
Where is triss how to get through the camp. Difficulty of choice

Answers to gardeners' questions

Your story choices from the second part will affect the world of the third part of the game. If you are the owner of PC versions of games, you can import your progress.

Now, I have two news for you. One is good, the other is bad. Let's start with the good.

If you have not played the second part, if there are no saves left, or maybe you don’t remember what you chose, then the third part generously offers to choose key moments at the beginning of the game. The bad news is that if you haven't played the second part after all - your choice will be empty pressing of buttons without understanding the purpose of what is happening.

Spoilers will follow from the next paragraph. Spoilers for the second part! Not on the third. Run, save your lives. And if you have not played The Witcher 2, then run to play. Better yet, go read the books.

In this article No descriptions of how the choice of the second part will affect third. This article is just a reminder of what happened. So that you don't feel lost in the story.

Remember, you ran into him in the prologue. The order of the missions then you chose yourself, but it can be found in the first three missions. He guards the castle along with his guards. You can either kill him or let him live. If you kill him, then later in the game you can meet his mother. Leaving La Valetta alive, he himself can be encountered later in the game.

Choice 2. Who did you leave Flotsam to - Vernon Roche or Iorvet?

Vernon Roche? Yorveth? Who are all these people?

Vernon Roche is a devoted servant of Foltest (who is a king) and literally one of the few who believed that Geralt did not kill Foltest. Iorveth is an elf, a rebel, the commander of the Skoatoels (who are squirrels) and just handsome. Both heroes are on opposite sides of the barricades. Vernon on the royal legal side, an elf, is accordingly a champion of elven freedom based on genocide.

The choice is not mythical, the missions are different. By choosing Roche, you join the Blue Stripes and get a whole series of missions and new opportunities. The same goes for Iorweth. Elven missions and endless forests.

Choice 3. Iorweth branch. Save Triss or spend a spell on Saskia?

Oh, that Triss Merigold. She is the object of permanent witcher interest. Plus, a powerful sorceress. Saskia is a beautiful warrior who led the resistance in Aedirn. At the time of the selection, Triss will be a prisoner in the Nilfgaardian military camp. Saskia at this time, in the form of a dragon (yes, she knows how) is in magical captivity with Philippa Eilhart. By the way, by choosing Rocher, you will not know that Saskia is a dragon.

Saving Triss? In addition to having fun in the camp, she points to Sheala de Tanserville, who is most likely behind the murder of Foltest. Saskia remains in her dragon form, which you will encounter later in the game.

Saving Saskia? Triss will not die a prisoner in the camp. But this choice also has its consequences. Because Leto, the true killer of the king, will save her. But from this moment, the mass hunt for after all begins. What is not good.

Choice 3. Branch Roche. Saving Triss or Anais La Valette?

Remember Marie Louise La Valette? Not? In general, she has two children. And they are not from her husband, but from King Foltest himself! And do you know what it says? What do you even know about the Witcher!? This suggests that Anais - the eldest daughter - is the first direct heir to the throne. And she is Henselt's prisoner. The choice is difficult, save either Triss or Anais from captivity. If you save Anais, you have one more choice - to whom to give her - Redania or Temeria. Triss, when choosing Anais, will not die, Summer will save her again.

If we choose Triss, then the same thing happens as in the Iorvet branch. The only difference is that you didn't save Anais. But she won't die. Roche himself will save her. Only now it will not be handled properly.

Choice 4: Save Sheala de Tanserville or let her die from her own megascope.

Megascope is a skype of the witcher universe, with a built-in teleport function. The thing is quite expensive, not everyone has such a powerful device. To Sheala's great misfortune, one important detail has been changed in her teleport, and this will lead to a fatal outcome. Sheala begs Geralt to save her. We save Sheala - she says where you can find Yennefer and disappears. We do not save - Sheala turns into magical dust.

Choice 5: Kill Summer or let him go.

Summer is also a witcher. He is the killer of the king. According to the plot, we will stumble upon him or his traces. But in the final part we will have a difficult choice. Whether to let a potential killer roam the world or kill him. Consequences are consequences, but the game will end anyway.

I hope you are not too tired of a little digression into the plot of the second part.

From the beginning of the episode, you will have to manage Prince Stennis, who is staying for negotiations with King Helselt. Very soon everything will escalate into a fight and the king will inadvertently splash blood on the altar. This will lead to a curse that will cover the earth. Ghosts will appear everywhere, the sun will close behind black clouds, a hundred elves with Iorveth and Geralt will appear on the shore. It is necessary to clear Saskia before the appearance of a magical owl. Owl will lead you to the right place, guarding you with magic. It is important that you do not go beyond the circle. Occasionally drive away ghosts from pichuga. In the city, talk to the sorceress, as well as Saskia.

When you follow the dwarf into the room, you need to allocate skill points. Then go to the tavern. If you don't want additional quests, go for fresh air. After the proclamation of pathos speeches, raise a glass. The girl was poisoned. Philippa will be able to cure her, but you need to find the immortelle root, the memory grove and royal blood.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2 - Underground Life

Start looking for healing herbs. First, visit the local tavern where Zoltan drinks with his comrades. Find out about the mine - it is boarded up and very mysterious. You promise to help kill the raging monsters. Zotlan, Yarpen, Sheldon will be waiting for you at the mine at noon. Before descending into the dungeon, drink a series of elixirs. Pay attention to the "Swallow" and "Cat".

Inside, there are only "corpse eaters", but the door you need is locked with a key. Sheldon will say that earlier there was a chief digger named Balin Fergusson. He must have the key. We need to find the corpse of Balin. He's in the next room. Read the diary. You will find out what he gave to four of his assistants.

Go forward, sometimes turning behind the next key. When you open the last door, the medallion will begin to vibrate. Utkovol will appear because of the turn. He is a slow and weak opponent. You have to use Quen. When you kill him, take the weed and blow to Philippa.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2 - In Search of Magic

You need to look for the second component for the potion. This is a magical artifact. Philip does not know where to find him, but will give a recommendation to go to the headman - Sisil. He will say that there is one place where many sorcerers are drawn to. Go to the indicated place.

Get out of the city through the northern gate, go through the ford, climb the slope where you can see the tower. One of the sockets contains a huge crystal, which begins to act on Geralt's medallion. Take the crystal and get ready to fight the harpies. The sign "Aard" will help well. When you kill everyone, go to Philippa.

Unfortunately, we will have to look for a couple more similar artifacts. She will say that the crystal contains someone's dream. Geralt will think that the harpy that made the nest was a dream stealer. When you talk to the sorceress, you will find out that earlier these harpies lived near the old quarry, but the headman Cecile closed it and does not want to open it. Good luck - the dream that is enclosed in the crystal belongs to him! Go to the elder. After your explanation, he will open the gate.

The passage of the game The Witcher 2 continues. It is difficult to get to the lair of sleep stealers. First, go down into the gorge, at the bottom of which there will be a fight with five creatures. Kill them and collect the ingredients for the potion from the bodies. Go to the big door, where there will be fewer harpies. Get ready to use the Aard sign and the silver sword.

When you get to the round altar, watch the cutscene. Sit down and drink some useful elixirs, save. When you pull out a pink crystal, you will be attacked by a dozen harpies. Put on time protection - the sign "Quen". Then you need to run into any passage and cut out one creature at a time. Not bad help local grenades. Buy them in the city from merchants.

When you soak the harpies, go to the altar and insert crystals into it (crystals of different colors should come across along the way. They must be collected). After four dreams, return to Philippa.

The Witcher 2 Walkthrough - Where's Triss?

Remember that before Triss was kidnapped, you gave her a rose of memory? She is needed to heal Saskia. When you talk to Philippa, go to the inn. You will learn a lot of information from a local regular by treating him to a good beer. It turns out the bald thug, and the girl fell from the sky. The brute is gone, and the red-haired woman is kidnapped by the troll. After learning about where the troll is, go talk to him. This is a great guy. He will offer their elves' soup. Tactfully refuse and ask him about the "redhead". Choose calm remarks, do not contradict him, so as not to bring him to a fight. So you will find out that the troll's wife was jealous of the "red" and left, taking the scarf with her. Triss herself ran away the next night. Go to the troll's wife.

There will also be mercenaries who must be persuaded to spare her. Ask her to return to her hubby. In gratitude, she will give a scarf to the “redhead”. So, return with the handkerchief to Philippa. The conversation with her will be interrupted by the prince's minions. He will say that the peasants believe that Steniss poisoned Saskin. We should have figured it out.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2 - Royal Blood

Go to Prince Steniss' room. He locked himself in the estates, and the peasants from the city want to kill him. After talking with Buttercup and Zoltan, you will learn about the servant that seemed to have heard Stennis and the deceased priest talking about Saskin's deliverance. Talk to the servant who lives nearby. The guy is nervous, plus everything, sits at home when there is such a quarrel. All this is suspicious. Go to the elder. He will show on the map where the priest lived. When you examine the room, you will find a drawing of a special. goblet with a cavity for poisons. Yes, the priest is to blame, but you can't ask him anything.

Chat with the prince. Inspire the guards that it is only in your power to help a high-ranking person. The prince will refuse to give his blood, but will offer a lot of money for an excuse against the crowd. Go outside, pass judgment. The servant will report that before serving, the drink is checked for the presence of poison. Tell me about the drawing of the cup. When the prince makes a spectacular performance, you should be reminded of his attempt to bribe you. You have to decide his fate. You can sentence him to execution, or leave him to live until Saskia's amendment. It is best to soak it and take the blood. Everything points to the fact that the prince had an agreement with the priest.

The Witcher 2 walkthrough continues. To have all the ingredients, you only need to find Triss and the rose of memory. Philippa claims that she is now in the Helselt camp. However, the camp is located on the other side of the ghostly mist. Only a sick person would dare to pass through it. Naturally, you have to go! At the same time, Philip will help, becoming an owl. When you get over to the other side, say goodbye to the girl for a while, go to the king's camp.

At the beginning of the quest, you will see a corpse. Search it and find a figurine of some monarch. Move on. When you meet Roche, talk to him, ask for help. Despite the offense, he will tell you about a secret passage inside the camp. We must go through the old cave. If Roche does not want to talk, go to the city, where the local "mother" will tell you about the same cave.

Entering the cave is easy, but getting out of it is difficult. You will interfere with the stone elemental. Use the fast style when fighting. Also suitable sign "Irden", slowing down the enemy.

To complete the game The Witcher 2, you need to search the enemy, which will crumble into pebbles. Get out on the street. Now we need to get to the ambassador. First, stock up on throwing weapons. Approach the healthy gate made of wood, ask the guard to take you to the ambassador. He will bind you and carry you to him. The ambassador will pull out the figurine you found from his pocket, break it and take the internal contents. After talking a little, he will give the order to execute you and leave. When Bianca and Vernon come to help you, grab the sorcerer.

Your fight with Vangemar will make a lot of noise. Vernon will offer to pretend to have caught you. Agree, but first you need to search the camp. Here you can profit from good armor. Go to the wooden gate, avoiding the patrols. When the guard asks, answer that you are taking the witcher for interrogation. When you part with the savior, go to Philippa. Tell her about Triss, overcome the darkness and go to the city. It turns out that Philip's maid is a traitor. But in her things you will find the rose of memory that was taken from Triss.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2 - A Matter of Life and Death

Give all the ingredients to Philippa, watch the video where Saskin is healed. When you are alone with her, ask about the commander's sword. You will find out the information you need, then she will give the blade and thank you for your help.

Eternal fight

To remove the curse, you need to have 4 items that played a significant role in the battle. Echoes of the battle can be observed when passing through the ghostly haze. Philippa will give advice to talk with the headman of the city. He will tell that he personally fought against the Brown Banner, whose banner we must have. When you learn all the details of the battle, go to the crypt in which the soldiers killed in battle were buried. You will find the banner in the sarcophagus. But he is guarded by a ghost. Lie to the ghost as if you were in the squad of the Brown Banner. He will not believe - it will be necessary to convince.

The first statement must be answered with a remark - "It was not like that." The next answer should be the name "Menno Koehoorn". The third answer is "Menno Coehoorn died at Brenna." The fourth answer is "Seltkirk and Vandergrift." Then tell us about the Bigerhorn captivating you. If you do not answer correctly, there will be a fight with him. In any case, take the symbol of hatred, go to Philippa.

The passage of the game The Witcher 2 continues. If you already have Saskia's sword, then tell the sorceress to go to the battlefield, which is in a ghostly haze. She will give two other artifacts - the armor of the knight and the medallion. When you reach the mist, move into the Aedirnian knight. Your commander will order to capture the banner of the enemy. After defeating the standard-bearer, move to the Kaedweni scout, which you must tell the authorities that the banner has been lost. Jump from cover to cover. After a short cutscene, move into the Zeltkirk and move forward, cutting the throats of the warriors that get in the way. When you meet with Vandergrift, bring the bar of lives to the middle, enjoy the victory.

Then the Dragoon will appear. We must persuade Zeltrik to allow him to fight.

The fight with a huge demon is the most difficult task in this mission. It's good that all the skills of the witchers are available. You need to use "Quen", to bring down powerful blows on the thug. As soon as he dies, the sorceress will cause a fiery rain on the battlefield. You will also have to take the fighters off the field as a priest. Thus the curse will be lifted.

Walkthrough The Witcher 2 - Siege of Vergan

When you wake up in Philippa's room, tell her about all the events, go to Zoltan. He is now in charge of the army. He will say that enemy troops are coming to the city. Immediately you will see how martinet soldiers of the army of King Henselt will appear on the horizon. First, you will be asked to climb the walls to activate the oil supply mechanism. So Zoltan wants to fight the first wave of the enemy. Climb up and deal with those who managed to get over, with the help of QTE start the oil supply.

The first platoon has been destroyed. However, the next wave is coming, so the dwarf general will give the order to retreat. When you retreat, climb the wall and talk to Saskia. Listen to instructions, watch the video. Then you need to place traps near the stairs. It turns out that the opponents who have risen to the top will receive good damage before they can start the fight. So you can beat off three waves at once. Then talk again with the "Dragon Slayer". The girl's scouts are in the mine under the city, but have not returned yet. You will receive an order to go with her into the tunnels to find out what the essence of the matter is.

Passage of the game The Witcher 2. Follow the girl, deal with corpse eaters. You will stumble upon the Henselt squad, which will be led by Detmold. You can easily defeat ordinary soldiers, but with this sorcerer you will have to sweat. Wait until his life energy is half gone. He then attacks Geralt with a spell to incapacitate him. It is at this point that you will find out how interesting Saskia is in her own right.

Talk to her about her secret, go back to Vergen to defend yourself. Meet Zoltan at the exit. He will say that the remaining army, led by Henselt himself, is rushing to the city. The people are depressed, but Saskia pulled herself together. She pushes the speech and leads to the attack.

First, destroy those who climbed the city walls. Then it will seem to you that there are a great many enemies and you can give up. Suddenly, Iorveth will appear at the head of a detachment of Scoiatael archers. Close the gate so that the royal soldiers are trapped. This will be assisted by Zoltan, together with the head of the "squirrel". With the further passage of the game The Witcher 2, get down from the wall using the stairs, which is located on the right side, if you look at the open gate.

When Henselt finds himself in a disadvantageous situation, he will give the order to his martinets to surrender their weapons. Well, he will sign the surrender. This is how the war will be won. But you will notice that during the negotiations Saskia behaved very strangely. Therefore, Iorveth will offer to follow the girl. The girls will leave through the teleport, but you and the elf will go in search of the sorceress's room. You can find the Elixirs and Poisons book in the back room. Show it to Iorvet. If you don't go after Philippa right away, something very bad may happen.

Greetings! I would like to present to your attention a set of saves created by me personally in key moments of The Witcher 2.

Most likely, work is already underway on the third part and new DLC, so the saves received after different endings of the game (they are also presented here) can be very useful for those who for some reason deleted their own. If the proposed endings do not satisfy you, then you can easily replay the right moment by using the appropriate intermediate save and adjusting the choice.

Initially, as soon as the game came out, I went through it pretty quickly. Having seized Yorweth in Flotsem and, along the way, choosing to travel with Roche and keeping him from the massacre of Henselt, he eventually climbed to save Foltest's daughter (later kindly handing her over to Radovid). Not experiencing a drop of compassion for Sheala, torn apart by a megascope, he saved the life of the dragon-Saskia and Leto.

Oddly enough, the Witcher 2 forced me to go through the second time ... Skyrim and completely bored after the third week of running around in the northern province of Cyrodiil, the monotonous gameplay, "driven" by the designer's hand into the dungeons and seasoned with monotonous quests without the necessary plot motivation. Although it is worth recognizing: before the hero was pumped below a certain bar, and the set of tasks did not seem monotonous, the game unimaginably dragged on and did not let go.

As a result, the Witcher 2 was chosen for leisure, from which a MASS of positive emotions was received for the second time. And, definitely, for me it became the Game of the Year, naturally pushing the fifth iteration of the Elder Scrolls saga and, accordingly, Dovahkiin (which also brought a lot of wonderful impressions).

After beating the game for the second time along the path of Iorvet, its plot opened from a slightly different angle, all the "pieces of the puzzle" came together, and the misunderstanding of some details was eliminated.

Below are some comments on the various endings and intermediate moments of the game:

Save Triss or not?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

In any case, Geralt is faced with a choice: save Triss or do something "more important". In fact, there is always someone to do with an alternative option (Roche or Iorvet), but no one except Geralt will help Triss to escape from captivity. Initially, it is definitely not necessary to count on Leto's heroic deed.

After beating the game and learning about the happy release of Triss, regardless of Geralt's decision, it becomes interesting to participate in options that involve direct participation in state affairs. Although the decision to save Triss also has a strong influence on the balance of power in the north.

Roche's way:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Vernon Rocher reinforces his friendship with Geralt many times, even if the witcher chooses an alternative path and joins Iorweth (which, in my opinion, is a betrayal):

1) Vernon tells you how to get into the Kaedwen camp;

2) Saves Geralt from inevitable death at the hands of the Nilfgaardians.

So the choice of Roche's path and the capture of Yorvet (as a result of which there was a holiday in Flotsem, and not beatings of non-humans) seemed to me much more correct.

Kill Henselt or let him live?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Further on the path of Roche, a fundamental choice arises - to kill Henselt or let him live. Looking into the future on a time machine and learning about the upcoming war with the Nilfs, one can definitely say: “You can’t kill!” I don’t know how it is in the books, but in the game Henselt seemed to me the most normal king, a real man, straightforward and honest. I don’t know why Geralt doesn’t approve of him so much in his judgments ... Is it because the prototype of Kaedwen is Russia, and Henselt is essentially the “Tsar of All Russia”, leading a very successful policy in case of choosing the path of Rocher and pardoning the king. A fair result - Upper Aedirn is annexed to Kaedwen.

To whom to give Anais - the daughter of Foltest?

The next serious choice awaits the witcher in the third chapter. Knowing that Triss will be saved anyway, we choose to help our dear friend Roche. Only to whom should Foltest's daughter be given?

Choice in favor of Radovid:"Radovid's boots are heavy." Yes, if you choose in favor of the king of Redania, you can hope for the preservation of the integrity of Temeria, the end of the civil war and a good opportunity to provide worthy resistance to Nilfgaard. In addition, the girl will definitely face less danger than in Temeria: there is no threat from the nobles of Temeria; she will be taken directly from the front of the new war with the Nilfs.

This decision also has a very serious potential disadvantage: after the annexation of Temeria, Radovid can secretly divide the entire north with the emperor of Nilfgaard, using the position of the most powerful ruler of the north. Only the annexation of Upper Aedirn by Kaedwen allows the balance of power to be somewhat balanced.

But a positive outcome of this decision is more likely.

Choice in favor of Temerians: Torn apart by civil strife, Temeria will quickly fall under the blows of Nilfgaard and open the way for a further march to the north. The only hope that remains is that Roche will be able to save the future queen.

It is worth noting that if we choose to save Triss, this also affects the balance of power on the map of the north: in addition to Upper Aedirn, half of Temeria departs to Henselt, which, given the position of Radovid, unequivocally balances the position of the large kingdoms of the north. Another thing is that in such a situation, the decline of the divided Temeria in the first years is inevitable.

Also, after rescuing Triss, we see a scene in which Roche alone defends Anais from a group of Kaedwens. He is outlawed. The fate of Anais is extremely vague.

/* Something similar, but in a different historical context, was in the last episodes of the second season of the Rome series (I highly recommend it!).*/

Based on the above, the choice in favor of transferring Anais to Radovid is seen as the most beneficial and sparing for the peoples of the north as a whole.

Jorweth's Path:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

In the case of choosing the path of Iorvet, we have to fight for the freedom of Aedirn.

Speaking of Upper Aedirn: I do not believe in Saskia's words about a "free" state, she is too naive, and as a result falls under the heel of Philippa Eilhart. I think, in the end, Upper Aedirn will either fall under the jurisdiction of Stennis, or fall under attacks from Kaedwen (which is more likely). So, pouring blood where it is not worth pouring is not necessary.

In addition, Saskia's stupidity is proved by her attack on the forces of Foltest, who suppresses the split in her fiefdom. Saskia, they say, sympathized with Ariana La Valetta and the company, fighting for "freedom" from their own king and homeland (of course, how else can one regard the unwillingness to extradite his children to the king?). According to her logic, all kingdoms should be divided into “free” principalities (“A bad prince who does not dream of becoming a king ...”). And it does not matter that internecine wars will begin quite quickly.

What to do with Prince Stennis?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

In the case of choosing the path of Iorweth, the Witcher faces the question of deciding the fate of Prince Stennis, the weak and cowardly heir to the ruler of Aedirn. Based on the state of affairs, on the one hand, Stannis is likely to be an insignificant ruler, under whose leadership the withering of Aedirn will continue (even the ghosts of soldiers during the battle of Vergen speak of the withering of Aedirn under Damavend). On the other hand, it is extremely cruel to do this to Stannis, especially since his guilt has not been unambiguously proven.

Since there is no more or less sensible replacement for Stennis (Saskia is stupid, despite her nobility, and the nobles are unlikely to accept her so easily), then let her live, otherwise another civil war threatens the kingdoms of the north - before the invasion of the Nilfs.

Heal Saskia or save Triss?

With Triss, everything is clear: her salvation, in this case, does not really affect anything - they will save her without us. But it makes sense to save Saskia, especially since at this point in the game, the lives of many people and nonhumans depend on her sanity. Philippa Eilhart cannot be trusted with the management of the Upper Aedirn, definitely. In addition, in the case of saving Triss, Iorveth will suffer greatly at the hands of Philippa.

Although it is worth noting that Philippa herself notes: Saskia will never be the same again. After her “healing” in this ending, it seemed to me that something was still wrong in Saskia. At the same time, in the conversation, Saskia also notes that she only used Iorweta, and that for her this is not a war for the freedom and rights of the Skoya "taels. Their gang will find a place in Upper Aedirn for merits in the massacre ... And, yes, a person nearby may be useful to her …

Choices not related to the path of Roche and Iorveta:

// With one exception - healing Saskia on Iorweth's path

Should Sheala be pardoned?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

The sorceress spoiled a lot of blood for worthy people. Not only did the attempt to bring Aedirn into a state of war succeed. Also, the plans of the lodge served as excellent ground for the active work of the killer of kings and the promotion of Nilfgaard's plans.

Before being sent to the other world, Sheala actually says goodbye to Geralt, hoping for his quick death.

Verdict: death.

/* If Sheal is pardoned, in gratitude she will tell Geralt that Yennefer is worth looking for in Nilfgaard and will teleport. Later we learn the same thing from Leto.*/

Finish off Saskia or not?

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

At least I would like to see her in the third part. In general, Roche correctly notes that, they say, a good choice is to spare the dragon. We must fight the cause of the disaster in the first place - Philippa Eilhart. Yes, and in the service of Radovid to hunt for a witch, he will obviously have more resources ...

So, in my opinion, it is better to leave Saskia alive, although this option is fraught with many dangers for ordinary people of the north.

Should Leto live?

"You are not my enemy."

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

Leto was a tool in the hands of Emperor Nilfgaard. In addition, he leaves Geralt alive in the first chapter and saves Triss in the third. Also, the revival of the Snake witcher school may be important in light of the now illusory threat - the invasion of elves, causing the Wild Hunt.

Summer must live.

So, the above is only my opinion on the events taking place in The Witcher 2 and the decisions that are offered to us to choose from. Your opinion may not coincide with mine, so, as promised, I provide a set of saves for every taste and color:

Difficulty of choice. Key moments of the game.

a) Ability to communicate with Siegfried, in case of friendship with him in the first part:

  • * At the entrance to the camp of the order of the flaming rose;
  • * On the way Roche - when choosing to rescue Foltest's daughter from the Kaedwen camp. Siegfried comes with a detachment of Redanian soldiers as an escort imposed by Radovid. If at the same time a decision is made to transfer the child to the Temerians, Siegfried will still let the witcher and Roche go in peace.

b) If Siegfried was killed by Geralt, the soldiers of the order call the witcher a killer, and one of them tries to take revenge if they walk around the camp of the order;

2) When choosing the path of Iorweth:

a) In the case of saving Adda in the first game, in Vergen you can meet a crazy priest who accuses Geralt of saving a monster born of incest.

b) In Vergen, you can start a conversation with Iorveth about Yaevinn, the leader of the Scoia "taels from the first part, and discuss Geralt's actions, which depend on the witcher's decisions made in the original game.

in) In the case of resisting the squirrels during the robbery of the Vivaldi bank in the first part, in Vergen you can count on a meeting with a dwarf who wants to give a "credit" to Geralt (in fact, a simple monetary incentive).

3) In Flotsam, you can get help from one of Tyler's agents in case of proof of his innocence in one of the quests of the first part.

4) Foltest's words about Adda's fate must match the choice made by the witcher in the first part.

P.S. I have long wanted to note that the game is perfectly sharpened for the gamepad. And the experience of passing on a gamepad in front of a widescreen TV is quite different, also due to the incomparably higher picture contrast and screen size. The only thing is that you need to install larger fonts.

P.P.S. Starting with version 2.0, a strange bug was found again when playing dice in the case of gamepad control: the "reroll" button does not function. As if she had not been appointed at all. The solution is quite simple: at the beginning of each chapter, I switch control to the keyboard and go through the entire dice quest. Then again I return the usual control of the gamepad.

P.P.P.S. I would like to believe that next time the developers will not screw up with the import of saves from the previous part ... Some of my decisions made in the first part were not reflected in the second - for example, Geralt is accused of killing Siegfried, who did not exist. In addition, in my version, Siegfried was Geralt’s friend for part of the time (until the general madness of the Order of the Flaming Rose in the finale of the first part), and I would really like to see him continue ... In general, we hope for an adequate utility from the game developers that will allow you to change important for the third part of the mouseover event.

If we sail from Flotsam with Iorveth and go to Vergen, then we begin the second chapter in the role of Stennis, son of the murdered Demavend and heir to the throne of Aedirn. We, Saskia, the priest of Kreva and a band of dwarves are to meet with Henselt, king of Kaedwen, who has laid claim to Upper Aedirn. The road leads us through the gorge away from Vergen.

We arrive at the meeting place and listen to Henselt's proposal: if we give him Lower Marchia, he will allow us to keep the crown. If we refuse, he will easily take what he seeks by force. Negotiations are heating up. Depending on what we say to the king, he challenges us to a duel or orders his men to capture us. [Combat] We shouldn't have any problems. It is enough to block enemy attacks and deal heavy blows with a steel sword. At a certain moment, the priest of Kreva tries to stop the fight, but Henselt kills him in a fit of rage... The sky darkens, fog thickens, and ghosts appear from it.

The peaceful surroundings of Vergen suddenly turn into a ghostly reflection of the battle that took place three years ago. Geralt, who is heading towards the city of dwarves, finds himself in the thick of what is happening. Now we play as a witcher again and must save Stennis and Saskia, whom we met in the fog. We are accompanied by Iorveth and an owl that shows the way. Philippa Eilhart, a sorceress who helps the Aedirnians, turned into an owl. It surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes with lightning all the creatures that try to attack us. [Combat] We do not advise you to engage in combat with ghosts or go beyond Philippa's spell: outside the sphere, we will rapidly lose strength and health, and there are so many draugirs and spirits that they will surely kill us. Several times, Owl Phillipe will be blocked by ghosts. To go further, we will have to destroy them. Following the owl, we emerge from the fog, and we have the opportunity to talk with Philippa and Saskia. Saskia gathers all his commanders for advice to discuss the strange events that we have just witnessed. The game then takes us outside the walls of Vergen, where we meet with the mayor of the city. He reports that we have already prepared a room in the tavern. After examining it, we will be able to walk around the dwarf city. When we are ready, we can go to the council.

Having rested after a long journey, we go to the council convened by Saskia. Arriving there, we see that everyone is already assembled: Philippa Eilhart, Saskia, Stennis, Zoltan, the Aedirn nobility and a representative of the militia. They develop a plan to defend themselves against the Kaedweni invaders. But first of all, you need to remove the curse from the battlefield and dispel the ghostly fog. Phillippa Eilhart and Geralt will take care of this. To remove the curse, we need four magic items related to the battle three years ago. Then you will need to prepare for the defense of Vergen. Iorveth appears at the council, which causes the indignation of the majority. However, Saskia appreciates the help the elf offers. And suddenly a misfortune occurs: the maiden makes a toast, takes a sip and immediately falls - she was poisoned.

Philippa stabilizes the condition of the Aedirnian Maiden and wants to speak with us. The sorceress informs us that the following ingredients are needed to save the girl: dwarven immortelle, dragon's dream, royal blood and a rose of memory. Having learned about this, we get 500 experience points and start a new task - A Matter of Life and Death. It covers the quests Underground Life, Quest for Magic, King's Blood, and Where's Triss? Completing these tasks will allow us to find the necessary ingredients.

underground life

Experience per completion: 1000

According to Philippa, one of the ingredients in the antidote is a herb that grows deep underground. The dwarves call her the immortal. The sorceress advises us to look into the closed Vergen mine - this herb may well be there.

Entering the nearest tavern, we meet a group of good friends: Buttercup, Zoltan and Yarpen, as well as Sheldon and Cecil Bourdon, the headman of Vergen. When asked about the immortelle, the dwarves will also advise us to go down into the mine, and Cecile will explain why it is closed. Our friends will offer to help us, and we will arrange to meet them at the entrance to the mine.

When we tell Cecil that we are ready, he will ask Sheldon to open the mine. The headman will instruct us to clear the galleries from monsters (Black work). Going on a mission, you should take at least four Cat elixirs with you. If we want to rid the mines of monsters forever, then a few canister bombs.

Accompanied by dwarves, we go down to find the immortelle. You need to be prepared to meet the corpse-eaters. [Combat] Lightning strikes with a silver sword are the best remedy for them. Do not forget that the dead corpse eaters explode, so it is better to jump away from the dying creatures as far as possible.

Dwarven mines are a real labyrinth with long passages, locked doors and corpse eaters. Not only that: they are also dark, as is usually the case in dungeons. We will enter the first large cave, and it turns out that we need a key to open the door to the lower levels. Having dealt with the monsters in the mine on the right, we find the body of the killed miner, and on it is the key. Now we can return to the cave and open the locked door. Further in the mines we will find the bodies of two more miners and two more keys. So we will get to the lowest level, where the duckweed is waiting for us. [Combat] If we have bombs with us, we can kill the corpse eaters surrounding this monster. With post-mortem explosions, they also injure the duck-billed. This monster can also be immobilized with the Yrden Sign and then finished off with a backstab.

After the victory, we pluck the Krasnolyudsky immortelle. Now you can return to the surface and tell Philip about our findings.

First key

First locked door

Second Key

Second locked door

Third Key

Third locked door

Looking for magic

Enchantress Philippa Eilhart says that as one of the ingredients for Saskia's antidote, a certain magical artifact is required. If you ask her for advice, she will recommend that we be creative and ask around the inhabitants of the city. She will also say that Cecile Bourdon somehow knows about all the cases that concern Vergen.

When we ask Cecil about stories related to magic, he talks about the mage's tower, which stands in the forest behind Vergen. It is believed that this is a unique Place of Power, which has always attracted magicians. We should look there.

We pass through the outskirts of the city and then through a tunnel cut into the rock. On the other hand, a picturesque view awaits us. Fortunately, the tower is also visible from there. We cross the river and go to the hill. Not far from here live harpies. They attack us as we go to the Place of Power. [Combat] This is one of our first encounters with the harpies. They usually attack in groups, so using the Aard Sign is recommended. He will help knock down several harpies to the ground, which will then be easy to finish off with a silver sword. Having dealt with the harpies, we approach the ruined tower that Cecil spoke of. Inside we see a nest with a crystal in which magic is felt. Is this what Philippe needs? We return to Vergen to speak with the sorceress.

Having examined the crystal, the sorceress will explain to us that this is a crystallized dream of a dwarf. It's an interesting artifact, but not powerful enough for an antidote. Only keleno harpies encase dreams in crystals, and these monsters mostly live in an abandoned quarry outside the city. We are sure that we will find a powerful enough dream there, however, the headman of Vergen has locked the gates to the caves leading there to block the path of the monsters. Fortunately, the dream of Cecil himself fell into our hands first, so we have something to discuss with him.

A dwarf teetotaler, who would have thought... The most important thing is that now we have the key to the quarry, and we immediately go there. In the quarry itself and in its vicinity, many harpies await us. [Combat] As before in the forest, the best way to deal with the harpies is to shoot them down with the Aard Sign and then finish them off with a silver sword. In the caves we must find five enchanted crystals. They can be placed in a magical obelisk, which is a kind of projector. This will allow us to view crystallized dreams. One of them will turn out to be a dragon's dream. It's probably good for preparing an antidote. Also, we'll find Baltimore's dream. By viewing it, a separate task begins - Baltimore's Nightmare. We got what we came for. It's time to head back to Vergen.

Where is Triss? (Part one)

We did not come to the city of dwarves by accident. The footprints of the Kingslayer and the kidnapped Triss Merigold led here. Now the search for the sorceress takes on additional meaning: in Flotsam, we gave her a rose of memory. If she still has the flower, we'll get another antidote ingredient for Saskia. We ask Philippa Eilhart about Triss, and so she talks about a tavern regular who allegedly saw a red-haired woman fall from the sky.

It will not hurt us to hear this story firsthand, and we go to the tavern. The dwarf that Philippa spoke of is talking to the owner. He agrees to tell us the story of a red-haired woman for a mug of Mahakama. Having bought him a drink, we learn that in the ravine near the quarry, as if from the sky, a woman and a huge thug appeared. The man abandoned the woman, who was immediately kidnapped by the troll.

So, we go to the quarry. At the crossroads where there is a wooden altar, we turn left, towards the gorges. There we meet a troll we have already heard about. The troll will tell a story we already know, adding something new to it. He took care of the wounded woman, and the troll wife left him out of jealousy. She took the red woman's ribbon from him. Soon after, the redhead ran away. [Choice] We have a choice:

[A] If we anger the troll, he will attack us. [Combat] The easiest way to defeat the troll is with lightning strikes of the silver sword. If that's not enough, we can use the Yrden Sign and then stab him in the back. After that, we must find the troll's wife and get the tape.

[B] We can also promise the troll that we won't hurt his wife. In this case, he will ask us to talk to the troll and convince her to return to her native lair.

We go deeper into the gorges where the troll's wife has gone. Along the way we meet harpies. [Combat] It is best to hit them with a silver sword, or you can shoot them down with the Aard Sign. Walking along the gorge, we reach a grove with the wreckage of a ship. There we see the troll's wife, surrounded by armed people. [Choice] [A] We can help the people and kill the monster. [B] We can also fight humans to save the monster. What if the troll's wife saw Triss or Summer?

[A] If we decide to help the mercenaries, they will thank us later, during the siege of Vergen. However, now we have to fight the troll's wife. [Combat] It makes sense to use lightning strikes with a silver sword. Also, if we haven't killed the troll before, it will attack us the next time we meet. But that will be later. Now we take the tape of Triss from the body of the troll.

[B] If we defend the monster, we will have to fight the mercenaries. [Combat] Our enemies are numerous, so the main thing is to block and carry out counterattacks. The Yrden sign will also come in handy. As we begin to gain the upper hand, Pangratt gives in and after a brief conversation, agrees to leave, leaving the monster alive. After the battle, we speak with the troll's wife. If we killed her husband, then we ask her about the tape and return to Vergen. If the troll is alive, we ask her to return to her husband. The grateful spouses will give us the ribbon of Triss and the horn, which can be used to call them in case of danger. Later they will help us in the defense of Vergen.

It's time to go back to Philippa to tell her about everything and give her the tape: perhaps Philippa will be able to understand where Triss is from her little thing. Our conversation with the sorceress is interrupted. It turns out that the peasants want to kill Stennis: they believe that he poisoned Saskia. We will return to the search for Triss later. Now we need to run to the town hall, where they are besieging the heir to the throne (Royal Blood).

Royal blood

In order to find the ingredients for Saskia's antidote, Philippa gives us several tasks at once, including this one. For the potion, the sorceress needs royal blood. Immediately after the council (War Council), we can see Stennis and tell him what we need from him, but he will refuse us indignantly. We will only have a chance to get royal blood when we deliver Triss' ribbon to Philippa. Our conversation with the sorceress will be interrupted by a nobleman who will say that the peasants are ready to break Stennis, accusing him of poisoning Saskia.

We're going to where the prince barricaded himself. There, a crowd of Vergen residents, peasants, nobles and dwarves awaits us, as well as our friends Zoltan and Buttercup. These two will describe the situation to us. The peasants consider Stennis guilty, and the nobility defend him. We must collect as much information as possible and pass judgment.

We have several conversations with the assembled dwarves, peasants and nobles. We can also talk to Stennis if we use the Sign of Axii in a conversation with the guards.

After three conversations, we will find out the positions of both sides, and the peasants will demand that we pass judgment. [Choice] We have a difficult decision to make. We have not learned any facts that could unequivocally point to the culprit. [A] However, we can condemn Stennis to death as the culprit. [B] We can also state that the available evidence is insufficient. In this case, the decision will be made by Saskia after recovery.

[A] By declaring Stennis guilty, we'll get the royal blood we need.

[B] If we leave it up to Saskia, we'll give Stennis a fair trial, but we'll have to get royal blood from Henselt.

Regardless of the choice made, we go to Philippa to inform her of the fate of Stennis. Meanwhile, the sorceress was able to find traces of Triss with the help of a megascope.

Where is Triss? (part two)

While we were trying Stennis for his alleged involvement in the poisoning of Saskia, Philippa Eilhart located Triss using the tape we obtained. When we meet with the sorceress at her house, she informs us that Merigold is on the other side of the ghostly fog - in the camp of King Henselt. The sorceress offers to help us cross the battlefield, so we just go there.

We pass through the burnt village and enter the fog. We are accompanied by an already familiar owl, which surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes ghosts with lightning. We're following the sorceress. After a while, the owl will fall into a magical trap. We must defeat all enemies in order to free Philippa and continue on our way. [Combat] We use strong strikes of the silver sword. Ghosts are weak opponents, so there shouldn't be any problems. We move on, trying not to go beyond the protective barrier.

When we cross the battlefield, Philippa leaves us: she is afraid that she will be noticed by Detmold, the court sorcerer of the king of Kaedwen. We're heading north towards Henselt's camp. At the border post, we find a mysterious figurine, and then unexpectedly come face to face with Vernon Rocher and his squad. Despite the unpleasant circumstances of our parting, the Temerian will show us the way to the camp of the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard, where we may find Triss. [Choice] [A] We can try to slip through the Kaeven camp from the side of the cliff or [B] go through the underground tunnels inhabited by monsters.

[A] We go to the cliff, as Roche told us, and make our way to the royal camp.

We approach the tent on the left, and when a drunken sentry comes out, we wait for him to turn left. Then we wait until all the soldiers sitting by the fire are distracted by the vomiting comrade. Then we slip on and turn left, towards the tents, so as not to attract the attention of sentries. So we get to the second gate. Now we are waiting for the patrol to enter the camp. We exit the gate, deal with the sentry and go down to the caves under the camp. There we are met by nakers. [Combat] Against them, you need to use quick strikes of the silver sword. Soon we reach the opposite exit from the cave. There we are noticed by a Nilfgaardian sentry.

[B] The alternative route Roche gave us is through the caves below the camp. The entrance is hidden in the tent of the courtesans opposite the Kaedweni fortifications. There we must talk to Madame Karol and bribe her to get the necessary information and the key to the entrance to the tunnel. So we get into the basement of an abandoned tower, from where you can get into the caves. We're heading north and northeast. On the way we will meet local inhabitants - nakers. [Combat] The Aard Sign will come in handy against monsters that attack in groups. It will allow us to shoot down some of these creatures, and it will be easier to finish them off with a silver sword. There is also a duck. Earlier, in the mines of the dwarves, we had already dealt with one. This one also needs to be immobilized with the Yrden Sign and attacked from behind. When we leave the caves on the shore, we are stopped by a Nilfgaardian sentry. An Imperial soldier will take us to Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Esterlen. After a brief conversation, we will be searched, and the guards will take away the figurine from us. It turns out that this is the transformed Triss Merigold! The ambassador will leave, ordering his men to kill us. Vernon Rocher and Bianca will save us at the last moment. Now we must fight the Nilfgaardian soldiers led by the sorcerer. [Combat] Spells must be dodged. It is best to immediately knock him down at the moment of teleportation with the help of the Aard Sign and kill him. We can immobilize the guards with the Yrden Sign and then finish them off with a backstab.

[Consequences of the choice in the Royal Blood quest]

[A] If we found Stennis guilty of poisoning Saskia in the King's Blood quest and obtained the king's blood that way, we can now enlist Roche's help to leave the Kaedweni camp. He will take us out of there as prisoners he must get rid of. On the way, we should avoid patrols: if they notice us, they will solve the trick, and we will face a heroic death and the end of the game. Avoiding patrols, we reach the gate, where we are stopped by a sentry. The answer to his first question is "Game", and then we must choose the option "Keep silent", otherwise the sentry will understand what is happening and raise the alarm. So we get out of the camp and return to the fog.

[B] If in the Royal Blood quest we decided that there was not enough evidence of Stennis's guilt and did not receive royal blood, then now we can ask Roche to help us get Henselt's blood. Vernon will distract the guards, and we can get into the tent of King Kaedwen. We hide behind the barrels and wait for the soldiers to leave, and then we make our way behind the tents to the largest tent. There are barrels behind it, which we set on fire with the Sign of Igni to distract the sentries. Now we can get into the royal tent. After talking with Henselt, we get royal blood, and we are taken out of the camp in exchange for a promise to remove the ghostly fog. It's time to head back to Vergen.

Before we enter the fog, Philippa will appear once more. She will guide us through the battlefield. As in previous times, we will have to fight spirits and ghosts. [Combat] It's better to stay behind the magic shield of the sorceress and let her deal with the enemies. However, at some point, the ghosts will catch the owl in a magical trap. To free Philippa, we will have to kill all the enemies. Then you can continue the path to the Krasnolyudskaya fortress.

So we'll get to the safety of Vergen. Now you can go to Philippa's house to inform her about the fate of Triss. It turns out that the servant of the sorceress Cynthia was a Nilfgaardian spy and escaped. Luckily, she left all her belongings, among which we find the rose of memory. The flower is fading, we need to hurry ...

A matter of life and death

Saving Saskia is one of our most important tasks in Vergen. It combines the four ingredients gathering quests listed above: Underground Life, where we search for the dwarven immortelle, In Search of Magic, where we find the dragon's dream, as well as Royal Blood and Where's Triss?, during which we obtain royal blood and a rose of memory.

Having collected all the ingredients, we give them to Philippa Eilhart, who immediately begins to prepare the medicine for Saskia. We are present at the recovery of the girl. After recovering, Saskia gives us Vandergrift's sword. We will need the blade of the Kaedweni commander to disperse the ghostly mist.

Eternal fight

At the council of war, Philippa and I discuss how to remove the curse from the battlefield. According to the sorceress, for this we need four magic items related to the battle three years ago. They should symbolize courage, faith, hatred and death. Philippa promises us to find the first two, leaving us symbols of hatred and death.

We must learn as much as possible about this battle. To do this, we need to ask Philippa, the headman of Vergen Cecil Bourdon and our dwarf friends Zoltan and Yarpen about her. They will tell us about the sword of Vandergrift, which Saskia now owns, and about the banner of the Brown Banner. It turns out that the Kaedweni general who owned the sword was notorious for his cruelty. In addition, we learn from the side that the Brown Banner died in the battle for Vergen to the last man, and the bodies of the soldiers were buried in the forest, not far from the city. Since the elves guarding Saskia do not let anyone near her except Philippa, we will have to wait for her to recover in order to get the sword.

Symbol of death

So, let's start looking for the banner of the Brown Banner. We need to explore the catacombs in the forest. We can do this while searching for the dragon's dream (In Search of Magic) or investigating the murders that have happened in the city (With a trembling heart). We set off for the forest: from the outskirts of Vergen we get on the walls and reach the area where Iorvet's detachment is stationed. There we find a tunnel overlooking the river bank. The forest we are interested in is located on the other side. Somewhere in it there is an entrance to the crypt. We'll probably be attacked by ghosts inside. [Combat] The silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Aard will help us deal with them.

We have to get to the lower level. There, in one of the halls, we meet the spirit of the standard-bearer Brown Banner. [Choice] [A] We can trick him into claiming that we once entered Buruya, or [B] we can fight him.

[A] If we claim to have served in the Brown Banner, the spirit will not believe us. But if we insist, he will ask us some questions to check. The answer to his first question is wrong. The next answer is Manno Coehoorn, and the third answer is Manno Coehoorn was killed near Brenna. The answer to the question about the generals in the battle for Vergen is Zeltkirk and Vandergrift. The last answer is that Bigerhorn took us prisoner. So we will convince the incredulous ghost, and he will allow us to take the banner from the sarcophagus. If we make a mistake, but we have a beaver hat or a cloak of the Brown Banner, the spirit will give us another chance. Otherwise, we will have to fight him. We can get these items during the Baltimore Nightmare quest or win them in dice from Scalen Bourdon.

[B] If we're not in the mood to chat with the spirit, or we give the wrong answer to one of its questions, we'll have to fight. [Combat] This is a very difficult fight to prepare for. The sign of Yrden will help us a lot: it will allow us to immobilize the enemy and finish him off with a silver sword. Now we can take the banner of the Brown Banner. But that's not all. If we deceived the ghost, he will periodically pursue us in other battles.

Symbol of hate

Once we've got the banner, we'll have to get Vandergrift's sword. To do this, we need to collect all the ingredients of the medicine for Saskia. When the Dragon Slayer heals, she'll just give us the sword.

Now we need to talk to Philippa to get the other two artifacts - a magical medallion and Zeltkirk's armor. Having received all four items, we go to the ghostly haze.

In the fog, we turn into an Aedirnian soldier. Our commander gives orders to the archers and orders us to capture the enemy banner. We run through the defenses to the spirits of the Kaedweni warriors defending the banner. [Combat] We must block enemy attacks and strike quickly. We are deprived of witcher skills, so we will have to do without Signs, potions and bombs.

After the victory, the spirit of the Kaedweni warrior will take over our body. We must inform our commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Arrows rain down from the sky. Hiding behind wooden shields, we cross the battlefield. The archers fire at regular intervals, so we're safe between shots. So we get to our general... This is Vandergrift. Draug. He quarrels with Sabrina Glewessig, court sorceress of King Henselt.

Sabrina sends a rain of fire onto the battlefield. We have been possessed by the spirit of the Aedirn commander Zeltkirk. Once again we engage in battle with the spirits and ghosts of the Kaedweni soldiers. [Combat] We only have a sword at our disposal. We try to block enemy attacks and strike back quickly. In the end, we find ourselves face to face with Vandergrift. The spirit of Zeltkirk leaves our body, and in the battle with the draug we can finally use all the abilities of the witcher.

[Combat] The fight with the draug is one of the most difficult in the game. The Kaedweni general has become a demon that can turn into a tornado, call out a volley of archers, and finally send Sabrina's fireballs at us. When the draug uses his special abilities, we'd better take cover behind something. When he is not using them, we should attack him with a silver sword. Most Signs are useless in this fight, but Quen can be useful. You also need to use dodges and rolls to get close to the demon from the side and deliver a powerful blow.

After the death of the demon, the spirit of the Kaedweni priest will take possession of us, who will try to lead the soldiers out from under the fiery shower. Hiding behind cover, we head towards the edge of the fog...

Siege of Vergen

After the end of the battle of the spirits, we come to our senses in the house of Philippa Eilhart. The sorceress informs us that the troops of Kaedwen, led by Henselt himself, are approaching Vergen, and asks us to talk to Zoltan: he is responsible for the defense of the city. We will find Zoltan with Saskia at the city gates. During the conversation with the dwarf, the Kaedwenians will appear. Zoltan will ask for help - we must pour boiling oil on the attackers. We run to the walls. There we encounter the Kaedweni shieldmen. [Combat] When fighting against enemies who have a shield, we need to block attacks and hit hard. In addition, they can be immobilized with the Yrden Sign or approached from the side with a roll. After destroying the enemies, we pour out the oil with a lever and return to Zoltan. Unfortunately, Dethmold appears and destroys the barricade built by the defenders with magic. Zoltan gives the order to retreat beyond the second gate of the city.

Sheldon closes the gate behind us and we rush to the walls. Henselt's army captures the suburbs and approaches the city wall. The soldiers are climbing the ladders... We are in for a mortal battle. [Combat] We are not fighting alone, so we can fight back quite effectively and use Signs. Having beaten off the first wave of attackers, we will get a respite. When we deal with the second wave, Saskia will tell us about a secret passage to the city. It passes through the caves adjacent to the mines near Vergen. She will add that the detachment sent there has not returned.

Saskia will ask us to scout the tunnels with her. We follow the girl and run into a detachment of Kaedwenians. [Combat] Against heavily armed warriors, the quick strikes of the steel sword and the Sign of Aard will do the best. We go deeper into the caves and meet Detmold there with a detachment of mercenaries. The sorcerer blocks our way back and forces us to accept an unequal battle. [Combat] In this battle, you must not forget about defense, you must counterattack and dodge Detmold's spells. Suddenly, the spell hits Geralt... Saskia will save us by turning into a dragon. Then, after a brief conversation with the girl, we return to the city. On the way we meet Zoltan. He says we are needed on the walls.

On the walls of Vergen, Saskia delivers a speech to boost the morale of the defenders. Immediately appear enemy troops led by Henselt and Detmold. The sorcerer breaks the gate, and the king gives the order to storm. A new wave of Kaedweni soldiers is rolling in on us. [Combat] We should easily deal with the enemies if we skillfully reflect their blows and use Signs if necessary.

At the other end of the battlefield, Iorveth appears with a squad of Scoia'tael. Now Henselt's troops are surrounded, and the elves bombard the enemy with arrows. Saskia asks Geralt and Zoltan to support Iorvet and help him close the first city gates in order to cut off the only escape route for the Kaedweni.

We run to the stairs to the walls on the right and find ourselves next to the fortifications from which oil was poured earlier. Zoltan closes the gate... and Henselt is left with no choice but to surrender. So he immediately does.

] |

Finally, we have almost everything we need. The point is small - to find the rose of memory, that is, Triss. Philippa assures that the sorceress can be found in the Helselt camp. The problem is that this camp is on the other side of the darkness. You have to be crazy to go there. Our witcher cannot be called normal, because we are not afraid of any darkness. In this difficult matter, Philip will help us in the form of an owl (eagle owl). Similarly, with the first quest of this chapter, we need to constantly be in the circle and from time to time save the sorceress from the attacks of ghosts. Having made our way to the other side, we say goodbye to Philippa (for a while). We go to the king's camp.

Not far from the place where this task began, we find a corpse. We examine it and find a figurine of a mysterious monarch. Run further until you run into Roche. Talk to him and ask for help in your search. Despite the fact that the guy is a little offended by us, he will tell you about a secret passage to the enemy camp. He passes through an old cave. Roche strongly advises against going there, but, apparently, there is no other way. If the conversation with him does not work out and Roche leaves, head to the nearest settlement. The brothel is the only building available. We bribe a local pimp, and ask her about the passage to the camp. She will also talk about the cave. This information will cost 1000 coins, which is quite a lot.

Entering the cave is not difficult, it will be more difficult to get out. A great danger is the stone elemental that guards the tunnels. He can easily send the witcher to the forefathers, and with just one blow. Therefore, use a quick style when fighting a monster, you must not let him come to his senses. You can use Yrden to slow down the victim. After killing the elemental, inspect the remains and run to the street. Ahead of us is a real hell - to sneak unnoticed to the ambassador. First, we recommend that you acquire throwing weapons in order to quickly neutralize any enemy. We sneak to the big gate, approach the guard who blocked the road, and ask him to take us to the ambassador. He fulfills our demands only when he binds the witcher. From our pocket, the ambassador pulls out the very figurine, breaks it and pulls out what is inside. A short dialogue leads to the fact that we are executed. The ambassador himself leaves. Bianca and Vernon Roche will come to the rescue. We advise you to take on a sorcerer while your friends deal with weaker opponents.

The showdown with the ambassador's sorcerer, Vangemar, made a lot of noise in the camp, and Roche, in order not to have to wade through the Nilfgardians, offers to play your capture. Before you agree, carefully inspect the camp. You can pick up pretty armor from one of the dead soldiers. As you move towards the gate, try to avoid patrols. The best answer to the question of the guard is that you are taking the prisoner for interrogation. After parting with your friend, rush to Philippa. Talk to her about Triss, then move into the city. The witch's servant turned out to be a traitor, but among her things, fortunately, you will find a rose of memory, which, apparently, she took away from Triss.