
Spear of St. George the Victorious. Life (biography) of St. George the Victorious, icon and prayer to St. George the Victorious

Garden buildings


St. George the Victorious

There is very little reliable information about the life of St. George the Victorious. According to legend, he was born in Asia Minor in Cappadocia. The son of rich and noble parents, he served in the army and converted to Christianity.

Two significant facts are known about his life.
The first is the battle with the dragon (serpent).
The second is martyrdom at the hands of the Romans.

George was born on May 12, 270 at 12 o'clock at night in Cappadocia in Asia Minor. George's parents were of a noble and wealthy family, Lycians by nationality.
All men on his father's side served in the army, so his future was determined long before George grew up. He became the fourth child in the family, having an older brother and two sisters. The children grew up in love, although they were not allowed liberties. The word of their parents was law for them. George grew up as a very affectionate, gentle and caring child. When he was seven years old, his mother died. The boy took this loss very hard.

The child withdrew into himself, could sit in one place for hours, he was not interested in games or food. If he was not invited to eat, he could not come to the table for a week. Neither persuasion nor severity helped. His father's mother, a naturally gloomy and cruel woman, began to raise him. And Georgy so missed warmth and affection!

The thirst for knowledge became his only outlet. The family did not disagree with this, and therefore he did not feel a shortage of teachers. In addition to school, Georgy also studied at home. He read a lot, he was especially interested in religious literature, and he studied languages.

By the age of sixteen, the young man had grown to almost 180 cm tall. Broad shoulders, brown eyes, dark brown hair. And a pleasant smile all over your face. Georgy gave his smile to everyone and everyone, not skimping on good emotions. George did not want to serve in the army at all; he had a completely different dream - to become a teacher. But his father was adamant in his decision to send him to serve in the army. At sixteen and a half years old, George was enrolled in a detachment created under the emperor to fight dissidents, that is, Christians. This detachment was headed by a colleague of Father George. The more George served in the army, the more disillusioned he became with his service and the Roman faith. More and more often, it was not the duty of a warrior that awoke in his soul, but the desire to help those whom he was forced to pursue.

One day, George helped a young man from the Christian community avoid death, and he became his faithful squire. Through his squire, George whenever he could, warned Christians about the danger. He looked for and could not find a way out for himself; refusal to serve was equated to treason, and for this there was only one punishment - the death penalty.

At the age of twenty-five, a young man makes two vital decisions for himself: the first is to become a Christian and the second is to leave the army as soon as the opportunity arises.

On December 17, 295, George secretly received baptism. And two months later, he and his squire left his detachment at night, which was at that time in Egypt.
The young men go to the region bordering Egypt - Libya. Knowledge of the languages ​​that Georgy was taught as a child helped him to communicate calmly with local residents.

Georgy decided to see the world and the lives of other people, but for this he needed to wait some time, because he knew that they would look for him as a deserter who had left his military unit without permission. They head to the village of Selena, which at that time numbered about two thousand inhabitants. In its vicinity there was a huge snake (this species of reptile became completely extinct before it survived to this day). The size of this monster simply amazed the imagination - about ten meters in length and a meter in diameter.

George killing the serpent.
The Holy Great Martyr George is often depicted on icons as a horseman sitting on a white horse and slaying a terrible serpent with a spear. Image of St. George on horseback - a sign of victory.

When this monster was about to attack its prey, it, emitting bubbling sounds, spread two huge folding ears on the sides of its head. At that moment, from the outside it seemed that the snake had not one, but three heads. This snake once fed only on small animals, but over the years it became more and more difficult for it to chase prey.

One day, a hunter passed by the snake and was wounded after a fight with a tiger. The smell of fresh blood attracted the monster, which attacked the unfortunate man - he never returned home from the hunt. The snake tasted human flesh, and this day became a tragic day for the villagers. Because the reptile, having acquired a taste for it, began to hunt exclusively people.

People in the village began to disappear every seven to ten days. The local shaman announced to the village that evil spirits began to be angry with them and, in order to restrain their anger, a young girl must be sacrificed. At a general meeting of all village residents, it was decided to cast lots - who exactly would be this victim?
The choice fell on the daughter of the tribal elder.
Preparations for the ritual of sacrifice were already in full swing when George and his companion appeared on horseback in the vicinity of the village. They drove along a forest road that meandered among the hills, now rising and now falling down. In the distance, smoke could already be seen rising above the village. When there were less than three hundred meters left to the village, the travelers heard an ominous sound approaching them from the direction of the forest. The hissing mixed with bubbling and crackling sounds, none of them had ever heard anything like it before.

Both warriors had not yet come to their senses when a snake appeared right in front of them and took a fighting stance in all its glory. The travelers were saved only by the fact that they were on horses, and George’s quick reaction, developed over his years of service, allowed him to be the first to attack the enemy.

He pulled out a spear and pierced the snake with it. While his companion was recovering from the fear he had suffered, Georgy had already managed to chop this vile creature into pieces with his sword.

Having finished with the snake, they went to the village to call someone for help. They knew that snake meat had always been considered a delicacy among Africans.

It was only then that the village residents saw who the true culprit behind the mysterious disappearances of people was. Thanks to George, people realized that they should not blindly trust their shaman.

The entire village came out to honor the victorious warrior. George was offered a gift that could not be refused without causing offense to the entire tribe. The rescued girl was offered to him as a wife. The young man was young and handsome, the vow of celibacy had not yet been invented, for obvious reasons he had nowhere to rush yet, and George accepted the offer to stay in the village.

Here he begins to preach and talk about faith, about Jesus Christ. Six months later, at the tribal council, it was decided to convert the entire village to Christianity. These were the first Christians in Libya, and St. George the Victorious was the first to bring the faith of Christ to this country!

Georgy lived in Selene for about seven years. His beautiful wife bore him two sons and a daughter. But the desire to see other countries, to visit the homeland of Jesus, to once again communicate with those who carry his faith on Earth, grew stronger and stronger in him every day.

God rewarded George with a wife not only beautiful, but also wise. Seeing her husband's mental suffering, the woman insists on George's journey. Little did she know that she would never see her beloved again.

From Libya, George headed to Egypt, and then - by ship - to Gaul. Over the course of a year, he visited Greece, Persia, Palestine, Syria, and on April 27, 303, St. George the Victorious arrived in Nicomedia in Asia Minor.

Damian. "St. George resurrects a fallen ox", Georgia

A week later he was captured by soldiers of the Roman army.
He was charged with desertion and preaching a forbidden faith.

George was kept in a local prison for two months, tortured and demanding that he renounce the faith of Christ. Having achieved nothing, the torturers chose the most cruel punishment for George at that time. He was chained in a stone chamber, standing with his arms outstretched in different directions. After torture, George’s arms and legs were torn to blood. The smell of fresh blood attracted the prison rats, and they began to gnaw at his living body, and he stood and could not move his arm or leg at that moment. St. George the Victorious lived for another twelve days, then losing consciousness, then regaining consciousness. His tormentors did not receive any screams or pleas for help from him.

He died on July 11, 303; George was thirty-three years old. His body was not even buried.

Michael van Coxie. "Martyrdom of St. George"

The beheading of St. George (fresco by Altichiero da Zevio in the Chapel of San Giorgio, Padua

Fifty years later, the prison was destroyed by an earthquake, burying a cell under the ruins, which became the grave of the holy martyr. But, according to Christian tradition, Saint George is buried in the city of Lod (formerly Lydda), in Israel. A temple was built over his tomb (en:Church of Saint George, Lod), which belongs to the Jerusalem Orthodox Church. The head of the saint is kept in the Roman basilica of San Giorgio in Velabro.

Tomb of St. St. George the Victorious in Lod

The immortal soul of St. George the Victorious continues to work miracles.

He patronizes the military, pilots and those who believe in him and ask for protection.

This saint has become extremely popular since early Christianity. He suffered torment in Nicomedia, and soon he began to be revered in Phenicia, Palestine, and then throughout the east. In Rome in the 7th century there were already two churches in honor of him, and in Gaul he has been revered since the 5th century.

© “Revelations of Guardian Angels. Cross of Jesus" = Renat Garifzyanov, Lyubov Panova


According to one version, the cult of St. George, as often happened with Christian saints, was put forward in opposition to the pagan cult of Dionysus; temples were built on the site of the former sanctuaries of Dionysus and holidays were celebrated in his honor on the days of Dionysus.
George is considered the patron saint of warriors, farmers (the name George comes from the Greek γεωργός - farmer) and shepherds, and in some places - travelers. In Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia, believers turn to him with prayers for rain. In Georgia, people turn to George with requests for protection from evil, for good luck in hunting, for the harvest and offspring of livestock, for healing from illnesses, and for childbearing. In Western Europe, it is believed that prayers to St. George (George) help get rid of poisonous snakes and contagious diseases. Saint George is known to the Islamic peoples of Africa and the Middle East under the names Jirjis and al-Khadr.

In Rus' since ancient times, St. George was revered under the name Yuri or Yegory. In the 1030s, Grand Duke Yaroslav founded the monasteries of St. George in Kyiv and Novgorod and ordered throughout Rus' to “create a holiday” of St. George on November 26 (December 9).

In the Russian lands, the people revered George as the patron saint of warriors, farmers and cattle breeders. April 23 and November 26 (old style) are known as spring and autumn St. George's Day. On spring St. George's day, peasants drove their cattle out to the fields for the first time after winter. Images of St. George have been found since ancient times on grand ducal coins and seals.

Church of St. George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow

The Temple of St. George the Victorious is mentioned in chronicles along with other churches built. According to ancient records kept in this church until 1778, the St. George Church was founded in the Grand Duke's court in 1129 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in honor of “his angel” St. Great Martyr George. Probably, at the beginning it was built according to the same architectural type as other ancient stone churches of the Vladimir-Suzdal land of the 12th and 13th centuries, for example the Spassky Cathedral in Pereslavl-Zalessky...
The construction of the white-stone temple was completed already in 1157 by his son, the blessed saint.

Memorial Days

In the Orthodox Church, St. George the Victorious is commemorated:
- April 23/ the 6th of May;
- the 3rd of November/ November 16- renovation (consecration) of the Church of the Great Martyr George in Lydda (IV century);
- 10th of November/ November 23- Wheeling of the Great Martyr George (Georgian celebration);
- November 26/December 9 - consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George in Kyiv in 1051. Celebration of the Russian Orthodox Church, popularly known as the autumn St. George's Day (November 26).

In the West, Saint George is the patron saint of chivalry and participants in the crusades; he is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

Georgia, enlightened by the Christian faith by Saint Nina Equal to the Apostles († 335), a relative of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious († 303, Comm. April 23), especially honors Saint George as its patron. One of the names of Georgia is in honor of George (this name is still preserved in many languages ​​of the world). In honor of the Great Martyr, Saint Nina established a holiday. It is still celebrated in Georgia on November 10 - in memory of the wheeling of St. George.
The first temple in honor of St. George was built in Georgia in 335 by King Mirian at the burial site of St. Nina, from the 9th century. the construction of churches in honor of George became widespread.
In 1891, in the Caucasus, near the village of Kakhi, Zagatala district, a new temple was built on the site of an ancient one in honor of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, to which many pilgrims of different faiths flock.
The life of the saint was first translated into Georgian at the end. X century In the 11th century When translating the Great Synaxarion, George Svyatogorets completed a brief translation of the life of George.
The Cross of St. George is present on the flag of the Georgian church. It first appeared on Georgian banners under Queen Tamara.

In Ossetian traditional beliefs, the most important place is occupied by Uastirdzhi (Uasgergi), who appears as a strong gray-bearded old man in armor on a three- or four-legged white horse. He patronizes men. Women are forbidden to pronounce his name, instead they call him Lægty dzuar (patron of men). Celebrations in his honor, as in Georgia, begin on November 23 and last a week. Tuesday of this holiday week is especially revered. The cult itself is syncretic in nature: with the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Alania (5th century) and before its final adoption (10th century), a certain deity from the pantheon of ethnic Ossetian religion, the cult of which dates back to the times of the Indo-Iranian community, was subjected to transformation by the Church. As a result, the deity took the name George, and the name of the holiday in his honor (Dzheorguyba) was borrowed as a result of the significant influence of Georgian Orthodoxy from the Georgian language. Otherwise, the cult of the patron remained ethnic in nature.

On November 3, the Russian Church commemorates the renovation of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydda.
The Holy Great Martyr George suffered during the cruel persecution of the Church of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. During his suffering, being imprisoned, Saint George asked the prison guard to allow his servant into his prison, and when the servant was admitted to him, he begged him to transfer his body after death to Palestine. The servant fulfilled his master's request exactly. Taking the headless body of the great martyr from prison, he buried it with honor in the city of Ramla.
During the reign of the pious Emperor Constantine, devotees of the holy great martyr built a beautiful temple in Lydda in his name. At the time of its consecration, the incorruptible relics of the holy great martyr were transferred from Ramla to this temple. This event happened on November 3rd. It is not known whether the annual celebration of this day was already established even then - in any case, in the month of the Syrian Church from the year 1030, November 3 is celebrated as a holiday.
Subsequently, the magnificent temple of the Great Martyr, which was one of the main decorations of the city of Lydda, fell into great desolation. Only the altar and the very tomb of the great martyr remained intact, where Christians continued to conduct their worship. Attention to this temple on the part of Orthodox Rus' awoke in the second half. XIX century The donations of benefactors and the abundant funds allocated by the Russian government made it possible for Lydda to again see this temple landscaped and embellished. The consecration of the renovated temple took place in 1872 on November 3, on the anniversary of the day on which it was consecrated for the first time. The Russian Church commemorates this significant event on this day and to this day; In honor of this celebration, many monasteries and churches were built in Rus'.

The blessed and ever-memorable prince of the Russian land Yaroslav, the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, wanted to create a temple in honor of the Great Martyr George, that is, in the name of his Angel, since Yaroslav received the name George in holy baptism. He chose a place for this temple not far from the St. Sophia Cathedral, precisely to the west of it, towards the Golden Gate.
When they began to build this temple, there were few workers.
Seeing this, Yaroslav called tiun and asked him:
– Why are there few workers at the temple of God?
Tiun replied:
– Since this is a sovereign matter (that is, the temple is being built at the prince’s own expense), people are afraid that they will not be deprived of payment for their work.
Then the prince ordered to carry his treasures under the arches of the golden gates in carts and announce to the people at the auction that everyone could receive from the prince a nogat a day for work. And many workers appeared, the work went more successfully, and the temple was soon completed.
Its consecration was performed on November 26, 1051 by Metropolitan Hilarion. The prince commanded that the day of consecration be celebrated throughout Russia every year in honor of the Holy Great Martyr George. The Holy Great Martyr George is considered the primary guardian of shepherds and flocks on the grounds that after his repose, he repeatedly assisted his neighbors, appearing on horseback. Therefore, on Georgiev or, in popular parlance, on Yegoryev’s day, pious residents of villages and hamlets in Russia usually drive their cattle out to pasture for the first time after winter, and perform the holy act. prayer service to the great martyr with sprinkling of St. water for shepherds and flocks.

By praying to St. George the Victorious, Christians ask for strengthening of faith.
If you are unjustly oppressed, ask the prayer of St. George the Victorious for holy protection and protection.
A powerful prayer to St. George the Victorious during disasters.
St. George the Victorious is the heavenly patron of Russia, Georgia and Ossetia. He is depicted on the coat of arms of Moscow. In times of disasters, invasions of enemies, and dominance of non-believers, the Orthodox people have always been helped by prayer to the holy Victorious.

Prayers to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious
First prayer

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help, and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us by you from the All-Bountiful God into evil, but into the glory of the Holy One in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and all the God-loving army victory over the adversaries and strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing. May His angel protect us saints with a militia, so that we, upon our departure from this life, may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals, and may present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that by His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession we may find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the world, and He will be glorified with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and before your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, may he mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to the Great Martyr George the Victorious

Troparion, tone 4
You fought a good fight, more passionately than Christ’s George, and for the sake of faith you exposed the tormentors’ wickedness: but you made an acceptable sacrifice to God. In the same way, you received the crown of victory, and through your holy prayers, you granted forgiveness of sins to all.

Troparion, voice of the same
As the liberator of the captives, and the protector of the poor, the physician of the infirm, the champion of kings, the victorious Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Troparion, tone 4
Today the ends of the world bless you, having been fulfilled with divine miracles, and the earth rejoices, having drunk your blood. At the name of Christ, the people of the city of Kyiv rejoiced with joy at the consecration of your Divine Temple, passion-bearer George, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit, servant of Christ. Pray with faith and prayer to those who come to your holy temple to grant the cleansing of sins, to pacify the world and save our souls.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Saint George was called the Victorious for his courage and spiritual victory over his tormentors and for his miraculous help to people in danger.

Life of the Victorious

The future Saint was born in Cappadocia (a region in Asia Minor) in the 3rd century - George's parents were rich and pious. George's father, when he was still a child, accepted martyrdom for Christ. And the mother, who owned estates in Palestine, after the death of her husband moved to her homeland with her son, where she raised him in the Christian faith.

George, who was distinguished by physical strength, beauty and courage and received an excellent education, entered military service at a young age.

George the Victorious, for his excellent knowledge of military affairs, at the age of 20 was already appointed head of the famous cohort of invictiors (invincibles). Having reached the rank of commander of a thousand, the future Saint earned the recognition and patronage of Emperor Diocletian, a supporter of the Roman gods and an ardent persecutor of Christianity.

The emperor issued the first edict against Christians in February 303, in which he commanded: “to destroy the church to its foundations, burn sacred books, and deprive Christians of honorary positions.”

Saint George, having learned about the emperor's decision, set free the slaves, distributed his inheritance to the poor and appeared in the Senate, where he publicly denounced Diocletian for cruelty and injustice.

© photo: Sputnik / A.Sverdlov

The emperor, who loved and exalted George, tried to persuade him to renounce his faith in Christ and not destroy his youth, glory and honor, but he was adamant.

Then Diocletian, having first subjected the young Christian to numerous inhuman tortures and tortures, ordered his beheading. Saint George the Victorious, who endured all the torment and did not renounce the faith of Christ, was executed in 303.

The relics of the Saint rest in the city of Lod, where the Church of St. George the Victorious was erected, and his head and sword are kept in Rome.


Many miracles that the Victorious One performed are described in the life of St. George. The most common of them is the one in which Saint George defeated the terrible serpent with his spear and saved the daughter of the ruler of the city of Beirut from certain death.

According to legend, near the city of Beirut, in the homeland of St. George the Victorious, where many idolaters lived, there was a large lake in which lived a huge snake, which, when it climbed ashore, devoured people.

The inhabitants of that area could not do anything and began to regularly give a girl or boy by lot to a snake to be eaten in order to satisfy his rage.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Biatov

The daughter of the local ruler did not escape the same fate - the girl was taken to the shore of the lake and tied, where she began to wait in horror for the snake to appear.

A bright young man on a white horse appeared when the beast began to approach the girl - he struck the snake with a spear and saved the girl. It was Saint George the Victorious, who with such a miraculous phenomenon stopped the destruction of young people within Beirut.

The pagan inhabitants of the country, having learned about this miracle, converted to Christianity, and the plot served as the basis for painting icons in which St. George the Victorious is depicted sitting on a white horse and slaying a serpent with a spear.

The veneration of St. George the Victorious as the patron of cattle breeding and protector from predatory animals was promoted by the miraculous revival of the farmer’s only ox, also described in the life of the great martyr.

© photo: Sputnik / Eduard Pesov

The Slavs revered Saint George (Yuri) as the patron saint of warriors, cattle breeders and farmers. On St. George's Day (St. George's Day), since ancient times, peasants for the first time drove their cattle out to pasture after a long winter, having previously performed a prayer service to the Great Martyr with the sprinkling of holy water on houses and animals.


St. George's Day is one of the most revered religious holidays in the country. In Georgia it is called "Giorgoba". Festive services on this day are held in all operating churches in Georgia.

The Day of Remembrance of St. George the Victorious in Georgia, who is considered the patron saint of the country, is celebrated twice - on May 6 and November 23. In Georgia, November 23 is a public holiday and is declared a day off.

St. George the Victorious, the horseman slaying the serpent, has become an integral part of the Georgian consciousness and Orthodox faith and is depicted on the state emblem of the country. The Georgian flag adorns the St. George Cross.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

The holiday, according to legend, was founded by Saint Nino, a Christian educator of Georgia. As you know, she was a relative of St. George the Victorious, especially revered him and bequeathed to the country that she converted to Christianity to love him.

In Georgia, the first church in honor of St. George the Victorious was built by King Mirian already in 335 at the burial site of St. Nino, and from the 9th century the construction of churches in honor of St. George became widespread. Almost every Georgian church has an icon with the face of this Saint.

What are they asking for?

Saint George, who protects all the weak and innocent, is prayed for victory in any struggle. The Victorious One patronizes warriors and travelers, cattle breeders and farmers. Therefore, people ask St. George for protection from evil and evil spirits, a good harvest, healing and good offspring of livestock, good luck in hunting, and so on.

Prayers to Saint George

First prayer

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and in front of your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His benevolence, that He may mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer

O all-validated, holy great martyr and wonderworker George! Look upon us with your quick help and beg God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and godly life, mental and physical health, fertility of the earth and abundance in everything, and may we not turn into evil what you have given us from the All-Bountiful God, but into the glory of His Holy Name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He grant our country and the entire God-loving army victory over the adversaries and may it strengthen us with unchangeable peace and blessing. May His angel protect us saints with a greater militia, so that upon our departure from this life, we may be delivered from the wiles of the evil one and his difficult airy ordeals and present ourselves uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, passion-bearing George of Christ, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, so that through His grace and love for mankind, with your help and intercession, we will find mercy with the Angels and Archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge and may we glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The material was prepared based on open sources


The great confessor and wonderful warrior of Christ, Saint George, was born in the city of Beirut (in ancient times - Belit), in Cappadocia, no later than 276 into a family of rich and pious parents who raised him in the Christian faith.

His father, Gerontius, was a military leader in Cappadocia, martyred for confessing Christ when George was still a child. His mother, Polychronia, was the daughter of noble and wealthy parents with extensive estates near the city of Lydda in Palestine, where she moved with her son after the death of her husband.

Georgy received an excellent education and, distinguished by his physical strength, beauty and courage, entered military service at a young age.

For his excellent knowledge of military affairs, Georgy, at the age of twenty, was appointed head of the famous cohort of invictiors (invincibles).

During the war between the Romans and the Persians (296-297), George showed amazing courage, for which the emperor appointed him a comit (companion) - a close associate of the emperor, accompanying him during his travels and receiving maintenance.

Emperor Diocletian reigned from 284 to 305 and was an ardent adherent of the ancient Roman religion, spending huge sums of money on the construction of pagan temples. He accused Christian priests of witchcraft, with which, in his opinion, they thwarted all his endeavors. On February 23, 303, the emperor issued the first edict against Christians: “to destroy churches to the ground, burn sacred books and deprive Christians of honorary positions.”

Soon after this, the imperial palace in Nicomedia was twice engulfed in fire. This coincidence gave rise to unsubstantiated accusations of arson against Christians. The greatest persecution in the history of Christianity began. Diocletian drew his sword on God's righteous people. Instead of criminals, the prisons were filled with confessors of the true God. The first victims were Christians who served in the imperial army.

It was at this time that the wonderful warrior of Christ George appeared, like a bright star. Despite his youth, George possessed the wisdom of an old man.

Once in the courtroom and hearing the lawless and terrible judgment about the extermination of Christians, George was inflamed with holy zeal for the faith. He distributed everything he had to the poor: gold, silver, precious clothes (George’s mother had died by this time), freed the slaves on his estates and decided to stand to the death for Christ: having rejected human fear, he girded his loins with the truth and, putting on the armor of righteousness, Having put on the helmet of salvation, taking the shield of faith and the spiritual sword, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:14-17), he embarked on the path of struggle with the emperor Diocletian, realizing that the time had come that would serve to save his soul.

At the last meeting of the emperor with like-minded people, George boldly spoke: “How long will it take you, king, and you, princes and advisers, to commit evil deeds? You are mistaken in worshiping idols. The true God is Jesus Christ, who is persecuted by you. I am a servant of Christ, my God, and I came here to testify to the truth.” The enraged king ordered his squires to imprison George, hammer his feet into stocks, and place a heavy stone on his chest. Having endured torture with God's help, George answered the king when he began to convince him to repent: “Do you really think, king, that suffering will distract me from the faith? You will sooner tire of tormenting me than I will tire of enduring torment.”

After these words, Diocletian ordered to bring a newly invented instrument of torture - a wheel with iron points driven into it. When, after the wheeling, everyone recognized the righteous man as dead, suddenly a thunderclap was heard and the words were heard: “Don’t be afraid, George! I'm with you!" George, healed by the Angel, himself came off the wheel, glorifying God. Seeing the miraculous salvation of George, the royal dignitaries Anthony, Protoleon and Queen Alexandra wanted to convert to Christianity. For confessing Christ, the king ordered the dignitaries to be seized, taken out of the city and their heads cut off. Queen Alexander was ordered to be locked in the palace, and Saint George was to be covered with quicklime for three days. Three days later, the emperor ordered the bones of the martyr to be dug up, but the servants found Saint George unharmed and brought him to the king.

“Tell George,” asked Diocletian, “where do you get such power and what kind of magic do you use?” “Tsar,” answered George, you are blaspheming God. Seduced by the devil, you are mired in the errors of paganism and call the miracles of my God, performed before your eyes, enchantments.” Diocletian ordered boots with nails inside to be put on George’s feet and driven to the very dungeon with beatings and abuse.

The nobleman Magnentius suggested that Diocletian turn to the famous sorcerer Athanasius. When the sorcerer appeared at the palace, the emperor told him: “Either defeat and destroy George’s sorcery and make him submissive to us, or take his life.”

In the morning in court, Athanasius showed two vessels and ordered the convict to be brought. “If a madman drinks from the first vessel,” said the sorcerer, “he will be obedient to the royal will; from the second drink he will die.” Having drunk from both vessels, George remained unharmed, and Athanasius himself believed and confessed Christ as the omnipotent God before everyone. For this he was executed by the emperor.

Saint George was again imprisoned. The people, who believed in miracles and turned to Christianity, bribe the guards to see the saint and receive instruction and help. The poor farmer Glycerius came to the saint, mourning the bull that had fallen under his plow. The saint smiled and said: “Go, brother, and do not be sad. My God Christ gave life to your bull.”

Glycerius, convinced that the bull was alive, finally believed in Christ, although he was a Samaritan. By order of the emperor, Glycerius's head was cut off. So blessed Glycerius ended his earthly life baptized with his own blood. And many accepted martyrdom for confessing Christ. Among them are the holy martyrs Valery, Donatus, and Ferinus.

The royal advisers asked to condemn George because many people were turning away from their pagan gods. The night before a new test, George prayed earnestly, and when he dozed off, he saw the Lord in a sleepy vision. Christ embraced him, placed a crown on the head of the martyr and said: “Do not be afraid, but dare. You will soon come to Me in the Heavenly Kingdom.”

The saint woke up and asked the guards to let the servant Pasikrates in to him. Having told him that the Lord would soon call him to himself, he asked that after his death his body be transferred to Palestine and not deviate from his faith in Christ, he hugged and kissed Pasikrates goodbye.

Diocletian ordered George to be brought to the temple of Apollo and began to convince him to sacrifice to idols. Saint George turned to the statue of Apollo: “Do you want to accept a sacrifice from me, like a god?” The evil demon who lived in the idol announced the whole truth about himself: “I am not a god. The true God is Christ whom you confess.” “How dare you stay here when the servant of the true God has come?!” - said George. After Saint George made the sign of the cross, the temple was filled with groans, the demons left the idols and the statues collapsed.

Zealous pagans and priests rushed to beat the saint and demanded that the emperor kill George. Queen Alexandra, hearing the noise and screams, hurried to the temple and threw herself at the feet of George with the words: “God Georgiev, help me! You alone are omnipotent.” Diocletian. Seeing Queen Alexandra at the feet of the condemned man, he asked in amazement: “What’s wrong with you, Alexandra? Why do you join the sorcerer and the sorcerer and shamelessly renounce our gods? Saint Alexandra turned away and did not answer the emperor. The enraged Diocletian immediately sentenced both to death.

The soldiers led the martyrs outside the city to the place of execution. The most noble queen joyfully followed Saint George. She prayed earnestly, calling on the name of the Lord, turning her eyes to heaven. On the way, the queen became exhausted, sat down on the road near the wall and surrendered her spirit to God.

When Saint George was brought to the place of execution, he asked to be freed from his shackles and began to pray out loud. Then Saint George bowed his head and was beheaded with a sword. The death of the Holy Great Martyr George occurred on April 23, 303, Friday, at seven o’clock in the evening.

Blessed Pasikrates fulfilled the saint’s will exactly. He transferred and buried a precious treasure - the body of the great martyr - in Palestine in the city of Lydda. The relics of St. George were divided, and most of them were transferred to other cities. Nowadays, parts of the relics of St. George are in Lydda, Remla, Rome (in the temple dedicated to the great martyr; his head, spear and banner are kept), Jerusalem, Cairo, in the monasteries of Holy Mount Athos, in the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius and in Moscow - in the Church of the Resurrection Christ in Sokolniki and in the Church of the Great Martyr George on Poklonnaya Hill.

Passion-bearer George confessed Christ when the darkness of insane idolatry spread throughout the Universe and courageously endured the most severe torture to which human flesh has ever been subjected, and emerged from this battle victorious over the enemy of the human race, for which he was named the Victorious by the Holy Church.

For our benefit, edification and salvation, the merciful and humane God was pleased to magnify the name of St. George the Victorious with unusual miracles and signs performed by the saint after his blessed death. Of the many miracles performed by the Holy Great Martyrs George, the most famous is his victory over the spawn of the devil - a huge serpent.

In the saint’s homeland, near the city of Beirut, there was a lake in which lived a huge and terrible serpent, resembling a dragon in appearance. Coming out of the lake, he devoured people and sheep, devastated the surrounding area, filled the air with a poisonous stench, from which people were poisoned and died. To appease the monster, the residents, on the advice of the pagan priests, began to cast lots and give their children as sacrifices to the serpent. Finally, it was the turn of the king’s only daughter. The girl, distinguished by her unprecedented beauty, was led to the lake and left in her usual place.

While the people were looking at the princess from afar and expecting her death, Saint George suddenly appeared on a white horse with a spear in his hand and said to the queen: “Do not be afraid, girl, in the name of my God, Jesus Christ, I will save you and your people from the serpent.” .

Seeing the snake, he made the sign of the cross and with the words “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!” rushed at the monster, shaking his spear. The rider pressed the snake's larynx to the ground with a spear, and the horse began to trample the monster like a quiet dog. The residents fled. But Saint George stopped them: “Do not be afraid and trust in Almighty God. Believe in Christ. He sent me to deliver you from the serpent.” After these words, Saint George took out his sword and killed the snake, and the residents burned the monster. Seeing the great miracle, the king and the townspeople believed in Christ and received holy baptism.

At this place, where the saint killed the serpent, a church was built in memory of St. George the Victorious. During the consecration of the temple, through the prayers of St. George, a new miracle happened - a spring began to flow near the church.

Based on this ancient legend, the Great Martyr George is depicted sitting on a white horse, under whose feet lies a terrible serpent, looking at the holy horseman, who courageously strikes the monster in the mouth with a spear. The name of the Holy Great Martyr George is one of the most revered. The Holy Great Martyr George is the patron saint of the army. Many victories of the Russian army are associated with the name of St. George the Victorious; he is especially loved and revered by the people.

The image of St. George the Victorious belongs to the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, and the Russian insignia placed on the chest of soldiers for service and exploits, since November 26, 1769.

Great Martyr George (his name translated from Greek means “farmer”) is also revered as the special patron of shepherds and herds, since during his lifetime he repeatedly assisted them, appearing on horseback. For our benefit, God was pleased not to hide the exploits of St. George under a bushel. We already know a lot about the earthly life of the great martyr, the amazing severity of the trials he endured for confessing Christ, and about the incredible miracles that God performed through His saint thanks to the reliable testimony of Pasikrates, who was present at all the deeds and wrote them down.

Here is a brief summary of the miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George (more fully in the book by A.V. Bugaevsky, Abbot Vladimir Zorin, “The Life, Sufferings and Miracles of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Holy Martyr Queen Alexandra.”)

About the column donated by the widow for the templeSt. George in the city of Ramel

A pious widow, who zealously revered Saint George, bought a column for the temple with her own money, but the royal dignitary refused to take it on board the ship. The tearful widow turned to Saint George. He appeared to her and asked where she would like to see her column in the temple. “Second from the right, sir,” answered the widow.

The royal dignitary was amazed that the column arrived at the temple construction site before the ship arrived. Saint George appeared to him in a dream and promised to forgive him if he fulfilled the widow’s request. For several centuries, many have seen the column and the saint's inscription on it.

About the admonishment of the Saracen by Saint George

In the church of St. George in Ramel, a noble Saracen, accompanied by friends, entered and saw a priest praying before the icon of St. George. Taking the bow, the Saracen shot an arrow at the icon. The arrow returned and pierced the Saracen's hand. My hand was very painful, causing unbearable pain. The Saracen called the priest and asked what to do. “Spend the whole night with the icon, anoint the wound with oil from the lamp,” was the answer. In the morning the Saracen was healthy. Thus, thanks to the miracles of the Great Martyr George, the Saracen received Holy Baptism.

About the horse donated by a warrior to Saint George

The horseman arrived in Lydda, where the warriors were gathering before setting off on a campaign. The warrior entered the temple and turned to the image of St. George. “If, by the grace of God, we return unharmed from the campaign, I promise to give you my horse, which I love very much.”

Having returned alive, the warrior wanted to pay off the icon of St. George with money and gold. But until he gave up the horse, he stood rooted to the spot. The vow given to God is holy, and any violation of it is a great sin.

The miraculous transfer of the image of St. George to Athos

Three brothers, Moses, Aaron and Vasily, left Bulgaria and chose Holy Mount Athos for monastic exploits. They built a church and turned to the Lord with the question of which saint to dedicate the temple to. In the morning, upon entering the temple, on the prepared board they saw the image of St. George. At the same time, in Phanuel, in the monastery of the Great Martyr George, the image of St. George separated from the board, rose up and disappeared. He was identified by Abbot Eustratius and the monks who arrived and remained on Mount Athos.

Bishop Vodinsky visited Mount Athos, heard about the miraculous transfer of the image of St. George, but did not believe it. “Is this your miraculous icon?” - the bishop asked mockingly and casually touched his face with his index finger; his finger stuck to the icon. The bishop had to undergo a painful operation. Evidence of this miracle has survived to this day - on the face of the saint one can see part of the bishop’s finger, fused to the icon.

Pie boy

One boy constantly lost to his peers who were playing near the temple of St. George, turning to the temple he said: “St. George, help me win, for this I will bring you a pie.” And he began to win many times.

The mother baked a cake and the boy took it to the temple. Four merchants entered the temple and ate the cake, but could not find a way out of the temple. Having invested a lot of money, they found a way out. The money was the first to be used to repair the temple. After learning about this event, many people donated money for restoration.

About a young man who stole a lamb from a poor widow

The young man sold the widow's lamb for three pieces of silver, and... when she asked where the lamb was, he replied that the wolf had eaten it, and at the same time said: “I swear by St. George, the wolf ate your lamb.”

The young man drove the flock into the mountains, and there he was bitten by a snake. He died from a snake bite. The monk Sophronius, who came to the aid of the shepherd, was sent by Saint George. Saving the young man, he gave him water to drink straight from the cross and said: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by the power of Christ the Holy Great Martyr George heals you, arise and feed.” The boy was saved. The monk Sophronius asked him if he had stolen the lamb and if he had sworn by Saint George. The young man was surprised and asked how he knew about this. Monk Sophrony replied that Saint George told him about this. The young man admitted his sin and promised to atone for his guilt.

Rescue of seafarers off the coast of Crimea

A Greek ship with valuable cargo was caught in a terrible storm in the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea. The unfortunate sailors turned to St. George the Victorious with a request to save them, and the saint was not slow to come to their aid. He suddenly appeared on a rock and stopped the ship, the storm subsided. On the rock, sailors discovered an icon of St. George. Subsequently, the Greeks founded a cave monastery on this site in 801.

Saint George frees Manuel from robbers

The pious young man Manuel, a deep believer in Christ, was worried about the temple of St. George in Didia. Every year he went to the baptismal festival of the Archangel Michael in Khony and took there the money donated by believers to the temple where he served.

One day he collected a lot of gold and went to Khoni. On the way, he stopped to stay with robbers who wanted to rob him, but Saint George saved him. Manuel spent the rest of his life in repentance, glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ and his saint, the great passion-bearer George.

Ancient Byzantine manuscripts tell us cases of the release of pious people from captivity by the Holy Great Martyr George who asked him for help. Rus' saw many miracles of St. George after his Baptism. Hundreds of monasteries and churches were dedicated to the great martyr since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. For a millennium, Saint George was and remained the greatest patron of Russia, our Orthodox fatherland, and our capital, Moscow.

Troparion, tone 4:

As liberator of captives and protector of the poor, physician of the infirm, champion of the Orthodox, victorious, Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4:

Cultivated by God, you showed yourself to be a most honest worker of piety, having collected the virtues of the handle for yourself: having sowed in tears, reaped with joy, suffered through suffering with blood, you accepted Christ, with your prayers, holy, you granted forgiveness to all sins.

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Saint George is one of the great martyrs of the Orthodox Church. He was called the Victorious for his courage, strength and will in the fight against the enemy army. The saint also became famous for his help and love for people. The life of St. George the Victorious has become famous for many facts, and the story of his posthumous appearance to humanity is generally similar to a fairy tale.

Life of Saint George the Victorious

The saint's parents were believers and God-fearing Christians. My father suffered for his faith and suffered martyrdom. His mother, remaining a widow, moved with the young George to Palestine and began raising her child as a Christian.

Great Martyr George the Victorious

George grew up to be a brave young man, and having enlisted in the Roman army, he was noticed by the pagan emperor Diocletian. He accepted the warrior into his guard.

The ruler clearly understood the danger that the Christian faith posed to the civilization of the pagans, so he intensified the persecution of Christianity. Diocletian gave the military leaders freedom in relation to reprisals against the Orthodox. George, having learned about the ruler’s unjust decision, distributed to the poor all the property inherited after the death of his parents, granted freedom to the slaves who worked on the estate, and appeared before the emperor.

Without fear, he courageously denounced Diocletian and his cruel plan, and then confessed his faith in Christ before him. The powerful pagan tried to force the warrior to renounce the Savior and sacrifice to idols, to which he received a decisive refusal from the Orthodox warrior. By order of Diocletian, the squires pushed the Victorious out of the room with spears and tried to take him to prison.

But the steel weapon miraculously became soft and easily bent upon contact with the saint’s body.

Having placed the Orthodox warrior in prison, his legs were put in stocks, and his chest was pressed with a large stone. The next morning, the unshakable warrior again confessed his faith in Christ. The angry Diocletian tortured him. Naked George was tied to a chariot, over which boards with iron points were arranged. As the wheels turned, the iron cut his body. But instead of groans and the expected renunciation of the Creator, the saint only called on the Lord’s Help.

When the sufferer fell silent, the pagan thought that he had given up the ghost and ordered the cut and torn body to be removed. But suddenly the sky turned black, great thunder struck and the majestic Voice of God was heard: “Do not be afraid, warrior. I'm with you". Immediately a bright glow appeared and a blond young man, the Angel of the Lord, appeared next to the Victorious. He laid his hand on George’s body and he instantly rose up healed.

St. George the Victorious (Lydda)

The imperial soldiers took him to the temple where Diocletian was. He couldn’t believe his eyes - standing before him was a completely healthy and full of strength man. Many pagans who watched the miracle believed in Christ. Even two noble dignitaries immediately publicly confessed the faith of Christ, for which their heads were cut off.

Queen Alexandra also tried to glorify the Almighty, but the imperial servants quickly took her to the palace.

The pagan king, in an attempt to break the unshakable George, betrayed him to even more terrible torment. The martyr was thrown into a deep ditch, and his body was covered with quicklime. They dug up George only on the third day. Surprisingly, his body was not damaged, and the man himself was in a joyful and calm mood. Diocletian did not calm down and ordered the martyr to be put on iron boots with hot nails inside them and put under arrest. In the morning, the warrior showed off his healthy legs and joked that he really liked the boots. Then the enraged ruler ordered to beat the holy body with ox sinews and mix his blood and body with the ground.

Deciding that George was using magic spells, the ruler summoned a sorcerer to the court in order to deprive the former warrior of magic and poison him. He presented the martyr with a potion, but it had no effect, and the saint again glorified God.

Monasteries in honor of St. George the Victorious:

Miracles of God

The emperor wanted to know what helps the former warrior survive after terrible torment? George replied that with God everything is possible. Then the pagan wished that the martyr would raise the dead in his presence. When the Victorious was brought to the tomb, he began to beg the Heavenly Father to show everyone present that He is the God of the whole world. And then the earth shook, the coffin opened and the dead man came to life. Immediately those present at the miracle believed in God and glorified Him.

The miraculous image of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

Once again George found himself in prison. Suffering people tried to get to the prisoner in various ways and received healing from ailments and help with petitions. Among them was the farmer Glycerius. The other day his ox died and the man came with a prayer to resurrect the animal. The saint promised to bring the cattle back to life. Returning home, the man found a revived ox in the stall and began glorifying the name of the Lord throughout the city.

The end of the earthly journey

On the last night of his earthly life, George prayed fervently. He had a vision that the Lord Himself approached Him and kissed Him and placed a martyr’s crown on His head. In the morning, Diocletian invited the great martyr to become a co-ruler and rule the country together. To which George invited him to immediately go to the temple of Apollo.

The victorious man crossed himself and turned to one of the idols with a question: would he like to accept the sacrifice as God? But the demon sitting in the idol shouted that God is the one whom George preaches, and he is an apostate who deceives people. The priests attacked the saint and beat him furiously.

St. George's Day May 6

Queen Alexandra, the wife of Diocletian, made her way through a large gathering of pagans, fell at the feet of the saint and prayed to the Creator for help, glorifying Him. The Victorious and Alexandra were sentenced to death by the bloodthirsty Diocletian. They followed together to the place of massacre, but along the way the queen fell exhausted. The warrior of Christ forgave all his tormentors and put his holy head under a sharp sword.

Thus ended the era of paganism.


The life of Saint George the Victorious is filled with many miracles.

About miracles in Orthodoxy:

Legend has it that not far from a lake in Syria there lived a huge dragon-like serpent. He devoured people and animals, and then released poisonous breath into the air. Many brave men tried to kill the monster, but not a single attempt was successful and all the people died.

The Holy Great Martyr is especially revered in Georgia.

The city governor issued an order according to which a girl or boy had to be given a snake to be eaten every day. Moreover, he himself had a daughter. He promised that if the lot falls on her, then the girl will share the fate of other death row prisoners. And so it happened. The girl was brought to the shore of the lake and tied to a tree. In a frenzy, she awaited the appearance of the serpent and her hour of death. When the monster came out of the water and began to approach the beauty, a blond young man suddenly appeared on a white horse. He thrust a sharp spear into the snake’s body and saved the unfortunate woman.

This was Saint George the Victorious, who put an end to the deaths of young people in the country.

The inhabitants of the country, having learned about the miracle that had occurred, believed in Christ, a healing spring flowed at the site of the battle between the warrior and the serpent, and later a temple was erected in honor of the Victorious. This plot was the basis for the St. George image.

After the Arabs captured Palestine, another miracle happened. An Arab who entered an Orthodox church saw a clergyman praying at one of the icons. In an attempt to show disdain for the holy faces, the Arab shot an arrow at one of the images. But the arrow did not harm the icon, but returned and pierced the shooter’s hand. In a fit of unbearable pain, the Arab turned to the cleric, to which he advised him to hang the icon of St. George the Victorious over the head of his bed and anoint the wound with oil from the lamp that was lit in front of his face. Upon recovery, the cleric presented the Arab with a book that described the life of the saint. The holy life of the Orthodox warrior and his torment made the greatest impression on the Arab. Soon he accepted Holy Baptism, became a preacher of Christianity, for which he suffered a martyr's death.

1. The saint, in addition to his usual name, is known by the names George of Lydda and Cappadocia.

2. On the day of remembrance of the saint, May 6, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Queen Anna, who heartily accepted the torment of the saint, believed in Christ and died for the confession of Orthodoxy.

3. The Holy Great Martyr is especially revered in Georgia. The first of the temples erected in his honor was built in the 1st century.

4. Most Georgian babies are named after George. It is believed that a person named George will never experience failure and will be a winner in life.

The great Orthodox warrior endured all the suffering for the faith of Christ, which he did not betray and did not exchange for the power and wealth offered to him by the pagan Diocletian. The Holy Great Martyr of Christ helps everyone who turns to his intercession. According to the sincere and heartfelt faith of the petitioner, his request will always be fulfilled.

Watch a video about the life of St. George the Victorious