
Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders under the conditions of the introduction of federal state education standards. Methodological recommendations for conducting a speech therapy examination of children with disabilities Speech therapy examination of children with disabilities


  • Primary speech therapy examination (held from September 1 to 15) allows you to judge the level of speech development of a child with disabilities, the formation of communicative and regulatory universal actions and formulate the main directions, content and methods of correctional speech therapy work with children with disabilities.
  • Interim speech therapy examination is provided in the process of providing speech therapy assistance, which makes it possible to adjust the existing individual-oriented program of correctional speech therapy and focus on the most persistent problems of the child’s speech development (both oral and written speech).

    Final diagnostics is an in-depth speech therapy examination that covers all components of the speech system and reveals the formation of all types of universal educational actions.

The work of a speech therapist teacher includes the implementation of correctional and developmental programs taking into account the age and developmental characteristics of students, the structure of the defect, as well as assisting the teaching staff in individualizing the development, training and education of a child with disabilities.

    Choosing the optimal correctional for the development of a child with disabilities
    programs, methods and teaching methods in accordance with its special
    educational needs;

    Organization and conduct of individual and group classes on
    correction of oral and written speech disorders, as well as development
    communication skills of children with disabilities.

Organizational and methodological direction The work of a speech therapist consists of:

    In the development of individually oriented correctional and developmental programs.

    To assist in the preparation of an adapted educational program for children with disabilities.

    In the selection of didactic and methodological materials.

    In charge of documentation.

Advisory and educational direction work includes:
· Consulting families on issues of speech development and communication of children with disabilities, formation
psychological and pedagogical competence of parents (or legal
representatives) of children with disabilities involved in the inclusive process,
on the ontogeny of oral and written speech, manifestations of disorders
speech system, selection of the simplest speech therapy techniques for
correction of speech disorders in children;

· consulting teachers and other participants in educational
process on issues of speech ontogenesis and dysontogenesis, creation
speech development environment, emerging problems associated with
development, training and education of a child with disabilities in the process of implementation
inclusive practice.

It consists of timely prevention of possible secondary speech disorders in a child with disabilities, creating conditions for their full speech development at each level of general education.

To work with children with disabilities, the school has a specialized software and hardware complex.

    Specialized software and hardware complex for students with disabilities (monoblock PC);

    A portable device for reading books (for the blind and visually impaired) is a folding camera that connects to a computer. Reproduces any text material in speech. The reading machine can scan 20 pages per minute. You can control the pace of voice playback by setting a certain speed;
    change settings for reading in foreign languages.

    Video magnifier (for the visually impaired) - when connected to a computer, it enlarges the text to the size required for reading.

    Keyboard with large buttons and a key separating pad - a removable pad prevents 2 keys from being pressed at the same time.

    Wireless receiver.

    Headset (for the hearing impaired) - contact on-ear headphones with a microphone.

  1. The sound field system is designed for joint learning of students with different hearing abilities . The speakers of the audio speakers gently amplify the teacher's voice and distribute it evenly throughout the room.

The system allows you to transmit the teacher's voice to students with hearing impairments (directly into a hearing aid, cochlear implant or headphones). Children's attention and academic performance increase; listening skills develop; more intensive development of one’s own oral speech.

    The joystick, complete with two remote buttons (for students with disabilities - with musculoskeletal disorders) - performs the function of a mouse. The buttons on the right and left correspond to the right and left buttons of a regular mouse. The top button selects text or an object. You can replace the built-in buttons with remote ones. The joystick does not require fine motor skills; responds to light touch from a user with impaired motor skills.

    The remote button is large (for students with NODA).

    A computer program for the correction of OHP - game exercises for the correction of all components of speech: sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

    “Monologue” device for stuttering correction: the kit includes a device with a built-in battery, a headset (headphones), and a charger.

    The effect of the device on the speech of a stutterer is manifested in a decrease in the severity of convulsive manifestations of the defect (there are fewer tonic and clonic convulsions) thanks to the following techniques:

    Sound muffling of one's own speech acts as a distraction from the speech act. “White noise” is used as a dampening background, acoustically reminiscent of the sound of the surf.

  1. Sound amplification - the effect occurs due to a change in the volume of one’s own speech.
  2. Metronome is a method of rhythmic speech stimulation. People who stutter are encouraged to read and retell the text to the rhythmic beats of a metronome. Studies have shown that as soon as speech switches to scanned, metrical pronunciation, stuttering goes away, since all words are aligned according to syllabic dynamics.

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“Speech therapy support for students with disabilities in inclusive education”

Speech therapy support

students with disabilities

in conditions

inclusive education

Teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution "Uvinskaya Secondary School No. 4"

Vakhrusheva Tatyana Nikolaevna


Educational psychologist

speech therapist





Medical worker

The goal of a speech therapist teacher is creating conditions that facilitate the identification and overcoming of speech development disorders, as well as the further development of oral and written speech, improving the communication of students with disabilities for the successful mastery of the academic component of the educational program.


1. Conducting a speech therapy examination to determine the structure and severity of speech disorders: establishing a speech therapy conclusion.

2. Development of a long-term plan for correctional and speech therapy work (individual development program) with children in need of speech therapy help.

3. Organization of correctional work to provide speech therapy assistance to a child with disabilities. Determination of directions, methods and techniques of speech therapy work for the correction of speech development disorders.

Tasks :

4. Formation of groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students with disabilities. Conducting individual and group classes to correct students’ oral and written speech disorders.

5. Participation in the development of adapted educational programs, methodological recommendations for teaching children with disabilities.

Determination of various methods, forms and means of teaching within the framework of the state standard, increasing the assimilation of educational material.

6. Conducting a systematic study of the dynamics of speech development of a child with disabilities in the process of mastering the educational program.

Tasks :

7. Interaction with specialists in psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities and his family.

8. Development of proposals to improve the efficiency of diagnostic and correctional work. Generalization and dissemination of the most effective experience in speech therapy work.

9. Ensuring and monitoring compliance with health-saving conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities in general education organizations.


10. Advisory work on the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence on the issues of ontogenesis of children's speech, manifestations of variants of dysontogenesis; training parents in specialized techniques for overcoming existing oral speech disorders and selecting sets of correctional and developmental exercises aimed at correcting writing and reading deficiencies, as well as their prevention.

11. Consulting teaching staff on the use of special methods and techniques to assist a child with disabilities who has speech impairments.

Areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher:

2. Correctional and developmental

1. Diagnostic

4. Advisory and educational

3. Organizational and methodological


Diagnostic direction of work:

1. Primary speech therapy examination- in the first two weeks of September (from September 1 to September 15)

2. Interim speech therapy examination- in the process of speech therapy assistance to a child with disabilities

Correctional and developmental direction includes the implementation of correctional and developmental programs taking into account the age and developmental characteristics of students, the structure of the defect, as well as providing assistance to the teaching staff in individualizing the development, training and education of a child with disabilities

Selection of correctional programs, methods and teaching methods that are optimal for the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with his special educational needs

Organization and conduct of individual and group classes for the correction of oral and written speech disorders, as well as the development of communication skills of children with disabilities

Organizational and methodological direction:

Development of individually oriented correctional and developmental programs

Assistance in drawing up an adapted educational program for children with disabilities

Selection of didactic and methodological materials

Records management

Preventive activity consists of timely prevention of possible secondary speech disorders in a child with disabilities, creating conditions for their full speech development at each level of general education

A specialized software and hardware complex for students with disabilities, consisting of:

  • Specialized software and hardware complex for students with disabilities (monoblock);
  • Portable device for reading books (for the blind and visually impaired);
  • Video magnifier (for the visually impaired);;
  • Keyboard with large buttons and key separating pad;
  • Wireless receiver;
  • Headset (for the deaf and hard of hearing);
  • Sound field system (for the deaf and hard of hearing);
  • Computer joystick complete with two remote buttons (for students with NODA);
  • The remote button is large (for students with NODA);
  • Computer program for correction of OHP;
  • Monologue device for stuttering correction

Information and methodological support: (website of the Institute of Problems inclusive education MSUPE)

thanks for


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Olon Secondary School

on conducting speech therapy examinations of children,

with disabilities

Compiled by: Verkhozina S.I.

teacher speech therapist,

highest qualification-

With. Olonki, 2016

The methodological development is intended for practicing speech therapists, primary school teachers, and parents with a child with disabilities.

The basis of this development is the practical work experience of speech therapist S.I. Verkhozina, and the methodological recommendations of the manual by R.I. Lalaeva. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. M.: Education, 1999; recommendations of L.O. Bakisova. A system of work for the development of oral and written communication among schoolchildren with disabilities. Volgograd: Teacher, 2014; Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist: material for speech therapy examination. Vlados, 2008.


Currently in the country under the influence of many reasons

There is an increase in the birth rate of children with disabilities.

Speech therapy work in classes for children studying in adapted general education programs occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders of a child with disabilities.

Speech disorders in mentally retarded schoolchildren are very common and persistent. These speech disorders have a negative impact on the mental development of a mentally retarded child and the effectiveness of his learning. Timely and targeted elimination of speech disorders of this contingent of children contributes to the development of mental activity, the assimilation of the school curriculum, and the social adaptation of students in a correctional school.

Speech disorders in children with intellectual disabilities are systemic in nature; they affect both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech. Therefore, speech therapy intervention should be aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect. Lalaeva (1998) notes that the dominant one in the structure of speech disorders in mentally retarded children is a semantic defect, and speech disorders manifest themselves against the background of impaired cognitive activity and abnormal mental development in general.

Currently, there is no single approved program for examining these children and working with them. The law on education and the recommendations of the PMPC stipulate the need for medical, psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities, one of the areas of which is speech therapy support.

In 2016, the Federal State Educational Standards for special educational needs came into force, which stipulate special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with special educational needs. For many children, the most important condition is the help of a speech therapist.

The expected result from the use of these methodological recommendations: provision of information and methodological resources to practicing teachers working with children with special educational needs.

Methodological recommendations for conducting speech therapy examinations of children with disabilities have shown their effectiveness over many years of work. Confirmation is the summary table of the results of work with children with disabilities after this survey (data from comprehensive work programs). Basically, stable and positive dynamics are observed. (Annex 1).

The speech examination should cover all components of speech: pronunciation, tempo, fluency of speech, state of speech understanding, vocabulary, grammatical structure, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, state of coherent speech, as well as written speech.

The speech therapy examination is preceded by an application from parents for a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination and support. A speech card and a speech development card are created for each child, which records not only the various components of speech and mental activity, but also the dynamics of the child’s development during the school year. (Appendix 2).

This examination is not limited to speech examination.

First, the speech therapist studies social development. According to the data of the class teacher and social teacher, it is determined whether the child’s social environment is favorable or not, and how contacts are established with adults and peers. Based on surveys and personal observations, the state of the emotional sphere is determined.

The next criterion is motor development.

Based on a survey of a physical education teacher and one’s own observations, the development of general motor skills is revealed.

An important component is the functionality of the hands and fingers. This section defines the leading hand and eye. A Head test is performed to identify the functionality of the cerebral hemispheres. Dynamic organization of finger movement is carried out. The state of articulatory motor skills is also determined. The features of movements of the lower jaw, lips, tongue, and soft palate are determined according to the following parameters: presence or absence of movements; tone (sluggish, overly tense); movement activity (normal activity, lethargy or disinhibition); range of motion (full, incomplete); accuracy (accurate or inaccurate execution of movements); duration of movements, i.e. the ability to hold the organs of the articulatory apparatus in a given position for a certain time. Also switchability of movements (smooth or jerky transition with unnecessary movements); pace of movements, replacement of one with another, presence of synkinesis, additional, unnecessary friendly movements.

It is necessary to examine the possibility of performing isolated movements and their series, movements by imitation and verbal instructions, spontaneous movements.

The next criterion is cognitive development. During the conversation, the speech therapist finds out the stock of knowledge and ideas about the environment (discrimination of colors, simple geometric shapes, temporary ideas and elementary social ideas). Observes the processes of attention, perception, determines the child’s cognitive activity. Reveals the level of development of spatial representations (discrimination between right and left sides, arrangement of objects up-down, back-front, etc.)

The most important criterion is research speech development.

Initially, a brief history of speech development is collected. A conversation with parents or a survey is conducted. An individual card is issued for the child. (Appendix 3).

To examine a child with disabilities, it is necessary to study the understanding of spoken speech. This area includes: understanding prepositional-case constructions (Appendix 4), singular and plural various parts of speech (Appendix 5), understanding complex grammatical structures (Appendix 6), antonym words (Appendix 7), etc.

Vocabulary is examined in the same order as that of normally developing peers. It should be noted that the dictionary corresponds to the age norm, the presence of various parts of speech in the dictionary, the accuracy of the use of words, the presence of generalization words (Appendix 8), the selection of synonyms and antonyms (Appendix 7)

When studying the grammatical structure of speech, the nature of the sentences used is revealed; state of the inflection function: transformation of singular nouns into plural in the nominative case; formation of the genitive case form of nouns in the singular and plural; agreement with numerals (Appendix 5). State of the word formation function: formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes: formation of adjectives (relative, qualitative, possessive): formation of names of baby animals: formation of verbs using prefixes (Appendix 9).

Syllable structure is examined by presenting words with a complex syllabic structure. (Appendix 10).

The state of sound pronunciation is revealed using object pictures containing words for various sounds located in different positions of the word.

Phonemic awareness. Determining the ability to differentiate sounds by opposition: sonorous-dull, hard-soft, whistling-hissing, sonorous. Children are offered syllables and words containing differentiated sounds. (Appendix 11 B).

The study of language analysis and synthesis is carried out through the analysis of the composition of the sentence, syllables, and words. This examination is carried out according to the method of Fotekova T. A. (Appendix 12). Additional research into phonemic analysis and word synthesis is carried out using pictures. (Appendix 11 A).

During the study of coherent speech, children are asked to reproduce a familiar fairy tale, a story based on a series of plot pictures. (Appendix 13). It should be noted the logical sequence in the presentation of events: the nature of agrammatism, features of the dictionary.

If the child is already in school, then the processes of reading and writing are examined.

The nature of reading is determined: simple syllables and with a combination of consonants; words - monosyllabic, disyllabic, polysyllabic; sentences and texts of varying complexity. The understanding of words, sentences, and texts read is determined. The reading method is indicated. Texts of different difficulty levels are selected. When selecting texts, their educational and cognitive value is taken into account. The texts also represent the types of statements that children learn about in school: narrative, with elements of description, with elements of reasoning.

The number and nature of errors in each type of written work is determined. This work is proposed to be carried out in three stages. The first stage - at the beginning of September - aims to identify the initial state of writing and reading skills. The second stage is December, its goal is to trace the dynamics. The third stage is carried out in May with the purpose of: analyzing the learning results for the year. There are two main types of writing work: writing by ear and copying. The language material is selected in accordance with the requirements of the Adapted Basic General Education Program for children with intellectual disabilities. (I option) (Appendix 14).

The speech therapy report includes the main diagnosis of a child with disabilities (who has intellectual impairments) - systemic speech underdevelopment, indicating the degree of impairment: mild, moderate or severe. Further, a clinical diagnosis of underdevelopment of oral speech (dysarthria, alalia, etc.), as well as the degree and nature of written speech impairment (dysgraphia and its type), is possible. The speech therapy conclusion may be as follows: moderate systemic underdevelopment of speech. Erased form of pseudobulbar dysarthria. Complex form of dysgraphia (acoustic dysgraphia, dysgraphia due to impaired language analysis and synthesis).

When working with children with disabilities. It should be remembered that not only the choice of a speech therapy program, but also the educational route as a whole depends on the correct speech examination and the formulation of a speech therapy report.


    Aksyonova, A. K. Collection of dictations for auxiliary schools / A. K. Aksyonova. - M.: Education, 1968.

    Efimenkova, L. N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: book. for speech therapists / L. N. Efimenkova. - M.: Education, 1991. - 224 p.

    Inshakova O. B. Album for a speech therapist: material for speech therapy examination. - Vlados, 2008.-378p.

    Correction Personality of a child with developmental problems in reading lessons / A. A. Pakhomova. S. I. Tikhonova, I. A. Ilyeva. - St. Petersburg, 1995. - 107 p.

    Lalaeva, R. I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes: book. for speech therapist / R. I. Lalaeva. - M.: Humanite. ed. center “Vlados”, 1998. - 224 p.

    Lalaeva, R. I. Reading disorders and ways of their correction in primary schoolchildren: textbook. allowance / R.I. Lalaeva. - St. Petersburg. : Leninzdat - Soyuz, 2000. - 224 p.

    Maksimuk, N. N. Collection of presentations on the Russian language: grades 2-4. for school from Russian language training: a manual for teachers / N. N. Maksimuk. -Minsk: PKIP “Asar”, 1995. - 160 p.

    Basics Speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation: textbook. aid for students Wednesday, ped. textbook institutions / T.V. Volosovets [etc.]; edited by T.V. Volosovets. - M.: Academy, 2000. -200 p.

    Paramonova, L. G. Prevention and elimination of writing and reading disorders in children I L. G. Paramonova. - St. Petersburg, 1994. - 72 p.

    Ramzaeva, T. G. Russian language lessons in 1st grade: a manual for teachers / T. G. Ramzaeva. -2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Education, 1981. -128 p.

    Fotekova, T. A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of junior schoolchildren / T. A. Fotekova. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

    Shvaiko, G. S. Games and gaming exercises for speech development / G. S. Shvaiko; edited by V. V. Gerbova. -M. : Education, 1983. - 64 p.


Annex 1

Summary table of the effectiveness of correctional speech therapy work (according to the maps of the comprehensive work program: dynamics at the end of the school year)

academic year

total children with disabilities

positive dynamics

stable dynamics



Appendix 2

Speech development map for ____________________ academic year

Child's full name _________________________

Date of Birth ________________________



1st half of the year

2nd half


Social environment

Contact with adults and peers

Emotional sphere


Gross motor skills

Functionality of hands and fingers

Articulatory motor skills


Cognitive activity


Stock of knowledge about the environment

Spatial representations


Brief history of speech development



Understanding spoken speech


Grammatical structure

Syllable structure

Sound pronunciation

Phonemic awareness

Language analysis and synthesis

- analysis of the composition of the proposal;

- syllable analysis and synthesis;

- phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Connected speech






Dynamics based on the results of work for the first half of the year_________________________________

in a year_______________________________________

Date of examination: __________________ Signature: ________________Verkhozina S.I.

Appendix 3

Child's individual card

Child's full name______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth_____________________________________________________

Home address____________________________________________________

Speech environment at home (are there any speech defects in adult family members or older children)_________________________________________________

Early physical development: a) when he began to sit ______________________

b) when he started walking________________________________________________

Early speech development a) when he said the first conscious word


b) when he started speaking in phrases_____________________________________________

Do you agree to comply with the requirements of a speech therapist to correct speech defects in a child______________________

Parent's signature_________________

Appendix 4


Understanding and using prepositions and cases

Appendix 5

Say one - many (feather - feathers...)

What's missing? (feathers - no feathers...)

What didn't become visible, How much does each head need?

when did you cover it with a hat? (one cake, three cakes, five cakes..)

(cherries, shoes...)

Appendix 6

Show me where the oilcloth is covered with a tablecloth? Is the tablecloth covered with oilcloth?

A young man is sprayed by a girl. The girl is sprayed by the boys.

Appendix 7

Say the opposite

Appendix 8

Give a general word

Appendix 9

Call me kindly. (key - key..)

Help sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka name the animals and their babies.

Sews, embroiders, knits Whose face, whose tail?

Appendix 10

Name the pictures

Appendix 11

1 sheet – name the first vowel sound in words;

Sheet 2 - name the last vowel sound in the words;

Sheet 3 - name the first consonant sound in words;

Sheet 4 - name the last consonant sound in the words.

Name the words in pairs (roof-rat). Find...

Appendix 12

Language Analysis Skills Research

1. How many words are in the sentence “There was a birch tree growing near the house”?

2. What is the second word in this sentence?

3. How many syllables are in the word "cancer"?

4. How many syllables are in the word "car"?

5. What is the third syllable in the word "car"?

6. How many sounds are in the word "cancer"?

7. How many sounds are in the word "hat"?

8. What is the first sound in the word "hat"?

9. What is the third sound in the word “school”?

10. What is the sound after the “sh” in the word “school”?

3 points - correct answer;

2 - self-correction;

1 - correct answer after stimulating assistance;

0 - incorrect answer after stimulating assistance.

The maximum score is 30.

Appendix 13

Compose a story based on a series of plot paintings.

Appendix 14

Test materials

LETTER1 class



N-A N-A N-

    Write down the letters: a, d, o, s, z, y, m, k, s.

    From a series of syllables, write down only those in which the sound [s] is heard: you, la, su, ny, ka.

    Write down words with a given letter: K - table, chair, cat, pine trees, bush, whale.

    Write it down by ear: Lusha is small. Sasha is small. We are small.


Copying from printed text.

    Replace the printed letters with written ones (* write in two columns - vowels, consonants): zh, sh, i, z, d, s, h, shch, i, yu, e.

    Write down the following syllables: sa, lo, re, pi, you, be, well.

    Write down the words: juice, lu, sy, bitch, ku, kon, catfish, son, ny.

    Copy the sentences: The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming. The cat is full. He is sleeping quietly.

    Write down the letters under dictation: sh, k, l, s, t, g, s, c, d, h.

    Write down the syllables from dictation: for, su, then, ni, yes, vo, ku, h ok, from, op, oh, uf (*ugo, zve, soe, kva, stro, white, tyk).

3. Write down and underline the letters that distinguish pairs of words:

son-cheese cat-whale goat-braid

wasps - mustache cancer - poppy bow - hatch

4. Write by ear: Here is a mink. There's a mouse there. The mink has a cat.
(*We have flags. We walked and sang. We were happy.)

READING December

M, a, p, x, s, w, s, o, a, k, y, l.

Am, mu, ko, us, ha, ku, ra, ly, ma, un, he.

Sa-sha, ra-la, us-ush, or-ol.

Pa-pa gave Wa-ne-de-neg. He told Va-not to buy skates. The horses would be very good. Va-nya put them on and went to the ka-tok. It would have been fun for Va-no. (23 words.)

LETTER2nd grade



Maple. There was a maple tree growing near the house. Birds sat on maple branches. These are jackdaws. Seryozha gave them crumbs of bread and grain.

It's raining - expect mushrooms. The rains will rustle on the iron roofs - and again there will be silence. A terrible snowstorm swirled on the mountain tops. (18 words.)



Cat. Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ryzhik's tail was fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.

Dictation How beautiful the forest is in the snow. Birds sing occasionally. A blizzard is swirling around the area. All the animals hid in their holes. (18 words.)


Spring is coming.

The sun is shining brighter. The snow has darkened. There are large puddles all around. Grass has appeared on the lawns. Spring is coming.


White fluffy clouds floated across the sky. The first thawed patches appeared in the fields. The buds on the willows are swollen. (16 words.)



Mom and the children are gone. Cat Mur-ka home. The cat is-ka-la "e-du. There was a fish on the floor. Mur-ka took the fish and ate it on the floor. The cat Murka is fed up, but we don’t have any fish. (28 words.)

    Where were the mother and children?

    Who stayed at home?

    What was Murka doing?


Moscow is a very big city. There are many different people in Moscow. There is u-li-tsa Ki-£o-va, u-li-tsa Ar-bat. I live on the Che-ho-va street. Oh, we're on Krasnoy Square. She is very beautiful. (26 words.)

    What city did you read about?

    What streets are there in Moscow?

    What kind of city can Moscow be called?

Duck and ducklings.

It was summer. Yura and Yasha walked along the shore of the lake. Suddenly, from behind a bush, you see a duck. Yura and Lesha went to the bush. The ducklings ran out from under the bush and ran towards their mother. They didn't know how to fly yet. The duck went down into the water and swam. She quacked and called the ducklings. They swam after the duck. (48 words.)

    Where did Yura and Yasha walk?

    Who flew out from behind the bush?

    What are baby ducks called?

    What did the duck call the ducklings?


3rd grade



Birds. Autumn has come. The birds flew away to warmer climes. It started to get colder. Leaves are falling from the trees. Winter is coming soon.

Dictation The dreary autumn drags on for a long time. Winds, rains, colds. Everything is in the fog. All nature is waiting for Mother Winter to come. (18 words.)



Birds. December has arrived. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the entire earth with a white carpet. The river is frozen. The birds are hungry. They are looking for food. Children put bread and grains in the feeder.

Dictation The bush is rustling - the gray bunny is trembling. A living net of fluffy snowflakes swirled in the frosty air. (14 words.)


Spring. Spring has come. The buds are blooming on the trees. The grass is starting to turn green. Summer is coming soon. The birds will return and sing songs.

Green flowers swayed. They looked like a bunch of golden keys. Cones appeared on the larches. The trees began to turn green. (17 words.)



Cat and squirrel. The cat's kittens have disappeared. She spent the whole day looking for kittens. The cat was very sad and stopped eating. The owner felt sorry for the cat. He brought a small squirrel from the forest and put it on the cat. The cat sniffed the squirrel, licked it and began to feed it. A cat and a squirrel lived together. (41 words.)

    Who did the cat lose?

    What was the cat like?

    Who did the owner bring?


For winter. The hedgehog chose a hole under the tree for the winter. The mink is good, but there is no bed. The hedgehog ran for the bed. He lay down on a pile of leaves. The leaves stuck to the prickly needles. The hedgehog dragged his burden into the hole. Here's a bed and a hedgehog. (37 words.)

    What did the hedgehog choose for the winter?

    What did the hedgehog bring?

    Why did he bring it?

The bright spring sun is shining. The last ice floes are floating down the river. The messengers of spring are coming in a line from the south. The rooks arrived first and began to build nests. Buds are blooming on the trees. Young green grass appeared in the sunshine. A bright ray of sun shines on its greenery. The spring night is short. (42 words.)

    What floats down the river?

    Who arrived first?

    What blooms on the trees?


4 Class



At night in the forest.

Night. The inhabitants of the forest are rushing to prey. The wolf came out of the thicket. A fox crawled out of the hole. There is silence all around. Only a light wind shakes the tops of the pine trees.

In the summer, the brothers visited their grandparents in the village. The fast-flowing Bobrovka River ran nearby. The children were fishing there. And in the evening the guys worked in the garden. (24 words.)



It was frosty outside and the sun was shining. The children were making a skating rink in the garden. The boys were clearing the garden path. The girls watered the path with water. The water is frozen. The path was covered with ice. There was a skating rink in the garden. The guys are happy. They are skating on their skating rink.

Winter came. The children put on fur coats and hats. They went to the garden. Paths in the snow. There are lumps of snow on the branches of fir trees. Birches and oaks are covered with snow. There were snowdrifts near the house. Snow is everywhere. There are no birds. Only crows sit on the branches of dry aspen. (40 words.)


In the forest in spring.

The sun warmed up and dried the earth. The forest was covered with green leaves. The bird cherry blossomed in fragrant white clusters. Cuckoos cuckooed in the groves. A nightingale sang in the bushes above the river. Early in the morning, hares jump in the clearing. It’s good for animals and birds in the spring.


The spring sun shines brighter and brighter over the fields. The road got dark and dried out. The ice on the river turned blue. The rooks have arrived. They fix their nests. Streams rang in the forest. Fragrant sticky buds puffed up on the trees. The starlings have arrived. Busy ants ran over the hummocks. (38 words.)



For mushrooms.

The children walked through the forest and picked mushrooms. We collected full baskets. We went out into the clearing, sat down and began counting mushrooms. But suddenly something rustled in the bushes. The children were scared. They threw the mushrooms and ran away. They thought it was a wolf. And it was a gray hare. (40 words.)

    What is the name of the story you read?

    Why were the children scared?

    Who ended up in the bushes?


Snowstorm. In the morning, first-grader Tolya went to school. There was a blizzard outside. The boy was scared.

Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha was also getting ready for school and was also scared. The boys saw each other. They felt happy. They went to school together. They were no longer afraid. (44 words.)

    What class were the boys in?

    Why were the boys scared?

    Why did the boys feel happy?

The children came to the forest. There is silence in the forest. Only a light breeze rustles the leaves of the trees. The children sat down to rest by the stream. Then the boys went to look for branches for the fire. They found a hedgehog in the bushes. He buried himself in dry leaves. The guys put the hedgehog in a hat and took it to their home. (45 words.)

    Where did the children go?

    What were the children doing in the forest?

    Who did they find in the leaves?

Inclusive education has recently been widely developed in our country. Solving this problem requires the well-organized work of a whole team of specialists who will accompany children with disabilities and disabled children. One of these specialists is a speech therapist.

The speech examination should cover all components of speech: pronunciation, tempo, rhythm, fluency of speech, as well as its understanding, vocabulary, grammatical structure, vocabulary, coherent speech. To record the results of such an examination, taking into account the category of children, this form is proposed.



Speech therapy examination form

children with disabilities

Inclusive education has recently been widely developed in our country. Solving this problem requires the well-organized work of a whole team of specialists who will accompany children with disabilities and disabled children. One of these specialists is a speech therapist.

The speech examination should cover all components of speech: pronunciation, tempo, rhythm, fluency of speech, as well as its understanding, vocabulary, grammatical structure, vocabulary, coherent speech. To record the results of such an examination, taking into account the category of children, this form is proposed.

Child's full name Date of Birth ___________________

Preschool educational institution, group _____________________________________________________________________

Conclusion of the PMPC________________________________________________________________

Medical report_________________________________________________________________




Emotional sphere

Communication means

Self-care skills


Gross motor skills

Functionality of hands and fingers

Articulatory motor skills:

  • Facial muscles
  • Lips
  • Teeth
  • Sky
  • Language
  • Volume art. movements
  • Chewing, swallowing


Cognitive activity


Stock of knowledge about the environment

Sensory development:

  • Visual perception
  • Auditory perception
  • Spatial relations


Pre-speech development

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Secondary school No. 14 named after A. F. Lebedev, Tomsk


Speech therapy support for students

with disabilities (HVA)

teacher speech therapist

Sapegina Evgenia Sergeevna

Explanatory note

Due to changes in the education system, today a different contingent of children enters secondary schools. There are children with both normal development and those with disabilities. In our institution, most often among schoolchildren with disabilities, there are children with severe speech disorders, mixed specific disorders of psychological development, or combined disorders.

Most children with disabilities have primary or secondary speech impairments of varying degrees of complexity. Often, schoolchildren with speech problems, depending on the causes of developmental delay and individual characteristics, may experience sensory, intellectual, speech and other mental disorders (E.F. Arkhipova, M.V. Ippolitova, E.M. Mastyukova, K .A. Semenova, etc.), complicating the learning process of children. In this case, schoolchildren in grades 1–5 experience the greatest difficulties in school and social adaptation.

The learning difficulties of this group of schoolchildren with primary or secondary speech impairments are determined not only by which components of speech are affected and to what extent. Speech correction is complicated by underdevelopment of higher mental functions, especially cognitive activity. All this, taken together, prevents communication with others, interferes with mastering literacy and mastering school subjects. It is worth noting that when moving to 5th grade, an additional burden for children is a change in their learning mode. Such innovations force students with disabilities to re-adapt to the school environment, which also affects their learning.

Children with disabilities often find it difficult to differentiate phonemes, perceive and assimilate detailed logical-grammatical structures, and establish temporal, spatial, and cause-and-effect relationships. There are also grammatical inaccuracies in combination with a limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of the surrounding reality, a low level of analytical-synthetic activity, impaired sound pronunciation, which is a subsequent support in writing graphemes; difficulties in understanding the main meaning of what is read.

Thus, the immaturity of all components of oral speech, together with the underdevelopment of mental functions, is a serious obstacle to the assimilation of program material by students with disabilities and, most often, is reflected in written speech. This manifests itself in dysorthography, mixed forms of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Difficulties in writing, as a rule, are associated with: shortcomings in programming the structure of speech utterances, with the inability to subordinate speech activity to a single logical concept; with the appearance of side associations caused by the child’s life experience; with a lack of motivation for active speech activity.

Due to the fact that children with disabilities, as a rule, suffer from all aspects of the speech system, to a greater or lesser extent, there is a need to draw up planning content that can prevent and correct this problem.

This program was written taking into account the characteristics of speech and mental disorders of schoolchildren with disabilities, as well as an integrated approach to their correction. Planning is designed for students in grades 1-5 with disabilities with prerequisites or the presence of impairments in oral and (or) written speech. The content of the program is based on the author's materials and methodological recommendations of E. V. Mazanova, L. N. Efimenkova, I. N. Sadovnikova, R. I. Lalaeva.

Purpose The implementation of the program is the prevention and correction of violations of oral and written speech in schoolchildren in grades 1-5 with disabilities.

In connection with taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities through individualization and differentiation of the educational process, certain tasks:

timely identification, examination and selection of children with disabilities into speech therapy groups;

determination of the features of the organization of the educational process for the category of children under consideration, in accordance with the individual needs of each child, the structure of the developmental disorder and the degree of its severity;

drawing up individual plans for speech therapy work with children with disabilities;

organization of individual and (or) group (subgroup) classes to prevent and eliminate violations of oral and written speech by forming all components of the language system;

formation of speech prerequisites for mastering literacy, programs in the Russian language and other subjects;

practical mastery of lexical and grammatical norms of the Russian language;

carrying out preventive measures to avoid unfavorable development in the child’s speech status;

organizing joint activities of a number of specialists and parents, popularizing speech therapy knowledge; providing advisory and methodological assistance to teachers and parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities.

Respect for the interests of the child. The principle defines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve a child’s problem with maximum benefit and in the interests of the child.

Systematicity. The principle ensures the unity of diagnosis, correction and development, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of the developmental characteristics and correction of disorders of children with disabilities, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach of specialists in various fields, interaction and coordination of their actions in solving the child’s problems; participation in this process of all participants in the educational process.

Continuity. The principle guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) continuity of assistance until the problem is completely resolved or an approach to solving it is determined.

Variability. The principle involves the creation of variable conditions for receiving education by children with various disabilities in physical and (or) mental development.

Recommendatory nature of assistance. The principle ensures compliance with the legally guaranteed rights of parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities to choose forms of education for children, educational institutions, to protect the legal rights and interests of children, including mandatory agreement with parents (legal representatives) on the issue of sending (transferring) children with disabilities health opportunities in special (correctional) educational institutions (classes, groups).

Speech therapy work is also focused on the basic didactic principles of general pedagogy: scientific, systematic and consistent, accessible and visual, taking into account age and individual characteristics, developing the student’s consciousness and activity.

Taking into account these principles and objectives allows us to talk about the use of an integrated approach as a necessary component in the implementation of correctional and developmental work and includes interrelated areas:

Diagnostic work ensures the identification of children with speech disorders, carrying out a comprehensive examination of them and preparing recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance;

correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized speech therapy assistance for the prevention and elimination of speech disorders in children;

advisory work ensures the relevance, consistency and flexibility of work with children with speech impairments and their families on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students;

Information and educational work is associated with the dissemination of experience in speech therapy work with children and interaction with all participants in the educational process - students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff.

Corrective and developmental work is implemented in stages. The sequence of stages and their targeting create the necessary prerequisites for the prevention and elimination of speech disorders in children with disabilities. For each year of study, the following can be distinguished: main stages: diagnostic, preparatory, correctional and developmental, evaluative.

On diagnostic stage information about the child’s pedagogical and psychological status is systematized. For schoolchildren with disabilities, all structural components of the language system, general and articulatory motor skills, the state of respiratory and vocal functions, reading and writing are examined. Next, the causes of violations of written speech, features of the development of oral speech, the child’s zone of proximal development and the content of correctional assistance are determined. During the academic year, entrance, intermediate (if necessary) and final diagnostics are carried out. This work allows us to determine the strategy of behavior: teacher - speech therapist - parent, as a necessary condition for achieving the maximum result of correctional activities. Based on the diagnostic results, based on the homogeneity of speech disorders, groups or subgroups of children are formed, the number of which depends on the severity of the speech defect (ONR - 3-5 people, FFNR - up to 6 people) and the characteristics of the mental development of each child (Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 14 December 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of a speech therapy center in a general education institution”).

On preparatory stage the main objectives are: development or clarification of the prerequisites for mastering spelling created during the learning process, formation of schoolchildren’s readiness for correctional and developmental work.

In accordance with the age characteristics of children correctional and developmental stage Work is underway aimed at preventing and overcoming speech disorders. Classes are held both in group and individual form 2-3 times a week, taking into account the special educational needs of children. The duration of group lessons is 30-40 minutes, individual lessons - 20-30 minutes, depending on the age, individual characteristics of the children, and the severity of speech disorders. Correctional and developmental work includes various types of speech therapy for the development and correction of speech and non-speech functions, which contributes to the normalization of oral speech and the creation of a basis for the successful acquisition of writing and reading. The choice of teaching methods and means is designed to involve in active conditional speech communication, to develop the ability to plan educational cooperation, take into account the interests of others, etc. Thus, assuming the involvement of students in active speech activity, speech therapy work has a pronounced communicative orientation, which contributes to the development of their communicative universal educational actions and speech-thinking abilities. A feature of speech therapy work with schoolchildren in grades 1-5 with disabilities is the presence at this stage of regulatory and corrective activities, which implies making the necessary changes in the educational process and adjusting the conditions and forms of training, methods and techniques of work.

On evaluation stage the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental work carried out is monitored, the level of development of oral speech and writing skills is re-checked, and various types of children’s written work are analyzed. The best way to evaluate can be testing, which includes:

visual and auditory dictations with grammatical tasks;

tasks that assess the level of formation of spatio-temporal representations, mastery of educational terminology and the state of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;

an oral survey to assess the state of coherent speech and the presence of agrammatisms in it;

observation during any activity.

Expected result The implementation of the program is: the development of oral and written speech among schoolchildren in grades 1-5 with disabilities.

A special feature of the program is that there is no strict time limit for implementation, since we are talking about children with disabilities. The program is designed for approximately 2 years of study, where 150 hours are allocated for correctional and developmental work. The thematic plan has approximate content and changes depending on the characteristics, age of the child or group of children. The main form of work is group (subgroup) classes, less often - individual ones.

The program is addressed to speech therapists in secondary schools who work with students in grades 1-5 with disabilities.

1 year of study

I. Preparatory stage.

II. Sound and letter. Sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

III. Syllable analysis and synthesis. Working on the word.

2nd year of study

I. Preparatory stage.

II. Word and phrase.

III. Sentence and text.

P/ P

Main directions and content of work

Expected learning outcomes

Methods, techniques and means of program implementation

I. Preparatory stage.

Development of visual perception, analysis and synthesis.

Recognize images of objects (by contour, dotted lines superimposed on each other) and name them

Name the contour (finished, half-drawn, crossed out) images of objects. Select contour images superimposed on each other. Games “Geometric Lotto” and “Find the Matching Card”.

Development of optical-spatial gnosis and praxis.

Differentiate the right and left parts of the body;

Orientate yourself in the surrounding space;

Be able to design and reconstruct figures, supplement them with missing elements;

Determine spatial relationships between elements of graphic images and letters

Show (raise) your left (right) arm, leg, ear, etc. Move your left hand to the side and extend your right hand forward. Touch your left eye with your right hand, etc. Show a strip with red on the right and blue on the left. Tasks using applications (according to the instructions of the speech therapist). Show or tell where a given object is in the room. Examine and make items from sticks. Games “What’s missing?”, “What’s left unfinished?” Find a given figure among the images. Completing the drawing of contours and symmetrical pictures. Graphic dictation.

Find your bearings in time

Name the days of the week, parts of the day. Insert the missing words (days of the week, parts of the day) into the sentence or text. Determine the sequence: yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Name the seasons. Game "When does this happen?" Game “Memorize and reproduce a series of colored squares.”

Development of visual-auditory and motor perception and rhythm.

Distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds;

Know the organs of speech and the concept of “speech”;

Memorize and reproduce rhythmic patterns by ear;

Recode the visual scheme of the rhythmic pattern into a sound one with the connection of the motor component

Game “Repeat - don’t make a mistake” (repetition of a rhythmic pattern in imitation of a speech therapist). Game "Guess what it sounds like." Distinguish speech sounds from non-speech sounds. Game “Memorize and reproduce a series of geometric shapes.”


Sound and letter. Development of basic sound analysis skills.

Distinguish between sound and letter;

Identify the sound in the background of the word and the first sound in the word

Games to develop simple sound analysis. Comparison of sounds and letters. Differentiation of sound-letter concepts. Rule about sound and letter (using visual material). Game “Memorize and reproduce a series of letters.”

Differentiation of vowels of the first and second row. Word scheme.

Recognize a vowel from a series of vowels, isolate the first vowel from words in the middle of monosyllabic words;

Distinguish between sound and letter;

Produce using an adult vowel pair

Comparison of a vowel sound and the letter denoting it. Differentiation of sound-letter concepts. Distinguishing vowels 1-2 rows. Get acquainted with the diagram of a word and the method of marking vowels in it. Game “Memorize and reproduce the word.”

Differentiate A-Z in words;

Comparison of a vowel sound and the letter denoting it. Differentiation of sound-letter concepts. Distinguishing vowels by the sound component of letters. Working with cards: inserting missing letters and words, finding errors, playing “Terrish,” etc. Visual highlighting of the common letter part in words. Repetition of paired vowels of the Russian language. Game “Memorize and reproduce a series of letters (word).”

Differentiate A-Z in texts;

Differentiate U-Yu in words;

Differentiate U-Yu in texts;

Differentiate O-Y in words;

Differentiate O-Y in texts;

Differentiate Y-I in words;

Differentiate Y-I in texts;

Differentiate E-E in words;

Differentiate E-E in texts;

Differentiate O-U in words, sentences and texts

Labialized vowels. Sounds of Yo-Yu.

Differentiate Yo-Yu in words, sentences and texts;

Memorize and reproduce a series of 5-7 printed letters

Softening of consonants before vowels of the second row. Formation of complex sound analysis skills.

Identify soft consonants from words;

Highlight a given consonant sound at the beginning and end of words

Game “Memorize and reproduce the word.” Highlighting a soft consonant against the background of a word, at the beginning, middle and end. Determine the neighbors of a given sound.

Know the paired vowels of the Russian language and be able to distinguish them;

Differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”;

Memorize and reproduce words from printed letters;

Differentiation of sound-letter concepts. Distinguishing vowels by the sound component of letters. Working with cards: inserting missing letters and words, finding errors, playing “Terrish,” etc. Repetition of paired vowels of the Russian language. Game “Memorize and reproduce the word.”

Know the role of the soft sign in a word;

Use words-objects in units. and many more number using a soft sign (kony - knight);

Know the peculiarities of writing a soft sign in the middle and end of words

Determining the role of the soft sign in the writing of words. Composing words-objects into units. and many more h. with a soft sign. Finding a soft sign in words. Working with cards: inserting b into words, finding errors, etc.

Separating soft sign.

Know the rule for writing soft separating characters in words;

Distinguish between a separating soft sign and b - an indicator of softness

Studying the rules for writing the separating b. Working with cards: finding errors, inserting b into words. Formation of words with a separating soft sign. Sketch of the work diagram. Distinguishing between words with a separating soft sign and b - an indicator of softness.

Dividing solid sign.

Know the rule for writing a dividing solid sign in words;

Distinguish between a soft separator and a hard separator

Studying the rules for writing the separative b. Working with cards: finding errors, inserting Ъ into words. Formation of words with a separating solid sign. Sketch of the work diagram. Distinguishing between words with a soft sign and a hard sign.

Differentiate the concepts of “dividing b” and “dividing b”;

Distinguish between the separating b and b in writing

Consolidating the rules for writing separative b and b, distinguishing them in words and sentences. Exercises to distinguish between the dividing words b and b (cards).

Distinguish between the concepts of “vowels” and “consonants” sounds;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants in writing

Exercises to distinguish and compare vowel and consonant sounds and letters. Games for the development of simple and complex forms of sound analysis. Sound-letter analysis of words (word scheme).

Sounds V-F, V’-F’ in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.

Differentiate voiced and voiceless, hard and soft consonants;

Know the rule for devoicing voiced consonants in a word;

Differentiate the consonants in the following sequence: p-b, v-f, t-d, g-k, z-s, zh-sh.

Studying spelling: deafening voiced consonants in the middle and end of a word. Sound-letter analysis of words (word scheme). Games for the development of simple and complex forms of sound analysis. Games: “The Most Attentive”, “Train” (with pictures), “Echo and others. Test work in the form of surveys, tests, assignments, etc.

Differentiate acoustically similar sounds;

Be able to characterize sound from the position of: hardness-softness, sonority-dullness, position of the tongue and lips;

Differentiate consonant sounds and letters in the following sequence: s-sh, z-zh, s-ts, ts-ts, ch-ts, ch-sch, ch-sh, ch-t', r-l, r'-l ', l-l'-th, l-v.

Characteristics of each sound and letter, schematic recording of differences and similarities. Sound-letter analysis of words (word scheme). Games for the development of simple and complex forms of sound analysis. Games: “The Most Attentive”, “Train” (with pictures), “Echo and others. Exercises to distinguish similar consonant sounds and letters, work with cards. Cards “Insert the missing letter”, “Describe the letter”, “Make a sound analysis”, etc. Test work in the form of surveys, tests, assignments, etc.


Repeat combinations of 2-3 syllables of varying complexity;

Be able to form words from syllables;

Be able to divide words into syllables

Repetition of rows of 2-3 syllables, with the same and different vowels, with phonemically distant and close consonants. Syllable analysis and synthesis of words of varying complexity. Composing words from syllables given in disorder, given in order, but by ear.

Be able to find the root of a word;

Know the concept of “related words”;

Distinguish between cognates and related words

Finding roots in words. Selecting only related words from a group. Dividing related words into groups. Definition of related and cognate words. Game "Spread the words in the houses."

Find stressed and unstressed vowels in syllables and words;

Identify stressed syllables and vowels in words;

Distinguish the meaning of words with the same letter composition, but different stress;

Identify stressed vowels in words with your voice and in writing. Listen to a series of 2-3 syllables, repeat and name the stressed one. Repeat a series of syllables with emphasis. Come up with a word with a given stressed vowel. Game “Morse syllabary” (writing syllables with symbols under dictation). Game "Encrypt the word." Distinguish between words with the same letter composition, but different stress (exercises, work with cards and pictures). Game “Put emphasis and explain the meaning of the word.”


Parse words as parts of speech using a reminder;

Find roots and connecting vowels in complex words;

Convert words using prefixes and suffixes

Parse words as parts of speech using a reminder. Material: day, came, red, under (2nd grade); map, lineman, dark, cold, above (3rd grade). Game "Collect the word." Identify roots and connecting vowels in complex words. Game “Guess the word” (steam+walks=steamboat). Composing words using prefixes and suffixes. Highlight parts of a word.



Prepositions in, on, with (with), from. Differentiation of prepositions.

Understand the meaning of prepositions in phrases and sentences;

Know about spelling prepositions;

Differentiate similar prepositions;

Differentiate prepositions and prefixes

Learn the rule that short (small) words serve to connect words in phrases and sentences; they are written with words separately. Explanation of the meanings of prepositions. Game “Find the little word” (using graphic diagrams). Game “Preposition or Prefix?” (in writing on individual cards).

Prepositions between, through, about.

IV.Word and phrase.

Words-objects (nouns).

Know the definition of “noun” (grade 3);

Find a noun in a sentence, highlight it;

Know the concepts of “animate-inanimate”;

Identify a noun as a part of speech and highlight it (grades 3-4)

Game “Find the words that answer the questions who? And what?". Working with deformed sentences. Working with a number of words. Guessing riddles and identifying animate and inanimate objects. Game “Place the words in houses” (he, she, it, they). Game “Ask a question about the word” (questions about indirect cases). Adding the endings of words. Finding the main and minor members of a sentence. Determination of gender, number and case of words.

Sign words (adjectives). Selection of words-attributes to words-objects.

Know the definition of “adjective” (grade 3);

Find an adjective in a sentence and highlight it;

Determine gender, case (grades 3-4), number;

Identify an adjective as a part of speech and highlight it (grades 3-4);

Agree and differentiate an adjective with a noun

Game “Find the words that answer the questions what?” Working with deformed sentences. Working with a number of words. Game “Place the words in houses” (he, she, it, they). Game “Ask a question about the word” (questions about indirect cases). Adding the endings of words. Finding the main and minor members of a sentence. Determination of gender, number and case of words. Game “Insert words into sentences according to their meaning.” Selection of attributes for objects. Formation of possessive and relative adjectives.

Know the definition of “verb” (grade 3);

Find verbs in a sentence and highlight them;

Determine gender, tense (grades 3-4), number;

Identify a verb as a part of speech and highlight it (grades 3-4);

Coordinate and differentiate the main parts of speech

Guessing riddles and selecting verbs for the answer words. Compose sentences using nouns, adjectives and verbs. Game "What does it do?" (with a ball). Game "Ask a question about the word." Game “Place the words into houses” (by questions or by parts of speech). Naming an object and its actions according to the model. Working with cards in a group and individually.

Agree numerals with nouns and adjectives

Game “How many objects?”, “Count”, “Connect words that match each other.” Drawing up proposals based on schemes. Deformed sentences. Finding numerals in sentences and text. Recognize words by description.

Be able to select and find antonyms and synonyms

Working with a rule diagram (explaining the meanings of enemy words and twin words). Recognize words by description. Expanding vocabulary with the help of games: “Say the opposite”, “Words-friends”. Card tasks: “Find the extra word”, “Count and write down”, “Add the word (ending)”, etc.

IV. Sentence and text.

Determine the number of words in a sentence;

Compose sentences from isolated words;

Agree words in a sentence in gender, number and case;

Be able to use a sentence diagram and compose independently (grades 3-4)

Finding words-synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Making sentences, determining the number of words in a sentence. Game "Correct the mistake in the sentence." Task “Write down a number equal to the number of words in the sentence” (by ear). Task “Insert the missing word (phrase).” Use ready-made proposal schemes and create them yourself.

Distinguish sentences by intonation: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory;

Be able to use punctuation to express intonation

Theatrical performances, skits to express intonation. Use punctuation to express narrative intonation, exclamation and question. Game “Say it the right way” (depending on the punctuation mark, the same sentence is pronounced with different intonation). Recording sentences or text based on the teacher’s intonation.

The grammatical design of sentences and its distribution.

Be able to compose sentences from isolated words;

Be able to express sentences using these words

Replace phrases with one word and vice versa. Working with proverbs and sayings. Composing deformed sentences with grammatically correct design and initial form. Distribution of proposals (working with cards). Game "Complete the sentence."

Be able to draw up a graphic or verbal plan for a story;

Be able to retell according to plan;

Be able to create sentences that are related to each other in meaning

Drawing up a story plan. Retelling with and without a plan. Telling a story through a series of pictures or a plot picture based on a plan. Creative storytelling with the help of a teacher or plan. Assignment “The most interesting story.” A story based on a ready-made plan, based on a given beginning. Explanation of unfamiliar words, their recording.

Descriptive story.

A story based on a picture.

Creative story.

Deformed texts.

Be able to compose stories from deformed texts

Composing sentences from isolated words given in initial form. Compiling stories from deformed text data. Explanation of unfamiliar words, their recording.

Brief retelling.

Be able to briefly retell with and without the support of a plan

Brief retellings based on the text you listened to and read, with or without the help of a plan. Explanation of unfamiliar words, their recording.

Generalization and repetition of what has been learned. Verification work.

Know the material covered

Repetition and consolidation of learned material. Helping children who are lagging behind.

Thematic planning

group (subgroup) classes on the prevention and correction of speech disorders in schoolchildren in grades 1-5 with disabilities

Name of sections, topics of classes

Prevention and correction of optical dysgraphia

Development of non-speech functions



Games to develop memory, attention and thinking

1 year of study

I. Preparatory stage.

Introduction to geometric shapes. (“Making patterns from geometric shapes”). Correlating an object with color, size and shape (“Composing figures from disparate parts”).

Exercise “Blow on butterflies”

Game "What's extra?"

Development of optical-spatial gnosis and praxis

Comparing objects by size, width, depth, etc. (“Using a game with buildings from cubes”)

Differentiation of speech and non-speech sounds.

Acquaintance with such concepts as: day of the week, day, yesterday, today, tomorrow (“What happened, what will happen?”).

Exercise "Football"

Development of basic sound analysis skills. Correlation between sound and letter.

Development of spatial concepts: top-bottom, left-right, between, under, above (Game “Driver”, “Colorful dots”)

II. Sound and letter. Sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Sound and letter. Word scheme. Formation of complex sound analysis skills.

Acquaintance with such concepts as: year, month. Expanding the volume of visual memory (Game “What’s missing?”)

Blowing soap bubbles

Differentiation of vowels of the first and second row.

Differentiation of vowels A-Z in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Design and reconstruction of letters* (in accordance with the topic).

(Games “Repeat the pattern”, “Make your own pattern”, “Change the pattern”.)

Correction tasks (for example, highlight all the letters U with a circle and the letters Y with a square). Puzzles.

Differentiation of vowels A-Z in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of vowels U-Yu in isolation, in syllables.

Differentiation of vowels U-Yu in words, sentences and text.

Differentiation of vowels O-E in isolation, in syllables.

Differentiation of vowels O-E in words, sentences and text.

Differentiation of vowels Y-I in isolation, in syllables.

Differentiation of vowels Y-I in words, sentences and text

Differentiation of vowels E-E in isolation, in syllables.

Correction tasks (for example, find all the letters E and underline them, and cross out the letters E). Puzzles.

Differentiation of vowels E-E in words, sentences and text.

Labialized vowels. Sounds of O-U.

Differentiation of letters. Working with quasi-homonyms. Development of imaginative thinking. Graphic dictation.

Labialized vowels. Sounds E-Y.

Softening of consonants before vowels of the second row.

Comparison of letter elements. Development of optical-spatial concepts. (Game "Button")

Exercise to combine breathing with pronouncing the sound M

Repetition. Differentiation A-Z, U-Y, O-Y, Y-I, E-E. Verification work.

Development of hand-eye coordination. (Game “Add to”) Differentiation of letters in all positions.

A soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in writing.

Correlating letters with symbols and sounds. Development of hand-eye coordination. (Game “Do the same”)

An exercise to combine breathing with chest control. Pronouncing the sound M.

Game "Fly"

(along the drawn field on a sheet of paper, move the button according to the instructions of the speech therapist to the desired square)

Separating soft sign.

Dividing solid sign.

Differentiation of soft and hard signs.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants.

Design and reconstruction of letters. (Game “What does it look like?”)

Game “Confused Lines” (with your eyes, without using your hands, find the path leading from one number to another)

Sounds B-P, B’-P’ isolated, in syllables, in words.

Development of optical concepts and optical-spatial relations.

Graphic dictation.

Sounds B-P, B'-P' in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.

Sounds V-F, V’-F’isolated, in syllables, in words.

Sounds V-F, V’-F’ in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.

Exercise “Breathe through the nose”

Game "How was it?" (remember the initial arrangement of things and after changes return everything to its place)

The sounds G-K-H, G’-K’-H’ in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Design and reconstruction of letters. Establishing connections between grapheme and articuleme. (Game “Wonderful Bag”)

Sounds G-K-H, G’-K’-H’ in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.



Game "Find the differences"

Sounds D-T, D'-T' isolated, in syllables, in words.

Sounds D-T, D'-T' in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.


Pronunciation on the hard attack of the M sound

Game “Confusion” (find several contour images of different objects, animals, etc. superimposed on one another)

Sounds 3-S, Z’-S’ isolated, in syllables, in words.

Sounds 3-S, Z’-S’ in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.


"Let's freeze the chin"

The sounds Zh-Sh in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Sounds Ж-Ш in sentences and texts. Stunning of a voiced consonant in the middle and at the end of a word.


"Let's freeze our palms"

Training in pronouncing syllables with the sound M

Game "Find the differences in a row"

Repetition. Differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants. Verification work.

Differentiation of sounds S-Sh in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Design and reconstruction of letters.


"Let's warm our palms"

Training in pronouncing syllables with the sound M

Differentiation of sounds S-Sh in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds Z-Zh in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Comparison of letter elements.

Exercise "Flower Shop"

Game “Monkeys” (make a figure from sticks or bricks according to the model)

Differentiation of sounds Z-Zh in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds S-C in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Development of optical-spatial concepts. (Game "Cubes")



Training in pronouncing syllables with the sound M

Game “Top-clap” (the teacher says a phrase; if the expression is correct, the children clap, if it is not correct, they stomp)

Differentiation of sounds S-C in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds C-TS in isolation, in syllables, in words.


"Autumn Wind"

Differentiation of sounds Ts-TS in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds Ch-C in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Development of hand-eye coordination (Game “Mazes”)


Pronunciation of syllables using voiced consonants

Game “Top-clap” option 2 (the teacher says the words; you need to clap if you hear the name of the animal, stomp in other cases)

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Ts in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Shch in isolation, in syllables, in words.


Pronunciation of syllables using voiced consonants

Game “Forbidden movements” (repeat all movements except one)

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Shch in sentences and text.

Correlating a letter with a sound and a symbol. Differentiation of letters. Working with quasi-homonyms.

Differentiation of sounds Ch-T’ in isolation, in syllables, in words.


"We'll be surprised"

Game “On the table! Under the table! Knock!" (the child performs tasks by ear, but without getting confused, because the teacher makes other movements)

Differentiation of sounds Ch-T’ in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Sh in isolation, in syllables, in words.



Pronunciation of pairs of syllables on one exhalation with emphasis on the second syllable

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Sh in sentences and texts.

Development of figurative thinking Establishing connections between grapheme and articulome.

Design and reconstruction of letters. Comparison of letter elements.

Differentiation of sounds R-R"-L-L" in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Exercise “Blow on butterflies”

Training in pronouncing syllables with the sound M

Differentiation of sounds R-R"-L-L" in sentences and texts.

Differentiation of sounds L-L"-Y in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Exercise "Football"

Pronunciation of syllables using voiced consonants

Game “Continue the Path” (the path of colored sticks must be continued according to the pattern)

Differentiation of sounds L-L"-Y in sentences and texts.

Development of hand-eye coordination. Development of optical concepts (Game “Fill in the Blank”).

Differentiation of L-V sounds in isolation, in syllables, in words.

Exercise to develop a slow, extended exhalation

Pronunciation of syllables using voiced consonants

Differentiation of sounds L-V in sentences and texts.

Generalization and repetition of what has been learned. Verification work.

III. Syllable analysis and synthesis. Working on the word.

Syllable. Syllable analysis of one-, two- and three-syllable words. Word scheme.

Comparison of elements of mixed letters. Correlating letters with symbols and sounds. Graphic dictation.

Exercise to combine breathing with movements

Differentiation of one-, two- and three-syllable words. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Word scheme.

Related words. Root of the word.

Working with quasi-homonyms. Comparison of elements of mixed letters. Correlating letters with symbols and sounds. Development of kinetic concepts. (Game “Complete the word”)

Exercise to combine breathing with sound pronunciation

Cognates and related words.

Emphasis. Stressed and unstressed vowels at the root of the word.


An exercise to combine breathing with chest control.

Crosswords. Puzzles.



Difficult words. Connecting vowels o, e.

Morphological composition of the word. Word scheme.

Exercise for combining breathing with pronouncing a sound chain

Morphological composition of the word. Verification work.

Prepositions with (with). Differentiation of prepositions.

Design and reconstruction. (Game “Assemble a pattern”)

Exercise to practice costal-abdominal breathing.

Game “Remember 10 words”

Prepositions with, from. Differentiation of prepositions.

Prepositions from, for, because of. Differentiation of prepositions.

Exercise “Breathe through the nose”

Pronunciation of pairs of syllables on one exhalation with emphasis on the second syllable

Prepositions from, under, from under. Differentiation of prepositions.

Prepositions on, above, under. Differentiation of prepositions.

Correlating letters with symbols and sounds. Working with the proposal diagram.



Pronunciation of pairs of syllables on one exhalation with emphasis on the second syllable

Prepositions between, through, about.

Consolidating prepositions. Differentiation of prepositions.

Pronunciation of three syllables in one exhalation with emphasis on one syllable

Puzzles. Game “Labyrinth” (get out of the maze the fastest, on a piece of paper)

Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes.

2nd year of study

I. Preparatory stage.

Development of auditory and visual perception, memory.

Recognizing an object by its outline and details of the drawing (“What is this?”). Correlating an object with color, size and shape.

Exercise to develop differentiated smooth exhalation

Game "What's extra?"

Development of spatiotemporal relations.

Game "What does it sound like?" (identify by ear what object sounded) Riddles.

Sound (phonemic) analysis of words.

Development of spatial representations: top, bottom, left, right, between, under, above... Expanding the volume of visual memory. (Game "Officer-Soldier")

Exercise to develop a slow, extended exhalation

Exercise to combine breathing with movements

Correction tasks (for example, find all the letters A and highlight them)

Sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.

II.Word and phrase.

Emphasis. Phonetic and semantically distinctive role of stress.


"Let's warm our palms"

Correction tasks (for example, highlight all the letters U with a circle and the letters Y with a square).

Form-distinguishing role of stress.

Stressed and unstressed vowels (A-O, E-I, I-Y).

Exercise "Flower Shop"

Pronunciation of seven syllables with moving accents

Correction tasks (for example, find all the letters Y and underline them, and cross out the letters I). Puzzles.

Words are objects.

Practical use of nouns in singular and plural form.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in syllables, words, phrases.

Comparison of elements of mixed letters.



Game "What's gone?" Puzzles.

Practical use of different kinds of nouns.

Game "Fly"

The use of nouns in indirect cases.


"Autumn Wind"

Combinations of vowel sounds with sonant [j]

Game "Tangled Lines"

Words-signs. Selection of words-attributes to words-objects.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in syllables, words, phrases.

Development of hand-eye coordination (“Copying dots”).

Game "How was it?"

Agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.


Combinations of vowel sounds with sonant [j]

Game "Find the differences"

Agreement of adjectives with nouns in case.

Game "Confusion"

Action words. Selection of action words for object words.


Game “Remember as many words as possible”

Verb agreement with nouns in number.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in syllables, words, phrases.

Development of kinetic concepts (Game “Wonderful Bag”). Working with quasi-homonyms.

Game "Find the differences in a row"

Verb agreement with nouns in gender.


"We'll be surprised"

Prolonged pronunciation of vowel phonemes

Game “Fold the pattern” (make a path or pattern from shapes)

Agreement of verbs with nouns in time.

Game "Monkeys"

Numeral. Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives.



Prolonged pronunciation of vowel phonemes

Top clap game

Antonym words (enemy words).

Game "Top-clap" 2nd option

Synonym words (twin words).

Game "Forbidden Moves"

III. Sentence and text.

Language analysis and sentence synthesis.


prolonged pronunciation of vowel phonemes

Game “On the table! Under the table! Knock!"

Connection of words in a sentence. Agreement of words in gender, number, case.

Puzzles. Puzzles (according to age)

Composition of the proposal. Proposal outline.

Exercise "Gorka"

“Rolling” vowel phonemes down the hill

Game "Continue the Path"

Types of sentences by intonation.

Unusual examples (for example, prick-poke+goal=angle)

Sentence grammar and distribution.

Exercise “Visiting”

Prolonged singing of closed syllables

Puzzles. Unusual examples (for example, prick-poke+goal=angle)

Making sentences from isolated words. Deformed sentences.

Crosswords. Puzzles.

Drawing up a story plan. Retelling according to plan.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in a phrase, sentence, text. Development of hand-eye coordination.

Exercise "Ball"

Singing vowels and consonants

Game “The fourth odd one” (from pictures and hearing)

Descriptive story.

Game “Remember 10 words”

Deformed texts.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in a phrase, sentence, text. Development of hand-eye coordination.

Working with quasi-homonyms.

Exercise "Thread"

Singing vowels and consonants

Game “Series of numbers” (find all given numbers in a series of numbers, for example 2)

Brief retelling.

Game “Remember - Draw” (the child remembers a pattern or figure in 1 minute, and then draws from memory)

A story based on a series of plot pictures.

Differentiation of letters of similar shape in a phrase, sentence, text. Development of optical concepts and optical-spatial relations.

Exercise "For-sa"

Singing vowels and consonants

Game “Labyrinth” (get out of the maze the fastest, on a piece of paper)

A story based on a picture.

Creative story.

Exercise “Repeat the song”

Singing vowels and consonants

Puzzles. Puzzles. Crosswords.

Generalization and repetition of what has been learned. Verification work.

Requirements for a teacher

Speech therapy work must be carried out by an appropriately qualified specialist with higher specialized education.

A speech therapist teacher must have a clear understanding of the characteristics of the mental and physical development of children with disabilities and use appropriate methods and technologies for organizing the educational process.

Software and methodological and mlogistics

The implementation of this program requires full technical equipment of the speech therapy room (see Appendix 1). In accordance with the characteristics of children with disabilities, all aids, as well as equipment that is not constantly used, should be easily portable and, if necessary, removed so as not to distract schoolchildren.

In the process of implementing the program, methodological recommendations can be used (Mazanova E.V., Efimenkova L.N., Sadovnikova I.N., Lalaeva R.I.), diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools necessary for the implementation of the professional activities of a teacher, pedagogue -psychologist, speech pathologist, teacher-speech therapist.

It is desirable to have a system of wide access for teachers, children with speech impairments, parents (legal representatives) to online sources of information, which require the availability of teaching aids and recommendations in all areas and types of activities, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials, as well as access to information -methodological literature, speech therapy stands.

Corrective and developmental work should be carried out in a differentiated manner, taking into account the child’s age, the form of the disease and (or) the conclusion of the primary medical examination.

Features of speech therapy work with children with disabilities are the use of special differentiated individual visibility, the choice of methods and techniques taking into account age and individual capabilities, and a change of activity as an obligatory part of any lesson.

During classes, it is important to observe the principle of varied presentation of the same subject, speech material in variations, taking into account the gradual transition from simple to complex. Such diversity in work will contribute to the formation of generalized ideas about subjects. For example, the same visual and verbal material can be used to automate sound in words, then in sentences, phrases, riddles, to compose a descriptive story, etc.

For more productive work that promotes the fastest restoration of impaired functions, it is important to include all the child’s analytical systems in the activity: visual, auditory, tactile, motor, and even, if possible, smell and taste.

Particular attention must be paid to the development of speech motor skills, vocal and respiratory muscles, which is especially important for correcting sound pronunciation. To do this, you can use special speech therapy exercises, which are selected individually taking into account speech motor disorders in each child. At the initial stages, it is better to carry out work with the maximum connection of intact analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile). Corrective work may include speech therapy massage, the purpose of which is to eliminate pathological symptoms in the peripheral part of the speech apparatus.

A specific feature of working with children with disabilities is the need for individual selection of tasks. In some cases, tasks are given in a test form, allowing the child not to give a detailed speech answer, in others - to present a speech sample for an answer. The lesson requires a special speech regime: clear, intelligible speech without a sharp rise in voice, the required number of repetitions, emphasized articulation.

The structure of a lesson on correction of oral and written speech and its components can be changed and combined not only depending on the goals and objectives, but also on the chosen methods of work (see Appendix 2).

An integral part of correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities is the integration of the work of school specialists. For example, in workshops on organizing speech therapy work, the following can take an active part: educational psychologists, teachers and other teaching staff. In addition to seminars, the speech therapist should conduct individual and thematic consultations for teachers on the development and correction of oral and written speech.

The relationship in the work of a speech therapist and primary school teachers is also carried out at joint methodological associations, meetings, teacher councils, where various organizational issues are resolved, reports are provided on working with children with disabilities, and discussions are held on topics of interest to teachers.

Educational and advisory activities on issues related to the peculiarities of speech therapy work with children extend not only to school teaching staff, but also to parents of schoolchildren with disabilities. Without the active participation of the child's family, correctional and developmental work will take longer and be less effective.

Forms of work with parents in school settings include: parent meetings, individual and thematic consultations, workshops, open classes, etc. When working with parents, visual aids are widely used: special “speech therapy corners”, information stands, thematic exhibitions books and manuals, memos, samples of completed tasks.


Aksenova A.K., Yakubovskaya E.V. Didactic games in Russian language lessons in grades 1 - 4 of a auxiliary school. - M., 1991.

Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic tables. Psychodiagnostic techniques. Corrective exercises. - M.: Os - 89, 1997. - 224 p. (Practical psychology).

Borodulina S. Yu. Correctional pedagogy: psychological and pedagogical correction of deviations. - Phoenix, 2004. - 352 p.

Eletskaya O. V., Gorbachevskaya N. Yu. Organization of speech therapy work at school. M. - 2006.

Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students. - M.: Vlados, 2001. - 336 p.

Efimenkova L. N., Misarenko G. G. Organization and methods of correctional work at the school speech center. - M., 1991.

Zhukova N.S. Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Sots.-polit, journal, 1994. - 96 p.

Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in children. - Ekaterinburg: Litur, 2011. - 320.

Zaika E.V. A complex of intellectual games for the development of students’ thinking // Questions of psychology. - 1990, No. 6. - P.86 - 82.

Lalaeva R.I. Speech disorders and their correction in children with mental retardation: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments/R. I. Lalaeva, N. V. Serebryakova, S. V. Zorina. - M.: Humanitarian, ed. VLADOS center, 2004. - 303 p. - (Correctional pedagogy).

Lalaeva R.I. Reading disorders and ways of their correction in primary schoolchildren. - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat; Publishing house "Soyuz". 2002. - 224 p. - (Correctional pedagogy).

Speech therapy. Methodological heritage: A manual for speech therapists and students of defectology faculties of pedagogical universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova: In 5 books. -M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003.

Mazanova E.V. Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Lesson notes for speech therapists. 2nd edition, corrected. - GNOM and D, 2010

Mazanova E.V. Correction of agrammatic dysgraphia. Lesson notes for speech therapists. 2nd edition, corrected. - GNOM and D, 2010

Mazanova E.V. Correction of optical dysgraphia. Lesson notes for junior schoolchildren - M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2006. - 88 p.

Mazanova E.V. Correction of dysgraphia due to impaired language analysis and synthesis. Lesson notes for speech therapists. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2006.

Mazanova E.V. School logo center. Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work. - GNOM and D, 2009.

Nikulshin S. M., Rogotneva A. V., Tarasova L. N. Formation of universal educational actions (primary school). Toolkit. Part 1. - Tomsk: TOIPKRO, 2012. - 84 p.

Paramonova L. G. Exercises for the development of writing. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 1998. - 208 p.

A working (reviewed) program for the prevention and correction of oral and written speech disorders in children with disabilities of primary school age. Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist E. S. Sapegina - Novokuznetsk: PPMS-center "DAR", 2012. - 24 p.

Guide for a practical psychologist. Readiness for school: developmental programs / Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1995.

Sadovnikova I. N. Impairments in written speech and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren. - M.: Vlados, 1997.- 256 p.

Soboleva A.V. Riddles-savvy. A practical guide for speech therapists, educators and parents / Ed. prof. T.B. Filicheva. - M.: “Publishing house GNOM and D”, 2000. - 96 p. (To help the speech therapist).

Stolyarenko A. M. General pedagogy: textbook. Publisher: Unity-Dana, 2012. - 479 p.

Reader on speech therapy (extracts and texts): Textbook for students of higher and secondary special pedagogical educational institutions: In 2 volumes. T. I / Ed. L. S. Volkova and V. I. Seliverstov. — M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1997. - 560 p.

Yakovleva E.L. Diagnosis and correction of attention and memory of schoolchildren // Markova A.K., Leaders A.G., Yakovleva E.L. Diagnosis and correction of mental development in school and preschool age. - Petrozavodsk, 1992. - P.146 - 180.

Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. Instructional and methodological letter about the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a secondary school. - M.: Kogito - Center, 1996. - 97 p.

speech therapy center of the school

Chalkboard 1 pc.

Cabinets for manuals 2 - 3 pcs.

Wardrobe 1 pc.

Stationery table 1 pc.

Teacher's chair 1 pc.

Desks 5 pcs.

Student chairs 10 pcs.

Medical couch 1 pc.

Wall mirror (50 x 100) 1 pc.

Blinds or curtains for the mirror 1 pc.

Wall lamp above the mirror 1 pc.

Wall lamp above the board 1 pc.

Mirror for individual work (9 x 12) 8 pcs.

Speech therapy probes, spatulas

Tray for cleaning instruments 1 pc.

Tool storage cabinet 1 pc.

Sterilizer for instruments 1 pc.

Cotton wool, examination gloves

Washbasin 1 pc.

Towel, soap

Garbage bin 1 pc.

Hourglass 1 pc.

Wall clock 1 pc.

Metronome 1 pc.

Computer 1 pc.

Printer 1 pc.

Split alphabet (wall) 1 pc.

Letter boxes (individual) 8 pcs.

Educational, methodological, didactic aids

Board games, toys, ball, construction sets, etc.

Appendix 2

Approximate structure of a group lesson

with schoolchildren of grades 1-5 with disabilities*

  • Creation of a motivational field.
  • Development of non-speech functions (voice, breathing, memory, attention, thinking).
  • Development of fine motor skills of the fingers or coordination of movements with speech.
  • Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties.
  • Discovery of new knowledge.
  • Physical exercise or relaxation exercises.
  • Consolidating the acquired knowledge in practice with the help of a teacher.
  • Independent application of knowledge in practice.
  • Reflection.

* - each part of the lesson provides for variability in the tasks used.