
Large farm - a large cowshed. Do-it-yourself cowshed project, how to build - diagram, design dimensions, sketches Cowshed for 100 heads of wooden structures

All about roses



IAEP offers development services technological projects of modular barns for 384, 480 and 576 cattle places, on the basis of which it is possible to form a standard range of dairy farms from 400 to 1392 or more cows, taking into account the following technical solutions:

  • degree of farm automation;
  • features of farm structures (construction solutions and materials from which cowsheds are built are determined taking into account local conditions, based on market prices for materials and construction and installation works)
  • the need for energy resources
  • the need for feed
  • manure shovel,
  • material investment,
  • floor space
  • livestock size
  • way of keeping animals


The farm is designed to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment in the production of milk on cattle farms in the farms of the North-West and other regions of Russia. Includes a livestock building, a greenhouse to reduce the negative environmental impact of milk production on cattle farms. Includes a room for keeping livestock, a greenhouse for growing flowers with the simultaneous disposal of DMB wastewater, a workshop accelerated manure biofermentation and all necessary auxiliary buildings and structures

Technologies included in the project

– loose-box keeping of 100 cows and replacement young animals and milking of cows in an automated milking parlour;

- comprehensive mechanization of all production processes, ensuring a reduction in unit labor costs to 1.45 man/hour of milk and specific feed consumption by 5-7%;

– complete disposal of manure-containing effluents from the milking parlor and purification of ventilation emissions from the barn in the greenhouse with additional production - about 140 thousand roses per year;

- the use of a loose method of keeping animals in sections with boxes for rest;

– production of 2.5 tons of milk per day;

– accelerated biofermentation of manure and production of 4.5 thousand tons of biofertilizers per year, processing and use of manure-containing effluents as nutrient solutions for flowers and greenhouses;

- supply of ventilation emissions to the soil of the greenhouse for their cleaning and additional feeding of flowers;

– growing flowers (roses) in a greenhouse;

accelerated biofermentation of manure to obtain biofertilizer .

- The number of service personnel - no more than 8 people.

Implementation Benefits

  • reduction:
        • unit labor costs up to 1.45 man/hour of milk;
        • individual feed consumption by 5-7%;
        • the duration of the service period for 36 days;
        • total energy intensity by 1.5 times;
  • increase in productivity of cows and growth of young animals by 7-15%;
  • reducing the age of first calving to 24 months;
  • milking cows in an automated milking parlour;
  • production of biofertilizers in the amount of 4500 tons / year with partial use as peat soil ingreenhouse and for field application as a fertilizer;
  • complete utilization of manure-containing effluents and partial utilization of ventilation emissions from the barn ingreenhouse, which allows you to increase the production of flowers from 1 m2 and get about 140 thousand pieces. rose year;
  • accelerated return on capital investments due to the sale of additional crop products;
  • reduction of negative impact on the environment. The number of service personnel - no more than 8 people.

Intellectual Property Protection

Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2192120 Method for feeding plants in greenhouses with carbon dioxide and nitrogen fertilizers.

Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2280620. Method for recycling wastewater from milking parlors of dairy farms.

Patent of the Russian Federation No. 22419282 Device for cleaning the air of a livestock building

Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2468569 Method for utilization of emissions of harmful impurities in the air of livestock premises.

TECHNOLOGY is included in the "Register of Technologies and Equipment for Dairy Farming in the Leningrad Region" and approved by the APIRC Committee for the Leningrad Region.

Mankind has been using dairy products for thousands of years, the first mention of milk dates back to 1700 BC. For this reason, dairy farm products are always in demand, despite the fact that there may be competitors on the market. Today, more than ever, the demand for milk of farm origin is growing, and this is primarily due to the desire of the population to eat healthy food. Since in recent years many manufacturers have been using dry powder to make milk, it will be very relevant to put natural milk on sale.

Also, a factor in the growth of farms in Russia in recent years are sanctions for foreign producers who cannot export products to Russia. Accordingly, the share of imported products in our country decreased, which led to the growth of domestic farms and to the demand for them.

The attractiveness of opening a farm also lies in the presence of various government programs in the form of benefits and subsidies. For example, the Beginner Farmer program allows you to receive a grant of up to one and a half million rubles, and in some regions agricultural land is leased out completely free of charge.

In the business plan, consider the organization of a dairy farm for 100 heads. Seasonality does not apply to this business.

Amount of initial investment - 7 885 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 410 000 rubles;

Payback period - 20 months;

Break even - 2 month;

Profitability of sales - 67% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

To organize a dairy farm, a land plot with an area of ​​at least 1300 m2 is required, on which a hangar and outbuildings will be located. The area of ​​the hangar depends on the number of heads, so, taking into account the fact that one dairy cow needs at least 6 m2 (and cattle with offspring need up to 10 m2), the area of ​​​​the premises for 100 heads will be about 1000 m2. Ideally, the site should be located in an agricultural area, next to pastures and meadows from which fodder can be harvested.

In the business plan under consideration, only milk is produced, however, the farm can also produce sour-milk products, cheeses, sour cream, etc., by purchasing additional equipment for this. This will lead to additional costs, which is not always beneficial for a beginner farm.

The main product is still milk. According to rough estimates, on average, one dairy cow brings at least 5,000 liters of milk per year (on some farms 1,000 liters), so a farm can sell from 500,000 liters of milk in 12 months.

According to the technology of milk production, the farm uses a stall-pasture system for keeping a dairy herd. The content of cows is carried out in a tethered way. Depending on the physiological state, animals are divided into technological groups, such as preparation for calving, calving, milking, insemination and milk production. Milking is carried out by a milking machine in the milk pipeline. The resulting milk first undergoes primary cleaning and then cooling in coolers.

3. Description of the market

Milk is a perishable product, so you need to decide on distribution channels before you receive the first finished product. Depending on the form in which milk will be sold, several distribution channels can be distinguished:

  • Ready packaged (or bottled) milk to shops and markets. Such a sale is possible if the production has established work on pouring milk into ready-made packaging. Stores sell milk at retail. A good opportunity for the farm would be to conclude agreements with chain stores that will sell milk in all their outlets.
  • Wholesale - "dealers" independently organize the sale of products in various stores.
  • Implementation in production for further processing of milk. Such milk is transported to factories for the production of cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, cheese and other products. Later, the products are also sent to shops and markets.
  • Organizing your own point at fairs will be the first step towards opening a store (department) of dairy products in the future.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • Constant demand for products
  • natural products
  • High competition in the market;
  • There is no own food base

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • Opening of several farms in different areas of the region
  • Delivery organization
  • Additional production of fermented milk products and cheeses
  • Own online store
  • Increasing the number of livestock, thereby increasing revenue
  • Own packaging production
  • Lack of staff
  • The threat of the spread of cattle disease
  • Cancellation of benefits for agricultural enterprises
  • Bureaucratic barriers (including work with the Mercury program)

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

First of all, it is necessary to register the business with the tax authorities. The form of organization will be a peasant farm (IP) with a taxation system - a single agricultural tax or a simplified system.

Next, you need to select the appropriate land plot and lease it (in the absence of large investments, it is possible to take the land on preferential terms from the state), build a hangar and other buildings, purchase all the necessary equipment and carry out repairs. Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to pass inspections in Rosprirodnadzor and in the fire inspection for compliance of the premises with the requirements.

When the farm is ready to start production, you can hire staff, prepare a marketing plan and start looking for distribution channels.

The next step will be the conclusion of contracts with various specialists (such as an accountant, technologist, security company).

After the release of the first batch of products and before its sale, it is necessary to undergo an examination by veterinary services and obtain permits from the State Veterinary Service.

6. Organizational structure

The staffing of the dairy farm will consist of a director, four laborers and a driver. The director is most often the head of the peasant farm (that is, the entrepreneur).

His duties include administrative management of the farm, responsibility for the quality of products. The director also develops a development plan, optimizes work processes in order to reduce the cost part and increase profits. The director must have a good knowledge of the industry, so it is desirable to have work experience and relevant education.

Handymen will be directly involved in work on the farm, one of whom is a foreman. Their duties include milking the cows, feeding and washing the animals, and keeping the farm clean. The foreman distributes work among everyone, and is also responsible for the maternity ward.

The accountant, technologist and veterinarian will work under service contracts in order to reduce the payroll.

The construction of cowsheds using modern technologies in the field of prefabricated frame buildings has been used in the Russian agricultural sector for the past 15 years. As a basis, both unified concrete products and metal structures can serve. At the same time, it is structures made of LMC structures in combination with sandwich panels that are the best option, since they are not only the most cost-effective, but also allow you to fully take into account the biological nuances of Russian dairy farming.

Why not concrete?

According to experienced professional livestock breeders, concrete structures for keeping highly productive breeds of cattle are poorly suited. The high degree of thermal conductivity of the material causes a low temperature in the barn during the cold season and sultry stuffiness in the summer. Without the use of measures for thermal protection of enclosing structures, in the so-called "cold" barns, the relative humidity of the air rises sharply (reaching 95-100%), and the content of ammonia (manure decomposition product) reaches a critical level of 100-120 mg / m 3, at the standard value parameter 20 mg / m 3.

In addition, due to the high cost of concrete buildings, when designing cowsheds, it is almost universally practiced

  • unjustified reduction in the estimated building dimensions of the premises without taking into account the productivity of livestock;
  • pseudo savings due to the lack of supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • ignoring the need for a separate equipped delivery room.

All this together leads to a decrease in the comfort of the animal habitat and, as a result, a decrease in the immunity and productivity of the herd. The threat of infection of cows with Escherichia coli and causative agents of pulmonary diseases is increasing.

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The use of standard reinforced concrete units only as a supporting frame is more promising. When building a barn for 100 heads, this technology reduces the cost of the project by a quarter and can be considered as a worthy alternative to monolithic concrete. However, it should be borne in mind that due to their porosity, concrete structures easily absorb ammonia vapors, releasing them back into the atmosphere when the temperature rises. This provokes the development of pathogenic microflora in animals on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, eyeballs. Particularly susceptible to a drop in resistance in such conditions of keeping are pregnant cows-producers. It is for this reason that it is desirable to completely abandon concrete during the construction of turnkey cowsheds, using more advanced technologies.

LMK - the benefits are obvious!

The construction of livestock farms based on the frame is beneficial in financial and economic terms, because

  • the price of pre-fabricated cowsheds is 30-35% lower than similar buildings made of concrete, foam block or brick and amounts to 3440 rubles per m2;
  • the use of prefabricated assemblies, produced in the factory, minimizes miscalculations during the installation of the building and ensures the specified design bending strength of the structure;
  • the layout of unified elements in various combinations allows for varying the size and shape of production facilities: LMC are used both in the construction of a barn for 50-100 heads, and in the creation of a mini-farm of a dozen animals;
  • low weight of structures (30-40 kg per 1 m 2 of the total area) makes it possible to use lightweight types of foundations, reduces transportation costs and makes it possible to do without the use of crane equipment during the construction of the barn;
  • welding works are replaced by assembly on bolts, which simplifies the dismantling of the building, increases its mobility, reduces construction time, and minimizes foci of corrosion.

In addition to economic attractiveness, a frame barn with sandwich panel cladding fully meets the technological requirements of livestock breeders:

"Pitfalls" of Amateur Amateurs

Sometimes small farms try to carry out the installation of buildings on the farm by unskilled workers. In this case, the construction of cowsheds is carried out without taking into account regulatory requirements, which leads to errors in construction technology. Subsequently, such savings are fraught with a lot of trouble: water pipes freeze, the roof collapses under snow load, small window openings do not provide the necessary illumination. Turning to the company VRK1 you will be guaranteed to be insured against such incidents, because the company has been operating in the industrial construction market for more than 7 years and has accumulated rich experience in the field of prefabricated construction.

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  • We will build quality

A cowshed intended for keeping 100 units of cattle is considered large, and such buildings are not erected in private household plots. However, such a project cannot be called unpopular, since recently more and more private farms are engaged in the maintenance and breeding of cattle for meat and dairy products.

When planning the construction of such a barn, you need to take into account many nuances, ranging from the features of the building itself, and ending with its internal arrangement. The comfort of living and the productivity of animals in the future will depend on the correct planning, construction and arrangement of the building. You can find theoretical and practical information on the design of a barn for 100 heads in our today's article.

Project of a barn for 100 heads

A cowshed designed to hold 100 head of cattle differs in many ways from similar buildings for a smaller livestock. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that the construction of such a building will require much more calculations and materials, and before construction begins, it is necessary to develop a detailed design of the future structure (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Examples of setting up large farms

Since cowsheds for such a number of animals are built mainly on farms, and not on private property, it is worth considering the features of such a design in more detail.

Building features

Cowsheds for one hundred heads of cattle are capital buildings in which animals can stay both in summer and in winter. As a rule, tethered content is practiced in such buildings. In other words, a separate stall is provided for each adult. This significantly complicates the process of caring for animals, but allows you to maximize their health and productivity. In addition, with such a content, feed and bedding materials are used more rationally (Figure 2).

Among other features of cowsheds for 100 heads, it is worth highlighting:

  1. The floor must be made at a slope of 2-3 cm. This will reduce labor costs for the removal of waste products, since the slurry will drain by gravity into the gutter, and from there into the manure storage. It is important that the slope is exactly in the specified range. If it is less, the manure will not flow into the collector, and if it is more, the cows may be injured when moving around the building.
  2. Large cowsheds, for 100 or more heads, must be equipped with special equipment for automatic manure collection (drag conveyors), loaders for issuing hay and equipment for receiving and collecting milk. In this way, you can reduce the amount of labor required to care for animals, increase labor productivity and profitability of the enterprise itself.
  3. The project must necessarily include special technological premises: a heating point, a ventilated chamber and an economic unit. Separately equip a room for storing feed and inventory.

Figure 2. Plan for the arrangement of premises for 100 heads of livestock

In addition, on the territory adjacent to the barn, a fenced walking area should be equipped. It will be used mainly in winter, when animals cannot be on the pasture, but need fresh air and sunlight.

To build a strong and durable barn for 100 or more heads, a constructive approach should be used. This will help not only reduce costs, but also significantly reduce the duration of the project.

Note: In the past, reinforced concrete structures were used to build such buildings. At the moment, this approach to construction is considered outdated and inefficient due to its high cost.

The construction of a modern barn involves the construction of a steel frame, which is later sheathed with sandwich panels. Brick or concrete is often used as a material for building walls. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to ensure an optimal indoor microclimate, brick or concrete walls must be insulated from the outside.

Figure 3. Examples of drawings for construction

Separately, you should take care of the heating and ventilation of the building. Natural ventilation is not suitable for keeping such a large population, so it is imperative to equip the supply and exhaust ventilation. In addition, electric or water heating is installed in the building. Both of these methods are quite effective, and the final decision is made depending on the characteristics and capabilities of the farm.

As a rule, cowsheds for 100 heads are one-story buildings with an insulated attic room, which is used to store feed (Figure 3).

The feasibility of planning

The construction of such a large barn invariably entails significant financial costs. Therefore, before the construction of the building, it is necessary to carry out clear planning and an overall assessment of profitability.

Note: In most cases, keeping a large livestock pays for itself quickly, but only if both the barn itself and the conditions for keeping the animals have been carefully planned.

Since large cattle houses are expensive, it is necessary to plan the future construction in advance. First of all, you need to choose a site for construction. If possible, you can not build a barn from scratch, and just restore the old farm. Next, you need to prepare project documentation. It indicates the main technological features of the design, a list of materials necessary for construction, as well as equipment that will be needed in the future to maintain livestock.

Also, the calculation should take into account the volume of feed, veterinarian services and other additional costs. Separately, it is necessary to calculate the projected income from such an enterprise. All these stages of planning will objectively show the profitability of the enterprise. If you are satisfied with its results, you can proceed to the direct construction.

Construction stages

The construction of a large barn is a rather laborious process that needs to be carefully planned. First of all, it is necessary to accurately calculate the area of ​​​​the future building, taking into account not only the convenience of the location of the livestock, but also additional technological premises (Figure 4).

Note: On average, in large farms, one adult has 6 square meters of area. Accordingly, a barn for keeping 100 heads of cattle should have an area of ​​​​about 800 square meters. Additional space will be allocated for storage of feed and equipment.

From a technological point of view, the construction of a cowshed is practically no different from the construction of other buildings. In it, as in other buildings, it is necessary to make a solid foundation and walls, cover the roof with high quality and think over the internal arrangement in detail.

Among the main stages of the construction of a barn, the following are distinguished:

  1. Building a foundation: from the point of view of cost and functionality, the strip foundation is considered the most suitable. For its construction, they dig a trench, install wooden formwork and fill the interior with concrete. Sometimes it is supplemented with broken bricks to increase the strength of the structure. The finished frozen foundation is covered from above with a layer of waterproofing material (for example, roofing material), which will protect the walls and the interior of the building from moisture.
  2. Wall construction: as a rule, wooden beams, foam concrete and bricks are used to build the walls of a barn. The advantage should be given to the frame walls. First, they build quickly. Secondly, they have increased thermal protection and are distinguished by a long service life. Wooden structural elements must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent decay. In addition, the walls must be covered with a layer of plaster and whitewashed with lime.
  3. Roof: for large barns, preference should be given to a gable roof covered with a layer of slate or roofing felt. This design prevents snow from accumulating, and the attic room acts as an air cushion, which helps to keep the heat inside. In addition, the attic can be used to store hay and other feed.
  4. Flooring: as a rule, wooden flooring is made in domestic barns, but for large farms such a flooring is unprofitable, since it will have to be changed every four years. As a rule, the floor in large barns is made of concrete, but in order to prevent mastitis in cows, the floor in the stalls must be covered with a thick layer of bedding. In addition, the floor covering should be placed at a slight slope towards the manure chute. So the waste products of animals will be removed from the stall by gravity.

Figure 4. Main construction details

In addition to the main structural elements, it is imperative to equip the sewerage and ventilation system in the barn. The first point is especially important when keeping a large livestock. To do this, in each stall, a special chute is made for draining slurry. It is connected to the general sewer system, and special equipment is used to remove manure.

Ventilation plays an equally important role, since the health of the livestock will depend on the microclimate in the room. For example, if the barn is too cold, the animals will spend most of their energy on heating. As a result, their milk production will significantly decrease. In addition, there should be no drafts in the room, from which the livestock often gets sick.

Regardless of the climatic features of the region, the cowshed must have a supply and exhaust ventilation system. It is equipped with pipes located at different heights relative to the floor. Part of the pipes will remove the exhaust air from the room, and the second one will ensure the supply of pure oxygen. In addition, with the help of such a system, it is possible to regulate the temperature in the building.

barn interior equipment

An equally important role is played by the internal arrangement of the barn. First of all, it should be borne in mind that the interior of the walls must be plastered and whitewashed with slaked lime. This will protect the building from the spread of mold, fungi and pathogenic bacteria (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Internal arrangement of the building

You should also pay attention to the location of individual stalls. In large barns, they are usually installed in two rows along the walls, leaving a wide central passage for the transport of feed or drinking water. Each stall is equipped with an individual feeder for the entire width of the stall. Drinking bowls can be made both individual and common.

It is impossible to imagine the internal arrangement of the barn without dividing the space of the premises into workshops. In addition to the immediate area for keeping livestock, it is necessary to allocate separate areas for storing and preparing feed, a room for storing milking machines and other equipment, a zone for slaughtering and storing carcasses, a manure storage and a room for keeping young animals. Outside the barn, an open fenced area for walking is equipped, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should correspond to the number of individuals in the herd.

Since the construction and arrangement of a barn for 100 or more heads of livestock is considered a complex undertaking that cannot be implemented without appropriate preparation and planning, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows in detail the correct arrangement of a barn for a large livestock.

Creating your own farm is a very profitable business with a high payback, but subject to the right conditions for cows and the right construction technology. A variety of building materials and construction technologies makes it possible to easily implement projects for cowsheds for 100 heads in various regions of the country, despite the difficult climatic conditions and topography. But the most expediently proved to be prefabricated hangar-type premises - frame barns made of sandwich panels and frameless arched ones based on rolled steel.

Typical arrangement of a barn for 100 heads: requirements

To obtain meat and dairy products of excellent quality, which entails high profits, first of all, it is necessary to build a reliable cowshed that would provide the most comfortable keeping of cattle. A number of requirements are put forward for the installation of a standard design of a barn for 100 heads, the observance of which can guarantee the success of your business.

An agricultural building should consist of several sectors to optimize the operation and functionality of the content:

  1. Stall for cows with feeders and drinkers.
  2. A room for storing food (if you have additional funds, you can build a separate room for).
  3. Maternity, which is adapted for keeping newborn calves for the first few weeks.
  4. Compartment for storage of inventory and small equipment.
  5. Additionally, it is also possible to implement a compartment for storing the received milk and a platform for walking animals.

A livestock of 100 individuals requires an individual arrangement of the stall, as a rule, it is made in 2-3 rows to save space and increase the functionality of the barn. But in no case should cows be crowded: an adult cow is given a platform of at least 1-1.3 m and more, a bull is about the same, the optimal dimensions for an adult male are 1.3x1.4 m, for a calf with a cow - 1 ,5x2 m.

Cattle feel best in cool rooms where the temperature is approximately the same as outside, so it is important to control the temperature with the help of a ventilation system, as well as well-chosen thermal insulation materials. Ventilation is a prerequisite for keeping 100 cows in one room. And you should not save on its installation. A comfortable microclimate will provide cattle with good health and stable immunity, which will prevent them from getting sick often. As a result - the rapid growth of livestock and large milk yields.

The truss floor must always be dry and clean, without unevenness and with a high level of moisture resistance. To do this, choose a wooden flooring, but under such operating conditions, its service life is not more than 3-4 years (can be replaced). A hollow brick is advisable, it will not require repair for more than 10 years, while in winter it must be insulated with hay bedding. In addition, the floor is made with a slight slope - 2-3 cm - for gravity flow of waste from cows.

In no case should animals be settled in a barn with concrete floors and walls. That is why metal frame technology is so in demand today - it is not based on concrete mortar.

Technologies for the construction of cowsheds for 100 heads

Pre-fabricated hangar-type structures made of metal structures are widely used in almost all areas of business and not only. With their help, it is possible to realize a barn for 50, 100, and even 200 heads in just a few months. It is profitable, cost-effective and, most importantly, inexpensive compared to brick and wooden buildings.

Cowshed made of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are an excellent combination of thermal insulation, sound insulation and building envelope. They serve as reliable walls and roofs, protecting your livestock from frost in the winter, and do not let in moisture, thereby preventing dampness indoors. Inside the structure, a heater is used, which is closed on both sides with a metal galvanized profiled sheet. Read more about sandwich panels in our blog.

At the heart of the barn made of sandwich panels, a prefabricated frame made of light metal structures is used, which is sheathed with sandwich panels. The structure is equipped with window, gate and door systems, partitions and engineering networks can be mounted inside - lighting, ventilation, water supply, etc.

Barns are not heated, but in harsh climates, animals may experience discomfort. Frame construction technology based on sandwich panels is the right decision. In summer, such a barn will not be hot, and in winter, the panels keep the heat generated by cows indoors.

Frameless arched cowsheds

A frameless arched barn for a farm is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to implement a barn project for 100 heads. This technology does not use a frame, arched arched profiles made of steel of the 1st class of galvanizing are made directly at the construction site. The absence of the need to deliver heavy building materials from the territory of the manufacturing plant to the construction site saves you a lot of money. The arched hangar is a lightweight structure with a reduced metal consumption, does not require the construction of a deep foundation - and this also reduces financial costs.

The length of the hangar is not limited, its height depends on the width. Therefore, any number of livestock can be placed in such a room, it is only important to entrust the drafting of the project to professionals.

Such cowsheds are also equipped with all necessary equipment and engineering systems. They are perfectly adapted to both temperate and continental regions. If necessary, they can be insulated with polyurethane foam, by spraying or with mineral wool mats, by mounting two layers of a metal arch, between which a heater is laid.

Construction of a barn for 100 heads

Any construction should begin with preparation. In addition to developing the project, it is important to determine the direction of the business. Raising cows for milking or exclusively for slaughter, rearing young animals for delivery by live weight, and perhaps both, and another, and the third - there are many options. The specifics of your farm will directly affect the construction features and the structural functionality of the building.

Choosing a construction site for a barn for 100 heads - here it is important to take into account the features of the relief, soil characteristics, groundwater levels and freezing, snow and wind loads. All this will influence the project and the choice of construction technology.

Typical or custom project? A difficult choice for many customers, because on the one hand, it is possible to reduce the budget for construction, and on the other hand, to build a barn taking into account all the requirements and wishes.

Construction stages

Construction work begins with the laying of the foundation, which is preceded by geological surveys and topographic surveys. Of course, all this can be neglected, but when it comes to your project and business, the risk is too great. Let's take a closer look at the stages of construction:

  1. Installation of the foundation - columnar, tape, monolithic slab. Before installation, be sure to remove the fertile soil layer. The structure is deepened, as a rule, by 50-70 cm. Monolithic works last from 7 to 14 days.
  2. Installation of metal structures - a spatial frame or a supporting arched system of arcuate profiles. In the case of frame technology, the elements are mounted thanks to fasteners, the arched profiles are interconnected into a solid arch by means of a beading machine.
  3. Installation of windows, doors, gates.
  4. Carrying out interior work, where special attention is paid to flooring and ventilation.


The simplest version of the ventilation system in the barn is the installation of exhaust pipes to remove stale air, the number of which depends on the area and length of the room. Fresh air enters through window systems or intake openings with dampers.

Waste disposal system

It is almost impossible to remove large barns for 100 heads by hand. In any case, it is impractical and a large expenditure of man-hours. Therefore, it is customary to install a mechanical manure removal system through the use of various types of equipment - hydraulic flush, belt conveyor, self-alloying, etc.


Lighting in the barn is mounted taking into account the length of daylight hours, so that by the end of the day it is possible to gradually reduce the illumination. The level of illumination directly affects the production of milk, therefore, indicators above 50 lux are not acceptable in stalls, and 75 lux in feeders. LED lamps are chosen as lamps.

Implementation of the project of a cowshed for 100 heads from the Evrial company

The construction of livestock complexes is a special area of ​​construction. The contractor company is responsible not only for the quality of the constructed facility, but also for a kind of safety of such premises for keeping cattle. The customer can suffer huge losses, temporary losses, left with nothing.

We are well aware of these fears of clients who contacted us for the first time, therefore we are ready to offer not only a professional approach to order fulfillment, but also demonstrate ready-made projects of such barns that have been successfully operating for more than a year. We are the only ones in Russia who install #all-frame hangars, and also specialize in the construction of frameless arched structures for your livestock business. The price for the installation of a cowshed for 100 heads from the Evrial company starts from 2150 rubles. per m2.