
Techniques for cutting vegetables. Main types of cutting products

Answers to gardeners' questions

Before we move on to introducing specific techniques, let us remind the reader of several rules common to each technique.

  • The posture should be relaxed: move a little away from the table and under no circumstances hang over it, looking closely at the cutting board. If the tabletop has a lower height than is necessary for comfort, place several boards on it, or even better, change the workspace to a more acceptable one.
  • The cutting board should be stationary: it is best to choose one that has non-slip pads on the bottom. Alternatively, place a damp towel under the board.
  • Work only with a sharp knife - firstly, it is easier to cut yourself with a dull knife due to the fact that when working with it we apply significant force, and secondly, this way the pieces of food will turn out smooth and neat.
  • Hold the knife correctly - for the most part, you should be holding the blade, not the handle, by placing your thumb and index finger on the blade.
  • The product also needs to be held correctly - with your fingertips slightly bent so that the blade of the knife rests against your knuckles and the cutting edge does not slide across the skin.

Now you can start.

Five Basic Techniques


If the recipe specifically specifies a shredder, it means that we are allowed to chop the product into pieces of an indefinite size, such as are convenient for us. For the most part, we do this when preparing foods for first courses or fermentation. The movements in this case will be smooth, but fast: the main thing here is not to chop the cabbage or onion haphazardly, but to make more or less identical strips with smooth edges.


Most often we cut potatoes or onions this way. It is difficult to say what is easier to work with and what is more difficult; True, onions fall apart more easily into rings or half rings, which can interfere with us when slicing, but at the same time the potatoes may turn out to be harder.

To cut potatoes into even slices, you can use a life hack that at one time deserved countless shares and shares: stick a fork into the potato and make cuts between its teeth. The slices will turn out identical, although, of course, holding the product is not very convenient.

Cutting an onion into slices will look like this: cut off the top of the head and partly the bottom - so that it does not interfere with holding the onion vertically, but also prevents it from falling apart into rings. When the last piece is cut, you can completely remove the bottom.


Most often we cut raw potatoes into cubes, sometimes beets or carrots; For the most part, these products end up in the first courses, so it is important for us that all the cubes are ready at the same time. To do this, they all must be the same size.

First, we make the largest possible parallelepiped from a peeled potato (we will understand the technique using its example, but, of course, you can replace it with the desired root vegetable) - that is, we cut off all the rounded side parts. They can be thrown away or used for other dishes - they are no longer suitable for cutting into cubes. Now we successively cut the root vegetable into layers, then into strips and then into cubes.

Julienne cut

In some ways, this cutting is reminiscent of those strips-bars that we made in the previous chapter, when we prepared the root vegetable for cutting into cubes. But such a technique still cannot be called bars: “julienne” involves thinner strips, more reminiscent in thickness of fireplace matches. Usually, this is how carrots are cut for real Uzbek pilaf - and not at all chopped on a Korean grater.

To make such matches, we must again cut the root vegetable into thin layers, and then make narrow strips out of them. Here you also need to make sure that they are all the same size.

Chiffonade cutting

Here we are talking about cutting greens into thin strips. For the most part, this is spinach and sorrel, which we need for making salads. “Chiffonade” is made as follows: the leaves are folded into the most even stack possible, rolled up and cut. This way you will get long and even strips of leaves.

  • Parmesan, pecorino, grana padano are not cut into slices, especially since it is difficult to do this with an ordinary utility knife, but are broken off with a special spatula.
  • Brie and Camembert are served whole, complete with a table knife, with which the eaters themselves cut off the pieces of the desired size.
  • Mozzarella is cut with a serrated blade.
  • Blue cheese is cut into cubes using a small all-rounder with a wide blade.
  • Semi-hard cheeses (Russian, Dutch, Gouda) are cut with universals with holes in the blade.
  • Thin slicing of semi-hard cheeses is done with string knives or a knife resembling a spatula with a slot in the central part. It is also known as the “cheese plane” and was invented by carpenter Thor Björklund from Lillehammer in 1925.

Sliced ​​bread

  • Bread is cut exclusively on a board intended for this purpose. Never use a board for vegetables and especially raw meat.
  • For slicing bread, a separate bread knife is used, often with a serrated sharpening.
  • Slices of pan bread are cut in half: perpendicular to the base, parallel to the base, diagonally. Slices of loaves are served whole.
  • The approximate thickness of the slice is 1 centimeter. Thinner slices are made only for multi-layer sandwiches.

Meat cutting

  • The knife must match the type of meat being cut - fillet/meat with cartilage, white/red meat, and so on.
  • There should not be any serrators on the blade of a meat knife.
  • The meat is cut only across the grain, not lengthwise.
  • The meat is cut from the bone, holding the bone itself with a paper towel, and the cut itself is made in the direction from the bone, approximately 1 cm wide. If we are talking about the rib part, we do the same or completely remove the ribs.

When preparing dishes, after washing and peeling, vegetables are cut.

The vegetables are homogeneous, cut in the same shape and size; when cooked, they simultaneously reach readiness, thereby giving the dish a beautiful appearance when served.

There are different types of cutting vegetables, curly and simple; you can also plan and chop vegetables; in addition, vegetables can be cut with a notch or turned.

How to cut vegetables

Vegetables are cut by machine or by hand with small and medium-sized knives (if you take a set of three chefs). The most common forms of such cutting are: sticks, straws, circles. cubes, slices, squares, slices, rings and half rings.


Root vegetables and potatoes are cut into thin slices and then into strips (straws). Depending on the purpose, the straws can be very thin (for example, for potatoes that will be deep-fried) and medium (for example, for sautéing root vegetables). Cabbage and onions are cut crosswise with a knife by hand, thereby giving them the shape of straws.


Root vegetables and potatoes are cut into plates, which are then cut into sticks, and then the sticks are cut into cubes. Depending on their purpose, root vegetables can be cut into larger cubes (for example, potatoes), medium (for example, root vegetables and potatoes) and small (onions and root vegetables).


Potatoes and root vegetables are cut into thick slices, then cut into sticks. To make a clear vegetable broth, root vegetables are cut into thin slices.


A thin layer is cut off from potatoes and root vegetables, thereby giving them the shape of a cylinder, which is then cut into circles. When cutting this way, it is better to take root vegetables of equal diameter.


Depending on the size, potatoes and root vegetables are cut into 4 or 2 parts lengthwise, then each part is cut into slices.

Squares (checkers)

White cabbage is cut into 4 or 2 parts. Then each part is cut into square pieces.


Root vegetables are cut crosswise into pieces, which are then cut into several pieces. Onions and potatoes are cut into 4, 6 or more parts, it all depends on the size and their further use in cooking.

Half rings and rings

Leeks and onions are cut across their axis into circles, then divided into rings. To get half rings, the rings are cut in half.

Carving (curly cutting)

Vegetables, for example carrots, are quite often cut into the form of stars, or scallops and gears. Use a regular or corrugated (carving) knife for slicing. Carbing is an element.

The roots of radish and horseradish are planed with a sharp knife to obtain particles in the form of shavings.

Potatoes and root vegetables are cut with special metal spoons (recesses) of various sizes in the form of nuts or balls. To do this, a recess (special spoon) is placed with a sharp edge on the vegetable and gradually, with rotational movements, it is deepened into the potato or root vegetable.

Finely chopped sauerkraut or sauerkraut, onions, garlic, carrots are chopped into small pieces with a chop or a knife, using a wooden board. It is better to chop (chop) the greens with a knife, since during chopping a large amount of moisture is lost, which causes the taste of the greens to deteriorate; in addition, it is inconvenient to sprinkle already prepared dishes with wet herbs.

Carrots are one of the most common vegetables on our menu. It is included in first and second courses, as well as in some desserts and types of baked goods.

However, you need to know not only when and how much to add to a dish, but also how to cut it correctly.

What types of carrot cutting are there?

Like y, it is divided into:

  • simple
  • and curly.

Let's start with the basics.

Types of simple slicing

  • straw,
  • blocks,
  • cubes,
  • slices,
  • circles,
  • slices.

The cross-sectional size of carrots with this cutting method is 0.1 x 0.1 cm. The straws are used in the preparation of some types of first courses, marinades and carrot cutlets. The carrots are cut into thin slices and then chopped crosswise into strips.


The approximate thickness of the block is 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm. This cut is used for stewing and preparing broth with vegetables. Each fruit is cut into several parts 3-4 cm long. Then each part is cut into plates, and the plates, in turn, into bars.


There are different cubes: medium, small and crumb. Medium cubes - 0.8 cm x 0.8 cm, small ones - 0.4 cm x 0.4 cm, crumbs - 0.1 cm x 0.1/0.2 cm x 0.2 cm. The cubes are used for stewing and allowances. Small ones are for soups, and small cubes of boiled carrots are for salads and vinaigrettes. Crumbs - for preparing some types of soups.

This is not a very common type of cutting. It is used in preparing stews and for stewing carrots and meat. The carrots are cut crosswise into several parts 3-4 cm long, then each part in half, and the halves, in turn, into 4 parts.

Mugs are added to some types of soups, and mugs made from boiled carrots are used when preparing cold dishes. Carrots are cut crosswise into circles 1-2 mm thick.

The thickness of the slices, like the circles, is 1-2 mm. Used in the same way as cutting into circles. The carrots are cut lengthwise into 4 parts, then cut crosswise into slices.

Let's move on to something more complex.

Types of curly cutting

  • stars,
  • scallops,
  • balloons,
  • nuts.


Stars are used to decorate cold dishes. In order to cut carrots into stars, they are carved. Carving is the cutting of longitudinal indentations into carrots. Carved carrots are cut crosswise into 1 mm pieces.


These cuts are also used for decoration. The carbed carrots are cut in half lengthwise and then each half is cut diagonally into 1 mm slices.

Carrots cut in this way are used as a side dish for cold dishes. In order to cut carrots into balls and nuts, use special notches, or grind them manually with a knife.

Carving of carrots is done with a special knife, cutting out longitudinal grooves. This can be done with a regular knife, but it is much more difficult.

At the same time I’ll tell you about beets.

Beet slicing

Types of cutting:

  • straw,
  • slices,
  • cubes.


Beets cut into strips are used to prepare some soups (borscht, beetroot soup) and marinade. Beets are cut in the same way as potatoes.

In order to prepare any dish correctly and efficiently, so that it does not turn out raw and is beautiful, it is necessary to use a certain cutting method. In total, there is 7 main types of cutting vegetables. The proposed memo will help you remember them, remember them if you forgot, or got confused about them. If all the skills and knowledge have been achieved, then it’s time to have a good rest. And this, of course, is a worthwhile thing in any case. First of all, you, as a woman, need to understand one truth as much as possible - you deserve quality rest. And there simply cannot be a better rest for a housewife than the bathroom!!! And for this you need to arrange your bathroom as much as possible... But if you still have a good comfort in your home, then don’t forget about the bathroom. This is truly a room where you can do everything flawlessly. And this impeccability will be very useful to you, for example FRESH tiles (Keraben) which can be found in the store:, wonderful tiles that you simply cannot refuse - I advise... It is also important not only what you cook, but also where you cook, and if you want good cuisine, then Julia Novars kitchens are what any housewife dreams of. After all, here both good quality and an excellent price play in the interests of the buyer.

Vegetable cutting form circles. Usually the thickness of the slice is up to 2-2.5 centimeters (depending on the dish for which the slice is made). Used mainly for deep-frying and baking (for example, the French country dish "Ratatouille").

Type of cutting vegetables slices. Typically 0.2 centimeters thick and 0.3 centimeters high. The thickest for baking, the thinnest for vinaigrettes.

Method of cutting vegetables in slices. Cut into lengths of no more than 3.5 centimeters. Typically used for making country-style potatoes and frying potatoes the basic way. And also for garnishing and garnishing (decorating and adding vegetables to the main dish).

Method of cutting vegetables straw. It is cut into lengths of 3-3.5 centimeters and has a cross section of 0.2×0.2 centimeters. Potato straws are used to make potato pie. The remaining vegetables are for making salads.

Method of cutting vegetables small blocks. Usually cut to a length of no more than 3-4 centimeters and a cross-section of 0.4×0.4 centimeters. The sticks are used to make French fries and add to soups and salads.

Type of cutting vegetables cubes. Typically the sizes range from 0.3 to 0.7 centimeters. This form of cutting vegetables is most often used to add to salads and soups.

Method of cutting vegetables - shredder. This is an arbitrary very small or large cutting of vegetables and herbs. It is used to decorate a dish and sometimes add herbs or garlic and onions to soups to make them less noticeable when eating the dish.

Also, for your convenience, we have taken photographs of the main cutting forms in the form of one image, which you can download to your computer and use as a reminder in case of difficulties.

But if you still made yourself a good home, don’t forget about the bathroom. This is truly a room where you can do everything flawlessly. And this impeccability will be very useful to you, for example FRESH Tiles (Keraben) which can be found in the store: , wonderful tiles that you simply cannot refuse - I advise...

Before you start cooking, you probably check whether all the ingredients are in stock, whether you have the necessary frying pan and saucepan, whether you have forgotten skewers or foil... But it is no less important to know the technology of the process. How and which one to hold a chef's knife, how to properly cut vegetables into cubes or strips - all these subtleties of culinary skill will help you prepare a dish faster and make it tastier.

Squeeze the handle of the knife, as close to the blade as possible, with your thumb and bent index finger, the remaining three fingers wrap around the handle of the knife. Don't grip the knife too tightly, or you'll tire quickly, but don't hold it too loosely either.

The thumb of the second hand is pulled back - it seems to embrace the vegetable or fruit and push it towards the knife. The remaining fingers should be bent inward: the second phalanges of the index and middle fingers are located almost perpendicularly, the little finger is in no case protruding. The blade of the knife is pressed against the folds of the fingers and glides slightly along them when cutting.

The easiest way to cut is when the blade moves from top to bottom. And this can be done in several ways. Hold the knife at a sharp angle, the tip of the blade should rest against the cutting board, cut the vegetable with the central part of the blade. Start by moving the knife down and slightly forward, cutting all the way through the cucumber. When the blade is fully on the board, lift it and return the knife to its original position.

Hold the knife, slightly raised, at a sharp angle, the blade lies halfway on the board and is located in the middle part on the carrot. Start moving the knife down and slightly forward, without completely lifting the knife from the board.

The blade at the tip is the sharpest and narrowest part. It is usually used for delicate slicing, such as mushrooms or very ripe tomatoes, into very thin slices.

The central part of the knife is used in most cases - for cutting hard and soft vegetables and herbs.

The heel is the part of the blade opposite the tip. Typically used for labor-intensive cooking that requires a lot of effort, such as chopping the white part of a leek or chopping nuts. The force of the load can be increased if the palm of the other hand presses on the butt of the blade. This is also the most effective way to make sharp, rough cuts.

Cubes: small, medium, large.

This is the most common cutting method. Small are considered to be those with a side from 2 mm to 1 cm, medium - from 1 to 2 cm, large - over 2 cm. The smaller the cubes are needed, the better the knife should be sharpened. It is better to use a special vegetable knife - it can be easily identified by its small size and narrow, sharp blade.

Often used when cutting vegetables to prepare dishes of uniform consistency (sauces, puree soup) or those that require very quick frying.

If the recipe says “chop,” this means the product should be chopped almost into porridge.

Medium cubes indispensable when cutting vegetables (and other related products - meat, poultry, fish), when preparing filling, especially for pies.

Large cubes required in dishes whose recipe involves baking in the oven or stewing, for example, roast or stew.

1. Cut the peeled onion lengthwise into two halves so that the knife passes through both ends - the “butt” and the “tail”, and not through the middle. Place the cut side of the half on the board and use the tip of the blade to make deep parallel cuts along it.
2. Turn the knife horizontally and cut the onion in half from left to right. If it is large, 2-3 transverse incisions can be made.
3. Cut the onion into cubes using the middle of a knife blade. The smaller the intervals between cuts, the smaller the cubes will be.

If the recipe says “chop”, this means that the product needs to be cut into very thin, long strips. Most often, white cabbage is prepared this way, but it also happens that regular onions or leeks are also prepared. For such cutting, you can use either a regular knife, a hatchet (hatchet) or a special mandolin grater. If the straw turns out to be too long, it needs to be cut crosswise into 2-3 parts.

Thin straw cut into strips 3-5 cm long, 2-3 mm wide and thick. Most often it is used for various dishes from cabbage or pickling sauerkraut, as well as preparing vegetable filling for pies or caviar.

Thick straw cut into lengths of 4-6 cm, width and thickness of 5-6 mm. You simply cannot do without it if you decide to pamper your loved ones with soups that traditionally simmer over a fire for a long time, for example, borscht or cabbage soup. Thick carrot sticks are a necessary component for preparing classic pilaf.

1. Cut off the top of the pepper along with the stalk.
2. Cut the pepper lengthwise into slices: the thinner the strip you need, the more slices you can have.
3. Cut the slices lengthwise into strips.

1. Peel the carrots and cut them with a sharp knife across, but slightly diagonally, into slices no more than 3mm thick.
2. Place the sliced ​​plates one on top of the other and cut into strips of the required thickness.

One of the most convenient ways to cut onions. It is used if you are going to simmer a dish for a long time and is simply ideal for preparing pilaf.

1. Cut the peeled onion lengthwise into two halves so that the knife passes through both ends - the “butt” and the “tail”, and not through the middle.
2. Place the half with the cut side on the board and, using the tip of the blade, cut lengthwise into slices 3-4 mm thick, moving clockwise.

Circles: thin and thick

This method is applicable to any vegetables that are round when cut, but cannot be separated into layers. These can be cucumbers, carrots, daikon, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, etc., but in no case onions or leeks. As a rule, vegetables are cut this way for salads or dishes that are baked in layers, such as lasagna or Parmentier potatoes. The thickness of the circle can vary from 1 mm to 1.5 cm. If you want to get very thin circles, it is better to use a special mandolin grater or a very sharp thin knife for cutting vegetables.

Cut the leeks into rings.

If you are preparing a salad or appetizer, then the ideal option is thin rings, 1 to 4 mm thick. For dishes baked in layers, such as vegetable stew, or cooked in batter, thick rings are usually used, the thickness of which varies from 5 mm to 2 cm.

1. Peel the top layer of leeks.
2. Using a sharp vegetable knife, cut crosswise, but slightly diagonally, into rings of the desired width.

Cut the onion into half rings.

This cutting method is especially good for stewing - poultry, meat, fish.

1. Cut the peeled onion lengthwise into two halves so that the knife passes through both ends - the “butt” and the “tail”, and not through the middle.
2. Place the half with the cut side on the board and, using the tip of the blade, cut lengthwise into half rings 5 ​​mm - 2 cm wide.

Cut carrots into cubes

Such cutting requires a well-sharpened chef's knife and accuracy, since all culinary flaws and irregularities will be especially noticeable. Thin sticks, measuring 5x2 x 1 cm, are indispensable in quick-frying dishes, especially Asian cuisine in a wok. Thick, measuring 6x3 x 2 cm, are often used when canning or baking dishes in the oven.

1. Peel the carrots.
2. Cut with a sharp knife in half lengthwise, then several more times - the width of the bars depends on what size you want them to be - thin or thick.

Slices: small, medium, large

Slices is a term that is understood quite broadly in cooking. This can be cut diagonally, lengthwise or crosswise.

Small slices with a piece thickness of 1 to 4 mm, they are often used for preparing dishes that require boiling and then grinding into puree. Medium slices, ranging in size from 5 mm to 1.5 cm, are used in salads, soups or vegetable stews.

Big chunks, exceeding 5 cm, are simply irreplaceable when baking, especially meat dishes - it could be a leg of lamb or a pork knuckle. Or if we are talking about an independent vegetable dish, say, cabbage or pumpkin, which can be baked, fried, cooked in breadcrumbs or batter.

1. Cut each mushroom in half lengthwise or crosswise.
2. Divide each half into thin strips, 1 to 4 mm wide.

Figured cutting