
Six of Pentacles tarot meaning. Six of Pentacles: meaning and interpretation

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Tarot cards are not just ancient magic, but an opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy and find out answers to exciting questions. To understand the deck's answer, you need to be able to interpret the cards.

There are two groups of arcana, the interpretation of each of which is unique and depends on the topic of fortune telling. The minor arcana of the tarot, for example, the 6 of pentacles, have an amazing set of meanings.

Suit of Pentacles

The minor arcana in a deck of tarot cards are divided into suits. As in playing cards, each of the four suits is responsible for a certain area in a person’s life. If you lay out all the cards of the same suit in a row, you can get the entire life path of an individual in the chosen area.

Thus, the suit of pentacles refers to the material world. It is also called coins, or denarii. She is in third position in the row of suits.

Pentacles symbolize everything related to finances. These are money, trade, business relationships and business. Coins personify the social status of a person, his authority. This is also property that belongs to the questioner.

The suit of pentacles is identified with playing diamonds. Both represent money in all its forms. The suit is not associated with the spiritual world and the sphere of feelings. In the Zodiac, denarii belong to the element Earth. Signs - Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

6 tarot coins

The meaning of the Six of Coins card is read in the image itself. The drawing can be interpreted from two different angles.

The card shows a man giving alms to two beggars. With one hand, the man throws coins into the palm of one of the poor people. The second hand squeezes the scales. Above his head are six coins.

If you look closely at the picture, you can see that the poor do not look too shabby. These are two strong guys who have put on rags. The man serving them is devoid of compassion. He proudly towers over the kneeling "beggars", throwing coins with an outstretched hand.

The card represents a person ruled by pride. He took upon himself the right to decide who was worthy of his money and who should wait their turn. Moreover, the meaning of the card is not limited to material assistance. This could be attention, valuable advice or help. A person considers himself fair, but his generosity is insincere. He needs the weak to feel strong.

The poor are also not without sin. Perhaps these are ordinary crooks who are trying to earn the favor of a superior person. It is beneficial for them to pretend to be weak. This picture captures the scene of mutual lies that rules the characters.

Tarot encourages you to show kindness and act according to your conscience, but not to show off your generosity..

“When helping, do not humiliate. When you receive, don’t be humiliated.” The symbol also warns that judging an outsider is unacceptable. For the judge will be judged by the same judgment.

Straight position of the lasso

Any tarot card in a spread can have two different interpretations. The interpretation depends on the position in which the symbol appears.

Key interpretations in the correct position:

When correctly oriented, the Six of Denarii has a positive meaning. It symbolizes rise in material terms. A person has reached a level where he can help others without harming himself. And it does not matter how much money is currently in the pocket of the questioner, because the hand of the giver will not become scarce.

The card represents the nobility and emotional side of finance. A person has enough to be generous. Wealth does not spoil him, but only gives him a chance to help his neighbor.

The deck reminds us that everything a person has received did not fall from the sky. He earned money through honest labor and made his fortune himself. Finances are in his hands - a reward for his work.

Another interpretation of the Six Coins card is an unexpected benefit taken from the problem. For example, when returning to pick up a wallet forgotten at home, a person discovers that the iron is not turned off, which saves him from a fire. The cards say that some failures are sent to us as a lesson or an opportunity.

Neighboring cards will help you interpret the meaning of the symbol. For example, the Jester nearby indicates charity, and the World represents huge profits obtained through hard work.

The meaning of the symbol in an inverted position

In the wrong position, the meaning of the card is somewhat distorted. The inverted symbol focuses attention on the “beggars” who only pretend to be such.

Brief description of the card in the wrong position:

  • Unsuccessful investment, unfavorable period;
  • Insincerity;
  • Showy behavior;
  • Reluctance to help others;
  • Envy, greed, lust;
  • Theft, loss of valuables;
  • Staying in illusions, deception, dishonest deal.

The 6 of Pentacles card (reversed) symbolizes materialism in its purest form. Moral issues are not addressed. The character is only interested in banknotes.

At the everyday level, the symbol represents a person’s desire to achieve success at any cost. He is ready to sacrifice the feelings of others, act dishonestly and abuse his position. Someone gets rich at the expense of others, building palaces for the last pennies of the poor.

But often a card in an inverted position also indicates the injured party. The querent himself may become a victim of a schemer.

Neighboring cards will prompt the correct interpretation. So, the Emperor in the scenario speaks of certain debts. The loan, contrary to expectations, will be very difficult to repay. The devil in fortune telling indicates wastefulness associated with whims and desires. While resting, a person forgets that it wouldn’t hurt to work sometimes.

Question about career and finances

In a work layout, it is important not only to study the meaning of the card itself, but also to find out its interpretation in different orientations. Thus, the Six of Pentacles inverted has a radically different meaning than the upright one.

Correct lasso Six denarii

For a career, Six Coins have a positive interpretation. The sign symbolizes promising activity, investment of effort and receipt of rewards for the efforts expended. The prospect may concern both career advancement and increased earnings.

At the event level, the symbol predicts a favorable outcome of a planned business. The investment will pay off, and the search will be crowned with success.

Incorrect lasso Six of coins

The reversed card symbolizes a person who abuses his powers. This is a boss, employee or colleague. The symbol can indicate both the questioner himself and the person who is higher than him on the career ladder.

Often the symbol speaks of an unwise investment or too expensive undertakings. Investments can be material or moral. In any case, the matter will not bring the expected result.

Fortune telling for relationships and love

The 6 Pentacles Tarot card has the widest range of interpretations in the deck. The meaning in a relationship depends on the position of the lasso relative to the questioner.

In the right position Six speaks of harmonious relationships, where the intentions and feelings of the partners are clear and sincere. Both lovers develop and improve as a couple. Both halves invest enough in the relationship and also receive a decent return.

When analyzing the attitude of a particular person, the card indicates his selfless desire to surrender to love. This meaning is especially strong when paired with the Beloved card.

The coins shown in the picture represent the wealth of soul and body, the fullness of emotions and feelings. The experience of partners is enough to build a harmonious union. Sexual attraction plays an important role in this couple.

Upside down the card speaks of a one-sided relationship. You should not expect reciprocal feelings from your partner. This is a situation where one person loves, and the other only wants to receive love without giving anything in return.

In everyday affairs, the card may indicate a reluctance to help someone who needs this help. Perhaps the question of who will care for the sick person is being resolved.

Cohabitation for the purpose of personal savings is not excluded. Ordinary selfishness in a partnership and a desire to find physical comfort are also possible.

Paired with the Death card, the Six speaks of a desire to dramatically change the situation. The symbol of the Court represents the grievances that poison life.

Health status breakdown

When it comes to health issues, the minor arcana can indicate both an area in need of attention and a specific disease. As in other layouts, the Six of Pentacles card has two main meanings. They depend on the position of the symbol.

In the upright position, the card indicates a speedy recovery. A person will quickly recover, even if today he is worried about serious health problems. Six symbolizes a receding crisis, so the deck’s forecast is very favorable.

In the wrong position, the card indicates problems of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the neck and throat. The circulatory system is at risk. Often the symbol also indicates neuralgic disorders.

Symbol as card of the day

If the Six of Coins appears as the card of the day, then the Tarot warns of the need to show mercy on this day. Someone will turn to the questioner for help. The querent simply does not have the right to refuse him. Today he will need generosity and the ability to compassion.

In some interpretations, the card says that the querent himself will need help. It is important not to become the lying beggar depicted in the picture. The ability to gratefully accept help will help resolve misunderstandings.

Combination with the Major Arcana

In any scenario, neighboring symbols will help in interpreting the cards. Thus, the Six of Pentacles card in combination with the major arcana takes on different meanings.

Combination of Six Coins with the Major Arcana:

Interpreting tarot cards is not difficult, but without connecting intuition it will be impossible. Understanding the symbols of the deck lies at the subconscious level. One symbol can encode many meanings, and only intuition will help you choose the right one.

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Six of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Six of Pentacles corresponds to Jupiter in the sign of Leo, symbolizing generosity, Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius, as a symbol of tolerance, Jupiter in the sign of Pisces, responsible for the readiness to come to the rescue. This Arcana also corresponds to the second decade of Taurus.

Taurus in the Second Decade passes under the sign of success. It is ruled by the queen of emotions, the Moon, which evokes tenderness, sensuality, and caring attitude towards everything that is created by nature. However, sometimes this sensuality becomes uncontrollable and turns into a habit of pleasure.

Other names for the Six of Pentacles: Six of Denarii, Six of Coins, Six of Money, Lord of material success.

Brief description of Arcana: Success, Abundance, Getting what you want, Gift, Prosperity, Happiness.

Description of the Six of Pentacles

Classic Six of Pentacles decks depict a man and woman sitting on the threshold of a temple. They beg for alms, and a richly dressed parishioner answers their request. He hands the coins to the man, and the woman looks at her benefactor with a deep sense of gratitude.

The Tarot of the Age of Aquarius shows us a rich man who, in order to show the girl walking next to him his beneficence and generosity, gives gold coins to a beggar on the porch.

The sacred meaning of the Six of Pentacles

For a deeper understanding of the Six of Pentacles, let’s return to the previous Arcanum, in which our wretched heroes wander through an empty city in search of food. Their clothes, which look like rags, cannot save them from bad weather. But they walk stubbornly, step by step, looking for a benefactor who will pull them out of poverty. And they find him on the threshold of the temple in the Six of Pentacles.

They bowed down before him in gratitude, and he, feeling a desire to help, gives them money. The sacred idea of ​​harmony between consciousness and subconscious is realized in a very interesting way. It also demonstrates the mental attitude of a person, which is important for this Arcana. It is the man, or consciousness to be precise, who gets the help. Money is material, just like the physical essence of a person, which gives us the right to talk specifically about material, visible help.

But what does a woman do at this moment? She does not try to take the money for herself; she sits with a humble and grateful look at the feet of her benefactor. This is our subconscious, which has a generosity of gratitude, because it knows how to accept both hardships and grace. It was precisely the lesson of humility that a person learned on a spiritual level in the Five of Pentacles. The ascent to the next spiritual level is also indicated by the fact that help was received precisely at the gates of the temple.

The ability to take with gratitude and give to those in need is the main message of the Six of Pentacles.

Mythological correspondence of the Six of Pentacles

If the Five of Pentacles reminded us of the story of Joseph and the seven hungry years, then the Six is ​​a continuation of this story, only this time in connection with the seven fat years.

The meaning of the Six of Pentacles is also very clearly revealed by the understanding of the Promised Land as such.

The meaning of the straight Six of Pentacles in the layout

The Six of Pentacles is definitely a positive Arcana. It symbolizes receiving gifts, including gifts of fate, various rewards, and material benefits (how could we live without it if we are talking about Pentacles). With this card comes the solution to previously encountered problems, restoration of well-being, and achievement of the desired results. She seems to be returning what was lost during the Five of Pentacles period.

This is a map of newly opening prospects, and they become possible thanks to timely assistance. And not only from people, but also from circumstances. However, the assistance received must be equivalent to the assistance given. With such a card, it is not good to remain in debt, otherwise the ethics of resource relationships will be violated. You will have to pay for the service with a service, or adequately thank.

It is not for nothing that this card, at the level of the planets influencing it, stands for tolerance, generosity and willingness to help. Moreover, you won’t be able to get away with ostentatious service or gratitude. The card suggests that these qualities should become a personal characteristic.

Arkan is responsible for patronage, acts of mercy and forgiveness, and charity. Thanks to these “gifts,” it is possible to restore the status quo in any area of ​​life where everything was previously neglected. Or create order.

It is very important to remember that the Six of Pentacles shows the state of “here and now”; it does not return to the past and does not direct into the future. It follows that it is important to be attentive and vigilant to the events that shape the future.

The meaning of the reversed Six of Pentacles in the reading

In its inverted form, the Six of Pentacles is a mirror image of the Arcana in an upright position. If there is generosity and generosity, tolerance and assistance, then here there is greed, abuse, deception, especially in the material sphere. She talks about get-rich-quick schemes such as pyramid schemes.

There is no question of justice here; it is not the one who needs it most who gets it, but the one who knows how to snatch. But money often comes and goes, so with the Six of Pentacles reversed, there will always be a catastrophic shortage of it, even despite constant receipts. As a result, costs become much higher than income, and a person is forced to go into debt and make unwise investments. It is with such a card that a person is a candidate for deceived adherents of various financial sections such as MMM.

Another parallel with the mirroring of the direct Arcana is to give without receiving anything in return. Here the principles of ethics of relationship resources are violated, but not in a way that is beneficial for the person. Although it also happens the other way around. What exactly is happening at the moment will help to decipher the Arcana, which fell next to the inverted Six of Pentacles.

Success with such a card is possible, but it can only be achieved through deception or fraudulent actions. At the same time, there is always a risk of running into an even more insidious scammer.


In terms of business, this card is very favorable. She talks about good prospects, about the future of the planned project, about far-sighted plans that bring material benefits. You can safely count on help, but you must never forget to thank for it. A card can mean a profitable loan or a successful investment.

If we are talking about a planned business, then we can say that the topic is very relevant. Such a business easily pays for itself; the demand for its product exceeds supply, which, of course, also affects high profitability.

In the team, the person for whom the alignment is made enjoys well-deserved recognition. He does an excellent job and receives a decent salary for it. There is a friendly atmosphere in the team itself, employees willingly help each other, everyone does their job and does not try to throw off responsibility. The management creates excellent working conditions.

If the layout is made to a person who is looking for a job, then the Six of Pentacles promises to get a successful job. This also applies to a person who is waiting for advancement on the career ladder. He will get a new good position. This card also promises an increase in salary.

Since Arkan means patronage, patronage and charity, we can say that the company will pay a lot of attention to holding charity evenings, presentations and other events, and not without benefit.

In addition, with such an Arcana, success will come to people working in the public or social sphere.

With the Six of Pentacles reversed, we can talk about unacceptable working conditions. Management or one of the colleagues may abuse their powers and distribute payments unfairly. This card predicts deprivation of bonuses, delays in payment of wages, or receipt of less than what was promised.

As for the business, it will turn out to be unprofitable: too many investments will be required, while the result will be negligible. Very often this is also influenced by the inability to properly manage finances. If you take out a loan to run a business, you will have to pay it back with great effort.

A person looking for a job will have to be content with little - not very favorable conditions and low wages.

Direction of self-development

The lesson of the Six of Pentacles leads us to harmonize within ourselves the desire to receive and the need to give. We learn to see that the more you give to others, the more comes back to you. It is about the Six of Pentacles that they say that it will return a hundredfold.

The man has been in a state of deprivation for some time, undergoing the lesson of the Five of Pentacles, and now he is rewarded for his humility. But the gift he received is not limitless; it opens prospects only to people with a kind heart and a pure soul.

The reversed Six of Pentacles indicates that the person has abused the trust of those who gladly came to his aid in difficult times. If he does not take care to thank his benefactor, does not use the received capital not only for the benefit of himself, but also for the benefit of others, he again faces a return to the Five of Pentacles, and therefore to poverty and deprivation.

Personal relationships

In relationships, the Six of Pentacles speaks of an alliance based on mutual support and mutual concessions. Partners give and take in equal measure. With such a union there may not be passion, but the relationship is quite strong, trusting, and full of mutual understanding. Outwardly, people in such a union look happy and peaceful.

Mutual support often has the nature of codependency, but here it is softened by mercy and humanity. Quite often, the Six of Pentacles describes a union in which the partner is rich and shares his income, and the partner is either beautiful and gives her beauty, or caring and frees the man from everyday problems, or sexy and gives him a holiday in bed. Here we are not talking about buying goodwill, but about the mutual desire to possess and give.

Quite often in such a union there are different degrees of sexuality, leading to mutual concessions. For example, a partner is less sexual, but she does not shy away from intimate relationships, but shows tolerance, while the partner, in turn, tries to look for options to satisfy his partner, even if they are non-standard.

If we talk about marriage, then the partners in it are clearly not equal. One of them is definitely a benefactor for the other, always ready to help or lend a helping hand. This manifests itself not only materially, but also morally. It is not at all necessary that a partner “buys” love with money. Currency can be caring, humility, helpfulness, affection.

If a relationship involves the maintenance of one partner by another, then it may not always be equally acceptable for both. How each of the partners relates to the relationship in this case and what the union as a whole is - the neighboring Arcana in the layout will tell you.

The Six of Pentacles in some cases indicates a happy, lasting and permanent marriage, especially if the Hierophant (V Arcanum) is nearby. In such a family, peace and harmony reign, and between all family members, and not just between spouses. Usually the family does not need money, and often helps their relatives.

When doing fortune-telling, a person who is just looking for his soul mate, the Six of Pentacles advises not to wait for fate to knock on the door, but to make an advance payment into his relationship (after all, this card requires giving and taking at the same time). This can manifest itself in self-improvement, working on your shortcomings. You should also not bargain with your destiny, because it will reward you according to your investment.

The relationships revealed by the inverted Six of Pentacles cannot be called mutually beneficial. In such a union, one loves, while the other simply allows himself to be loved, and perceives this as a benefit that he gives from his master’s shoulder. If the inverted Arcanum falls on one of the partners, then it is he who allows himself to be loved.

An unhealthy atmosphere reigns in a union when one partner abuses the trust and kindness of the other. The family does not have a solid foundation, the spouses quarrel over trifles, but the global cause of quarrels is problems with money, because they slip through their fingers.

Personality characteristics

The Six of Pentacles describes a person who is renowned for his kindness and generosity. He knows how to sympathize and help those in need. His benefactors are generosity and the ability to share even small things. As a rule, such a person has a fortune, although he does not make a cult out of it. He is involved in charity work and philanthropy, and willingly patronizes people who are trying to get on their feet and achieve something in life.

He accepts help from others, but he himself never remains in debt to them. Such a person is tolerant of people, noble in his dealings with them, and never allows himself to rise above others, no matter what means he has.

The inverted Arcanum characterizes a real egoist who puts himself and his benefits at the forefront. He will pass by and will not provide help unless he sees personal benefit in this, but when he needs to get something, he will not stand on ceremony in choosing the means. He may resort to deception, abuse of his position or the information he has.

Such a person could be wealthy if he managed his money correctly and did not spend it on his own whims.


Health under the influence of the Six of Pentacles is strong and does not pose any threats. There were problems earlier (the previous Five tells us about this), but now there is a period of final recovery.

Inverted, Arkan speaks of health problems, and they are of a completely different nature. For example, if a person is accustomed to taking rather than giving, then he may suffer from obesity and diseases arising from it. If he gives more, he faces exhaustion, both physical and moral. This card also appears with muscle atrophy.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Six of Pentacles shows a positive resolution of the situation, although most often the person has already given up looking for the light at the end of the tunnel (again, it’s worth recalling the previous Five of Pentacles). Because of this, a way out of the situation is perceived as a gift from fate or a gift from above.

The financial situation is much better than it was yesterday, it even allows you to calmly enjoy life, and not experience the worries that you had before. Often, improving material well-being begins with outside help, and in order to stay in this position longer, it is advisable to eloquently thank the assistant or pay tribute to him.

The card speaks of receiving some kind of loan, a profitable loan, a loan, an inheritance, or even a win. If you read this in the images of the Arcana, then the poor and wretched beggars were able to find a kind person who wanted to benefit them.

The Six of Pentacles also indicates a successful purchase of real estate or renovation of an existing apartment.

The inverted Six of Pentacles speaks of an unfavorable situation that has reached a deplorable state due to a person’s selfishness, abuse of someone’s kindness or help. In addition, it can also be burdened with deception, illegal actions that deserve censure from the outside, and people who have the opportunity to change something turn away.

The person does not try to solve the situation on his own, but strives to sit on someone’s neck. To do this, he uses not entirely honest methods, for example, duplicity or lies.

The financial situation is close to collapse, and this may be due to unreasonable spending, wasting money for one’s own benefit. Loans with such a card will either be non-refundable or take a long time to be repaid, in violation of deadlines and with the payment of penalties.

Card of the day

A good day for any business. He carries various gifts. This can be financial income, long-awaited manifestations of friendly feelings, and reciprocal love.

The inverted Six of Pentacles speaks of losses and abuses with far-reaching consequences, and they can be in any area of ​​a person’s life: be it in overeating, be it in work.

Card of the Year

The year to start long-term projects, relationships or businesses. Any start will have good prospects. Within a year, you will be able to find people who are ready to provide all kinds of support. Both moral and material.

An inverted card warns of a crisis year accompanied by losses.

Arcana Council

The Six of Pentacles recommends paying off your debts and living according to the principle “you for me, I for you.” You need to learn to accept outside help, but at the same time always give credit to those around you, because it’s not for nothing that they say “let not the hand of the giver fail.”

The meaning of the Six of Pentacles is help, justice, reward. This is a card that is given to those who deserve to be rewarded. One of the positive signs of the Minor Arcana.

In this article

Meaning in a broad sense

Positive changes, financial profit, fair remuneration for work. In modern interpretation, it symbolizes a lucrative offer, bonus, cash payments. In the layouts, look at the upright and inverted position of the 6 Coins; when interpreting, be guided by the general meaning and combination with other Arcana.

Value in upright position

In the upright position, the card means success, career advancement. The Six of Pentacles that appears during fortune telling on any question is a symbol of successful transactions, profit and successful completion of affairs.

The card means that at the moment the questioner is at the peak of success. The person is in a great mood, things are going uphill.

Remember, when a six of Denarii comes up, it means success and money. But don’t count on quick money – only those who have worked successfully receive well-deserved dividends. This is not winning the lottery, but long, persistent and focused work, to which you will have to devote yourself completely.

If you are guessing about your occupation, then the card indicates a businessman, politician, or philanthropist. This is someone who has ingenuity, a business approach, and is at the same time generous, fair and wise. The person does not miss the benefits, but acts openly. Such an entrepreneur will never stoop to petty intrigues, hostility or dishonesty. You can count on it in difficult times: borrow money, ask for a deferred payment.

Reversed meaning

When reversed, the meaning of the Six of Pentacles changes. She says that in front of you is a person with base interests and reduced social responsibility. Expect a dirty trick from such a businessman or friend; do not trust him.

Look at the classic 6 Coins image. On the map we see a man giving alms. He is generous, kind and equally ready to help everyone. He holds scales in his hands - a symbol of justice and impartiality.

Classic Six of Pentacles Raider-Waite.

The inverted Six of Coins symbolizes deception, lies, and dishonesty. In the modern interpretation, it indicates concealment of income, evasion of responsibility, and alimony payments.

Financial fraud, abuse of position and other vices - that’s what 6 Denarii is in reverse.

Depending on the neighboring cards, six Coins mean greed, greed, stinginess.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of imaginary kindness, false charity. Sometimes indicates financial insolvency and poverty.

The video will be interesting for beginning tarot readers. It gives detailed information about the 6 of Pentacles card.

Meaning for fortune telling about business and work

In layouts for affairs and work, follow the general principle: look at the position of the card and its combination with other Arcana.

So, in a literal sense, the appearance of a six means productive activity in a team. You and your colleagues will be satisfied with the results of your work, and the reward from management will be generous. If we talk about the moral aspect, the card advises giving a percentage of profits to charity. Philanthropy, helping one's neighbor, caring for those in need - this is how the meaning of the 6 of Pentacles is revealed when divining work and its results.

Card from Tarot-93 deck by Nikolai Kolesov.

If six Denarii appeared in an inverted position, then the questioner should take a closer look at the collective. Unhealthy competition, disputes and squabbles, envy, the desire to set a friend up - this is what Coins in a reverse position mean.

When fortune telling about the prospects of a new place of employment, an inverted card says that you should not count on high wages and the friendly attitude of colleagues. She warns that you will not receive either money or moral satisfaction.

The key words to describe the Six of Pentacles are: material reward, generosity, successful business, charity and help.

Meaning when divining relationships

Open, sincere love, mutual understanding and honest partnership - this is the main meaning of the six if it falls in a relationship.

In the upright position, the card means a harmonious partnership, when spouses complement and support each other. The card says that such a couple will withstand any test.

In the reversed position, six Denarii says that this is a person who is unhappy in his marriage. Neighboring cards will tell you exactly what problems concern him. Most likely, the union rests on the material dependence of the partner.

In unfavorable combinations, the six indicates financial difficulties, lack of money, losses, and unreasonable spending.

Sometimes the card symbolizes a gigolo or a woman of dubious behavior who is only interested in the money of her other half.

People and places

If 6 Coins appears as a significator, it means a generous person, ready to come to the rescue of friends and acquaintances. He does not know how to refuse, he tries to do everything in his power to alleviate the situation of those in need.

Magic Tarot by Alexey Klyuev.

In the direct position, when fortune telling a person, the card is interpreted literally, starting from the picture depicted on it. It means a fair and wise benefactor who is about to appear in your life.

Psychological condition

The card symbolizes a reliable and kind person; he puts public interests above his own.

In the reversed position 6, Denariev warns the fortune teller that in front of her is a stingy, greedy and narrow-minded type. The reverse Six of Pentacles says that you should not expect generosity, condescension from a person and ask for services; most likely, you will be refused without even explaining the reasons.

When determining a place, the card means charitable foundations and organizations involved in helping those in need. In the narrow sense of the word, it indicates an almshouse - a place where every person can find peace of mind and receive support.

Symbolic burning of accumulated wealth. Six Psycho Tarot.

In layouts describing the psychological state of the questioner, the six of Coins is a good sign. She says that a person is at the peak of creative activity.

The fortuneteller is happy with life: he receives a good reward for his work, his colleagues respect him, there is prosperity and mutual understanding in the family.

But every coin has a downside. In an inverted position, the card means: dissatisfaction with salary, disrespect from loved ones, disagreements with the employer.

In the reverse position, the card says that in front of you is a person who is stingy in all respects, who is characterized by mental deafness, the inability to find a common language with the team, and disrespect for other people’s opinions.

Inverted Pentacles when divining a psychological state are an alarming signal. They warn that everything cannot be measured by money. There must be a place in life for mercy, compassion, and charity. Otherwise, you risk being left alone.

Remember the scales that the judge holds in his hands: they say that to each one will be measured according to faith and behavior. The card indicates the need to maintain a harmonious balance between the material and spiritual.

Classic combinations with the Major Arcana

The positive or negative meaning of the card is enhanced when combined with other Tarot symbols. The Major Arcana can completely change the picture of the situation.

Six of Pentacles with Major Arcana.

  • The Jester in combination with 6 Denariev advises doing charity work related to children. For example, help the baby’s home with things or finances.
  • The magician indicates that everything is under your control. Thanks to hard work, determination and dedication, a person will achieve the desired result.
  • The High Priestess predicts a brilliant scientific career. Option: the patron should take under the wing of a young, promising scientist.
  • The Empress says that an intelligent assistant will soon appear in a person’s life, to whom he will shift the burden of current household chores.
  • The Emperor and the Six of Pentacles indicate that the time has come to acquire your own home. For example, take out a mortgage loan.
  • The Hierophant next to the 6 Coins advises being merciful towards lost souls.
  • Lovers - do not forget that in a family everything should be equal. Give in to each other, help in everyday life.
  • The Chariot indicates the need to put maximum effort into the assigned task. Feel free to take the initiative and reap the benefits. Literally, it can mean a quick purchase of a car on credit.
  • Strength warns: distribute the load correctly. In pursuit of profit and material reward, do not forget about rest.
  • The hermit advises not to withdraw into yourself. Share your problems with your family and friends. Don't refuse the help offered.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a sign that the financial situation is unstable. Everything will change at any moment. Which direction will be shown by the neighboring cards.
  • Justice and six Denarii indicate successful resolution of property disputes.
  • Hanged in the layout next to 6 Coins - you will be refused help. Option: do not be sad about material losses, this is not the main thing in life.
  • Death - timely assistance would be helpful.
  • Moderation promises complete restoration of strength and recovery after a serious, long-term illness.
  • The devil says that the person next to you is not what he seems. Beware of his promises, do not enter into deals or agreements. Option: You will be tempted by easy money.
  • Tower - financial collapse, quarrels, squabbles and disagreements in the family and at work. Option: Prepare for life to change radically.
  • The star in the Major Arcana symbolizes hope. In combination with the Six of Coins, the card indicates that people need your sympathy and attention.
  • The moon is an illusion, a waste of time, unrealized projects, lost profits. Option: do not place vain hopes on outside help; you will have to do everything yourself.
  • The sun is a positive sign; you will receive rewards for your efforts.
  • Court. Literally, a successful outcome to a protracted process. Figuratively, do not judge people for poverty and lack of money.
  • The world says that it is time for the questioner to strengthen his spirit, gain courage, and take a decisive step.

The meaning of the card 6 of Pentacles is positive. An unambiguous interpretation of the image is easy to remember even for a novice tarot reader.

Classic combination with cards of the same suit

Remembering the combination of six with your suit is quite simple: follow the voice of your intuition.

Six of Pentacles and the suit of Pentacles.

  • Ace and six - you have a reputation as a fair, wise, honest person. Option: soon a patron and mentor will appear in life.
  • Two predicts receiving money from an unexpected source. Option: the debt will be returned to you.
  • Three - use the talents and abilities given by nature for good.
  • Four - don’t be greedy, share, and goodness will return a hundredfold.
  • Five – Donate money to charity.
  • Seven - the investment will pay off, but you will have to wait.
  • Eight – work in a charity organization.
  • Nine symbolizes a rich person involved in philanthropy.
  • Ten – willingness to share, selflessness, kindness.
  • The page predicts work with the disadvantaged. Option: joining a charitable foundation, free donations.
  • Knight - good deeds will not go unanswered. Share what you have and the Universe will thank you.
  • The queen symbolizes a rich lady dedicated to helping the poor.
  • The king personifies a powerful, wealthy patron on whom material well-being depends.

The card advises to be attentive to people, do not turn away if someone is in trouble. You may need help tomorrow.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's see how combinations of the Six of Coins with the suit of Cups are interpreted.

Six of Pentacles with Cups.

  • Ace indicates nobility, self-sacrifice.
  • Two speaks of the need for mutual support.
  • Troika - charity gala evening, fundraiser.
  • Four says that you can get tired of good deeds. Don't waste your energy in vain.
  • Five warns that you will regret the money spent.
  • Six is ​​a broad gesture made in the recent past.
  • Seven - it's time to make your dream come true. Don't be afraid to invest money in a business.
  • Eight - you will have to voluntarily part with acquired property.
  • Nine – offer of sponsorship.
  • Page - you will be invited to a charity event.
  • The knight reveals the spiritual generosity of the questioner.
  • The Queen calls for dealing with people according to their conscience.
  • The king says that the investment will be profitable.

This video presents a modern interpretation of the meaning of the 6 of Pentacles card:

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

Let's consider how the Staves that appear nearby influence the Six of Pentacles.

Six of Pentacles with Staves.

  • Ace speaks of support for ideas and projects.
  • The Two of Wands tells you to carefully plan family expenses.
  • The Troika predicts financial cooperation and a favorable outcome of the transaction.
  • The four promises to receive an unexpected gift.
  • The Five of Staves and the Six of Pentacles symbolize trading, a stock exchange, an auction.
  • Six - you have excellent business prospects. Don't miss the chance.
  • Seven - beware of monetary claims.
  • Eight - you can count on quick financial support. Option: you will have to borrow.
  • Nine warns against deception. Be careful.
  • Ten – financial difficulties.
  • Page - you will receive the desired reward.
  • The knight says that the questioner does not know how to manage money.
  • The Queen promises that you will get what you have dreamed of for a long time.
  • The king advises to be generous.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Let's look at standard combinations with the suit of Swords and find out how it affects the meaning of the 6 of Pentacles.

Six of Pentacles with Swords.

  • Ace and six - you will have the required amount for your planned purchase.
  • Two advises thinking about the soul.
  • Three - be careful, dishonest people take advantage of your kindness.
  • Four says that a person urgently needs to rest.
  • Five warns that generosity will turn into disaster and resentment.
  • Six – search for money, need for credit.
  • Seven - you are surrounded by insincere people.
  • Eight - obligations will tie you hand and foot.
  • Nine is worries about money.
  • Ten - the sacrifices were in vain.
  • Page – do not invest in a new enterprise. Waste your money, time and nerves.
  • The knight says that he will have to part with a large sum.
  • The Queen symbolizes patronage in the financial sector.
  • King - a person endowed with power and authority will appear in life.

To better remember combinations, practice different layouts. It is better for a novice tarot reader not to take on complex patterns. Start with simple fortune telling for 5-7 cards.

Meaning for fortune telling about health

In the upright position, the card speaks of excellent health. If a person is sick, it means that the treatment was beneficial and he will soon fully recover.

Six of Pentacles from the Egyptian Tarot.

In the reversed position, the Six of Pentacles advises listening to the signals of the body. Perhaps you work a lot and don't get enough rest. Think about whether it is worth undermining your health in this way.

Like any card, the Six of Pentacles gives a person a hint, wise advice. Follow it or do it your own way - this is freedom of will and choice.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Meaning of the Six of Pentacles in the upright position

Generosity, goodwill, support, generosity. You will get more money than you deserve. Serious financial success, achieving your goals. The card also advises you to help other people. This could be money, advice, or some other action. This will serve you well in the future.

In relationships, the card speaks of strong love and devotion. A person’s feelings are not subject to any doubt; you can completely trust your soulmate.

  • material stability, success of financial enterprises
  • solvency, charity

The Six of Pentacles of the Tarot in the correct position speaks of success and prosperity, going hand in hand with generosity and philanthropy. The client will achieve rewards in commerce and this will bring him satisfaction and a secure position. The Six of Pentacles tarot card also indicates generosity and responsiveness, resulting in charity and care. On the other hand, the Client can also be an object of charity.

The Six of Pentacles tarot card signifies that the time has come to take commendable action. Hopes come true. Heartfelt kindness. Gifts, gratitude, abundance, prosperity. Material wealth and donations.

Meaning of the Six of Pentacles in reversed position

Deception, financial losses, conflict, jealousy. Someone may lead you astray from the path that leads to increasing your status. It’s better not to trust your feelings about the events happening now, everything is worse than you think. Events should not develop according to the worst-case scenario; you will most likely avoid acute losses. But you will have to go through some very unpleasant moments. You need to look at things realistically, not cling to the unattainable, and stop tempting fate with your reckless actions.

In personal relationships, the card means deception and serious enmity.

  • financial fraud
  • financial recklessness, losses, enmity

The reversed Six of Pentacles Tarot shows that the positive aspects of generosity turn into financial recklessness and waste of resources. The client is expected to lose not only a material, but also an emotional nature as a result of theft or his own carelessness, as well as due to jealousy or someone’s secret machinations.

The six of pentacles tarot card reversed means lust, jealousy, envy, illusion, loss. Misfortune, whims.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Six of Pentacles tarot card indicates that the Questioner's previous problems have been resolved. There are indications that he is about to start a new, praiseworthy enterprise (for example, doing charity work); but this same card suggests that he has the ability and means for this noble cause.


Short description

It is obvious that Pamela Smith felt sympathy either for Robespierre, a prominent figure during the French Revolution, or for Sir Henry Irving, the actor who played Robespierre.

One way or another, we see Irving as Robespierre in the deck twice, on 6 and . At least Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin are sure that this is Robespierre.

They write about this in the book “Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot.”

I studied the French Revolution, and for me the image of Robespierre does not in any way correlate with the images of either the 4 or 6 of Pentacles.

The plot of the map, at first glance, is simple. Someone in rich clothes gives money to the poor and needy, which, according to Waite, speaks of his success and kindness. I don’t know what about good-heartedness, but in general, giving alms is a great way to gratify your Sense of Self-Importance.

The New Vision Tarot deck adds a funny detail - a hole in the cloak of a Very Important Person, which noticeably reduces the pretentiousness of this card.


  • Help
  • Mercy
  • Kindness
  • Stable minimum
  • Generosity and tolerance
  • Charity

Key Ideas

  • Unsolicited, unnecessary help
  • Help as emergency response
  • Altruism (desire to help)
  • Be dependent on help

Basic meaning

Overall, Waite views the 6 of Pentacles as a positive card. He describes it as gifts, offerings, rewards. But the inverted one changes its sign and speaks of envy, greed and jealousy.

In the modern understanding, the 6 of Pentacles card is focused primarily on issues of help. Who to help, in which cases the help is for the good, and in which - for the harm, the rights and responsibilities of the one providing and receiving the help.

Video: the meaning of the 6 Pentacles Tarot

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

The 6 of Pentacles is a very open card. It involves providing assistance not only to our own people, those who can count on help based on blood relationship, emotional closeness, and so on, but also to strangers. People from the street, strangers.

Relationship intensity

People easily enter the 6 of Pentacles and easily leave it. Relationships in this card are intense, but short.
The peculiarity of this card is that helping others can be a significant part of a person’s life and gradually turn into a routine. In this case, the intensity of the relationship on the part of the helper will decrease.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Let me remind you once again that Tarot cards consider ideal situations, ideal models of relationships.

When analyzing the 6 of Pentacles, it should be taken into account that due to the asymmetry of positions, people can perceive the situation of help differently. For example, one of the participants, having provided one-time help, may consider the situation closed and the relationship over. And the second is to start quoting the famous phrase of Saint-Exupery “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

The 6 of Pentacles is one of the few cards that takes into account the asymmetry of relationships. It describes two positions: the one who provides help and the one who receives. In the simplest case, both parties experience joy and pleasure. However, the presence of a third character on the map suggests that the range of emotional states may be much wider. And disappointment from the amount of help, and envy, and many other feelings.

In combination with the suit of Wands

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Staves
  • in combination with: It's time to finish with
  • in combination with: Time to be generous
  • in combination with: Help only “your own”

Importance in health matters

In matters of health, the card shows duality. On the one hand, it can talk about good health and the ability to help others, on the other hand, it can just indicate that a person needs our help.

But more often the card is associated with excellent physical shape and indicates good health.

In terms of treatment, the 6 of Pentacles advises strictly following the doctor’s recommendations to use medications correctly - Libra hints at this.

In combination with the suit of Cups

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Cups
  • in combination with: Help from loved ones
  • in combination with: The promise to help is a lie!
  • in combination with: Limit help to family members

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The situation on the map is akin to a role-playing game: three figures, three types, three scenarios. You must decide for yourself what position you are in - the supplicant or the donor.

Control on the part of the merchant is 100% and almost complete absence of control on the part of the beggars. The assistance provided using this card is, firstly, one-time, it is just an episode - here and now, and secondly, it depends on the whim of the merchant, i.e. is not motivated by almost anything other than his subjective considerations. Even the magpie in the nursery rhyme refuses the applicant for obvious reasons, but here the criteria for providing financial assistance are not defined. For those who ask, only the need for help is stable, but control of the situation is in the hands of the giver.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

Instructions to use other people's money. A loan or gratuitous assistance, as a desperate chance to survive or to build a sixth plant - it doesn’t matter how exactly you are going to spend other people’s money. The main thing is that it is justified: any help can and should be accepted.

General state of finances and trends of changes

On the one hand, the card indicates that there are financial problems; the person clearly needs something: money for an operation or for a new plant. But on the other hand, this fact is not alarming or alarming; the overall impression of the card is generally positive and favorable. “Ask and it will be given to you,” the financial situation will be resolved successfully. But only now.

The card does not talk about the conditions under which assistance will be provided, and how to repay debts later. A “mafia economy” option is possible - I helped you, now you help me.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

For both the giver and the asker, receiving help is not always the solution to the problem. Often the material support provided is seen as the ultimate goal. Moreover, the opportunity to get help without special costs is corrupting. “Why in small bills?” Not everyone you could really help needs it. There is more psychology than mathematics in the phrase “Let the hand of the giver fail.”

The positive point is that by sharing something not because we have to, but if possible and at will, from the heart, we increase our readiness to receive additional resources, although not always material ones. Everything you gave is yours. For the selfless, this is a positive card.

In combination with the suit of Swords

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Swords
  • in combination with the card: Help decisively
  • in combination with the card: Help will not be for the good
  • in combination with a card: Help learn how to do something

Think about who you can help?

Card of the day Caution

If you can't do it on your own, get some friendly help.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

6 of Pentacles Tarot combined with the suit of Pentacles
  • in combination with the card: Help will be rewarded
  • in combination with the card: Help others by doing what you love
  • in combination with the card: Help with studies

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • Who can I help?
  • Who needs my help?
  • Whose help and in what matter can I accept?
  • Why do I want to help?