
What can be made from unleavened food? How to prepare unleavened dough


Simple unleavened, or yeast-free, dough is the basis of many dishes. We tell you how to knead it correctly and what subtleties you need to know when preparing it.

We told you about the intricacies of cooking And test. Today we’ll talk about the simplest, freshest one: it is used to make dumplings, noodles, pies, waffles and batter.

Types of unleavened dough

Unleavened dough has been known to people since ancient times. It was kneaded from just two ingredients: flour and water. Now we add vegetable oil to it to make the dough more elastic. Due to the fact that there is no yeast in the dough, finished dishes from it are dense in texture.

Simple dough

This dough is ideal for khanum, dumplings and dumplings. It contains only flour, water and vegetable oil: gradually pour water into the sifted flour, then add oil and knead the dough. Then you need to leave it to rest for about half an hour - during this time, gluten is released from the flour, and the dough becomes more elastic.

The proportions for a simple unleavened dough are as follows: for 500 grams of flour you need 150-180 milliliters of water, 1 teaspoon of salt and 15 milliliters of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).

Butter dough

Sweet unleavened dough is suitable for cheesecakes, buns, pies and pies - both sweet and savory. Butter or vegetable oil, margarine, sugar, sour cream or kefir, as well as soda or baking powder are added to it. The dough is soft and tasty, but its texture is denser and not as porous as that of yeast.

In addition, the thickness of unleavened dough can be:

  • cool: usually this is a simple unleavened dough that is suitable for dumplings, dumplings, khanum, manti or noodles;
  • average: this is a rich dough suitable for baking - pies, pies, buns and flatbreads;
  • liquid: It can be both simple and rich. Suitable for waffles, pancakes, batter.

How to knead butter dough

There are many recipes for butter dough, but it is usually kneaded in two ways:

Method one: if you use vegetable oil or a small amount of butter

  • stir eggs, sugar and melted butter in water or milk;
  • sift the flour into a cup along with soda. If you use kefir or sour cream, the soda will react with their acid. For milk or water, you will need to add a little citric acid to the flour;
  • The liquid is poured into the flour and a soft dough is kneaded.

He does not need to rest, otherwise the reaction of soda with acid will be completed, the dough will be tough and will not rise.

Method two: if a large amount of butter is used

  • beat the softened butter with sugar until fluffy;
  • add eggs mixed with sour cream, cream, kefir or milk, continuing to beat;
  • add flour sifted with soda and citric acid (if milk is used);
  • quickly knead the dough.

As in the previous method, the dough does not need to rest after kneading.

How to prepare liquid unleavened dough

The batter is kneaded in the same way:

  • stir eggs, sugar, salt and butter in milk or water;
  • Sifted flour and soda are gradually added to the liquid (if it is needed in the recipe).

To make the dough more fluffy, you can resort to this trick:

  • separate the yolks and whites;
  • add the yolks to the liquid with the remaining ingredients;
  • beat the whites into a strong foam;
  • Gradually add the whites to the finished dough, gently mixing from top to bottom so as not to destroy any air bubbles.

Is it possible to freeze unleavened dough?

If you don't have time to use all the dough, you can store it in the refrigerator or freezer.

  • in a refrigerator The dough is stored for 2-3 days. Roll the dough into a ball and wrap tightly in cling film. The sooner you use it, the better - over time it becomes more watery, less elastic and difficult to mold;
  • in the freezer Unleavened dough can be stored for about 2 weeks. Just like refrigeration, the longer the dough rests, the less elastic it becomes. If possible, it is better to freeze finished products - dumplings or dumplings.

To defrost the dough, place it in the refrigerator the day before. At room temperature, condensation will form on it, and it will become even more watery and will tear.

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Unleavened dough is prepared in different consistencies (liquid, semi-liquid, thick), with and without chemical leavening agents, and by mechanical leavening.

Batter for pancakes

Pancake dough contains a large amount of liquid (the moisture content of the finished dough is 66%), so the flour proteins swell quickly and well in it. This allows it to be loosened by mechanical beating; foam is formed during beating. The viscosity of the dough is so high that it retains air bubbles, which, expanding during baking, give the products porosity. This dough requires flour with a medium gluten content.

To prepare pancake dough, place eggs, salt, sugar into the bowl of a whipping machine and beat quickly (you can use a broom). After the mass becomes homogeneous, pour in milk and add flour - 50% of the norm. Mix slowly in the machine to avoid splashing. Stirring the flour should not be interrupted even for a short time, otherwise the dough will turn out lumpy, uneven, and of poor quality. After the flour is completely mixed, add the rest of it in small portions and turn on the machine at high speed. Beat the finished dough for 2-3 minutes. If lumps have formed in the dough, strain it. Pancakes are baked (fried) on automatic frying machines, on which a pancake strip is baked, directly on the frying surface of a tabletop electric stove and in heated frying pans with a diameter of 24-26 cm. Rotating the frying pan, distribute the dough in an even layer over the entire surface and fry on one side. Then the pancakes are removed and cooled.

Stuffed pancakes. Place minced meat on the fried side of the pancake, wrap it in the form of rectangular flat pies, fry on both sides on baking sheets or frying pans heated with fat until golden brown and place in the oven for 5-6 minutes. They sell pancakes in 2-3 pieces. per serving. When leaving, pancakes with minced meat and liver are poured with melted butter; pancakes with minced apples, jam, preserves are served with refined powder or sour cream. Pancakes with minced curd are served with butter, refined powder or sour cream.

Procurement enterprises produce pancakes with several types of minced meat: with meat, cottage cheese, apples, jam, marmalade. Stuffed pancakes are placed in functional containers (E1x65) in four rows in one layer and cooled. The shelf life of pancakes with minced meat, apple and curd is 12 hours, with jam and marmalade - 18 hours at a temperature of 2-6°C.

Pancake pie. Grease a baking sheet or deep pan with sides 3-4 cm high and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (grated white bread). The bottom and edges of the baking sheet (mould) are lined with pancakes, unfried side down, 1/4 of the minced meat is placed on them in an even layer and covered with a layer of pancakes, then a layer of minced meat is placed again and this continues until all the minced meat and all the pancakes are laid. The top of the pancakes is brushed with egg and sprinkled with grated white bread. Bake the pie for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200-220°C. The baked pie is cut into portions, poured with butter and served hot.

According to quality requirements The pancakes should be well baked, finely porous, of uniform thickness, without dry edges. Color - yellow or light brown, consistency - soft, elastic. Lumpiness is not allowed.

Unleavened dough for pies in the oven is an ideal option for those housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time kneading the yeast base. And it also happens that you really want delicious baked goods, but you don’t have yeast on hand. Unleavened dough is ideal for pies and pies with any filling - sweet or meat.

The simplest unleavened baking base is made from flour, vegetable oil, salt and water. You can replace the water with sour cream or kefir, add butter and sugar - then the finished products will acquire an unusual taste with a subtle sourness. This version of the base for pies is most often called unleavened dough or yeast-free dough. You can use any filling for it: cabbage, rice, meat, jam or preserves. Pies baked in the oven turn out fluffy, very aromatic and incredibly tasty, and it takes much less time than when preparing baked goods from dough with yeast. Many housewives completely unreasonably consider the unleavened base to be tasteless: it is pie dough, just prepared without yeast starter.

The simplest unleavened dough for pies in the oven

The base is suitable for baking closed and open pies, sweet cheesecakes with cottage cheese or jam. It takes only 30 minutes to prepare in total.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. odorless vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • warm water - the amount depends on the type of flour, everyone absorbs liquid differently.


Recipe for rich unleavened dough for pies in the oven

Baking from unleavened dough will never collapse if you cook it using the right technology.


  • 2.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. soda


  1. Sift the flour through a sieve onto the table, pour soda into it.
  2. Place soft butter in the center and chop everything with a knife until fine crumbs.
  3. Mix sour cream with salt and sugar and add to flour and butter.
  4. Knead everything well. The mass should not be too steep.
  5. Place the pie base in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. The dough is suitable for baking closed pies with filling, open pies and cheesecakes.

Pies made from unleavened curd dough in the oven

This base for pies is almost a complete analogue of fluffy yeast dough. But cooking it is much faster.


  • 1 tbsp. cottage cheese (any fat content);
  • 1/3 tbsp. milk;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar for baking with sweet filling.


Unleavened dough for kefir pies

Baking with kefir turns out very aromatic and soft. In terms of taste, this dough is not inferior to its classic yeast counterpart, and is prepared several times faster.


  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 500 g of premium flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. The secret to delicious and fluffy baked goods from unleavened kefir dough is the correct kneading technology and flour. The last ingredient must be only of the highest grade and excellent quality. If you have doubts about this, add a little starch to the flour and be sure to sift it through a sieve.
  2. Pour soda into warm kefir (room temperature) and stir.
  3. Beat the egg, add salt and butter.
  4. Next, stir in the flour in small portions. You must achieve such a consistency that the dough is not sticky, tight, but remains elastic.
  5. When the base for the pies is ready, cover it with film to prevent it from drying out and let it stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  6. After this time, you can start shaping the pies.

The oldest and simplest dough, dating back to Ancient Egypt. In its origins, unleavened dough included only water and wheat flour, which made and still makes it the lowest-calorie and healthiest dough.

If you need to quickly prepare the dough, use the following recipe.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • whole wheat flour (high grade) – 3 kg;
  • water - as needed;
  • salt - optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve and pour it in a heap onto a flat, level surface. We form a dimple in the mound (like in a volcano). Pour 300 ml of warm filtered water into the resulting container, mix in the oil and salt.
  2. Knead the dough, each time grabbing flour from different sides. If there is a lack of humidity, add water. The dough should become uniform and quite thick.
  3. Knead the dough until bubbles begin to appear on its surface.
  4. The mass is ready, and depending on your needs, all that remains is to roll it out.

One interesting feature when working with this dough is the rolling. Depending on the type of rolling and prepared dough, you can get a wide variety of types of dishes.

Basis for pies

Unleavened dough for pies is also very easy to prepare and does not require special culinary skills.

First, prepare the ingredients:

  • premium wheat flour – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder (powder) – 30 g;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • kefir – 0.5 l;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve. Pour the white powder into a lump onto a dry, flat countertop. Make a dimple in the flour.
  2. Break the eggs into the resulting flour container, add baking powder, salt (to taste) and low-fat sour cream.
  3. Knead the dough, starting from the center of the hill, taking flour from the outskirts.
  4. Gradually add kefir to the kneaded dough until it becomes medium viscous and hard.
  5. Unleavened dough for the most delicate buns can be used for its intended purpose. All that remains is to choose the filling and bake the pies.

Option for pies

To make a pie from unleavened dough, you need to prepare the dough itself.

To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour (premium grade) – 600 g;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Preparing the table surface. It should be dry and preferably glass.
  2. Sift the flour in a heap directly onto the surface.
  3. Make as deep a hole as possible in the center of the flour. Add vegetable oil, salt and all the water to it.
  4. Knead the mass, it should be quite soft and tight.
  5. Form the resulting dough into a ball, place it in a bowl and cover with a cloth. So the dough should rest for about half an hour.
  6. Repeatedly knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous and smooth. Fresh dough for the pie is ready.

Fresh pizza dough

To please yourself with Italian pizza, you don’t have to go to Italy; you just need to know the simplest and most delicious recipe for the right pizza dough.

Fresh pizza dough is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • premium flour – 800 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • cow's milk – 250 ml.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Take a deep pan or plate and sift the flour through a fine sieve. Add salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs and milk. Add olive oil to the mixture. To ensure that the butter spreads evenly throughout the dough, it is better to use a mixer or an electric whisk. This way, when baking, the dough will not burn in separate parts.
  3. Knead the resulting egg mixture into the container with the dough, slowly and evenly adding it to the flour.
  4. Sprinkle flour on the surface and place the resulting dough on it.
  5. Knead with your hands for about 15-20 minutes, until the dough stops completely sticking to your hands. If the mass is too wet, add a little flour.
  6. Roll the finished semi-finished product into a spherical shape and wrap it with a slightly dampened cloth. Leave the mixture in this position for half an hour. The simplest and most original pizza dough can be used for its intended purpose.

Cooking with kefir

Airy kefir dough is suitable for making pies and other baked goods of this type.

It will require the following products:

  • kefir – 1 l;
  • Sunflower oil – 200 g;
  • whole wheat flour – 1 kg;
  • soda – 2 tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a batch of flour and sift it into a suitable bowl.
  2. Add all the dry ingredients and kefir to the flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  3. We begin to knead the dough with a fork (while it is thin), add the remaining flour in small parts and make the dough thicker and denser.
  4. When the dough is already kneaded, grease it with sunflower oil and knead it with your hands.
  5. The dough should be soft and at the same time not stick to your hands. Do not knead too hard, otherwise all its looseness and airiness will disappear.
  6. Let it brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

With sour cream

An excellent option for a quick fix. This recipe should be in the arsenal of every housewife.

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • margarine – 200 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 400 g;
  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • all flour – 1 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar powder and salt in a large bowl. Pour in the low-percentage sour cream and beat again.
  2. Add slightly melted margarine (can be replaced with butter) and flour to the egg mixture, mixing it in small parts.
  3. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, but remains quite soft.
  4. We form a ball from the resulting semi-finished product and put it in a plastic bag (wrap it in film). Leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Sweet unleavened dough

An excellent option for lovers of flour and at the same time watching their figure. Easy-to-recipe and easy-to-prepare sweet unleavened dough.

To create the recipe you will need:

  • whole wheat flour – 250 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • water – 75 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift flour through a fine sieve.
  2. Add slightly melted butter to the flour and rub it in the flour. You should get fine crumbs. Add a pinch of salt and mix again.
  3. Gradually start adding water and kneading the dough.
  4. Finish kneading the dough, put it in a container, cover with plastic and leave to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Yeast-free recipe

For those who follow religious holidays and fast, the following recipe for yeast-free dough will be useful.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • premium flour (wheat) – 1.5 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • slightly warmed water – 0.5-0.7 tbsp.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Dissolve the salt in lukewarm water.
  2. Sift the flour into a heap onto the prepared surface.
  3. Create a small hole in the flour, pour vegetable oil and heated water into it. First knead the dough with a fork.
  4. We monitor the amount of water. Knead the dough with your hands. Let it brew for half an hour at 18-20 degrees.

Puff pastry

Quite an interesting and time-consuming dough recipe. But with a little effort, puff pastry will reward the housewife and her family with its airy taste.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • filtered water – about 400 ml;
  • yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • flour – 4-5 tbsp;
  • butter -500-600 g.

Cooking process:

  1. When cooking, it is important to remember that all ingredients must be at room temperature. In a bowl, knead the butter until there are no lumps. Add zakatka (egg yolk with water and 4 tbsp flour) and knead it with butter.
  2. We form a flat rectangular cake from the resulting mixture.
  3. Roll out the dough and place a rectangle of butter in the center. Wrap the buttered cake with dough in an envelope.
  4. Using a rolling pin, starting from the middle of the resulting “envelope”, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer, 1 cm wide.
  5. Excess flour must be removed from the resulting layer with a soft brush.
  6. Carefully fold the dough into an accordion shape and roll it out again, starting from the middle. Leave the dough to cool for 20 minutes and repeat all the rolling steps again. We use this method four times. The result will be a dough with 256 layers of butter.
  7. During subsequent cooking, it is not recommended to roll out the finished dough, because... it may come apart or break.

This dough requires very little time to prepare, and in this it is undoubtedly superior to yeast dough. It used to be very common in Russia; pancakes were still made from this dough. But gradually unleavened dough lost its popularity, giving way to the more complex and time-consuming yeast dough. Nevertheless, many housewives still like to pamper their relatives with baked goods made on an unleavened basis. For example, you can make delicious pies from it. This option is especially good when guests unexpectedly come to you or relatives decide to pay a visit. And now the visitors are already on the doorstep, and there is simply no time to wait for the dough to arrive. Here are recipes for simple preparation and some fillings for them that will help you.

Unleavened dough for pies

The main ingredients for preparing such a dough will be goodness and flour. It is also advisable to choose the latter of good quality. After all, the taste of the final product, which you take out of the oven to everyone’s delight, depends on this. And of course, any housewife wants to evoke admiration from her guests, so it is better to choose natural butter (not margarine), and white flour of the highest grade. The recipe also requires sour cream and eggs, as well as sugar and salt. And some liquid: usually they use water, but here everyone chooses for themselves.

The amount of each product indicated in the composition directly depends on how much dough you want to end up with. But in any case, the ratio of butter and flour should be approximately 1 to 4. Before mixing the butter into the total mass, it must be prepared. To do this, you will need to cut it with a knife into equal thin plates (half a centimeter - a centimeter). Then take a rolling pin, be sure to moisten it with water (otherwise everything will stick to it) and roll out the resulting pieces.

It will be better if the temperature in the kitchen remains fairly low during this process. Don't light the oven too early. Especially if it greatly warms the air in the room (usually this happens when the kitchen is small), since the butter should under no circumstances melt. Even after you knead it, you need to keep it cold. Otherwise, the resulting dough will be greasy to the touch and will not rise well during baking.

There should be about two times less sour cream than the oil you are going to use. If you take a kilogram bag of flour, you will need about 4-5 eggs. You also need about half a thin glass of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. 125 grams of sour cream, although a little more is possible, one package of butter - usually 250 grams. And a certain amount of clean water (which, however, can be replaced with milk, or take water and milk at a ratio of 1 to 1), it should be the same amount as you use oils.

The cooking process itself does not take much time. Moreover, it is important to cook quickly here, otherwise the products will not be crumbly enough. Unleavened dough according to this recipe begins with sifted flour and butter. It’s easier (and more efficient) to do this in a mixer. After all, we ourselves cannot stir all the lumps as thoroughly as technology can handle this task. All other ingredients are added to the kneaded butter and flour. Important: before you start cooking anything, put the unleavened dough in the refrigerator for one hour. It works much better when chilled; the dough is easy to roll out and does not stick to the table.

Fresh pizza dough

This dough can also be prepared quite quickly and without spending much effort. Many people love pizza, and it is perfect for a good evening with friends. The cooking process itself will be even simpler here than in the previous recipe. To prepare unleavened dough, we need four thin glasses of flour, about 300 milliliters of water, a couple of tablespoons of sugar or powdered sugar and half a teaspoon each of salt and soda.

Next, take a not very deep bowl in which we will prepare our unleavened dough. Sift the flour into it so that the baked goods are airy and free of any lumps. Add salt, soda and sugar and stir. Pour 300 milliliters of water into a bowl and knead the dough thoroughly until it turns into a homogeneous mass. All. Our dough for delicious pizza is ready!


A variety of products can be used as fillings for unleavened dough pies. For example, prepare an egg filling from eggs, butter, salt and ground pepper. Or mushroom. Here you will need champignons, eggs, grated carrots, onions, cheese and milk. You can make a sweet apple pie if you make a filling of orange juice, apples, vanilla and For lovers of spicy things, onion filling is suitable: several onions, heavy cream, eggs, brisket, cheese, a little flour and salt and pepper to taste. Or, if you follow the Bulgarian recipe: onions, full-fat sour cream, eggs, feta cheese instead of cheese, pine nuts, a little flour and paprika.