
How to enter the institute: rules, requirements, documents and recommendations. How is the study going

Where to begin

Eleven school years fly by quickly, so you should decide as early as possible with the choice of a profession and a university in which you can get it. Of course, it is necessary to make a decision about the direction of movement along the path of building a career based primarily on one's own preferences, abilities and inclinations for a particular job. But so that the acquisition of a profession does not take too much time and effort, and after graduation from the university you will not be left out of business, you will have to take into account the peculiarities of the modern education system and the labor market conjuncture.

When to think about choosing a profession

Many schoolchildren and their parents postpone the decision on the options for obtaining a certain specialty until the last moment - that is, until the beginning of their studies in the 11th grade. This approach to one's own future is not the most balanced and rational one. It is much more practical to think in advance what is more priority: in four years to get a demanded profession and immediately enter the labor market, or to stretch out university studies for at least six years. In any case, the fundamental choice is made in the 9th grade.

Option number 1

If the first path is outlined, then it is not necessary to continue studying at school: colleges and technical schools have already ceased to be considered sharashkie offices for losers. Today, secondary vocational education, especially obtained in secondary schools that are part of the structure of universities, can be considered as the first step towards a bachelor's degree. The lion's share of college graduates at universities and institutes, having already acquired a leading specialty, enters a basic university and continues their free education in order to receive higher education in accelerated programs.

The term of study at universities for holders of open source software is reduced due to the recalculation of some general education or even special disciplines that have already been completed in college. A college diploma gives a graduate the right to apply for budget places in any specialized universities corresponding to the previous direction of study. At the same time, it is not necessary to pass: the enrollment of applicants with secondary vocational education is based on the results of internal testing or interview.

Colleges at universities in Moscow

In total, there are 45 colleges in Moscow, which are part of the structure of various leading universities - such as MEPhI, VGIK, MGHPA im. Stroganov. Admission to these prestigious colleges takes place without exams - according to the points of the certificate, and graduates of the "sponsored" secondary specialized educational institution enjoy the preferential right when enrolling in the first year of a flagship university. After graduating from college, you can already begin to build a career, while former classmates are just moving on to the third year of a university or institute, and higher education - in parallel, to receive in the evening or correspondence department.

Option number 2

Purposeful movement along the second path of a long-term educational trajectory must also begin in the ninth grade - with the most conscious in high school. Most secondary educational institutions (and not only lyceums and gymnasiums) recruit specialized tenth grades, the programs of which are focused on preparing for the delivery of certain USE disciplines necessary for admission to various faculties or even specialties in higher educational institutions.

FIPI (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements) recommended using the results of the OGE, which completes the studies in the basic school, to complete such specialized classes. Two subjects (Russian and mathematics) in the state exam are compulsory for everyone, two more - the graduate chooses at his own discretion. It is clear that in order to continue their studies, for example, in the medical class, to pass the GIA-9, you need to choose chemistry and biology, and those who after school are going to become journalists cannot do without the results of the literature exam.

The final decision on the choice of a profession and, accordingly, the direction of study at the university is to be made at the beginning of the 11th grade: applications for participation in the Unified State Exam are written in the fall. It is necessary to decide on the items for delivery before February 1, after this period nothing can be changed. If the choice of disciplines is made thoughtlessly, then the exams required for admission to a particular university cannot be passed in the current academic year, which significantly reduces the number of possible training options: documents can be submitted to five higher education organizations for three different programs.

The choice of subjects for passing the exam should be based on the requirements of the university for applicants to specific specialties or areas. You can clarify all the necessary information on the websites of universities and institutes - all higher educational institutions of the country are required to post on the Internet the admission rules for the current academic year and the list of disciplines for admission to each of the programs by October 1.

How to choose a university

Everyone has their own criteria for choosing a future alma mater. Some prefer a university located closest to home, others are aimed at admission to the first institute they come across with a small competition for budget places, others dream of becoming a student of a particular flagship of academic science, the fourth is important to get a certain profession - and it does not matter which university name will be written in the diploma.

The first three approaches do not require much thought, the fourth implies serious analytics before making a final decision. Doing your own investigation is best done with a few important points in mind.

Prospects after graduation

They are best assessed by answering the question "What will happen after graduation?" To deal with this, information about the employment of graduates or about partner-employers, which many universities publish on their websites, will help. The Ministry of Education and Science also conducts summary monitoring of educational institutions. In the section "Organizations" there is a tab "Universities", and in it - "Dynamics".

Having studied it, you can predict with a high degree of probability the chances of your own employment after graduating from a particular university.

A good source of information for thought would be the salary ratings of young specialists who graduated from Russian universities. For example, an IT specialist with a diploma from Astrakhan or Tula University will be able to apply in Moscow for a salary of 74 thousand, and with a diploma from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - 150 thousand. But on the other hand, in, perhaps, the main technical institute of the country - at the level of 95, and in the Astrakhan or Tula university for the same specialty as in the capital, you can enter a specialty with 63 points scored for each of the USE subjects.

Targeted reception capability

It is directly related to job prospects. implies a conscious choice by the applicant not only of the sphere of future labor activity or a specific profession, but also of the enterprise in which he will work. Admission to a university on the recommendation of a company involves the conclusion of an agreement with it, according to which the student undertakes to study well, and after completing his studies, work for at least three years at the enterprise that paid for his education.

If we take into account that targeted areas can only be issued by state corporations and organizations whose authorized capital contains funds from the federal budget, then the obligation for a decent remuneration to devote several years of life to the success and prosperity of, for example, Gazprom or Rosatom, will not seem slavery in the galleys. By the way, large state-owned enterprises prefer to place orders for training their future employees in the best universities in the country, such as Moscow State University, Sechenov Medical University, Baumanka, HSE, Tomsk Polytechnic, Gubkin Russian State University, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, RUDN, MAI.

Infographics of RIA Novosti, data from the 2017 admissions campaign.

When deciding to take a targeted direction in a university, one must bear in mind that state corporations place orders for training personnel mainly according to specialty programs, that is, the study will last 5 years. But this fact can also be viewed as a plus: a bachelor's degree, which is received after four years of study, does not give the right to hold managerial positions, for example, as a head of a department. In order to further advance the career ladder, you will have to spend another two years studying for a magistracy, but before that, you will have to relive the admission: take exams and participate in the qualifying competition.

Passing points

To assess your chances of admission, data on the average passing scores in the selected university will help. Most educational institutions on their websites in sections under titles like "Applicants" informs not only about the rules of admission, but also about the grades for the exam, which last year was enough to become a freshman.

If the necessary information is not available on the site, you can find it on the service of the Ministry of Education and Science "Do the Right Thing". The ministry takes the data to fill it out from the reports that universities are required to send to officials at the end of each entrance campaign in order to report on the quality of education.

In general, the level of passing points is stable and predictable: in order to enter prestigious metropolitan institutes and universities, you need to pass the USE on average 80 points (for technical specialties - 70), and regional universities take with results 53-65.

Number of budget places

How many students will study at the expense of the state at each university or institute is decided by the Ministry of Education and Science, based on the federal standard, according to which, for every 10,000 people aged 17-30, universities should allocate 800 budget-funded places. The size of the quota for a particular educational institution depends on several factors, and the prestige of the university is not in the last place in their list.

In general, the distribution of free seats is as follows. Regional employment centers and large employers send reports to the Ministry of (now Higher Education) with information on how many and what professionals they lack. Also, associations of universities share their opinion with the Ministry of Education and Science about which specialties should be admitted to "budgetary" applicants. The final distribution of quotas in the areas of training is done after agreement with the relevant ministries (for example, with the Ministry of Energy or the Ministry of Health) and the founders of leading educational institutions, for example, with the Government of the Russian Federation, which is considered by law to be the founder of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University.

So, if the Ministry of Education and Science declares that the country does not need new lawyers and economists now, but there are queues from employers for programmers, agronomists and engineers, then this information must be taken into account. For an applicant, it means that the chance to study programming or agricultural sciences at a university at a budgetary expense is large enough, but the state does not intend to finance the general craving for knowledge of jurisprudence.

The Ministry of Education and Science is quite consistent in its statements and actions. Having predicted the shortage for engineers, nuclear power engineers, IT specialists, teachers, rocket, aircraft and shipbuilders, the ministry has been reducing the number of free places in economic and legal areas for several years in a row, redistributing quotas in favor of engineering and pedagogical specialties.

All universities must publish information on the number of places allocated for admission to free education on their websites by June 1.


It directly depends on the number of free places. If there are few of them, and there are many applicants, the competition will be serious. But the unambiguous connection between the competition and the passing scores is not always traced. For example, this year there were slightly more than 7 applicants for one budgetary place at Moscow State University (on average across all faculties), and almost twice as many at the Medical Institute of Belgorod University: 16. It's hard to believe, but the competition for the direction of "Pediatrics" in BelSU was 111 people (before the publication of the ranking of applicants, it was at all 150).

At the same time, the average passing score at Moscow State University is 86, and at the Medical Institute of BelSU - 77. Most likely, the fact is that the higher the average USE results of applicants, the fewer people who want to fight for a budget place: after all, everyone knows that the university-brands only strong applicants apply, with whom it is not easy to compete.

In addition, the competition is greatly influenced by opportunistic fluctuations and tactical maneuvers of applicants for admission. It so happens that applicants see that too many applications have been submitted for one of the popular specialties, and there is no sold-out on other profiles, or even a shortage. As a result, on the last day of accepting documents, all the attention of those wishing to enter a budget place by all means switches to specialties - "outsiders" of the entrance campaign - and the competition changes dramatically.

In addition, it is not worth focusing only on data on competitions when choosing a university, if only because the indicators in the same educational institution can vary greatly in different years. If in the previous admission campaign there were few candidates for state-funded places in any institute and this information was taken into account by the graduates, it may turn out that this year there will be an order of magnitude more people wishing to enter an “easily accessible” university.


It depends on its availability, what type of diplomas the university issues to its graduates - state or its own. Another important point: deferment from the army is provided only to students of accredited programs. You can check the status of the university on the map of Rosobrnadzor universities or in the register of educational organizations on the website of the federal service.

Forms of higher education

Simultaneously with the choice of a profession and educational institution, one should think about the form of obtaining higher education. Today, there are several options for studying at a university.

  1. Traditional - full-time education at a Russian state university. This is the most common option, does not need comments, suitable for well-trained applicants who are able to withstand the competition. It is great if the educational process includes the possibility of two or three months of study at a foreign university. For a longer period, problems may arise with linking the disciplines studied abroad with the university plan. Short-term forms of study abroad can be offered by the university or selected independently. If a long-term study is planned, then the regulatory enactments provide for the opportunity to take an academic leave.
  2. Spare - study at a Russian state university in the evening department. Unfortunately, the full-time and part-time form of student education has recently, in fact, turned into a backup option for applicants who did not pass the competition for the full-time department, although initially it was intended for working youth.
  3. Forced - paid education at a Russian state university. It is preferable when "budgetary" and "paid" students study in the same groups.
  4. Paid - study at a Russian non-state university. Many people prefer contractual education at a public university to contractual training in a private university. This is usually due to the lack of a "name" and work experience at private educational institutions. However, the differences are gradually erased, such universities are gaining experience (there are already positive examples), moreover, most of them have already received state accreditation.
  5. Foreign - study abroad. In foreign universities there are specialties that are absent in domestic ones, in European, Asian or American universities you can learn a lot of new knowledge, but there may be many problems associated with such training.
  6. Joint - training in special programs at a Russian university. In this case, the academic plan provides for a certain period of study abroad, and graduates receive.

Paid training

Most state universities accept students for training both on a budgetary and on a paid basis - under contracts. The contract study has several features:

  1. Education can be conducted at special faculties (departments) with their own admission rules, curricula, etc., or agreements are added to ordinary student groups, and their studies are no different from those of state employees.
  2. The fee can be paid at once for the entire period of study or divided into parts - for a year, a semester. The amount can be fixed or variable - with the possibility of adjustment (from the point of view of the applicant and his parents, it is more expedient to be fixed, excluding price increases). Often, with a one-time payment for the entire period of study, the university reduces the total cost by 30-40%.
  3. Agreements can be concluded both immediately upon submission of documents, and after the end of their admission, when the applicant does not pass through the competition for places of budgetary funding. In a number of universities, the size of the fee depends on the number of points scored in the exams. Some universities sign contracts before and after entrance examinations at different prices.

Paid admission to universities is not regulated in detail by state standards, therefore educational institutions independently determine its rules. In one university or institute, a combination of different options for contractual admission is possible.

Admission rules and procedure for enrolling in a university

In general terms, the rules for admission to universities are also regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1147. But all educational institutions have the right to establish their own. In general, in any of the universities or institutes, it does not contradict federal regulations, the document specifies only points concerning:

  • passing points for each of the USE subjects (they may be higher than those established by the Ministry of Education and Science);
  • additional entrance examinations;
  • special rights of preferential categories of applicants;
  • the procedure for recording personal achievements;
  • concluding agreements on paid education.

The rules for admission to a particular university may have some specific requirements for the documents submitted, for example, the need to submit a non-standard medical certificate. Carefully study the benefits provided to the winners and participants of competitions and olympiads, graduates of preparatory courses, etc. Applicants applying for special rights upon admission should preferably show the relevant documents to the secretary of the admissions committee or university lawyer in advance, since there are quite frequent cases of incorrect registration of certificates.

Before demobilization, servicemen must take a reference-recommendation in their military unit, be sure to put a seal on it. In the text, the wording “recommended for admission to the university” is desirable. The name of the university can be omitted in the document. The characteristic from the military unit does not have an expiration date.

Be sure to study the order of the competition at the university: general or separate for narrow profiles. Rarely, but there is an admission scheme with distribution by specialization in the senior years. Some educational institutions, especially those with programs of several related specialties, practice a general competition, in which two scenarios are possible:

  1. First, those who applied for a certain specialty are enrolled, and if there are free places, then candidates from other, close profiles are transferred to them.
  2. All applicants are ranked according to the points they score, then they are distributed according to their specialties. If on some profiles there are more enrolled applicants than places, then the "extra" are transferred to where there are vacancies.

Terms of admission campaign to universities

In fact, admission to a university does not begin in the summer, after the graduation ball, but at the beginning of December of the current academic year. On one of the days of the first decade of December (usually the date is set in the period from the 5th to the 20th), all eleventh graders in Russia write a final essay, the results of which serve as admission to the USE.

Almost two months - from mid-March to early May - are allocated for the early period of the Unified State Exam, the bulk of graduates pass the unified state exam from May 20-21 to June 1-3 (the schedule is updated by the Ministry of Education and Science annually). Admission of documents to universities begins no later than June 20 and lasts until:

  • July 7 - for those who apply for additional tests of a creative or professional nature;
  • July 10 - for applicants applying for intra-university exams;
  • July 26 - for applicants only based on the results of the exam.
  • On July 28-29, out-of-competition enrollment of applicants (olympiads, everyone) and priority enrollment of target students takes place;
  • On July 29, lists of those recommended for enrollment in the first wave are published;
  • On August 1-3, 80% of the remaining budget places are filled;
  • On August 6-8, in the second wave, the remaining 20% ​​of free seats are distributed.

If the university has vacant budgetary places, then from August 15, an additional admission will be held.

Admission to a university involves not only its direct participants in the vicissitudes of the struggle, but also a large circle of "fans" discussing the issues of the competition, passing points, etc. In an atmosphere of anxiety, rumors are born from the "most reliable" sources. If you have any doubts, a misunderstanding has occurred, do not worry, contact the admissions office - the officials will help you figure it out and give the necessary advice. Take into account only information received from members of the selection committee, and not from university employees who have nothing to do with the entrance campaign, and even more so from random people.

The availability of budgetary higher education is annually maintained at the level of 55-57%. In 2018, 640 thousand eleventh graders graduated from schools, of which 454 thousand applied for admission to universities. In total, the state paid for 549 thousand students to universities, academies and institutes: 312 thousand - for undergraduate programs, 77 thousand - for a specialist, the remaining 160 thousand places are intended for free admission to a magistracy (129 thousand), postgraduate studies (15 thousand), residency (15.5 thousand) and internship (0.5 thousand). That is, 389 thousand will be able to get out of 454 thousand graduates. And this means that if you take a responsible approach to entering a university, decide in advance on the direction of future training and choose a priority specialty for the state, for which a large number of quotas are allocated, then plans to become a student of the budgetary department of a university or institute will certainly be implemented.

In the near future, 11-graders will have to decide how much and what kind of exam they will write in addition to compulsory mathematics and Russian, as well as in which Olympiads to participate.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, today up to 80% of school graduates become students. It is gratifying statistics, especially since during the Soviet era this figure rarely exceeded 20%. Do not rush to rejoice! Most of the students go to paid places. How to become a student for free?

First way. Unified State Exam

The most common option. According to the results of the exam, up to 80% of students are enrolled.


Equal opportunities for all applicants, especially if next year they take into account all the scandals and exclude the use of mobile phones, tips from tutors and the substitution of students for schoolchildren.

Previously, for admission, it was required to study at the preparatory departments at the institutes or look for a tutor from the same place. This required huge financial investments. According to experts, today this path is meaningless. No matter how the universities claim otherwise, they cannot give any concessions for admission.

In the 11th grade, you can already focus on those subjects that are necessary for admission.


The student must clearly understand where he wants to go in the fall. If you do not submit an application for participation in the Unified State Exam in a particular subject in time, it is very difficult to change the list, and from the end of winter it is completely impossible.

The difficulty level of the exam varies from year to year. In 2010, admission to a decent university was guaranteed 75 points out of 100, in 2011 it was necessary to score at least 85.

Second way. Olympiad

Today - the presence of a diploma of the winner of the Olympiad, which is included in the list of school Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

They include almost 80 tests conducted by various universities in the country.


Several dozen schoolchildren are declared winners in each.

A diploma (depending on the level of the Olympiad) guarantees, if not admission out of competition, then exactly 100 points in the subject, and this is a guaranteed admission. You can participate in the Olympiads yourself, only the All-Russian candidates are nominated through the school. Moreover, in most Olympiads, the first round does not require a presence at the university: assignments are sent via the Internet. There are very complex Olympiads such as the Lomonosov, and there are also quite real ones, for example, which are held by the Moscow Pedagogical State University.


Registration for participation in the Olympiad, as a rule, lasts one - maximum two months. I missed it - and the opportunity to participate was missed.

Only schoolchildren can enter through the Olympiads. Students of technical schools - those who could not enter this year, are deprived of such a right.

Most of our Internet sites are poorly debugged. For example, last year, during the Olympiad, which was held by one of the leading universities in Russia, there was a technical failure at all, due to which the site froze and many simply could not send answers.

Olympiads are a corruption-intensive way of admission. In the correspondence course, tutors often answer instead of students, and in some universities, prize-winners' diplomas are sold.

This year, up to 10-15% of places in elite universities of the country went to people with disabilities and target groups.

At least here, disabled people do not feel like second-class people.

Unfortunately, a considerable part of the enrolled students bought fake documents at VTEKs.

In Russia, the overwhelming majority of high school students, after receiving a school certificate, plan to continue their studies in vocational education programs, and a significant part strive to enter a university - an institute or university, hoping that a prestigious and in-demand education will help in building a career and a prosperous destiny.

The choice of a university and success in such an event as admission largely determines the future life of young people, so high school students and their parents are ready to make every effort to achieve their cherished goal. Various means are used to increase the likelihood of the coveted enrollment in the chosen university:
- lessons with tutors in specialized subjects;
- participation in the open day of the desired university;
- participation in Olympiads and events that provide additional points;
- Attending preparatory courses at a potential university.
The last point often gives a real head start in the form of an advantage in admission or the opportunity to get without a competition in the right direction of training - for the most successful cadets. However, there is no better preparation for admission than coaching yourself in subjects that are to be passed in the USE format, since the number of points scored primarily affects the prospect of enrollment.

Options for admission to a university after grade 9

Some high school students decide to leave the school walls immediately after the 9th grade, but it is a mistake to think that the path to higher educational institutions for the "early" applicants is forbidden. Young people who did not study in the 10th and 11th grades also have the opportunity to subsequently receive the coveted HE - through college. Moreover, when studying in the "college-university" system on the basis of 9 classes, applicants can enter higher education programs without having to take the Unified State Exam - provided they choose a similar specialty. Knowing this, some high school students prefer not to waste time on acquiring school knowledge in "unnecessary" subjects and leave the educational institution of general education at the earliest opportunity to start acquiring professional skills. This way of getting higher education is suitable for young people who have decided on their future profession before their peers.

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Options for admission to a university after grade 11

It is not difficult for ambitious applicants to enter a university after grade 11, but there are several options. Education under bachelor's or specialty programs can be both the only link in higher education and the final link in the college-university chain. And although entering a university after college on the basis of 11 grades does not eliminate the need to present the results of the USE to the admissions committee, this strategy is a good option for acquiring two degrees, and often two professions, because the possibilities of choosing a specialty after college are not limited by anything.
In any case, preparation for admission requires answering the following questions:
- in which city do I want to study?
- what specialty is closest to the profession of my dreams?
- what is my progress in specialized subjects?
- Am I ready to go through college or do I want to immediately enroll in a HE program?
- in what format do I plan to receive education?
- which university offers training according to the program I need?
- what are the conditions for admission to a suitable university and the list of required documents?

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University or Institute? What to choose?

Having decided on the choice of the direction of professional training, the future student must make a choice in favor of a certain university. Education in the desired specialty is offered by educational institutions of various levels - both institutes and universities. What to choose and what is the difference?
As the name of the type of educational institution implies, the university provides a more universal higher education, i.e. trains specialists of a wide profile. The Institute, in turn, has a narrow specialization and prepares specialists for work in a specific field of activity - industry, construction, medicine, architecture, psychology.
In addition, universities have a number of differences from institutions, most of which can be called advantages:
- a high percentage of teachers with academic degrees (at least 60%);
- availability of postgraduate programs;
- developed opportunities for research work of students;
- implementation of educational programs in various formats, including full-time;
- regular implementation of innovations and Internet technologies in the educational process.
Of course, the education received at the university is more appreciated by employers and gives more prospects both during and after studies. And in this regard, the type of educational institution may be even more important for the subsequent career than the specialty itself.

Sooner or later childhood ends, and yesterday's schoolchild has to leave the walls, albeit boring, but such a dear and understandable school. And almost immediately he has to overcome the first step on the way to a cloudless and prosperous adult life - to successfully pass the unified state exam and enter a university.

Sooner or later childhood ends, and yesterday's schoolchild has to leave the walls, albeit boring, but such a dear and understandable school. And almost immediately he has to overcome the first step on the way to a cloudless and secure adult life - to successfully pass the unified state exam and enter university.

University students who were able to successfully overcome this step know how much nerves, efforts, money is spent to climb this first height in life. But many mistakes and costs can be avoided. And in this article we will try to reveal the secrets that will help you not to make annoying mistakes and enter the budgetary department of the university, even with low USE scores.

Do you want to pass the exam well? Get ready!

It's not a secret for anyone that the one who prepares for it for a long time and thoroughly passes the exam well. All means are good here: specialized classes of schools, preparatory courses at universities, tutors, trial exam on the main page of Yandex, finally. And the sooner you start serious preparation, the better.

Go to universities

As often as possible, visit the universities that you have chosen for admission, or those that are closer. Both virtual and real.

  • There is a lot of information on university preparatory courses, admission rules and much more on university websites. The information about passing points based on the results of previous years. It is she who will allow you to assess the chances of admission after you already have the results of the exams. There are forums, groups on social networks, support services, where you can ask questions to the chairman of the admissions committee and even the rector.
  • Especially often you need to look at the web pages of universities, after submitting documents, to see what place you occupy in the ranked lists.
  • It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of attending Open Doors Days.
  • An unexpected effect is given by accelerated courses, consisting of six sessions of 4 hours each right before the exam. They are conducted by university teachers, and the schedule takes into account the USE schedule.

Target direction - an additional argument for enrollment

The targeted direction significantly increases the chances of admission. It is issued in specific organizations wishing to see a future graduate among their employees. But:

  • The target direction agreement obliges the student to study successfully and, upon graduation from the university, work for at least 5 years in the organization that issued the direction.
  • If a target student does not fulfill the terms of the contract, then he reimburses the costs of his training.
  • The target direction must be taken care of no later than a year before admission.

Physics is a friend and comrade of technical specialties!

Hand over physics !!! If you have at least a slight aptitude for technology or construction, physics should be the third subject of the Unified State Exam. The choice of specialties is varied, and the passing scores are the lowest.

What's more important: USE results or priority

They are enrolled in the first year according to two criteria: the average (or total) USE score and priority - the order of the applicant's preferences in choosing a specialty within the same university. Be sure to find out in the admissions committee which criterion is more important for admission.

Calculate your chances of admission in advance

Use the free Internet service "Unified State Exam Points Calculator". With its help, you can easily assess the chances of admission to the desired region in the required specialty.

A university needs students no less than a university student

Remember, the university is interested in getting as many applicants as possible. Therefore, confidently try your hand at all universities that suit you. In recent years, the budget shortfall in some universities has been about 40%. Now the situation is changing towards an increase in the number of applicants, but the level of the era of "developed socialism" is still very far away.

Do not give up

Even if it seems that the chances of admission are slim, do not give up hope. Consider all your options. Find out about the possibilities of transferring from part-time education to full-time education, from a paid department to a budget, from a non-prestigious specialty to the desired one.

Moscow is a city of students

The capital of our Motherland can be called a city of students without exaggeration. According to Internet portals about Russian universities, there are 345 in Moscow, and 185 in the region of higher education institutions, as well as their branches. Therefore, it makes sense to enroll in universities in Moscow. But do not rush to apply to the first institute you come across. Look for the one that suits you more in terms of prestige, convenience of access, and availability of a dormitory for all students.