
“I work like a horse, but I earn like a pony.” Welders about their work

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Ustinov Roman

The origin of the welding profession can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it can melt metals. A considerable period of time passed from the moment of this discovery to its industrial application. But decades later, the method of joining metals using the electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…



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Prepared by Roman Ustinov, student of group D2SP1 Supervisors: N.I. Kuznetsova, E.V. Markelova

The origin of the welding profession can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it can melt metals. A considerable period of time passed from the moment of this discovery to its industrial application. But decades later, the method of joining metals using the electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials... the history of this profession

Welding work is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and in other areas, such as energy, oil refining, and agriculture. It is difficult to name a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used. Where is welding found in our time?

Welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines. Workers in all these specialties are engaged in one thing - connecting metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, and assemblies using the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes or negligence in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It’s scary to think what poor-quality welding work on oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, metal melting technology, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety precautions and industrial sanitation is of great importance. The popularity and uniqueness of this profession

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young specialists who have just graduated from college will not have to look for a job for a long time - it finds them on its own. Welders without experience are readily accepted into housing and communal services and private service organizations. As they gain experience, they are entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites. Accordingly, wages increase. The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, heavy strain on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the “hot shop” professions due to the high harmfulness of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding work. Risk of this profession

Advantages: high demand in the labor market; even without work experience, a welder can get a job at a housing and communal services company; highly specialized welders who work in construction and oil pipelines earn very decent money. Disadvantages: physically difficult work. A specialist can work on an open construction site in adverse weather conditions; the brightness of the electric arc impairs vision; harmful production due to the large amount of gas released in the workshop. Pros and cons of the Welder profession

Hypertension Bronchial asthma Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Rheumatism Poor vision Tremor (shaking) of hands Impaired coordination of movements Tuberculosis Diseases accompanied by loss of consciousness Medical contraindications

The shortage of technical specialists provokes an increase in the salaries of representatives of blue-collar professions. An inexperienced employee can expect a salary of $600-700, professionals – $1500-2000. As is the case with other professions, a welder's income depends on the place of work, qualifications and skills. Oil industry workers receive the highest salaries. Welder salary

Social survey among students in my group When asked why they chose the welding profession, most of my classmates answered: That this is a sought-after profession with a good salary. And my personal opinion about why I liked this profession, I can say that it is useful for oneself and, moreover, quite interesting.

I chose this profession because I liked it. Specifically, because it has a wide range of uses. To be more precise, it is used in a sufficient number of professions. For example: at a construction site, when creating spaceships (at the moment there are a sufficient number of space programs underway), when creating cars, and even at home you may need it. And I myself am interested in this profession, because you can do a huge number of things. Even the smallest coins in the form of welded coins in the form of some kind of pattern will be very nice to give to someone or leave at home for yourself. And that is why I chose this profession!

Thank you for your attention!

Profession welder

The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist who connects metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuosic profession, on the quality of whose work a lot depends - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

The origin of the welding profession can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it can melt metals. A considerable period of time passed from the moment of this discovery to its industrial application. But decades later, the method of joining metals using the electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…

Welding work is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and in other areas, such as energy, oil refining, and agriculture. It is difficult to name a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

Welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines. Workers in all these specialties are engaged in one thing - connecting metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, and assemblies using the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes or negligence in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It’s scary to think what poor-quality welding work on oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, metal melting technology, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety precautions and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young specialists who have just graduated from college will not have to look for a job for a long time - it finds them on its own. Welders without experience are readily accepted into housing and communal services and private service organizations. As they gain experience, they are entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites. Accordingly, wages increase.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, heavy strain on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the “hot shop” professions due to the high harmfulness of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding work.

You can learn the welding profession at vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties “welder of electric welding and gas welding works” and “operator of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment.”

I really need it for the competition))

Brief description: The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist who connects metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuosic profession, on the quality of whose work a lot depends - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

History of the profession: The origin of the welding profession can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it can melt metals. A considerable period of time passed from the moment of this discovery to its industrial application. But decades later, the method of joining metals using the electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…
Social significance of the profession in society: Welding work is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and in other areas, such as energy, oil refining, and agriculture. It is difficult to name a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

The popularity and uniqueness of the profession: Welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines. Workers in all these specialties are engaged in one thing - connecting metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, and assemblies using the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes or negligence in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It’s scary to think what poor-quality welding work on oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, metal melting technology, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety precautions and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Risks of the profession: The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young specialists who have just graduated from college will not have to look for a job for a long time - it finds them on its own. Welders without experience are readily accepted into housing and communal services and private service organizations. As they gain experience, they are entrusted with more responsible tasks and work in industry and construction sites. Accordingly, wages increase.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, heavy strain on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the “hot shop” professions due to the high harmfulness of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding work.

Where to get a profession: You can learn the profession of a welder at vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties “welder of electric welding and gas welding works” and “operator of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment.”

All professions are important, all professions are needed. But for some reason, blue-collar jobs have recently been undeservedly forgotten. For example, have you ever wondered how important the work of a welder is in our daily lives? Metal doors in houses, furniture frames, decorative interior details and much more - all this was created thanks to the skills of welders. How many more such things are there around us?

Today we talked with a young specialist, a representative of this profession. Sergey Andreev once upon a time decided to connect his life with metal, and for 8 years now he has not parted with a welding machine.

- Tell us how you decided to become a welder?

My father is a welder. He gave the plant 28 years. It was very interesting for me to watch his work. Sometimes my father took me with him to the car repair plant. When I was little, he showed me how metal melts and explained what and how to do. I even wore a mask. But he didn’t give me the instrument, and for some reason I was terrified of him. Sparks, current. It was exciting and scary. It turned out that later I also went to work at VRP, but as a carpenter. Then difficult times came, and I had to quit there. That's how I ended up at Dormash. One day I was sent on a business trip, and it was there that I picked up a welding tool for the first time. I tried it, got interested, learned it, and that’s how it all went.

- Where did you get your welding profession?

I purposefully took a welding course. To do this, I had to study for four months at the Professional training center. This was in 2007.

- What disciplines did you need to pass for admission?

I did not take any subjects to enroll in the courses. I just came with a great desire to learn. I was taught various disciplines that could be useful in the future in my profession: materials science, strength materials, welding, safety precautions, etc. Everything you need for basic skills. Then at the end I took a comprehensive exam. By the way, about thirty people trained with me, there were even two girls.

- What was the most difficult thing in training?

I was familiar with all the subjects from the beginning, so I can’t say that studying was difficult for me. It was more difficult with chemistry - this has been since school. Otherwise it’s not complicated, at least I already knew a lot.

- Do you remember your first working day?

- Yes I remember. He was, to be honest, a little crazy. It seemed like you knew how to cook, but all the nuances were revealed every time. I got used to it for about a week: I looked closely at the team, and they looked at me too. I was afraid to fail.

-Have you ever thought about changing your profession?

No, I never had such a thought. My character, apparently, has been so hardened since childhood, my parents raised me that way. I'm persistent. I think that if you have already started, you need to achieve results.

- What nuances are there in your work?

I love it when there is a pile of scrap metal in front of me, there are certain drawings, and you make, for example, a square structure out of all this. But this cube has its own difficulty: when you scald it, the metal begins to heat up. Temperatures reach up to three thousand degrees. Because of this, the design may become distorted. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to certain technologies.

- Do any of your friends do welding?

When I went on a business trip, while still a carpenter, a friend who was a welder was with me. And I once asked him to let me try cooking. My father, in principle, showed how it was all done, but did not let me try. Probably, most of all, my friend explained to me what was what. The fact that I devoted myself to this matter is also his merit. When I became a foreman, I invited this same friend to come to me. So we still work together.

- What advantages does your profession provide?

With such a profession you definitely won’t be left without oil (laughs). If you are a good specialist, you will be able to provide for both yourself and your family. There are many varieties of welding: manual arc, gas, mechanized, pulsed, the list goes on for a long time. Each requires a different approach, you need to put in some effort and skill. Although you cannot own everything at once, it is simply impossible. This is an unlimited field for experimentation. You can move on and learn everything. There is no peak of skill in this profession; you constantly learn something new and improve.

- What is the most difficult thing in this profession?

For me, the most difficult thing is obtaining certification. It’s not so much difficult here, but more exciting. You know, you can, you understand how all this is done, but you can’t cope with your excitement. And deep down you think: “What if it doesn’t work out?”

- Tell us more about the certification

Now many self-respecting organizations send their welders for certification. It is needed so that you can then weld complex metal structures. I'm just going through it. For example, you can’t put a person on a gas pipeline who has previously welded beds. Certification determines whether a person can take on complex projects. The welder who has received certification then puts his mark on the product. In case of poorly performed work, you can immediately identify the contractor. Certification carries with it great responsibility.

- You already have a lot of experience. Tell me, should young people start studying to become a welder?

You can and should go to work as a welder, but you must have strong nerves, and most importantly, be persistent.

- So, perseverance is the main thing in the profession of a welder?

Let me give you an example. I was once fortunate enough to teach welding to several students. In March, the plant sent me to school No. 29. I was given a goal - to prepare young welders for the WorldSkills professional skills championship. I took three students into my care, so to speak. Among them was a very diligent boy, it even seemed to me that he was somewhat similar to me. He is very competent in his field, and he could adequately listen to criticism. I’m very happy for him, he took second place at the championship, just a couple of points short of the prize money. And the rest quickly gave up, repeating endlessly: “I can’t do it, I can’t do it.” You show, but they don’t see or hear, I would simply not advise such people to go into this business, let them better find themselves in something else.

For reference:

Let’s add that you can get a welding profession in the Vologda region in four educational institutions: BPOU SPO VO “Vologda Industrial and Technological College”, BOU SPO VO “Cherepovets Technological College”, BOU SPO VO “Vologda Construction College” and BOU SPO VO “Cherepovets Metallurgical College” "

Please note that admission to secondary vocational education programs is based on a personal application. Mandatory documents for admission to any specialty and profession: a document proving identity and citizenship, a document on education and (or) qualifications, 4 photographs of size 3 by 4.

The material is part of a series of articles from the People of Action project. The project is published on the website of the SeverInform news agency with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of the Regional Government and the regional center “Commonwealth”.

A welder is a working specialty that is directly related to the production of a variety of metal products. Despite such tasks, the profession can never be viewed one-sidedly. If you go beyond the set boundaries, you can be convinced that there are truly many opportunities for the manifestation of knowledge and amazing potential.

Regardless of the purpose and level of complexity of the planned work, the welder must successfully perform his work tasks, because it depends on him how successfully the planned work activity will be carried out. In this regard, any errors in work are impossible. Otherwise, serious risks arise, which, in the worst case scenario, can even cost the health and lives of people around.

Responsibilities of a welder

What job responsibilities are typical for welders?

  1. Manufacturing and further production of metal products of high quality.
  2. Work based on the developed technical preparation plan for welding work.
  3. Planning work events. Focus on deadlines and volumes is mandatory.
  4. Analysis of technology for carrying out welding activities.
  5. Compliance with the welding regime, as well as labor safety standards.
  6. Preparation of orders for manufactured products and materials for welding work.
  7. Maintaining documentation and accounting.
  8. Organization of work in order to increase labor productivity.
  9. Participation in research activities. The primary objective of this job responsibility is to improve technology or methods of the proposed work.

Advantages of being a welder

  • High level of demand in the modern labor market.
  • Optimal salary levels for experienced welders. Recently, there has been a serious shortage of specialists in the labor market, so even college graduates have a chance of employment in large enterprises with a further income of 500 - 600 dollars. Experienced, high-level workers can increase their income to $1,000. At the same time, the level of wages always depends on the place of employment, so you can get different money for similar orders. A certain pattern should be noted: the lowest payment is always characteristic of the housing and communal services sector, the highest - for the oil and gas sector.
  • Decent career opportunities with higher education are expected. Each specialist receives decent opportunities for his professional development. In addition, the heights achieved depend only on the welder himself.

Disadvantages of being a welder

  • Work activity almost always involves difficult conditions. Specialists have to work in extreme conditions. Moreover, you have to agree to work at a significant altitude or in contact with adverse meteorological factors.
  • . In this case, the negative influence of high brightness of infrared, as well as ultraviolet radiation, and an electric arc is assumed. Many welders face the risk of developing the disease electroophthalmia.
  • Appears increased risk of occupational diseases, which are caused by a whole complex of negative factors during production activities: bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis, silicosis.

Myths of the welder profession

When planning to work as a welder, it is extremely important to know not only the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen direction, but also to take into account certain myths. Only if the only correct opinion regarding the chosen specialization is formed, will it be possible to understand whether it is necessary to obtain the corresponding profession or not.

  1. Welding is a low-paid profession. This myth is one of the most common. It appeared taking into account the fact that all blue-collar professions must require a minimum level of income. Despite the current opinion regarding the low level of pay, the situation is completely different: a welder can earn up to $1,000 a month under favorable conditions. The active development of industry and production allows us to count on a decent level of income.
  2. Welder is a male-only profession. However, about 4% of welders are women. Moreover, this figure increases every year. More and more representatives of the fair sex note that welding can be a hobby. In addition, women can be winners of artistic welding competitions.
  3. Lack of jobs or vacant niches. The need for welders cannot be measured in specific numbers, but in any case, employment opportunities remain.
  4. Welding is a monotonous and boring profession. The work includes not only sparks and splashes of metal. The welder must have knowledge of materials science, physics, electricity and guarantee the correctness of processes in the metal under the influence of heat and pressure. In addition, welding is divided into numerous methods, each of which requires a special approach.
  5. Lack of career growth is another common myth. Improving skills and acquiring special certificates can open up the desired prospects. As a result, you can win a management position.

Welding is a technological, working specialty, but at the same time it offers amazing opportunities for development in professional activities and achieving the best results in a career.