
Passage of Darksiders II. Walkthrough Darksiders II Darksiders 2 Stone Guard


The player will have to face various bosses, which are not so easy to deal with, even on the easiest difficulty level, but our guide will help you with this. The main character of the game - Rage, must defeat the seven deadly sins.


We will meet the first boss at the very beginning of the game. We go to her in the hall, we immediately prepare to dodge the attack from above. We inflict several blows and jump away from her attacks with a staff. When she soars into the air, she makes a wave under herself, which must be jumped over. We demolish a quarter of her health, and she flies into the air. We jump on the ledges, we approach the edge. We jump in her direction and inflict three blows, this knocks her to the ground. After that, she breaks through the floor and the second stage begins.

In the second phase, she makes two air attacks in a row. We jump over two waves and attack. Luckily, if you can accumulate rage, as in the video, this will help you deal with it faster. The third stage features three fast waves and more difficult ledge jumps.


Wrath is a typical warrior, he is strong in close combat, so you will not have to constantly dodge his attacks and counterattack. You can constantly change the direction of the rebound and hit from different directions. We try to stay on the side, so it's easier to get away from his attacks.

Flame Guardian (optional)

Flame Guardian is not a required boss. He can be easily missed as he hides behind a closed door. To open it, you need to get into a narrow hole nearby and pull the lever. The boss is in front of the big bridge.

The Flame Guardian is strong in melee combat. Able to strike with weapons and teleport. We are constantly on the move and never stand still. We dodge his attacks with a sword and counterattack. This boss is more difficult than Wrath due to the fact that it moves and attacks faster.


We dodge his punches. After his series of blows, you can land several in return. Periodically, the boss will climb the pillars. From there, he will throw various garbage into Fury, just hide behind other pillars. The boss must be constantly monitored, as he knows how to jump from one pillar to another. At the end of the fight, he will take the refrigerator and attack with it. Attacks will become more dangerous, but slower. There will be circular blows - swing the refrigerator around you.


Big and lazy boss, as the name implies. We deal with the bugs that hold his throne. We try to stay on the side and kill them one by one. After a few bugs, Sloth will get off the throne. We continue to stay on the side and beat. We dodge his powerful blows and counterattack. We do not stand in front of him, he can rise to his paws and throw himself at you with his big belly.

Angel Champion

Pretty fast opponent, easily moves around the arena. Constantly closes with a shield and knows how to make sharp lunges forward with an attack. You have to dodge a lot of his attacks. His strong sword strikes on the ground are very dangerous. The easiest way is to constantly jump around him, dodge his attacks and try to attack from different sides, while maintaining maximum mobility.


The boss fight begins with a hallucination that Fury almost believes. We dodge his sword swings and counterattack. The boss knows how to block attacks and can go on the defensive. However, his attacks are rather slow. Able to jump short distances. In the second half of the battle, you will have to fight with two enemies at once. Fortunately, Uziel is rather slow. You can ignore it and attack only lust. Well, if you have accumulated a frenzy charge by this point, it will help a lot. If you finish off Lust first, then you don't have to finish Uziel.

Damaged Bookkeeper (optional)

You have already met similar opponents in the game. This one is larger than its brethren, and its attacks are more varied. You can attack while he is casting his powerful spell, but you need to have time to dodge. The boss can strike in close combat and throw magic balls. You can move quickly from side to side and strike.

Templar of the Damned (optional)

Large skeleton with a large shield. Blocks well and attacks with a shield if you get close. At the same time, it is rather slow and clumsy. It takes a long time to prepare for an attack, so it can be difficult to choose the moment to dodge. We try to keep at an average distance so as not to get hit by the shield. We dodge sword swings and counterattack. In the second half of the fight, it will light up and start dealing more damage. Better save a Frenzy Charge for the end of the fight.


We move away from powerful strokes or jump over them. Attack when the boss leans. In this case, you need to dodge his punches with your hands forward. There are very dangerous moments when the boss sucks in air, and Rage can also be drawn in. Periodically rises up and spits out poison, we run around it, avoiding toxic puddles. It is almost impossible to counterattack here. In the second half of the battle, you will have to fight the boss at the bottom of the reservoir. There are bombs on both sides of the map, which reappear in the same places if the previous ones exploded. Bombs react to Fury and follow it. Our task is to catch the bombs in a fiery form and make the boss pull them into himself while inhaling. We cling to the bomb and swim in his direction. It is very important not to fall into the monster's mouth yourself. Between breaths, we constantly move and dodge his tentacles. We repeat several times and finish off with a spectacular technique, swimming up to the boss's face.

Abraxis (optional)

The passage of this boss is necessary to obtain. The boss is not very dangerous, he knows how to make dashes forward and strong blows in close combat. We dodge, counterattack and try to hit in the back. In the second half of the fight, he will become much angrier. Starts to deal magical blows. We try to move faster and not stand in one place when he soars into the air. Some series of hits received more attacks.

Grock (optional)

Big and clumsy boss. Able to throw large stones, which will have to dodge. His series of blows with a mace is very dangerous. During such a series, you can strike on the back. Well pass counterattacks after throwing stones and single swings of the mace. During the fight, we try to stay on the side.

Anger (2nd fight)

On the elevator we get to a spacious arena with many opponents. We already fought Wrath at the beginning of the game. He is still slow and clumsy. Deals powerful blows with a sword and kicks. We retreat during his punches on the ground, thanks to them he can restore health. In the second half of the fight, he will have two swords and will become noticeably faster. He will start throwing swords in such a way that they will rotate in a circle. We try not to fall under such a blow. Stay in a circle and attack. Melee attacks aren't that dangerous if you constantly move around him. We dodge the throws of his sword and sharp jerks forward. Hand attacks are practically no different from weapon attacks.


This boss seemed the hardest. The first half of the fight is quite simple if you understand the mechanics right away. We retreat when she soars into the air and creates a shield. To bring down the shield, use the element of the same color as her shield. We knock down the shield with a weapon, and then attack and deal damage. Periodically, she will throw balls, dodge or approach her to prepare for an attack.

The second half of the fight will be more difficult due to the revived statue. She beams across the arena. Periodically, the beam can be accelerated. It is important not only to keep an eye on the boss, but also to know where the beam is. Periodically, Pride will fly into the air and make swift attacks. The rest of the tactics will be the same as in the first half of the battle.


The final boss of the game. Don't watch the video if you're afraid of spoilers. This boss combined all the powers of the Riders and the defeated Sins. But the battle is not as difficult as it might seem. We dodge slow sword swings and phantoms of sins caused by the boss. After dodging phantoms, you can counterattack the boss. In the second half of the fight, she will start throwing a sword that will spin around her and deal powerful blows to the ground with a large radius of destruction. Firearm attacks and scythe throws will be added.

Go through the forge, talk to the Guardian. The bridge has been restored. You will have a satellite - Karn. Get to the smelter, go along the path. The partner will throw you over the abyss. Climb up the ledges, wait for the cauldron, jump into it. Move to the right, get ready to jump. At the bottom, cross the abyss by running along the wall. Destroy the constructs, pull the left lever, go through the door. Jump on the lever, open the door for Karn. He will run to another door.

Get to the Guardian. To revive it, you need to find three Hearts of Stone. Turn left, go into the passage. Get to the structure. The bird points up, Karn will help. Jump into the water, swim to the other side. This is how you get to the ball. We must open the door. Go further, dive into the water again. There will be a passage that will lead to a button. The door is open, Karn is holding it while you guide the ball. Push it into the wall slot. A constructor will appear from under the wall. You need to activate it and move back. Passage of the game Darksiders 2 - turn right at the crossroads, destroy the crystals. Go straight to the next passage. Step on the connector, start the circuit.

When you reach half of it, jump into the vines. Climb up, jump on the beams. In another room, run along the walls, cling to the ledge. Wait for the magma flow to pass, quickly run along the wall. When you go through the door, kill the enemies. Take the key from the chest. Jump on the chain, head to the first room, unlock the green door.

Climb the spiral staircase, go further. Kern will help you get to the other side. Immediately kill small enemies. Go ahead, free the item from the fetters to get the Death Grip ability. Go back using the death grip. Jump on the lever and wait while your partner holds the door. Or go around through the passage on the left.

With the further passage of the game Darksiders II, go into the room on the right. Kill a number of enemies. At the top you will see bombs, take them with a death grip, throw them into the mechanism. Move on. Get to the lever. Activate it and climb the wall, jump to the beam. You need to get to the lever. Activate it - the bridge will be restored. Then climb the wall, move to the right. Pull the lift, get down. Move as usual. Pull towards Karn, flip to the other side.

Head down, where you can activate the construct and get to the Heart of Stone. Pull towards him, drop him down so that his partner delivers him to the Guardian. Defeat the enemies in the elevator.

A new path is open. Cross the magma, follow the first pipe, kill the flyers. Move along the second pipe. On the button, wait until the partner holds the door. Then he will throw you over the abyss. You will have to fly through the second one on your own. Passage of the game Darksiders 2 - revive the construct, stand in the place assigned to him - between the columns. Shoot the chain, climb up the hill in the center. Turn the lever counterclockwise 360 ​​degrees. Instantly jump down and get ready to jump onto the ledge. Climb onto the chain, then to the center. Climb to the right along the vines, get to the lever. Activate it, bridges will appear. Go back, saddle the construct, cross two bridges, destroy the interfering crystals.

You will find yourself in the territory where you can see the second Heart of the Stone. Kill the enemies, jump into the ox. Climb along the wall to the vines, then to the ledges. Then jump back into the water. Keep your way up to the lever. Once activated, the water level will rise. Return to Karn, with the help of the construct, you need to drive up to the stonebreaker. Pull on the lever next to it. The construct will be destroyed. The ball will fall into the hole. With the further passage of the game, Darksiders 2 bunks will be in a cauldron, which falls under the weight. Pull the bomb with a death grip, throw it at the crystals above. Get out upstairs, take the key from the chest. Open the door, roll the ball into the socket there. Climb the walls, get to the Heart of Stone. Return to the Guardian. The water level has risen significantly. Jump down, climb the indicated ledges. Get through the pipes to the button that will open the doors.

The third heart remains. Ashes can show the way. We need a lattice door through which a partner will help to pass. There is a lever on the right, activate it. Restore the construct, use it to cut a path by destroying the crystals.

Clear the room with the Heart, stand in the slot in the wall. Climb the wall, go further. Use death grip, reach for the beam. Move along them, then run along the wall. You'll get to the Heart pretty quickly. Once you free the Heart, Karn will take it. You will be trapped alone with the boss - Corrupted Guard. With the further passage of the game Darksiders 2, you will understand that this is a warm-up. A more serious fight is ahead.

Approach the guard. The heart is still defiled by corruption. If you activate the guard, then there can be serious consequences. This is how it actually happens. Chase him, that is, get out of the place and get to the Trekstone. After blowing into the forest, where you will meet the Guardian. The fight will be in a series of stages. We offer to deal with them on our own, without prompting. So, after the victory there will be a video on the destruction of the last Heart. The Ancient One, with its last gasp, will restore the cleansed Guardian and he will remove the damage from the path.

Walkthrough Darksiders 2 - Tree of Life

Get to the ill-fated place, talk to brother Absalon, who became Pochrey. After you talk with the merchant, you can buy good weapons, potions, armor from him.

Bone Lord

Get to Leviathan's Cleft, enter the building. Run along the walls using death grip. Move along the vines, get down below. Stand on the button and wait for the bars to open. After that, quickly run along the walls, go through the door on the left and fight the skeletons. Go ahead, turn left before the bridge. Grab the bomb, hook it next to the mechanism. Go to the bridge, shoot the bomb. The bridge will be restored, go further, take the key from the chest. Deal with the bugs. Then you need to unlock the green door, go down the beam. Destroy the skeletons, go down the stairs. Outside, saddle your horse and ride to Serpent Peak. There will be a video. Get to the Throne Room. Try to enter the Bone Lord. The guards will not be allowed in, as permission is required from the Advisor. The EA is also set against you. But he agrees to the condition - he will have to defeat the Champion of the arena.

Walkthrough Darksiders 2 - Royal Board

Get to the Golden Arena avoiding the abyss. Go down the stairs. Twist the flashlight, taking one side 180 degrees. This will help open another door. To attract the Champion, you need to find three soul stones. Turn right, climb up the ledge. Go through the door, go down the stairs. Kill the skeletons, go to another room. Stand on the button, the cage will open. Take the bomb with a stranglehold. It must be thrown at the lantern, pulling towards itself the base that will remain after the explosion. Put it on the button, go further along the grate. Run along the walls avoiding the pit.

Go without turning into the room, push the mechanism, pull the lantern towards you. You can look into the room, hang a lantern on the hand of the statue. Spin and aim the light at the door. Get to the first soul stone, tear it out of the statue's forehead. Go back, the path will be blocked by a grate. Gotta deal with the bugs. Use the pistol. Go back, a new door will open, skeletons will fall. Run along the corridor, climb up. For further passage of the game Darksiders 2, jump to the other side. Pull the lever, get out into the arena. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue.

Kill the skeletons, go up to the next door. Turn left inside, go up the spiral staircase. Pull the shadow bomb from the fallen half of the bridge. Get to the lantern, break the crystals that are nearby. Behind them you will see another bomb, grab it and throw it across the abyss. Climb over the walls to the other side. Use the bomb to blow up the crystals near the lantern. Aim the lantern at the grate, go forward to the end, then to the right. Take the lantern from the button, kill the enemies, put it on the button by the statue with the lantern. Get to the previous statue with a lantern, aim it at the grate. Pull the lantern from the button to you, hang it on the statue from above. This will restore the bridge. Walk on it, go down. Passage of the game Darksiders 2 - destroy the boxes if you need a health potion. Move on, kill the bugs and skeleton archers. Take the second soul stone, return to the arena by the open path. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue.

Go to the central door. Face a group of Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton Destroyers. The latter are especially dangerous. These are mini bosses. Go around the bridge, stand on the button, run fast, pulling the bomb. Get on the platform and throw the bomb at the mechanism. You will find yourself on the other side, where you will find the third stone of the soul. To take it, you need to defeat Skorobey the Lump. So, they dumped him. Now take the soul stone, return to the arena. Insert the soul stone into the head of the statue. Gnashor will appear as an earthworm. When it pops out, the head will emit blue light. Do a quick death grip. Beat the enemy until he crawls into the hole. When the enemy comes out completely, there will be a serious battle. Be careful.

When you defeat the Champion, get the Golden Skull. Open the global map, quickly move to the Eternal Throne. Talk to the Advisor, then the King. Ask for the Source of Souls. It will be necessary to complete the task of finding and delivering three immortal lords.

How to kill the Guardian?

It is worth noting that the Guardian in the popular game Darksiders 2 is perhaps the most difficult enemy to meet during the passage of the game, and if you cannot kill him, then you will not pass to the next stage.

Guardian Destruction

Destroying the Guardian is not so easy, for this you need to know a few tricks:

  1. Watch the cartoon and at the end get on your horse. You need to get as close to the Guardian as possible.
  2. Then, during his wave of the hand, head towards the hand. When the hammer hits the ground, you have a little time to destroy the Guardian. Find bombs on his hands and shoot them. If you shoot accurately and hit the first time, the bombs will explode quickly. Thus the Guardian will be defeated and he will crumble. Next, you need to find a crystal that will fall out of your hand, jump on it and beat until the Guardian resurrects. These steps should be repeated twice.
  3. After that, the Guardian will shoot fireballs at you. As soon as he sends his first ball, shoot him a few times and run between the Guardian's legs. The ball will fly after you, so the Guardian will kill himself. After that, you need to run up to the left hand and resurrect the Guardian with the crystal, as described earlier.
  4. After such actions, Death is activated and will finish off the Guardian, destroying the crystal in the process.

It is worth noting that killing the boss in this way is possible at easier levels, when passing difficult options, the number of manipulations must be increased by 1. The time to destroy the enemy also increases.

If you could not kill the Guardian the first time, then all the steps must be repeated from the very beginning, going through two stages in turn.

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To the question of Darksiders 2. How to kill the guard (last boss) in Darksider 2 given by the author Lydia Mishchenko the best answer is Passage of Darksiders 2. How to kill (defeat) the guard. Article. Picture
So, let's start discussing one of the moments that you will have to face during the passage of the game Darksiders 2. Sorry, there is no video, just a description. However, I think everything is perfectly clear. Let me remind you a little of the background. You probably put all the blue pebbles in the guard, and he went berserk and fled. I think it was. Now you need to track him down and kill him. By the way, fast travel will not be available for you, so you have to go on foot. On the way, do not forget to talk to the guardians.
You need to go to the valley. It is easy to see that where you go, the guard has already visited, since everything is destroyed and burning. As soon as you get to the valley of the Stonefather, the cartoon will begin, and after it the action itself. Here the question is interesting: How to kill (defeat) the guard? The answer will not keep you waiting. So, let's continue in order.
Guardian is not a very strong boss. The only question is the idea. So, we jump on the horse and ride to it. You must have a pistol selected. It is important. As soon as the guard swings his hammer, you must gallop away from the blow, and not along, but across the blow. After the impact, we immediately turn around and shoot at the bombs on his arm. As soon as the hand is destroyed, we jump to the crystal and at the same time change the gun to the hand. We run up, jump and bludgeon the crystal with the weapon that you have. After that, the guard is restored and this manipulation will have to be repeated one more time. Now the crystal is knocked out and the first stage is over. We proceed to the second.
At the second stage, the guard is already somewhat enraged and begins to shoot balls from his cannon. Such an idea! You take a position between his legs. As soon as he shoots the next ball from the cannon, you start shooting from the pistol at this ball until it rises into the air. After that, the ball will fly at you, and you need to run away for the guard. Thus, the ball will knock the guard down. After that, we run to his left hand and climb the crossbar. Then we jump, grab the crystal and start beating it. Then the guard will recover, and these manipulations will need to be repeated again. After that it will all be over.
You don't need to do anything further. I want to note that I played the game on an easy difficulty level, which I don’t know about on a difficult one. However, I think the idea is the same. I hope that the question: how to kill (defeat) the guard is closed. Passage of Darksiders 2 How to kill the guard? - this is great!!!

, Black stone , .

We return to the main road, go further, we slip past the castle on the coast. We move further straight along the course and climb up the mountain serpentine. We enter a small room, take the contents of two chests, take a seal in the crevice on the right, shoot Stone of Power (3/25), hanging from above above the front door. We leave the room, go down.

We climb up the other way a little south. We rise to the cliff to the left of the road, and jump down to collect the seal. We return back to the right road.

On a narrow winding road we get to the entrance to the building. Almost at the very end of the road, Stone of Mystic (10/34) will hang at the top right. We shoot insects inside. At the end of the corridors along the right wall we climb up, take and throw the yellow projectile into the blue ball on the opposite side. We shoot at the attached projectile, the ball will fall down, after that we jump to it, and roll it into the recess. We enter the next location.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving the item Creator's Key (Maker's Key).

We swim into the bay in the southwest of the location, there we will find a dilapidated stone golem named Oran. He gives the task to find parts of his stone body (they look like huge green boulders).

Oran golem body parts location:

The right leg is located in The Fjord on the mountain in front of the entrance to The Drenchfort.

The right hand is right in the middle of the Shadow Gorge location.

The left leg is in The Charred Pass behind the second round gate.

The left hand is in front of the entrance to The Scar.

Having found all the parts of the golem, we return to it. Additional task completed.

The golem now mentions a blacksmith shaman. We go to Tristone to the girl Muria. She gives us the task to find 6 seeds of the shade leaf (Gather the Seed). Seeds drop from Prowler monsters that live in the hills of the Fjord. We bring the seeds to the shaman girl, we get the item Magnetite (Lodestone). The Maker's Chronicle item can now be found. This book lies in the location of the Cursed Forest (Baneswood) in a small cave in the northwest. We carry the found book to Orana in the south of the location of the Fjord (The Fjord). (Quest completed. Get 384 XP, 1500 Gilt).

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving a demonic hand.

We approach the coastal fortress. We climb to the second floor of the fortress with the help of a demonic hand. We take two chests. We jump down from the western edge of the fortress to take the seal hanging in the air.

We fall into the water, swim to the pier, filled with growths of crystals. We swim under it, move towards the coast, find the bars on the wall, and climb up along them. On the pier, with the help of a demonic hand, we attract a yellow projectile to ourselves and throw it into the crystals. We pass further, we take the chest.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after obtaining the split ability.

Building to the east, accessed by a winding uphill road. We go inside, stand on the central plate, split in two. With two copies, we stand on the pressure plates on the left and right. Our statue will rise, at this time you need to turn off the split and quickly jump to the hill. At the top we leave the statue on one plate, with the first hero along the wall we get to the second plate behind the bars, with the second hero we take the thing page of the Book of the Dead (6/10) volume 3. If you destroy all the jugs in this room, then a secret chest will appear.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving the ability to teleport.

We sail south to the merchant Vulgrim. Behind him, we activate two portals, destroy the crystal, take the chest, then from afar we aim at the crystal standing in the right corner, we take the thing page of the Book of the Dead (5/10) volume 4. In the room where the explosive projectile is located, Stone of Resistance (9/10) hangs high on the wall.

Storm Fort (The Drenchfort)

We leave into the room with a huge statue in the middle. From the front door we go left almost to the very corner, we approach the cliff and carefully jump down onto a small ledge to go into the cave where lies Book of the Dead page (6/10).

We jump down to the base of the statue, and take the chest. There will be a door directly opposite, we shoot at Stone of Mystic (11/34), hanging above it. From the chest we go to the right side, there will be a seal. We go down to the very bottom, along the left or right wall we climb up. One path leads to a locked door, there is nothing there. The other one is towards the openable door, where another chest lies nearby. We go to the open door.

1 stream. At the entrance we collect a couple of chests.

We go into a small room on the south side. We deal with several opponents, and then with the boss.

Boss: Earth Crag

This boss looks like a wooden stump with arms and legs. It does not pose a particular danger, it is easily destroyed.

(Only in DLC). We go forward, pick up on the table Karn Helm (Journeyman Helm).

Take the chest, get out of here.

We move further out into a large room with a statue of a blacksmith holding a hammer. Here we dive into the water, in the crevice on the right we take the chest. We go up. On the right side, we run along three walls and find ourselves near the ball, roll it down, and then into the recess.

We pass to the left side of the room. We pass along the arch of the gate and collect the seal. We take the chest near the doors (we will get the full map of The Drenchfort location) and the chest on the left side. We see a ball shrouded in growths of yellow crystals. To the right of this place we climb the wall, take a yellow projectile there, throw it into the crystals and blow it up. With the next projectile we destroy the crystals on the balcony on the right. We roll the ball to the closed gate, put a yellow projectile on it. We climb onto the platform located at the back to open the gate. Without getting off it, we shoot at the projectile on the ball so that it rolls into the central room. We get off the platform, we ourselves get into the central room along the wall, and then we roll the ball into the recess. We pass through the opened door.

We go along the corridors, at the end of the path we press the lever. The first damper opened, the water ran down the chute. We move along the gutter with water, climb the wall to the left to take the chest.

We return to the central room with the statue of scales.

2 stream. The scales tilted to one side under the weight of the water. Now you need to open the water on the other side for a counterweight.

We jump into the water, find a long tunnel in the center and swim through it. There will be a seal at the other end of the tunnel. We climb up the wall, go to the left side and collect the chest. We go to the right side and rise even higher.

Dealing with monsters. After that, the boss will jump out.

Boss: Savage Stalker

It behaves in the same way as a regular Stalker monster, but for defeating it they give a new ability - Reaper Form (Transformation into a reaper spirit).

Move on. In the next room, from the central part of the water trough, we jump to the branch on the right. There we climb up the wall, from the right edge of the ledge we run along the wall to the right to get into a small corner where it will lie Book of the Dead page (7/10). We go down, we go further. In the chest we find the key (Skeleton key). We return to the door with bright blue chains.

Having opened the door with the key, we go further along the corridor. Entering the room, climb up the left wall. We take a yellow projectile, throw it into the growths of crystals, and blow them up. We go down there, take the chest, with an effort roll the ball up the hill (middle mouse button), and then put it in the recess.

On the right side of the room, we run along all the walls, at the end we get a chest. Below, under the balcony, there is a small nook on the right, where another chest lies.

We go to the central part of the room. We take the yellow projectile and install it on the ball from the side of the elevator. We get up on the elevator, shoot at the projectile on the ball so that it jumps out of the recess. From this, the elevator lifts us up. We go in the door.

We pass along the corridors, in the room on the left side we shoot bombs on the growths of crystals, after that we turn on the lever. The second flap is up. We move back along the water chute. We turn left, there we climb up to press the second lever. We move further along the water flow, we return to the central room with the scales.

Central stream. Now the water flows from both sides and runs away in the central direction. We go to the door, under which the water flows. We pass through the next door and get to the boss.

Boss: Karkinos

Take the egg (E) and forcefully roll it (middle mouse button) towards the huge stone. The stone turns out to be the boss Karkinos. Normally, he is invulnerable. To inflict damage on him, you must first wait until the next egg falls from the ceiling, then take it and throw it at the boss with force. The boss will fall on his side, now you can beat him. This will need to be repeated several times. For defeating him, we will receive the "Masher of Karkinos" item.

We go forward, we press the last lever. The level is passed, you can return to Tristone.

Tristone (Tri-Stone)

We go into the opened room Forge Creators (Maker's Forge). We go around the blacksmith's furnace, on the back of the statue above the furnace hangs Stone of Mystic (12/34). We approach Aliya, we get a new main task "Move the mountain" and an item Maker's Key. With it, you can revive stone golems, and this will allow us to go to the location The Nook (Callout). You can also return to the location to revive the golem Oran.

Cove (The Nook)

We enter the room, break all the boxes, in one of them there will be a seal. We open the chest. We approach a pile of stones with a bright blue glow, use the Maker's Key, from which the stones add up to a golem. Having saddled the golem (key E), we call on it into the recess on the floor, after that we shoot the chain (middle mouse button). On the chain we reach the door.

In the next room, we deal with the enemies, take the yellow projectile and break the growths of yellow crystals. We take the chest and move on.

We make our way along the logs, pillars and ledges to the next large room. In the room we break all the boxes, in one of them there will be a seal. Press the lever to open the previously closed door. At the same time, a corridor down will open nearby. We go along it, exit to the lake of lava, go into the door on the left to climb up again, but along a different path.

We go into a room with two elevators. First, we jump along the poles above the lava (you need to step on the top, and then on the bottom luminous pole). After pressing down, the ball will roll down, we go to it. We press the lower lever nearby - the elevator goes down, we roll the ball onto the elevator. We climb up the opposite wall, press the upper lever to lower the second elevator to the middle. We jump down, press the lower lever again, take the first elevator up. We look a little up and break Stone of Mystic (13/34) there. Berm the ball and forcefully throw it on the second elevator (middle mouse button). We jump down, climb the opposite wall, press the upper lever to raise the second elevator. The ball is raised up, now we roll it into the recess. We collect chest standing nearby, we go into the following doors. There we take another chest. As a result, we go back to a huge room. In it we go into the northern door, where we have not been yet.

We get into a large room filled with water. We jump into the water, swim down the spiral staircase, on one of the floors we swim into the room, we find the seal. We climb up the spiral staircase, jump to another building, and, in the end, get out into the street.

The Tomb of Death (a stone door with multi-colored symbols) can only be entered after we collect all 10 pages of the Book of the Dead and sell them to the merchant Vulgrim. (Inside the tomb there are six chests and racks with rare weapons. In the far corner we move the movable column and take out the item “ Blade Master Talisman».

We approach Karn, we give him a helmet (Journeyman Helm). We take the chest behind the column. We enter the temple.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after receiving a demonic hand.

We go into the location, turn right (east), and go to the lava lake. We jump on the rings, collect the seal. On the rest of the destroyed bridge, the boss is waiting for us.

Boss: Vehir(Level 15)

The Fire Dragon. To hide from the fiery breath, very often you will need to go down to the ledges.

We pass into the largest central room, we see growths of crystals on the second floor. We jump there along the wall with the ring, break the crystal, behind it lies page of the Book of the Dead (2/10) volume 2.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after obtaining the split ability.

We pass into the largest central room, climb to the second floor, split in two and pick up the chest behind the bars.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after receiving the ability to teleport.

We reach the lake of lava, in the northern corridor we activate the first portal. We enter the door leading to the room with two elevators, at the very top we stand on the corner, aim and activate the portal on the high balcony corner. We go into the first portal, get to the balcony, take two chests.

The Lost Temple

We kill the monsters, take the chest hidden behind the left stairs, go to the next room.

We activate the golem, sitting on it, we break the crystals, and then we roll the golem's ball into the recess.

In the next room we break the boxes, we find a seal there. We kill the attacking enemy in the form of a flying stone head (Construct Sentinel) with a pistol, we get for it carved stone for an extra task. On the opened bar on the northern wall we rise upward, we go further.

Having reached the water, we jump into it to take the seal in the far left corner from the lowered bridge. In the same place we find an underwater grotto, in it we pick up a chest. We go up. We get to the golem, activate it. We drive up on the golem to the cliff on the left, shoot the chain (middle mouse button) at the yellow crystals on the other side. We get off the golem, go to the other side, press the lever there. On the raised bridge we again go to the golem, and then without stopping we ride on it forward. There will be a chest along the way.

Having reached the central room astride a golem, we go to the southern dead end. We roll the golem's ball into the recess, shoot the chain. Down in the pit hangs Stone of Mystic (14/34). Even lower in the pit lies a chest. Then we run along the chain to the other side of the abyss. There we shoot at a hanging bomb, roll up the ball, put a yellow projectile on it, approach the closed grate and shoot the projectile from there. The ball pops up, the grate drops, and we take the key from the chest. We leave from here, we return to the central room to the door chained. We pass through the door, climb to the other side, turn on the lever. You can go further.

We jump down, sit down on the golem and ride it to the next room. There we break all the outgrowths of the yellow crystal, roll the golem into the recess on the right, shoot the chain, move along it to the other side. There we take the chest. We return back. In the left part of the room we examine the chest (inside the map of The Lost Temple location). We sit down on the golem, we go further, we roll it into the recess in front of the grate. We pass through the opened door.

In the arena, you will have to fight with numerous opponents for a very long time. At the end, a chest will appear as a reward for this.

We go further south. Move on. We run along the narrow corridor without a floor along the walls, jumping from one to another. Then, in a narrow place along the walls, we climb up, also jumping from wall to wall. At the top, we run along the right wall to take the chest. Move on.

Behind the left wall we take another chest. We take the seal behind the roots of a huge tree.

(Only in DLC). Pick up under the arch Compass Karn (Journeyman Compass).

At the next door on the left is another chest. We enter the door.

We activate the golem, we start it on the elevator. On foot we climb along the walls to the second floor. There we activate another golem, on it we go into the recess in front of the elevator to raise the first golem. We change to a raised golem, on it we go to a recess that opens the grate. We leave it here, and on the second golem we reach the cliff in front of the far door, we shoot the chain into the outgrowths of the yellow crystal. Then we drive on the golem to where the grate opened. At the end of the corridor, we stand in the recess and shoot the chain. We run along the chain to another wall. We jump down to the right side, pick up the chest standing there, go upstairs. We sit down on the first golem, we reach on it to the deepening in front of the abyss in order to open the doors on the other side of this abyss. We return along the pole to the chain, and along it to the second golem, we go further, behind the golem, a grate has opened, where Book of the Dead page (8/10). We return to the chain, and then we jump over to the door to the next room.

We go out to the balcony with a gorgeous view of the mountains. We run along the right wall to another balcony, there we meet a couple of dozen opponents. We enter the room.

We climb up the wall, shoot the bomb. As a result, the ball falls down. We see four poles and a room on the other side of the cliff. Stone of Power (4/25) hangs on the wall of the room. We jump over the poles to the other side with a small room where lies Book of the Dead page (9/10). We jump down. We roll the ball into the recess, go into the opened door.

We kill all the monsters, destroy all the boxes and pots, one of them will have a seal. Let's move on to the boss.

Boss: Construct Hulk

At first we do not attack him, we will wait until he hits the floor (at this time we bounce so as not to take damage). From such a blow, yellow shells will fall from above, they will be located along the edges of the arena. We take the nearest projectile and throw it at the boss. There will be an explosion, and a ball of infection will fall out of the boss. Now we attack and inflict damage on the boss. So we repeat several times.

We pick up four chests, we approach the large gates and open them. We talk with the Guardian (Guardian), after which we return together to Tristone.

Tristone (Tri-Stone)

In the settlement, we start a conversation with a blacksmith. He tells us that the Tree of Life is the exit from this world and the entrance to other parallel worlds. We get a new main task "The Heart of the Mountains".

We approach Karn, we give him the found Compass of the Wanderer (Journeyman Compass).

The Foundry

We pass along the bridge between the water and the lava, on the left we take away the chest, Stone of Resistance (1/10) hangs on one bucket.

In the next room, we go in a circle to the cliff, here Karn will transfer the hero to the other side. One bucket at a time, we move to another island, and from there we move to a room with a blue door on the minimap.

Here we jump onto the glowing pole to open the gate for Karn. He walks forward. The two of us move on with him.

In a large round room we go into the nearest passage on the left. In the next room we approach the grate in the wall, Karn will throw us to the other side. There we take the chest and jump into the water. We find a seal in the water, and then we look for another way out of the water. We get out upward, we pass by the ball, again we dive into the water from the other side. Under water, we are looking for a way to the chest, we swim up to the room with the ball. We step on the pressure plate, roll out the ball into the central room, and then roll it with force in the direction where the path of symbols leads. The golem went upstairs. We activate it, sit on horseback and go to destroy the growths of crystals.

First, we shoot the chain at the crystals on the second floor, then we pick up the chest there. Further in the narrow corridor, a chest behind the crystals will also be hidden. We move on.

In a room where there is a door wrapped in bright blue chains, in one of the passages we drive up to the edge of the cliff, roll the golem into a recess, shoot with a chain, and run forward along it. We jump to the left on the wall along which you can crawl. We crawl up, along the logs we get to the second floor. Then we go through a couple of rooms, and at the end we examine the chest, where we find the key. We return to the golem.

We approach the door with chains, open it with the key. Climb up the spiral staircase. There Karn throws us to the other side of the cliff. We collect the chest (there is a map of The Foundry location in it), we go into the round room.

We break the chains and pick up a new device Death grip (Deathgrip)(demonic hand). The grip turns on instead of the pistol. It allows you to attract useful objects to yourself and use rings driven into the ceiling. We go back.

SECRET: On the right there is a high ledge, which you can’t climb just like that. To get there, we approach the cliff with the ring, go down to the ledge, jump down into the abyss, during the fall we quickly use the demonic hand to cling to the ring and get to the lower ledge. From here we go up through the secret tunnel and find ourselves at the top, where lies Book of the Dead page (10/10)(All pages of the first volume of the Book of the Dead have been found, now they can be sold to the merchant Vulgrim, get the “Bone Key” item and open the Tomb of Death near The Lost Temple with this key).

We approach the cliff, grab the ring on the ceiling (middle mouse button) and find ourselves on the other side. We go into the corridor. With the help of a demonic hand, we take out a yellow projectile through the growths of crystals and throw it into the crystals. We take the chest. We go down the stairs.

Astride the golem, we return to the cliff to shoot the chain again. We run along the chain to the middle, then jump to the right side, cling to the ring on the ceiling, pick up the chest, along the wall, and then go back along the chain.

Now follow Karn into the largest round room on the level.

1st Heart Stone. We reach the lowered bridge, Karn will lead us exactly here. Here, on the wall on the right, we grab a yellow projectile with a demonic hand and throw it into the lever. The bridge rises, we go on it further.

In the next room, along the poles, we get to the left lever, press it. We rise higher and jump along the ring to the ceiling. We move along it to the right lever. We return to the center along the wall.

We sit on the elevator, press the lever and go down. Below, Karn once again throws us over the abyss. Now you need to run along the walls using a demonic hand. For a good overclock, it is best to activate the demonic hand well before approaching the rings. Having stepped on solid ground, we turn towards the ring, fall down, and then we put our hand to the ring in order to run to the upper ledge and pick up the nearby chest. We return to the upper ledge and jump from it back to the ground. We get up on the pressure plate, with the help of a demonic hand we fly far ahead.

We jump along the walls, in one place we climb up to take the chest. We move on. At the end, we activate the golem and ride it through the lava. We collect the chest on the left. We drive into the recess on the golem, shoot the chain a little higher than usual. We climb up the chain and take the Heart Stone. On the elevator we return to the central round room. We put the stone in place.

2nd Heart Stone. On the ring that appears, we jump to another island, go forward. We pass a small pipe, we leave into the room. In the far pipe, which leads nowhere, lies a seal. We go into the pipe that leads into the room between the two blue doors. Having reached there, we press the lever, we pass further.

The satellite throws us over the abyss. Here we collect the seal in the far left corner, then activate the golem, roll it into the recess, shoot the chain. We get off the golem, climb a small hill. There we twist the lever to the very end, and then we approach the raised column on the left. She will slowly go down. You need to have time to climb up it, then run to the middle of the chain and from there jump onto the wall and cling to the ledge. We move on, we press the lever. He will raise all the bridges in this room. We return and sit down on the golem. On it we go to the yellow crystals and destroy them. We move on.

We leave for the square in front of the dam. We deal with all enemies. We find and destroy the crystals on the second floor. After that, we get off the golem, Karn will throw us on this second floor. There will be a chest with a key. Next to this place, we jump into the water, take the seal there. We climb up the grassy wall in the eastern part of this location. Having risen to the top of the dam, we take the chest.

We jump into the water on the other side of the dam. In the water we find another seal. Climb up the wall with the ring. At the top we press the lever, from which the dam starts working, and starts the mechanisms on the other side. We go further, we collect the chest. If you destroy all the boxes and jugs here on the site with the chest, then another secret chest will appear. We cross the dam back.

We sit down on the golem, roll it into the crushing chamber, get down, press the lever nearby. The golem is destroyed. The remaining ball is rolled to the door with chains, and then into the recess in front of the grate. In the opened corner we climb up, starting from one wall, then from the other. We take another giant stone and return with it to the central room of the level.

3rd Heart Stone. We jump behind the bars, press the lever to open the door. We sit on the golem, break all the growths of crystals, roll it into a recess. We climb up, make our way along the logs and run along the walls using the rings. We take the stone.

Boss: Corrupted Custodian

The golem becomes infected with black goo, and now you have to fight him. We come close to the boss, when he swings - we bounce to the side, and then we start to beat him. Continue like this until he runs out of health. It swings very slowly, so there will always be time to dodge it. It will only be necessary to move away from him from time to time when he begins to spin like a hurricane.

We take the stone to the central room. A huge Guardian (The Guardian) comes to life and walks towards the World Tree. We return to the exit through the punched tunnel on the right, we pass through the Trestone, at the location of Stonefather's Vale we catch up with the Guardian.

Stonefather's Vale

Boss: Guardian (The Guardian)

We jump to the boss, wait for him to start swinging, at this time we bounce to the side with acceleration. When the Guardian strikes the ground, shoot the bombs on his lowered right hand with a pistol. The hand will explode and fall off for a while. We run up to the fallen shoulder, switch the pistol to the demonic hand, aim and grab the green crystal. Having climbed up, we beat the crystal with ordinary weapons. After ten seconds, the boss will recover. Now you need to repeat the same thing one or two more times, after which the boss's right arm will fall off.

The guard will start attacking with his left hand - he will release a large yellow explosive projectile. The projectile will roll on the ground behind us, we dodge and shoot at it. When the projectile is low on health, it will stop in place. At this moment, we hide behind the Guard (but do not get close to him, otherwise he will start kicking), the projectile will fly into the Guard. From this, the boss will fall on his left hand. We climb along his hand, as if along a wall, jump up, cling to the crystal with a demonic hand and beat him. So we repeat a couple of times, after which the boss will lose his left hand. And the head of the protagonist will finish himself.

The head blacksmith restores the Guardian to its normal, uninfected form. A fight ensues between the giant Guardian and the no less gigantic eye of infection. As a result, the path to the World Tree opens, where there will be an entrance to the next world. But it is worth staying a little in this world to collect all the remaining treasures.

In the Stonefather's Vale location, we jump into the northeast gorge. There lies page of the Book of the Dead (1/10) volume 2. Nearby on the rock above hangs Stone of Mystic (15/34).

To collect all the treasures, after receiving the demonic hand (death grip), we return to the already completed locations (text under the lines):

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(It is not necessary to enter this location for the main passage. The additional task Spark of Life is performed here)

There are level 17 enemies in this location.

We go to the location The Scar (Scar). We get to the entrance to the building. With the help of a demonic hand, we jump onto the log, and from it we jump down and take the seal. We stand in front of the door to the building, turn around and look at a fragment of a large pipe on the left. In the place of its break is Stone of Power (5/25). We go inside the building.

We pick up the chest under the entrance stairs. Inside we fight with strong enemies of level 17. And then you have to very quickly climb up the walls, escaping from the rising lava. fire lift.

We sit down on the golem and calmly ride on the lava. We drive into a recess in the floor, shoot with a chain and move along it to the other side of the lava. We pick up the chest there (there is a key inside). We take the seal over the abyss with the help of a demonic hand, and do not jump down. Then we turn back, run along the wall from above, grabbing the ledges. At the end of the path will lie page of the Book of the Dead (3/10) volume 2.

We go to the door with bright blue chains, open it with the key. In the next room, we very quickly jump over the stone pillars to the other side, as the pillars will gradually sink into the lava. Next we expect very strong enemies. You don't have to deal with them manually. It is better to find a place on the wall where you can climb up, run along the walls, press the lever and sit astride the golem. We take the chest (it will contain a map of The Scar location). Another chest at the exit from the room on the second floor. We go further on the golem. We press the levers on the left and right, take the chest, we go further in the center.

We get off the golem, climb over the bars. We deal with the fire golems, and the bars open. Let's go further. We break the growths of crystals with the chain of the golem, the bridge is lowered, you can drive through. At the end, we shoot the chain to the other side, and move there. In the middle of the chain, we turn left, jump into a dark crevice in the wall and hook on a demonic hand. We go upstairs, take the chest. We get to the end of the chain. In the next room, take two chests and go to the boss.

Boss: Ghorn

We just beat him, and when he starts to glow red, we run away. Several times you will have to run away from the lava bubbles that the boss will summon. After losing half his health, the boss will start to summon small fire golems.

Tree of Life

Now you can go to the Tree of Life. We approach, watch the video, after which we find ourselves in a completely different world.

It does not matter if there are unfinished business in the first world, near the Tree you can always return to the previous worlds. To do this, you just need to enter the appropriate portal under the tree.