
Perhaps I do not stand love. "Recognition" a

All about roses

If you carefully read the verse "I love you, even though I mad" Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich, it is easy to understand that he is dedicated to the next unrequited love of the poet. The author, like many creative personalities, from such a state of soul screams inspiration.

This lyrics, created in 1826, is called "Recognition". The Museum for the work was Alexander Osipova. With her, the poet got acquainted during the reference to the parental estate. The girl did not demonstrate interest in Pushkin, but he seriously fucked. But on frank confession decided only in the poem. The author believed that he was already simply indecent to show such strong feelings and succumbed to passions. But the poet dealt with them is unable. Understanding my condition, he asks a girl about the retaliatory sympathy, even if it is a lie.

For use in the lesson of literature in the 9th grade, the text of the poem Pushkin "I love you, even though I melt" you can completely download from our site. And to teach it convenient online.

I love you, even though I mowed,
Although it is a work and shame in vain,
And in this nonsense unhappy
Your feet I confess!
I am not to face and not in the years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smart!
But I recognize all the signs
Love disease in my soul:
Without you, I'm bored, - I yawning;
With you, I'm sad, - I suffer;
And, urine no, I wish,
My angel like I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, il dresses sum,
Il voice virgin, innocent,
I suddenly losing his whole mind.
You will smile - I am a fade;
You will unsubscribe - I am longing;
Per day of torment - award
Your pale hand me.
When the hoops diligently
Sit you, leaving casually,
Eyes and Kudrey ok, -
I'm in the Umiley, silently, gently
I admire you like a child! ..
Will my misfortune tell you
My jealous sadness
When walking, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going to the distance?
And your tears alone,
And speech in a corner together
And travel in the whole
And piano in the evening? ..
Alina! Make it necessary for me.
I do not dare to demand love.
Perhaps for my sins
My angel, I do not stand love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can express so wonderful!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ...
I am deceive to deceive!

The poem "I love you at least I mad" never caused special interest from critics and biographers Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This verse is not surrounded by scandals, there is nothing vicious in it, which could compromise the poet, or the young lady, which this message is written. But! Like any work, this masterpiece has its own history and background.

Here, in fact, the work itself:

I love you, - even though I mad,
Although it is a work and shame in vain,
And in this nonsense unhappy
Your feet I confess!
I am not to face and not in the years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smart!
But I recognize all the signs
Love disease in my soul:
Without you, I'm bored, - I yawning;
With you, I'm sad, - I suffer;
And, urine no, I wish,
My angel like I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, il dresses noise,
Il voice virgin, innocent,
I suddenly losing all my mind.
You will smile, - I am a fade;
You will unsubscribe - I am longing;
Per day of torment - award
Your pale hand me.
When the hoops diligently
Sit you, leaving casually,
Eyes and Kudrey ok, -
I'm in a dying, silently, gently
I admire you like a child! ..
Will my misfortune tell you
My jealous sadness
When walking, sometimes, in bad weather,
Are you going to the distance?
And your tears alone,
And speech in a corner together
And travel in the whole
And piano in the evening? ..
Alina! Make it necessary for me.
I do not dare to demand love.
Perhaps for my sins
My angel, I do not stand love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can express so wonderful!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ..
I am deceive to deceive!


Becoming early well-known and loved public, having the status of a public official, the young poet does not lose time and enters the literary and theater community. His life would have formed much more calmer if he had not taken friendship with members of the Decembrist secret organizations.
He himself was not a member of any of them, but political epigrams written by Alexander could not remain not observed. Oda "liberty", in which he practically accused the emperor, Alexander I in the fatherland, the poem "Village", "to Chaadaev" did their job.

What are the lines only stand:

Russia will poss out from sleep,
And on fragments of selfhood
Write our names!

But Pushkin can be bolded to call the first blogger of Russia. His poems, like hot cakes, diverged around the country with incredible speed. They were rewritten, they exchanged, they were memorable and kept.
Such an objectionable creativity for the then power, played a fateful role in the fate of the classics. This is still he was lucky that he was not counted for the Decembrist movement.

The bold poet was decided to send a link, but the works of friends, managed to mitigate the punishment, and to overtake the translation to Chisinau Chase. So to speak: "From the eye,".
All this did not affect reading success. A professional writer only strengthened in his numerous works. It must be said that the dedication of poems to women, Pushkin had a favorite course of communication with them. The feelings of the genius were flushed by his creations. In a different way, he could not. There were women whom the classic literally shook verses. This is Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina, Natalya Viktorovna Kochubey, Elizaveta Vorontsova.

Some Biographers Pushkin are confident that the poet's poems are with courtships for Elizabeth Vorontsova, the head of the boss, did not limit himself. They believe that it was a full-fledged novel. Although there is no accurate confirmation. A more common version is that when the flirting could grow into a real novel, the heart was fired. The general tried to make Pushkin go to the present link, in Mikhailovskoye. From this estate, the writer strictly-setting was forbidden to leave.
Here, in fact, the story itself begins.


In Mikhailovsky there was a generic estate of the mother. In it, he was in need of Pushkin two years. Previously, he was only in his youth, in 1817, in the summer, when only graduated from a lyceum. Then he met the neighbors. At that time, Praskovia Alexandrovna wore the name Wulf. True, it is not known whether he saw a girl who he studied his verse "Recognition" acted in nine years.
Settling in this house, the young Pushkin lived in it for two years.

Without a doubt, he felt an exile and his romantic nature drew inspiration from books in literary heroes, a wonderful nature around Mikhailovsky. There was not enough muse.
Fears of relatives and friends, in the fact that the village privacy can be destructive for the writer turned out to be in vain. Years spent in Mikhailovsky became the most fruitful in Alexander's poetic career.

Of course, looking for objects for personal adoration was difficult in this place. Passionate and in love by nature a poet could not stay long without muse. This is how the classic himself called women who inspired him to write next masterpieces. The inlentibility was growing the wings to the poetic gift every time Alexander met his next muse. And no response feelings, the poet did not always expect. Most of the secular beauties were deliberately fused to Pushkin's head, hoping to get another verse in their honor. Suffering and jealousy as often as delight and admiration work on the genius of the classics.
A prime confirmation is the poem "Recognition".


Heading friendship among the few neighbors, the classic could unwind from everyday sad everyday life.
For example, Osipov's landowners have always rendered a friendly reception of a writer. Despite the difference in age (about 18 years), the mistress of the estate Pushkin considered his loved one.

Praskovia Alexandrovna Osipova had their own children and a stepdaughter who entered the seven twelve-year-old girl when her father re-married. It happened so that the girl's father died a few years later, and the young girl, remaining orphan, continued to live with a stepmother. At the time of dating with Pushkin she was about 19 years old.
This young feature differed from the love of the hostess. Apparently, the position of the stepper painted it. The girl was very quiet, timid and silent. Noisy companies preferred privacy and walking in the park.
Alexander, with his inherent in his life and an active life position, more than once climbed concerts and comic theatrical performances. But Alexander Ivanovna Osipova did not participate in their audience. The girl is meek and calm, she only sometimes attended them.

Probably, his femininity, simplicity and tranquility attracted the young young lady Alexander. I. Of course, beauty. As Pushkin considered, the girl was unusually good. Here is the most common image of Alexandra, rather similar to a friendly cartoon than a portrait.

Verse "Recognition" was written already when the writer knew well the life and instructions of Alexandra. The poet noticed everything. And their age, which has a decisive action: "I am not to the face and not in the years ..."; And her indecision: "And the urine is not, I wish you"; And possible nonsense, so inherent in all loved: "I suddenly lose your whole mind."

Alexander managed to admire the girl while working, behind the chambers. He likes her curls, and how beautiful they fall. He managed to fuck the subject of his adoration. Most likely, we are talking about the consolidated brother Alina. At that time, the young man was a student, and every holiday came home. Since young people were not in the blood relationship, the soil for jealousy, of course, was.
In a word, the classic was in love. And in love unrequited. The girl did not show down his feelings. Most likely, she was indifferent to the poet. And Pushkin, understanding this, is trying to ironize at the end of his poem.

Pushkin was not handsome. His growth did not reach 170 cm. Long nose, full lips, whipped curls. Attractive in it was character's abilities, unprecedented body mobility and mind, successful sharpness and contagious laughter. But this was not enough. Alexander love remained unrequited.

Fate poem

Regarding "recognition", the opinions of Pushkinists diverge. Some say that the poet handed the girl his essay immediately as soon as he wrote and did not wait for the answer, which only confirmed the indifference of the young lady. Others assure that he did not do this.
It is exactly exactly that in 1835, being a married lady, Alexander Ivanovna came to visit the stepmother, but he wondered with Pushkin, who was also in these territories.

The writer sent her a letter in which he expressed regret on the failed meeting and offered to agree on the next arrival to meet. Some biographers believe that the classic wanted to give her poems written in the days of her youth.
The verse written in 1826, during the lifetime of the poet never published anywhere. It was a personal message and Alexander kept him in a personal archive. It saw the light in 1837.
So Alexander Ivanovna Osipova became one of the music of the greatest classics, remembering his beauty and innocence. She replenished the famous Donjan List of the poet and remained in his memory, as one of the wonderful music.

Probably, each schoolboy knows that the poem "Recognition", which is often called on the first line "I loved you," Pushkin dedicated Alexander Osipova, but he did not read this beloved poem, because the reference of the poet ended, and he left his native Mikhailovskoye . To read the verse "Recognition" Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin once is not enough to understand all his depth, but it is enough to realize that it is completely. However, it did not fall into the print to the tragic death of Light Russian poetry - it was too intimate and affected family questions. It is definitely unknown who in 1837 gave it to the "library for reading", but researchers converge on the thoughts that it was a beautiful Sasha.

This poem is not underway in high school, but a sense of love, which it is permeated, easy to understand at any age. This is a trembling, beautiful feeling plays in Pushkin rows with its colorful faces, but does not fade from beginning to the end. It is relevant today - download and read this work will be enough to understand what it is true. However, the text of the poem of Pushkin "Recognition" is not as simple as it may seem - the poet also tells the beloved and that he will hold his life, not knowing more than the ardent attachment, which he had to her. It is not enough to just teach this creation completely, it is important to understand it.

Even if you just just read this poem online for the lesson, you can see how much the poet was captured by your feeling. In each line - a whole range of moods, from admiration for an innocent Virgin to reproach to himself, that there is not enough wisdom to strangle this feeling, from jealousy to dignity and tenderness. Literature did not know so much passionate and at the same time such contradictory love verse.

I love you, albeit,
Although it is a work and shame in vain,
And in this nonsense unhappy
Your feet I confess!
I am not to face and not in the years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smart!
But I recognize all the signs
Love disease in my soul:
Without you, I'm bored, - I yawning;
With you, I'm sad, - I suffer;
And, urine no, I wish,
My angel like I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, il dresses sum,
Il voice virgin, innocent,
I suddenly losing his whole mind.
You will smile - I am a fade;
You will unsubscribe - I am longing;
Per day of torment - award
Your pale hand me.
When the hoops diligently
Sit you, leaving casually,
Eyes and Kudrey ok, -
I'm in the Umiley, silently, gently
I admire you like a child! ..
Will my misfortune tell you
My jealous sadness
When walking, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going to the distance?
And your tears alone,
And speech in a corner together
And travel in the whole
And piano in the evening? ..
Alina! Make it necessary for me.
I do not dare to demand love.
Perhaps for my sins
My angel, I do not stand love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can express so wonderful!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ...
I am deceive to deceive!

"Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! I myself am deceived! " Who were these lines are dedicated?

"Recognition" Alexander Pushkin

I love you, albeit,
Although it is a work and shame in vain,
And in this nonsense unhappy
Your feet I confess!
I am not to face and not in the years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smart!
But I recognize all the signs
Love disease in my soul:
Without you, I'm bored, - I yawning;
With you, I'm sad, - I suffer;
And, urine no, I wish,
My angel like I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, il dresses sum,
Il voice virgin, innocent,
I suddenly losing all my mind.
You will smile - I am a fade;
You will unsubscribe - I am longing;
Per day of torment - award
Your pale hand me.
When the hoops diligently
Sit you, leaving casually,
Eyes and Kudrey ok, -
I'm in the Umiley, silently, gently
I admire you like a child! ..
Will my misfortune tell you
My jealous sadness
When walking, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going to the distance?
And your tears alone,
And speech in a corner together
And travel in the whole
And piano in the evening? ..
Alina! Make it necessary for me.
I do not dare to demand love.
Perhaps for my sins
My angel, I do not stand love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can express so wonderful!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ...
I am deceive to deceive!

It is no secret that Alexander Pushkin was a man passionate, and in love. He constantly found new and new objects for adoration, and each of the women devoted a huge number of poems. With some of their music, as gentlely called Pushkin numerous beloved, he had to meet quite often, with the others fate he reduced him only for a short time, which became the most happy and, at the same time, unhappy. Indeed, in most cases, Pushkin's feelings remained unanswered, and insidious beauties were specially teased by the poet, forcing him to jealous, suffer and - to sink them with poetic confessions in love.

In 1824, because of his liberty and rather sharp statements in the address of the royal regime, the poet was removed from civil service and was exiled to the family estate Mikhailovskoe, where he had to spend two long years. To leave the estate of Pushkin was strictly forbidden, friends visited him infrequently, so very soon the poet came out with the few neighbors-landowners, among whom was 19-year-old Alexander Osipov. She was a receptional daughter of the widowed landowner, so in her house he felt a little armsily and uncertain. While Pushkin with Azart played with the native children of the landowner and even organized comic theatrical ideas with their participation, Alexander preferred to walk in the garden alone or read French novels.

For all the time you dating a girl Pushkin managed to transfer with her only a few minor phrases. However, he was amazed by the amazing beauty and the restraint of the girl, gradually realizing that they fell in love with Alexander, like a boy. It was she in 1926 he dedicated his the poem "Recognition", which never was read by his chosen. The author simply did not have time to give him to Alexander, as he received permission to return to Petersburg. But he did not forget about the subject of his hobbies and subsequently dedicated to Alexander Osipova a few more exciting and romantic poems.

As for "recognition", then in the first line, Pushkin reveals his true feelings to the launched, noting: "I love you - but I'm skiing." Such contradictory words are associated with the fact that the poet cannot achieve the location of the girl, and understands that she will never answer him the reciprocity. Pushkin exclaims: "It's time, it's time to be smart!". However, nothing can do with it, feeling the characteristic symptoms of the disease, referred to as love. Any fleeting date with the subject of his passion the poet perceives as the gift of heaven, considering for himself a reward to hear the ringing voice of the girl or catch her eyes sneaking. Her appearance for Pushkin is akin to sunrise, and the author honestly admits - at the sight of Alexandra "I suddenly losing his whole mind."

Pushkin understands that he cannot become a worthy party for the girl, as it is in opal, deprived of the post and favor of secular society. Therefore, he does not even dare to pray her about love. But at the same time it really hopes that the chosen to him skillfully play, pretending to be interested in the poet. "Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! I yourself deceive glad! ", - Author exclaims.

After 10 years, going again to Mikhailovskoye, Pushkin suddenly finds out that most recently Alexandra visited Mathemia, by that time he was successfully married. He sends her message with a request to stay for a few more days to be able to see the one who once belonged to his heart. In a short letter, Pushkin said that he wants to transfer his poems that once dedicated to her, but she never gets a response. They are not destined to meet more, however, in the history of Russian literature, Alexander Osipov remains one of the music poet.