
For everyone and about everything. How does the moon affect health?

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It is known that in our Solar system the only source of its own light is the Sun. All other celestial bodies in our system are powered by solar energy, remaining in their position around the Sun and reflecting its light. The satellite of our Earth, the Moon, directing the light of the Sun towards our planet, is a kind of mirror for the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth and its specific position relative to the Sun are usually divided into four phases of the Moon.

There are four main phases of the lunar month:

  • (1 - moon phase)
  • (2 - moon phase)
  • (3 - moon phase)
  • (4 - moon phase)

Being in its movement around the Earth in the shadow of our planet, it reflects sunlight from one or the other half of the disk. On an energetic level, the Moon phases represent different types of transmission of solar energy that affect all species and forms of life on our planet.
Each phase of the lunar cycle affects everything on earth in its own way, which is associated, first of all, with the degree of distance of the Moon from the Sun. Dramatic changes occur twice a month: when the lunar crescent either grows until it turns into a full disk, or decreases until it disappears completely. Not only our general well-being, but also the nature of various life situations depends on the influence of the moon phase.

The waxing phase of the Moon is the period that runs from the new moon to the full moon.

The waning phase of the moon is the period following the full moon.


During this time, we react more emotionally to situations and phenomena in the world around us. During this period, energy accumulates, and therefore any kind of planning is favorable. From the new moon to the full moon it is good to start new things, make important decisions, conduct important negotiations, etc.


On the contrary, emotions are inhibited, we have reduced sensitivity and receptivity. At this time, it is favorable to properly spend accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. Both phases of the waxing and waning moon are further divided into two parts, with each of the four periods lasting about a week.
Features of each phase of the moon separately:


- this is a phase period during which the moon is not visible at all in the sky due to the fact that it is in line with the Earth and the Sun. At this time, the moon “shows” us its dark side, which is not illuminated by the Sun. The new moon can affect a person for several days. During this period, a person feels depressed, exhausted, and is often accompanied by headaches. At the same time, fluid removal from the body and metabolism accelerates. During the new moon, many people experience mental disorders, phobias and manias appear. It is very undesirable at this time to start developing something new and meeting suspicious people.

When the phases of the moon change, it affects a person in the same way as the changing cycles of the sun. Many astrologers are confident that there are points of contact between these two planets. The moon also has four phases. They are called quarters.

The first phase of the Moon is associated with the element EARTH

It begins with the appearance of the month in the sky and lasts exactly half the period from the new moon to the full moon, that is, 1-7 days of the lunar month, and ends in the first quarter. corresponds to spring according to the solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During this phase, a person's brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. The overall activity and desire to create increases. But you shouldn’t rush too much either; it’s better to think through everything, calculate it and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period, treatment of the eyes and head will be effective. This period is also favorable for agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow well and produce a wonderful harvest.

It is characterized by gaining emotional balance. During this period, great potential opportunities open up before us, which must be used to achieve our goal.

Second phase (First quarter) of the Moon, associated with the element of WATER

Duration: time from the first quarter to the full moon, which corresponds to from the 8th to the 15th.
At this time we will see half of the lunar disk in the sky. According to the solar cycle, this is summer. The most productive period, the period of filling with energy. This is the best time to change jobs, travel, and public appearances.

This phase of the moon is well suited for the treatment of the gastric bladder, liver, and large intestine.

It is advised to plant and replant plants and root cuttings during this period.

This is a period of strong emotional stress. At this time, more than ever, we need spiritual comfort, and therefore we perceive indifference and alienation very painfully. This phase of the Moon is suitable for effectively resolving conflicts, solving pressing problems and overcoming discontent, conducting difficult negotiations and obviously unpleasant meetings, and the correct conduct of negotiations will certainly give a good result.

Full moon

At this time we see the Moon in full in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the Moon, can affect people in different ways. Moreover, during this period the body furiously uses up its accumulated strength. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality may occur.

Drinking alcohol can be dangerous. At this time, the largest number of road accidents, man-made accidents and disasters occurs.

It is better not to undergo surgery at this time.

Also, there is no need to replant the plants; it would be much better to start weeding them and loosening the soil.

Third phase of the moon, associated with the elements AIR

It comes into effect after the Full Moon, when the Lunar disk begins to decrease. Its duration is from the 16th to the 22nd Lunar day. Autumn arrives according to the solar cycle. The period is characterized by balanced activity and maturity.

This phase is very good for completing your affairs.

At this time, energy is better spent and appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting the fight against excess weight and cellulite at this time.

It is advisable to plant root crops and bulbous crops during this phase.

At this time, we are most open to communication, openly express our feelings and make social contacts. During this period, we can easily overestimate our strengths, so we should not sort things out or raise children in a strong-willed way. There may be an effect of an overabundance of feelings for the most insignificant reasons, an inadequate perception of reality, when small things seem important and significant.

Fourth phase of the moon associated with the element of FIRE

comes into effect from the second week after the Full Moon, and lasts until the next new moon from 23 - 30

The Earth and the Moon in the solar system are a double planet, representing a single system with common centers of mass and rotation. The movement of the Moon affects the Earth and causes a redistribution of gravitational forces, which leads to changes in physical factors, wave and radiation regimes. It is difficult for city residents to judge this influence purely visually, but sailors are well aware of it, because the ebb and flow of the tides is the visible gravitational influence of the Moon, which is significant for all the Earth’s shells. Moreover, the Moon affects not only the water mass, but also the soil, which is, of course, less noticeable, but has been reliably established by scientists. Since the human body consists of more than 80% water, the Moon affects us daily and hourly. That is why today we will talk about our health, the influence of the phases of the moon on health, on living organisms, and human sleep.

Lunar phases are the apparent time sequence of the Moon's orbital motion.

Lunar day 1-7 days. The initial phase is the new moon. The astrolongitudes of the Moon, Sun and Earth are equalized. The disk of the Moon is almost invisible. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun add up, resulting in maximum tides. During this period the moon is called “young”, “waxing”, “growing”.

8-15 days. The disk is half illuminated - the first quarter, the difference in astrolongitude of the Sun and Moon is 90 degrees.

16-22 days. The beginning of the phase is the full moon (the disk is fully illuminated). The gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon are counteracted, and the tides are minimal.

23-29, 30 days. The illumination of the disk gradually decreases. The moon is called “waning”, “aging”, “defective”.

Different species of living organisms have clear reproduction rhythms, which have a lunar-monthly or lunar-crescentic periodicity. These rhythms facilitate the meeting of partners strictly in accordance with the specific timing of the tide, necessary for the subsequent development of larvae or eggs. The presence of a lunar-monthly rhythm in insects has been proven.

The experiment revealed a connection between the visual reception of freshwater fish and the gravitational influence of the Moon, i.e. Sensitivity to light in fish has a lunar-monthly rhythm. The endogenous lunar-diurnal rhythm is characteristic of marine animals and, when transported from places of capture, their rhythm is adjusted to the local time of the Moon.

Lunar-diurnal rhythms have also been discovered in terrestrial organisms that are not associated in their life activities with sea and ocean tides. Zoologists have noted an increase in the frequency of mating among primates during the full moon.

Gravitational stimulation in animals is transformed into primary nervous excitations. In plants, the effect of gravity leads to the activation of growth hormone, which also proves the close and comprehensive connection of all types of living organisms with lunar rhythms.

The influence of the moon on humans has also been recorded. Thus, the human body, despite the created microclimatic living conditions, has exceptional sensitivity and adaptive abilities to environmental factors and is subject to the same gravitational influence as the entire Earth.

The gravitational forces of the Moon act on the water masses of the human body, on the permeability of cell membranes and water balance, which affects organs and their functions. The effect of lunar gravity is perceived by the pineal gland, which affects the body with hormonal active substances (serotonin and melatonin).

The blood-forming organs, calcium metabolism, and reactions of the muscular system are evolutionarily connected with gravity. There is a clear connection between the phases and the effect of the moon on living beings. For example, it can be traced in a blood test: the maximum content of leukocytes is before and during the new moon, the minimum is on the full moon.

Transport of energy substances and metabolites, cellular metabolism also depend on the gravitational tidal force. The functioning of the female reproductive system is associated with the influence of the Moon. The peak of conception occurs during the full moon, and during the new moon there is a greater number of menstruation. Fertilization occurs much more often during the waxing Moon.

In the first phase, it is recommended to begin a healing cycle that strengthens the functions of the body. The brain, cervical vertebrae, throat, lungs and nervous system are activated. Hidden pathologies are aggravated due to increased blood circulation. During this phase, it is recommended to eat thermally unprocessed food, drink freshly squeezed juices, and nourish yourself with microelements of herbs.

In the second phase, the digestive organs, heart, thoracic spine, and gall bladder are activated. The body is easily cleansed, so it is advisable to treat the liver and gallbladder during this phase. You should limit your medication intake, because the possibility of side effects increases. Dry food, cereals and stewed vegetables are preferable, and you should limit yourself to fats.

In the third phase, the kidneys, lumbar region, gonads, and bladder are activated. Compresses and warming up the lower back will have the greatest effect at this time. The full moon is a traumatic period. Excessive blood loss is possible, and frequent poisoning occurs. The body can easily withstand maximum physical activity.

Sexual sensitivity intensifies. In this phase, complete absorption of medications and alcohol is noted, which requires extreme caution when consuming. The nervous system is most tense. Possible insomnia, sleep disorders, manifestations of somnambulism. Tests taken during the full moon will be most reliable.

The fourth phase is characterized by a decline in vital energy. The skeletal system and gastrointestinal peristalsis are activated. Flushing to the lower extremities leads to exacerbation of varicose veins, rheumatism, and edema. The skin is included in the cleansing process, hence the rash and acne. Metabolic rate decreases sharply. Moderate physical activity and walking are recommended. The phase is suitable for preventive vaccinations - the body easily copes with the vaccine. The effect of the moon on sleep has been noticed. He is usually deep and calm in this phase.

The influence of the Moon on humans has been known since ancient times. This is explained by the fact that the body consists of almost 80% water, and the Moon has a direct impact on all living and nonliving things that contain water. It has long been no secret to anyone that it is during the new moon that strong tides occur. Considering how the Moon affects the human body, on certain days of the lunar cycle it is strictly forbidden to perform operations, get a haircut, or do strength exercises. And knowing what you can do on the waxing and waning moon, it is always possible to choose the best time for cosmetic procedures, recuperation and plant care.

How the moon affects the human body

Astrology- this is not fortune telling, but the science of cycles and rhythms. Lunar astrology examines the cycles of the Moon and its influence on all living and nonliving things. We know that without water life is impossible. She is the basis of all life on our planet and the carrier of life in our body. Everyone knows the influence of the Moon on human life and on such phenomena as ebbs and flows. Water has anomalous properties, i.e. when frozen, it expands, has memory, and is susceptible both on the physical, energetic, and information levels. Water is not just H20. It has various complex structures consisting of quanta or more complex elements - clusters or clathrates. According to Dr. Emoto, the basis of any created thing is the energy source HADO - a vibrational frequency, a resonance wave.

The influence of lunar phases on humans, as well as on all living and nonliving things containing water, is wave-like. Strong tides and floods occur precisely during the new moon, when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and both luminaries seem to pull the Earth towards them. Water shows us this well. And, naturally, the human body, which consists of 70 - 80% water, also reacts to the influence of the Moon. On the days of the new moon and full moon (and plus or minus a day from the dates of the new or full moon), it is more difficult for us to maintain balance, both emotional, mental, and physical. During the new moon, blood becomes thicker, increasing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks due to thrombus formation. During the full moon, the number of cases of bleeding, strokes, and heart attacks due to hemorrhages also increases.

Considering how the Moon affects a person, these days you need to monitor your blood pressure, keep your emotions in harmony, and do without alcoholic beverages. The volume of liquid you drink should not exceed the norm. And each of us has our own norm, depending on the constitution.

The influence of the waxing, waning moon, full moon and new moon on a person

Synodic cycle of the Moon and its impact on human health must be considered from three perspectives. Firstly, taking into account whether the Moon is waxing or waning, secondly, taking into account its quarters, and then the phases.

From new moon to full moon the moon is waxing. From full moon to new moon - waning. And, having a lunar calendar at hand, you can easily determine this by looking at the Moon. The moon is growing - if the letter “r” can be made from a sickle, and if only “s” is aging, waning.

During the period starting from the new moon, there is a gradual increase in energy. These days, the influence of the waxing moon on a person is very strong, because all biological and mental processes are activated. And the closer to the full moon, the more active and successful a person is in his endeavors. This period is the best for healing the body, but is unfavorable for surgical operations (especially during the full moon).

During the full moon, the influence on a person is maximum, and after this maximum point, a smooth decline in the dynamics of life and all its processes begins.

During the waning moon, the vitality of the body decreases. A person becomes less and less active, gets tired faster, reactions become dull, and things progress with great difficulty. And the closer to the new moon, the lower the vitality and adaptation of the body. The influence of the waning moon on a person is not so active, because during this period emotions are inhibited, sensitivity and receptivity are reduced. At this time, you need to properly spend the accumulated energy, and therefore it is good to continue what you started, to complete things. For these days, things are planned that are already established and do not require large energy costs. This time is suitable for activities to cleanse the body and perform surgical operations (except for new moon days).

The new moon is the minimum point. The influence of the new moon on a person is such that starting something at the point of energy minimum is illogical. As they say, whatever energy you start with is what you get.

And it’s no longer a secret to anyone that when working with plants, you also need to take into account which Moon is waxing or waning. On the waxing Moon, it is favorable to plant and sow plants with a useful above-ground part. On the decreasing side - with a useful underground part. And on new and full moons we try not to touch the plants.

What you can and cannot do on the waxing and waning moon

Every person needs to know what can be done during the waxing and waning moon so that all endeavors are successful.

What not to do on a waxing moon:

  • carry out planned operations, since the recovery period may be prolonged, soft tissue swelling may persist and rougher scars may form;
  • Eat heavily if you don’t want to gain weight quickly.

On the waxing moon stands:

  • engage in strength exercises, muscle mass will build up well;
  • restore strength;
  • nourish the body with vitamins, nutritional supplements, nutrients and foods that will be well absorbed;
  • make nourishing masks, massages with natural oils.

What not to do on the waning moon:

  • cut hair, wanting to speed up its growth;
  • carry out anti-aging procedures (less effective);
  • nourish skin and hair.

On the waning moon stands:

  • carry out planned operations, taking into account the zodiac sign of the Moon;
  • carry out procedures for cleansing the body of toxins (more effective in the dispersion and balsamic phases);
  • take medications that promote weight loss (immediately after the full moon);
  • use herbs and medicines that cleanse the body;
  • time a course of hirudotherapy (leeches);
  • remove excess hair on the body;
  • remove warts, papillomas, age spots;
  • reduce calluses;
  • fight fungus;
  • do manicure, pedicure;
  • carry out skin cleansing and peeling;
  • wash clothes, clean things.


  • If an emergency operation is necessary, it is carried out without taking into account the phase and sign of the position of the Moon.
  • When planning the date of the operation, take into account the recommendations given in the calendar. If, for example, the calendar indicates that the throat and thyroid gland are vulnerable (Moon in Taurus), then avoid any interference with these organs. By following the recommendations, you will avoid complications.

What are the phases of the moon?

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun, and the interval between new moons is called the synodic period. “Synodic” translated from Greek means “convergence.” During new moons, the Moon seems to converge with the Sun in the sky. The synodic month ranges from 29.25 to 29.83 days. The reason is the ellipticity of the lunar orbit. The average length of a synodic month is 29.53059 days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.0 seconds.

During this time, the Moon goes through a certain series of phases. All phases of the lunar month are determined by the angular relationship of the Moon with the Sun. The synodic cycle consists of eight lunar phases, each of which has its own energetic and semantic influence. The next phase of the Moon takes shape and the energy in nature changes, certainly affecting all earthly processes.

Each lunar phase is like a “speed switch”. Below we describe the phases of the moon and how they affect all living things.

New moon phase- rest period, conventional “zero” point. Nature is resting. All processes are reduced. It is important to be in balance at this time and to use energy sparingly.

Crescent phase. A thin moon appears. Awakening energy and desires. Time for new projects. "We sow the seeds." It is at this phase, according to popular belief, that coins are shaken to make them arrive.

First quarter. At the beginning of this phase, as well as at the last quarter, the Moon looks like an orange slice. The phase of personal actions and motives. The energy is increasing, the need to materialize desires is felt. "Let's roll up our sleeves."

Gibbous Moon. A very active, active phase. Confidence and the desire to express knowledge and skills increase. "Fruit setting."

Full moon. The highest point of the cycle. The peak of energy, which begins to gradually decline from the moment of the full moon. Some people feel easy and joyful in this phase, while others feel discomfort. "Harvesting".

Scattering phase. A time to reflect on the current situation and use the skills and resources acquired during the period of growth. "Harvest processing."

Last quarter. Efficiency, smooth, measured flow of life. Demonstration of skill. "Making wine."

Balsamic phase. The last, final phase of the cycle. A noticeable decrease in energy and interest in what was exciting in this cycle, “Liberation”. Cleansing the energy of space and internal dialogue about what is worth doing on the new moon cycle.

“Everything has its time...” And those who adhere to the lunar “schedule” turn out to be more successful, they “float with the flow” of the energy of Life and thereby spend their vital forces more wisely!

Phases-"seasons" of the lunar month

Comparing the phases of the moon with the seasons, we can say that:

  • the crescent and first quarter phases are spring,
  • convex and full moon - summer,
  • phases of scattering and the last quarter - autumn,
  • balsamic and new moon - winter.

How do these phases-“seasons” of the Moon affect a person, and how can this knowledge be applied when caring for oneself?

"Spring" - moisturizes. For example, in the “spring”, in the phase of the crescent Moon and in the first quarter, on the waxing Moon, you can get a perm, since the hair will more easily withstand this drying procedure. But at the same time, we must also take into account the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. Because this procedure is not advisable to carry out if the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Cancer or Pisces.

“Summer” - warms. Considering the influence of the moon on the human body, during the convex phase and during the full moon, any cold effect is effective, for example, removing moles with liquid nitrogen. However, if the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, then you cannot influence the skin.

"Autumn" - dries. In “autumn”, during the scattering phase and in the last quarter of the Moon, the skin needs to be moisturized. Any water treatments or moisturizing masks will be effective.

"Winter" - cools. During the balsamic phase of the lunar month and during the new moon, good results can be expected, for example, from depilation with hot wax, from a bath, or a sauna.

Do not forget that whenever using “seasonal” recommendations, you must take into account the influence of the phases of the Moon on a person in the zodiac sign.

Apogee and perigee of the Moon

In addition to personal predisposition to “breaking the roof,” there are also external influencing factors. One of the “culprits” is the Moon, or more precisely, its distance from the Earth.

The “companion” of our planet has a specific trajectory in the form of an ellipse. The closest point in the orbit of a celestial body (the Moon) to the center of gravity, that is, to the Earth, is perigee. The point opposite to it is the apogee of the Moon - the farthest point of the lunar orbit from the Earth. By the way, our satellite never moves away from the center of the Earth by more than 406.7 thousand kilometers and never approaches it closer than 356.41 thousand kilometers. Depending on whether the Moon is at apogee or perigee, a person’s well-being changes.

When the Moon is at its apogee, our efficiency increases and a feeling of fearlessness appears. Excessive optimism and recklessness such that “the sea is knee-deep” may appear. For example, while driving, the driver may lose caution and not feel the speed or rhythm of movement. Emotionally, at this time a person has a high degree of involvement, that is, perhaps, unnoticed by himself, he is drawn into the “black hole” of relationships, events. On such days, it is difficult to feel the line between what is permitted and what is possible, which is why the number of injuries and accidents usually increases.

At this time, you need to try not to lose control over yourself and the situation, keep track of everything “over-,” slow down yourself, and also limit the intake of any stimulants, starting with coffee. By the way, when the Moon is at its apogee, at its maximum distance from the Earth, the influence of its phases and zodiac signs is somewhat weakened.

But the most difficult thing is the perigee Moon, which is closest to the Earth. Suffice it to recall the Shakespearean hero Othello, who succumbed to jealousy under the influence of the Moon at perigee: “...It’s all the fault of the Moon... It has come too close to the Earth and is driving everyone crazy...” The peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 also passed under the perigee Moon, which almost plunged us into nuclear war.

For example, biologists have already proven: when the Moon is at perigee, plant growth increases, and seeds absorb the greatest amount of moisture, especially during the full moon phase. Experts do not advise sowing, planting, transplanting and rooting on days when the Moon is at perigee. In addition, plants can overcome diseases and pests, and their root crops will “go to the tops,” even if they were planted, as expected, on the waning Moon. Naturally, a person is also influenced by the degree of proximity of the Moon. For some, it’s as if the roof is being torn off, cats are scratching at their souls, and pressure is felt on the psyche. It is more difficult for people with an unstable nervous system to endure such days. The combination of perigee with a new moon, full moon and eclipse is especially dangerous. Statistics show that on days when the Moon is at perigee, the number of cases of breakup and even suicide increases. Therefore, we avoid any showdowns, introspection and criticism of ourselves and others. We try to appreciate what we have here and now. Let's just enjoy life! Look at the starry sky more often!

Moon phases and health

Each phase of the moon has a specific effect on our well-being. The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, on the contrary, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. We will talk about the characteristic features of each phase and indicate the main features of lunar days, which make it up.

We will discuss the influence of lunar days on health in more detail in the chapter “Characteristics of lunar days.”

First lunar phase

The first phase begins with the new moon. During the first two days, the Moon is not visible in the sky. At this time, a person is most weakened, exhausted, and the body’s energy resources are at a minimum. Immunity suffers, mistakes and behavioral disruptions are possible. We are visited by fears, depression, depression. But this state also has its advantages: the body throws off the burden accumulated over the entire previous lunar month.

Then a narrow crescent of the Moon appears in the sky - and you can breathe more freely. We feel the forces hidden within us growing. At this time, the body seems to be living its youth, it grows and develops again, it is tuned to consume energy, receive it from the outside, it saves energy and spends almost no energy.

In the first phase, from the new moon to the first quarter, a person is especially active. However, this period cannot be considered the most favorable for health: the first phase is the time of exacerbation of chronic diseases. As the Moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you should be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of emotional perception of the world increases.

The first phase is a good period for health-promoting procedures. This is the time when the effect of medications is enhanced and vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and iron, are absorbed more effectively. On these days, any procedures have a more effective effect than in other phases. However, along with such beneficial properties, negative ones also make themselves felt. In the first phase, poisoning and allergies are more severe. At the same time, very active accumulation of fat occurs. Therefore, if you are watching your weight, keep in mind: at this time, every candy you eat will be deposited in extra grams.

In the first days of the first phase, general strengthening procedures can be performed. It's good to prevent diseases. If you want to significantly increase physical activity, wait until the 5th lunar day. Water procedures are also useful at this time. In particular, bathhouse and sauna until the 7th lunar day, contrast shower. The latter should be taken as follows: warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. Douches have a beneficial effect if you are mentally and physically prepared for them: a minute in a warm shower, then dousing with cold water for 10 seconds (maximum). The dousing should be done from top to bottom: first the shoulders, then the feet.

If you were planning to get rid of bad habits and start playing sports, then the first phase is the right time to realize these good intentions. Let us note that if you are planning, for example, to quit smoking, then it is better to do it now, but you need to prepare yourself psychologically in the previous, fourth phase.

New moon And 1st lunar day– a time when the body is still too weak. Immunity is weak, energy is low, irritability and fatigue are increased. Physical and mental fatigue further weakens health. At this time, it is easy to catch some kind of disease, especially a viral one (closer to the new moon). Illnesses that begin on this day can last a long time, but will end happily and will not lead to complications.

At this time, under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or eat spicy or hot food. Starting from the 5th lunar day, it is good to give preference to fresh food, unprocessed, raw, cool.

In 2nd lunar day You can already start physical exercise, but you should still take care of yourself. Today, simple plant-based foods work well. Illnesses of this day are short-lived and harmless.

IN 3rd lunar day Monitor your health closely. Diseases that arise on this day can last a long time.

IN 4th lunar day a person is still susceptible to diseases, however, if he immediately begins to treat them, they will not last long. Today it is necessary to save energy, not to waste energy on useless activities and empty conversations.

IN 5th lunar day You can’t starve, your body can easily digest any food (if possible, you should avoid meat). You shouldn't eat a lot, and the products should be of the best quality. This is explained by the fact that food is endowed with specific energy, and what you eat today nourishes your astral body. Take care of yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can be serious and lead to complications.

IN 6th lunar day you need to get some fresh air - take a walk in the countryside, or at least walk along a clean street or park. When eating, give preference to fruits and vegetables; it’s good if you prepare them in a special way or make a new dish. If you get sick on this day, don’t worry, the ailments of this day pass quickly and easily. But you need to avoid hypothermia.

IN 7th lunar day health status is unpredictable. Chronic diseases today can either sharply worsen or disappear just as suddenly. Anyone who is ill on this day will be easily cured and will quickly recover. As on the previous day, today you should not get too cold.

Second lunar phase

The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body’s energy continues to grow: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Life forces are gradually approaching their peak. There are already enough of them, they have not been wasted, fatigue has not yet set in, and a person is capable of much. But this is precisely why the second phase of the Moon, from the first quarter to the full moon inclusive, is dangerous due to the occurrence of acute diseases. During this period, the nervous system is highly stressed. The psyche has a hard time coping with stress. Therefore, limit the emotional stress as much as possible, avoid worries and tension. Reduce stress-causing factors - alcohol, smoking, nervous situations in your personal life and at work. Take less medications, it is better to completely avoid alcohol. Do not strive for physical activity, let the load gradually decrease towards the full moon. If it's cool outside, avoid hypothermia, first of all, keep your head and feet out of the cold.

In the second phase, cleansing measures are especially effective. From the 8th to the 10th lunar day, if possible, you should carry out procedures that cleanse the body of toxins. From the 10th to the 12th lunar day, cleansing of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and a visit to the bathhouse are indicated. The 11th lunar day is especially strong in this regard. In general, these three days are the best time for fasting in the entire lunar month, but on the 11th day you can also give up water. Of course, this should only be done if your body is prepared for such stress. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself serious harm, both physically and psychologically. Starting from the 13th lunar day until the end of the third phase, fasting is also useful. It is very good to give enemas.

If you are thin, during this period take hot baths and go to the sauna - it is especially favorable to do this on the 9th and 10th lunar days. If you have a heavy body type, you will benefit from warm baths. During the second phase of the Moon, pouring cool and cold water has a beneficial effect: in the first days of the phase - warmer, in the last days - cold. Pouring is carried out from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the first two days of the second phase, give preference to Yin food, and starting from the tenth lunar day, to Yang food. Stewed vegetables and various cereal porridges will be especially useful. Try to eat less butter. If you are thin, this menu will be especially suitable for you. Add bread made from sprouted grains to it - and improved well-being is guaranteed. If, on the other hand, you are overweight, pay attention to dry foods with less moisture. For example, when porridge is healthy, it can be buckwheat without milk, vegetables without gravy.

IN 8th lunar day the person is susceptible to nervous disorders. Stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a generally unfavorable background for health, injuries are possible. On this day you can’t eat a lot and overwork at work, you need to allow yourself rest and unloading. You should protect yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can lead to complications.

IN 9th lunar day The illnesses turn out to be serious, but the prognosis is still favorable. This is a difficult day for the body. Today, various cleansing procedures will be especially good, first of all, a bath. At this time, the load on the heart and blood vessels is very dangerous; do everything to avoid it.

IN 10th lunar day you can't get sick. The onset of illnesses can be serious, but if you start treatment on time, then everything will go well. It is very important not to overload on this day. If you were unable to rest on the 8th lunar day, do it today.

IN 11th lunar day the body feels cheerful, shows us high tone, readiness for physical activity. But if sports and sex are beneficial today, then stress on the spine can become dangerous. It is dangerous to get sick on this day.

IN 12th lunar day the heart is subject to negative influences. The nervous system is very susceptible. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous and do things that put stress on the heart. In particular, you should not run, play sports, or smoke. You need to protect yourself from possible diseases: on this day they can become extremely unpleasant.

IN 13th lunar day We are surrounded by energy that can negatively affect our well-being. At this time, you should not get sick; you should avoid illnesses at all costs: they can become very long-lasting. But the body absorbs various medications well.

IN 14th lunar day the body is quite strong. But the health hazard continues. Today you may unexpectedly get rid of an old illness or, conversely, suddenly become ill. Although illnesses that began on this day are not dangerous, they will pass quickly and without complications. It is good to fast on this day, but you should drink less liquid. You can’t be in a passive state, you need to either do physical exercise (at least a little), or just move more.

IN 15th lunar day the background for health is unfavorable. Today you need to be careful and take care of your nerves. Rest is very useful. You cannot waste energy on disputes and conflicts. Sex today also drains the body. The illness that began on this day will easily pass. No operations can be performed today.

The full moon is coming - it’s time to move from accumulating strength to actively spending it. On this day, unspent energy may become unmanageable. Excess energy prevents you from falling asleep - it is during the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia. In the old days they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are worsening and the number of road accidents is increasing. People become more irritated and often start a quarrel for no reason. The number of suicides is increasing.

On a full moon, the body is exposed to more dangers than on any other day of the lunar month. Closer to it, the risk of infectious diseases is maximally increased. Today you can get injured, so be especially careful when doing physical activity, and if it’s icy outside, pay close attention to the road. During the full moon it is easiest to get poisoned, so do not eat unfamiliar food, do not visit unknown cafes, and when buying food, be sure to look at their expiration date. During the full moon, the body completely absorbs all medications and drugs: from medicinal to narcotic. Possible side effects. One drink or one cigarette today will do more harm than in two weeks.

Today the body is in dire need of energy, so it cannot be spent on anything that requires energy output: conflicts, parties, sex, sports. Experienced herbalists know that medicinal plants collected during the full moon work better than those collected earlier or later than this day. A full moon day is also good for therapeutic fasting. But it is unfavorable for people who have just undergone surgery.

Third lunar phase

The moon is already beginning to wane, but in the first days of the phase you need to behave taking into account the fact that the full moon is still in effect. In the future, the body is tuned to activity, energy consumption, splashing it out from within. In the third phase of the Moon, from the full moon to the fourth quarter, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs are likely. You have to be especially careful about your diet. It is very important not to get sick during this critical time. In addition, the third phase is a period of sexual activity, which these days has a beneficial effect on health. During the period of the waning moon, massages are more effective than at other times: relaxing and to relieve spasms, as well as removing harmful substances from the body. The effect of medicinal herbs is also effective. On days when the Moon is waning, the chances of success with surgical interventions are higher, and recovery is faster.

In the third phase, treatment of lower back diseases and their prevention are especially good. You should warm it up and apply compresses. A contrast shower is useful for water procedures. It should be taken alternating warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. These days, the body copes well with increased physical activity. For the highest activity and sporting achievements, lunar days from the 19th to the 21st are most favorable.

The third phase is the best time for surgical operations: they go better, recovery is faster, the sutures bleed little and form almost no scars. By the way, all skin formations - warts, moles, papillomas, etc. - should be removed precisely during the waning moon. It doesn’t matter what you use to remove them - red silk thread or liquid nitrogen, boiled potatoes or a laser. But if you have not yet recovered by the new moon, pause these procedures and continue them after the full moon. And the third phase is the best time for deep cleansing of the skin, including resurfacing and chemical peeling. The skin is cleansed deeper and regenerates faster. This is the best time for hair removal - it goes easier, and the hairs will then grow more slowly.

It is not recommended to fast during the third phase of the moon; on the contrary, this is a suitable recovery period after fasting. These days you should give up spicy and fried foods, reduce or completely eliminate meat from your diet. In the first half of the phase, i.e. from the 16th to the 18th lunar day, give preference to yang food. From the 19th to the 22nd – Yin, watery, cooling. The food may be rough, but in any case you should not eat too much. An interesting fact: when the moon is waning, food is not stored in the body in the form of excess body weight, so if we eat more than usual these days, we will not gain weight. Keep this in mind if you are going on a quick diet. Even if you torture yourself with a dry fast, you will not achieve anything. And if you want to gain weight, no matter how much you eat, you still won’t gain even half a kilogram.

IN 16th lunar day the general background is favorable for health. Gymnastics and physical exercises are recommended. It's good to get out into nature. You can't be nervous or worry. The body is in good shape, but if you need the tone to be even higher, you will have to give up meat.

IN 17th lunar day The body's resources are not as rich as in the previous one. It is dangerous to get sick on this day: the illness will be severe and long-lasting. Today you should not take medications unless absolutely necessary. Alcohol is very harmful.

IN 18th lunar day you can rest and relax if you didn’t do it yesterday. But relaxation in this case does not imply a holiday of gluttony: eating a lot is contraindicated. Among all the days of the lunar month, this day is the best for fasting. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol today. Water treatments are recommended, especially the sauna. A massage will be helpful. It is necessary to protect your health in every way, since an illness that begins on this day can last a very long time and may not even go away, turning into a chronic form.

IN 19th lunar day the body is quite strong. If you get sick on this day, the illness will go away quickly and easily. But in order to save and increase strength, you should remain calm in all situations and keep your emotions under control. Today you cannot take medications unless absolutely necessary and recommended by a doctor, as well as self-medicate and select your own medications.

IN 20th lunar day, as in the previous one, it is important to control your emotions. This is where the similarities between days 19 and 20 end. Today the body is not strong, and if you get sick, you can spend a long time on treatment. Among the healing procedures, the bathhouse and sauna are especially useful. You should give up alcohol.

IN 21st lunar day there is a critical background for health, old diseases may worsen. But the nature of this day is dual, and instead of exacerbation, unexpected relief may come and the process of recovery may begin. In order to protect yourself from problems, you need to spend time in as calm an environment as possible. Moreover, the diseases of this day can be dangerous.

IN 22nd lunar day the general background is unfavorable for health. Today there is a peculiar turn of energy. If a person gets sick on this day, the illness can cause significant harm to his health and lead to serious consequences.

Fourth lunar phase

In the fourth phase, from the last quarter to the new moon (inclusive), the body is susceptible to various diseases. The narrower the crescent moon becomes, the more vulnerable the energy of our bodies is. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of hand. The body's defenses are weakened, and a lack of energy is felt. Sometimes biorhythms get confused, insomnia or drowsiness occurs, in the middle of the night you may suddenly want to eat, but during the day, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger does not arise. During this short period, a person is susceptible to mood swings, depression may occur, and it is difficult to cope with stress. Fluid circulation in the body is disrupted. In the fourth phase of the Moon, it is necessary to reduce physical and psychological stress as much as possible. Giving yourself one day of rest in the middle of the fourth phase is not a solution to the problem; you need to take care of yourself until the onset of the new moon. But you shouldn’t lie on the couch for days: try to spend more time in the fresh air, take time for walking.

Taking care of your health, take cool foot baths in the fourth phase. If you are not afraid of being doused with water, keep in mind that this procedure is especially useful during this period. But you don’t need to start dousing from top to bottom, throwing a tub of ice water over your head. The latter should be cool, and the dousing should be done from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the fourth phase, the body is cleansed especially effectively. For this purpose, visit a sauna or bathhouse - it is good for both internal organs and skin. You can do enemas, and it is best to start in the late evening, around 10 p.m. Compresses, lotions, and poultices also work well, especially those made from herbs (knotweed is best). Herbs these days will help clear problem areas. A very good period for fasting. Herbal decoctions and infusions (water-based), juices, and alkaline mineral waters work well.

The last four critical days of the phase are called Hecate days. At this time, the influence of the Moon on our body reaches its climax. These days enhance our ability to self-purify. We can get rid of almost anything, from substances that poison the body to bad habits.

Throughout the fourth phase, try to drink and eat less, do not overeat under any circumstances, and avoid gastronomic temptations. This primarily applies to meat and fried foods. From the 23rd to the 25th lunar day, give preference to Yin food, from the 26th to the new moon - to Yang food. Spices and seasonings have a beneficial effect if you do not have individual contraindications to them. Don’t allow yourself to experiment with new foods, don’t eat what you don’t know, avoid heavy foods and anything that you don’t digest well.

IN 23rd lunar day give up sex, but don't neglect exercise. Carefully monitor your health: if you get sick on this day, it will take a long time to recover.

IN 24th lunar day diseases, on the contrary, are harmless. As a rule, they do not drag on and do not bring unpleasant consequences. Unlike the previous day, today the body is more stable and copes with the load more easily.

IN 25th lunar day health is at risk. If the disease begins today, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. A good day for rest and relaxation.

IN 26th lunar day The body's protective functions are low. If you feel bad, tired and chronically overworked, on this day you will feel better if you do not engage in physical labor, sports or sex. Today you can’t talk a lot, as this leads to even more energy consumption. Try to protect yourself from illnesses: the onset of ailments can be serious.

IN 27th lunar day The picture is no longer so depressing: today the body has more strength. Illnesses that begin on this day will not be serious.

IN 28th lunar day the body's defenses are not as high as in the previous one, but not as low as in the 25th. To protect yourself from the emergence of new diseases and exacerbation of old ones, limit physical, mental and emotional stress if possible. Do not give in to anger and irritation, do not enter into conflicts: this will take away a huge share of your already insufficient energy. However, if you get sick on this day, the illness will not be serious. A good day for relaxing in nature, visiting the bathhouse. From this day until the new moon, the energy goes into a noticeable decline. First of all, men are weakened: they need to take special care of their health. No “belly holidays” or other bodily joys until the first lunar day!

IN 28th lunar day Don't waste your energy in vain. Save your energy, you will need it. Don't eat or drink too much, limit communication, reduce stress.

IN 29th lunar day The recommendations of the 28th apply. But today is a much more difficult day, the most dangerous of the entire lunar month. It is extremely unfavorable for health. Complete abstinence will help protect the body - from smoking, alcohol, meat and dairy foods, sex, and violent emotions. Diseases of this day are very dangerous.

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The waning moon is a special period that can be used to your advantage. How a person reacts to this lunar phase and what is best to do during this period, you will learn from our article.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon influences all processes on our planet. Gardeners use the lunar calendar, since the harvest depends on the phase in which our natural satellite is located. The gardener's lunar calendar helps them with this. The water in the oceans and seas of the Earth also depends on the Moon: it literally controls the ebb and flow of the tides. It also affects the condition of people. The waning moon turns out to be one of the calmest phases, and the reasons for this are known. They lie in the state of human energy during this period of the month.

How does the waning moon affect human energy?

Observations by astrologers show that during the waning of the Moon, human energy is gradually depleted and decreases to its lowest level by the New Moon. In nature, for example, the smallest tides are also observed. It would seem that this time should be unfavorable if a person gradually wastes his strength. But in fact, the period of the waning moon is complicated because it also carries positive aspects.

The waning moon is the best time to cleanse, not only your body, but also your spirit. During this period, it is best to analyze your own actions and work on yourself. Rituals for cleansing from magical influences, for example, spells or damage, work well. Esotericists highly recommend carrying out a general cleaning of the home during this period: this also helps to get rid of evil spirits in the house and has a positive effect on a person’s energy. Indeed, in this case, the impact of negative energy on people is reduced.

Human health and the waning moon

The waning phase of the moon also affects human health. First of all, as energy levels decrease, a person becomes more vulnerable to diseases. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, as it can very easily wear out the body. On the other hand, this time is suitable for all kinds of surgical operations, since less blood will be lost and the body will experience less stress. Moreover, after, when the growth phase of the Moon begins, wounds heal faster.

During this period, you can simply and easily get rid of bad habits. It has also been noticed that hair and nails grow more slowly if they are cut during the waning moon. You can choose the right day for a manicure or get a successful haircut thanks to the lunar calendar. In general, the following rule applies: the more economically you spend your energy, the better.

The emotional state of a person during the waning moon

People become calmer, which helps avoid conflicts. Emotions are quite stable, and there are no strong mood swings. Usually, during the waning phase of the Moon, people become more immersed in themselves, analyzing situations that concern them, and are in search of answers to questions that are important to them. Emotionality may decrease significantly, but this does not mean that a person becomes callous and unresponsive. He just begins to worry more inside himself.

Astrologers recommend engaging in self-knowledge during this period and, if necessary, increasing self-esteem. Often during this period there is a desire to be alone with oneself, and this desire should be succumbed to. It is easy to restore contact within the family, so use the periods of the waning moon to establish communication with your children.

Also, during the waning moon, money rituals are performed, which really help maintain wealth. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2016 03:08

Human energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and...