
How to use Alar for indoor plants. Main retardants (chlorocholine chloride, alar, etrel)

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Let's consider two groups of preparations of contrasting orientations: to stimulate growth and, conversely, to inhibit vegetation (retardants). This information will help grow quality seedlings and will be useful for flower growers.

Use of drugs

Do not think that by purchasing phytoregulators, you will solve all problems. This is not a panacea for growing a beautiful and healthy plant. The performance of these substances is interconnected with a combination of different factors:

Compliance with instructions for use

consumption rates,

soil condition,

Lack of nutrition

It is important to remember that you should not overdose, as you will get a negative effect. Excess leads to loss of decorativeness or death of your pets.

Popular Regulators

Let's talk only about approved drugs approved by the State Chemical Commission under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. All the types described below have been tested for effectiveness and safety. Recommended for amateur and professional use. Some of them are registered as fertilizer. So, we begin the review of the Russian market.

Vegetation stimulators of the aerial part

Epibrassinolide, Epin-extra- analogues of brassinosteroids (phytohormones), powerful stimulants aimed at attracting nutrients. Increase germination, delay aging, enhance growth processes, eliminate stress. Features: incorrect use does not work; recommended to be used in conjunction with surfactants.

Krezatsin, Mival, Silicone compounds- optimize the properties of biomembranes. Develop resistance to temperature changes. Pre-sowing seed treatments give good results.

Acetylene alcohol, Carvitol- exclusively to stimulate growth processes.

Gibberellin a multifunctional hormone that affects the rate of seed germination, prolongation of vegetation, increase in above-ground mass, shoot formation. In floriculture, it increases the size of the bud, lengthens the arrow. Cannot be used during flowering.

Giberrsib, Letto BIO- phytohormones, designed to increase the ovary and growth. Increase the yield of fruit and berry and vegetable crops (cabbage, tomatoes, grapes, cucumbers, etc.). Make plants resistant to weather and disease. Safe for bees and animals.

Ovary, Pollen, Bud, Gibbor-M powerfully affect fruit set, germination of tubers, seeds. Improve fruit quality. They are sold everywhere, they are in the most active demand among gardeners.

Humates (variants of combinations of humic acids with nutrients)- biologically active drugs. Effective at the beginning of the growing season. Used in foliar top dressing.

cytodef allows you to control the leaf/crown structure. It activates photosynthesis, the growth of lateral buds, delays the aging of the vegetation zone.

Retardants that delay vegetation

Athlete redistributes nutrients, helps to form compact seedlings of flower and vegetable crops. Eliminates stretching even with a lack of light. Enhances root growth, strengthens the stem. Careful observance of the manufacturer's instructions is required. Treatments begin in the 3-4 leaf phase and are repeated three times after 7-8 days. It is applied by watering or irrigation.

Antivylegach- blocks the growth of the stem, reduces the length of the internode, activates the side shoots. Indispensable for growing ornamental cereals, grain crops, eliminates the possibility of lodging.

Chlormequat chloride, CCC (tse-tse-tse) inhibit vegetation, create compactness of plants, promote deep rooting. Operate selectively, preliminary testing is required.

Uniconazole, Kultar, Paclobutrazol, Triazole derivatives, Alar, B-9, succinic acid Dimethylhydrazide- are not allowed, although they are very popular all over the world. They block the activity of growth hormones, create compact forms, and reduce vegetation.

Preparations that increase phytoimmunity

Many preparations can be used to activate immunity in conditions of adverse effects, to prevent the development of fungal diseases. For example, species such as Immunocytophyte, Germ, Arachidonic acid, El-1, Obereg are well activated by the defense system.

Raise phytoimmunity and increase root formation Zircon, Domotsvet, Hydroxycinnamic acid, Narcissus, Novosil, Silk, Larixin, Biosil, Triterpene acid extracts, Verva.

Now you are familiar with the most effective drugs. And you know how to enhance or inhibit the growth of your plants, relieve stress and support their defenses.

Growing flowers in the autumn-winter period is associated with a number of difficulties, mainly caused by a lack of light. So, excessive stretching of the stems as a result of lengthening the internodes significantly reduces the value of flowers. Particularly undesirable is the elongation and the associated weakening of peduncles, which sharply reduces the life span of plants. It turned out that modern retardants can prevent these negative phenomena.

The effect of retardants on cloves, the greenhouse culture of which is especially widespread, has been well studied. Carnation plants are sprayed twice or thrice with a 0.25% solution of CCC, which leads to a decrease and strengthening of the peduncle, some shortening of the internodes without changing the diameter of the flower. Approximately the same results are obtained by watering the substrate with a 1% solution of alar. These changes improve the appearance and prolong the life of the flower.

Growth regulators are also recommended for processing cut carnations. The domestic industry produces the Nora drug intended for this purpose, which contains 0.07% alar and 0.04% oxyquinoline sulfate, as well as sucrose. Stored flowers are first placed in water for 2-3 hours, and then in the Nora solution, which can extend the life of cut carnations up to 40 days.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums react to alar in much the same way as carnations, so with the help of retardants it is possible to reduce the growth of plants in height, reduce the length and increase the strength of the pedicel.

To reduce the growth in height of daffodils, tulips, geraniums, treatment with an etrel solution at a concentration of 0.03-0.05% can be applied. Spraying many plants (eg azaleas, roses, asters, zinnias, petunias, etc.) with a higher concentration of etrel solution causes suppression of apical growth and promotes the formation of numerous lateral shoots. In recent years, numerous synthetic growth regulators have been created for use in floriculture. At the same time, new preparations are characterized, as a rule, by higher efficiency and a significantly lower level of phytotoxicity.

In developed countries, large areas are occupied by ornamental lawns, the periodic mowing of which requires a significant amount of labor. Spraying the lawn in the spring with MMC at doses of 3 to 6 kg/ha effectively retards the growth of grasses, which reduces the number of grass mowing. Since the tillering of plants becomes more intense, the decorative qualities of the lawn increase.

MMC is also used as a means of inhibiting the growth of shrubs in hedges. Usually hedge trimming is carried out during the growing season repeatedly, as new shoots grow. This rather laborious event gradually leads to a deterioration in the decorative qualities of the hedge, since when cutting, the foliage of plants decreases and the boles are exposed. The best results are obtained by spraying the bush with a solution of MMC. It is carried out at the very beginning of summer, when the shrubs become well leafy. The concentration of the inhibitor solution varies from 0.25 to 1.5%, depending on the rock forming the hedge. For example, to inhibit the growth of hawthorn, privet or yellow locust, a smaller amount of MMC is required than for the treatment of cotoneaster.

MMC-treated hedge retains its shape throughout the growing season, the plants remain green and well leafy. In this case, a single haircut is sufficient, which is carried out in autumn or spring before bud break. Thus, the labor costs for caring for the hedge are reduced several times.

Ornamental gardening, becoming increasingly important, is becoming a serious consumer of physiologically active substances. Not surprisingly, many new synthetic plant growth regulators are the first to find application in this branch of crop production.

N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (Alar, Daminoside)

N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (Alar, Daminoside)- plant growth regulator. Applied on ornamental crops (to improve the flowering of chrysanthemums, azaleas, peonies and others), on the apple tree (winter varieties) to accelerate fruiting, increase productivity (1.6 - 2.4 kg / ha, spraying trees 15 - 20 days after flowering 0.16 - 0.24% solution), on cabbage seed crops to increase seed yield (4 kg/ha, spraying cabbage mother liquors in the phase of intensive head growth) and on cherries to improve fruit quality.

Active substance

N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid


Those. the product is a white crystalline substance with a melting point of 156-164 0 С

Ecotoxicological characteristics

LD 50 for rats 8400 mg/kg
Precautions - as with low toxicity pesticides
In various countries, PKD in food is up to 30 mg/kg. MRL in apples 3 mg/kg

Application of the drug

Alar (daminoside) is most widely used in apple orchards. Treatment of trees with the drug at a dose of 2.13-3.2 kg/ha in 2-3 weeks. after flowering leads to a noticeable inhibition of shoot growth and increases the number of flower buds. Due to this, the periodicity of fruiting is weakened, and the crown of the trees becomes more compact. One of the results of spring treatment with alar (daminoside) is a significant reduction in pre-harvest fruit fall and an improvement in their color. Young apple and pear trees, under the influence of the retardant, quickly move from the juvenile state to fruiting, which contributes to the intensification of horticulture. Abroad, the drug is also used to accelerate the ripening of cherries and peaches.

The retardant activity of alar (daminoside) is also of great interest for ornamental gardening, since treatment with the drug makes it possible to achieve shortening and strengthening of flower stalks, the formation of more compact plants, and also to prolong the life of cut flowers.

Alar is one of the most common names for preparations containing the amine salt of N,N-dimethylhydrazide succinic acid. In the literature of different times and different countries, there are many names for this retardant (daminoside, DIMG, SADH, B-9 or B-995); the same substance is the active principle of the domestic drug "Nora".

Physiological activity, alara was also shown in 1962, and he very quickly became one of the most popular retardants, especially widely used in various branches of horticulture.

Alar is a crystalline substance with a melting point of 154-156°C. Practically non-toxic to warm-blooded animals: LD 50 for rats when administered orally 8400 mg/kg. In industry, it is obtained by the interaction of dimethylhydrazine with succinic anhydride.

Alar is successfully used in apple and pear orchards. Treatment of trees with the drug at a dose of 7.5 kg/ha 2–4 ​​weeks after flowering leads to a noticeable inhibition of shoot growth and stimulates the formation of a larger number of flower buds. Due to this, the frequency of fruiting is weakened, the crown of trees becomes much more compact. One of the results of spring treatment with alar is a significant reduction in pre-harvest fruit fall. Under the influence of the retardant, young trees quickly move from a juvenile state to fruiting, which contributes to the intensification of horticulture. The drug in doses up to 7.5 kg/ha is also used to accelerate the ripening of cherries and peaches.

The retardant action of alar is of great interest to ornamental horticulture, as it makes it possible to achieve shortening and hardening of peduncles, the formation of more compact plants, and also to prolong the life of cut flowers.

One of the advantages of Alar is the complete absence of phytotoxicity, which, of course, is true for the range of doses in which this drug is usually used. Alar is characterized by a rather high persistence in plant tissues, due to which its action can manifest itself throughout almost the entire growing season. Nevertheless, it is still gradually transformed, and one of the main metabolites of alar in plants, apparently, is N-dimethylaminosuccinimide.

Slow metabolism causes the possibility of the presence of residual amounts of alar in plant tissues. Therefore, in the USA, the content of alar in agricultural products up to 0.2 mg/kg is allowed, and sometimes even a slight violation of plant processing technology can lead to the fact that the concentration of retardant in plant tissues exceeds this allowable level.

Naturally, under these circumstances, it is especially important to have convenient and sensitive methods for the analysis of drug residues. In accordance with the recommended recipe, alkaline hydrolysis of the homogenate is carried out, which leads to the formation of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, which is completely oxidized to formaldehyde using selenium dioxide. The formed formaldehyde is distilled off and quantitatively determined on a spectrophotometer after interaction with 2-hydrazine benzothiazole.

What is the drug "Alora" for? Instructions, reviews on the effectiveness of this tool and its indications will be presented below. You will also learn about whether this medicine has side effects and contraindications, and in what form it goes on sale.

Composition, drug packaging, form

The drug "Alora", the instructions for which are enclosed in a cardboard box, is produced in two different forms:

  • Tablets in plastic blisters of 20 or 4 pieces.
  • Suspension "Alora" (syrup). Instructions, reviews say that this form is intended for teenagers. It goes on sale in 100 ml bottles.

The active substance of this medication is passionflower extract. This is a medicinal plant that is actively used to treat nervous disorders, rheumatic cramps, pain and insomnia. In addition, it is often used to normalize hormonal balance.

Pharmacological action of the herbal remedy

What is the medicine "Alora"? The instruction attached to the medication says that it is a sedative drug.

The components included in its composition reduce the tone of smooth muscle cells in the human body. Against the background of taking pills or syrup, the conduction of nerve impulses in the spinal cord and brain slows down, and the excitability of the central nervous system also decreases.

What are the properties of the herbal medicine "Alora"? Instructions for use reports the following effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • sedative;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antispasmodic.

Features of the drug

According to patient reviews, this medication causes the following positive changes in the state of human health:

  • improves mood;
  • reduces mental stress;
  • reduces anxiety;
  • causes a calm and deep sleep (without depression in the morning).

It should also be noted that the herbal medicine "Alora" has no inhibitory effect on brain activity.

Taking syrup and tablets contributes to a cheerful state. A person retains activity in actions and clarity of thinking.

Using the medication "Alora" strictly according to the instructions or as prescribed by the doctor, not allowing excess doses, it is possible to quickly get rid of excessive irritability.

Indications for the use of syrup and tablets

What is the herbal preparation "Alora" for? Instructions for use indicate that the main indicators for the appointment of this remedy are such autonomic diseases of the nervous system as:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • palpitations (or the so-called tachycardia);
  • cerebral vascular crisis;
  • asthenia (muscle weakness, fatigue).

What other conditions require the use of Alora? Instructions, reviews indicate that this medication should be used for various signs of a disorder of the nervous system (regardless of the source of the disease).

These symptoms may be:

It is impossible not to say that this herbal medicine effectively manifests itself in the syndrome of post-infectious asthenia. It is also prescribed for neurosis and cardioneurosis.

Contraindications to the use of syrup and tablets

Under what conditions should not take the drug "Alora"? The instruction indicates that this medication is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Also, an absolute contraindication to taking this medication is children under three years of age.

If necessary, in the form of a syrup (in small doses), it can be prescribed to a child 3-12 years old. This requires constant monitoring by the pediatrician.

According to the attached instructions, in the presence of hypersensitivity to the main substances of Alora, its further use should be abandoned. In this case, it is necessary to contact the attending doctor, who is obliged to prescribe a safer medicine.

Is it possible to combine alcohol and the drug "Alora"? The instruction requires the complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages. During the period of treatment with this medication, it is forbidden to drink even beer.

Taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the reviews about the drug "Alora" there is no clear information about its use during breastfeeding or during pregnancy. Therefore, the decision to prescribe this medicine to women in position and nursing mothers should be made only by the attending physician, who exercises control over the patient.

During treatment with this remedy, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles, as well as from working in hazardous industries. This fact is due to the fact that taking Alora medication can cause lethargy or reduce concentration.

The drug "Alora": instructions for use

The drug "Alora" in the form of tablets and syrup should be taken before meals.

As prescribed by the pediatrician (for a calming effect), babies over three years old are given ½ dessert spoon of syrup (that is, 2.5 ml) every 8-12 hours. The child should receive 2 or 3 doses of medication per day.

Adolescents who have reached the age of 12, as well as adult patients, are recommended to take 5-10 ml of syrup (that is, 1-2 dessert spoons) to achieve. The interval between doses of these doses should be at least eight hours.

With insomnia, a single dosage of syrup is 10 ml.

As for the drug in the form of tablets, it can only be prescribed to those patients whose age has reached 12 years.

To calm and relieve irritability, take one tablet of herbal remedy, which contains 100 mg of passionflower extract (before meals, three times a day).

For sleep disorders, the drug is taken an hour before bedtime in the amount of three tablets.

The duration of the course of therapy with this drug should be determined only by a doctor. How long a patient will take Alora tablets or syrup depends on several factors. Let's take a look at them right now:

  • a person's lifestyle (lack or presence of movements);
  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics of the patient (gender, weight, physique);
  • psychological stress (in the family or at work);
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • drugs used.

Side effects

What side effects does Alora cause? Syrup (instructions for its use were described above) and tablets rarely cause unwanted effects. However, when taking high doses of the drug, undesirable symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, weakness, dizziness and vomiting are still possible.

It should also be noted that in some cases this drug causes lethargy, drowsiness (especially in the morning) and decreased performance. Excessive excess of doses of Alora threatens with such serious consequences as a deep faint or coma.

In the presence of hypersensitivity, the herbal remedy can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before treatment, it is recommended to do an allergy test for the active ingredients of the drug.

Patients with severe organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should take this medication with extreme caution. With such deviations, an additional medical examination should be carried out on the susceptibility of the intestines and stomach to a new drug.