
Procedure for opening a children's playroom.

Garden buildings


A children's playroom (children's entertainment center) is a place for a child or group of children to spend their leisure time under the supervision of the establishment's staff.

The first such business areas began to be organized in Russia at large shopping centers about 10 years ago. First of all, entrepreneurs focused on the needs of visitors to these centers. Or more precisely, to the need of parents to accommodate their children during a long shopping trip. The shortage of preschool institutions in the country was also taken into account. Both factors have contributed to the fact that children's playrooms have become a very profitable and actively developing line of business.

About the profitability of a children's entertainment center and the importance of the place

Opening a game room is much easier than a children's development center and, even more so, than a private kindergarten. There is no need to obtain a license to carry out educational activities, highly qualified personnel are not required, and the business can be organized at relatively low cost.

  1. When opening a soft play room of 30 m2, designed for a maximum of 20 children per day, you will need about 300 rubles. (this will include the cost of repairs (15%), equipment (65%), rent (10%), company registration (5%), salary for staff (5%). With average monthly expenses of 50 tr. and income of 100 tr. net profit will be about 50 tr.
  2. If you organize a gaming entertainment complex for children of approximately 70 sq. m, designed for a maximum of 70 children per day, then you will need at least 1 million rubles. With average monthly expenses of 80 tr. and income of 250 tr. net profit will be about 170 tr.

It happens that game rooms find their niche in residential areas, but this is the exception rather than the rule. This mainly applies to remote places, where such a corner can become perhaps the only way to organize leisure time for children and adults.

Franchise on the topic:"Town of Masters" (children's playroom franchise, investment 390 thousand rubles, profit from 90 thousand rubles.

Normative base

Before opening a business, you should try to carefully study the regulations relating to its organization. You can find out about them by contacting the territorial bodies of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor. Employees of these services must notify about sanitary standards and safety regulations, compliance with which is necessary for opening a children's care room. They will also provide guidance on the legislative framework of local significance.

  • For example, the Moscow Consumer Market Department has developed special “Recommendations for keeping children in children’s playrooms...”.
  • It is also important to understand federal documents. In particular, with those regulations that relate to children's play equipment. It must comply with the requirements of international (EN - 1176) and Russian (GOST R 52169-2003, GOST R 52168-2003, GOST R 52167-2003, GOST R 52299-2004, GOST R 52300-2004, GOST R 52301-2004) standards security.
  • In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 9, 10 (clause 2) and Government Decree No. 1025, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a sign or stand that would indicate the details of the organization, work schedule, list of services provided, the procedure for their provision, prices, company rules, etc.
  • It is necessary to ensure in advance that employees have medical records. (Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402). Special education credentials are not required.
  • When preparing the premises for a children's playroom, you must be guided by SanPin and SanPin Daily wet cleaning of surfaces, washing of toys, etc. must be carried out.
  • It is also worth knowing about the types of criminal and administrative liability that are provided for causing harm to the life and health of a child in the event of certain actions or inactions of playroom employees (69 Code of Civil Procedure, Article 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Article 118 of the Criminal Code, 109 of the Criminal Code, Article 1068 of the Civil Code , Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 151 of the Civil Code, Article 1081 of the Civil Code).
  • The “Technical Regulations” dedicated to fire safety requirements will also be useful.

What is needed to open

  1. The company is registered with the tax office (LLC or individual entrepreneur). We recommend registering as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). This will cost less and will allow the use of preferential tax regimes in the future - UTII, simplified tax system, and, from 2013, a patent form of taxation.
  2. Next you need to decide on OKVED codes. We recommend specifying: 92.7 - etc. activities for organizing recreation and entertainment.
  3. Then you should register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. You will need a cash register or strict reporting forms. They are subject to registration with the tax authorities
  5. The premises for the game room must be brought into compliance with the requirements of Rospotreb and Gospozhnadzor

Equipment for children's playroom

In order to organize a small playroom, it is enough to purchase one children’s labyrinth of 15-20 m2, which will cost at least 180-200 tr. You will also need a table and chair for an employee - 10 rubles and lockers for clothes (about 800 rubles for 1 section). The set is minimal; in the future it can be supplemented as much as the owner’s imagination and finances allow.

Three-story labyrinth for children's playroom

Nowadays, not a single children's playroom is complete without labyrinths. These spatial structures are usually made to order (about 1 month). However, sometimes, especially on sales, you can purchase them ready-made. Labyrinths can be of any size (from 10 to 100 m2) and configurations (slides, obstacles, shafts, passages, stairs, soft modules, climbing elements, dry pool with balls, etc.)

Foreign versions of labyrinth game complexes

As a rule, one organization is involved in drawing up a design project, manufacturing and installing a labyrinth. This play element is intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. You can separately install a children's trampoline, which on average will cost 70-90 rubles.

Children's trampoline

If your business is also aimed at children aged 1.5 - 4.5 years, then you need to create a separate corner with soft stuffed toys, construction sets, tables for drawing, and dry pools with balls.


Company employees must be able to work with children and understand the high degree of responsibility that is assigned to them. They are obliged to monitor the safety of equipment, order in the premises, and compliance with the rules by visitors. Usually, pedagogical students are accepted for such work. universities or retired former teaching staff. The work is carried out by 2 people in shifts.

Organization of activities

1 Game rooms are usually open from 9 am to 9 pm. The average fee for 1 hour of a child's stay is 100-120 rubles on weekdays and 150-180 rubles on holidays and weekends. Parents with children under 3 years of age usually enter for free, and adults accompanying children over 3 years of age are charged an additional 20-30 rubles.

2 The time the 1st child stays in the room should not exceed four hours. The rules need to stipulate the obligation of visitors to pick up their children after this period.

3 An employee of the center must receive the child upon presentation of a passport by the parent. Information about the child and the time of his admission must be entered in a separate notebook or accounting program.

4 Company employees must ensure that incoming children are healthy. Children with obvious signs of illness should not be allowed into the playroom. Otherwise, the organization’s reputation may be damaged; some clients will not want to return to places where children’s health issues are treated irresponsibly.

5 On weekdays, the most visitors occur from 16 to 21 hours, when parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens and go shopping. In the first half of the day, you can try to increase the number of visitors by offering them discounts. They can also be installed for regular customers.

6 Consider seasonality. Children's rooms are in great demand from October to April, when the weather outside is less conducive to outdoor play. The decline occurs in the summer. During this season, they try to take many kids out to the countryside and spend more time with them outside.

7 If you are committed to further developing the center and increasing its profitability, then be sure to consider opening such areas as organizing holidays, competitions, creative clubs, and creating a children's cafe.

If you need a high-quality playground project that meets all modern standards and requirements, then Arbero LLC will not only take on all the design work, but will also carry out its implementation, from paperwork to delivery of the finished facility.

Playground layout

Nowadays it’s easy to find a good playground project on the Internet, but the vast majority of them are a list of play equipment and small architectural forms, plus a plan for their placement on the ground. Another option that modern developers of such projects are guilty of is a lot of extraneous information, which, in an amicable way, should be taken outside its scope. This includes justifying the benefits of such a project, plans to attract sponsors, popularizing the idea of ​​its creation among the local population, etc. In fact, playground projects should include the following sections:

  1. Selection of territory (determination of boundaries, their registration in relevant organizations).
  2. Drawing up a plan for preparing the territory for construction work (soil characteristics, groundwater level, list of works necessary for the site to meet all legal requirements for these objects).
  3. The construction work itself (territory leveling, drainage (if needed), storm drainage, alleys, paths, possibly water features, etc.).
  4. The actual layout of the playground (zoning, compiling a list of necessary play equipment and small architectural forms, landscaping plan and list of necessary plants).
  5. Acquisition of components, their assembly and placement. Planting.
  6. Removing debris, laying protective coating.
  7. Delivery of the object.

It is necessary to take into account that a typical children's playground is a project that is not necessary, and even inconvenient, to copy completely, even if it suits you in every way. When reproducing it you need to consider:

  • local climate;
  • age and number of children;
  • landscape features.

Let’s say there is a hill on the territory allocated for the construction of a children’s playground. It is not at all necessary to tear it down and take it away. It is much cheaper to level, strengthen and place slides and other play and sports facilities on its slopes. By using an elevation in this way, you will make the yard more decorative and original, which is very important for an urban environment that is not very diverse.

Another important question that needs to be taken into account when creating a children's playground project is where it is needed:

  • in the courtyard of a multi-storey building;
  • to the park;
  • children's summer camp;
  • to kindergarten, school;
  • hotel or holiday home;
  • hospital or rehabilitation center;
  • to a personal plot.

The largest objects, representing a large territory, divided into zones and equipped with many elements, are, of course, sites in city courtyards, parks and summer camps. Their main features:

  1. Designed for a large number of children of all ages.
  2. They are equipped with equipment with high anti-vandal properties, as they are usually located in unguarded areas.
  3. Often combined with sports grounds and recreation areas.

In kindergartens, special attention is paid to safety and zoning by age, so that children have some objects for play, and older children have others. Now this is especially noticeable, since for each age group their own swings, slides, sports and educational products are being developed.

Schools also have their own characteristics. Here the emphasis is on sports equipment and complexes, and it is often difficult to separate the playground and sports area. Except that playgrounds for primary school students resemble facilities for preschoolers, although they include a lot of details for developing strength and dexterity: ropes, rings, monkey bars, climbing walls, wall bars, etc.

Now many hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes are acquiring modern places for children to play. Hotels and inns usually have small areas, so they can recommend ergonomic facilities from European manufacturers such as Lappset, Galopin or Kompan. Their climbing structures take up minimal space while keeping little ones occupied for a long time. Boarding houses and holiday homes usually do not have to save space, so it is better for them to choose large themed play complexes and supplement them with sports equipment for adults and small architectural forms - benches, urns, fountains, etc.

Medical institutions have their own specifics; here, when choosing equipment and coatings, first of all, you need to take into account the opinion of specialists and use the experience of other countries, where considerable experience has already been accumulated in arranging similar facilities.

Designing a children's playground for private ownership has its own specifics. Usually they are designed for a small audience and the choice of equipment for them depends on the age of the children, as well as the preferences and thickness of the parents’ wallet. It can be noted that now the most popular playgrounds are made of wood, especially since this environmentally friendly material is currently subjected to special processing, which significantly increases its wear resistance and durability.

Playground layout

There is still an opinion that a children's playground is simply an area where there are swings/slides/sandboxes and a couple of benches for parents. Such objects are, of course, not uncommon in our populated areas, but there are also more and more modern, interesting, non-standard ones. The demands placed on them are also considerable and it is simply unrealistic for a non-specialist to take everything into account. Let's just name the main ones:

  1. It is desirable that the site be protected from the wind and, at least partially, from the sun and precipitation. Trees and shrubs do a good job with the first, and canopies, gazebos, and playhouses with the second.
  2. The playing space should be clearly visible.
  3. It is advisable to start construction as far as possible from economic facilities and roads, and if this is not possible, securely fence the site from them so that children cannot enter there.
  4. Glazed objects - houses, shopping pavilions, greenhouses should also be far enough away.

In order for children's playground projects to meet all requirements, their preparation (and implementation) should be entrusted to professionals. Having worked in the complex Russian market for many years, we have managed to accumulate considerable experience in this area.

Now let's focus on the choice of equipment. A typical element of a playground is a town - a two- or three-story tower (often more than one), which serves as the basis for many different elements - stairs, slides, climbing walls, swings, etc. Already around it there are other elements - houses and sandboxes for kids, and climbing structures and sports equipment for older children. All this is complemented by benches, lanterns, lawns, flower beds, urns and enclosed by low decorative fences.

Children's playground projects made in the same style look interesting - for example, Russian fairy tales, Vikings, knight's castles, animated series, spaceships, etc. There are companies that have made original ideas for children's playgrounds their specialty. For example, the projects of the Monstrum company make a great impression not only on children, but also on adults.

In our company, equipment for local areas can be purchased in any configuration. Therefore, even if the budget does not allow you to buy everything you want at the same time, some purchases can easily be carried over to next year. This is especially recommended when arranging a playground on a personal plot. After all, a one-year-old baby will only need a sandbox, a slide and a low rocking chair; next year he can be treated to a slide, then a swing, etc.

Large objects can be completed according to the same principle - choose a style, purchase the main objects, this is usually:

  • game town;
  • fencing;
  • benches;
  • urns;
  • coating.

Then gradually add new elements - houses, swings, sports equipment, MAF, etc. As a result, you can, albeit not immediately, get a children's playground that will meet all modern requirements.

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the following nuance. Nowadays, projects for playgrounds rarely include equipment for children with disabilities, while manufacturers have long established the production of interesting products for this category of children. Therefore, if you are planning a project for a playground that meets the needs of all the children living in your yard (or area, if the playground is in a park), select a corner for disabled children and place objects there that will be within their capabilities. Now these structures are so interesting and bright that they arouse genuine interest among healthy children, which means they will not be empty in any case.

Arbero LLC creates only high-quality playground projects and guarantees that:

  1. Individual approach to each client. Projects at all stages of creation and implementation are coordinated with customers.
  2. All equipment meets modern requirements.
  3. Its installation is carried out by specially trained specialists.
  4. Optimal cost of sites, equipment for them and service.

You can order a nursery project and get answers to all your questions by calling the phone number listed on the website or leaving a message on the “Contacts” page.

  • Indoors or outdoors
  • "Underwater rocks"
        • Similar business ideas:

Opening a children's playground can be very successful. The lack of any leisure activities for children under 7 years of age is a problem in most cities in our country. Although administrations are trying to install play areas in most residential areas, their quantity, and most importantly quality, are far from ideal, and in most cases are not interesting to children. As always, business should come to the rescue, which is increasingly becoming a socially oriented business...

How much can you earn on playgrounds?

Clients of playgrounds are children aged from two to seven years. Payment, as a rule, is carried out at a single rate, for example 200 rubles for entry. No time limit. This is very convenient both for children, who play on the playground as much as they want, and for their parents, who do not have to pay for each individual attraction. In fact, to earn 10,000 rubles a day, it is enough for 50 children to visit the site. These are quite realistic figures for any city, even a small one.

How much money do you need to open playgrounds?

The cost of opening a business can be at least 500 thousand rubles. The first thing you need is to select a plot of land. You should look for the busiest areas, perhaps also sleeping areas, where there is the greatest flow of parents with children. For example, this could be one of the city parks where families traditionally walk. Or it could be an area near shopping and entertainment centers, although rent in such places is somewhat higher.

What equipment to choose for opening playgrounds

  • A small trampoline (slide or regular). The price of a new trampoline starts from 80,000 rubles;
  • Carousel sun - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Spring rockers (3-4 pieces) - from 14 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Game labyrinth + dry pool (two possible at once) - from 150,000 rubles, depending on the size;
  • Sandboxes and sand courtyards - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • Ordinary swings (5-6 pieces) - from 20 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Benches, trash cans and other park furniture - from 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the total cost of equipment for the site should be about 400 thousand rubles.

The play labyrinth is the main “calling card” of the playground, and it is clearly not worth saving on the purchase of it. Children really like labyrinths. Therefore, the larger and more interesting the game labyrinth, the higher the chance of success for the entire business.

In addition to equipment, there will be costs for covering the site. The best and safest option for a playground is crumb rubber or tiles. Firstly, the rubber coating is soft and softens the child’s fall. Secondly, the coating is easy to install, even in the most inconvenient places. Thirdly, rubber crumbs (or tiles) are made in different colors, which makes the surface of the playground very bright and attractive for children. The cost of one square meter of rubber coating including installation is about 1,500 rubles. Covering a site with an area of ​​100 m2 will cost 150 thousand rubles.

How to attract more young clients

Next, it is important to resolve the issue of how to get parents to bring their children to your playground. In other words, what will parents do while their children are frolicking wildly on the playground? Leisure for adults is an equally important attribute of the playground. For example, you can open a small summer cafe next to the site. It is not necessary to sell alcohol in a cafe; you can limit yourself to the most popular products: ice cream, pastries, hot and cold drinks, cocktails, desserts and sweets. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: 1. attract more visitors 2. earn money by selling products (for both children and adults).

Indoors or outdoors

The advantages of opening a children's playground in an outdoor format include:

  1. High attendance in the summer (in the summer everyone is drawn to the street);
  2. Lower costs for renting a plot. In contrast to renting year-round premises in a shopping center, where payments are 5-10 times higher.
  3. Finding space outdoors is often easier than indoors. Free space in popular shopping centers (which is exactly what you need) is an extremely rare occurrence. And finding a “piece” of land in a residential area of ​​the city is a more realistic option.

"Underwater rocks"

  1. Pronounced seasonality and dependence on weather conditions. In fact, the playground is open from May to October, that is, no more than 5 months.
  2. Slightly higher costs for organizing the business. In addition to the attractions, it is necessary to think through the issue of covering the site, landscaping the area and protecting the site.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a paid playground

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. Searching for a place to organize a paid playground, renting a plot of land.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, obtaining permission from local authorities.
  4. Purchase of gaming and sports attractions.
  5. Installation of equipment in compliance with GOST standards.
  6. Conducting an advertising campaign.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

  • 21 - activities of cultural and recreation parks.
  • 33 - activities of parks and fairs with attractions.
  • 34.3 - other recreational activities.

What documents are needed to open

When organizing a paid playground, it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. To register an individual entrepreneur, you must provide the tax service with an application, a photocopy of your passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which tax system to choose

To open a playground, both a simplified and a patent taxation system can be used.

Do I need a business permit?

When installing playgrounds, you must be guided by GOSTs:

  • R 52169-2012 - design safety;
  • R 52168-2012 - safety of slides.
  • R 52167-2012 - swing safety.
  • R 52300-2004 - safety of carousels.
  • EN 1177-2006 - the presence of shock-absorbing coatings.

All attractions installed on the site must have quality certificates. In addition, the equipment must undergo independent examination and testing.

Technology for organizing a paid playground

To organize a children's playground, it is not necessary to choose the city center. The main thing is that the place is lively. A park or square between multi-storey buildings is perfect. It is worth remembering that this is a socially oriented business, so you can only get a plot of land for installing a swing in the local municipality. When all the documents have been received and the business has been legalized, it is necessary to find and install equipment that meets all norms and standards. When organizing a children's play area, safety is very important: supporting documents are required.

Perhaps every person spends his first ten or more years of life on the playground. That first feeling of joy and the first taste of victory when you can completely go through the “hill” and the proud looks of your mother and grandmother for the first feat accomplished in your life. Therefore, the playground occupies an important place in the life of every child.

What is a playground?

Traditionally, a playground is understood as a place where children of preschool and primary school age play. Accordingly, playgrounds aimed at younger children will not contain any complex elements, such as stairs and ropes, since children of this age have barely learned to walk.

Children's playgrounds are aimed at mental and physical development children in an active play form. Venues can be either sports or themed.

Modern Russian playgrounds must comply GOST R 52169−2003, which regulates how they must be equipped and what safety tests must be carried out immediately before children begin to play on them.

Children's playgrounds must be fenced off from traffic areas, be well lit, and there must be enough free space around each play element. All equipment must be made from hypoallergenic materials, the height of structures must be safe and acceptable for certain age groups.

The length of the tunnels should not exceed 75 centimeters, and elements that suggest a possible fall of a child should be no higher than 50 centimeters.

The slides must be equipped with special crossbars and have a soft curve at the end. Game elements must not be exposed corrosion and moisture, temperature changes and frost.

In addition, the surface of children's playgrounds should be rubberized and have a shock-absorbing effect, softening the impact of a fall, since children are active and often fall.

What is a playground for?

A playground is a place set aside to simulate adult life. Communicating with each other, children " are rehearsing» various life situations that they will certainly encounter in adulthood. On the playground, children learn to resolve conflicts, make friends, and value relationships, including family ones.

Thanks to various play elements such as houses, sandboxes, slides, rockets, etc., children try on different social roles, and, if desired, different every day. Therefore, the presence of a playground is very important in a child’s life. A playground for a child is about the same as a race track for a future driver, where they prepare for adult life, “try on” various life situations and learn communication skills.

What are the types of playgrounds on the site?

Modern playgrounds have recently been made from plastic, but sometimes on sites you can find a playground made of wood or metal. The venues usually look bright and colorful with different colors.

Sites on sites are usually universal and are visually divided into sections:

  • sandboxes;
  • sport equipment;
  • balancers;
  • simulators;
  • spring swing;
  • swing;
  • carousels;
  • slides;
  • gazebos or children's houses;
  • benches.

It is important to calculate size playground and the approximate number of children who will spend time on it, based on the location where it will be located.

It is also advisable to install children's playgrounds on the territories of children's hospitals. Despite the small spaces, with modern technologies it is possible to organize a play space of any size. By playing, children are distracted from the tense hospital environment and recover faster.

Playground projects

It is also necessary to take into account that children of the new generation have a different “push-button” thinking from their parents, therefore it is useful to develop playgrounds for them that meet the conditions modern society.

Modern manufacturers offer playgrounds for every taste and budget. They can be thematic, for example, a toy ship that combines all of the above elements can be placed on the playground.

Or, for example, a children's playground project on a fire theme or emergency medical care. On such a playground, children, while playing, will gain necessary and important skills and experience for life. Children's playground projects that replicate fairy tales and cartoons will allow children to feel like they are their favorite characters.

So, here are some tips from experts regarding playground equipment:

Thus, modern playgrounds develop children, have a good effect on their health, and also decorate yards. And it is important that playgrounds have areas for different ages, as well as harmoniously allocated space for parents.

Ideas for a playground (video)

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

Objective of the project– opening a production enterprise specializing in the serial production of equipment for children's playgrounds and ensuring its stable operation. This business plan outlines the company’s development strategy, as well as financial calculations that allow us to talk about the effectiveness of the project.

Investments in the project will amount to 8 million rubles. Of these, 3.13 million rubles. will be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment and repair of production and warehouse premises, 4.5 million rubles. will be invested in working capital and the purchase of raw materials, 370 thousand rubles. – in intangible assets. Sources of financing for the project will include: own funds, budget funds invested under entrepreneurship support programs, investments from partners.

The payback period for the project will be 24 months. The discounted payback period is 29 months. The planned period for the enterprise to reach break-even of the project is 8 months.

2.Description of the company

Children's playgrounds are places intended for play by children of preschool and primary school age, which are equipped with special play complexes, structures and elements for organizing children's leisure time.

The goal of the project is to open a manufacturing enterprise specializing in the serial production of equipment for children's playgrounds and ensure its stable operation. This goal implies the creation of a production base for the production of equipment using proven production technology, the creation of the necessary jobs, the search for sales channels and the establishment of relationships with partners.

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The project for the production of children's playgrounds is socially significant. The company's mission is to create high-quality and safe children's equipment to replace morally and physically outdated horizontal bars and other simple structures inherited from Soviet times. Often, many playgrounds not only have an unaesthetic appearance, but are also dangerous for children. In other cases, in all the chaos of local areas, there are no equipped places for children to play at all. The production of high-quality equipment will avoid the risk of injury on the street, diversify children's leisure time, and contribute to the development and socialization of the child.

The main activities of the company will include: production of children's play complexes made of metal and wood, production of swings and rocking chairs, slides, sports corners and sandboxes, assembly and installation services for structures. The projected annual turnover of the enterprise when reaching maximum production capacity will be up to 40 million rubles. in year. To ensure production and equip workshops, at the initial stage, premises with a total area of ​​700 sq. m. will be rented. meters. Metalworking, woodworking, painting, assembly workshops, as well as a design bureau area and administrative premises will be organized on its territory. The company's products will be aimed at retail and wholesale buyers of the regional market and the market of other regions of Russia.

At the initial stage, the company's staff will include 18 employees. The project will be managed by a director. He will be directly subordinate to production, sales, support personnel and accounting.

Organizational and legal form – Limited Liability Company. The company operates under a simplified taxation system. The object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses * 15%.

3.Description of goods and services

The products produced will be based on outdoor play complexes for children of preschool and primary school age. A special feature of the company will be the presence in the range of products for other age categories of the population, namely children's play complexes for early development (for children up to 6 years old), as well as corners for sports exercises for children of middle and high school age. The production of products will be based on three main criteria, which will be the main competitive advantages - attractiveness for children, durability and safety. The materials used will be: moisture-resistant birch plywood, rounded steel elements with strong seams, carefully processed pine wood for load-bearing and supporting structures, environmentally friendly powder paints and varnishes. The price of the products will depend on the complexity of the design and the materials used and will be divided into three main segments - “Economy”, “Medium” and “Premium”. As additional services, assembly, installation and delivery of structures will be provided. More details about services and prices are in Table. 1

Table 1. List of goods and services

All manufactured products will have to comply with the Customs Union and GOST and have supporting certificates. In particular, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the safety of products for children, protruding ends and edges, sharp corners will be excluded, conditions for the maximum height of structures, the size of holes and meshes, the presence of fences and sides, etc. will be met. The list of regulatory documents that should be followed during design and operation is given below:

GOST R 52167-2012. Equipment and coverings for children's playgrounds. Design safety and test methods for swings.

GOST R 52168-2003. Equipment for children's playgrounds. design safety and testing methods for slides.

GOST R 52169-2012. Equipment and coverings for children's playgrounds. design safety and test methods. General requirements.

GOST R 52299-2004. Equipment for children's playgrounds, design safety and testing methods for rocking chairs, general requirements.

Ready ideas for your business

GOST R 52300-2004. Equipment for children's playgrounds. Structural safety and testing methods for carousels. General requirements.

GOST R 52301-2004 Equipment for children's playgrounds. Safety during operation. General requirements.

GOST 9.410-88 ESZKS. Polymer powder coatings. Typical technological processes

GOST R EN 1177-2013. Playground coverings are shock-absorbing. Determination of critical fall height.

SanPiN Requirements for the design, maintenance, and equipment of preschool educational institutions.

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Transportation of equipment for children's playgrounds throughout the city and region will be organized by the enterprise's own vehicles. In case of orders from other regions of Russia, the client can use the services of transport companies. To avoid mechanical damage, all products will be packed in bubble wrap. For long distance shipments, reinforced packaging with corrugated cardboard pads will be used to protect areas particularly susceptible to damage.

4.Sales and marketing

In recent years, the market for children's play equipment has been actively developing. This is mainly facilitated by the position of society and government authorities on the issue of universal availability of high-quality childhood infrastructure. The public is increasingly aware of the importance of developing a subject-based development environment for a child, which is the key to his intellectual, physical and moral health. Children's towns are now appearing in many parts of our country, including not only large cities, but also very small towns. Public consciousness is gradually changing: children's playgrounds are increasingly turning into the decoration and pride of Russian yards. The fashion for outdoor complexes is growing - experts predict further market growth in the coming years. The highest growth rates occurred in 2008-2011, when the growth rate was estimated by experts at 30% annually. Currently, the children's playground market is significantly different from what it was 7-10 years ago. Every year the market becomes more saturated. Today, playground manufacturers can be divided into the following categories:

1. Domestic companies operating at the federal level and in the CU countries. They have a wide range of products, including both outdoor and indoor complexes, attractions, sports equipment, trampolines and much other equipment for landscaping (park equipment, lawn fencing, skateparks, etc.).

2. Dealers of foreign manufacturing companies trading in the Russian Federation.

3. Local companies focused on sales within the region or several cities in the region.

At the same time, the main sales market is formed by:

1) Residents of multi-storey buildings, HOAs, housing and communal services;

2) Owners of private houses, cottages and plots for individual housing construction.

3) Representatives of HoReCa;

4) Municipalities. They conduct tenders and auctions for the supply of small architectural forms and children's playgrounds. The required warranty period is usually 1 year. The most popular auction items are….

5) Construction companies;

6) Private parks;

7) Shopping centers.

8) Charitable organizations and philanthropists.

Direct sales of playgrounds occur in two main ways: the client is asked to choose a suitable complex or other products using ready-made standard complexes (according to the catalogue), or to order an individual project, the price of which depends on the complexity of the designs and materials used. A similar method will be used in this case. To increase sales volumes, it is planned to create an online store. You can make a purchase by placing an order from the official website. To do this, a potential buyer needs to refer to the product catalog, select the product of interest and enter contact information in a special form. After this, the sales manager will contact the buyer and discuss the terms and conditions of delivery. In the winter season, to increase sales, it is possible to apply discounts on all products up to 20-30%.

The marketing strategy of the project will be aimed at developing the company, searching for stable supply channels and constantly increasing market share. Promotion of manufactured products is planned to be carried out through several channels. Among them:

Bringing the site to top positions in search engines; on a vehicle)

Participation in federal and regional exhibitions.

The following will be available on the company's website: a regularly updated catalog indicating the presence/absence of goods in stock, the cost of goods and services for delivery, installation and assembly, examples of completed work with photographs and reviews, certificates of product compliance with the requirements of GOST and TU regulatory documents, as well as state sanitary and epidemiological standards, contact details.

5.Production plan

The enterprise will be located on the outskirts of the city, in an industrial zone, away from residential areas: the production process should not cause inconvenience to residents of the houses. The enterprise will require an area of ​​700 m2, which will include production areas, a design office, administrative premises and a warehouse for finished products. The company's production base will include a woodworking shop, a plywood shop, a metalworking shop, a painting shop and a warehouse. The production cycle will depend on the complexity of the design and the materials used.

Woodworking will be based on the latest woodworking equipment. The pine wood processing cycle will include sawing and cutting of wood, gluing and carpentry procedures.

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The plywood will be processed on a CNC milling and copying machine, which will allow the parts to be produced with high precision and quality. The ends of the parts will be sanded and rounded.

Metalworking will be based on the production of parts from thick-walled steel pipes with a smooth radius of curvature. All workpieces will be cut on high-precision band saws and processed on pipe bending and profile bending equipment. Rotating parts will be manufactured using lathes and milling machines. During the assembly stage, all joints will undergo welding and grinding procedures.

The final stage of production is the painting stage. The paints and varnishes used will be resistant to external factors (humidity, ultraviolet radiation) and will have the necessary certificates. The painting process will be organized in painting and drying chambers in compliance with all technologies. After drying, the products are packaged for storage and transportation. Each set of products will have a factory passport, fasteners, and plastic plugs.

In total, about 3 million rubles will be needed to purchase equipment for the enterprise, including the purchase of a Gazelle car, equipping the administrative area and design bureau. In Table. Table 2 shows approximate costs for purchasing equipment.

Table 2. Equipment costs

The operation of the enterprise will require highly qualified personnel in various areas of work. At the initial stage of activity, 18 employees will be required. With the growth of production capacity, it is possible to expand the staff. The staffing table and wage fund are presented in Table. 3.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

The greatest demand for products is expected from the beginning of spring until the onset of the first cold weather (March-October). In winter, production is aimed at creating a strategic stock of blanks. The planned annual turnover in the first year of sales will be 10 million rubles, in the second and subsequent years it is planned to increase production capacity to 30-40 million rubles.

Fixed expenses will include: rent (at the rate of 200 rubles per sq. m.), utilities, wage fund and social contributions, telephony and Internet, depreciation. Variable costs (up to 37-40% of the market value) will include: consumables, components, advertising, fuels and lubricants, packaging, and other expenses.

6.Organizational plan

The preparatory period for the project before the start of production will be 12 months, and before the start of product sales - 15 months. These temporary resources will be required to equip the premises, search and hire personnel, obtain the necessary permits and certificates, search and form sales channels.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is linear. Subordinate employees, heads of the production department, marketing department and accounting department, directly report to the manager. Subordinate employees, in turn, are subordinate to them. In the future, with an increase in the scale of production, it is possible to deepen the division of labor, specialization of departments and the transition to a functional type of management system.

7.Financial plan

Investments in the project will amount to 8 million rubles. Of these, 3.13 million rubles. will be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment and repair of production and storage facilities, 4.5 rubles. will be invested in working capital and the purchase of raw materials, 370 thousand rubles. – in intangible assets. Calculations of indicators for project revenue, fixed and variable costs, and net profit are given in Appendix 1.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

If the sales plan is fulfilled, the company will reach payback already in the 2nd year of operation. Project performance indicators are given in Table. 4 business plans.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and guarantees

The project is in the medium risk range. The main risk of this type of activity is instability of demand, which may be associated with a deterioration in the country's economy and a drop in the level of income of the population. An important factor here is the presence of strong partnerships and constant work to expand the sales market and promote products.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences



Main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

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