
Feng Shui at home for a successful career. Career zone according to Feng Shui: activation of the zone and talismans Career zone according to Feng Shui

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Proper landscaping of your home can attract energies of abundance, wealth, love and the right people, helpers and mentors into your life. According to Feng Shui, the Career Zone is responsible for our social position in society. In China it is also called the Life Path sector. Let's look at the most important aspects of this sector.

Northern Career Zone

How to instantly change your life? How to quickly attract high status and large fees? Let's take a closer look at this sector. The Feng Shui career zone will tell you a lot of interesting things about its abodes.

What is he responsible for?

The zone is fully responsible for your career growth, for working relationships with colleagues and boss, with investors and sponsors. If you need a promotion, high salary, social status, monetary luck and generous bonuses, then you should pay more attention to this space.

Where is

According to Feng Shui, the Career sector is located in the North. It is recommended to use a compass and see where this zone is in your home. You can use a compass on your phone or a pocket device. After identifying the area, carefully analyze all the things and interior items that are located there.

You can select the North sector both in the total area of ​​the apartment and for a separate room (bedroom, living room, office).

My job is perfect for me

Do you want to change everything in your workplace as quickly as possible? Let's look at the elements that govern space and choose the right interior colors and objects that will be located in the North. According to Feng Shui, the career area must be properly designed.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Water.

There should be many elements in this sector that are associated with water. Here you can place a small aquarium with 9 fish (8 red and one black), mirrors, any image of water, dolphins, frogs, turtles. Metal strengthens and activates this sector. It won't hurt if you put metal aroma lamps in the quarry area or hang a horseshoe for good luck.

A large amount of wooden furniture (cabinets, cabinets) slightly softens the space in the North. There shouldn't be a lot of wood. But any earth elements should be abandoned.

There should never be standing water in this sector (for example, for watering flowers). The water needs to be removed or changed every other day.

Shapes and colors

Pay attention to the shapes and colors that should be present in the northern part of your home. It is advisable to use favorable shades in interior design or use them in decorative elements.

Form Favorable colors Unfavorable colors Scents of success
  • bends;
  • fluidity;
  • mobility;
  • wavy.
  • all shades of blue;
  • blue;
  • gold;
  • blue-green;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • black;
  • white.
  • brown;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • cedar;
  • orchid;
  • rose;
  • citrus;
  • laurel

You can light the oils in an aroma lamp or apply a drop on some object in the North to attract the desired type of luck.

How to activate the Career zone

To attract the necessary successes or to successfully complete the work begun, it is necessary to activate the space with symbolism. According to Feng Shui, the quarry area can be filled with any items from the list.


First of all, you need to check to make sure everything in the space is clean. There should be no clutter, sharp corners, old shabby things, torn or broken household items. There is no need to throw clothes around, no need to leave any unwashed coffee or tea mugs and spoons. All equipment must work properly.

Be sure to audit unnecessary things. They can be given to someone or thrown away as unnecessary.

Activation of the Career zone

As soon as you remove your northern career sector, and the space is harmonized and aromatized, you can begin to activate the Career zone.

The table shows a list of the main talismans of the Career sector according to Feng Shui. Symbols can have any shape: figurines, keychains, paintings, mosaics, piggy banks, magazine clippings, figured candles, boxes, vases, live animals and much more.

aquarium with 9 fish frogs diplomas, certificates, awards, cups
6 metal coins money three-legged toad holding a coin in the air working electrical appliances, equipment and mobile devices (radio, TV, receivers, laptop, computer, telephone)
metal aroma lamps pyramids unicorn
any images of water (not a swamp) horseshoe small fountain
turtle spherical metal vase laughing god Hottei surrounded by coins (figurine or image)
mirrors sailboat (karma should be directed inside the house, but in no case out of it) pendulum
fish horse dolphins
dolphins metal bells and wind chimes Marine life

If the Feng Shui Career sector falls on the hallway, then pay attention to its lighting. The light should not be dim.

The Career zone in an apartment can be an office or located in the living room, where there are many electrical appliances. If you want to achieve a certain position and a certain status, place in the Career zone something that represents your dream job.

Let's say, if your husband wants to become a colonel, put the shoulder straps of the required rank in the Northern Career zone. Or you want to open your own beauty salon, then you need to draw a symbolic house with a sign for your dream salon. Let these objects lie there for some time and attract what you want.

Career area in different places of the apartment

What to do if the toilet in the Career zone does not allow favorable energy to circulate normally? First of all, your toilet should always be clean, just like it is in 5 star hotels. You should hang a small mirror on the toilet door. It helps to reflect all bad energy. Make sure that the mirror does not reflect your front door. In this case, metal tubes or wind chimes will save you. It is advisable to decorate the toilet in favorable colors of the northern sector.

Many people believe that using Feng Shui techniques they can organize their lives and careers. Therefore, they try to follow all the rules for arranging furniture and objects. Of course, it is a personal matter for everyone to believe in the effectiveness of Feng Shui or not. It is worth saying that the term “Feng Shui” itself means the correct arrangement of objects and furniture in space. So, each sphere of life has its own zone in which certain objects should be located. The career zone, according to this teaching, is located in a northern direction.

How to activate the career zone according to feng shui

So, to activate your career zone, you need to follow the exact directions on where to direct and place your support items. It must be said that according to the Taoist explanation, the northern direction is also responsible for new discoveries in life and future prospects, therefore, by stabilizing the career zone, you can improve your internal development, the spiritual side.

In order to activate your individual career zone, you need to know that the main component of this zone is water. Therefore, you can furnish your office or room with elements that have the color or shape of water. You can also use the surfaces of mirrors or all sorts of glass devices; they are also a component of this zone. The color of objects can be close to the color of water - blue, light blue, marsh, turquoise. You can also place objects that have the shape of water - curves, waves, etc.

An element such as metal can bring good luck in money matters. You can use metal talismans in your room or office.

Of course, you can choose your comfort zone if you wish, but adhere to all the rules of Feng Shui practice. This could be a personal room, an office, or any other suitable location.

When mastered on the spot, you can place talismans and turn all objects to the north (since the career area is in the north).

After arranging suitable talismans and objects, you can begin to emotionally and energetically charge the place. This, one way or another, will have a good effect on the energy component of this place. For such events, a relaxation session accompanied by music is suitable. To enhance the effect, you can turn on classical music; according to Feng Shui, it has great energy power.

Feng Shui lighting in the quarry area

Lighting in the career area, especially on the desktop, is also important. If there is a work desk, it should be lit enough to have a positive zone charge. If the career zone is located, for example, in the kitchen, then you can put a large lamp on the table and turn it on at least twice a day to activate this very zone.

It is not recommended to install a career zone in the bathroom or in the hallway, because these places are quite frequented by other family members, and their energy can slow down the activation of the zone at the desired rhythm. It is not advisable to activate in the toilet for the same reasons.

Feng Shui strongly recommends setting up a career area in the apartment, but in a place where visits by other family members are kept to a minimum. Of course, you can select a zone in your office, if possible. Because such a place will belong only to those who want to activate their career zone, and visits from other people will not be frequent.

For your convenience or good mood, you can hang pictures or photos with this theme in the career area. These can be photographs and paintings. They may show successful people or the process of the desired work. You can also hang stories of people who achieved their success on the wall and read them as often as possible. At the same time, you need to imagine yourself in their place, because thoughts tend to turn into reality.

The most important condition of the quarry zone is the absence of garbage in this place. That is, you need to clear the room of old and unnecessary things, because they contribute to stagnation of energy, and this will not have a good effect on the activation of the zone.

When placing things in the career area, such as talismans and mirrors, you need to put a lot of thought into each location. Will it be suitable for this particular item?

What items weaken the career zone?

It must be said that wooden objects and things that have the color of earth will have a bad effect on the quarry zone, because they have the property of depletion.

Therefore, when thinking about whether to use Feng Shui practice, you need to pay attention to your faith. If you believe in the effectiveness of this practice, then you can begin to use it for your zone. There is a possibility that the actions provided for by the practice of Feng Shui may not take effect immediately, in which case the main thing is not to lose faith and hope in the effectiveness of this practice, and the result will not be long in coming.

If the decision is made, you can safely look for a suitable place to activate the career zone now.

Video on the topic of the article

Are you dreaming of a promotion and increase in your salary? Or perhaps you regularly encounter various troubles at work? Solving all these problems will help. This ancient Chinese teaching states that career success comes largely from the right work environment. This material reveals the basics for a successful job and career.

A lot of attention in the art of Feng Shui is paid to itself. The most successful place is considered to be next to the wall. Sitting with his back to the wall, a person will be additionally protected energetically and will feel safe and comfortable.

It is also good to sit with your back to your boss’s office: this arrangement will contribute to rapid career advancement thanks to the energy flows of success emanating from your boss.

If you are located opposite the window, you will receive a charge of additional energy, as well as creative forces, and will be able to reveal all your creative talents.

In the case of a location in this way, when you can see the entire office and all your colleagues, we can talk about another huge advantage. Then those around you will additionally feed you with their energy.

Feng Shui prohibits placing a desktop near a passage, opposite a door or wall. By placing your desk in this way, you will block your possible career growth. The location opposite the door or passage is generally the most inappropriate, because a lot of negative energy accumulates in these parts of the room.

You also can’t have a blank wall in front of your eyes - then you can forget about the promotion forever! After all, being located in such a disadvantaged area, you will not see the horizons and new opportunities appearing before you. If it is not possible to move the table, you should hang it on the wall. It will make the room visually wider, which will have a very positive impact on your ability to work, creativity and capabilities.

How to set up your workplace

First of all, it is necessary to study the theoretical part of this eastern art. After all, Feng Shui is represented by various nuances and little things that must be taken into account. Therefore, below we list the factors responsible for the career zone according to Feng Shui philosophy:

  • it is necessary to place the desktop in the northern part of the room or office;
  • give preference to gold and silver colors, blue shades, and black. They should be the main ones in the design of your work sector if you want to program it for success;
  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the water element is responsible for attracting money, as well as eliminating any troubles from a person’s path. Therefore, it is necessary to have a water theme in your work area;
  • The placement of special plants in the workplace is also very important. So, for example, the money tree will attract material benefits, geranium will calm even very aggressive people, and dracaena will provide stable financial profit, Chinese will help to intensify creative processes. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui recommends placing these plants not only in your office but also in your home.

Interesting detail. To provide even more inspiration, hang portraits of celebrities or people who have achieved certain professional heights on a nearby wall in your office. Also, be sure to put photographs of people near and dear to your heart on your desktop, which will remind you of pleasant things, especially at the end of a hard working day.

Office color scheme

It may seem strange, but the color scheme of your office walls also has a big impact on your career success. The predominance of green and blue tones is considered ideal. According to Feng Shui, these colors are symbols of energy, sound thinking, sincerity, as well as harmony and peace. Decorate your office in similar colors and you will not feel tired, drowsy and irritable, but on the contrary, you will feel maximum strength and energy.

At the same time, gray and brown shades have an extremely unfavorable effect on workers. Such a dull color scheme will not contribute to your career advancement, because these colors absolutely do not improve vitality and productivity and have a depressing effect on the psyche.

Amulets for the career field

First of all, you can use all the items directly related to the element of water, for example: aquariums, small fountains, models of ships and sailboats and, of course, fish.

Sailboats or ships are the most suitable solution for those people who have their own business or dream of it. Then the sailboat model must be placed in such a way that its bow is directed towards the wall or towards the corner of the room, but in no case looks at the window or door. But the stern of the ship must be placed exactly the opposite way to the front door, so that your ship seems to float into your home and bring with it success in all respects.

As for fish, you can, of course, purchase real fish, but it is better to turn to artificial ones, made in the form of figurines, for help. In this case, the fish figurines must be gold or bronze. In addition, you can place a fan on the wall, decorated with images of fish, and the more of these cute creatures painted on it, the better.

It is also allowed to use talismans that indirectly relate to the element of water and also enhance the metal element. Among them, the turtle deservedly takes first place, symbolizing wisdom and support from above. Therefore, if you dream of getting help from higher-ups (for example, your boss), be sure to purchase a turtle figurine. And remember that there should only be one turtle. Options with a pyramid with three turtles will not work in this case. It is ideal when the turtles are made of heavy metals, for example cast iron, the greater the weight of the figure, the better

A rather unusual item that will help enhance your luck in business is a voluminous spherical vase. You need to place white flowers in it. The metal will help increase financial well-being, so the vase will not just stimulate career growth, but will help you get much more than before.

It is recommended to hang wind chimes in those areas where you most need to attract good luck (such as doors to your home, dimly lit places). In this zone it can be formed by several metal tubes. In order for the tubes to make sound, additional parts should be attached to them, for example, metal sticks.

Now you know how to attract good luck in your work and career. Use this knowledge to improve your situation, and to complete the topic, be sure to watch this interesting video:

The teachings of Feng Shui affect all areas of human life: it helps to gain wealth, success, recognition, longevity, climb the career ladder, find love or renew a fading relationship. Feng Shui states that a person’s life should be as comfortable as possible, without any hardship or suffering. In order for Feng Shui to start working, moving us up the career ladder, we must learn to adequately perceive this concept. Before you buy office space, you should make sure that it is located in a good location from a Feng Shui point of view. To do this, it is best to consult with professionals in this field.

Career- this is a professional path that can not only follow one straight line, but also present us with some surprises in the form of a change in area of ​​work, etc. It is wrong to think that when you quit your job, you are ending your career. Your path, your achievements and merits, your experience remain with you. You just change the ladder to a taller or more stable one. Learn to appreciate your work. Learn not to be afraid of losing your job. When a person is calm and does not cling to his position, new prospects open up for him that are not seen by those who are busy protecting their workplace.

Feng Shui Career Sector- north, element - water, color - black, blue, light blue. Activating this sector will help you climb the career ladder, increase your earnings, get the job you want, or change your profession.

Talismans for activating the Career sector:


is an excellent talisman for business. It symbolizes incoming luck. This symbol arose a long time ago, when merchant ships from different countries arrived on the shores of China, bringing various goods and money. A sailboat seems to sail into your apartment or office, bringing you wealth. In addition to models of sailboats, you can use paintings and symbolic objects. The best location is the Northern sector; you can also install a sailboat near the entrance.


- a very popular Feng Shui talisman, it symbolizes heavenly support and protection, as well as wisdom and longevity. It brings money and support from useful people; it is better if it is made of heavy materials. Place of a single turtle in the North. The image of a turtle with three toads on its back symbolizes a long happy life full of wealth and prosperity. With the help of such a talisman you can also activate the Wealth zone

Glass goldfish- a wonderful talisman symbolizing success in financial matters.


A popular symbol of good luck that attracts good luck in business, career and an influx of money. Small decorative fountains are available in almost all Chinese offices and department stores.


- This is the god of wisdom and the god who removes obstacles, he is the strongest talisman and patron of good luck in business. The Ganesha talisman exerts a positive influence standing at your right hand on your desktop at home or in the office. Ganesha will help you earn more, he will stimulate you in your professional field, and increase your profits. The best place for him is in the northwest, in the assistants sector.

Watch the video for more details about Feng Shui symbols for career growth.

Below is a great way to attract money to your home.

It is human nature to strive for success, overcoming difficulties along the way. The most accessible way to realize your potential today is work. It is at work that a person spends most of his life, often dealing with work issues in his free time. It is not surprising that after investing so much effort and time, you want to see the result of your efforts - career advancement, improvement of financial status, growth of professional knowledge, respect from colleagues and recognition from superiors. When you work hard to achieve a goal, but success never comes, it’s time to turn your attention to Eastern wisdom. The Feng Shui career zone may turn out to be the very saving straw that will take you to a new level of achievement.

Who needs it?

For a long time you may not realize that you have problems in your career and attribute it to chance and your own bad luck. However, do not rush to blame your fate. You need to activate the career zone in the following cases:

  1. To find a decent job;
  2. To get promoted up the career ladder;
  3. To strengthen the results already achieved in your career;
  4. To protect yourself from the machinations of enemies;
  5. To improve your communication with your boss or colleagues;
  6. To get the opportunity to express yourself and demonstrate your skills and abilities.

Professional growth zone

The area of ​​professional growth or career is located in the northern sector of the house. Many people intuitively locate their office or workplace in the northern part of the apartment. It should be noted that the number of the northern sector is a unit that has a “magical” ability to attract good luck, therefore it is recommended to place single interior items in this part of the house, and not paired ones.

The main element of the northern sector is water, and the feeding element is metal. When decorating this part of the apartment, it is better to use blue, dark blue, and black shades of colors, because... They symbolize the water element. The silver color enhances the water element, so the use of metal decorations, frames, and objects is allowed. Various wavy or smooth curves are ways to strengthen this area. In your office you can install a small aquarium with guppy fish. Guppy fish can be replaced with other fish, the main thing is that they are mobile and active, because stagnation and slowness are detrimental to this zone.

Where to register a zone?

In the case when the northern part of the apartment is located in the toilet or bathroom, and if it is impossible to move it, you should place a large stone in this room - it will muffle the negative energy. Also, you should not set up a work area in the bedroom - this will bring discord into your personal life and worsen your relationship with your partner. If your workplace is in the kitchen, then in this case it will be very difficult to neutralize the element of fire (gas stove), which negatively affects the water element by blocking it.

If the apartment does not provide for a separate office, then the best solution would be to mark out the workplace in the living room.

Setting up the zone correctly

Do not place your workplace opposite a window, door or in the corridor - in this case, energy will go to the outside world, and your successes will not be appreciated. There should be a blank wall behind your back, only then will you save your energy and increase it. You can hang photos of famous or successful people on the walls, this will help to further attract success to yourself. Various objects or pictures associated with water are welcome: a fountain, a ship, images of fish, turtles, frogs.


You should approach the design of your workplace with all responsibility. There should be no clutter on your desktop; the cleaner your work surface is, the less confusion and confusion there will be in your work affairs. Make sure that there are no sharp piercing objects on your table: all paper clips, pins, a stationery knife, etc. should be put away on a table shelf or kept in a special glass or container.


The traditional talisman is a black or metal figurine of a turtle. The turtle is the embodiment of wisdom and will also provide support from influential people. It should be taken into account that there must be exactly one turtle figurine, and the option with a pyramid of three turtles will not work in this case.

If you have recently opened your own business or are just planning to do so, a great option would be to place a model of a sailboat or ship. Just do not point the bow of the ship towards the door or window, but, on the contrary, make sure that the sailboat seems to “float” into your room and bring with it good luck in all your affairs.

You can also strengthen the career zone using wind chimes (necessarily with metal tubes) or a metal bell. Make sure the room has good, bright lighting.


And most importantly, remember that career energy can only help you achieve your ambitions, not achieve success INSTEAD of you. The wisdom of Feng Shui will only provide you with additional opportunities to express yourself and your talents, so go for it!