
Granny Smith apples, description, useful properties. Description and characteristics of the fruiting variety of granny smith apple trees, cultivation and care Color granny apple how to get

Pests of garden plants

Granny Smith, a green apple variety named after "Granny Smith", has won the hearts of gardeners and gourmets around the world. This apple tree is distinguished by its durability and unpretentiousness in cultivation, and its fruits are used to make delicious desserts and pies. This article offers a description of the advantages and disadvantages of an apple tree and its photo.

Granny smith apples are widely used in cooking.

One apple a day - and the doctor is out the door.

Brief historical background

The path of this wonderful variety from all sides begins in 1868, in the land of kangaroos and dingoes. We are talking about Australia, one of the provinces located in Eastwood. Here, in the said year, a woman named Anna Maria Smith, an elderly lady keen on breeding, crossed two apple trees - an overseas French wild and an Australian. The fruits of her labors became the hero of this article, who immediately after the appearance began an inexorable march up the ladder of popularity.

This variety first began to gain a reputation in New Zealand.

The variety began to successfully gain a reputation from New Zealand, in 1930 it found new fans in the UK, and in 1976 the apple tree reached the United States and Canada. In our century, few stores do not sell granny apples, and in Australia festivals are held in honor of the creator of the variety.

Variety features

Granny Smith belongs to the group of winter varieties, since the ripening time for its fruits is in autumn - the end of September or the beginning of October. Sometimes the apple tree ripens earlier or later, it depends on the climatic features of the area in which the trees are grown. So, if warm weather is a rare guest in the region, leaving “in English” soon after its arrival, the crop will ripen only by winter, and the taste and usefulness of the fruit will significantly fall short of the bar.

Granny bears fruit regularly and quite abundantly. A fruiting tree is classified as "medium - productive". The apple tree brings the harvest within eight to ten years, and the peak of productivity falls on the fifth or eighth year of growth. In the fifth year, up to 15 kilograms of green fruits are harvested from apple trees alone.

The apple tree in the photo, which in reality looks amazing, with its lush, sprawling crown. The trees are medium-sized, grow quickly when young, and slower when they reach the fruiting period. They reach a height of 3-3.5 meters.

The variety is undemanding insofar as it allows it to be grown in gardens around the world, but it is very sensitive to environmental conditions.

Trees act up when the weather changes. The appearance of the fruit, their shape and size, and taste characteristics depend on the condition. In general, the ideal environment for apple trees is a climate with mild winters and cool but long summers.

  1. The variety is resistant to frost, but does not tolerate the hot season. On especially hot and sunny days, apples begin to dry out and shrink.
  2. On the other hand, apple trees do not like severe frosts either. Due to the cold, its fruits are deformed and lose their rich green color, turn yellow.

All about fruits

Apples, with their juicy appearance, attract the desire to immediately put teeth into them, even when they are shown in the photo.

Granny smith fruits are quite large

  1. The fruits of the Granny Smith apple tree are large in size, each grows up to 250 - 300 grams. Round or oval apples are covered with a dense, even hard peel of bright green color. Sometimes a sunny blush appears on the green surface - reddish-brown specks. Gently green, juicy flesh lurks under the skin.
  2. Unripe fruits are unpleasant to eat, their taste is faceless, like paper. Another thing is juicy, poured apples, which are distinguished by a rich sweet and sour taste.
  3. If all the recommendations for growing have been followed, the fruits will hold tightly to the branches and not fall.
  4. Fruits calmly endure transportation and do not deteriorate for a long time.
  5. One apple of this variety contains 47 kcal, thanks to which this product occupies one of the first places in the list of dietary delicacies. It is recommended to pay attention to this fruit to all women advocating a healthy lifestyle. The content of sugars and fats in the fruit is reduced, but there is a lot of water, vitamins and trace elements. These fruits help cleanse the intestines, which is why nutritionists advise taking at least one unloading apple day a week. Apples strengthen the health of the eyes and skin, have a positive effect on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. Another indisputable advantage of apples is the ability to make charlottes out of them.
  6. When eating apples, one should be careful and avoid overeating. A large amount of fruits eaten will harm tooth enamel, cause complications for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers, and the seeds consist of hydrocyanic acid, a poison that is not desirable to enter the body.

Proper planting of trees is the first step in a long stage of their cultivation and the key to a bountiful harvest. The slightest mistake at the start will inevitably lead to troubles in the future. The main thing in this process: to choose a place and time of landing.

Young seedlings should be planted in spring

  1. Two-year-old seedlings are planted in spring or autumn, two months or two before the first frost. This is the time it takes for the roots to take root.
  2. Landing pits are prepared ahead of time, at least a month before planting, so that the earth settles and does not break the young roots. Pit size: 1 meter in diameter and 60 to 80 centimeters deep.
  3. The apple tree prefers soil without excessive acidity, if it so happened that the earth turned out to be too acidic, add lime to it, but a month before mineral fertilizers. Meanwhile, the earth taken out of the pit is recommended to be mixed with organic fertilizers.
  4. Thoroughly moisten the planting site and carefully straighten the roots, lower the seedling into the pit. Dig to the place of inoculation, abundantly moisten the resulting creativity with five buckets of water. The purpose of watering is to have the roots tightly hug the earth.
  5. In order for the apple trees to bloom as in the photo, it is recommended to leave enough space between the pits - the trees need freedom in order to grow. The best neighbors for granny smith are other winter varieties. But planting trees next to berry bushes, especially with raspberries, is not the best solution.
  6. After planting, the trees will have to be tied to pegs or wire so that they do not fall from a strong wind.
  7. With the onset of cold weather, the trees will have to be insulated, especially their roots - for this, the soil around the trunk is covered with manure.

Rules for caring for apple trees

Trees growing without the care of the owners will not be able to bring a rich harvest, and their fruits will not look as appetizing as they are shown in the photo.

Proper tree care is the key to a good harvest.

  1. Pruning is an important part of fruit tree care. Pruning a dense crown from weak branches reduces the waiting time for fruiting and saves apple trees from overload and disease. They begin to carry out a pruning event on two-year-old apple trees, before the buds swell - that is, in the first weeks of spring.
  2. After planting, the tree is often watered, but do not forget about this method of care and when the apple tree takes root in a new place of residence. Especially important watering in the summer, on hot days. In the summer, you will have to water the trees regularly, once every two weeks, spending four liters of water on each apple tree. When the fruits appear and begin to ripen, the amount of water and watering will have to be reduced, otherwise the fruits will crack.
  3. After watering, it is recommended to mulch the soil. Apple trees prefer to grow on fertile land, if not on black soil, then at least on soil ennobled with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Diseases, pests and other ailments

The gardener who wants to get juicy apples and beautiful trees must learn to pay close attention to any suspicious change in the appearance of apple trees. The change may be imperceptible, not conspicuous - a scattering of yellowish spots, a dull color of the leaves: all these are harbingers of trouble.

Granny Smith has an attractive advantage - resistance to diseases characteristic of apple trees: scab and powdery mildew.

Which does not prevent this variety from getting sick with rust and powdery mold. To combat these troubles, you will have to arm yourself with fungicides, such as Fundazol or the classic Bordeaux mixture.

Carefully measure doses when using these drugs, as they will poison the fruits, making them dangerous to consume. Bordeaux liquid carry out preventive spraying of trees.

To get the same fruits as in the photo, you will have to try, but patience and work will fall on fertile ground. Apple trees of this variety are an excellent choice for growing in almost any region with a not too short growing season.

Winter hardiness and resistance to diseases - allow even novice gardeners to choose this variety for planting. Due to their outstanding appearance, these trees are often grown to decorate the garden, as a hedge.

Apples "Granny" gained popularity immediately after the appearance of the variety. This is not surprising, because they are considered one of the most useful in the world, as their pulp contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals.

Variety Description

Smith apples are the result of crossing wild and domestic apple trees. Their home is Australia. The shape of the fruit is round, the weight of an apple is about 300 g, the color is light green. The taste is slightly sour, as there is little sugar in the pulp.

The side of the Smith apple that has been exposed to the sun may have a reddish or yellowish tint. The crown of the apple tree is dense, fruiting is regular.

Nutritional value of apples

Let's consider with the help of the table what nutritional value the fruits have.

Benefits of Granny Smith

In hot weather, they perfectly satisfy hunger and thirst, One apple contains 5 g of fiber, which corresponds to 20% of a person's daily requirement.

Almost 90% of the fruits consist of water, they practically do not contain fat. However, they are rich in various vitamins, including B6 and P.

Another of the useful properties of Smith apples is that they:

  • purify the blood;
  • reduce the risk of bronchial asthma;
  • contain a large number of useful substances that allow the body to actively absorb iron;
  • have a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • include pectin that binds toxins;
  • relieve stress;
  • have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system;
  • strengthen skin, hair and nails;
  • improve the condition of the gums and teeth.

Who needs to eat the variety for food:

  • those who are on a diet;
  • suffering from skin diseases;
  • anemia and young children;
  • patients with atherosclerosis and gout.

According to scientists, the variety has a very useful peel, in which the main part of the healing substances is concentrated. So don't cut it!

Harm of apples

Smith apples, like all foods, can be harmful. But this applies, for the most part, to mono-diets, in which the fruit becomes the main component.

If a large amount of fiber enters the body, digestive problems will begin. Therefore, people suffering from ulcers, colitis and gastritis should use apples with caution.

Excessive consumption of Smith apples can cause thinning of tooth enamel. And in the bones there is a high content of hydrocyanic acid, which is essentially a poison.

Apple tree "Smith" requires the right place and time for planting. Only in this way will it bear fruit regularly.

The soil under the Smith apple tree is mixed with organic matter. After planting, the seedling is sprinkled with soil and watered so that the roots are in close contact with the ground. Then the tree should be tied to a peg driven in nearby.

The variety requires mandatory warming before the onset of winter. The soil near the tree is covered with manure.

The variety requires annual pruning. It should be carried out starting from the second year of life, in the spring, until the buds appear.

In summer, abundant watering should be carried out - 4 liters under a tree. After watering, mulching and fertilizing are mandatory. When the variety bears fruit, watering is reduced so that they do not crack.

Apples "Granny Smith": useful properties (video)

How to pick apples

If there is at least one mechanical damage on the skin, the fruit will begin to rot. The correct way to collect is to smoothly scroll the apple around its axis. In this case, if the fetus is to be stored, the stalk should be left. After the apple is removed, it fits neatly into the basket.

The presented variety of fruits is covered with a wax coating for a reason. It is he who protects the pulp from mold and rot, so it should not be washed.

Smith apples are sorted out in order to select for storage, it is worth leaving only whole and clean fruits. The fruit picker should not be harvested, as it can damage the delicate skin.

You can learn how to grow Canadian Spartan apple trees.

How to store

The presented variety of apples is placed in storage immediately after harvest. Where to store fruits? Suitable places are:

  • cellars;
  • cellars;
  • dry rooms.

The best option for Smith apples is a dry, clean room without foreign odors. Storage next to potatoes, fresh vegetables and pickles is not recommended. The optimum temperature is - from 0°C to +2°C.

In large rooms, the variety is laid out on shelves or racks. Apples are placed in only one layer. Lining under them is not required, and cardboard boxes can be placed between the fruits.

If the room is small, fruit should be stored in shallow wooden boxes, which are placed one on top of the other. In each box, apples are laid out in one layer. Additional bulkhead in this case is not required, which increases the shelf life.

Granny apples are one of the healthiest fruits. Their pulp and skin contain a huge amount of useful substances that improve digestion, blood composition, and the functioning of the respiratory system. However, in mono-diets, apples should be used with caution so as not to damage the digestive tract.

Homemade cider: cooking recipe (video)

Planting seedlings is carried out in spring or autumn. Before starting work, it is important to properly prepare the pits. Care consists in timely pruning and watering. Harvest the fruits carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin. Store apples in boxes, placing them in one layer. The storage room is chosen dry and clean with an internal temperature of about +2 °C.

Granny Smith is winter variety. The fruits ripen by the time of the first cool - in September or early October.

Deviation from the norm is possible in a cool climate.

If the warm weather in the growing region does not last long, the fruits may ripen by winter and lose their characteristics.

The variety is precocious, fruiting is regular, is particularly stable, frost resistance.

Fruiting apple trees of this type eight to ten years old.

The peak falls on the fifth-seventh years of plant growth.

Among the winter varieties of apple trees, and, are also famous.

Description of the variety Granny Smith

Consider separately the appearance of the apple tree and the fruit itself.

Usually 'Granny Smith' apple tree medium-sized and is natural semi-dwarf. It has spreading crown.

apples grow largeup to 300 grams each. They have a rich green color, a dense peel, a round or slightly oval shape - this can be seen in the photo.

With proper care, the fruits hold firmly on the tree.

Sometimes the green surface of apples includes brownish-red blotches - they appear on the side turned towards the sun.

The pulp of apples is light, juicy, sour-sweet in taste.

What are the benefits and how many calories are in a green Granny Smith apple?

These apples are low in sugar and high in vitamins.

Since the calorie content of these apples is low - 47.5 calories, you can feast on them without any fears about the harmony of the figure. Also considered hypoallergenic.

The following varieties demonstrate excellent taste and increased fruit benefits:, and.

Selection history

Granny Smith apples or the well-known "Granny Smith" appeared in New South Wales, in Australia, in 1868.

They are a selection product. wild French apple tree with Australian.

Launched a new variety amateur breeder an elderly Australian Anna Maria Smith.

The result of her work quickly won popularity all over the world.


Variety "Granny Smith" refers to medium productive.

For the growth and full development of fruits 240 days of heat are required.

Granny Smith apple trees enter fruiting in the second or third year after landing in the garden in the autumn.

In the fifth year of growth from one tree, you can harvest up to 15 kilograms of crop.

It should be noted that "Granny Smith" is excellent pollinator for all other varieties.

To increase the yield, this variety should be planted next to only the same winter types of apple trees: , Elise, Ligol, Pink Lady.

If you are looking for apple trees with high yields, pay attention to, and.

Region of natural growth

Where are these apples grown? Today Granny Smith cultivated by gardeners of all countries.

Variety in a certain sense capricious: the shape, size and other characteristics of the fruit and the tree itself depend on the conditions of detention.

"Granny Smith" can't stand the heat. Due to the increased dose of sunlight fruits dry up.

Also variety does not like strong cold: from low temperatures apples turn yellow and change shape.

The ideal growing climate is mild, temperate, with short winters and long growing periods.

Landing and care

When planting any fruit tree, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the right time and place.

This is a guarantee that your apple tree will bear fruit well and delight you with its fruits.

Seedlings - usually biennial - apple trees of this popular variety can be plant in spring and autumn when there is no frost.

A month before planting, it is necessary to prepare pits for seedlings - the soil should sit down. Pits need a depth of about 60 centimeters and a diameter of at least one meter.

The soil that will be taken out of the pit should be mixed with any organic fertilizers.

Before planting, the pits need to be moistened with water.

You should not plant trees next to raspberries, but with other winter varieties of apple trees, on the contrary, it is recommended.

After planting, sprinkle with a sufficient amount of earth and water well so that the earth fits snugly against the roots of young trees.

Before the frost trunks need to be insulated and the soil next to the tree cover with manure.

Watch the video on how and when to plant a tree correctly.

apple trees needs to be pruned annually.

Pruning the crown will ensure the early fruiting of the tree and its longevity.

Pruning can be done from the second year of the tree's life early spring, until the buds swell.

Abundant summer watering- three to four liters for each tree - should be carried out in the first years of life and growth of the plant.

When the fruits ripen watering should be reduced otherwise they will crack.

Diseases and pests

The indisputable plus of the Granny Smith variety is - resistance to many "apple" diseases and pests. So, this variety does not suffer scab and powdery mildew.

Cons - susceptibility scabs and rust, powdery mildew.

They can be dealt with with fungicides: Benlaton, Fundazol, Bayleton, Bordeaux liquid and other broad-spectrum drugs.

Other diseases and pests affect the apple tree extremely rarely, which makes it an excellent choice for breeding in the garden. However, it does not hurt to take care of the prevention of such of them as, and.

Granny Smith apples are great for growing in regions with a long growing season.

They are full of vitamins and because of their large size are suitable for use in cooking.

Also fruits "Granny Smith" stored for a long time and it only gets better from there.

Trees of this variety are often used as hedges in gardens and summer cottages.

Good yield, excellent taste of fruits and beautiful appearance of trees make this variety a leader among others.

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It grew well, the soil before planting should be well prepared, free from weeds, especially perennials, rich in nutrients (chernozem or any healthy humic dark meadow / garden soil). It is recommended to improve the physical and chemical composition of the soil by plowing with green manure or adding compost. The pits should be approximately 60 cm in diameter and a depth of 30 cm, the size dictates the size of the seedling. We transfer the plant from the temporary container without destroying the earthen clod (if the plant has a bare root system, then we pour an earthen mound on the bottom of the hole and distribute the moistened roots down along it). We fall asleep with fertile soil and lightly trample it down. There is no need to buy special substrates.

The larger the fertile layer, the less min. fertilizers. We make a trunk circle with a roller for natural rainwater collection and pour it abundantly in several parishes. All varieties of apple trees in our online store are produced in Ukraine, are frost-resistant and do not require any shelter for the winter, except for the obligatory protection of the bark from hares to a height of 120 cm. Ukraine is traditionally the largest producer of fruit trees in Eastern Europe, so you can be 95% sure that a seedling bought in Ukraine is guaranteed frost-resistant.

Our garden center does not sell imported fruits. If you have purchased imported varieties of fruit trees imported from Europe (zone 6-9), then they must be protected before the onset of the first frost. A small tubercle of soil or mulch is poured around the root neck, which will need to be opened in the spring, but in winter it will protect the neck and the grafting site from freezing.

It is better to buy apple tree seedlings in a plastic container with fertilizers, so the plant is not dug up with inevitable damage to the root system and is guaranteed to take root after planting. Plants do well with Goalsm root(early spring or late autumn without leaves).

Watering: it is necessary to regularly water the still infertile Granny Smith Apple Tree, preventing the land from drying out - about 5 times per season during dry periods, 3-5pcs (10l) buckets per tree. The lack of moisture will affect the growth of shoots, respectively, and the future harvest. Starting from the end of July, watering stops so that the apple tree prepares for winter. The norms for the number of buckets for fruit-bearing trees are the same, but watering should be done at the following stages: during flowering, before the formation of ovaries in June, 2 or 3 weeks before the full ripening of apples. With a close occurrence of groundwater, irrigation rates are adjusted.

Pruning: the next year after planting, before the start of the growing season, it is necessary to perform a formative pruning (too dense crown and branches frozen over the winter require regular and timely thinning), but when pruning, be careful not to remove branches with fruit formations. Otherwise, the volume of the future harvest will be significantly reduced. We cut trees without branches 20 cm above the planned branching. In branched trees, we shorten the conductor, and the branches located too low are removed entirely.

Diseases: resistance to powdery mildew and scab in the Granny Smith variety is below average. Apples during storage may be affected by browning of the pulp and skin.

Fertilizer / care: Planted trees should be immediately fed with mineral fertilizers. The first portion of nitrogen is introduced in the first year in mid-May. The second - in the middle of June. Due to this, powerful growths necessary for the formation of the crown are formed already before autumn. If the growth of seedlings in the first year is too intense, the next year we limit nitrogen fertilizer, leaving only the May application, but already at the beginning of the month. To provoke fruiting, in the third and fourth year, nitrogen fertilizer is minimized. The good development of trees and shrubs, especially on light soils, is facilitated by mulching with humus or compost.

Protection: without chemical protection, high-quality plant growth in the first years of life is almost impossible. In the phase of bud break (green cone "bear ears"), tank mixtures of Aktara + Horus preparations are used to protect against the apple blossom beetle, kidney weevils, the wintering stage of pathogens such as scab, powdery mildew and fruit rot. The next spraying is carried out with a mixture of Engio + Horus preparations in the budding phase - a rose bud. This treatment protects trees from apple beetles, leafworms, winter, aphids, suckers and against a complex of pathogens: scab, powdery mildew, alternariosis, fruit rot. In the Steppe zone in Ukraine, Thiovit Jet is added to tank mixtures to combat fruit mites.

In the phase of falling petals - after flowering, to simultaneously combat the apple sawfly, leaf moth (in particular, the codling moth), wandering larvae of the Californian scale insect, aphids, suckers, moths, with diseases (for example, scab, powdery mildew, alternariosis), tank mixtures of Aktar preparations are used or Engio® + Match® or Proklam® and add Speed®. During long rainy periods and with heavy dew, Horus is added. Approximate timing of the fight against the first generation of apple codling moth is the beginning of flowering of white acacia or after the end of flowering of late varieties of apple trees. Spraying against caterpillars of the next generations of codling moth falls on the 30-35th day after the previous one. Varieties that are sensitive to powdery mildew are sprayed with a mixture of Aktara® + Prokleim® and Topaz, and if there is a threat of scab development, add more Horus.

Ground pests: Today in Ukraine there is no more dangerous soil pest than Khrushchev (Russian - Maybug). From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with Aktara or any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example, Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must fall on the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root neck and not spill to the side. Similar treatments are repeated every 40-50 days of the growing season. We spill it into the soil according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective (active ingredient - 240 g / l thiamethoxam; 250 g / kg thiamethoxam).

Processing along the crown and gravy along the root neck into the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats up” the plant. An example is the war of Ukrainian gardeners with Colorado beetles, which, like their human “cotton” namesakes - “Colorados”, are very dangerous and gluttonous. Both the first and second should be promptly destroyed.

Weed protection: in the period before or after flowering, the herbicide Hurricane Forte, Roundup is used to destroy annual and perennial weeds. The drug is applied under the condition of protecting the culture. The best introduction period for broadleaf weeds is from the phase of 2 true leaves to the flowering phase, annual grasses - phase 2-3 leaves, perennial grasses - at a height of 10-12 cm.

All of these drugs are mixed without restrictions and without the risk of reducing efficiency. The consumption rate of the working solution: a young tree - 1 l, a middle-aged tree - 2 l, a tree with a large crown - more than 3 l. All materials used for the convenience of the user of one company - Syngenta

The name of this variety of apples, Granny Smith, is translated as "Granny Smith", their homeland is considered to be Australia. Where did Granny Smith apples get such a strange name, you ask? According to the legend of origin, Anna Maria Smith (1799-1870), an elderly lady who was fond of breeding, in 1868 crossed a French wild apple tree with a local variety. At first, the new apple tree came to New Zealand, where it quickly became popular, and already in the 1930s conquered England. Today, Granny Smith apples do not grow anywhere, thanks to their excellent breeding qualities, they are rightfully considered one of the most popular varieties in the world.

Granny Smith apples, according to the classical description, have an oval, round or truncated-conical shape, and their weight can reach 300g. They are distinguished by a rich green color with a slight yellowish tint, sometimes, when ripe in bright sun, one side of the apple can be covered with a blurry red-brown blush. Inside the Granny Smith apples, as you can see in the photo, a juicy and dense softness of a greenish-white color. At the same time, the taste of the fruits is pronounced, sweet, with a clear sourness. One of the features of this variety is the complete absence of aroma.

The composition of these fruits is also unique, Granny Smith has a low calorie content, 87% consists of water and practically does not contain fat, they also have a lot of fiber, which is so useful for the digestive tract. So how many calories are in a Granny Smith apple? Only 47.5 kcal, which makes them indispensable in the preparation of dietary menus. Like other varieties of apples, Granny Smith contains iron, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, folic acid, potassium and pectin, confirming their benefits.

It also took root well due to the fact that it does not darken for a long time when cut, therefore it is often used in salads and pastries. Another undoubted plus of Granny Smith is its strength, which makes it easy to carry transportation over long distances, and a long shelf life.