
Witcher 2 side quests chapter 1. Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Preparations for the winter from tomatoes


Main tasks

Bad reception

With the help of Roche, the commander of a special detachment, we get out of the dungeons of the castle of La Valette. In search of the killer of the king, we go on Vernon's ship to the trading post Flotsam. Dropping anchor near the town, we go for reconnaissance.

We leave the ship in company with Triss Merigold and Vernon Roche and move through the forest towards the city. Suddenly we hear the sound of a flute. Roche is sure that there are elves nearby. Very soon we will meet face to face with Iorvet, the famous elven partisan and old acquaintance of Roche. From the conversation, we understand that the elves have been hunting for Roche for a long time; in addition, Iorveth harbors Foltest's killer. By quoting the commander of the Scoia'tael, we have a "conflict of interest." Triss fires magical lightning towards the elf, but he dodges, and in response, a hail of arrows rains down on us from the nearest thickets. Triss instantly creates a magical barrier around our little squad, reaching which, all the arrows turn into butterflies. Unfortunately, this drains the sorceress's powers and she faints. Roche picks up Triss, and we cover their retreat. [Combat] We do not advise you to go beyond the magical barrier: then the witcher will face a quick death from elven arrows. Against the attacking Scoia'tael, we advise you to use power equipment. Roche carries Triss into the city, and we follow him, repelling the attacking elves as necessary. So we reach the gates of Flotsam, where local guards come to our aid. Iorveth promises that we will meet again... The guard warns that if we hurry, we will be in time for the execution, which is to take place on the main square of the city.

By the will of the gods and executive fools

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

As we already know from the guards, it is planned to execute criminals in the city. Passing through Flotsam, we see people hurrying to the square: they can’t wait to look at this spectacle. Soon we reach the main square of the city. On the scaffold, already with nooses around their necks, are our friends: Zoltana and Lyutika. It turns out that the poet is Roche's informant. As soon as we approach the gallows, a guard starts a conversation with us. We learn from him that Zoltan is accused of complicity with the Scoia'tael, and Buttercup is accused of debauchery and debauchery. [Choice] We have two ways to resolve the situation: [A] we can set the crowd on the guards, or [B] intimidate the guards. It doesn't matter which way we choose: in any case, we will have to fight with the guards.

After our victory, the executioner begins to hang the condemned, so we have to deal with him. And that means another fistfight. After defeating the executioner, Loredo, the commandant of the local garrison, appears in the square. Regardless of our

answers, we can achieve the abolition of the execution of Zoltan and Dandelion. They are given back their freedom, but are forbidden to leave the city. Moreover, the commandant invites you to come to his mansion in the evening of the same day (task A vile offer).

Friends warmly thank us and invite us to the nearest tavern to celebrate the miraculous salvation. After that, we are completely free: you can go looking for side quests or just gawk at the city. After 21.00 we should go to Loredo's mansion.

vile suggestion

Rescuing Dandelion and Zoltan from the gallows, we get acquainted with the commandant of the city. He invites us to him. It is absolutely impossible to refuse the offer, so after 21.00 we go to Loredo's mansion. We should talk to the guard at the gate: he will take our weapons. During this conversation, Roche will join us: he also wants to get to know the commandant better. We enter the mansion, talking to Vernon.


Our satellite notices that the commandant has a ballista, and it is directed to the harbor. Thanks to her, all ships entering and leaving Flotsam are under the control of Loredo. If we do not want to depend on the favors of Loredo in the future, it is worth putting the gun out of action in advance. However, the ballista is under guard, so we should somehow divert the attention of the guard. For this, there is nothing better than a beautiful woman ... Therefore, we need the help of the courtesan Margaret, who is standing at the mansion. Depending on what we tell her, she will help us [A] for a small fee [B] or in exchange for a favor. In the latter case, we will have to teach a lesson to two impudent guards, Myron and Alphonse. These two are found nearby, and we need to defeat them in a hand fight. Whichever way we choose (to pay or provide a service), Margarita will take the guard away to demonstrate her art to him. We'll have plenty of time to deal with the ballista. In addition, we can postpone this task until later and go to a meeting with the commandant first, but why waste time in vain? Having broken the ballista, we go to Loredo.

Climbing the stairs, we find ourselves at the entrance to the house. The path is blocked by a guard who says that Loredo is busy - he has a meeting with the sorceress Sheala. Roche suggests waiting downstairs. We can try to look around, but all the passages are either closed or guarded, so we go down to Roche.

Vernon says he can distract the guard guarding the mansion's backyard while we sneak in there and see what's going on in the backyard. At this moment, if we have not yet killed the monster blocking the entrance to the harbor (Keyran's task), a merchant will contact us. If we agree to listen to him, he will tell you that part of a unique trap lies in the backyard of the mansion. It can be used when hunting kayran. According to the merchant, sooner or later we will have to fight this monster. Finding a part of the trap is a good excuse to take advantage of Roche's offer and look into the backyard.

While Vernon distracts the guard, we go down the stairs and find ourselves on the corner of the Loredo residence. Here you need to hide behind the stone on the right as quickly as possible. Then you have to wait until the guard turns his back on us so that we can stun him. Next, we, trying not to make noise (and this is not an easy task, because we can stumble on a bucket standing next to it), we must sneak up on the guard around the corner and stun him too. So we get to the backyard. Once under the windows of the house, we can overhear the commandant's conversation with the sorceress. When it ends, we return to Roche and go together to meet Loredo - now is the time to talk to him.

If the guards catch us in the backyard, we will still end up at Loredo's, but we won't find out what he was talking about with the sorceress. We'll just be led past her as she leaves the commandant's room. Loredo will ask what the witcher, accused of killing Foltest, is doing in "his" city. No matter what we answer, in the end Loredo will give us a task: to deal with Iorveth and his squad. He will offer to seek help from Zoltan, since he is connected with the Scoia'tael. If the dwarf is still forbidden to leave the city,

Loredo will promise to release him in return for one more favor: we must kill the kayran, the monster that blocked the harbor. We can, of course, accept Loredo's offer or reject it if we don't want to deal with city officials. After the conversation, you can do side quests, go hunting for kayran (Keyran quest), and if the monster has already been killed, focus on finding Iorveth (Killer of Kings quest).


Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

We have already suffered from the actions of the monster that plagued the inhabitants of Flotsam when sailing into the city: it was because of him that the Blue Stripes ship could not enter the harbor. When we visit a tavern for the first time, immediately after our conversation with friends, a peasant bursts into the hall, calling the people to arms. It turns out that the keiran attacked the pier. Triss suggests they go see what's going on in the harbor. According to her, there is someone casting spells.

We're going after the peasant. Upon arrival, it turns out that the monster has already disappeared, but the sorceress and several poor people are waiting for us on the pier. It turns out that the sorceress knows us. The peasants are extremely hostile: in their opinion, the magician almost killed a certain Zosik. Depending on what we say [Choice], this skirmish will have a different outcome. [A] We can try to intimidate the peasants. If they do not heed the threats, a fight will begin. Also [B]we can ask what is going on; this will allow us to convince the peasants that the monster is to blame for everything and it is not worth scolding the sorceress.

Regardless of our choice, then we will talk to Sheala de Tanserville. She will say that she arrived in Flotsam as soon as she heard about the kayran. A certain Ludwig Moers, the only stranger left on the pier, will interrupt our conversation. He will say that local merchants give a reward for killing a monster. In his opinion, Sheala and the witcher will be able to handle him. Sheala makes us an offer: she is ready to take part in the battle with the monster and even give us all the money received for him. She only needs the ingredients that can be extracted from the monster's body. Sheala advises us to meet with the merchant, negotiate a price with him, and perhaps find out something else. She herself goes to the room, which she rents on the second floor of the tavern. You can find it there if you need it.

Keiran: a matter of price

So, we go to the merchant to discuss the reward for killing the monster. We can scare him, use the Axii Sign on him, or simply ask him to raise the price. In addition, we may require an advance payment. The merchant himself knows little about the monster and advises you to contact Cedric, a local trapper. It can be found in Bindyug, a hamlet under the city walls.

Without wasting time, we go in search of Cedric. Near the gate we meet Triss, who asks us not to do business with Sheala. Whatever we tell her in response, she will go with us to look for Cedric. As we pass through the village, we can hear the guard and the elf talking about him. If you talk to her, she will explain how to find Cedric.

We find the elf Cedric in the specified location. Among other things, he will tell you that the kayran killed many with poisonous mucus. The witcher should study this poison before engaging in battle with the monster. Cedric will say that he saw traces of a monster near the broken ship in the east. After talking with the elf, Triss will teleport: she will be waiting for us at the wreck of the ship.

We walk through the forest up the river, hoping to stumble upon the tracks of the monster. After a while, at the ruins of the bridge, we see Triss. On the shore, we will notice the ship that Cedric spoke of. It remains to go down. When we are almost at the ship, several drowners will attack us. [Combat] Defeating them is easy, just use quick attacks with a silver sword. After defeating the monsters, we collect kayran slime, from which we have to brew a potion. It will make us immune to the monster's poison. In addition to slime for the potion, we need tenecost - a rare underground plant. Triss advises us to return to Cedric and ask him a couple of questions, she herself remains at the ship.

Keiran: tenecost

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

So, we again need the help of an elf-trapper. We return to Bindyuga. If we do not find Cedric on the watchtower, then he is at home, in the village. We tell Cedric that we've tracked down the monster slime, but we still need the tenecost. Unfortunately, the elf does not have this plant. If it can be found somewhere, then only in a cave near the ruins in the south.

The entrance to the cave is hidden by a waterfall and is located near the elven ruins. Several flocks of nakers are waiting for us inside. [Combat] When fighting a pack, it is worth using the Aard Sign: it can be used to knock down opponents. After that, it remains only to finish them off with one blow of the silver sword. At the far end of the cave we find a tenecost. Now we can make an antidote for kayran poison. We return to Flotsam with the antidote and inform Sheala that we are ready to face the monster. The sorceress says that she will be waiting for us at the destroyed bridge near the monster's lair. When we get to the place, she tells her plan. She will stay at the top and support us with magic, but we will go down and meet the kayran face to face. [Combat] Dealing with this monster will not be easy. It attacks with huge tentacles, and if you get too close, it spits poisonous slime. The best way to deal with it is to immobilize the tentacles one at a time with the Sign of Yrden, and then cut them off with a silver sword. When we deal with four of the six Kayran tentacles, a scene begins in which you will need to quickly press the desired buttons (QTE scene). This will end the battle. Having finished with the monster, you can go for a reward in Flotsam, to the merchant.


Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Having received a reward for killing a kayran, at the entrance to Loredo's mansion we meet with Triss Merigold. The conversation can develop in different ways - depending on whether we accepted the commandant's proposal or not. In any case, we learn about the barge, standing in the harbor. It holds prisoners of the Scoia'tael, including Kiaran aep Easnillen, Iorveth's right hand. Maybe he knows something about Foltest's killer? We have to check it out, so let's go to the floating prison.

The ship is guarded by two soldiers. If we accepted the commandant's offer, they will let us through. If not, we have a problem. However, nothing is impossible: guards can be intimidated, bribed, or simply convinced. We board and go down to the lower deck where Kiaran is being held. The elf is severely beaten: he is unconscious and almost dying. To bring him to his senses, Triss needs our help: we must calm him down with the Sign of Axii, and at this time the sorceress will cast healing spells on him. After that, we can talk to Kiaran. If the dialogue is successful, then we will learn that the huge man we saw with Iorveth is Leto. It was he who killed Foltest and Demavend. He used the elves to achieve his goals, and now he wants to get rid of both the Scoia'tael and Iorveth. As it turns out, it was Leto who destroyed the Kiaran squad. When we finish talking with the elf, Geralt has a vision: he remembers how the Wild Hunt kidnapped Yennefer.

Rose of memory

After learning about the visions, Triss says that he will try to return all the memories to Geralt. Cedric told her that roses of memory could be found near the elven ruins. If we bring these flowers to the sorceress, she will prepare a potion that restores memory. [Choice] [A] We can ask Triss to go to the ruins with us, or [B] go there alone.

[A] If we asked Merigold to come with us, then we will go to the elven ruins in her company. Walking through the forest should be extremely careful: there are a lot of traps set by hunters, and monsters (nakers and endriags) who only dream of cracking down on us. Near the waterfall, Triss notices that the ruins must be somewhere nearby. We follow her up the hill. From there we see the most beautiful ruins of an elven garden where roses of memory grow. We pluck flowers, and near the statue of elven lovers we are attacked by three bandits. [Combat] Defeating them is not difficult, if you remember to put blocks. During the battle, the ground under our feet falls through, and we find ourselves together with Triss in the elven bath. We are trying to destroy the wall with the help of the Aard sign, but nothing comes of it. It's time to talk to Triss. If we play our cards correctly, then we find ourselves in the water with her. If we are talking about business, then we will not see love passion. Triss asks us to forget about everything, run with her and start a new life away from here. At the end of the conversation, we again try to use the Aard Sign against the wall, and this time we will succeed. If we make love to Triss, we'll lose our heads and forget about time. In this case, Vernon Roche, worried about our long absence, will come to our aid. After that, we will return to Flotsam to talk to Zoltan. According to Triss, he can lead us to Iorveth.

[B] If we decide to go for roses alone, then we go to the waterfall, the location of which we already know well from the search for tenecost. Along the way, we will have to face nakers and endryags. [Combat] Knuckers are best knocked down with the Aard Sign, and then finished off with a single blow of the silver sword. Endriag is better to immobilize with the Sign of Yrden. The ruins we are looking for are above the waterfall. We climb the hill and find roses of memory near the statue of the elf lovers. We pluck them and return to Flotsam, where we give them to Triss. The sorceress says that Zoltan can help in the search for Iorveth, since he is somehow connected with the Scoia'tael. We find Zoltan in an inn. If we tell him that we need to see Iorveth and that he may know the killer of kings, the dwarf will agree to help.

So we, together with Zoltan, go to the forest, to the place of his previous meeting with squirrels. We soon realize that we are being watched. At the last moment, Zoltan says the password, but the elves still do not lower their bows from us. Zoltan leads us to another meeting point, but he warns that it is a trap. The place where the Scoia'tael sent us is the lair of the spider crab. However, for the witcher this is not a problem. Zoltan leads us to the monsters. Before entering the clearing with the spider crab, we can offer our friend to wait for us: the dwarf is not a witcher and is not trained to fight monsters. You can take Zoltan with you: one more pair of hands is never superfluous in a fight. [Combat] Killing the spider crab is much more difficult than the monsters encountered in the forest before. For this, it is best to use the Yrden and Igni Signs. Don't forget the block. When we deal with the spider crab, a detachment of elves appears in the clearing, led by Iorveth. If the conversation with the elf commander fails, death awaits us. Therefore, it is worth maintaining politeness: do not anger the enemy who has the full advantage. We explain to Iorveth that Leto wants him dead and that it was he who killed the elves from the Kiaran squad. Skoya'tael does not believe us, but is ready to check our words. He suggests a trick: we bring the murderer Foltest Iorvet with his hands tied and see what happens next. During this time, the Iorveth elves will cover their commander from afar.

We go with Iorveth to meet Leto. We once again visit the elven ruins, where near the statue of Eldan and Simoril we find the killer of kings.

A conversation with Leto quickly proves to Iorveth the correctness of our words. Foltest's killer is really going to get rid of his former allies. We also learn that he has assistants in Upper Aedirn. When the battle begins, the elves from the detachment of Iorveth are attacked by the suddenly appearing people of Roche. [Choice] Iorveth asks us to give him his sword. [A] If we return the weapon to him, he will turn it against Roche's men and escape the encirclement. In the future, this will lead to a pogrom of non-humans in Flotsam. [B] If we refuse him, then Iorveth will be captured by Roche, and a festival will be held in our honor in Flotsam. In any case, having made a choice, we will again find ourselves in the bath of the elves. This time with Leto. [Combat] Dueling the Kingslayer is not easy. You should block enemy attacks, use signs and power strikes. Unfortunately, we underestimate our opponent, and Leto catches us by surprise, using tricks from the witcher's arsenal. He disarms us - now we are in his power. And he surprises us again, leaving us alive! Letho says that we are alike, and then leaves the bathhouse, wondering aloud if Triss can teleport him to Aedirn...

Either Iorveth or Roche finds us in the ruins (depending on whether we helped the elf or not). There is no time for talking: Leto went looking for Triss, so we must get to her first.

Where is Triss?

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Depending on our choice in the Assassins of Kings quest, Iorveth can repel the attack of Roche and his people [A], or not, and then he will be captured [B]. In Flotsam, either [A] there will be a massacre of non-humans, or [B] a holiday in honor of Geralt and Roche.

When we get to Flotsam, we are stopped by a guard at the gate. If we decide to work with Loredo during the quest A Vile Proposal, we will be freely allowed into the city. If we refused the commandant, then the guard will refuse to let us through. In this case, we can persuade him, intimidate him, or use the Axii Sign. Entering the city, we find ourselves in the epicenter of the pogrom: people kill non-humans. When we reach the inn, we hear Buttercup's voice. Judging by his screams, he has serious problems. We enter the tavern. It turns out that the local redneck is going to have fun with two elves, whom the bard protects with the last of his strength. We can try to convince the enraged men to go home, or use the Axii Sign. If we fail, a fight will start.

[Combat] Fist fighting is based on the principle of quick keystrokes (QTE) and for a witcher it will be uncomplicated. After the fight, Dandelion briefly talks about the pogrom. We ask about Triss and find out that she was going to talk to Sheala when Buttercup told her about the megascope. So, we go to Sheala's room on the second floor of the tavern. Here we find traces of blood and a hole in the wall. Someone probably did it to peep into the next room, where the brothel is located. We go to the brothel madams to get at least some information. It turns out that Triss was talking to Philippa Eilhart. Garvena also says that she saw Cedric wander somewhere towards the forest, and traces of blood from Sheala's room lead outside the city. We drink the elixir of the Cat, which will allow us to follow the bloody footprints. Following them, we cross the forest and enter a clearing in front of a waterfall. Here we find the dying Cedric. Gathering his last strength, the elf tells us what happened. Triss asked him for help. When they entered Sheala's room, they were attacked by the witcher. He was so fast that Cedric couldn't do anything. The witcher overpowered the sorceress and forced her to teleport both of them using a megascope. It seems that he was going to get into the vicinity of the dwarf city of Vergen, which is located in Upper Aedirn or, as it is otherwise called, Upper Marchia. Cedric is dying in our arms... Some time later, Zoltan and Buttercup find us in the forest...

[B: Iorveth is captured, the city is having a feast] After our duel with Leto, Roche finds us. He says that he was able to take Iorveth prisoner. However, the killer has fled, which means Triss is in danger. We run to Flotsam with Roche. In the town square we meet Loredo. The commandant announces a holiday in our honor and calls us heroes. When we reach the inn, we hear Buttercup ranting. Maybe he knows where Triss is? The bard tells that Triss went to Sheala, to the room she rents on the second floor of the tavern. We go upstairs to look at the sorceress's room. There we find traces of blood and see a hole in the wall. Behind the wall is a brothel, and perhaps they could see what happened here. So we go looking for witnesses. In the brothel we meet Buttercup's "familiar" elf Dere, who, as it turns out, was spying on Triss and Cedric along with Garvena. Merigold wanted to find out who de Tanserville was talking to through the megascope. Triss tried to contact the court magician of King Kaedwen, Detmold. What happened next, the elf does not know, but she heard the noise and sounds of the struggle. Going outside, she saw only Cedric, wandering towards the forest. And his bloody footprints... Using the Cat's elixir, we follow in his footsteps. Soon we reach a clearing at the waterfall. Here we find the dying Cedric. Gathering his last strength, the elf tells us what happened. Triss asked him for help. When they entered Sheala's room, Leto appeared. He was so fast that Cedric couldn't do anything. The witcher overpowered the sorceress and forced her to teleport both of them using a megascope. It seems that he was going to get into the vicinity of the dwarf city of Vergen, which is located in Upper Aedirn or, as it is otherwise called, Upper Marchia. Cedric is dying in our arms... Some time later, Zoltan and Buttercup find us in the forest...

At the crossroads

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Depending on our actions, a festival or a pogrom took place in Flotsam. Triss was kidnapped by Foltest's killer, Sheala disappeared, Cedric died... Not having time to move away from Cedric's body, we meet Buttercup and Zoltan.

Talking to our friends depends on how we treated Iorveth. [Choice] [A] Buttercup reveals that Roche is planning something against Loredo. [B] Zoltan, on the other hand, starts to persuade us to help the Scoia'tael, who are planning to take over the prison barge. This is a difficult choice. [A] If we decide to help Roche (quest Death to a traitor!), then we finish the first chapter with him. [B] If we take the side of Iorveth and help him free the captives, or help the Scoia'tael to free Iorveth (The Floating Prison task), then by the end of the first chapter we will come with him, and the second chapter will start in a completely different place.

Vernon Roche

Roche can be found at his home in Flotsam, and Iorveth wanders around the elven ruins. Everyone will be able to tell us a lot of interesting things. As we learn from Roche, Loredo has sold out to Kaedwen and is harboring a spy, Henselt, in the city. Vernon wants to capture the Kaedweni infiltrator and extract all the useful information from him. Loredo himself was sentenced to death (task Death to a traitor!).


In the Scoia'tael camp, we learn that the elves are going to go to Aedirn, to the dwarf city of Vergen. Iorvet says that the Maiden of Aedirn rules there, under which the sorceress Philippa Eilhart is. Deva wants to create a truly independent state in the Pontara Valley, in which there is a place for both people and elves. The Kaedweni army, led by King Henselt, is preparing to storm Vergen, and Iorveth wants to help defend the city. In order to be on time, he needs to capture the prison barge (task Floating prison).

Death to a traitor!

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

If we decide to help Roche, we will have to participate in the plan he developed. According to Vernon's plan, Bianca must disguise herself as a prostitute and sneak into the traitor's mansion. We will help her in the murder of Roche. The rest of the Blue Stripes will come to our aid only as a last resort. After dark, we go to where it is easiest to climb the wall surrounding the commandant's mansion. There is a ladder waiting for us here, so we can climb onto the platform next to the top of the wall. From here we will see a girl running away from a richly dressed man.

We jump into the garden, sneak up on the man and stun him. The girl tells us that Bianca was taken to the tower. The door of the tower is locked, and the key is at the guards. The second key is kept by Loredo's mother, who cooks fisstech in the basement. We can sneak through the garden without being seen. If we prefer bloodshed, we can simply kill all the guards. In any case, we get to the wooden fence. Jumping over it, we get through the window into Loredo's house. We go down, deal with the guard and enter the room at the end of the corridor. This is the basement where the commandant's mother lives. Here we again have to press the right buttons (QTE) in time. We climb up, defeat or kill the guards, and finally reach the top floor. We sneak past the sleeping guards and take the key to Loredo's quarters from the chest by the window.

We go upstairs and open the door... Inside we see a bound Bianca. Loredo pounces on us from the next room. Here again a small QTE scene awaits us, and if we are not quick enough, then Geralt will die. We defeat the enemy and free Bianca. Some sounds are heard from the next room, we check it and see there ... the elf Moril, who is about to give birth. We decide to take her out of the commandant's house, but halfway through the plans change: the elf's water breaks. Bianca takes her back, and we go for help. We are finally leaving the tower. Luckily, Roche's squad is waiting for us outside. The ship is ready to sail. It's time to go to the border of Aedirn and Kaedwen...

floating prison

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

Detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter

If we sympathize with Iorveth and believe that cooperation with him is the best way to track down the murderer of Foltest and the kidnapper of Triss Merigold, we agree to help the elves. The plan is simple. Sneak into the city, capture the prison barge with a swift and unexpected attack, and sail to Aedirn. After talking in the elven ruins with Iorveth or with the dwarf (if Iorveth was captured in the Assassins of Kings quest), we go to meet with Iorveth and his squad (or only with the squad). Here the squirrel squad leader lays out his plan. He gives us his best scout and several elves and orders us to get to Flotsam along the river bank. The rest of the elves must attack under him from the river. [Choice] If Iorveth has not been captured, we can suggest another way. To do this, we need to disagree with the plan of the elves [A] and offer to infiltrate Flotsam with the help of deception [B].

[A] If we agreed with the plan of the elves, then follow the scout to the cliffs. Upon reaching the river, we see the departing ship of Vernon Rocher. We follow the scout further, and at some point he notices a Temerian patrol. [Choice] Here we need to make a choice: either we get involved in the battle and give ourselves away (which will make the battle in the port much more difficult), or we let the guards pass by. Having reached the pier, we find a mass of soldiers in the port. But it's too late: warn the second part

We won't make it to the squad. The only thing left for us is to join the battle.

[B] If we follow our own plan, then we go to the city, accompanied by Iorweth alone; he pretends to be our prisoner. This trick is not perfect: the guards start pestering us, asking for permission to beat the famous elf commander. If we agree, Iorvet is beaten. If we refuse, the guards let us through anyway. In the end, we lead Iorveth to the prison barge and take the soldiers by surprise. At our signal, a detachment of squirrels launches an attack from the forest. With this scenario, we gain an advantage due to the surprise factor. As a result, the battle will be more difficult than in the implementation of Iorveth's plan, but shorter.

[Combat] Don't forget to block attacks and use the Sign of Yrden. Defeating more and more new opponents, we are moving towards the prison barge. We defeat the guards on the deck and below, and then free the captives (including Iorveth if he was captured in the Kingslayer mission). When the ship is ready to sail, we see that Loredo sets fire to the toll collector's tower, where there are several elves. At the last moment, Geralt jumps onto the pier. [Choice] [A] We can try to get to the tower and save the elf, or [B] go after the commandant.

[A] We run to the tower. We neutralize two people of the commandant standing at the door; then we climb into the tower and free the elf. Their salvation is a simple QTE scene in which we are required to rhythmically press the keys that appear on the screen. If we can keep all the elves alive, one of them will thank us in the future... But that will be in the second chapter. If we delay, we may die in the fire, so it's better to hurry. When it's over, we jump into the river. The elves pull us out of the water, and we go to Aedirn.

[B] If we want to bring justice to the murderer, we must leave the elves to their own fate and follow the commandant. We find him in the town square. It looks like he's waiting for us. We'll have to fight Loredo and his guards. [Combat] Loredo is armed with a halberd, so we should be extremely careful; It's best to approach him from the side. The signs of Aard and Yrden will also be very useful: with their help, we can quickly deal with the guards. Having done justice, we return to the pier, where the ship is waiting for us. We go upstream, to the dwarf city of Vergen.

Rescuing Dandelion and Zoltan from the gallows, we get acquainted with the commandant of the city. He invites us to him. It is absolutely impossible to refuse the offer, so after 21.00 we go to Loredo's mansion. We should talk to the guard at the gate: he will take our weapons. During this conversation, Roche will join us: he also wants to get to know the commandant better. We enter the mansion, talking to Vernon.


Our satellite notices that the commandant has a ballista, and it is directed to the harbor. Thanks to her, all ships entering and leaving Flotsam are under the control of Loredo. If we do not want to depend on the favors of Loredo in the future, it is worth putting the gun out of action in advance. However, the ballista is under guard, so we should somehow divert the attention of the guard. For this, there is nothing better than a beautiful woman ... Therefore, we need the help of the courtesan Margarita, who is standing at the mansion. Depending on what we tell her, she will help us [A] for a small reward [B] or in exchange for a favor. In the latter case, we will have to teach two impudent guards, Myron and Alphonse. These two are located nearby, and we need to defeat them in a hand fight. Whichever way we choose (to pay or provide a service), Margarita will take the guard to demonstrate her art to him. We'll have plenty of time to deal with the ballista. In addition, we can postpone this task until later and go to a meeting with the commandant first, but why waste time? Having broken the ballista, we go to Loredo.

By the way, you can buy any gadgets for Xbox-One, be it joysticks or gamepads, as well as other accessories, on the website of the online store at a bargain price.

Climbing the stairs, we find ourselves at the entrance to the house. The path is blocked by a guard who says that Loredo is busy - he has a meeting with the sorceress Sheala. Roche suggests waiting downstairs. We can try to look around, but all the passages are either closed or under guard, so we go down to Roche.

Vernon says he can distract the guard guarding the mansion's backyard while we sneak in there and see what's going on in the backyard. At this moment, if we have not yet killed the monster blocking the entrance to the harbor (Keyran's task), one merchant will contact us. If we agree to listen to him, he will tell that part of a unique trap lies in the backyard of the mansion. It can be used when hunting kayran. According to the merchant, sooner or later we will have to fight this monster. Finding a part of the trap is a good excuse to take advantage of Roche's offer and look into the backyard.

While Vernon distracts the guard, we go down the stairs and find ourselves on the corner of the Loredo residence. Here you need to hide behind the stone on the right as quickly as possible. Then we have to wait until the guard turns his back on us so that we can stun him. Next, we, trying not to make noise (and this is not an easy task, because we can stumble on a bucket standing next to it), should sneak up on the guard around the corner and stun him too. So we get to the backyard. Once under the windows of the house, we can overhear the commandant's conversation with the sorceress. When it ends, we return to Roche and go together to meet Loredo - now is the time to talk to him.

If the guards catch us in the backyard, we will still end up at Loredo's, but we won't know what he was talking about with the sorceress. We'll just be led past her as she leaves the commandant's room. Loredo will ask what the witcher, accused of killing Foltest, is doing in "his" city. No matter what we answer, in the end Loredo will give us a task: to deal with Iorveth and his squad. He will offer to seek help from Zoltan, as he is connected with the Scoia'tael. If the dwarf is still forbidden from leaving the city, Loredo promises to release him in return for one more favor: we must kill the kayran, the monster that blocked the harbor. We can, of course, accept Loredo's offer, or reject it if we don't want to deal with city officials. After the conversation, you can do side quests, go hunting for the kayran (Keyran quest), and if the monster has already been killed, focus on finding Iorveth (Killer of Kings quest).



Loredo's residence has a ballista. You should not leave such a powerful weapon in the clutches of this madman, so Roche offers Geralt to neutralize it.

The witcher approaches the prostitute Margarita standing nearby and asks her to distract the guard, but you will have to pay for this either in cash or in deed. If in the first case everything is clear, then in the second one you need to defeat two thugs, Miron and Alphonse, in a fist fight.

Now Margarita will distract the guard, and the Wolf will be able to neutralize the ballista by pulling out one of its parts.

Mystic River


In Kayran's lair, there is a shipwreck with a skeleton lying around. The wolf decides to inspect the skeleton and the ship. At the skeleton, he finds a key, and a little further, on the same ship, a chest opened by this key. Inside is a diary that should be put in the royal mailbox. It is located in Flotsam, on the desktop of Ludwig Moers.

The quest continues in the second chapter.

Sword on Monsters


Geralt arrives in Flotsam without a silver sword, so we must urgently look for a replacement for the old one, before it comes to fighting monsters with steel weapons.

There are several ways to get a silver sword:

  1. Take the drawing in the chest located next to Roche's ship, collect the necessary ingredients and, in fact, create a blade.
  2. Buy a silver-plated sword from Bertolt Canderelia.
  3. Buy a strong witcher's silver sword from the Mysterious Merchant.
  4. Import a character from the first part of the Witcher adventures, in whose inventory there must be some kind of silver sword (in this case, the quest will end as soon as it starts)

Hand Wrestling: Flotsam


A new form of entertainment in the world of The Witcher is arm wrestling. In the first chapter, the Wolf will be able to compete with the following opponents: Zoltan, Skinny Yuzva, Yanosha Zhyly, Fat Mikel, Bartholomew Barka.

Poker game: Flotsam


Old habits don't go away, do they? The Witcher is again given the opportunity to play poker. In Flotsam, his opponents will be the following personalities: Bandek, Casimir, Zyndrab, Einar Hussel, Burnt.

One on One: Flotsam


The witcher enters the lower floor of the tavern and sees people fighting. No, this is not a robbery, but a tournament. As soon as Geralt talks to one of the spectators, Sheridan will approach the Wolf and offer to take part. The Witcher will have to fight Ose, then Naizzhop (a chic name), then Baby Dodu.

Fight club


After winning fights in the tavern, the Witcher meets a man named Ziggy, offering to take part in fights with more serious stakes.

The wolf approaches the tavern at night, accepts Ziggy's offer, and together they go to Loredo's residence. It also turns out that he also conducts underground fisticuffs.

The Witcher will have to fight with four opponents: Dry, Marco, Cleaver and Zhdan.

When the Witcher defeats the first three, Loredo will approach him, who will offer to lose the last battle in exchange for a third of the winnings. You can accept his offer (or even ask for more) or refuse.

Option 1: Geralt does as Loredo says, but at the end he finds that he was swindled and left with nothing.

Option 2: The wolf ignores Loredo and wins the fight, receiving a reward from him and Ziggy (however, later in the city, the Witcher will be attacked by two bandits sent by the commandant).

Disappearance of Garvena


If the Witcher helped Roche, then on the upper rooms of the tavern, when the Witcher will question the witnesses of the events that took place in Sheala's room, the Wolf will find out that the prostitute of Garven has disappeared.

Geralt goes downstairs to the lower floor of the tavern and finds Garvena hanged, as well as her note. Such are the things.



The Witcher sees how, in the Bindyuga region, the guards pester the elf, accusing her of collaborating with the squirrels, since two members of the city guard have disappeared, and they were last seen with her.

The Witcher decides to look into everything, and then the guards with Malena go to the cave (it is very close to the place where Vernon, Triss and Geralt landed at the beginning of the first chapter).

The wolf enters the cave and sees traces of blood. He walks along them, killing the neckers along the way, until he stumbles upon the bodies of these very missing guards. Still, the elf lured them into a trap.

Option: 1 upon returning to the guards, Geralt surrenders Malena with giblets. You can either immediately send her to Loredo, or listen to her. She asks to follow her to prove her innocence, but at the same time she lures the group into a trap of Skoya "taels. The witcher and the guards kill the squirrels, and Malena is sent to Loredo.

Option 2: Returning, Geralt says that the guards were killed by monsters. Malena wants to thank the Witcher and offers to meet at the waterfall in the forest. And again, this turns out to be a trap: Malena runs away, and the Scoia "taels attack the Wolf. Having dealt with the enemies, the Witcher runs to the destroyed hospital, and now the fate of the elf is in his hands: he can let her go, surrender Loredo or make her pay for all these traps and kill.

The smell of incense


At the docks, the Wolf will meet the scientist Wenzel Pagg, who will ask you to get a certain recipe from one of the merchants.

This merchant turns out to be Vilmos Bartok. His shop is located near the tavern. Vilmos will offer a fake recipe; Geralt can agree or scare the merchant into giving away the real formula.

Upon returning to the alchemist, he wants to test the formula in his laboratory. If you have a desire to fail the quest, you can refuse and then be ambushed in the forest. If not, then we agree and meet with the scientist outside the gates of the city. Now he also offers to blindfold the Wolf, since the location of the laboratory is secret.

Option 1: The Witcher agrees and is blindfolded. He is stunned, shortly after that he wakes up in a cell in the laboratory, and this will end the quest if the recipe is real. If it's fake, then you'll have to deal with bandits.

Option 2: The Witcher does not want to be blindfolded, so you will have to get to the laboratory yourself. You can get to it by leaving Bindyuga along the high road and turning left at the second turn. Then we go along the road and turn to the river, there will be a cave. Wenzel will be waiting at the end of the cave. If the recipe is real, then just give it to him and finish the quest, if not, you will have to deal with the bandits.

Incense Shop


Having received the task from Wenzel Pagg to take the recipe from Vilmos Bartok, the Witcher approaches the shop and sees a crowd of people. The wolf approaches a woman named Matilda and learns that Vilmos is selling a drug that drives people crazy.

When talking to the Wolf, Vilmos says that he just picked up the ingredients. Either we take his word for it, or we cover the shop by persuasion or intimidation.

Now you can return to Matilda.

In the Claws of Madness


Geralt asks Cedric about work and learns about the disappearance of two people who went to the burned hospital.

The Witcher finds one of the missing men, Rupert, at the waterfall, but the second, Gridlya, is still in the hospital. The conversation is interrupted by the attack of the nakers.

A little further south is the hospital itself. The witcher descends into the dungeons, killing a couple of neckers, and enters the first room of the hospital. Immediately, he sees a ghost that passes through the wall. The witcher goes to the end of the corridor and through the opening enters a large room with two hostile ghosts (we use aard, irden and dodge more often). The wolf again sees the first ghost, which this time passes through the fire. Geralt approaches the flame, and it disappears, opening a passage to the lower levels of the asylum. Going down, Geralt encounters two more ghosts that need to be destroyed. The witcher moves forward and sees the ghost again.

The wolf moves on and finally discovers Gridlya, but he is not in the best condition, to put it mildly. Realizing that nothing intelligible can be achieved from him now, Geralt goes for medicine. Walking forward a little, Geralt turns and finds a chest guarded by another pair of ghosts. After killing them, the Wolf finds a cure in the chest, returns to Gridla and learns that treasures are hidden in the hospital. The witcher goes into the next room and meets the same ghost that he has been following all this time; he demands the heart and eyes of Rupert and Gridley. The Witcher returns to Gridla and takes him to Rupert, to the surface.

Option 1: The Witcher tells Gridle and Rupert that the ghost needs their hearts and eyes. They suggest substitutions: use organs, or pigs, or nakers. If in the second case everything is clear, then in the first case you need to go to the butcher in Flotsam.

Returning to the ghost, Geralt discovers that he is not so easy to deceive: he will immediately feel the substitution, whether it be pork or nicker organs, and will attack Geralt. The fight itself is not difficult, but you should avoid the walls, as they are on fire.

Having dealt with the ghost, Geralt returns to Gridla and Rupert and can either let them go or send them to Leredo.

Option 2: Geralt traps Rupert and Gridlya in a ghost trap. This is where the quest ends.



The Witcher enters the Blue Stripes' headquarters and discovers a small party held in honor of the defacement of the statue of Veiopathis.

You can talk to Bianca, Thirteenth and Fenn. With Bianca there is an opportunity to compete in throwing knives; you need to get into a ham, a map and an oar on the wall. And with Fenn and the Thirteenth - to compete in the fight on the hands.

Shortly after all this, people appear, angry at the desecration of the statue of Veiopathis. Roche intervenes, who is now a bit angry. You can try to calm him down. If the persuasion does not work, you will have to fight him with your fists. You can also do nothing, and then the quest will end.

Throughout this time, Geralt drinks, and eventually we lose control over the character.

The witcher turns out to be half-naked with a tattoo on his neck on the shore and wallows there until one of the locals finds him. To find out what happened, you have to pay for information or scare. The Witcher is sent to Garvena (the third floor of the tavern). Will have to pay again; The wolf is now walking towards Bianca.

Bianca sits at the Blue Stripes headquarters and tells Geralt where he got the tattoo from, how he ended up out of town, and what actually happened. All the things of the Wolf are contained in a chest in the next room.

Heart of Melitele


In Bindyuga, the Witcher finds the woman Aneshka in the farthest house and shows her the amulet. She is interested in buying it, and the Wolf can ask with the help of persuasion about the reason. She says that the amulet is cursed and that she can restore it, but for this she needs four ingredients:

  1. essence of death
  2. troll tongue,
  3. endryage embryo,
  4. head eyes.
The Witcher returns to Aneshka and gives the ingredients. Now it's time to move on to the ritual itself. Aneshka suggests meeting at the statue of Veiopathis at midnight.

The wolf arrives at the altar, and Aneshka begins the ritual. Of course, someone will not let you do everything calmly: ghosts attack the Wolf (three pieces; with the murder of each, a new one appears). Use aard and sometimes axius: chances are it will work. Having dealt with the ghosts, the Witcher receives the restored amulet.

Contract for Endriag


Near Flotsam, in the forest, endryags settled, for the destruction of which a reward is due. Who better than the Witcher, the slayer of monsters, is capable of such a task? Geralt takes a contract from the bulletin board and goes to the forest to hunt (before arranging an execution, I advise you to read the literature on the endriags, or simply kill them: this will also help to get information about them).

In total, there are three nests in the vicinity of the city, where there are three cocoons (three for each nest), one queen that appears after their destruction, and a bunch of ordinary endriags. It is not necessary to kill the latter, but it would be a wise decision to get rid of them; killing the queen is easier when no one interferes.

As soon as all 9 cocoons are opened and the queens are destroyed, the Wolf should go to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

Contract for Nakers
On the way to the destroyed bridge, where the troll settled, the Wolf meets a man attacked by nakers. The Witcher saves the poor fellow from the monsters and enters into a dialogue with him. Rescued, mentioning that the beast requires a drink for the passage, advises not to kill the troll, but to go to Khorab, whose house is located in Bindyug.

Geralt goes to Horab and learns from him that it is not worth killing the troll, otherwise there will be no bridge at all. He offers to force him to stop drinking and get to work.

The wolf returns to the bridge and starts a conversation with the troll. Regardless of the Witcher's intentions, the fight is unavoidable. When the enemy has about half of his health left, Geralt will be offered a choice: finish what he started or find out why the troll began to drink.

Option 1: the whole point is that someone killed his troll. The Witcher goes after an unknown killer, and our alcoholic, if the killer is destroyed, will return to work.

The witcher decides to ask Zoltan and Sheala about the troll, after which he goes to the house of the Burnt One (in the Bindyuga region) with a female troll's head on the wall ... He says that he bought it from Dimitar. Before you go after the killer, whose whereabouts the Burnt knows nothing, you can win a head in the bone, as for it the troll will give a drawing of the Hunter's Armor.

Though Burnt is unaware of Dimitar's whereabouts, he says that his men hang around the tavern. Going down to the lower floors of the tavern, Geralt meets one of Dimitar's servants, Gervant (hello from the first part). He certainly won't happily tell anyone about his boss's whereabouts, but intimidation and a fight will quickly remedy the situation.

Dimitra can be found in the cemetery (it is located near Bindyuga) in the company of henchmen. Fighting them is an easy task.

Having dealt with the killer, the Witcher returns to the troll, saying that he dealt with Dimitar, and also returning the head of the troll. As a reward, he will receive a drawing of the Hunter Armor.

Returning to Horab, Geralt learns that he is not going to pay the required amount, but persuasion or intimidation will fix this.

Option 2: The wolf kills the troll and returns to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

Looking into the location of the Blue Stripes, Geralt sees that a small party is being planned, about the damage to the statue of Veiopathis. Bianca will offer a knife throwing competition, (ham, map and paddle on the wall) with one of the soldiers, Fenn, and then with the Thirteenth, you can compete on your hands.

The fun will be interrupted by the locals, who did not like the attitude of the striped to their deity. Roche won't like this and will get mad. We'll have to calm him down. Well, that is, give him a punch in the face, so as not to show off much. The booze will continue and in the end ... we will come to our senses, or rather they will wake us up, lying on the river bank, in our underpants.

The one who wakes up for a certain amount will advise you to contact Garvena. But probably you can immediately go to Bianca, because Garvena will send us to her, but after we fork out. Bianca will tell you in detail how we (Geralt and five Blue Stripes) tried for four hours to cross the river, riding on whores. Then Geralt expressed a desire to become one of them and they made him a tattoo on his neck. (Such a clumsy drawing.)

All Geralt's things that he scattered everywhere, Bianca collected and put them in a chest by the window. We thank Bianca and go for things. By the way, you can immediately get rid of the tattoo, you just have to ask Triss about it.

Chapter 2

To start this quest, you need to be at the arena closer to noon. There are fights at this time. Fights are held according to certain rules, the fight is not to the death, but to the surrender of the enemy. We rise above the arena not far from the gate, there we will find Proxima, the organizer of the competition. Let's tell him that we would like to participate in fights. You will have to fight in turn, with three kaedwen knights. After the third victory, we will see a cutscene, as King Henselt scolds his warriors for not being able to defeat the witcher.

Then Bianca enters the scene and offers to fight the witcher. Henselt promises to double the reward if she succeeds. Let's slap Bianca on the pope and take the reward. I do not advise you to lose, Bianca will be very offended. And when we win, she will thank you for taking her seriously. While the impressions of the battle in the arena are still alive, we go to the camp of the Blue Stripes. We find Bianca and start a conversation about a wonderful duel. Then, in a conversation, say that you also want to use frankness. To her question, what he sees in her, we answer: - Brave and beautiful.

Bianchi has a jug of wine, from Toussaint itself. She offers to drink it. We certainly agree. And then, Bianca herself will propose the continuation of the banquet, and you, or agree ... Or can you refuse ?! Well, I don't know, I don't know...

Hand wrestling, fisticuffs and dice poker are favorite pastimes among the common people, and a good way to earn decent money. During arm wrestling it is important to keep the round marker within the yellow bar and bring them to the right edge of the black strip, then the victory will remain with the witcher, and the pockets will become heavier from orens. In fist fights it is important to timely press on the keyboard the names of the buttons that appear on the monitor. There is enough time to decide and choose a key to defeat any opponent without any problems, the main thing is not to rush and not to poke at random. In dice it is important to collect as many combinations of the highest value as possible. Unnecessary dice can be rerolled after the first roll by pointing them with the left mouse button. In case of any problems with the game - freezes, freezes and crashes to the desktop - you should update the game with a patch not lower than v1.1.

The combat system has changed radically. You can give him a completely different character depending on how you are able and develop your character. One thing is for sure: you should definitely read more than the first part of the series. The key to success is to exploit the opponent's weaknesses with his skilled options at the right time. Thus, a simple click of the left mouse button at the right time completely disappears.

It seems that the combat system is already much nicer, better and more mature. The combat animation is very well done. You can see how great it was when you first used a silver sword against a famous drowned man. The game looks fantastic on the highest graphics settings. The surroundings are unbeatable both inside the buildings and in wide panoramas. You can also forget the long loading times, like in the first part, when you still suffered from loading times even if you only entered small rooms.

Poker players on dice in The Witcher 2:

  • Kazimir, Bendek, Zyndar- the lower floor of the tavern in Flotsam.
  • Einar Gussel- a trading house opposite the forge of Berthold Candeleria in Flotsam.
  • burnt- a house in the center of Bindyuga, a village outside the city.
  • Cornelius Meyer, Bruno Biggs- a house behind the forge of Titus Magpie in the northern part of the city of Vergen (Iorvit's path).
  • Vergen Innkeeper
  • Cecile Bourdon- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" or the house at the gates of metallurgists in the east of the city (Iorvit's path).
  • Tit Magpie- a forge in the northern part of the city of Vergen (Iorvit's path).
  • Gondor and Fragil- next to the canteen-tavern of the Henselt camp (Vernon Rocher path).
  • Zyvik- at the main entrance to Henselt's camp, it can also be in the forge or near the arena (Vernon Roche's path).
  • Madame Karol- a brothel in front of the main entrance to the Henselt camp (Vernon Rocher path).
  • Lesovik- a forge in the Henselt camp, next to the main entrance (Vernon Roche's path).
Poker combinations of dice in The Witcher 2:
  • Poker- a combination of five identical bones.
  • Kare- a combination of four identical bones.
  • Full house- set and pair at the same time.
  • big straight- a combination of bones from two to six.
  • small straight- a combination of bones from one to five.
  • Set- a combination of three identical bones.
  • Two pairs- a combination of two double identical dice.
  • Pair.
  • Nothing
Fisticuff locations in The Witcher 2:
  • The bottom floor of the tavern in Flotsam and King Ziggy at the entrance to the tavern at night.
  • The tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" (the path of Iorvit) or the tournament arena in the camp of King Henselt (the path of Vernon Rocher).
  • Offended soldier or offended nobleman from the previous chapter in Loc Muinne.
Hand wrestlers in The Witcher 2:
  • Skinny Yuzwa (15), Janos Zhyla (25), Fat Mikel(30) - the first floor of the tavern in Flotsam.
  • Bartholomew Barca(100) - a house on the left edge of the Bindyuga or the river bank.
  • Zoltan Chivay, Yarpen Zigrin, Sheldon Skaggs- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" (Iorvit's path).
  • Scalen Bourdon- the tavern of the city of Vergen "Kotel" or a dwelling to the left of it (Iorvit's path).
  • Martin (20), Randal(20) and Magnus(30) - the lower part of the camp of King Henselt (the path of Vernon Roche).
  • Adam Pangratt(100) - the upper part of the camp of King Henselt (Vernon Roche's path).
  • Mighty Numa(200) - Loc Muinne market square.

If you ask Cedric about the work for the witcher, then the elf will tell you about the ruined manor, which became a hospital for the mentally ill during one of the wars with Nilfgaard. According to the elf, two explorers recently went to this house, and both disappeared. Intrigued, we begin an investigation. After passing through the forest, we meet with one of the missing, a certain Rupert, who asks us to help his friend, who is still in ruins. [Combat] At the ruins, we hear the roar of nakers, so we take out a silver sword and run to the hospital. With the help of the medallion, we must avoid all the traps hidden in the ruins. On the stairs leading to the basement, we meet a naker, who is not a big problem. Exploring the basement, we realize that this is a cursed place. We see the ghost of a Nilfgaardian soldier and everything around us flares up. We follow the ghost further into the ruins and get into a room where we are immediately attacked by several ghosts. [Combat] We take out the silver sword and fight back against these ghosts. In the chest, we find fragments of a medical record and continue to inspect the basements in search of Gridley. In the next room, we again see the ghost of the Nilfgaardian. He shows us where to go and leads us back into the trap... [Combat] Now more ghosts are attacking us. Much more. We defend ourselves with a silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Quen. After passing through the next few rooms, we finally find the one we are looking for. Gridlya is so frightened that little can be learned from him. We need to find a sedative to give to Gridle. We find the desired drug in the room on the right, which first has to be cleared of ghosts. Then we return to Gridla. He tells the gruesome story of a curse placed on the hospital by a Nilfgaardian who was tortured there. The only way to bring peace to this place is to find the ghost that the tortured Nilfgaardian has become. We find him in the room on the left. To our surprise, he is not aggressive at all. However, he asks us to bring him the hearts and eyes of those who tortured him, that is, Rupert and Gridley. We take Gridlya out of the basement and talk to both friends. [Choice] We have several ways to solve the problem. [A] We can accept the ghost's offer and give him what he wants. [B] We can tell two comrades what the ghost wants. They will offer to cheat by bringing the hearts and eyes of pigs to the Nilfgaardian. They are not much different from human ones, and the Flotsam butcher will gladly sell them. If we choose this path, the ghost will believe us. Having rid the hospital of the curse, we will have to decide what to do next with Rupert and Gridley: let them go or hand them over to justice. [C] We can also try to give the ghost the eyes and hearts of the neckers, but in this case, the Nilfgaardian will notice the deception and attack us. After defeating the ghost, we will also have to decide what to do with Rupert and Gridley.

Most of the cutscenes are based on the game engine, but some of them are also colored and do their job to the fullest, such as attacking the baron's castle, which is a small feat, which is also related to the music. The dialogue is also very good, even if pulled out a bit due to the weak facial expressions. But this slight weakness is well compensated by many smaller aspects, such as the camera. Sometimes you can even use magic to steer the conversation in the right direction. Decreased animation performance even at medium settings.


When we visit our friends from the Temerian Special Forces, we find that they are having a party. If we accept the invitation and join them, Bianca will challenge us to a knife-throwing contest. But our fun will be interrupted by the appearance of two peasants. They will accuse Roche's squad of desecrating the statue of Veiopathis. This unpleasant situation may end in a fight between Geralt and Roche. After that, the girl tells us something about Roche's past and offers to have a drink with her. After another mug of beer, one of the soldiers offers us to measure strength. If we win, we'll get his weapon, Krayden's sword. After a few more rounds, we're off. We come to our senses on the bank of the river, some peasant wakes us up. We are disarmed and stripped to the waist. What happened last night? Having intimidated or bribed the peasant, we learn from him that we should visit the local brothel madam. It is very easy to find it - the brothel is located on the floor above the tavern. For a small fee, Garvena will tell you that we, along with five friends, climbed on her girls on horseback and rode them to the harbor. She will also advise us to contact Bianca. We find her at the location of the Blue Stripes. The only girl in Rocher's detachment will tell you that my drinking buddies and I tried to swim across the river on courtesans. We will also find out how we got the blue tattoo - everyone in Roche's squad has one. One good thing: we didn't lose our things - someone put them in a chest by the window.

I managed to talk to Adam Badovsky, the boss of The Witcher 2 project. This continues until the game is completed. The facial expression is also a little weak: if you compare the movement of the lips with the tongue, then you understand that it is not quite in sync.

It's entirely possible that the game could break under its own weight and therefore be dropped for the competition. In the prologue, developers and screenwriters have an interesting intrigue with great dialogues and non-banal characters. Can the game support this level? I have a feeling that the requirements will be drastically reduced in the game, otherwise a console version can be found.

contract for nakers

Experience per completion: 75

We can find a contract for nakers (forest monsters) on the notice board in front of the entrance to the Flotsam Inn. Before you start hunting, it is worth collecting a dossier on them. Practice is the best teacher, and we can learn about the habits and weaknesses of the naker right in the fight. After killing more than a dozen nakers, Geralt will realize that these creatures use a burrow system to move through the forest. If we find and destroy all the entrances to this system, the nakers will no longer threaten people. Entrances can be found in the forest near Flotsam, in the caves under the city, in the cave behind the waterfall next to the elven ruins. The best way to destroy the tunnels is to fill them up with bombs, especially Buckshot. To create such a bomb, you need only two alchemical ingredients: rebis and aer. When we destroy all the tunnels, it remains to find Ludwig Merce in the merchant quarter and receive a reward from him.

Back to the game - Before us appears the complete first act. More videos and texts about The Witcher 2 will be available next week. Summary - Story and Dialogues: You have nothing to worry about here. The prologue contains everything that the first part likes. - Combat system: action and skill. - Interface: aesthetic, but not intuitive to the end, in some cases there were gaps, but these errors should be fixed. - Screenshots in game graphics are great. - The game also has cut scenes with regular, drawn pictures. - The description of the quest is very graphic and detailed, which is a big plus.

Contract for Endriag

As with the naker contract, we will find the endryag contract on the notice board in front of the entrance to the Flotsam Inn. And, just like with the nakers, we must first learn about these monsters, and then kill just over a dozen. There are a lot of them in the forest near Bindyuga. [Combat] Endriags are hard to resist, especially at the beginning of the game. Care must be taken to use the Yrden Sign wisely to stop them and then finish them off one by one with the silver sword. After killing enough endriags, Geralt will realize that he can deal with them once and for all by destroying their cocoons: yellowish, translucent eggs in which young individuals mature. Cocoons are found in groups of three. Open them and hit with a sword. When you destroy 3 cocoons, a uterus will appear. After killing two queens, return to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

During a council of war, Geralt and Philippa decide that it would be wise to take Bloody Blood from the battlefield. Doesn't work the same as hitting a case, but we need four artifacts. One for hate, one for death, one for courage and one for faith. Geralt must master two of them, and Philippa promises to take care of restoring the other two symbols. For this, Philippa should turn to the dialogue option "I have a few questions about the curse" as soon as possible - we can report ourselves now.

First of all, we need to learn as much as possible about what we are looking for and about the battle. The city's droste, Cecil Bourdon, knows both cases, so we'll ask. And learn about the Vandergrift sword, which is in Saskia's possession, as well as the standard of the Gray Ensigns.

Poker game: Flotsam

Dice Poker is a mini-game familiar to anyone who played the first Witcher. In it, we throw five six-sided dice. First we place a bet, then we confirm it, and then we roll the dice. Don't try to throw them too hard (don't move the mouse too fast), otherwise the dice will fly off the board and therefore won't be taken into account. Our opponent always rolls the dice second. After the roll, we can choose those dice that do not suit us and roll them again. Our opponent does the same. After the second round, the results are summed up. the player with the best combination wins.

The Hidden Object Scene is divided into two different quests that we both have to do. Where "Symbol of Death" is included in the diary and refers to the standard, and "Symbol of Hatred" on the sword. We can't and don't want to steal from Saskia while she's fighting death, so first we need to complete A Matter of Life and Death quest and all related tasks so she can come back and help us. As a reward, she gives us Vandergrift's sword.

Both quests completed, Saskia healed: we have a sword and a standard, let's look past Philippa and ask what's new. We receive the magical medallion and Selkirk armor and are now ready to take the curse from the battlefield. Now let's get down to business: the adren soldier has possessed Geralt, who now walks like a ghost over the battlefield.

The order of increasing seniority of combinations is as follows: pair, two pair, three of a kind (three bones of the same value), low straight (five bones in a row, from 1 to 5), high straight (also five bones in a row, but from 2 to 6), full house (three dice of the same value and one pair), four of a kind (four dice of the same value) and poker (all five dice of the same value).

We are no longer ourselves, but a ghost, so we can neither dodge nor use sorcerers. We take a lot of hits and deal a lot of damage. We are blocking the attacks of the Caidwen Knights, as well as the Ensign Gray Ensign. When the opportunity arises, we face heavy hits and deal a lot of damage. If only the Ensign is standing, we break through his shield with strong blows.

Let's go along the path, light fireballs from the sky and go in our direction. He shows the time in the roar of a speaker, which always sounds shortly before. So, we have enough time to take cover behind the wooden barricades and not damage. Little by little we are approaching the sign of the mission, and when we get there, the soldiers recognize us as one of their ranks. We are following the events and are now personally honored by General Seltkirk. With his armor on, we must now defeat the force general Kaidwen.

You can find players in the Flotsam Inn: they all sit at the same table on the lower floor. Casimir and Benedikt are the weakest players, so we don't need referrals to play them. But in order to play against Zyndrab, sitting at the same table, we must first defeat the first two players. Having been defeated, Zyndrab will say that we are worthy of participating in a real competition, and will warn two stronger players about us: Einar Gussel and Burnt. We can find the first one in the artisans' quarter, and the second one in Bindyug.

First of all, the knights must believe this, and as we progress, another group is added. As before, our best friends are blocking and counterattacking. We can withstand a lot, but are not very mobile with an attack. The bullet blows up the barricade and we can move forward.

The fight against Ensign Vandergrift is as follows: Geralt dodges diligently as the Ensign swings across the field and attacks from behind with heavy silver slams as he maneuvers from behind. The ensign is rather lethargic and does not tolerate serious blows from the side, so he quickly adds small ones. At this time, a dredge appears, and we need to fight the giant.

Having defeated the Burnt, we can take the money or choose another reward. These can be drawings of traps or the head of a troll. We need the latter if we want to help the troll on the bridge (task Trouble with the troll).

Hand Wrestling: Flotsam

Hand wrestling is another mini-game in The Witcher 2, along with bones and fisticuffs. Here, to win, we only need to hold the cursor within the colored sector on the scale. When Geralt gets tired, the sector will begin to decrease.

Note. Patch 2 inserts a buffer point at that point, which is missing without a patch. If you fail to defeat the next boss without upgrading, you should get a piece here again. You can find the download for patch 2 here. This fight is one of the hardest in the game, here's a short outline: Draug Storms are like trampling on you and you must dive in for the sake of paradise in safety.

He can also rain meteorites, which then hit the battlefield. In this situation, a wild back and forth conversation is recommended. If you get hit, then only once and by accident. In addition, he can create a rain of burning arrows, where looking for a cover wouldn't be a stupid idea either.

Zoltan will tell us about arm wrestling; he will be our first opponent. He will also always be happy to fight with us, so it's better for us to practice with him before moving on to more serious opponents.

After defeating the dwarf, we will be able to choose a new opponent. They will be Janos Zhila, who can be found in the tavern. He is a weak opponent, so we should not have any problems with him, since we were able to defeat Zoltan.

Jorden is also true to his service when the demon storms forward. Eliminate him from behind with heavy blows! Stay on the move, never bite him for too long, attack him best from behind, then you'll get a Draug someday. In the final scene, we are possessed by the spirit of the Kaedwen priest, who wants to escort soldiers from the battlefield where fireballs strike regularly. We run from one wooden barricade to the next, toward a bluish haze.

After the events and flashbacks, we wake up in Philippa Eilhart's house, she explains what happened, and the curse and its quest is history. A new mission called "Stopping the Siege" begins. Part 1 Act 2: Vergen - Royal Blood Act 2: Vergen - Where's Triss?

The defeated Janos will tell his stronger friend about us. By overcoming him, we will be able to go against Fat Mikel - also a regular in the tavern. This is a tough opponent, similar to Zoltan. By defeating Mikel, we will be able to challenge the local champion, the boat master from Bindyuga, Bartolomey Barku, to the competition. It is easy to find in the village. If we ask him about arm wrestling, he will gladly accept the challenge. After the defeat, Bartholomew will tell about Adam Pangratt, the only person (except us) who managed to defeat him. Bartholomew Barca will ask us to say hello to Adam.

Preparing to Hunt The Cairan is a sea monster that attacks the village of Flotam and has alarmed its inhabitants. After meeting your friends in the tavern, people will start yelling that Kairan attacked the man in the dock. When you're done, the sorceress will go to the inn and she'll give you two goals. One of them is the subtitle "Kairan: A Matter of Price", which is to talk to local merchants and place a bounty on capturing the monster. Go to the pier to the merchant.

In addition, you can also receive an advance for training if you request it. When the negotiations are complete, the next goal suggested by Sheila is to talk to Cedric, the elves' expert on the region's flora and fauna. Cedric is right at the other end, not far from the city. Go there and talk to him to find out what he knows about Kayran. When the elf tells you what he knows, your next step will be to get a sample of the monster's venom to create an antidote to help you hunt it.

We don't have any other armwrestling opponents in the first chapter, but we can practice with Zoltan or Janos Zyla.

One on One: Flotsam

Fisticuffs is another mini-game in The Witcher 2. It is based on QTE (instantaneous pressing of the desired keys): signs appear on the screen showing which key should be pressed as quickly as possible (A, D, W). When you first visit the tavern in Flotsam, we will notice people fighting. If we talk to the chief of them, we can learn about the rules of combat. We will be offered to meet in the ring with someone of our level. When we win, we will be given a stronger opponent. After the second victory, our talent will be marked by King Ziggy, a well-known person in Flotsam. He will offer us to take part in the battles that take place in the commandant Loredo's mansion (the Fight Club task). If we agree, then Ziggy will be waiting for us every day after 21.00 before entering the inn. At the same time, in order to become the champion of local fights, we will have to defeat the strongest opponent, Baby Dodu.

From this area, take the road leading north. You will encounter a few enemies along the way, although there isn't a particularly large group. When you reach the lower area by the cliffs on the left. Be careful because a large group of submerged people are waiting for you in the swamp, if you stay in the high area you can attack them with bombs and use the Igni signal to avoid too many risks.

As you walk across the surface of the swamp, examine the wreck to find the Mystic River mission. Then head to Kayran's lair and examine the slime for more information on the poison and a possible antidote. Return along the mountain path and talk to Cedric again. This will give you a place to search and find the plants needed to create the antidote, and the Kayran: Smokehouse mission will be added to your diary. You can decide if you need to find the necessary herbs for an antidote or go straight to talk to Sheala to start the hunt.

After the end of the tournament, we can at any time challenge any previously defeated opponent in the tavern to a duel.

The quest is passed in the same breath with the task, in it, see the video walkthrough of these two tasks.

Fight club

If we decide we deserve more, we should meet Ziggy tonight. Our new "patron" will lead us to the commandant's mansion, promising fame and money along the way. At the entrance we will get the opportunity to refuse and leave.

If you haven't visited Loredo at home yet, this is the right time to do so. Battle against Kayran. Travel to Kayran's lair is automatic. You appear right in the area, and the sorceress stays upstairs, it's your turn to do the dirty work and go down into the swamp. Before you get to work, you will definitely meditate and prepare well for the fight.

The first thing you need to do if you have reached the mist is to craft a real mongoose potion to ward off the venom of the Kayran. With this potion, it will be enough to poison if you decide to take another potion, which should improve some attack attributes or sword signals. In addition, in the village you can get a recipe to create a certain trap for Kayran.

Behind Loredo's house, we will face four opponents. They are stronger than any opponent we have seen before. But the gain will be higher. Before the fight for the title of champion with the last fighter, a certain Zhdan, the commandant will offer to talk face to face. He will offer us, or rather, order us to lose the battle. Everyone is betting on our victory, and Loredo can break the bank by betting on Zhdan. [Choice] We decide whether to accept his proposal or not. [A] If we agree and give up the fight, Loredo will share with us part of the winnings. [B] If we win against the will of the host of the competition, he will promise us revenge.

When leaving the mansion, it is important not to forget the weapons: the guards left our swords in a chest near the gate. If we win the last fight, we will be attacked in the next street by two thugs sent by the commandant. [Combat] In order to easily defeat these bandits, we should immobilize one with the Sign of Yrden, dodge the attack of the second and hit him from behind. Then we knock down the first thug with the Aard Sign and finish it off with one blow of the steel sword.

After that, you should discuss the results of the battles with Buttercup - this will allow us to complete the task.

Important! If you agree to Loredo's offer, the quest will fail!

Trouble with the troll

We will find the order for the troll among other messages on the board in front of the Flotsam Inn. This is no ordinary witcher's job: trolls are intelligent creatures, the witcher's code does not allow killing them if they do not pose a threat to people. Before we go in search of the troll, we should see the headman of the village of Bindyuga, Khorab. He will ask us not to kill the troll, whatever the order says. Curious. In the forest, near the place mentioned in the announcement (near the destroyed bridge), we meet a peasant. After protecting him from the naker, we learn that the local troll has gone mad. Until recently, he watched the bridge - the only crossing in the area across the Pontar. But now the bridge is destroyed, and the troll demands vodka as payment for the crossing. Not getting what he wants, he beats the travelers. The peasant says that people need a normal bridge and a sober troll. Therefore, he asks us not to kill the troll and talk to Horab. If we have already done this, we can deal with the troll itself.

We'll find the troll under the bridge. He will ask us for vodka. If we don't have anything with us, or if we don't want to give it anything, the troll will attack us. After a few hits, he will stop attacking and beg for mercy. [Choice] In this situation, [A] we can kill the troll and get a reward from Ludwig Merce. [B] Or we can keep the troll alive and do as the village chief asked us to do. If we choose the second option, we will find out that the troll's wife was killed, which is why he drinks so much. He will promise to restore the bridge if we find the killer. Worth a try. Who needs a troll head? Maybe a sorcerer or an alchemist? We go to Sheala - perhaps she has some ideas. After talking with the sorceress, we go to the tavern to meet with Zoltan. The dwarf will tell you that the head of the troll is needed only by those who want to hang it on the wall as a trophy. Sounds logical, so we go in search of Bindyuga. It is easy to see that the shack of the Burnt One is decorated with the head of a troll. After questioning him, we learn that he bought this trophy from a certain Dimitar, who can be found through his friends, who are wiping themselves near the tavern in the evening. We can get the troll's head by defeating Burnt in the Bone. However, he will only play with us if we have taken over the rest of the players in Flotsam by this time (task Poker with bones: Flotsam).

It remains in the evening to find dark personalities near the tavern. This is not difficult. If we scare them properly, they will tell you that Dimitra can be found in the cemetery near Bindyuga. If they are not afraid of threats, they will have to use their fists. We'll meet the troll killer at the graveyard. After a short exchange of remarks, he attacks us. [Combat] As always in a fight with several opponents, it is worth using the Yrden Sign, dodging attacks and attacking the enemy from behind. Not for the first time, people will turn out to be much more terrible creatures than forest monsters. When it's all over, we return to the troll, and then go to Horab for a reward.

Answering questions and discussing this assignment.

The smell of incense

Wandering around the port of Flotsam, we meet a nobleman who offers us a large amount of money in exchange for help. It's hard to refuse his offer. It soon becomes clear that we need to get a recipe for very unusual incense that can be bought from one of the local merchants. Apparently, these incense is poisonous. In search of a merchant, we accidentally meet a crowd gathered at one counter in the square. The woman at the head of it will require us to do something with the dirty bastard. According to her, “harmless incense” is actually even worse than fisstech, as it is much more addictive. The owner of the counter, of course, does not recognize this. We can convince him to close his shop by persuasion or by intimidating him. Others will like it, and there will be more coins in our wallet. In addition, we will be able to get the real recipe for these incense. If we tell the merchant about our task, he will give us a fake recipe. In any case, we should go with the recipe to Wenzel. [Choice] Our next actions depend only on how clear our conscience is.

[A] We can, of course, give Wenzel the formula he longs to get. He will want to immediately check the authenticity of the formula in the laboratory. Yes, you should not take risks when it comes to big money. We take back the formula and agree to meet Wenzel at the city gates. From there, he will take us to the laboratory. When we reach the gate, Wenzel will want to blindfold us in order to keep the location of the lab a secret. After a while, we will reach the laboratory, and Wenzel's people will check the recipe. If we gave him the real formula, he will pay us what he promised.

If we hand over the fake formula, our lies will soon be exposed and we will find ourselves unarmed against several armed men. [Combat] Theoretically, we can defeat all opponents with our fists, but it will be extremely difficult to do so. Therefore, it is best to take the sword from the rack right in front of us. Together with him, to defeat opponents, it is worth using the Yrden Sign. One way or another, the task will be completed.

[B] When we meet Wenzel at the gates of Flotsam, we can refuse to be blindfolded. In this case, Wenzel will mark his hiding place on ours, and we will get there on our own. In the laboratory, we will receive the promised reward or face Wenzel's thugs. It depends on what formula we give it.

[C] If we decide to keep the recipe for ourselves, a disgruntled Wenzel will leave Flotsam. After some time, in the forest near the bridge next to the Kayran's lair, Wenzel's thugs will attack us, stun us and take us to the laboratory by force. The bandits will take our weapons and incense recipe. To free ourselves and escape from the cave, we will have to defeat all the bandits. [Combat] Without a weapon, we have no chance, so we should use the Quen and Axii Signs and take the sword from the rack as quickly as possible. With weapons in hand, we can already deal with Wenzel and his people.


Walking around Bindyuga, we will meet a detachment of city guards surrounding some elf. If we intervene, we will find out that this girl is connected with the disappearance of two guards: she allegedly lured them into a Scoia'tael trap. If we offer our help, then we will have to go down to the caves near Flotsam: next to them, the missing guards were last seen. So, let's go there. Having descended into the cave, we find traces of blood and follow them. In the depths of the cave we see the corpse of a soldier. However, it seems that it was not the elves who killed him, but the nakers. If we do not want to share his fate, we will have to deal with the monsters. [Combat] Using quick attacks with a silver sword, we cut a path through the nekers. Following the bloody footprints further, we find the remains of two guards. To carefully examine the corpses, you first need to kill the corpse-eater attracted by the blood. [Combat] We take out the silver sword and, while blocking the monster's attacks, we wait for the opportunity to strike it hard. When this creature grabs its head and starts to tremble, you need to jump as far as possible to avoid a deadly explosion ... Now you can see the bodies of the missing guards. We understand that their bodies are simply studded with Scoia'tael arrows. It seems that the elf still led the soldiers into an ambush ... We return to the surface to refute her words with the help of the facts we have discovered. As we emerge from the cave, an impatient guard approaches us, forcing us to immediately make a difficult decision. [Choice] [A] We can confirm that the soldiers were killed by the Scoia'tael. [B] Or we keep this information to ourselves and blame the monsters for everything.

[A] If we tell the guard that his buddies were killed by the elves, the accused will claim that he had nothing to do with it. Now we can decide that we are tired of her lies and sentence her to death, or we can believe her words and demand an explanation. Malena will say that we will not believe her if we do not see everything with our own eyes, and will offer to go into the forest with her. As it soon turns out, she leads us straight to the ambush, where a squad of Scoia'tael is waiting ... [Combat] We draw a steel sword and, using the Sign of Yrden, blocks and dodge attacks, we save our lives and the lives of the guards who followed us. When the elves are finished, we will receive a reward from the soldiers, which depends on how many guards remain alive.

[B] If we keep the facts we found a secret, the girl will offer to meet in the forest near the waterfall. It seems that she wants to thank us ... Since Geralt never misses such opportunities, we go there in the hope of a reward. Many obstacles await us along the way. [Combat] First of all, the forest is full of traps that we will definitely fall into if we do not use the medallion. Secondly, there are many nakers in the forest; however, they do not pose a threat if we are warned and armed. Finally, the endriags are waiting for us there. They can cause a lot of trouble, especially when attacking in a pack. Against them, it is best to use the Sign of Yrden and power attacks with a silver sword. Having overcome all obstacles, we reach a waterfall, where a grateful elf awaits us. After a short conversation, which ends with the words "only the dead can keep secrets", we understand that we have been lured into a trap... A detachment of Scoia'tael appears. If we previously helped Iorveth in the ruins (Assignment of the Assassins of Kings), then the squirrels will not attack us. Moreover, they will demand an apology from Malena. If we arrive before meeting Iorveth in the ruins, or if we side with Roche, the elves will attack us. [Combat] Now we are in for a very difficult battle with a squad of Scoia'tael. This is where the Yrden Sign, steel sword, and blocks come in handy again. We should also dodge enemies and attack them from the rear - this doubles the damage dealt. Malena will take advantage of the confusion that has arisen to escape. Now we must find her.

The elves know Foltzam far better than we do, and Malena hides so well that no one will help us find her. It is better to deal with her after completing another task, In the Claws of Madness, because the elf uses the ruined hospital as a shelter. Having carefully searched the ruins on the surface, we will definitely find Malena. It remains to decide what to do with it. [Choice] [A] We can execute judgment and kill her with our own hands. [B] You can take her to Loredo and leave the decision to him. [C] We also have the opportunity to let the girl go.

Heart of Melitele

During the siege of the castle of La Valette, we will have the opportunity to meet with the cutters from Krinfrid, who will show us a strange amulet. If we have this little thing (read above how to do it), we will be able to unravel its secret during our stay in Flotsam.

Near one of the houses in Bindyug, a village outside the city walls, our witcher medallion will begin to vibrate. This means that something magical is lurking nearby. It soon becomes clear that the whole thing is Aneshka, a local herbalist, who some consider a sorceress. If we ask her about Petty's amulet, she will suddenly want to buy it. [Choice] [A] We can agree to her proposal. However, by doing so, we will complete the task, and our adventure with the talisman will come to an end. It is better to do this only if we have already completed the task of the troll, or if we are not going to kill this creature (task Trouble with the troll). [B] After refusing, we can ask Aneshka why she needs this amulet. If we do not believe her and use our charm, the herbalist will tell that this amulet is the Heart of Melitele, a powerful magical artifact that protects its owner. Yes, we have heard about it before… It will soon become clear that a spell has been placed on the medallion that has changed its effect. Now he brings his master only misfortune. The witch wants to buy the item because she knows the ritual that will restore it to its original power.

If we ask her about the ritual, we learn that Aneshka needs rare magical ingredients to perform it. These are the essence of death, the eyes of the crab spider, the tongue of the troll and the fruit of the endriaga. If we agree to get all this, the witch will be able to remove the curse. The last ingredient is not difficult to find - the forest is full of endriag. You can get the essence of death by killing ghosts, for example, when completing a side quest about the hospital (In the Claws of Madness). Crab Spider Eyes can be obtained before meeting Iorveth during the Assassins of Kings quest. Finally, we can get the troll tongue by killing the unfortunate giant on the bridge (Troll Trouble quest).

Having obtained all four ingredients, we speak with Aneshka and agree to meet her at midnight at the altar of Veiopatis to perform the ritual. It is best to meditate until 22.00, and then go to the right place. The figure of Veiopathis is located in the depths of the forest, so on the way we will meet Endriags and Nakers once in a while. [Combat] These monsters are best killed with a silver sword, after immobilizing them with the Sign of Yrden. We're supposed to meet the herbalist at the altar, but it's not midnight yet, so we'll have to wait a bit. At midnight, Aneshka will begin the ritual to remove the curse from the amulet. Fire will spew from the mouth of the deity, and the magical aura will cause ghosts to appear. We cannot get too close to the witch (this will break the ritual) and we must keep the spirits away from her. [Combat] It is necessary to repel all the attacks of ghosts with the help of a silver sword, as well as the Signs of Yrden and Igni. When we defeat all the ghosts, the herbalist will be able to complete the ritual. In gratitude for the disinterested help, Aneshka will give Melitele's Heart to us.

Where is Aneshka

mystic river

First chapter

If we examine the shipwrecked ship in the keiran's lair, we will find human remains. There will be a key on his body. We will also find a chest that we can open with this key. Inside the chest there will be a logbook and a report from the captain of the ship "Peter Zille" and a few useful things. To complete this task, we need some of them. We must read the ship's log and the captain's report. So we learn that the expedition sailing on the ship "Petra Zille" found a valuable Vran artifact in Loc Muinne and that another ship participated in the journey. The captain never sent his report... We can do it for him. There are several royal mailboxes in Flotsam. We can put the captain's report in any of them. Royal couriers regularly check these boxes and will make sure to pass important information to the right place ...

All city mail passes through the hands of Ludwig Moers. We will find one of the drawers on the table in his house. However, Ludwig will raise unnecessary noise if we try to break into the mailbox, and we do not need it. It is better to talk to him and, using the Aksy sign, convince him to open the box himself. If he succumbs to our charms, we can explore the contents of the box without any problems. Inside we will find Ludwig's report to an official in Vizima. In it, Ludwig will make a number of accusations against the postmaster, who allegedly does not fulfill his duties. Another box is located in the mansion of Bernard Loredo. To open it, you need a key, which is in the commandant's possession. We will only be able to check the contents of this box towards the end of our stay in Flotsam if we kill Loredo and remove the key from his body. Inside the box we will find a letter to a certain Detmold. It follows from it that the death of Foltest did not greatly touch the heart of the commandant. He is more concerned about the well-being of Henselt, King of Kaedwen.

Second chapter

In Aedirn, while sailing along the Pontar, we will find the Eila Tar, another wrecked ship similar to the Petra Zille we found at Flotsam. Using the captain's key from the first ship, we will be able to open the chest found on the second ship. Inside will be a report from the captain of the Aela Tar, as well as Vran smithing tools, with which you can supposedly forge Vran armor. In addition, from the report it will be possible to find out how both ships died.

Third chapter

Having descended into the dungeons under Loc Muinne through the entrance next to the city square, we will have to go left and then right. So we get into the room where the chest will be waiting for us. It will be possible to open it with the help of the captain's key from the ship "Petra Zille". There we will find the armor from Iisgith, the sword of Deireath, the rune of fire and the blueprint for the Vran armor, as well as everything you need for forging. With a drawing of Vran armor in hand, we should talk to the local blacksmith, Bras from Ban Ard. It can be found in the inn in the town square. We can ask him to remake the armor from Iisgith with the help of Vran blacksmithing tools that we found in Aedirn. So we can get the armor of the vran, which will mean the completion of the task.

We discuss all questions and problems regarding the Mystic River quest on a separate page.