
All about the number 21. Pavel Globa: “21 is a number that gives a lucky chance

All about roses

There is no need to introduce the reader in detail to Pavel Globa, a famous astrologer and historian, rector of the Astrological Institute, president of the Association of Avestan Astrology, author of more than forty popular science books. On the eve of the elections, many leading Ukrainian politicians consider it necessary to consult a famous astrologer or simply get advice from him. We did not neglect this opportunity, asking, in particular, how he relates to number 21. After all, under this number on the ballot paper is the KUCHMA bloc - the true discovery of the current campaign, a political force that is rapidly, one might say, sensationally gaining popularity. “The number 21 has always been considered sacred since ancient times,” said Pavel Globa. – It always included 3 and 7. 3 multiplied by 7 will be 21. And 3 and 7 were two sacred numbers, among different peoples. For example, the Sumerians are the oldest civilization in Mesopotamia, where Saddam Hussein was later executed. In general, in total this gives a three, and a three is the trinity of the world. The number of the Trinity, because even now in the Christian world there are three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. And 7 is the septenary nature of the world, the seven planets that we knew. Much in the world appears through the number seven in all respects. The seven days of the week also come from there, because the Moon had a seven-day phase change. You can also talk about the combination of three and seven, that is, the divine world and the earthly world, because the three is connected with the divine world. The combination was manifested precisely in the number 21, which in total gave three, two plus one, and if three was multiplied by seven, it was also twenty-one, so three was considered the number of perfection. On the one hand, perfection, and on the other, it gave people a certain happy chance, Happy hope, especially to disadvantaged people. Especially those who were deprived of any opportunities to achieve something. Numerology is a sacred science that studied the influence of numbers on life, and treated the number 21 very carefully. It was believed that if the number 21 comes up, then a person has some lucky chance to change his destiny. And this happens in gambling. The famous one in 21 is one that has come down to this day from ancient times, which also sometimes gives huge winnings to people who seem to have no chance. Although this is a semi-absurd manifestation of this number, in any case it works even at this level. In general, this is a very interesting number. For many peoples it was associated with sacred texts. The ancient peoples of the Avestans, the Persians, the prophet Zarathustra, who, judging even by current archaeological excavations, lived on the territory of the steppe, by the way, in Ukraine, where the habitat of the ancient peoples, his followers. The prophet Zarathustra, the Avestans, and the ancient Persians had 21 books, and the number 21 was a sacred number. 21 was also sacred among many, such as the Chinese. 21 were associated with the fixed stars, which we can definitely see in the sky - the 21 brightest stars of the first magnitude. It's real. The most interesting thing, and this is noticed by statistics, is that some contact with this number gives a person hope, a happy hope to change his destiny, that we can control our destiny, hope for a happy chance that a person can receive, simply as a gift. I could pass by this chance, not see it, or maybe I could take this chance and use it. It depends only on him, each person makes his own conclusion, because the right to choose is a divine gift, a gift from God to man. This is the number 21. - Can you give some examples of people born on the 21st and known to the world?- I can, of course. The fact is that many of these people were building or designing the future. I can immediately name the famous, great science fiction writer Herbert Wells, who was born on September 21, 1866. September, the 9th month and the last of the prime numbers, and this man was the founder of all science fiction, the discoverer of the time machine. Makarevich would never have had The Time Machine if H.G. Wells had not described it in his novel. Many discoveries that have already been made in the 21st century, including mobile phones, were described in the form of a prototype by Herbert Wells. This is a man who really was designing the future. And although he cannot be called an optimist, he nevertheless always said that humanity always has a chance to change its future for the better, no matter how hopeless it may seem. This is where his number 21, the number of his birth, was expressed. Stephen King is a modern science fiction writer, although he has a gloomy, black humor and a penchant for dystopia. But in his life, too, many such happy chances were lost, which changed his fate for the better, because he was born on September 21, on the same day as Herbert Wells. I can name a lot of people, but I think that these two examples of famous personalities who were involved in designing and building the future are quite enough at least for the first acquaintance with this wonderful, happy and unusual number. - But how does the number 21 affect political actions? For example, Lincoln, Roosevelt...- Lincoln - February 12, Roosevelt - January 30, Yeltsin - February 1. Tell me all the figures, I will immediately tell you when they were born. -You have an excellent memory... Kravchuk, Kuchma?- Kuchma - August 9, Kravchuk - January 10. - Tymoshenko?- November 27. - Let's return to the number 21. How can it influence the fate of the country?- The fact is that many of the events that took place on the 21st were really very unusual and could radically change the situation, turn it around. For example, September 21 is the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary - a bright Orthodox holiday, one of the greatest holidays. At this time, the fate of Rus' was decided on the Kulikovo field, on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, completely unexpectedly. Rus', which was under the Mongol yoke for more than 150 years, wins the first battle. From this moment on, the history of Rus' seems to turn. At the same time, the Battle of Hastings takes place, where William the Conqueror, a simple Norman duke who was the founder of an entire dynasty of English kings, wins. At the same time, some barbarians conquer Rome, also on the 21st. And other turning points. At the same time, Augustus establishes civil peace on the 21st, universal peace, and lays the foundations for prosperity. These are turning points, and they could be happy ones - depending on the leader, on those people who used this chance correctly. - Does the number 21 have any energy or strength?- I repeat once again that the number 21 in itself is sacred, just like the number 12. I want to say that 21 is 12 in reverse. The number 12 is the number of months that was associated with the 12 lunar months. Hence the 12 signs of the Zodiac, we still use 12 months - and this is no coincidence, it all comes from antiquity. And 21, I repeat, is 12 in reverse, that is, it is 12 in the upper world. This is a person who uses a divine gift, this is basically the number of a divine gift that gives a person a chance to control his destiny and manage it correctly. If, of course, he really is a reasonable person. Many took advantage of their lucky chance. Others passed by. This also depends on choice. A person's choice should always be respected. The number 21, like no other, is associated with choice. If you pass by your lucky chance, it may not happen again soon. Therefore, the number 21 was always associated with some kind of game, with some chance that could come unexpectedly, it could be missed. Pushkin's hero, Herman from The Queen of Spades, missed this number. Remember the great numbers on the cards? Which the old countess told him: “Three, seven, ace - will bring you happiness.” And if you count the sum of the numbers from three, seven and ace, then look: 3, 7, and the ace is always considered the number 11. 3,7 and 11 - it will be 21. He did not understand this number 11 and pulled out the queen of spades instead of the ace, which and destroyed him. That is, he did not use his lucky chance. That is, we are talking about a gift that depends on your choice, on your rationality and correct behavior. That's what the number 21 is, an amazing number.

Today the world of mysticism occupies many people. Among other interests, angelic numerology is a secret science that allows you to receive messages from the Subtle World. It is important what surrounds us, because anything can become a source of useful information. Pay attention to numbers, signs, words. They are the answer to long-awaited questions.

Only an initiate will be able to correctly interpret what he sees on the clock, and this can be very important advice. Each number carries a certain charge of energy. These are tips from the Angels. Hearing them, understanding and following them is a great success for every person.

Learn to recognize such signals and change your life for the better. This will make it easier to make decisions and make important purchases. The Council of Angels can save your life in a critical situation. Paired numbers such as 12 12, 11 11, 00 00 are of interest. They contain the most powerful words of support. A whole world of possibilities opens up to those who pay attention.

Mastic or science?

Numerology - is it a science or a mystical teaching accessible only to a few? In ancient times, it was believed that incomprehensible calculations and work with a person’s date of birth were automatically equated to magic. How else could a stranger tell everything about you by adding up your birthday and year? There is nothing to say about more complex numerological experiments - these were already the affairs of the Holy Inquisition.

Many scientists were burned at the stake because of their love for numbers. Of great importance was the fact that even more survived, taking their faith in numbers as far as possible from the fires of the Church. Today there are more than 100 movements in numerology, but the main ones can always be identified:

  • classical (science founded by Pythagoras);
  • Kabbalistic (mystical codes, communication with Angels);
  • Vedic (the science of fate, connections between Planets and people);
  • Sophia (secret of a person’s name).

Later, Angelov identified numerology as a separate movement, because it was gaining more and more popularity. It all began in the 15th century in England, when the famous mystic discovered the works of Pythagoras on the mystery of numbers. Time passed, and his interest in ancient manuscripts led to incredible consequences that opened up the opportunity for all of us to receive advice from Angels.

What do the Angels talk to us about?

The English mystic who first established a strong connection with the world of Angels was John Dee. In his research, number and figure occupied a global significance. This is the key to the secrets of the Universe, which any enlightened person can turn. Having set foot on this path - there is no turning back, you will discover a whole world of mysticism and secrets. One night, after much work, John Dee thought he was very close to solving some mystery.

Numbers surrounded him, but they were not chaotic, they were in a special order. Closer and closer to the secret, further and further from the laws of physics, ordinary life, and standards. At this time, an Angel appeared to him with a message.

He opened many “doors”; now he had to do something important for all of humanity - to teach people to receive important messages from the world of Angels. To do this, the Angel began to teach Dee his language - the ancient Enochian dialect. These words have not been heard on earth for many thousands. Each letter contains enormous power. In order not to harm the scientist, the Angel suggested that he write everything down backwards and then translate it. Mindlessly pronouncing words in this language out loud is a terrible mistake. Unfortunately, the language turned out to be complex, practically inaccessible to humans.

Then the Angel appeared again, after some time. He suggested another option. Throughout the Universe, number has power. So let the clues come in the form of numbers. On the clock, on the pages, with a quick glance on the street, you always find out. Each of the numbers or their combinations was assigned a meaning. John Dee did an incredibly hard job of systematizing knowledge. Today we can receive and decipher a variety of messages, advice and warnings thanks to his faith in his work. This is how modern Angelic numerology was born.

Important messages

This could be an answer to a question, praise for a job done, or a warning about danger. Angels send short but precise messages. Each of them means that at the moment, now, today, you have the power to change your destiny. Life consists of crossroads where sooner or later you will have to make a choice. To avoid making mistakes, listen. Angelic numerology teaches you to listen, see, notice. It is very convenient to receive information on an electronic watch. Everyone has seen the combinations 21 21, 12 12, 22 22. Some people make wishes, while others are in a hurry to see the decoding.

Very often you don't know whether to continue, start or finish. This is important for you, so this is the best advice. In a difficult situation, rely on the answers of the Universe. They will come to you. Numbers carry unprecedented power; they are a powerful information flow. They can be perceived as numerical values, but each number carries separate information for you personally.

The path is chosen by man, this must be remembered

Sometimes the Angels praise us for the work we have done, making it clear that our efforts were not in vain. What you have done is pleasing to Heaven. This will be followed by a reward. This means that your journey continues and does not end with the completion of the task. There will be other important matters, advice, warnings. There will be new victories. You are on the right path in your life, follow them.

If you refuse to heed advice, the earth will not open up before you. Your choice, your idea, your opinion. All this is better than inaction, even if you go against the Plan of Heaven. Only in this case, the messages no longer mean anything to you, because a person does not influence his destiny. Just choose the path, and you will see behind it.

The meaning of the number 21

The number is called in numerology “Crown of Magic”. That's three sevens, for a total of three. It is considered mystical and very lucky for those born on the 21st of any month. If this meaning appears before your eyes very often, then you are entrusted with a special mission. Lead people. You need to become a leader if you are not already one. Fates and lives will depend on your decisions. Now, today, when you saw 21, your special path through life begins. Someone will have to be led through difficulties, failures, misunderstandings. You will guide the right person through a difficult, thorny path. At the end of the journey, happiness awaits both. Reaching it is a real adventure, difficulty, and importance. Angel Numerology has sent you this warning.

The Universe never sends you challenges that you are not capable of.

Is it possible to give up your leadership path now? It is possible if you ignore all the signs. Then the situation will develop differently than planned by the Universe. The plan, your destiny, the destinies of other people will change. If you previously knew that success would await you after a long journey, now nothing depends on you anymore. We missed our chance. This is also a choice, no one says that you must follow it. The angels only send you advice, but what to do is your right.

Meaning of number 12

It is not known why, but you are constantly dissatisfied with yourself. Everything seems to be going right. Constant dissatisfaction and the search for approval from others occupy a person’s thoughts. He saw 12 12 on the clock, or simply the number 12 constantly haunts him. This is worth paying attention to and looking into yourself. The angels are perplexed, why are you so dissatisfied with yourself, unsure of your decisions? Who told you that you can't? Try to remember your childhood, relatives, communication with friends. Somewhere, far away, the fear of being worse than others is hidden.

Most often, message 12 means that you are moving in the right direction. very uncertainly, winding along the road, but correctly. If you want to change yourself, gain confidence, then cast aside all doubts now. All the questions “am I right...?”, “...can I?” should be left in the past. Completely submit to your intuition, which advises you to move forward. Very soon you will understand that everything is true, because you will have followers. Ideas and thoughts will find a response in the hearts of other people. Your plan is gaining momentum. The time for self-doubt is over.

Don't ignore the angels' advice

If you ignore this message now, who knows if there will be another one. Stop in your quest to prove to everyone that you are better. Just be the best. Angels give their advice persistently, but not ad infinitum. In any case, you walk through life with your own feet, so walk boldly. Want to reject this advice? Decline. Perhaps this choice will lead to an unknown but happy future.

Hints on the watch

Electronic watches show more than just the time. Some meanings that are repeated day after day can give you the best advice.

00.00 - the beginning of a new era of your life, throw away the old.

01.01 - a distant relative will give the most practical advice.

01.10 - are you planning something? It's better not to, it will end badly.

02.20 - the number of enemies is growing every day. Beware.

03.03 - true love is near you, look no more.

03.30 - fell in love with the wrong person. He will destroy you.

04.04 - a new friend will be more faithful than all the old ones.

04.40 - stay at home, don’t go out. Dangerous time.

04.44 - all problems at work will end on Tuesday.

05.05 - the enemies have found your weak point.

05.50 - do not burn candles today, or the fire will harm you.

06.06 - don’t discuss your personal life with your best friend.

07.07 - rely only on yourself in this matter.

08.08 - you will receive money.

09.09 - loss of money is inevitable.

10.01 - another one will soon join your family.

10.10 - you change your destiny, choose.

11.11 - the most beloved person will be able to betray you.

12.12 - this time means that a “white streak” is coming.

13.13 - beware of enemies, but also of friends.

13.31 - the dream will dispel the dark clouds.

14.14 - to get it, you need to take a risk.

14.41 - keep quiet with your family, otherwise you will quarrel.

15.15 - everything that they will say today is absolutely true.

15.51 - a new acquaintance will change your life.

16.16 - going on a long journey? Take your loved one with you.

17.17 - take care of your wallet - the time of thieves is coming.

18.18 - walk today, the car will let you down.

19.19 - change is change, and better times are ahead.

20.02 - keep your mouth shut, otherwise you will be fired.

20.20 - 3 years of separation from my best friend.

22.22 - relationships end, this means that new ones will come.

Having learned to work with prompts, you will gain confidence that the Forces support you

23.23 - the bold and brave gets everything, but the coward will lose everything.

Learn to see the signs

Signs are not only on digital watches, they are everywhere. Angels are looking for new ways to contact people and help. You are asking a question, as you think, to yourself. In fact, it sounds loudly to the entire Universe, which is striving to respond. We often ask:

“When will my troubles end?”

“How can I find a job I like?”

“What’s wrong with my personal life, why doesn’t love come?”

"Why can not I get pregnant?"

“Where to look for luck?”

It’s not always possible to talk about this even with your most trusted friends and relatives. Who should you ask for advice when you are in despair? Of course, from the Angels. The answer will come to you in different forms. A number or a symbol that only you understand, an advertising slogan on a poster, a line from a book. Sometimes, a book falls, opening to a random page. Read it carefully. Everything is not so accidental if Angels intervened. They can't always help you, but they can always give you a hint.

Angelic numerology is a combination of science and mysticism, faith and attention to detail. This ancient science that came to us from Kabbalistic numerology. In addition to believing in numbers, she also believes in magic, communication with Angels. Anyone who tunes in to such a connection will never be alone. Complex problems find simple solutions. Any number has a meaning, and if you see it often, don’t miss the advice of the angels.

The number 21 is a combination of the properties of the number 2 and 1. It expresses duality and acts as a symbol of friendly relations. Two gives a person the ability to self-sacrifice in the name of great goals, and one is responsible for the presence of leadership qualities and guarantees an independent life position. You can learn more detailed meaning of the number 21 from this article.

21 is a decisive number in determining the life path of each person; it will help in various life endeavors. The number gives the necessary vital energy and helps to reveal previously unknown abilities. But please note that achieving success will only be possible in cases where a person maintains a clear mind and is guided by good intentions.

This combination of numbers is significant in your destiny; it appears in those difficult and crucial moments when you need outside support. The number "twenty-one" contains seven, which is a symbol of good luck.

When you combine the main components of this number, you get the number “three”. The troika is the most important symbol of Christianity, personifying the divine Trinity.

You can get acquainted with references to this figure from many scientific treatises, which include ancient records of alchemists. They were confident that ordinary metal could become pure silver after three weeks.

21 – leader number

Twenty-one is a positive number that can bring good luck into your life. But it provides assistance exclusively to hardworking individuals, those who are not afraid to work to achieve what they want.

Quirks may not count on the magical help of the number 21. They should take a closer look at the number 20 - a more passive number, responsible for inaction. If we consider the spiritual, then here twenty acts as the direct opposite of the number “twenty-one”.

The number twenty will help everyone who does not want to bother themselves too much and prefers a quiet, subordinate position that will not give you a high salary, but will deprive you of responsibility.

21 – human activity

This number is responsible for making decisions, which include fateful ones. It carries very powerful energy, so it is often used in date numerology. For example, if a person needs to make a very important decision, with maximum responsibility, the number 21 will favor him in every possible way.

In the same case, if a person is engaged in carrying out other people’s orders and implementing other people’s ideas, the number twenty is more suitable.

21 carries masculine energy

This number has a pronounced masculine energy. Moreover, here we are considering not just physiology. According to the esoteric axiom, every person has both feminine and masculine principles. And if we translate it into the language of numbers, then everyone is the owner of the numbers twenty-one and twenty.

The number twenty-one represents the manifestation of active masculine energy. However, it happens that some women have a lot of masculine energy, and men have a lot of feminine energy. And this should under no circumstances be neglected when performing a numerological calculation of human destiny.

And when considering the numerology of dates, one can often observe the fact that a representative of the fair sex, born on the twenty-first, has a stronger will than a man who was born on the twentieth. At the same time, it is possible to create wonderful relationships between partners born on these dates.

But, note that the union will be successful only if both one and the second spouse are ready to realize who will be in the leadership position in the family. Otherwise, any relationship can easily turn from happy to unlucky.

How does the number 21 positively influence human character?

People who are influenced by the number twenty-one have fairly good intellectual abilities and easily adapt to new situations in life. It is easy for them to achieve their goals, they are able to realize themselves, both intellectually and physically.

They have high communication skills, a broad outlook, and excellent knowledge. They command respect from others for their ability to give correct recommendations.

Among the people patronized by the number twenty-one there are a lot of charismatic personalities. They easily inspire confidence in others and are able to share their ideas. Thanks to a well-developed imagination, new horizons open up for planning future events. Any, even the craziest ideas can come true. And the number “two”, which is hidden in this number, will allow you to successfully complete what you started.

Negative impact of numbers

As sad as it is to realize, this number not only has positive qualities, but is also capable of “giving” its bearer many disadvantages. The most popular is megalomania. Such individuals are characterized by a desire for world fame and influence on others, although in reality they are ordinary people.

Interacting with this category of people is quite problematic: due to constant mood changes in the absence of clear life plans, cooperation becomes impossible.

And due to increased sensitivity, such individuals react very sharply to criticism and are not inclined to listen to the advice of others. As a result, development stops and the person loses his professional abilities.

Knowing the positive and negative aspects of any number, you have the opportunity to overcome your weaknesses, due to which your character and life in general improve.

The magic of numbers is one of the most accessible to ordinary people who do not have any gift. Thanks to knowledge and signs, you can turn your fate for the better. The number 21 also contributes to this.

Number 21 will help turn your fate for the better

Esoteric interpretation

The number 21 in numerology is closely related to the concept of action. Thanks to the patronage of this number and his determination, a person can reach unprecedented professional heights. It promotes career advancement by giving a person a penchant for improvisation, spontaneous moves and a willingness to act without a clear plan.

This number is attached to the male Yang energy, light and warm, more aimed not at mental, but at physical labor. A person born under the sign of the number 21, especially men, by default has more resilience in relation to various problems and failures. Among the qualities that the magic of this number brings to life:

  • hard work;
  • sharp mind;
  • out-of-the-box thinking.

It is based on the number 2, the meaning of which represents rationality and balance. Number 1 carries passion and emotionality. Because of this, an individual combines radically opposite character traits. Numbers 2 and 1 balance each other, and as a result, everything desired is achieved through control and willpower.

The third meaning of the number 21 is spiritual guidance and leadership. This number means walking along the path of self-development and self-knowledge, encountering difficulties that will help you understand the mission of life. The ultimate goal will be harmony with yourself and the world.

Number in magic

In magic, this number is associated with both the divine and the earthly: 21 is formed from three sevens or seven triplets. 3 is the number of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and 7 is the essence: 7 days of the week or the same number of phases of the Moon.

21 is often associated with strong magic:

  • love spells;
  • occult rituals;
  • prayers and incantations, which are pronounced either three times or seven times.

Person's character

In numerology, the number 21 is responsible for communication with the outside world and society and endows the owner with the corresponding character traits:

  1. People born with this number have all the qualities necessary to build strong relationships with the people and the team in which they find themselves.
  2. Such individuals not only quickly get along with people, but unite them with each other, are constantly in ideological inspiration and generate unusual concepts.
  3. In such a person, the magic of number 21 manifests itself in psychological support and in the desire to smooth out conflicts.
  4. They are characterized by altruism, despite the fact that they strive for everything better.
  5. In their personal lives, those born under this sign are not faithful and often change partners.
  6. They are constantly looking for someone with whom they will be most comfortable, although in friendships the situation is radically different - they will selflessly help and take care of people weaker than themselves.

People with life number 21, having had enough of freedom and having found “their” person, no longer rush headlong into love.

They find a cozy haven and give all their loyalty to the partner who managed to accustom them to a quiet life. Such an individual will be a good family man and parent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any life number has both a lot of advantages and a bunch of disadvantages. Number 21 allows you to develop your intellectual abilities, which are at a high level. An individual quickly adapts to difficult situations and finds solutions, showing himself equally well in the field of logic and in the field of physical labor. The goals set for them are achieved much easier than for a person with a different life number. Having a wide range of interests, people whose number is 21 quickly make new acquaintances and maintain interest in themselves. They know a lot and try to share their knowledge with others. They are respected by others not only because of their erudition, but also because of their timely advice, known for their unobtrusiveness. Personalities with such a life number will never prove their opinions, but they will always come in handy with their advice and suggestions.

In addition to positive traits, 21 also has many negative ones. Its meaning in numerology predicts instability in personal life, which is why a person is constantly in search of something new and does not settle on one partner for a long time.

The second bad quality that this number gives is a feeling of superiority over others. This is due to the vastness of knowledge and achieving goals without much expense. Excessive ambition, at times, becomes a catalyst for discord between this person and the team: his desire for world fame and influence has a bad effect on all personal relationships. Such people work in low positions, but in their hearts they consider themselves dictators with ideas of world domination. Working with such people is very difficult because they do not have pre-thought-out strategies and their mood often changes. A person with the number 21 does not accept criticism, even if it is adequate.

Number 21 people often change partners

21 in everyday life

Astrologers and psychics advise paying attention to the numbers that you see during the day: minibus numbers, headlines in newspapers, inscriptions on billboards. Each number can help prevent something bad in life.

2 and 1 have been inextricably linked since ancient times with the divine principle and influence on human life on earth. In Jewish Kabbalistic Himatria, this is the number of God, and frequent encounters with 21 can mean an early personal meeting with Him. You need to beware when you see repetitions of the number 21 or 2 and 1 in life - they mean situations in which you can inevitably harm your health.

The magic of numbers is one of the simplest, it warns of bad things, allows you to see signs from above and ward off a catastrophe or other trouble. The numbers under which a person is born have the maximum impact on life and character. But it is only in your hands to decide whether to follow what is prescribed or go your own way, in which your life number will not play a key role.