
Communists in Europe: The Communist Party of Portugal proved to be the most persistent. Where the communists were oppressed The countries of victorious communism

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

What happened to the most traditional communist parties in Europe? Which of them have allied themselves with other leftists, and who is still resisting alone? Here are their main theses, alliances and election results.

Before talking about communist parties in other countries, it is important to note the following information about the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP): in the entire euro area, it is the party led by Jeronimo Sousa that has the most votes compared to its counterparts in other countries. This state of affairs has persisted for several years, but the October 4 parliamentary elections confirmed it again: the PCP managed to score 8.25% and take 17 seats, the highest since 1999.

In Europe, after the PCP, the second most voted communist party is the Greek KKE with 5.6%. The Communist Party of Britain is the least popular: in the May elections, just over a thousand voters throughout the UK voted for it. Next door to Portugal, in Spain, since 1986 the Communist Party has been running in elections in a coalition with the United Left - as in the case of the PCP, which has been running in elections with the Greens since 1987 - in the Coalition of Democratic Unity (CDU). Let's get acquainted in order with some of the PCP comrades in Europe.

Greece. Losing votes but not giving up

Apart from the PCP, among those European communist parties that still retain the ideological matrix of Marxism-Leninism, it is the Greek KKE that has shown the greatest electoral success. In the last parliamentary elections on September 20, which confirmed the victory of SYRIZA, won by it back in January of this year, the KKE was the fifth party in terms of the number of votes received - 5.6%.

The Greek Communist Party operated underground until 1974, when the Greek far-right dictatorship came to an end. Since then, this party has existed legally and has never lost its representation in the Greek Parliament. Her best result was recorded in June 1989 - 13.1%, when she entered the elections in a coalition with the left Synapismos - which later became one of the political forces that formed SYRIZA.

The times of coalitions for the KKE seem to have passed after the collapse of the Soviet Union - it was then, after this turning point in history, that the Greek communists lost their votes. Since then, the voting results have stabilized at 5-6% - although in May 2012 under the leadership of Aleka Papariga, the first woman to head the party, it peaked at 8.5%. The current general secretary of the KKE is Dimitris Koutsoumpas. KKE stands for Greece's exit from the euro and the European Union, as well as from NATO.

On the party website, which is available in several languages, you can read a passage that illustrates the KKE's enthusiastic rhetoric well:

“Without downplaying the consequences of the shift in the balance of power, we must be more demanding, above all on ourselves. We need to be more rigorous in order not only to consolidate and consolidate what we have already achieved, but also to move into a more dynamic counter-attack and reinforcement phase. We do not bend under the burden of difficulties and do not ignore them. We accept our responsibilities objectively, without any embellishment or nihilism."

The KKE has one representative in Brussels, in the United European Left group, where the PCP and the Portuguese Left Bloc are also located.

France. Together on the Left Front

The French Communist Party (PCF), although it continues its autonomous activity, has recently participated in elections under the brand name of the Left Front (Front de Gauche). The PCF coalition is by far the largest party (in 2011, according to L'Express, it had 138,000 activists), but none other than the leader of the second largest political force, the Left Party (9,000 members), appears at the forefront of the coalition. We are talking about Jean-Luc Mélénchon, a former Trotskyist teacher and minister of vocational education in the government of Lionel Jospin, who in 2008 decided to leave the French Socialist Party to found the Left Party. In the 2012 presidential election, Mélenchon came fourth with 11.1% of the vote. One of his promises was to impose a 75 percent tax on those whose annual earnings exceed 1 million euros.

Until 1994, the PCF was the owner of the daily newspaper L'Humanité, which since then has been formally an independent publication, meanwhile providing access to its pages to all directions ideologically close to the party. As in Portugal, in France, the communists traditionally hold a holiday with concerts, discussions and rallies, the name of which refers to the newspaper. Feast of the Humanite (Fête de L'Humanité).

The left front is represented in the European Parliament by four deputies in the United European Left group.

Spain. Away from Podemos

As in the case of France, the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) has been participating in elections since 1986 as part of the United Left (Izquierda Unida) coalition. While the latter includes other political forces – such as the Republican Left or the Open Left – the leaders of the United Left have always been the general secretaries of the PCE, which, according to 2009 data, has 12,558 members and is the largest party in the coalition. It is currently chaired by Alberto Garzón.

(The case of the PCE is identical in every way to the PCP, which since 1987 has been running in elections in coalition with the Greens, forming the CDU. Like the Spanish United Left, in the CDU it is also the communists who have the lion's share of parliamentary seats: 15 deputies against two from the party " greens").

A coalition, yes, but not to the point of teaming up with Podemos from a European political family, to which the Portuguese Left Bloc belongs. After months of both parties appearing to be moving closer ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for December 20, 2015, Podemos' poor results have been cooling off. The division was confirmed after the meeting of the two parties, each of which eventually spoke of "popular unity", despite the lack of unity between themselves. “We regret that Podemos closed the door to popular unity,” Garzon said.

“We continue our work for change and regret that there are those who choose not to join (...). Our goal is clear: to build popular unity,” Podemos said in a statement.

The United Left has 4 deputies in Brussels, also in the United European Left group.

Great Britain. Help Corbin?

When two parties confuse one for the other, chances are neither is particularly strong. This is the situation in Great Britain with respect to two parties called communist: the Communist Party of Britain and the Communist Party of Great Britain.

In July, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Britain, the larger of the two whose newspaper (albeit unofficially) is the Morning Star, Robert Griffiths announced his support for Jeremy Corbyn even before he was elected as leader of the Labor Party. “Only Jeremy Corbyn advocates taxing the wealthy and capitalist monopolies, investing in public services rather than privatizing them, building more social housing, returning energy and railroads to the state, rejecting anti-union laws and weapons of mass destruction—expensive, immoral and useless,” writes Griffiths.

The confusion began when another communist party (PCGB) was charged with infiltrating its activists into the Labor ranks in order to vote for Corbyn in the delegate elections. Only now these accusations also spread to PCB. Griffiths was quick to point out that that Communist Party was not his Communist Party at all. "It's a bit silly, a bit like Life of Brian," he said, comparing the situation to a Monty Python film.

In the May 2015 parliamentary elections, the PCB received only 1,229 votes. PCGB did not participate.

However, British communists do not exist only in these parties. Within the Labor Party itself there is a Marxist faction, the so-called Labor Party Marxists.

“Our main task is to turn the Labor Party into an instrument of the working class and international socialism. To this end, we are ready to reunite with others in the search for the unity of the left, both inside and outside the party, ”read in the list of the main provisions of this group.

Germany. The revival of the Stasi?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were Germans, but even this does not seem to be enough for the German Communist Party to acquire real significance for the politics of the country. The last time the party was represented in the Bundestag was in 2008, when Christel Wegner, a member of the German Communist Party but elected on the "Left" (Die Linke) list, was expelled from the party faction after her calls in an interview for the return of the political police times of the GDR:

“I think that if a new society were to be created, we would again need an organization [like the Stasi] to protect the country from reactionary forces trying to destroy the state from within.”

It is in Die Linke that the main German left forces are concentrated (in general, the name of the party speaks for itself). The party was formed in 2007 and absorbed various forces to the left of the second largest party in Germany, the Social Democratic, including dissidents of the latter. In addition, it included old members of the Party of Democratic Socialism (the successor to the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, the political force on which the dictatorship of the GDR relied).

In the last parliamentary elections in Germany in 2013, Die Linke received 8.2% of the vote. The party has seven MEPs in the Brussels European Parliament and became an inspiration for the Portuguese Left Bloc when it decided in 2012 to opt for two co-chairs, a two-headed leadership model.

The vacated left niche will be filled with more radical elements, and the quality of decisions made by managers will drop even more

With the condemnation of communism and the accusation of the Communist Party of all mortal sins, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke the day before. A new detail appeared in his traditional anti-communist address - they say that all members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should be convicted under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for extremism.

“They disfigured the country, deceived all of humanity, millions of people died, stupid ideas. It is necessary to curse the word "communism" and all those who are today in this kind of left-wing organizations", - Zhirinovsky said on September 6 at a press conference at the central office of the Interfax agency.

“Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should apply to the entire Communist Party of the Russian Federation”he said and added that"The Communist Party must be banned."

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov at first wisely refused to comment on "Storm" "all sorts of nonsense Zhirinovsky". However, he later recalled that "they tried to ban the idea of ​​justice and friendship of peoples as soon as it was born."

“The most fierce hater of communism was Hitler and his pack of fascists, Goebbels and Goering, but nothing came of it. Zhirinovsky will not work either. Therefore, send them away and say that all nonsense is unworthy of an elementary comment, ”- the leader of the communists spoke sharply.

Zhirinovsky proposed to ban communism

An attempt to ban the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the communist ideology has already been made in the modern history of the Russian Federation. Its main initiator is a former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin.

A quarter of a century ago, on February 13-14, 1993, at the II Extraordinary Congress of Communists of Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was formed as the restored Communist Party of the RSFSR. Previously, its activities were first suspended (August 23, 1991), and then completely banned in the country (November 6, 1991) by decree of the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin, who had his own scores with the Communists - he was afraid that the Communist Party would be able to take revenge and to return power to their own hands, which Yeltsin took away with such difficulty. The central organs of the party were dissolved, and the property was transferred to the state.

In October 1992, the party was restored on the basis of local party branches. At that time, Gennady Zyuganov, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR for ideology, Gennady Zyuganov, head of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, Valentin Kuptsov, and Viktor Zorkaltsev, the representative of the CPSU in the Constitutional Court, beat out their right to exist at the cost of incredible efforts.

In general, the entire period of the 90s was marked by a fierce struggle between one of the former heads of the CPSU and the new president of the new Russia, Boris Yeltsin, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leader, Gennady Zyuganov. Yeltsin's hatred for the communists was at the gene level - in every conceivable and inconceivable way, the head of state tried to get rid of the attributes of the great Soviet power recognized even by the West.

Yeltsin's anti-communist agenda was quite successfully intercepted by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who never tired of kicking the communists for one reason or another.

Considering a certain wariness of the presidential administration regarding the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which, albeit remaining within the framework of the system, nevertheless begins to behave somewhat more radically than it was before the announcement of the pension reform, it is not surprising that the main and almost Russia's only anti-communist Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

If we try to hypothetically imagine that the Kremlin decides to ban the Communist Party, dissolve the party and repress its members, then only one conclusion can be drawn: the system has gone haywire and finally lost touch with reality.

The presidential administration is dissatisfied with the growing influence of the Communist Party. Incompetent communists.

To ban a party that has millions of support throughout the country, and is essentially and in fact the second political force in Russia, is literally destabilizing the political situation.

It is difficult to say what must happen in order for the top management to decide to abandon the Communist Party and artificially terminate its existence. The party will disappear, but the idea will remain, along with its followers, who are even more radicalized than before. The liquidation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will definitely cause a very sharp rejection of at least every fifth Russian, if we take the support of the structure in society in the region of 20%.

Moreover, a whole political field will be released, which will not be empty for a long time, since the law of conservation of energy will come into play: somewhere it has gone, somewhere it has arrived. There will be no systemic opposition Communist Party - another, non-systemic radical left organization will appear, which will create even more problems for the authorities.

“The ban on the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a rather unpleasant thing for the presidential administration. The toggle switch can be flipped at any moment and for any reason, but politics abhors a vacuum. If a niche is vacated that was previously occupied by a legal political force, then an illegal one will appear there. I understand that we like to experiment and believe that nothing is impossible, but it will still be too much ", - says Andrey Maksimov, vice-president of the Russian Association of Political Consultants.

According to the current legislation, in order to suspend the state registration of a political party, it is necessary that its activities directly contradict the Constitution of Russia - be recognized as extremist, incite ethnic and other discord in society, and so on.

That is, the authorities will have to recognize the very ideology of communism as extremist, which will be extremely difficult to do in conditions when Russia has declared itself the legal successor of the Soviet Union, where communism was the state ideology.

Either the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should become extremely radicalized and call for the overthrow of the institutions of state power in the country, which is extremely difficult to imagine, at least in the still existing Russian realities.

The head of the Institute for Political Studies, Sergei Markov, believes that Zhirinovsky's statements about the need to ban communism and condemn party members under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are nothing more than pre-election PR.

However, even if you try to imagine that the government will attempt a real ban on the Communist Party, then in this case the presidential administration will make a gross administrative and political mistake.

Zyuganov put Zhirinovsky on a par with Hitler for trying to ban communism.

“The feeling that they are closed in on themselves. The channels of communication with society have dried up. The quality of political and personnel decisions has fallen, the number of unprofessional personal mistakes is constantly increasing. If you like a girl, then you should look after her, and not rape her. The authorities scalded the people with the pension reform, as if they poured boiling water on them from a teapot,” condemns the actions of the Markov authorities.

“The probability of a ban is extremely small - 2-3%, - continues the political scientist. - But if three or four more innovations are introduced, such as pension reform in its current form or the monetization of benefits, then public discontent will grow and, perhaps, the communists will become one of the leaders of this discontent. That's when the ban of the Communist Party can happen."

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a good actor who in life behaves a little differently than in front of the cameras - subtly, elegantly, politely. Andrei Kolyadin, a former high-ranking employee of the presidential administration, shared these observations with Storm.

According to the political strategist, Zhirinovsky's calls for a ban on the Communist Party and accusations of its members of extremism are a mere spectacle.

“There is nothing surprising in the fact that he finds only extremist notes in the communist movement. There is such an old story: wherever a bee flies, it has honey everywhere, and wherever a fly flies, it has shit everywhere., - concludes Kolyadin.


The Communist Party of the RSFSR, operating on the territory of the RSFSR and not duly registered, supported the so-called State Committee for the State of Emergency in the USSR, which carried out a coup d'état and forcibly removed the President of the USSR from office. In a number of regions of the RSFSR, with the direct participation of republican, territorial and regional bodies of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, extraordinary committees (commissions) were created, which is a gross violation of the USSR Law "On Public Associations".

The bodies of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in the republics, territories and regions, contrary to the Constitution of the RSFSR, have repeatedly interfered in judicial activities, impeded the execution of the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of July 20, 1991 "On the termination of the activities of the organizational structures of political parties and mass social movements in state bodies, institutions and organizations of the RSFSR" .

Based on the foregoing ruling:

1. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR and the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR to investigate the facts of anti-constitutional activities of the organs of the Communist Party of the RSFSR. Submit relevant materials for consideration by the judicial authorities. (Instruction to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to conduct an investigation does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation - resolution

of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1992 N 9-P)

2. Until the final resolution in court of the issue of the unconstitutionality of the actions of the Communist Party of the RSFSR, suspend the activities of the bodies and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

3. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR to ensure the safety

property and funds of bodies and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR until a final decision is made by the judiciary.

4. The Central Bank of the RSFSR shall ensure the suspension until further notice of operations on spending funds from the accounts of bodies and organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

From the Decree of the President of the RSFSR “On the Suspension of the Activities of the Communist Party of the RSFSR” dated August 23, 1991


In connection with the dissolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the suspension of

Decree of the Communist Party of the RSFSR:

1. To declare the state property of the RSFSR all immovable and movable property belonging to the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR, including funds in rubles and foreign currency placed in banks, insurance, joint-stock companies, joint ventures and other institutions and organizations located on the territory of the RSFSR and beyond border.

Funds of the CPSU located abroad are distributed by agreement between the republics after they sign the Union Treaty.

(The paragraph does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation in relation to that part of the property owned by the CPSU, as well as to that part of the property that at the time of the issuance of the Decree was actually in the possession, use and disposal of the bodies and organizations of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR, but the owner

which was not determined - the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1992 N 9-P)

2. The Central Bank of the RSFSR, the Bank for Foreign Trade of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR within a day to take for strict accounting all funds in rubles and foreign currency of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR placed in the State Bank of the USSR, Vnesheconombank of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Finance and other organizations and institutions of the USSR located on the territory of the RSFSR, as well as to suspend their use until a special order of the President of the RSFSR or the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

From the Decree of the President of the RSFSR “On the property of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR” dated August 25, 1991


On the night of August 18-19, 1991, a coup d'état was carried out in the USSR, the organizers of which were members of the unconstitutionally formed so-called State Committee for the State of Emergency ...

This committee decided to introduce a state of emergency in a number of areas of the USSR. Thus, the Constitution of the USSR and the Law of the USSR "On the Legal Regime of the State of Emergency" were violated.

The creation of the State Committee for the State of Emergency and the introduction of a state of emergency in certain regions of the USSR was actively supported by the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In connection with the introduction of the state of emergency, the Central Committees of the Communist Parties, republican committees, regional committees, regional committees of the CPSU were recommended to take measures to attract communists to assist and implement the decisions taken by the State Emergency Committee.

The principled position of the President of the RSFSR, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Government of the RSFSR, the active actions of millions of people throughout the country and the courage of Muscovites, the support of the world community made it possible to restore constitutional power in the country.

The position taken by the highest bodies of state power and administration of the USSR contributed to the tragic development of events. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR showed inactivity at a critical moment for the country, and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR showed direct connivance with a group of conspirators, which was expressed in his failure to take the necessary decisions in relation to the illegal GKChP. No decision was made to immediately convene the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to consider the current situation in the country. This actually confirmed the legitimacy of the State Emergency Committee, which cannot be regarded otherwise than as political complicity in the actions of the conspirators. The inactivity of the USSR Supreme Soviet Committee for Defense and Security also deserves resolute condemnation. The Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on International Affairs did not take proper measures. The Committee for the Coordination of the Activities of Law Enforcement Agencies under the President of the USSR was inactive and did not justify its appointment.

The Prosecutor's Office of the USSR did not fulfill its constitutional duty, did not protest the creation of the State Committee for the State of Emergency and the decisions taken by it. The leadership of the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR joined the anti-constitutional coup and instructed all prosecutors of the country to recognize the illegal actions of the State Emergency Committee.

All this caused great political and economic damage to the country, practically thwarted the signing of the Union Treaty, and upset the fragile balance reached between the republics.

In connection with the foregoing, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

1. The actions of members of the State Emergency Committee who removed the legally elected President of the USSR from the performance of duties and usurped power are assessed as a coup d'état.

The creation of the State Emergency Committee and its decisions have no legal force from the moment they are adopted.

2. Recognize the imperfect structure of the highest bodies of state power and administration, law enforcement agencies of the country, as well as the established practice of selecting by the President of the USSR and giving consent to the appointment by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of candidates for leading positions in the state.

Introduce, in accordance with the established procedure, the necessary amendments and additions to the Constitution of the USSR and other legislative acts defining the legal mechanism for protecting the constitutional system, a clear procedure and procedure for the appointment and dismissal of senior officials.

Recognize as invalid the Law of the USSR of September 24, 1990 "On Additional Measures to Stabilize the Economic and Socio-Political Life of the Country", which grants additional powers to the President of the USSR.

Propose to the President of the USSR to make a report on the situation in the country at an extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

3. Propose to the republics, on the basis of the agreed concept of the Union Treaty, to expedite its signing, taking into account new proposals.

4. Form a parliamentary commission of people's deputies of the USSR with the invitation of representatives of the republics to investigate and politically assess the circumstances of the coup d'état on August 18-21, 1991.

7. Based on the available information about the participation of the leading bodies of the CPSU in the preparation and conduct of the coup d'etat on August 18-21, 1991, suspend the activities of the CPSU throughout the USSR, instructing the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure the safety of its material assets and archives, and the banking institutions to stop all operations with monetary funds of the CPSU.

Guided by the second part of Article 3 of the USSR Law "On Public Associations", instruct the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR to conduct an investigation into the data on the participation of the leading bodies of the CPSU in actions to forcibly change the constitutional order and, if proven, transfer the materials to the Supreme Court of the USSR.

Consider as soon as possible at a session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR proposals for reorganizing the system of bodies of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the USSR KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense, taking into account the decisions taken by the Supreme Soviets of the republics after August 19, 1991.

Within a month, submit for consideration by the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR the necessary amendments and additions to the USSR Law "On State Security Organs in the USSR".

"On the situation that arose in the country in connection with the coup d'état that took place"


The events of August 19-21 brought to light the fact that the CPSU had never been a party. It was a special mechanism for the formation and implementation of political power by merging with state structures or their direct subordination to the CPSU. The leading structures of the CPSU exercised their own dictatorship, created at the state expense a property basis for

unlimited power.

This was confirmed during open hearings in the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on the role of the CPSU in the coup d'état on August 19-20.

It is precisely the leading structures of the CPSU, which actually swallowed up the state and disposed of it as their own instrument, that are responsible for the historical impasse into which the peoples of the Soviet Union are driven, and the collapse to which we have come.

The activity of these structures was clearly anti-people, anti-constitutional in nature, was directly related to inciting religious, social and national hatred among the peoples of the country, encroachment on the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen recognized by the entire international community.

The logical finale of her political activities was the anti-constitutional coup on August 19-21 of this year, supported by the leadership of the CPSU.

Despite the measures taken against these structures, they did not stop their illegal activities aimed at further aggravating the crisis and creating conditions for a new anti-people coup.

It became obvious that as long as the structures of the CPSU continue to exist, there can be no guarantees against another coup or coup.

Attempts to defame the millions of rank-and-file members of the party who had nothing to do with the arbitrariness and violence that were done on their behalf, to introduce bans on professions, are unacceptable. But equally unacceptable are attempts to revive the gigantic mechanism of the communist party machine and give it the opportunity to crush the sprouts of Russian democracy under itself.

Considering that the Communist Party of the RSFSR was not registered in accordance with the established procedure, and the registration of the CPSU by the state bodies of the USSR previously directly controlled by the Central Committee of the CPSU was carried out with gross violations of the law and does not carry prejudicial force for the RSFSR, on the basis of and in pursuance of Articles 7 and 121-4 of the Constitution of the RSFSR on with t a n o v l i u:

1. Terminate the activities of the CPSU, the CP RSFSR on the territory of the RSFSR, and dissolve their organizational structures. (The provision of paragraph 1 on the dissolution of the organizational structures of the CPSU and the CP of the RSFSR does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation in relation to the primary organizations of the CP of the RSFSR, formed on the territorial principle - Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1992 N 9-P)

2. State executive authorities of the RSFSR, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, prosecution authorities to exclude the persecution of citizens of the RSFSR for the fact of belonging to the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

3. The property of the CPSU and the CP of the RSFSR on the territory of the RSFSR shall be transferred to the ownership of the state. The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR shall ensure the transfer and acceptance of the property of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR on the territory of the RSFSR into the jurisdiction of the bodies of state administration of the RSFSR and the republics within the RSFSR. (Clause 3 of the Decree corresponds to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in relation to that part of the property

which was owned by the state, but which at the time of the issuance of the Decree was actually in the possession, use and disposal of the bodies and organizations of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR. Paragraph 3 of the Decree does not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in relation to that part of the property owned by the CPSU, as well as to that part of the property that at the time of the issuance of the Decree was actually in the possession, use and disposal of the bodies and organizations of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR, but the owner which was not determined - the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1992 N 9-P)

4. The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the ministries and departments of the RSFSR, the relevant state executive authorities of the republics within the RSFSR, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg to take the necessary measures for the immediate and exhaustive implementation of this Decree.

In what countries of the world is the communist party banned? and got the best answer

Answer from Ping Pong[guru]
It was banned in Germany in 1956. They did it right.

Answer from Pedal horse[guru]
In civilized countries, the party of murderers is prohibited.

Answer from ArArAt*****[guru]
South Africa during the apartheid regime.

Answer from Nikolai Khomyakov[guru]
As far as I know, in Latvia.

Answer from Yergey Ivanov[guru]
Communist parties for 2011 are ruling in China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea (under the name of the Workers' Party of Korea).
They are part of the ruling coalitions in Cyprus, Italy, Nepal, Uruguay.
Cuba Cuba (Communist Party of Cuba) (1959), the only legal party in this country
Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRK (Workers' Party of Korea leads the United Democratic Patriotic Front) (1948)
People's Republic of China (Communist Party of China, leads the Patriotic United Front of the Chinese People); Hong Kong and Macau are excluded from this system (1949)
Vietnam Vietnam (Communist Party of Vietnam leads the Vietnam Fatherland Front, en: Vietnamese Fatherland Front) (1976)
Laos Laos (People's Revolutionary Party of Laos leads the Lao Front for National Construction, en: Lao Front for National Construction) (1975)
Syria Syria (Communist Party of Syria is part of the National Progressive Front) (1963)
Moldova Moldova (Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova has a formal majority in parliament, but is not the ruling party)
Nepal Nepal (From August 2008 to March 2013, representatives of the communist parties (Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist) became Prime Ministers of Nepal (2008)
Uruguay Uruguay (The Communist Party of Uruguay is part of the Broad Front - a coalition of communists, socialists, Trotskyists, Christian Democrats, which has been in power in Uruguay since 2004. In the 2004 elections, the Broad Front won 51.7% of the vote and held 52 MP from 99. Since March 1, 2010, Jose Mujica, a former member of the Tupamaros (National Liberation Movement) partisan movement, a Marxist radical organization that used urban guerrilla methods in the armed struggle against the government) became the President of Uruguay) (2004)
Republic of South Africa South Africa - South African Communist Party
Ukraine Ukraine - Communist Party of Ukraine
Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - Communist Party of Sri Lanka
taken from the site

Answer from Vsevolod ship[guru]
in many Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, in Myanmar, there are countries where it never existed, all sorts of Fiji, Belize, etc. if it was banned in Russia, it would be just wonderful!

Answer from Walter[guru]
If it's banned, then there's a reason for it. after the fact that the Communists sucked the blood from half the world, it is not surprising that they banned it.

Answer from Chernov Nikita[newbie]
Communist parties are banned in countries where the ruling regime is a dictatorship, as communist parties oppose that some people exploit others

Until a few decades ago, the world communist movement was a powerful force that the leading states of the world, including the United States, had to reckon with. Even under the conditions of the "crusade against communism", the communist parties remained the vanguard of the left.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. With the exception of China and a number of Asian countries, as well as Cuba, the influence of the communist parties is almost imperceptible.

In a number of European countries, not only communist parties are banned, but also communist symbols. In the European Union, statements are increasingly heard that equate communism with fascism and national socialism, blaming the communists for fomenting the Second World War.
Countries, the former USSR and the Eastern bloc, where communist ideology is prohibited...

Lustration. All high-ranking civil servants, members of the ruling Labor Party until 1991, as well as persons who collaborated with the secret police, were forbidden to be elected or to hold leadership positions in state bodies until 2002 (laws of 1995).
Communist Party ban. Prohibition of fascist, Marxist-Leninist and racist parties (1992 law).

Lustration. Criminal liability without a statute of limitations for persons who committed "betrayal of the Motherland" in December 1944 - May 1990, up to life imprisonment (1992 law). In 1994, the Constitutional Court declared this law unconstitutional. The second stage of lustration (until 2001) was reduced to the disclosure of information about the cooperation of citizens with state security agencies. In 2005, Parliament opened wide access to secret documents about intelligence agents.
Symbol prohibition. Communist and Nazi symbols have been banned since 1993. Individuals who use symbols of totalitarianism to disturb civil peace or display them in public are fined.

Lustration. Prohibition to hold high positions in the state for persons who served in the KGB or held senior positions in the CPSU (2010 law). A lustration commission has been set up to eradicate communist symbols in Georgia, including in the names of streets and squares, as well as the elimination of monuments praising the totalitarian past. Former employees of the secret services of the Soviet Union, as well as former officials of the Communist Party and the Komsomol, will not be able to work in the executive authorities and in the judiciary (2011 law).
Symbol prohibition. Prohibited communist and Nazi ideology, as well as the use of Soviet and fascist symbols in public places (law 2011).

Lustration. All candidates for parliamentary deputies are required to indicate in writing whether or not they have connections with the Soviet or other secret services (1992 law). The prohibition to be elected to persons who were members of the Communist Party and a number of organizations friendly to it after January 13, 1991, as well as employees and agents of the KGB (1995 law).
Symbol prohibition. Since 1991, Soviet and Nazi symbols have been banned at public events. The ban does not apply to entertainment, festive, commemorative and sporting events.

Lustration. A law was adopted on checking the mandates of deputies suspected of knowingly collaborating with the special services of the USSR or other states.
Symbol prohibition. The use of Soviet and Nazi symbols, anthems, uniforms and images of the leaders of the National Socialists of Germany and the leaders of the CPSU at public meetings has been prohibited since 2008.
Communist Party ban. Since 1992, the Communist Party has been banned on the territory of the country; in fact, it operates underground.

Lustration. All those wishing to enter the civil service (ministers, judges, deputies, senators) and candidates for parliamentary elections, who had previously collaborated with the communist secret services, had to repent publicly and receive forgiveness. If such information was concealed, the applicant was deprived of the right to hold public office for a 10-year period (1997 law).
Symbol prohibition. Criminal liability (fines, imprisonment for up to two years) for the possession, distribution or sale of things or records that contain communist symbols, since 2009. Their use for artistic, educational purposes, as well as collecting is allowed. An article of the Criminal Code prohibits Nazi symbols and the display of symbols of "other totalitarian regimes".

Lustration. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia is called a "criminal and reprehensible organization." Personnel officers and secret agents of special services, employees of the party apparatus of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, who “politically led” state security, were deprived of the right to hold responsible positions in state bodies for 5 years if a special commission could prove their guilt (1993 law).
Symbol prohibition. Communist symbols are prohibited. But the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia remains one of the country's leading political forces.

Lustration. The Law on extrajudicial mass repressions in Soviet Estonia in the 1940–1950s was adopted, according to which the prosecutor's office was instructed to consider the issue of initiating criminal cases and bringing to justice those guilty of massacres and other crimes against humanity.
Symbol prohibition. Ban on the use of Nazi and Soviet symbols in public places since 2007

Communist Party ban. The Communist Party of Turkmenistan (KPT) has existed illegally since 1992. In 2002, after a series of opposition protests, CPT leader Rakhimov was accused of participating in the assassination attempt on President Niyazov and sentenced to 25 years in prison. According to unconfirmed information, in December 2006 he was killed in prison along with several of his associates.

Communist Party ban. The Communist Party of Uzbekistan, founded in 1994, exists on an illegal basis.

The ban on the use of communist symbols for political purposes and the promotion of totalitarian ideology was in effect from July 12, 2012, but on June 5, 2013, the Constitutional Court overturned this ban as contrary to the Constitution.

Since May 21, 2015, “public denial of the criminal nature of the communist and national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes”, as well as the public use and propaganda of their symbols, has been prohibited. It is prohibited to produce, distribute and publicly use the symbols of the communist regime (including souvenirs), public performance of the anthems of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, other Union Soviet republics or their fragments. For a primary offense, the punishment is restriction or imprisonment up to 5 years with possible confiscation of property, for a repeated offense or its commission by an organized group of persons or with the use of the media - imprisonment from 5 to 10 years with possible confiscation of property.
-- Germany
According to paragraph 86a of the German Penal Code, it is forbidden to distribute or publicly use in a meeting or in correspondence, the production, the use for commercial purposes within the country or abroad of symbols or materials containing the symbols of a party that has been declared illegal and contrary to the Constitution by the Federal Constitutional Court, which since 1956 is the Communist Party of Germany.
Such symbols include, in particular, flags, symbols, uniforms, slogans and forms of greeting, while symbols that look similar enough in appearance to be confused with symbols of prohibited organizations are considered equivalent. For such actions, a person can be prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or a fine.

The Communist Party and the public display of its symbols are banned.