to quickly and profitably cut tulips for this holiday. Growing flowers in cold conditions makes this a great summer cottage business. No special devices or anything else is needed.


Coniferous plants are very popular for their year-round beauty and unpretentiousness. For beautiful low seedlings, people are willing to pay several thousand rubles, but for large-sized seedlings the prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. Although, to engage in this business you just need patience. Nature does the rest.

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money from land.

Farming is one of the most affordable businesses that anyone can take up. In this article, I will rely on the experience of my good friend, who, together with his family, organized a million-dollar business on his site.

How to make money on a plot of land

The first thing on earth that comes to mind is farming. That is, grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, sell them and get decent money for it. There are entire states in the USA where entrepreneurs specialize in farming. In Russia everything is still not so developed, but you have a chance to revive the country's agriculture.

It is best to grow and sell seedlings. It takes up much less space, requires much less effort to breed and will bring a lot of money over a long distance.

The seedlings are also supported by the fact that they are relatively inexpensive and the demand for them is high. Seedlings require less time. If you grow vegetables or flowers, you will spend about six months from planting to harvest. If you work with seedlings, there will only be 3-4 months of continuous work.

Work on a plot of land is far from seasonal. You will work throughout the year. Breaks are possible from October to November and in April.

Starting in July, we will have to work according to this scheme:

  • Preparing land and seeds.
  • Growing seeds.
  • Obtaining seedlings.
  • Transplanting seedlings into the ground.
  • Sale.

It usually takes 8-10 months a year to do everything, 2 months for active trading.

What kind of land is needed to earn money?

In order to make money from such farming, you need a lot of space. If you are planning to seriously start a business, you will need an area of ​​at least 600 square meters. It should include:

  • Space for 2 greenhouses.
  • A vegetable garden to harden the plants.
  • A home for keeping an eye on the plants.
  • Free space to avoid walking on plants.

The larger the area, the more opportunities you can use. But you will have to spend money on land, manure, and seeds. And you also need to process all this almost all year round, so carefully calculate your strength.

When choosing a plot of land, you should pay attention to what you can get for free. You will need firewood, manure, other fertilizers and the land itself. In order to prepare the ground for seedlings, you will have to try hard. It's good if you have a forest nearby.

How to make money at your dacha

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make money from their own dacha. Although, in essence, summer cottages are no different from farm plots, with the exception of size. If you work according to the scheme of growing seedlings, then you can earn money at the dacha all year round. Only the business in the country will be much smaller.

Due to the fact that growing seedlings does not require much space, you can do it even in your country house. But you should understand that small plots with space for a 3x3 vegetable garden are not suitable. In order for the plants to harden, they will have to be transplanted outside. Otherwise, selling them directly from the greenhouse, you risk losing customers due to low-quality seedlings.

When working in the country, you should not concentrate on different crops. It is better to focus on one thing: growing annual flowers, vegetables or fruits. It's better to choose a specialization. You still won't be able to sell all this on an industrial scale, and your customers will know you as "the seller of good pepper" or something like that.

In general, you can make money from seedlings even on a summer cottage or on a personal plot. You just need to know, be able to work physically and fully devote yourself to the business, even if it is small.

What crops to grow

If you work with seedlings, you can grow vegetables and flowers for sale. Moreover, both need to be selected experimentally. Another important factor is seed stores. You need to understand what you can buy, plant and subsequently sell. Traveling to a large city or somewhere else to buy seeds may cost more than purchasing seeds in your city.

Now let's briefly go over what exactly to grow. The best selling flowers are annuals: petunias, sulfinia, verbena, godetia, marigolds, snapdragons and others. Summer residents are interested in these flowers for sale and for decorating their own plots. They are quite beautiful, interesting and sell well.

It is desirable that there are many varieties of even 1 flower. This will significantly expand your range. You should definitely have at least 10 - 15 varieties of each flower. The bigger, the better.

But you can't go far with flowers alone. Another good option would be to grow vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. They sell well, even with minimal effort, and if there is any excess produce, you can always eat the vegetables.

The most important thing is to know the varieties of your products. Where do they come from, how to care for them, what can grow from them. That is why I recommend purchasing only high-quality and proven seeds. Over time, you will learn how to choose crop varieties, but first you will have to ask experienced farmers for advice.

How much can you earn from a plot of land?

Agriculture is a fairly profitable business. On an average plot of 20 acres you can get an income of 800,000 - 1,000,000 rubles. It all depends on what you will grow, how you will sell it and what volumes you will take. If you want to work without stress, 5 days a week, then you can count on a monthly income of 30 - 40 thousand rubles. If you really work hard, you can count on 2 - 3 million a year.

My good friend from a plot of 20 acres has a profit of at least 800,000 rubles a year.

Profit will also be different, depending on many factors: weather, land, seeds, your work, customers, etc. Profit fluctuates in different price ranges, so it is very difficult to say something definitely about this. Therefore, focus on my examples.

How to sell products

It is best to sell seedlings in markets. This is beneficial for three reasons:

  • Great traffic in small towns.
  • There are markets in every village.
  • No need to pay rent.

If you sell seedlings to your clients, in most cases there will be summer residents and gardeners. They will buy, grow plants for themselves or to sell. This audience does not respond to social networks and other sales channels. The only option for sale is markets.

You can also sell in several ways. In cities and villages there are special market days, when everyone from the surrounding area comes and offers their products. You need to seize such days and make the most of them. They will give you the most profit.

On ordinary days, you can simply stand in city markets. Regular sales hours: from 7 am to 3 - 4 pm. Selling on the market will not give the same effect, but will create a continuous flow of buyers. The sales scheme will be as follows:

  • Mon - Fri: city ​​market.
  • Sat - Sun: market day, in a special place.

In my city, every weekend there is a mini-fair in the center. People from all surrounding villages and smaller towns come there to sell their products. A lot of buyers and sellers gather in one place during these two days. By Sunday evening the shelves are almost empty.

It is worth taking care of your reputation. Yours is word of mouth. A person will come to you, buy seedlings, and then tell his relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances about what he can take from you and what he cannot. This is why you should be careful about the quality of your seedlings and how you talk to your clients.

There are years when it was not possible to sell all the products on the market. This is quite normal, especially for beginners whom no one knows yet. Then you should pay attention to wholesale buyers. They will give a lower price, you will lose part of the profit, but you will be able to sell your goods.

Investments in land

Let's move a little away from the farming business and year-round earnings on a plot of land. Let's talk a little about how else you can make money on land. One of the very first options that comes to mind is investing in land.

I started thinking about the fact that investing in land is profitable when my parents, during my youth, decided to buy a dacha for themselves. They told me how they chose her, so I was more or less aware of their affairs. There were 2 plots to choose from: one with a small rickety house, the other without buildings, but overgrown. In the end, they chose the first one for 250,000 rubles. The second one cost about 150,000, but there was a couple of years of work to improve it.

As a result, a few years later, the dacha cooperative where the second plot was was supplied with electricity, gas, improved amenities, and even given the opportunity to build houses and obtain registration. And here was the most interesting thing. After some time, I learned from my parents that that plot of land had now been sold for 400,000 rubles, and it was practically torn away. Just a couple of years after it cost 150.

A simple conclusion can be drawn from this. Land plots located in promising locations are rapidly growing in price. Cities are actively expanding, infrastructure is improving, and land, as well as real estate, is rising in price.

The main thing in investing in land is to choose the right area. For example, one where there is practically nothing now, but in the middle distance (3 - 5 years) it is planned to do something interesting.

There is generally a separate investment scheme around cities with a population of over a million. You can buy land cheaply, and after some time sell it to city residents who want to build a summer house.

But investing in land, like real estate, has its own risks. Suffice it to recall the relatively recent story about flooding in the Amur region. Prices for land and real estate have dropped several times, and even after several years no one is in a hurry to buy land there.

If you want to invest money for the long term in order to get a good profit in a few years when the area develops, then the best investment is investing in land.


Earning money on land requires hard physical labor. However, you can earn good money if you approach the earning process wisely and with full physical dedication. If you wanted to buy a plot of land, but were afraid to start such a business, then this is your best chance.

Is it possible to create a business in the country, and will it be promising? If not, then there would be no point in writing this article. But since there is text below, and quite a large one, the conclusion is logical: business in the country is more than possible. In this example, consider the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing crops with subsequent sale, which involves possible earnings in $800,000 per year.

If you have a dacha, then you certainly have at least 10 acres of land that you need for cultivation. Here the question almost immediately arises - what to grow? It is necessary to choose the most profitable crop that would bring in more money and would require few costs. It's difficult to define this one. Some people don’t do this at all and rely on the great Russian “what if”, some listen to the opinions of experts who predict growth in sales next year, for example, potatoes, and others simply rely on intuition.

For example, if 10 hectares are planted with potatoes, then with an average harvest (200-300 kg per hectare) you can harvest 2-3 tons of this product. Its average price per 1 kilogram is 0.5 dollars (it’s easier to calculate), respectively, from one harvest you can get 1000-1500 dollars. Is this enough for you? Unfortunately no.

Next example – strawberry. Most people grow this product solely for personal consumption. From one hundred square meters you can get (on average) up to 150 kg, from 10 hundred square meters - 1500 kg. The cost of strawberries is $3 per kilogram, respectively, with 1500 kg you can get $4500. Better, but still not enough!

Is it possible to earn even more?

Earnings of $4,500 are guaranteed if you grow single-fruiting strawberries, but there are berries that produce 2 or 3 harvests per year. Accordingly, you can earn 2-3 times more. At the same time, it is also possible to earn money from seedlings, which are not cheap. To do this, you will have to grow seedlings in plastic bags so that their root system is closed. This will allow them to be sold throughout the warm season along with berries: summer, autumn, spring. These seedlings take root always and everywhere, accordingly, they are sold to the last, and there is practically no competition.

It is not difficult to calculate the possible profit. 1 square meter allows you to grow 60 seedlings in bags. On one hundred square meters (paths for passages are taken into account) you can grow 4-4.5 thousand bushes. The cost of one seedling is, say, 0.5 dollars. Then from only one hundred square meters you can get 2000-2250 dollars; from ten acres - ten times more. And this is much better, but still not $800,000.

And that is not all! Country business can be much more profitable

We only considered 2 cultures, but there are many more of them. Let's take black currants, for example. You don’t even need to analyze the market to say for sure: the demand for it is very good, and black currants are sold to the last berry, no matter how many you grow. Productivity directly depends on the variety, and on average ranges from 100 to 200 kilograms per hundred square meters. The cost of 1 kilogram is 3 dollars. It's easy to calculate the rest. However, this is not the point. It is much more profitable and easier to grow blackcurrant seedlings, and here’s why:

  1. From one hundred square meters you can get 4-5 thousand blackcurrant seedlings (this can be found in any reference book on growing seedlings);
  2. From ten acres you can get 40-50 thousand seedlings (average 45 thousand);
  3. The cost of one seedling is (!) 1-2 dollars (as you sell it);
  4. As a result, the profit from 10 acres can be 45000-90000 thousand dollars.

One can only dream of such earnings. At the same time, you do not need to invest a lot of money in this business, and this is a distinctive advantage. In this case it can only be one problem - implementation.

Methods of selling products

There are several ways to sell the seedlings you have grown:

  1. Wholesale sales. In this case, you need to reduce the price, and significantly;
  2. Give it away for sale, losing only 10-15 percent of the possible profit;
  3. Grow currants in bags and sell them yourself. In this case, the implementation period is extended from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. These seedlings will be sold best in the summer, during the ripening period of black currants.

Additionally, you can sell the currant berries themselves, which, if you do everything correctly, will be very large. The buyer will definitely not pass by these.

To grow seedlings you will definitely need cuttings. You need to take them from the mother plant - this is a currant bush, which is intended exclusively for obtaining cuttings. They need to be planted densely - about 10-15 per square meter. On one bush you can grow about 10 powerful shoots, which are cut into cuttings in the fall. From one shoot you can get 5 cuttings, from a bush - 50. These 50 cuttings will turn into seedlings in the future. From one square meter you can get about 500-750 cuttings. It is easy to calculate exactly how many queen plant bushes need to be planted in order to obtain the required number of cuttings for growing seedlings. Most often (and this is more convenient), queen cells are planted in 1-2-3 rows around the perimeter. On average, 12 bushes are placed on 1 square meter, which implies obtaining 600 cuttings from 1 square meter.

The dacha business promises even more money, and it’s true!

You can earn even more from grapes. The point is that the cost grape seedlings are approximately several times higher than the cost of currant seedlings(1.5-2 times), but from one hundred square meters of soil you can get exactly the same number of seedlings - 4-5 thousand. Accordingly, you can earn 1.5-2 times more (about 90-180 thousand dollars).

This income is already fantastic and almost unrealistic. Of course, it is possible to grow such a quantity, but to implement it is not. The reason for this is great competition. At the moment, only the lazy do not sell grape seedlings, so problems may arise with the sale of such a number of seedlings. However, such a business can only be implemented in those regions where, thanks to climate warming, people have begun to pay attention to the emerging opportunity to grow grapes in their summer cottages. These are mainly the northern regions of Ukraine and almost the entire central zone of Russia, including Moscow. Now it is warm enough in this zone, which allows even late grape varieties to fully ripen, and this causes a great demand for seedlings.

To grow seedlings, you do not need to prepare special bushes for cuttings. About 100 cuttings can be prepared from just one mature grape, because anyway, about 90% of the vine is pruned in the fall. This vine will successfully take cuttings. In addition, grape berries can be sold if there are a lot of them.

Earning money from science fiction - EVEN MORE!

Theoretically, a dacha business can bring even more money, but in practice this is almost impossible to do due to the large amount of work that will have to be done. You will definitely need help, but this option is worth considering.

We are talking about clematis culture. They can be grown from cuttings in plastic bags and a closed root system. They are sold almost all year round, with the exception of winter. On one square meter you can grow 300 seedlings; on a hundred square meters - 20,000 (including space for paths); not 10 acres - 200,000. The price of one seedling is 4 dollars (on average), respectively, the cost of 200,000 pieces will be $800,000. The amount is fantastic, but theoretically it is possible to get such a profit.

Clematis cuttings are obtained from mother bushes, which need to be planted thicker. 500 cuttings are obtained from one bush, so you can easily calculate how many bushes you need to plant in order to grow the required number of cuttings.

So, does a business in a summer cottage promise profit?

As you can see, with only 10 acres of free land in your dacha, you can create a profitable business that will provide you for life. Even if you only have 2 free acres, then by planting them entirely with currant seedlings, you can get about 10-20 thousand dollars.

Of course, you can grow other crops that, in your opinion, will allow you to earn much more money. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with the appropriate reference books and market prices in order to be able to determine possible income. However, here you will have to experiment.