
What foods contain vitamin calcium. What foods are high in calcium? The body's daily requirement for calcium

Fruit and berry

Calcium is the most "popular" mineral in our body. It is the basis of bone tissue, the condition of teeth, hair, nail plates and skin depends on it. In addition, he is responsible for blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and much more. In order for it to successfully carry out the many duties entrusted to it, we must take care of the daily replenishment of this vital mineral. Calcium plays a special role in the body of a pregnant woman. After all, a new life is developing inside, which also constantly requires calcium. Therefore, it is very important for everyone (from small to large) to consume foods rich in calcium.

The role of calcium in the body

Calcium is the building block for the skeleton. The percentage of this substance in our bones is 99%. The remainder in the form of 1% is in the blood. The total amount of calcium in our body is 1-1,5 kilograms. Based on these figures, it is already possible to estimate the value of calcium for the body. But besides the role of the main mineral of the skeletal framework, the mineral has many other important functions for which it is responsible.

Functions of calcium

carbohydrate metabolism

    1. . Without calcium, it will be impossible. As well as the exchange of sodium chloride.

Regulation of muscle contractions

    1. . Calcium is involved in the process of muscle contraction. It controls the work of the muscles of the heart, ensuring a normal heartbeat.

Translation of impulses

    1. . It helps the CNS transmit "signals" in the form of nerve impulses. With its help, the activity of enzymes that contribute to the synthesis of neurotransmitters is enhanced.

Normalization of pressure indicators

    1. . The mineral is also needed so that the pressure does not frighten with its off-scale figures and does not oppress with underestimated indicators. But for greater effectiveness, calcium must have “allies”. Compounds, together with magnesium, potassium and sodium, are responsible for healthy indicators on the tonometer.

Influence on the degree of blood coagulation

    1. . True, he does it a little indirectly. Calcium supports the action of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting.

The work of cell membranes

    1. . Helps transfer nutrients and other compounds across cell membranes. Mineral ions circulating in the intermembrane space transmit mental impulses. Thanks to which we experience a surge of joy or, conversely, become calm.

"Construction" of dental tissue

    1. . In this case, calcium is as important as the bricks from which the house is built. Without it, there is nothing to say about the good condition of the teeth.

Maintaining the Endocrine System

    1. . The mineral has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect on the endocrine system.

Beauty and healthy appearance

    1. . Everyone knows that an attractive appearance largely depends on the condition of the hair, teeth and nails. With a lack of calcium, the body will instantly respond with dry curls, brittle nails and thinning of the enamel.

Additional functions

    : "supports the strength" of the immune system, is involved in the synthesis of many hormones and enzymes responsible for digestion. Not without his participation, saliva synthesis, fat metabolism and energy metabolism occur.

Important. We need calcium all the time. Every day, at least 0.8 g of the mineral should enter the body of an adult. The figure increases to 1.5 g when it comes to pregnancy or lactation.

Signs of calcium deficiency and excess

Both deficiency and excessive abundance of calcium lead to undesirable consequences. With proper nutrition, both problems do not threaten a healthy person. If you neglect the rules of a healthy lifestyle, then an imbalance of the hormone calcitonin (a thyroid hormone that takes part in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism) may occur.

Causes of calcium deficiency

Diseases in which calcium is actively excreted from the body

    1. . Or in the event that the disease leads to the fact that the mineral component is released from the bone tissues with disorders.

low calorie diets

    1. . The desire to reduce calories in food as much as possible leads to the fact that foods containing calcium are removed from the diet or their amount is reduced. Then the body has no choice but to take the missing trace element from a losing weight person from bones, nails, hair. Hence - brittleness, fragility, dryness, dullness, which the former beauty acquires. Teeth and bones become brittle.


    . Over time, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to establish the full absorption of the mineral.


disruptions in the heartbeat;
poor memory, confused consciousness;
the appearance of muscle spasms;
bone tissue becomes thin and fragile;
hypertension progresses;
grooves appear on the enamel;
the skin constantly suffers from rashes;
hair and nail plates lose strength;
increased irritability.

Lack of calcium provokes a deterioration in well-being. Cramps, spasms begin to torment, there is heaviness during breathing. At the same time, a person experiences not the most pleasant sensations - tingling in the arms and legs. If the problem is started, it will lead to such serious diseases as osteoporosis. Yes, and the cardiogram will “respond” to calcium deficiency. On it you can see that the impulses have ceased to flow normally to the heart muscle. Excess calcium is considered if its daily volume exceeds 2.5 grams. The phenomenon is called hypercalcemia.

Causes of an excess of calcium

Wrong menu

    1. . If you get too carried away with products containing this mineral, it is very easy to overfill your body with it.

biological additives

    1. . You also need to be careful with them, otherwise calcium oversaturation cannot be avoided.

Health problems

    1. . Malfunctions of the thyroid gland, diseases of the nervous system can cause the appearance of excess minerals.


    1. . This concerns the irregular intake of vitamin D.


    . Elderly people have difficulty absorbing calcium. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of it.

Consequences of excess calcium:

malfunctions in the digestive tract: increased acidity, constipation, nausea and vomiting;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and peptic ulcer;
thyroid disease;
poor functioning of the kidneys and bladder;
loss of tone in smooth muscles;
increased blood clotting.

With an excess of the mineral, a person loses his appetite, a feeling of nausea appears, which often causes vomiting. The gastrointestinal tract ceases to function normally, constipation and pain in the stomach occur. An excess of calcium disrupts the full functioning of the brain. Concentration worsens, hallucinations may occur. The person constantly feels weak. The kidneys can't handle this kind of mineral abundance.

daily intake of calcium

So, we found out that a lack, as well as a bust of calcium, leads to serious health problems. How much does the body need this mineral? It is not easy to answer this question unambiguously. The indicator is influenced by many factors: age, health status, in women - pregnancy. The average norm of a substance for an adult is 1,0-1,2 g per day. This "standard" was established by the World Health Organization. A table will help you more accurately determine the optimal size of the daily “portion” of calcium.

Women who are expecting a baby, as well as nursing mothers, should consume more calcium - 1.5-2 g / day.

What factors affect the absorption of calcium

Calcium is a tricky mineral. It just won't be fully absorbed by the body. He definitely needs a "pair". In order for it to be processed with health benefits, use it in a “duet” with other minerals.

Which elements are better absorbed calcium

calcium and magnesium In the absence of magnesium, calcium will not be absorbed. It will not be deposited in the skeleton, but on the arterial walls. Most magnesium in foods such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, bran (wheat), bananas, cocoa. Include them in your diet along with calcium. There are many options - you can make a vegetable salad, season it with yogurt and sprinkle with sesame or pumpkin seeds. Or boil cocoa in milk and drink it with a slice of whole grain bread. If you use magnesium as a supplement, then only 2-3 hours after calcium.
Calcium and Vitamin D Vitamin D helps to increase calcium permeability up to 30-40%. It serves as a conductor, without it there can be no question of the normal intake of mineral matter into the body. Therefore, foods such as liver, seafood, fish, and eggs should be present in your diet. Mandatory walks in the soft sunshine. They help in the synthesis of vitamin D. calcium and phosphorus Another important element for the absorption of calcium is phosphorus. As a rule, a person rarely suffers from a deficiency of this trace element. But so that calcium is not wasted, use phosphorus-containing foods with it: meat, dried fruits, cereals, nuts. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be 2:1.

What are the worst foods for calcium absorption?

There are a number of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium or even lead to its leaching from the body. Remember these "pests" and try to eliminate them to the maximum from the diet:

sauces (canned);
drinks with carbon dioxide;
some vegetables and greens: sorrel, spinach, beets.

The latter contain oxalic acid, which weakens the action of calcium in the body. Therefore, these products are best consumed separately.

What foods contain the most calcium

Two products are considered leaders in terms of calcium content - sesame and poppy seeds. Only 100 grams of these seeds will provide the daily requirement of the mineral. Therefore, often 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame oil, drunk on an empty stomach, is a panacea for calcium deficiency. A lot of the mineral is "hidden" in legumes. Here is a list of foods containing calcium in large quantities in the form of a convenient table.

Table of products containing calcium
ProductCalcium content (mg/100g)
hard cheese)800-1200
goat cheese500
Atlantic sardines (canned)380
milk chocolate240
white cabbage210
cottage cheese, kefir, milk (cow)120
crab meat100
sunflower seeds100
green olives (canned)96
green onion86
oysters, anchovies82
sour cream80
dried apricots80
chicken egg58

The numbers in the table break all the stereotypes associated with calcium, don't they? After all, we are all used to thinking that most of the mineral is found in milk and cottage cheese. But, as you can see, these products are located in the middle of the ranking. I must say that the data in the table is very conditional. They show the amount of calcium in raw foods. And this does not mean at all that the trace element will “reach the addressee” in full. For example, cheese occupies a leading position. But the calcium contained in it, for the most part, is not absorbed and is excreted in the urine. Only a modest part of the mineral substance enters the blood.

The benefits of eggshells for calcium deficiency

Many doctors advise treating calcium deficiency with such a folk "medicine" as eggshells. It is 90% calcium carbonate, the most easily digestible variety of the mineral. There are 27 more important trace elements as a bonus. Recipes for the preparation of such food supplements can be found in old Russian medical books. In the West, eggshell powder has been sold in pharmacies since the 70s of the last century. Recipe:

    1. Wash the eggs well.
    1. Boil them hard.
    1. Clean, carefully remove the films on the inner surface of the shell.
    1. Dry for 2-3 hours in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
    1. Pulverize the shell in a mortar (a coffee grinder will not work, it will grind the product too much and it will lose its value).
    Add to food in the amount of 1.5 to 3 g every day. The dosage depends on age.

Advice: you can sprinkle porridge or cottage cheese with eggshell powder.

Important: you need to take only chicken eggs. Duck egg shells are not suitable - the risk of infections is high.

Products containing calcium, of course, should be part of your menu. But in addition to organizing proper nutrition, you also need to play sports. During active physical activity, calcium processing improves. The part of the micronutrient that was lost with sweat can easily be replenished with a cup of yogurt. And one more important nuance - avoid stressful situations. When you are nervous, cortisol appears in the body, which removes many important elements from the body. Sports, the right diet and a good mood - these are the three pillars on which a healthy body is based, which does not experience problems with the absorption of calcium.

Winter is a difficult time. The period when vitamin deficiency is the most common complaint, the time when you want energy and vigor, and you need to be especially careful about your diet. Indeed, many products, for example, the generally recognized source of calcium - milk and its derivatives, have already lost a little in use (as is usually the case in the cold season), and calcium is needed for the strength of bones and teeth, as always.

So you have to look for other sources of this useful element. There are a lot of them in the plant world, but in order to get all the benefits, you need to use it correctly.

How much calcium do you need per day?

Adults should consume about 100 mg of calcium per day. Children under 8 years old will cost 800 grams, but from 9 to 18 years old, in years when a person is growing very quickly, he will need 1300 mg of calcium per day. Even more is required for pregnant and lactating women - up to 2000 mg per day.

What is calcium for?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth - no doubt. But not only. Calcium is “responsible” for vasoconstriction and dilation, it regulates muscle contractions, is responsible for nerve impulses and the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system. So it is necessary not only for bones and teeth. Moreover, if there is not enough calcium, then the body begins to take it from the bones, directing it to more necessary places.

An acidic environment helps dissolve calcium salts and absorb the element itself. This is why it is preferable to get calcium from slightly acidic foods, such as spinach and sorrel. Fatty acids can also help calcium absorption. Just be careful, because the lack of fat, as well as its excess, slows down the absorption of calcium. Also, vitamin D is needed for absorption of calcium into the blood, from where it will reach its destination.

For the best absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. These elements are found in fish, legumes, tofu, cocoa and whole grain bread. Necessary for the absorption of calcium and eggs, beef liver, seafood - sources of vitamin.
Foods rich in calcium

Milk products

Cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, kefir - all these products are deservedly considered the main sources of calcium. The fact is that they not only have a lot of it, it is also contained in the most convenient form for assimilation. Assimilation is facilitated by milk sugar - lactose, contained in milk and products from it, which turns into lactic acid due to intestinal bacteria.

Keep in mind that less fatty foods contain more calcium than very fatty foods. Most calcium in hard cheeses, about 1000 mg per 100 grams.

Green leafy vegetables

Spinach and all types of cabbage: white, green Chinese, broccoli and cauliflower are rich in calcium. It contains about 200 mg in cabbage, the amount of the element varies depending on the type of cabbage. And spinach will enrich you with 106 mg of a useful mineral.


Calcium is also found in many types of nuts, and it is well absorbed due to the high fat content of the fruit. Almonds (260 mg) and Brazil nuts (160 mg) are especially rich in calcium.


Record holders for calcium content are modest sesame and poppy seeds. In the first useful element 975 mg, and in the second - about 1500 thousand. That is why it is so important to add these seeds to food during fasting, you can even make milk from them during fasting days.


Whole grain wheat flour contains calcium in a fairly large amount. There is a lot of calcium - about 900 mg per 100 g - in wheat bran. But flour of the highest grade and fine grinding does not contain calcium at all. So it is better to eat whole grain bread with bran.

Soy and soy products


Parsley, dill, basil, mustard and dandelion leaves all contain calcium as well. Moreover, in parsley leaves it is even more than, for example, in milk - 245 grams.


To make pastries and other sweet products more healthy, you can replace sugar with molasses. After all, one tablespoon of this product contains about 170 mg of calcium.

Calcium for the body...

Calcium is an important micronutrient that is actively involved in metabolism and helps maintain the health of tissues, nervous and skeletal systems. In addition, calcium takes an active part in the production of the necessary hormones and supports the body of our children during the period of active growth.

What foods contain calcium?

Calcium intake helps with allergic manifestations, provides elasticity and strength to the walls of the circulatory system, reduces pressure and helps cleanse the body of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

The need for calcium and its deficiency and excess

The daily intake of calcium is individual for each period of life. In pregnancy time the rate of calcium intake is maximum and is up to 2000 mg per day. Doctors strongly recommend the use of foods containing calcium in the first and last weeks of pregnancy.

Calcium intake for children and adults

  • up to 3 years is 500-600 mg per day,
  • from 3 to 10 years- 700-800 mg per day,
  • from 10 to 14 years old- 1000-1200 mg.
  • 16-25 years old- 1000 mg
  • 25-50 years old- 800-1200 mg

The use of a sufficient amount of calcium during the period of active growth and the formation of systems and organs is the key to the normal development of the body and the optimal balance of essential nutrients and trace elements.

lack of calcium can be caused by physiological changes occurring in the body of every person over 30-35 years old and a number of endocrine and cardiovascular diseases. The consequence of insufficient calcium intake is growth retardation, curvature and fragility of bones, bleeding disorders and the formation of kidney stones.

An excess of calcium is possible in the case of long-term use of a number of drugs and can lead to intoxication of the body.

Calcium is best absorbed when combined with vitamin D, the latter found in many plant foods. Calcium absorption is hampered by the use of dishes from potatoes, chocolate and oatmeal.

Fans of sweet and fatty foods, green tea and coffee should remember that the use of a large number of these products leads to calcium leaching from the body.

calcium for the body

First of all, our teeth and bones, metabolism and circulatory system suffer from the lack of this element. Let's try to help our own body and figure it out what foods contain calcium.

Favorites for its content are hard cheeses and dairy products. For example, 100 grams of homemade cottage cheese contains 150-200 mg of calcium, and hard cheese - 1200-1300 mg.

Ensuring the daily intake of the required amount of calcium will allow balanced diet, which includes a lot of plant foods. It could be lettuce, fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts.

Particular attention should be paid to currants, grapes, strawberries, strawberries, apricots, cherries, pineapples, oranges and peaches. From vegetables, preference should be given to carrots, celery, cucumbers, asparagus beans and beets. And everyone's favorite greenery will not only decorate the dish, but also enrich the body with useful microelements, vitamins and nutrients, including calcium. The combination of calcium with other microelements and vitamins helps to avoid spring beriberi and depression.

seafood consumption(especially salmon and sardines), seaweed and honey will provide the body with a daily intake of calcium.

When choosing foods high in calcium, lifestyle should be taken into account - for example, in people leading an active lifestyle, the level of calcium in the blood is usually higher than in people suffering from physical inactivity.

calcium in foods

calcium in milk


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)

Milk, 0.1%

200 ml

Milk, 1.5%

200 ml

Milk, 3.5%

200 ml

milk shake

Goat milk

Coconut milk

soy milk regular

Soy milk, enriched calcium

rice milk

oat milk

Almond milk

calcium in yogurt

calcium in cheese


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)

Hard Cheese
(Cheddar, Parmesan, Emmental)

30 g

Fresh Cheese
(cottage cheese, ricotta, mascarpone)

200 g

Soft cheese
(Cummember, Bree)

60 g


60 g


60 g

Cream Cheese

30 g

calcium in dessert


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)

cream cream

Ice cream

100 g


120 g

Calcium in meat, fish, eggs


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)

red meat

Fish (cod, trout, herring)

Tuna in a can

Sardines in oil, jar

Smoked salmon


Calcium in legumes

Calcium in cereals

calcium in fruits


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)



calcium in vegetables

Calcium in nuts and seeds

Calcium in prepared meals


Serving Size

Calcium (mg)

Open cheese pie

200 g

Omelet with cheese

120 g

Pasta with cheese

330 g


300 g


300 g


200 g

Other products with calcium

Calcium (Ca) is a macronutrient (contained in the body in fairly large quantities), so it is extremely important to eat foods containing calcium. The lack of this element causes malfunctions in metabolism, various diseases (osteoporosis, for example), and can cause allergic reactions.

Functions and role of calcium

Since calcium is a macronutrient, its importance in the body is diverse. It performs several vital functions, so its role can hardly be overestimated:

It is especially important to consume enough of this macronutrient for children and pregnant women for the reason that it is necessary for the growth of the skeletal system.

A double load falls on the body of pregnant women: it ensures its own vital activity, is responsible for the development of the fetus, which grows rapidly in late pregnancy, and therefore needs a large amount of Ca.

If a woman neglects proper nutrition, she runs the risk of upsetting the calcium balance in her body, because the fetus will consume everything that it needs.

How much calcium should be consumed with food (daily intake)

The average person weighing 70 kg of calcium contains 1700 grams in the body, and its reserves need to be replenished regularly. An adult should consume about 1000-1200 mg per day. Children of different age groups should eat the following amount of Ca per day:

  • 1-3 years - 800 mg;
  • 4-6 years - 900-1000 mg;
  • 7-10 years - 1100 mg;
  • 11-17 years - 1200 mg.

A large amount should be consumed by pregnant and lactating women (about 2000 mg / day), athletes, people with a identified lack of calcium, as well as those with cardiovascular disorders and working in hazardous industries (it is not in vain that they give milk “for harmfulness”).

It is also worth remembering that not all foods contain Ca in an accessible form, but only 10-40% of the consumed Ca is absorbed. Cereals, spinach, sorrel, due to the substances they contain, reduce the absorption of calcium (form insoluble compounds with it).

What foods contain calcium

Everyone knows that a lot of calcium in dairy products, but this is not a complete list. Vegetables, nuts, and other seeds are often just as rich in macronutrients. Below is a table with the approximate content of Ca in the composition of various products.

The product's name Calcium content in 100 g of product, mg Percentage of the daily norm,%
Cheese 760-1005 63-84
Sesame 780 65
Basil 370 31
Cashew 290 24
Almonds, pine nuts 250 23
Parsley 245 20
White cabbage 210 18
Watercress 180 15
chickpeas 193 16
Hazelnut 170-200 14-15
Pink salmon 185 15
Garlic 180 15
Curd, dried apricots 160-164 13
Beans 150 13
chicken yolk 136 11
Goat milk 134 11
Dairy products, pistachios 122-126 10
Cow's milk 100-120 8-10
Dill 126 10
Oatmeal 117 10
Broccoli 105 9
Beans, sunflower seeds 100 8
Olives 96 8
Walnuts 90 8
green onion 86 7
Peanut 60 5
Carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes 6-37 0,5-3

As can be seen from the table, the largest amount of calcium is found in the following products:

  • cheeses;
  • nuts, other seeds (sesame, cashews, almonds, pine nuts, chickpeas);
  • greens (basil, parsley, dill, watercress);
  • white cabbage;
  • pink salmon;
  • garlic;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dried apricots.

The metabolism of calcium in the body depends on elements such as phosphorus, potassium. Together with phosphorus, for example, Ca is the basis of all bone tissue. Potassium opposes the excretion of calcium along with urine. Therefore, it is also important to know which products contain at least a couple of elements.

List of foods that contain potassium and calcium:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes (especially dried or in the form of tomato paste);
  • beans;
  • dried apricots;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkin (or its seeds);

Where is the most calcium and phosphorus found?

  • fish (sardine, tuna, mackerel);
  • cottage cheese.

The joint intake of Ca and iron in food leads to a low degree of assimilation of both elements. Therefore, it is worth sharing the intake of dishes that contain large amounts of iron and calcium.

How to help absorb calcium

First of all, as already noted, you should not eat foods containing calcium along with foods that interfere with its absorption. But this is not the only way. There are also minerals and vitamins that contribute to a more complete absorption of Ca:

  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin D

Therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin D, magnesium, zinc.

It is easy to see that zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and potassium are often found in the same vegetables, nuts, meats, and fish. Nature itself took care of human health.

Signs and consequences of a lack / excess of calcium in the body

“Everything is poison, and nothing is without poison; one dose makes it invisible. In one form or another, these words of Paracelsus are familiar to many. Calcium is no exception.

The following signs indicate a lack of this macronutrient (hypocalcemia):

  • muscle cramps;
  • growth retardation (in children);
  • fragility of nails and hair;
  • allergic rashes (when eating ordinary human dishes);
  • joint pain;
  • drowsiness.

In the absence of timely treatment, this can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, the development of other diseases (osteoporosis), damage to the teeth, and toxicosis during pregnancy.

With hypercalcemia, the following symptoms are noted:

  • increased thirst;
  • weakness;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • constipation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • violation of the kidneys (nitrogenous compounds are not excreted).

If measures are not taken in time, calcium can be deposited in the internal organs, causing the formation of stones, disrupt the intestinal patency up to zero, lead to dehydration, poisoning of the body with nitrogenous compounds.

Elimination of calcium deficiency with eggshells

Calcium is found in large quantities in the eggshell, which is important - it has an accessible form for assimilation. Therefore, this folk method of dealing with macronutrient deficiencies has been used for a long time and is very popular. But it does have some shortcomings.

Among the arguments "against" treatment in this way: the likelihood of injuring the esophagus with insufficiently crushed parts of the shell, the possibility of getting sick with salmonellosis. Nevertheless, even some doctors note that this method has the right to life. Powdered shells can also be sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding.

This method also has contraindications:

  • gastritis and ulcers of the stomach, duodenum;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • hypovitaminosis for vitamin D;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • poor patency of the digestive system.

It is also worth noting that this is far from the only way to replenish Ca reserves in the body: these include a balanced diet with the inclusion of macronutrient-containing products, the intake of industrial preparations with the addition of calcium.

It is also important that you can start applying the method only when the doctor has established a real deficiency in the patient, otherwise you can bring your body to hypercalcemia. And it is no better than hypocalcemia (it is worth recalling the words of Paracelsus again).

If someone nevertheless decided to try the method, one should responsibly approach the matter and carry out the preparation of the shell in a quality manner.

Before grinding, it must be washed well or thermally processed in any convenient way (dry in the oven, in a pan at a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius).

Rinse best with a light soda solution.

After that, you need to separate the inner film, grind the shell (experts agree that it is better not from boiled eggs) in a mortar, coffee grinder (preferably with glass elements for grinding). Store the finished powder in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid so that it does not become damp.

You need to take the shell according to the following scheme: three times a day before meals. For the prevention of deficiency - about 1.5-2 months, with identified hypocalcemia - 3-4 months. It is important to never forget about the measure.

When taken directly, the shell, since it is a loose product, is diluted with an equal amount of lemon or apple juice. The recommended single dose is 1 teaspoon of the shell (hence diluted with the same volume of juice). You can use eggshells from the eggs of any bird: chicken, duck, quail, goose, turkey.


Calcium is an extremely important macronutrient for the human body. Therefore, it is important to eat enough foods that contain it. In addition, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

  1. The daily norm for adults is 1200 mg, for children - 800-1200 mg. More calcium should be consumed by pregnant women, people with hypocalcemia and those working in hazardous industries;
  2. It is necessary to replenish calcium in the body by including foods rich in calcium in the diet: dairy products, nuts and seeds, fish, eggs, greens, vegetables;
  3. The following macro- and microelements influence calcium metabolism in one way or another: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium. Many dishes contain all or a couple of elements;
  4. There are foods that reduce or make it impossible to absorb a macronutrient: spinach, tea, sorrel, cereals;
  5. The body absorbs 10-40% of incoming calcium. Not all Ca has a form available to the body;
  6. Lack and excess of calcium are equally harmful. It is necessary to take measures to restore its balance to normal;
  7. Treatment of its deficiency with eggshell improves the situation with proper preparation of the drug. It has a number of contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor first.

Calcium, of course, is not the only necessary element in the body, there are many others. But they are all connected by metabolism, so other minerals, as well as vitamins and organic compounds, should be consumed to maintain normal Ca levels. The main secret of how to make it easy is a healthy diet.

A little more information about calcium can be found in the following video.


What foods are rich in this macronutrient. How useful it is, what its deficiency can lead to. Daily dosage.

Since childhood, every person has been inspired by the benefits of calcium (Ca), which is necessary for strengthening bones and normalizing metabolic processes. And indeed it is. The intake of the element in the body helps to strengthen teeth and bone tissue, improve the functioning of muscles, blood vessels and even the brain.

Below we will consider in detail what are the advantages of the element, what foods contain calcium, what should be the norm, and what is the danger of its deficiency and excess.

Role in the body

Human nutrition must be balanced - this is the law. At the same time, the content of calcium in the diet is mandatory, because the element is necessary for teeth and bone tissue. Thanks to its action, coordination of movements improves, the work of muscle groups is optimized, and the process of blood clotting is normalized.

Products with calcium are able to fill the energy deficit, provide the body with resistance to various infections, and prepare it for changes in climatic conditions. In addition, it has been proven that the substance reduces vascular permeability and minimizes the risks of high blood pressure. But that's not all. The intake of a macroelement contributes to the cleaning of blood vessels, the removal of cholesterol, which strengthens the body's defenses.

What are the dangers of deficiency and excess?

If you do not include foods containing calcium in the diet, then the risk of deficiency of this element is high. It is worth noting that an active lifestyle and sports contribute to better absorption of the substance from food. Shortage is possible in cases where a person is inactive. The same problem is possible with frequent visits to the steam room (baths or saunas). This is explained by an increased level of sweating.

In addition, problems may arise if:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • hyperactivity of the thyroid gland;
  • excessive intake of potassium;
  • gland;
  • zinc or magnesium in the body.

Deficiency is manifested with prolonged use of diuretics or laxatives. Tetracycline also has a negative effect, which negatively affects bone tissue, gradually destroying it. It is because of its effect on the enamel that yellow spots form.

  • muscle pain;
  • convulsions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • problems with blood clotting.

On the other hand, excessive volume is also dangerous. It leads to increased excitability of the nervous system, disruption of cell functionality, and dehydration. A large amount of this macronutrient causes a number of other problems:

  • increase in the concentration of uric acid salts;
  • the formation of deposits in the joints, an increase in salt concentration;
  • development of gout;
  • the risk of developing urolithiasis.

Reducing the risks is easy - you need to know which foods are high in calcium, reducing their intake to the required level. It is also recommended to drink water with a minimum volume (distilled). The duration of the course of treatment with liquid is 50-60 days.

What should be the norm?

When calculating the dosage, it should be borne in mind that dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, and others) are included in the diet. At the same time, the withdrawal of the macroelement from the body is taken into account. So, a high volume of the substance is excreted along with the stool (up to 750 mg), with sweat and urine (up to 200 mg). If the food does not contain dairy products, then the diet should include meat, vegetables, fruits and representatives of cereal structures (for a more detailed list of foods containing calcium in large quantities, consider below).

So how much does the body need per day? The daily rate depends on age:

  • up to one year 0.27 grams;
  • from three years - 0.5 grams;
  • between the ages of four and eight years 0.8 grams;
  • adults - from 1 gram.

It is especially necessary for women during critical days or pregnancy. During this time, you need to consume foods high in calcium - sour cream, cheesecakes, sourdough and others. During pregnancy, the daily norm increases by almost 50% - up to 1.5 grams per day. During lactation, the need is even higher - up to two grams. In the case of osteoporosis, when the bone tissue becomes excessively fragile, the macronutrient norm is 1.7-2.0 g.

How to speed up absorption?

An interesting fact is that foods containing calcium do not provide the expected result without the intake of another element - vitamin D. Scientists have proven that the absorption of Ca directly depends on the intake of the mentioned substance. That is why sun exposure is often recommended to strengthen the immune system and bones.

Replenishment of the diet with vitamin D reduces the risk of rheumatism, periodontal disease, problems with blood clotting and the nervous system. Almost all of its volume comes with the sun's rays. At the same time, the most useful tan is in the morning and evening hours, when the sun is most loyal to the skin.

List of products containing this element

Now let's move on to the most important thing - considering the question of which foods have the most calcium:

  • Cereal leafy vegetables. It is recommended to include white and cauliflower, as well as broccoli in the diet. Such products contain 180-200 mg of a macronutrient.
  • nuts. The mineral is found in many types of nuts - almonds (0.26 g), Brazilian (0.16 g) and others. The advantage is that in this case it is quickly absorbed and brings maximum benefit.
  • Milk products. It was mentioned above that the most useful for the body (from the standpoint of nutrition with this element) are cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk and others. But high content is not the main thing. The benefit of calcium in dairy foods is a convenient form that is quickly absorbed and converted to lactic acid. It is worth noting that fatty foods are more beneficial in terms of macronutrient content than low-fat ones. Where is calcium found the most? Cheeses are considered champions, in which there is 1 gram of the substance per 100 g of the product.
  • seeds. It is worth mentioning poppy seeds or sesame seeds. They contain 0.98 and 0.8 g of the element, respectively. Due to this feature, it is recommended to add them to the diet during the fasting period in order to compensate for the lack of food of animal origin.
  • Wheat. The record holder in terms of mineral content is whole grain flour - 0.9-1.0 g is found in bran. As for the premium flour that is familiar to us, there is no calcium in it at all.
  • Meat, eggs and fish- one of the main sources of the macronutrient. So, in meat - 50 mg, and in fish - 250-300 mg.

The above list is not complete. The element in question is also present in berries, vegetables, fruits, legumes and many other products.


Above, we looked at which foods have more calcium and how it is useful. Finally, here are some key observations:

  • Excessive consumption of salt and protein products causes the rapid removal of the element from the body.
  • In carbonated drinks, there is an increased amount of phosphates, which displace the substance from the bone tissue.
  • Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  • A deficiency, as well as an excess of a macronutrient, is dangerous for the body, so its consumption should be normalized, taking into account the above recommendations.
  • Heat treatment leads to the transformation of the element into an inorganic form, which is not absorbed, but accumulates in the body in the form of stones.
  • Most calcium in mother's milk, which contributes to the rapid growth of the baby, strengthening his bones and the formation of teeth.