
What does the dream book warn about if you dream of acne? Dream Interpretation: acne, why do you dream of acne, dream of acne in a dream Acne on the face of a dream book.

Garden landscaping

This dream has several different interpretations.

Usually such stories are seen by girls who are preoccupied with their attractiveness. A pimple on the face in a dream can give different predictions.

Pay attention to who you saw it on and what happened next. That's what dreams of acne on the face most often.

Diseases and stress

The dream book does not interpret dreams if the problem of external attractiveness is of most concern to you now. In a dream, acne can be dreamed of by anyone who constantly chooses means during the day to get rid of acne and various problems.

Even minor rashes can force a girl to look for remedies so that they go away. Often, various tonics and gels, which are expensive, are ineffective.

Therefore, it is not surprising that even at night you will dream of your own face in acne, which you cannot get rid of in any way. The dream book does not interpret such a dream, since these are just worries about your beauty and attractiveness.

But if the problem of acne does not bother you, but they had a dream, this is already a sign that troubles await you soon. Such a dream is definitely worth interpreting. This is what dreaming dreams most often mean.

Acne in a dream on your face can mean illness, worries about real or imaginary shortcomings. If you see multiple rashes on the face of an older sister or just a friend, then you may get sick in the near future, and the disease will not be so much painful as physically unpleasant.

For example, allergies, various rashes, acne, redness can spoil your appearance.

And removing pimples in a dream, trying to put pressure on them or simply smearing them with various tonics and creams means that you want to get rid of some shortcomings, whether it be rashes on the face or character traits, appearance features and much more.

If you dreamed of acne, of which there are a lot, beware of the disease, even if you had to see them on the face of another person. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts trouble for you and, possibly, skin diseases that can look very unaesthetic.

Crushing them and seeing them reappear in even greater numbers than they were before is a bad sign. The dream book writes that it means such a dream like this: you will not cope with your troubles, and you can also get very sick.

In this situation, acne can mean both a literal prediction and a symbolic one. Squeezing acne on your face in a dream or just seeing how they go away on their own means the successful resolution of various problems, as well as the fact that you can cope with a difficult life situation.

Symbolic meaning

This is how the dream should be interpreted if the acne did not itch in a dream and the skin disease did not occur in the next 3 days. Here the dream book gives several interpretations.

Pimples can mean worries about real or imaginary flaws in appearance. But they also indicate that there are some problems or oversights that will come to the surface.

The dream interpretation of such acne on the face interprets that your misbehavior is known to others, and many can see your shortcomings, although they do not pretend that "everyone knows."

If you have something to hide, then the appearance of blackheads on your face shows that your reputation will be significantly damaged and the secret will become clear.

Seeing one large pimple on the face, hiding it or masking it with cosmetics means that the person who had such a dream will hide his shortcomings from others, but will not correct them.

Such dreams will dream of a conscious choice of not the best behavior. But squeezing a pimple in a dream means successfully getting rid of a problem that prevents you from making a good impression. This can be either an external flaw, overcoming some kind of complex, or correcting an act or justifying oneself in the eyes of one's environment.

Seeing the appearance of acne on the face of a familiar person means that his dishonest deeds will become known to others. Sometimes this is an indicator that you will know what he is hiding.

If this person began to squeeze out acne on his face, he will be able to disguise his own shortcomings and bad behavior. However, if someone began to clean the face of the dreamer himself and at the same time he felt pain and discomfort, this is a scandal and trouble, except for the situation when you voluntarily visited a beauty salon for this purpose.

Needless to say, a pimple is a huge nuisance for both women and men. Naturally, night vision with a similar plot will cause, if not anxiety, then disgust. In order to discard all worries and prepare for what a new day brings you, you need to know exactly what a pimple is dreaming of.

Interpretation of the Dream Interpretation of the World

If you dreamed of a pimple, the decoding can be found in the Dream Interpretation of the World. The following options are possible:

  • If you dreamed that you had a big pimple on your face, it means that soon you will meet some special person (most likely he will be rich and influential). This fact will cause great envy among others.
  • If acne was on the face of another person, then soon you will plunge headlong into a new romantic relationship. But they will be fleeting.
  • Why dream of a purulent pimple? This is a symbol of accumulated cases and problems. If in a dream you squeeze it out, it means that soon all your worries will be in the past.
  • If you saw how your face and body are covered with a huge amount of acne, it means that you are a very lazy person. Perhaps this is the reason for all your failures.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne to some other person (familiar or unfamiliar)? This means that you are too intrusive in communication. Unfortunately, if you do not change your behavior, many will turn their backs on you.
  • A pimple on the nose is competition. Most likely, for a place under the sun you will have to compete with strong opponents.

Interpretation of the Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Why dream of a pimple? In this dream book, you may encounter the following interpretation:

  • This is a negative symbol that indicates the beginning of some disease-causing processes in the body. You need to be more attentive to your health, and if possible visit a doctor.
  • Why dream of a big pimple on the forehead? This means that you have some kind of heart problem.
  • If in your dream acne was localized on the cheeks, this means that you should pay attention to the condition of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Acne in the area surrounding the lips, including the chin, symbolizes problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne on the face? This is not a very auspicious sign. This means that you pay attention to superficial facts, but do not get to the bottom of things. This applies not only to health, but also to relationships with people.
  • If you squeezed out a lot of pus from a pimple, and a wound remained in its place, this symbolizes a long illness. If the skin after that became clean, then the treatment will be quick and painless.

Interpretation of the Women's Dream Book

For women, acne is a particular problem, even if they see it in their dreams. Here are some interpretations:

  • A huge pimple on the face and body is a symbol of unexpected good luck. A happy chance will lead you to wealth and a high position in society.
  • Why dream of acne on the body? This is a symbol that you are not doing your job. Try to change jobs, otherwise the feeling of hopelessness will accompany you all the time.
  • If in a dream you squeeze out acne, this means that in real life you will fall under suspicion. Others will be sure that you have committed some impartial act.
  • A lot of acne on the face may portend a deterioration in relationships with others. Perhaps you are being too selfish, which is pushing friends and loved ones away from you.
  • Why dream of pressing acne on the forehead? This means that one of your loved ones will face illness or trouble. It will be your responsibility to solve this problem.

Interpretation according to the Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

All titled persons were anxious about their dreams. Not surprisingly, they even had their own interpreters. When asked about what the pimple was dreaming of, Catherine the Great was answered as follows:

  • This is a sign that a person works too hard, forgetting about rest. At the same time, he does not experience any material or moral return from this.
  • If acne was not on the dreamer himself, but on someone else, then some kind of threat loomed over this person. Try to remember your vision. Perhaps it was someone close to you.
  • Why dream of acne on the face of a young girl? This means that her behavior will be subject to strong condemnation. And for a man, this dream symbolizes the risk of committing rash acts that will entail unpleasant consequences.

Interpretation according to Smurov's Dream Interpretation

If you look into Smurov's Dream Interpretation for the interpretation of a dream about acne, you will get the following answers:

  • If a rash appears on your hands, this means that you will be very disappointed. In this case, the main blame will lie with you.
  • Acne on the chest indicates that some kind of disease is emerging in your body. Don't put off going to the doctor.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne? This is evidence of your frustration and dissatisfaction with life. But soon you will overcome all difficulties without resorting to outside help.
  • If in a dream you saw one huge pimple, then a white streak will soon begin for you. You will meet a reliable and faithful person who will become your life partner.
  • If you squeeze out acne not for yourself, but for someone, then you are an altruist and strive to solve other people's problems. But don't forget about yourself.

Interpretation according to the Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

In Adaskin's dream book regarding acne, the following is said:

  • Pimple is a symbol of material wealth. Soon you will find a solution to all financial problems.
  • A lot of acne on the body is a vain experience. Everything that you make a huge problem out of is nothing.
  • If you dream about how the face and body of another person became covered with acne, this means that you are very worried about your family and friends.
  • A purulent pimple is a symbol of the hypocrisy of others. Try to get to know the people with whom you communicate better and weed out the ones you don't.

Interpretation according to the Universal Dream Book

Why dream of acne on the face and other parts of the body? Here are some answers:

  • In reality, you experience some unpleasant emotions that can bring you to a depressive state.
  • Why dream of squeezing acne? This means that you will witness some unpleasant event or even a scandal. And the more pus came out of the pimple, the more unpleasant emotions this incident will leave you.
  • Another interpretation of a dream in which a person squeezes a pimple means a false accusation. It is possible that you will be suspected of meanness to which you have nothing to do.
  • If the face of the interlocutor was covered with acne, this means that you have an envious person. It is possible that the person with whom you communicate very closely actually treats you badly and wants to lose.

Interpretation according to Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book is considered one of the most accurate and authoritative. Regarding acne, it says the following:

  • A pimple is a symbol of some new pleasant acquaintance. If there were a lot of rashes on your face, it means that a fateful meeting awaits you.
  • Why dream of a pimple with pus? It is a symbol of great luck and good luck. Soon in life there will be some chance for success and self-realization, so do not miss it.
  • If you dreamed that your whole body was covered with acne, this means that soon you will have to communicate with an extremely unpleasant person. It will not be possible to avoid this, as it will be associated with duty or family relationships.
  • Trying to get rid of acne with ointments, lotions and other means means that you are a rather gentle and reasonable person who tries to solve any problems through compromise.

Interpretation of the Magic dream book

If you dreamed of a pimple, be sure to look into the Magic Dream Book. In it you will find such interpretations of your dream:

  • Why dream of squeezing acne on the face? This means that emotions have taken over your mind. Try to be more calm in dealing with annoying situations.
  • If in a dream your face is covered with acne, then someone is trying to compromise you. Most likely, your opponent will succeed.
  • If in a dream you squeeze out acne on the face of other people, this means that soon you will have a frank conversation, during which you will make many unexpected revelations.
  • If in a dream a pimple jumped up on your leg and interferes with walking, this means that you should expect a blow from relatives or friends. But try not to accumulate anger and resentment, otherwise it will have a bad effect on your health.


Of course, acne is an unpleasant phenomenon, even when it comes to sleep. But sometimes the meaning of such a vision can be quite favorable. But some interpreters interpret acne as a health problem. Therefore, even if you feel well, go through a medical examination to be sure that the dream did not portend anything bad.

Seeing in a dream your face disfigured by numerous volcanic acne - in reality you will experience unpleasant feelings and become depressed. Get rid of acne - you will witness a scandalous incident.

To see pimply faces in others - make sure of the hostility of a person in whom at first they did not see an evil and completely limited personality. Squeezed out pimple - to the fact that you can be summoned to the court to clarify the circumstances of the case, in which you are not involved at all.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Face

Seeing your face in a dream as smooth, clean and pleasant in appearance means well-being and prosperity in business. Beautiful to see your face in a dream is a sign of reconciliation and success in business. If you dream that in a dream your face has become indecently beautiful, then try to give up bad habits and avoid doing things that you may later be ashamed of. Looking at your face in a dream means that you need to make a decision on an issue that is of great importance for your future. A face soiled in mud in a dream is a sign of shame. Seeing your face in a dream as unlike yourself means that something will change in your life so much that you yourself will be surprised and wonder: "are you this?". The same applies to a dream in which you will see the face of another person unlike him. To see many faces around you - to change. Change will be good if the faces around you are beautiful or happy. If the faces in a dream are terrible and frighten you, then expect losses, disappointments and beware of the machinations of enemies. Seeing the face of a familiar person staring at you up close in a dream means that that person does not trust you and is trying to find out more about you before becoming your partner or just getting close to you. A dream in which you saw that your spouse (or spouse) is very beautiful (a) and has a beautiful, healthy complexion, then happiness and prosperity await you. Seeing in a dream a stranger with a swarthy face portends success in business. If in a dream you see a woman with a very dark face, then a serious illness awaits you. Seeing a smiling face in a dream means that you have true friends and soon you will receive good news from them. An interesting face to see in a dream is a harbinger of dissatisfaction with oneself, illness or poverty. Seeing your face pale in a dream is a sign of weakness in your spirit or an unenviable position in which you will forget what laughter is. However, just as pallor often passes quickly, so your situation will soon change for the better, and joy will return to your home. To see the face of an enemy or rival pale in a dream means that his affairs are going very badly and you had a hand in this. Rejoice. But your triumph will not last long. Seeing a face through glass is a sign of good change or success in business. Tinting your face in a dream is normal only for women. For men, such a dream predicts shame and shame.

Washing yourself with water in a dream is a sign of good health, good spirits and longevity after long disappointments and regrets about your unfortunate fate. Spots on your face in a dream are a sign of shame and humiliation that you will be subjected to due to the frivolous actions of your children or loved ones. Seeing your face ugly in a dream is a sign of anxiety, worries. Hiding your face and covering something in a dream is a sign that your conscience is unclean. Such a dream warns you that you should not embark on risky adventures or activities in order not to get caught. Sometimes such a dream predicts bad news.

Covering someone's face in a dream or seeing it covered is a sign of that person's death. To dream of people who do not want to turn to face you portends failure due to the ill will of your loved ones or business partners. Seeing your face reflected in the water is a harbinger of misfortune for your loved ones; such a dream can threaten you with death. The same thing means a dream in which you will see someone else's face reflected in the water. Seeing in a dream the reflection of your face in the mirror is a harbinger of profit or addition to the family. See interpretation: blush, mirror, makeup.

Interpretation of dreams from

Acne on the face is always unpleasant, even if you dreamed about it. Moreover, they can promise not only problems, but also be considered as a favorable sign that promises the arrival of good luck and success in life. In the article we will consider popular interpretations of the appearance of such a symbol in a dream.

Popular interpretations

Based on a dream book that belonged to Catherine the Great, such visions often lead to empty troubles. Whatever you do, everything will not bring the expected results. In a dream, someone else had acne - it means that you will waste your energy exchanging over trifles, instead of paying attention to something more specific. This also indicates the suspiciousness of the owner of dreams, and this is a sure sign that depression will soon overcome him.

For a young girl, the presence of acne on the face may indicate condemnation of loved ones for being too frivolous in some actions. There is another version, it tells that some kind of scandal will break out when a woman is on a bus or tram, and she will be a direct participant in this.

According to the Islamic dream book, you will soon have great luck along with success. However, if you look into the Big Interpreter, you will find something completely different - it talks about the difficult experiences of the dreamer.

Squeezing pimples in a dream means participating in reality in a noisy showdown that will turn into a huge scandal. If you have seen several people whose faces are simply covered with boils, then you should think about whether your dearest person is betraying you.

The following interpretations of the dream are also very common:

If in a dream acne covered your face completely, this means that soon you will receive a message about the inappropriate behavior of the offspring. When you dream of a huge presence of boils, but not on yourself, but on someone else, you should be wary, perhaps even go and be examined, since this dream means that you have a serious illness that needs to be treated for a long time. Perhaps you care too much about the well-being of everyone around you, but you forget that sometimes you need to think about yourself.

Have you had pimples on your nose all night? So everything is not so bad, fate will give you the opportunity to deal with your own problems. But if there were a lot of rashes, it means that men will use a woman, treat her lightly. In this situation, there can be no talk of any marriage. Judging by another dream book, soon the young lady will be condemned by people.

What does the Big dream book say

One of the largest dream books says:

Esoteric Handbook Opinion

If your face is covered with acne in a dream, you should prepare for date night which is sure to become romantic.

If a lot of acne was not with you, but with someone else, this means that the love affair will not last long. Don't expect any sequel.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Visions most often signal unpleasant events, discouragement and depression.

Acne on someone you know means that this person treats you unfavorably. This will become quite noticeable in the near future.

At all times, people have attached great importance to the interpretation of dreams that they visited during their holidays. Some of them had a sacred meaning and could tell a lot about future life events. And what does it mean if you dream of acne? In real life, acne on the face brings a lot of trouble and discomfort. If a sleeping person has a dream that his nose, face or whole body is covered with red pimples or purulent ones that you want to start pressing, then most dream books speak of positive signals from above. Dream readers interpret this kind of dream from the position that fortune will soon smile on a person and he will quickly achieve all the goals set for himself. Although some dream books speak of directly opposite prospects for someone who dreams of a pimple or a yellow abscess. It is worth understanding in more detail all versions of the interpretation of this dream.

Dream Interpretation of Empress Catherine the Great

The content of this source says that a guy or a girl who sees acne on her skin will soon face big problems and troubles in life. If you see such rashes on the body of a stranger, then the trouble will pass by, but you need to be extremely careful and pay attention to all everyday circumstances. Squeezing acne on your face is a quick release from the hardships of fate and the onset of a new stage in life. Squeezing a pimple on your forehead in a dream indicates that others will soon condemn the frivolous behavior of a person. Young girls need to be especially attentive to people who are part of their close circle of friends.

Islamic dream book

In Islam, acne in a dream is a sign of wealth. Muslims believe that boils will bring them wealth. You should expect success in trading, the emergence of new partners and an increase in profits. If an unmarried girl dreams, this means that she will soon be proposed and she will get married within a year.

For married women, a dream indicates another profit in the family - pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Therefore, many women who profess Islam perceive such a dream as a positive sign from above.

Great interpreter of dreams

The content of this dream book says that seeing acne or other rashes on the body in a dream is a path to future emotional experiences and severe depression. They can be caused by various nervous shocks that cannot be avoided. There may be problems in the family, sudden news about an accident that happened to one of the relatives. In any case, according to this source of interpretation, a dream does not bode well for the person who dreams about it.

Freud's interpretation of sleep

It is believed that to see a pimple in a dream or to crush it with one's own hands is a sign that a person is thinking about his special destiny in the world. In his subconscious, he believes that he is psychologically different from most of the people around him on a daily basis. This distinguishes him from the general gray mass of friends and acquaintances, and he cannot come to terms with this. The desire to be like everything enters into resonance with the subconscious and gives rise to a large number of internal complexes. Freud adhered to the version that acne can be dreamed of by people who are aware of the presence of certain complexes in them, who are trying to get rid of them, but to no avail. May indicate the future transition of a psychological problem to the borderline state of megalomania, which is a psychiatric pathology.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

This well-known healer and clairvoyant argued that if a pimple is dreamed on the body, or a person begins to crush it, then a mean betrayal of a friend awaits him, the trick from which he least expects. There will be a big scandal in which many bitter tears will shed. A dream on the eve of the wedding is a sign indicating a difficult family life with many conflicts, adultery and betrayal. Vanga said that if the bride saw a red rash on her stele in a dream, then the wedding should be postponed for at least 3 days. During this period, the bad energy that has accumulated around the girl will dissipate and she will be able to get married without fear for her future happiness.

Home dream book

Traditionally, in families, loved ones always shared what someone dreamed about last night. All stories were analyzed because people believed that a dream is not just a game of the brain and a stream of inexplicable events not related to reality. Home dream book says that acne can only dream of good luck and family well-being. In addition, in Russian villages, people believed that a person has good health and no skin disease will ever strike him.

Crushing acne in a dream is completely getting rid of possible troubles in life and family.

Miller's Big Book

American psychologist George Miller had his own vision in the interpretation of dreams. He believed that acne seen in a dream should not bother an awakened person, since they can only talk about minor troubles that are already present in everyday life. It is quite possible to cope with them, and the sleeping person understands this very well, therefore, his subconscious mind perceives acne as the little things in life that cause discomfort. If a married woman dreams of a pimple and she starts to crush it, then most likely she has problems with her soulmate. She is worried that her husband will judge her for something. After eliminating the source of anxiety in real life, such dreams of women are no longer disturbed.

If a young girl sees a furuncle on her face or any other part of the body in a dream, then this means that her heart is open to new acquaintances. Subconsciously, she longs for romantic dates and new acquaintances with the opposite sex. In such situations, you need to listen to what the subconscious says and build your life based on small tips from higher powers. George Miller believed that a girl who saw a pimple on her skin in a dream was mentally ready for serious life deeds and aimed at long-term relationships with men, the end result of which could be a wedding.