
Wooden staircase dimensions drawing. Rules for designing stairs and some drawings to help

House and plot

For the manufacture of such a product as a wooden staircase, the drawings act as a basis, due to which the structure is built.

Note! With a detailed consideration of this issue, you can find a drawing of stairs for wooden houses, which may reflect various modifications of these structures.

There are many options:

  • screw products;
  • Boltsevye products;
  • marching products;
  • spiral products;
  • console products;
  • modular products.

And whatever modification of the design of wooden stairs you choose, the drawings of stairs must be carried out in accordance with all requirements for it, as well as all calculations of parameters for the manufacture of parts. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the most popular options for stairs that are installed in wooden houses, and not only.

Work with drawings of rotary structures

Among the marching designs, as the most popular, you can find some variations. These variations include swivel designs that can rotate 90 or even 180 degrees.

To independently make drawings of a wooden staircase with a turn, you need to know the features of these structures. Since the basis of your project will be not only the parameters, but also the shape of the staircase itself.

Using the example of a 180-degree swivel structure, we will consider how to implement the project, followed by drawing up a drawing.

You can design a swivel design:

  • Using a small rectangular landing (due to it, you can divide the structure into two marches, the disadvantage of this design is its large dimensions).

  • Using winders, which will save space and make your stairs aesthetic and attractive.

  • Using a semi-spiral type of staircase, which is elegant in appearance, but has a significant drawback - the complexity of the manufacturing and installation procedures, as well as the high cost.

  • Using a combination of structures, connecting both the site and the winder steps in your project.

Note! An excellent choice for the manufacture of a modular design would be a modular staircase with a turn. The assembly of such a product is very quick and easy if all the details are made accurately and correctly.

In order to calculate the drawings of wooden stairs, you must enter all the basic parameters into your project.

Drawing options:

  • construction height;
  • construction width;
  • step width;
  • riser height;
  • angle of inclination of the structure.

You can see for yourself how easy it is to make and assemble wooden stairs with your own hands, and you can take the drawings and photos posted here as examples for your work. As for the project we have considered in more detail and the drawing of the product with winders, you will only have to apply the parameters to the already drawn up drawing.

Note! To quickly calculate the parameters of a staircase for a drawing, you can use specialized programs and applications that work online and can make a preliminary drawing for you.

Work with drawings of screw structures

Spiral staircase designs have an excellent appearance and significantly save free space in the room. However, these compact structures are much more difficult to calculate and execute than straight or rotary mid-flight stairs.

Note! If you have already designed wooden stairs with your own hands, the drawings of screw structures are significantly different, as well as the system for calculating the parameters for compiling them.

When calculating the parameters of the helical structure, do not forget that the line of foot tread does not move straight, but after the turn of the entire staircase and the placement of the legs during movement will be somewhat different. This can be seen in the diagram below, where you can compare the lines of movement and the parameters of screw and straight type structures.

Before you sit down to draw up a drawing for your future helical structure, do not forget to identify for yourself the most important points in the design of stairs.

Think about things like:

  • the functionality of the stairs (by installing high railings, you will not be able to carry large items along such a staircase);
  • loads that the structure will withstand during operation;

  • safety of operation (it is best for young children to block access to a flight of stairs or to secure it as much as possible, these points will definitely need to be reflected in your project and in the drawing);
  • mounting options (this moment is thought out precisely at the stage of drawing up drawings, since it will most likely be too late to change the project already in the process of mounting the structure).

Note! In fact, the most important thing in drawing up drawings is the accuracy of your calculations. You can always take ready-made drawings as a basis and enter your data into them, after making sure that they are drawn up correctly and the staircase will fully fit into the conditions of your premises.

There are many programs that will allow you to carry out 3D modeling. This will give you the opportunity to more fully understand the features of your project and draw up the correct drawing.

Work with stair detail drawings

As mentioned earlier, mounting options play an important role in designing a staircase and drawing up the correct drawing. This is especially true for fixing balusters and steps, because the level of quality of the entire structure depends on this.

Today you can find on the market many types of connections and fixtures for stair parts.

Fixing options:

  • A nigel, called a dowel, is used to connect handrails, steps, balusters, bowstrings, poles, balusters. May have different sizes.

  • Tie-screw with a removable gearbox. The detail is good for connecting the end parts of the parts or for splicing long elements of the stairs.

  • Screw-type coupler with a removable gearbox. The element is used to connect the end parts of the parts of stairs located at a right angle.

  • Angle-type screw coupler with a removable gearbox. The detail allows you to connect the elements of the stairs at different angles.

  • A screw is a stud with a removable gearbox. The element is intended for fixing wooden poles.

As you already understood, you can transfer any node of a wooden staircase to the drawing and successfully design your design, as well as provide it with a high level of reliability and safety.

In order to exclude incorrect connection of the tread with the tread, as a result of which an unpleasant creak may occur during the operation of the product, special knots are used.

Note! To obtain a quality result when mounting the nodes, you need to leave a small gap in the groove between them. The size of the gap is not more than three millimeters.

For the installation of such complex elements as railings, special fasteners are used, which are designed to connect long parts of the staircase structure, which not every screw or self-tapping screw can do.

If you determine in advance for yourself the features of fastening each of the elements of the stairs in the drawing, then you will protect yourself from useless costs and you will not have to buy additional suitable fasteners in case of a miscalculation.

The process of creating a staircase with your own hands can be divided into 3 stages: drawing a staircase, manufacturing parts and assembling the structure. The most important step is product design. It is at this stage that the appearance, dimensions and features of the future model are determined. Therefore, the design and flights of stairs should be approached with special attention.


The staircase can be viewed as a kind of constructor with many details, each of which differs in appearance and size. By connecting them, you get a single design, ready for installation or use. Therefore, to develop a high-quality drawing and create a future staircase with your own hands, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the structural elements:

  • Steps are an important attribute of the stairs, which provides a descent or ascent. This element consists of a tread - a horizontal part and a riser - a vertical part.

  • Bearing beams (stringers or bowstrings) - hold the steps and the structure as a whole. At the steps they are mounted on top of the supporting element, for products on bowstrings they are inserted into the grooves.

  • Railings - serve safety and enhance usability. They consist of a baluster (vertical support column) and a handrail (horizontal crossbar).

  • The platform is a free space connecting 2 flights of stairs.
  • A flight of stairs - the distance between the start.

  • Rack - a vertical element of a spiral staircase, to which steps are attached.

  • Bolts are fasteners that hold the structure without the use of load-bearing beams.

Design stages

Creating a drawing with your own hands is a rather long and responsible process. For greater convenience and clarity, it should be divided into several stages. Since the most common model is a marching staircase on stringers or bowstrings, we will consider this particular option.

Taking measurements

First of all, it is necessary to accurately measure the length and width of the free space, as well as the distance between floors, taking into account the interfloor overlap. If the floor covering is not yet completed, it is necessary to make an adjustment for the thickness of the future coating. Based on the data obtained, we will calculate the remaining parameters of the ladder structure:

  • the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs;
  • number of steps;
  • span width;
  • whether the structure will be equipped with a platform, etc.

The main parameter at the preparation stage is the type of construction. If there is enough free space, a straight staircase will do, but in limited conditions it is better to install a screw structure or a rotary one.

Optimal dimensions and calculation of steps

Regardless of the type of construction, fastening (on bowstrings, stringers or bolts) and other points, the ladder must be not only reliable, but also easy to use. Therefore, when drawing up a diagram with your own hands, you should adhere to the optimal parameters:

  • the angle of inclination is from 35 to 45 degrees (climbing a steep staircase is inconvenient, and a more gentle design takes up a lot of space).
  • span width - from 90 to 150 cm (this is quite enough for 2 people).
  • passage height - 200 cm.
  • step height - 15-20 cm;
  • tread depth - 26-30 cm;
  • tread thickness - 3-5 cm.

Important! The dimensions of all steps must be the same, otherwise you will have to forget about ease of use. To prevent this, it is necessary to calculate the exact number of steps.

To correctly calculate the number of steps, you can use the formula: h / a, where h is the distance between floors (in mm), a is the height of the riser (in mm). For example: 3000/150 = 20 pcs. If you get a fractional number, you can make the first step of a non-standard size or make a staircase with a platform (as an option, build a podium below). It is also recommended to find out the width and height of the steps: 2a + b, where a is the height of the riser, b is the depth of the tread. For example: 2x15 + 30 \u003d 60 cm, which corresponds to the length of a human step. However, this formula is not uniform, since there are several nuances in this matter.

Detailed calculation of the dimensions of the stairs (alternative method). Part 1

Detailed calculation of the dimensions of the stairs (alternative method). Part 2


After calculations and measurements, you can begin to draw up a drawing. It should be borne in mind that the diagram should reflect 3 projections: from above, from the side and from the front. This approach will allow you to create the highest quality and informative drawing with your own hands. First of all, you should take a top view. In the upper projection, it is recommended to draw a plan of the room, on which to indicate the location and an approximate view of the stairs (if the model is with a platform, be sure to display it). It would not be superfluous to indicate the beginning and end of the structure or the direction of movement from the first floor to the second.

The next projection is the front view. Here it is enough to transfer the measurements and calculations made to paper. It is not necessary to draw a diagram of the room itself.

The final stage is a side view. Since it combines the top and front projection, the indication of dimensions and proportions must be approached with special care. Also here you should display the type of mounting steps. For example, if the stairs are on stringers, the steps should be located on top of the supporting beam, if on bowstrings - inside.

Drawing up a drawing with your own hands is a “jewelry” work that requires patience and high accuracy. Luckily, modern technology makes this process much easier. But it is important not only to draw up a diagram, it is necessary to make it as convenient and understandable as possible. To make a high-quality drawing with maximum convenience, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • to calculate the steps, you can use the online calculator;
  • you can create a diagram in electronic form (for example, in the AutoCad program), sometimes it is much more convenient than “paper” work;

We design a staircase in the SEMA program

  • the drawing must contain the type of stairs and the scale (for example, "straight stairs on stringers", "scale: 1:7");
  • the wooden surface in the diagram is imitated by circular lines;
  • metal products are indicated by frequent diagonal lines;
  • concrete is marked with a combination of dots and small circles;
  • material simulation can be replaced with text ("wood", "concrete", "metal", etc.) or numbers with a footnote (for example, 1 - wood, 2 - concrete, 3 - metal, etc.);
  • for greater clarity, some elements can also be numbered;
  • invisible details (for example, steps in the lateral projection of the stairs on the bowstrings) must be indicated with a dotted line;
  • the most convenient drawing scale is from 1:5 to 1:10;
  • the dimensions of the parts should be indicated directly on the diagram or in a special footnote.

Drawing up a drawing with your own hands is a long and responsible process. The complexity of manufacturing the staircase structure will depend on how high-quality and understandable the scheme will turn out.

Idea! For greater convenience and speed, you can use special software, for example, an online calculator or a drawing program.

The main thing is to make the drawing as accurate and informative as possible.

Drawing up a building plan is the basis of any construction activity. Any structure along and across is displayed on general and detailed drawings, which indicate dimensions, drawings, engineering solutions, and so on. For you to understand, the general plan of the building is displayed on hundreds of drawings, in which, in addition to the plan, there are separate information about the designations.

The drawing of the stairs is especially complicated. You can display it in general terms on the general plan of the room.

It will not be possible to create an ideal-sized miracle of an engineering structure according to these plans, so the builders resort to detailing some points. Usually, in order to get a staircase identical to the architect's idea, it is necessary to detail from five sides. Sometimes even the plans of different floors are affected when creating one staircase. General and detailed drawing will be understandable only to a person who can read drawings, which will require special consideration.


The first thing you need to understand is the generally accepted notation standards. The plan of the same building does not always look the same on the drawing if it is made up by different people. Floor plans always have decoding and demolitions.

The designations on the work plans and engineering plans may differ, even if the same elements are used in the creation.

On the drawing you will see:

Before starting construction, it is imperative to understand the designation of generally accepted footnotes and terms. Reading drawings at institutes has been taught for more than one year, but even superficial knowledge will be enough to understand the general concept of the construction of stair structures, with interfloor platforms and turns.

Using popular programs, if the drawing exists in electronic format, will greatly facilitate the task. Programs based on AutoCAD data - approved in many countries, they will make it easier for you to understand all the details. If the drawings and plans are only on paper, then you need to understand the notation.

Width and Height

The overall dimensions of the stairs are indicated in a human-readable format. Arrows and footnotes from the bases and corners show the length, height and width of the structure. Dimensions are indicated by numbers and measure.

Some plans use centimeters, others use millimeters, so study the plans very meticulously.

You can't resize because:

  • Possible destruction of the structure;
  • Additional danger in use;
  • Changing one size will entail a chain of unpleasant consequences.

The measurement plane is shown as a drift line and a bidirectional dash.

Several levels can indicate not only the overall size of the part, but also some of its small parts. The drifts never overlap and are clearly displayed to avoid confusion. It is necessary to consider the angle of inclination.

It is usually indicated on one page with general dimensional indicators. If the slope angle changes, then there will be several footnotes on the plan indicating the place of the angle difference.

The plan must indicate the direction of the flight of stairs. You will usually find this information on the top view plan.

The movement arrow always shows the direction from bottom to top and from left to right. Similar designations are found on each of the sheets of drawings, but they will only be needed if the plan covers several floors of the building at once.

Flight of stairs

As already mentioned, small details and dimensions, like a flight of stairs, can also be indicated in the general plan. One footnote, concerning the size of the step, means that they all have the same dimensions. On the detail drawing, you can see the size of the step, tread and depth of each structure in a more detailed format.

Knowing the general rules for calculating the size of a flight of stairs, you can independently put down the dimensions if you draw up a plan for yourself.

An important parameter in this case can only be the difference in materials. The dimensions, width and height of individual products on the detailed plan will tell you what kind of material and what thickness you need to use. These indicators are used according to general building codes, they are usually used to create reliable structures, and the case of cladding and framing falls entirely on the hands of the master.


When opening a drawing in front of you, make sure that it contains numbers and letters indicating the material. You can learn about such a designation using sheets with a designation. If such information is not available, it is worth obtaining information support from general state regulations. State standards provide for options when the material during construction is not marked with special signs.

In the rules of GOST 5401-50 you will find ways to graphically display building material.

In fact, such a designation is quite problematic for understanding the general plan of the drawing. Making a footnote with an explanation is much easier than shading every surface. Hatching of surfaces is performed only on the designation of the end value. Some materials are hatched at the installation site, and not the cut, but all the norms specified in the state standard must be met, because this is a fundamental part of the construction.

Floor plan

Looking at the floor plan, you will find all the entrances, exits and dimensions of each individual room. To understand the general plan, you do not need special knowledge, because the schematic drawings are clear against the general background. It is rather difficult to explain the details, but with the use of markings, symbols and special programs, it becomes much easier to understand the general principle of the structure.

Stairs in AutoCAD

You already know about the program that works on the principle of AutoCAD. In general terms, AutoCAD is a standalone program that creates two and three-dimensional graphics. .

If you understand the principle of its operation, then making your own drawing will be as simple as possible. People who understand what they want from a general or detailed plan will easily manage to create a drawing on a graphics engine.

The application of AutoCAD is relevant:

  • In detailed and general construction;
  • Mechanical engineering;
  • Explanatory part of the plan;
  • Reconstruction of existing buildings.

Despite the improvements since the first version, the program has many shortcomings that are easily eliminated by additional utilities. It is as comfortable as possible for a professional architect to work in it, because with the help of AutoCAD you can create unique drawings, even complex staircase structures, but a beginner will have to work hard.

In order for you to understand the benefits of the program, it is worth understanding its advantages using one specific example. Usually, a simple drawing by a professional architect costs about 1/10 of the entire building. If the stairs are complex, the price may double. For example, the final cost of the structure is $1000, which means that you will have to pay $100-200 for the development plan. In some cases, it is much easier to understand the basics of architectural activity and save this money.

Marking plan

Marking plans are very similar to masonry plans, but their difference is that the first ones are easily read by the builder, and not by the engineer. General engineering concepts are inappropriate here, because the marking sketches indicate the types of coatings, marked openings, dimensions and lists of premises. Usually, for a worker in a narrow construction specialty, a marking plan carries more information than all the others put together. Writs of execution and estimates for the most part are based on this document.

Gates, windows and doors

It is important for the owner to understand the notation. All openings, door and window are drawn on the plan in the exact place. You need to understand this, because when you change the plan, it becomes possible to violate the design of the load-bearing wall . In the architectural and construction drawing, openings are necessarily indicated, in a horizontal and vertical section. The doorway on the plan necessarily indicates the type of door opening side.

Pictures and photos

A more complete picture in the preparation of plans can only be seen in explanatory or training pictures. In some cases, indicate the designation of the drawing and a photograph of the building made according to it .

Self-study in this case should be as scrupulous as possible, because even the smallest differences in designations on the plans can indicate a completely different idea of ​​the architect.

Symbols on construction drawings: how to show stairs, gates, windows with a quarter, doors - pictures, symbols for slope, width, height, ohms, materials on plans, how concrete is indicated, drawings of a ramp, a fire escape, a flight of stairs, a plan of the first floor of a building with dimensions, how to draw a ladder in autocad, marking plan


The material from which the stairs are made can be different - wood, iron, concrete, or a combination of these materials. But most often, wood is used to build stairs.

Any structure must be safe for movement on it. To do this, before building a staircase, it is necessary to perform its calculations, based on what type of staircase design is expected.

To calculate a wooden staircase, do the following:

  1. Determine the height of the interfloor space, from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor overlap, and determine the area that will be allocated for the stairs.
  2. Determine the number of steps in a staircase based on their tread depth, riser height, and stair angle. Usually the height of the riser is 150 - 200 mm, and the optimal width of the riser is usually 250 - 320 mm.
  3. The height of the clearance between the horizontal plane of the steps and the lowest part of the ceiling structure should also be taken into account, this is necessary so that a person, when going up or down the stairs, does not touch the ceiling structures with his head.

General examples of drawings for a wooden staircase

Before making any drawings in dwg format, you must select the type of stairs.

It is necessary to perform certain measurements and calculations, and determine the general parameters of the stairs:

  1. The angle of the stairs, this parameter is usually in the range of 23 - 37 degrees.
  2. The minimum height between the ceiling and steps must be at least 2 m.
  3. The width of the stairs itself must be at least 1 meter.

After determining all the parameters, you need to draw a plan of the room, on which it is necessary to mark the location of the stairs and all its dimensions with reference to the room plan. Separately, it is worth making a general drawing of the entire staircase for a better understanding of all the necessary parameters.

All drawings can be made by hand, but in order to avoid mistakes, it is best to make all drawings online using a special calculator.

If a person finds it difficult to independently create a drawing of a staircase, you can use ready-made drawings and diagrams of stairs by printing them and choose the best option. But, it is necessary to do this even at the stage of building a house, since it will be difficult to select a drawing for a finished building.

Detailed and general description of the online calculation of wooden stairs

To calculate all the necessary parameters for creating with your own hands, you need to take all the dimensions, such as the height between the ceilings, the area that will be allotted for the stairs, its angle of inclination, the length of the opening, the number of steps.

To calculate stairs made of wood, it is best to use special online calculators or special utilities:

  1. Various utilities also allow you to calculate, view, including in 3D format, and, if necessary, edit everything, and redo all diagrams and drawings. You can even create a diagram of the whole house in such utilities, as well as draw a staircase and see how everything will look on a virtual layout.
  2. When, you need to decide on the type of stairs, it can be single-flight, double-flight, spiral, stairs with a 180-degree turntable, etc. and each type of stairs requires its own calculation.

That is why you should use special online calculators or special utilities, which are much more profitable and easier even for novice builders.

The basis of the drawing for a ladder made of wood

The main advantage of a wooden staircase is its relative lightness, environmental friendliness, besides, wood is easy to process, and a wooden staircase will look optimal in a country wooden house.

But, before you make a staircase to the second floor of the house, you need to make a drawing of the stairs, which will take into account all the parameters:

  1. Based on the drawings, the marking of wooden blanks is made, from which the staircase will subsequently be assembled. All dimensions that will be on paper are transferred to blanks, and they are sawn according to the markings.
  2. But, before you make drawings and engage in sawing the material and subsequent assembly of the stairs, you should evaluate your strengths, since not everyone can correctly draw up a drawing and correctly cut all the material.

Before making a drawing, it is necessary to measure the place in the room where the staircase will be located. This is the height from floor to ceiling, the width of the ceiling, you should also take into account the type of stairs, the angle of its inclination, the fastening system, etc.

Without these data, it will be almost impossible to make a drawing of a staircase, and even more so, to make it.

The principle of drawing up a drawing of a wooden staircase to the second floor

Houses are built two-story, three-story, and, to move between floors, it is necessary to equip a staircase.

The manufacture of any staircase begins with determining its type, it can be:

  • Spiral or spiral staircase, single-flight classical staircase, double-flight with a turn, etc.;
  • Also, the staircase, in addition to its main function of lifting or lowering, can be almost invisible in the room, or, on the contrary, stand out in the interior, and even serve as a decorative decoration.

Therefore, before you start, you need to select its type, after that you should schematically draw a house plan, the staircase itself and see how this or that type of staircase will look on the diagram. If everything suits a person, you can start creating detailed drawings of the stairs.

When creating a drawing, one should take into account all previously made measurements, the angle of inclination, the width and height of the steps, the width of the staircase itself, if it is supposed to make a fence, then it should also be shown in the drawing.

Schemes and drawings for the manufacture of wooden stairs with their own hands

The staircase is an essential element of houses, it provides a connection between floors, and the staircase must also provide comfortable movement along it, be safe and fit into the interior of the room. Planning and building a staircase should be based on building codes, and accurate calculation and drawings are also necessary, since if this is not done, then later, during manufacture, errors may be detected.

The nuances that will prevent the redoing of the entire structure, the unnecessary consumption of materials and time:

  1. Before creating drawings, you need to decide on the type of stairs, look at different examples, and choose the one that will best meet all the requirements. After that, you can start creating drawings, and plan the arrangement of the stairs in one place or another in the house.
  2. Before creating a drawing, you must first measure, this is the height from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor partition. And also calculate the number of steps, their width, height and angle of inclination of the stairs, etc.
  3. The drawing should not only display all the dimensions of the stairs, but also indicate the fences, their height.

It is also worth drawing a general diagram of the house, which will display the location of the stairs indicating the area occupied.

Such a scheme will allow you to better understand what the finished staircase will look like, and will allow you to double-check all the calculations before making the stairs.

Based on the drawings, it is best for a novice builder to start making the simplest staircase using a carrier beam - a stringer. Their number in the ladder can vary from 1 to 3.

Do-it-yourself staircase made of wood: calculations (video)

During the construction of a multi-storey building, it is necessary to equip stairs so that you can get from floor to floor comfortably and safely for the health of residents.

This article is an overview of the most popular types of stairs, and also contains practical advice on how to make and calculate stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands. Scheme, calculations, dimensions, as well as drawings are attached. At the end of each chapter there is a video with a visual display of the construction process.

For ease of reading, the article is divided into several chapters:

  • the first chapter contains general recommendations;
  • the second chapter presents methods for creating a spiral staircase project that can be applied at work;
  • the third, fourth and fifth chapters have examples on creating common structures made of wood, concrete and metal;
  • the latter offers 10 designs and answers the question about the optimal width.

For convenience, the article has a navigation bar with which you can go to any item and start reading from the desired chapter.

An example of a metal staircase project

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands correctly - general recommendations

The staircase is used for comfortable movement between floors. As a rule, this design is used daily - two-story houses are most often built with the location of bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. From this you can get the two most important rules when designing a structure - safety and convenience.

Above the racks

Important: Stairs are a source of increased trauma for people of all ages. A fall can have an extremely negative impact on human health, therefore, it should be made as safe as possible. To do this, there are several ways that allow you to completely minimize the risks.

First of all, it is necessary to make steps of optimal height and width. It’s easy to stumble on too high steps, and it’s extremely difficult to walk along narrow ones, so you can easily slip. It is necessary to take this into account when designing, laying the size in advance in the project.

In the big house

The most optimal step height can be considered 150-200mm. This is enough to take a confident step, without fear of stumbling or incorrectly bringing your foot up. The depth, or width, must be at least 200mm - this requirement is easy to obtain from the average length of a person's leg.

In addition, each staircase needs a railing. They allow you to move with greater comfort and safety - the risk of falling is significantly reduced.

Important: The material must not be slippery. It is better not to make a staircase from tiles or varnished wood - they have a smooth surface, which is very inconvenient for movement. If wood is still used, it is not superfluous to sandpaper or upholster the steps with a carpet.

Above the sofa

Convenience often depends on safety. If the steps are safe, then, at the same time, they will be comfortable. Of course, sometimes for the sake of convenience, you can deviate somewhat from the standard sizes - if only a tall person uses them, you can make the height of the steps more than 200mm.

Ladder slope versus usability graph

How to make a screw structure yourself

The spiral staircase has its own special appearance, due to which it becomes possible to create a completely different design. In addition, the screw design saves a lot of space on both floors, making the room more ergonomic.


Calculation of the spiral staircase to the second floor

In the case of creating a spiral staircase to the second floor, the calculation must begin with the number of steps and the height of their location. Based on what was said in the last chapter, the optimal height between the steps is 200mm, and the depth is 200-300mm. But it must be taken into account that the steps of spiral staircases have the form of expanding cones, therefore, their depth must be calculated in a special way.

With center pillar

For calculation it is better to use mathematical formulas. First, you need to know the circumference of the structure. It is most convenient to do this using the formula 2 * 3.14 * r, where r is the span width. For example, with a span width of 1000mm, the circumference will be 6280mm. To get the step width from the outside, it is enough to divide this distance by the number of steps in one span. For example, with 10 steps, the distance will be 628mm, which will allow you to create a flat staircase without voids.

Screw model calculation scheme

The height of the structure is determined by the height of the room, just like when creating a regular staircase. The height between the steps should be equal to the optimum - for example, usually 150-250mm is enough. The optimal height is best calculated from the height of the room. For example, for the height of the ceilings in the room - 2700mm. The steps will be 20mm thick, the ceiling thickness will be 150mm.

Advice: Calculations must start from the floor - the floor is the zero step. First you need to sum up the height of the room and the ceiling, since it is at this distance that the stairs should go. In this case, it is equal to 2850mm. To get the number of steps, it is necessary to divide it by the appropriate height of one step with its height - for example, 220mm. The result, rounded off, is 13 steps. The last, 13th step, in this case, will be the floor of the second floor.

Graphic construction and dimensions

At this stage, it is best to create a project on paper. It is not necessary to make it as accurate as possible in terms of drawing, but even a simple sketch will help to better understand the project.

Dimensions of spiral staircases to the second floor

When calculating the size, it is necessary to build on the most comfortable width of the stairs in 800-1000mm. This is enough to pass even with a large load on your hands, while not restricting your movements (unfortunately, large-sized furniture will still have to be lifted through the windows).

Screw model project

A spiral staircase is a circle, therefore the diameter is equal to the addition of the width of the passages and, if the staircase is built with a central support, the size of the support. On average, the diameter of such a design is 1600-2000mm, which is enough for its convenient use, regardless of the features. More details in the table below

Advice: Very often the size of the stairs depends on the height of the ceiling. For a small country house, it makes no sense to make a very wide staircase - 700mm will be enough to go to the second floor. For the attic, exactly the same rule is followed.

Video spiral staircase project

This video shows how to make stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands (diagram and dimensions of the project are attached). The main points of installation are shown, as well as all the features of working with this type of structure.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the second floor

An ordinary staircase can be built according to similar calculations and methods. A do-it-yourself wooden staircase to the second floor in a private house is made much simpler than a spiral one, but it takes up relatively more space. Next, consider the main points of the calculation and video instructions.

from wood

Calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor

In this case, it is necessary to build on the same average values ​​- with a depth of 200-250mm and a height of 200-250mm. The distance must be divided in the same way - by calculating from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor.

Calculation example

The calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor must take into account the length - it is the addition of the depth of all steps. The more there are, the longer the length itself will be. For an ordinary staircase in a room, on average, 10-12 steps are enough, which in total will be equal to 2000-2500mm with a depth of 200mm and 2500-3000mm with a depth of 250mm.

Stair design with 90 degree turn

Advice: The width of such a design should be on average 800-1000mm. This size should provide complete freedom of action. Therefore, if railings are planned, then there should be additional space for them on the steps.

The opening above the structure should begin from the place where less than 2000-2200mm remains from the step to the ceiling - this is enough for any person of height. Do not make the opening too short - savings in this case can result in inconvenience and additional labor costs.


If it is planned to create a turn, then it is necessary to calculate it with the same conditions - the only change is the width of the step - steps in the turn area are calculated similarly to screw ones, but they can be done with emphasis on the wall.

Video instruction

This video is an instruction for the design and installation of a wooden staircase with a 90 degree turn.

Do-it-yourself concrete staircase to the second floor - video instruction

Concrete is an excellent material for stairs - it is very durable and allows you to work with any volume. Often, for such a design, it is enough just to assemble the frame and fill it.

Formwork for concrete structure

Important: It should be noted that the creation of a concrete staircase to the second floor with your own hands requires a very large investment - a completely cast structure takes a huge amount of concrete. Most likely you will have to order a full-fledged concrete mixer - the process will take an extremely long time using the usual manual method.

Cast construction

To facilitate this process, the span should be additionally strengthened with different blocks. A good idea is to create a frame from foam blocks, on which the formwork is subsequently laid. This allows you to get additional space under the structure and use it for household needs.

The video below shows the process of assembling the formwork and pouring it, showing the main points of work.

Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor - calculation and video instruction

Metal is an extremely ductile and at the same time durable material. Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor, unfortunately, is not the most comfortable - it is quite difficult to heat it, but the strength will be very high. In addition, a metal staircase takes up little space - this is true for houses with a small total area.

Iron construction

The peculiarities of the calculation in this case include the fact that the metal step takes up very little space. Usually its size is 5-10mm, and with the entire height of the structure, their total volume rarely exceeds 90-100mm.

The calculations are no different from ordinary stairs, but with the difference that it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials. For the construction, we recommend using metal pipes with a wall thickness of at least 8 mm, and for steps - fittings no thinner than 7 mm. At the same time, with wide steps, thickened options should be used that will not bend under the weight of a person.

Do-it-yourself single-march iron staircase to the second floor

Advice: If the design is created from square profiles, it is worth choosing them with a cross section of at least 5 mm - square profiles are much more stable than round ones due to hard edges. You can work with metal both by welding and fasteners.

The video below shows an example of creating a metal staircase structure, which is subsequently sheathed with drywall. It shows the main points of the work.

What should be the width of the stairs to the second floor in a private house - the correct dimensions?

This question is purely personal. Despite the optimal span width of 800-1000mm, this value can seriously vary depending on the personal preferences of the person. It should be borne in mind that the wider the opening, the more resources will be required.

Examples of the width of different types of stairs

It is worth separately setting a minimum border of 500mm - a narrower design will be completely inconvenient to use, and it will be quite problematic to move some things or furniture along it. The maximum limit depends solely on the room, but still, you should not make the width more than 2000-2500mm, especially in cases where the staircase is not the main one in the hall.

Do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor in a private house - diagram and drawing of 10 projects

Scheme of stairs with straight marches
Angled 90 degrees
Drawing of a U-shaped staircase with a turntable
Plan of the wooden model
Detail drawing
Calculation simple staircase
Rotated 180 degrees
Project of a straight marching staircase
Direct two-march