
Application of azofosk fertilizer. Azofoska - purpose and rules of use

Basics of garden composition

Among the fertilizers used in agricultural activities, Azofoska is one of the most effective mineral additives. It is produced in the form of granules and is a complex, solid fertilizer of a complex type, belonging to the category of nitroammophosphates. The agrochemical has a second similar name - nitroammophoska, which indicates that the fertilizer contains an active substance of nitrate form. The phosphorus contained in this composition is completely soluble in water. Most people are afraid of the harmful effects of nitrates, but azofoska will not cause harm if it is used correctly and the necessary rules are followed, and interaction with all crops will be only positive. The use of Azofoska fertilizer is relevant for any plant crops.

Description of safe operation
The dust that remains after azofoska spontaneously explodes, so it is necessary to prevent its large accumulation. This dust can be used in the summer as plant food. Before starting to collect dust, agronomists advise thoroughly moistening the area where it accumulates using spray bottles, after which the resulting fraction must be dissolved in water, following the rules of the instructions, and then proceed to fertilizing the garden. Fat is not capable of ignition, but when heated to a temperature of 200 ° C it will release poisonous and toxic gases that cause great harm to the human body.

Experts recommend storing a small volume of azofoska in a plastic bag, sealing it or closing it tightly using special plastic clips. The agrochemical loses its benefits after just six months when stored in bulk, and thanks to the closed package, which prevents access to unwanted moisture and bright sunlight, it becomes possible to preserve valuable properties for up to one and a half years.

Advantages of fertilizer

Azofoska has a number of advantages over other fertilizers in this group, and the main ones are presented below:

  • key source of minerals;
  • It is perfectly soluble in water because it belongs to the group of ballast-free fertilizers;
  • activator of growth and strengthening of the root system;
  • low level of caking and hygroscopicity;
  • increases the plant’s immunity to bad weather conditions;
  • increases the yield of winter crops, cereals, vegetables and other crops;
  • extends the shelf life of collected products;
  • improves plant immunity to diseases;
  • increases the abundance and duration of flowering;
  • the mineral complex is resistant to precipitation and remains in the soil for a very long time.

What can be fertilized

The fertilizer in question is universal, so you can fertilize any plants with it on all types of soil.

  • planting seeds, germination and planting seedlings;
  • fruit and berry trees and decorative flowers;
  • garden crops (for grapes or strawberries);
  • tuberous and bulbous crops;
  • fertilizing the lawn in the summer.

The key difference between different types of azofoska is represented by the quantitative ratio of active substances - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, thanks to which it is possible to select the appropriate fertilizer for each crop depending on its individual needs for minerals.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of this fertilizer, it is recommended to use azofoska on swampy, sandy, clayey, peat soils and chernozems. This additive is especially valuable for heavy soil with poor diffusion, where there is no uniform distribution of mineral fertilizers. In such situations, it must be applied after harvesting. For light soils, spring fertilizing during the first plowing is more suitable. Next, the norms for using fertilizer and the timing of its application are considered, taking into account the plant crop and soil type.

  1. Classic dosage 16:16:16 1-2 spoons per square meter are added for digging for potatoes in the spring or in liquid form in the summer. For tomatoes or peppers, add half a teaspoon into the hole. Fruit trees are fertilized by deepening the additive into loose soil in the amount of 2-3 spoons. For the lawn, 3-4 kg of substance per hundred square meters is applied during the period of active growth - in summer. Also, this fertilizer rehabilitates the lawn if after winter it turns yellow and does not restore color for a long time. Immediately after fertilizing it is necessary to water. Please note that the frequency of fertilizing bluegrass lawns should be as high as possible. Grapes require annual feeding, since this crop consumes and consumes a complex of sodium, phosphorus and potassium in large quantities.
  2. The dosage 19-9-19 has a reduced phosphorus content, which is suitable for plants grown on soils rich in this component. Application rates are similar to the previous fertilizer.
  3. The dosage 22:11:11 will be relevant for active cultivation of the land when it is depleted from annual use. This supplement acts as an emergency aid to restore fertility.

The cost-effectiveness of the fertilizer in question has become the reason for its popularity on domestic industrial farms. Profitability can be achieved by applying 40 g of fertilizer per square meter of land, and the average price of azofoska is 35 rubles. per kg. The most common packaging is 0.5 kg bags, which are sold in almost every gardening store. When choosing between different manufacturers, it is better to give preference to Finnish or domestic ones, since the composition of their fertilizers corresponds to the northern regions and the middle zone.

One of the varieties of azofoska is created specifically for domestic climatic conditions and soil types in the middle zone. The key active substances of NPK are presented in this fertilizer as highly soluble salts. There is practically no difference between azophoska and nitrophoska, with the exception of the form of nitrogen: in nitrophoska it is represented by the nitrate form, and in azophoska both in the nitrate and ammonium forms.

Azofoska fertilizer is widely used in agriculture on an industrial scale, as well as in the home by summer residents and gardeners. This is a complex fertilizer, balanced in its composition. The composition of azofoska is suitable for all types of soils, because it has a neutral effect. It can be used for both fruit and vegetable crops and ornamental plants.


Azofoska is made in the form of non-hygroscopic granules of 1 or 5 mm, convenient to use. The color can be either white or pink. The structure of the substance is crumbly and does not cake during storage. In the soil, the granules quickly dissolve and are absorbed by plants, are firmly held in the soil and are not washed out by water.

Azofoska is non-toxic, completely safe and non-flammable. Azofoska is packaged in vacuum or tightly closed bags. Damage to the packaging leads to loss of beneficial properties, so it must be stored in proper conditions.

The effect of application is more noticeable when fertilizing clay soils and sandstones, since chernozem contains many nutrients.

The drug is produced in different percentage combinations of ingredients, so when purchasing you need to look at the composition of Azofoska:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur.

Nitrogen is the basic component of the drug. In Azofoska its amount can range from 16 to 26 percent. Nitrogen is necessary for seedlings to ensure metabolic processes and the synthesis of plant protein.

Phosphorus activates the growth of seedlings; it is necessary at the beginning of the growing season. The percentage composition in Azofoska varies from 4 to 20 percent.

Potassium regulates metabolic processes, the formation of the root system and fruits. The shape, taste and color of the fruit also depend on the presence of potassium in the soil. Potassium deficiency affects plant resistance to weather conditions and diseases. The percentage in Azofoska ranges from 5 to 18 percent.

Sulfur regulates photosynthesis, corrects the content of nitrates, essential oils and essential acids. Azofoska contains little sulfur, but this amount is quite enough to maintain the necessary processes.

Note! Nitrates are essential for plant health; in small quantities they do not pose a threat to the human body.

Effect of using fertilizer:

  • protects plants from diseases;
  • increases the productivity of fruit and vegetable crops;
  • provides fruits with healthy fats, which has a beneficial effect on yield;
  • prolongs the flowering of plants;
  • improves the quality of fruits and vegetables;
  • increases the shelf life of fruits and vegetables;
  • helps increase nutrients in fruits.

The use of Azofoska allows you to harvest a good harvest at minimal cost.

Azofoska fertilizer refers to complex soil fertilizing, which contains all the necessary elements - phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen (NPK). This combination provides plants with all the beneficial substances.

Azofoska is easily absorbed by plants. The absence of ballast substances ensures dissolution in liquid without sediment.


When should you apply fertilizer? Each plant requires fertilizing at different times. General recommendations are as follows:

  • in the fall after digging the soil;
  • in the spring before planning planting;
  • before planting the plant in a hole;
  • when sowing seeds.

Heavy soil is fertilized in the fall after gardening is completed, light soils are additionally fertilized in the spring.

Important! An excess of fertilizer will negatively affect the taste of the fruit.

Remember that the use of Azofoska must be regulated by the instructions. The root system will take the required amount of nitrates, the remaining nitrates will end up in the fruits.

An important rule for using agrochemicals is to alternate them with organic ones: every third year it is necessary to replace Azofoska with ordinary humus. However, it is not recommended to apply manure due to the large amount of nitrates.

Fertilizing in spring has a number of features; for example, it is unacceptable to use Azofoska in unheated soil. The best time to feed is May. In the fall, it is advisable to use Azofoska no later than the first days of October.


In retail trade you can find different combinations of the mineral composition of Azofoska (NPK). Let's look at them.

For liquid feeding, the following combinations are used:

  1. NPK in the ratio 16:16:16 is well suited for all varieties of horticultural crops - vegetables, tubers and fruit trees. For continuous fertilizing of the soil, calculate 1-2 tbsp/l x sq.m. To feed fruit trees, apply 2-3 tbsp per tree, deepening it into the loosened soil. For vegetable seedlings - half a teaspoon per hole. Potatoes are fertilized twice - after the first shoots and after the flowers set (2 tbsp/l per sq.m.).
  2. NPK in the proportion 19-9-19 is used for soil enriched with phosphorus. This proportion is necessary in regions with an arid climate, in which the top layer of soil is not washed away by rain and melted snow. How much fertilizer should I apply? The same as with the proportion 16:16:16.
  3. NPK in the ratio 22:11:11 is used for intensive use of soil on an industrial scale. This combination of mineral components is not used in garden plots.

Note! Granules diluted with water can be used to fertilize plants in the summer.

For dry and wet feeding, the following proportions are adhered to:

  • 30 or 40 grams of granules per square meter - for feeding annual seedlings;
  • 4 grams of granules - for fertilizing the hole before planting seedlings;
  • 3 gr. granules per liter of liquid - to feed the root system;
  • 30-35 dry granules per sq.m. — for fertilizing fruit trees/shrubs.

Azofoska for feeding fruit and vegetable crops

Let's look at how to properly use Azofoska to feed certain garden plants.


A week before placing the seedlings in the holes, water the soil with diluted fertilizer. Next, the cucumbers are fertilized with organic matter - manure or humus - around the beginning of June. In the middle of the month the chemical is reintroduced. This is quite enough for high-quality ovary and fruit growth. If you decide to introduce an additional portion of fertilizing, excess nitrates will end up in the fruits themselves. This will be harmful to health and spoil the taste of cucumbers. If you still decide to additionally feed the cucumbers, it is better to use a liquid solution - green slurry.

Proportions: for 10 bushes, one ten-liter bucket is used, in which 1 tbsp of agrochemical is dissolved. To enhance the fertilizer, you can dilute a mug of ash in a bucket.


The first portion of fertilizer is applied before planting seedlings in the ground - dilute a coffee spoon of fertilizer in a liter of water. After a couple of weeks, repeat feeding in the same proportion. Next, you should feed the plants with organic matter. After the buds are formed, Azofoska should be added in the proportion of 25 grams x 10 liters.


Potatoes are fed once a season - either before planting or after autumn work in the garden. If you fertilize the soil before planting potatoes, 4 grams of Azofoska should be placed in one hole. If you fertilize the soil after autumn digging, apply fertilizer at the rate of 20 mg per square meter.


To fertilize the vineyard, Azofoska is diluted in a bucket - add 2 tbsp. Feeding is carried out three times a season:

  • before flowers form;
  • after berry set;
  • during the ripening process of berries.

The first two feedings are carried out using Azofoska, the last - with another fertilizer without nitrogen. It prevents berries from ripening.


Berries do not grow well in heavy soil (clay), so fertilizing is necessary for a sustainable harvest. Azofoska is applied only to sun-warmed soil, that is, in late spring or summer.

Important! The introduction of Azofoska into unheated soil promotes the accumulation of nitrates in plant fruits.

How is Azofoska applied to feed strawberries? This can be done directly into the soil between the bushes or by watering the hole with the solution. If you scatter granules near the root system, calculate the proportion - 30 mg per square meter. For watering, use a solution of one tablespoon per bucket of water.


Nitroammofoska is an analogue of Azofoska, only with an increased sulfur content. Nitroammofoska should not be confused with Nitroammophos, which does not contain the microelement potassium. A good substitute for Azofoska is and, which contains magnesium, which is important for some soils.

- another analogue, but without sulfur content. The disadvantage of this agrochemical is its instability - it is quickly washed out of the soil.

Azophos is not a plant food, but a protection against pests. Their names are similar, but their purposes are different. However, gardeners also use Azophos to feed seedlings, as it helps increase productivity. Azophos has one more property - it does not accumulate in vegetable crops, fruits and berries.

The composition of Azofoski is optimal for fertilizing any garden crops; it contains all the necessary minerals - magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and trace elements of Azofoski. It should be remembered that Azophos is toxic, as it is a fungicide. If skin comes into contact with the drug, rinse the damaged area with a large volume of water.


This fertilizer belongs to the third hazard class, so a number of rules must be followed during storage. With large accumulations of agrochemicals, a spontaneous explosion is possible - this is what distinguishes dust from fertilizer. In order to profitably use accumulated dust, it is used to fertilize plants in the summer.

To prevent the dust from exploding, it is pre-wetted - for example, moisture is sprayed through a spray bottle. After moistening, the dust is collected and dissolved in water. It is very important to wet not only the top layer of dust, but the entire layer.

Is Azofoska flammable? This agrochemical does not ignite, however, when heated to high temperatures it can release a toxic substance. Therefore, be careful when storing fertilizer.

How is the agrochemical stored? It is kept in tightly sealed plastic bags. This storage method ensures the preservation of active substances for up to 1.5 years. In the placer state, Azofoska loses its qualities within six months.

Bottom line

Azofoska is the main fertilizer for growing potatoes. It is also used to feed any fruit and vegetable crops and plants - flowers, bushes, fruit trees and shrubs. The beneficial effect of fertilizer on the formation of the root system and photosynthesis allows it to be used for feeding home flowers.

The storage conditions of the drug should be observed and overdose should not be allowed during use. Remember that exceeding the application rate of fertilizers does not increase the yield, but accumulates in the fruits.

Azofoska is not toxic, however, at high temperatures it releases a dangerous substance. Do I need to protect myself when using an agrochemical? This should not be done - the drug is completely safe for health.

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If the land is used annually for growing vegetable and garden crops, it is gradually depleted. To restore its fertility, you need to regularly apply fertilizer. Azofoska is a mineral fertilizer with a rich composition. Used in small, private farms and on an industrial scale.

What is Azofoska and its composition?

Azofoska fertilizer is available in the form of solid granules up to 4 mm in size, white or pale pink. There are only 3 main components in its composition.

  1. Nitrogen in the amount of 15-25%, necessary for crops in the first growing season.
  2. Potassium 5-19% – increases the immunity of crops, their resistance to natural disasters, affects the color, taste and quality of the crop, regulates metabolic processes.
  3. Phosphorus 5-20% – stimulates the development of the root and ground parts of the plant during the growing season, increases productivity.


The composition also contains sulfur up to 4%, which is very important in the process of photosynthesis.

The classic composition of azophosphate is nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium - abbreviated NPK. Since fertilizing can be carried out on soils of different compositions, the percentage of nutrients in the granules can also be different.

Photo of Azofoska mineral fertilizer

On sale you can find three types of azofoska, intended for different feedings?

NPK 16/16/16– can be used in a fairly wide range, for pre-sowing and post-sowing soil fertilization, for all types of plants.

NPK 19/9/19– this option is suitable for phosphorus-rich soil.

NPK 22/11/11– a strong dosage capable of restoring the most neglected land, which did not receive fertilizing in principle.

What is the difference between Azofoska and Ammofoska and Nitrophoska?

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Fertilizer manufacturers produce many products that are similar in effect to. But they still differ in composition and these differences affect the scope of their application in agriculture.

Similar to the classic Nitroammofoska, this fertilizer is also three-element. However, Azofoska, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, contains sulfur. Otherwise, these two mineral fertilizers are similar, not only in composition, but also in their effect on plants.

Fertilizer Ammofoska

Unlike other fertilizers of the subclass, in addition to the 3 classical elements, the NPK formula contains magnesium and sulfur (the latter at least 14%). Another difference is the possibility of use on closed ground. Ammofosk does not contain chlorine and sodium, and the content of ballast substances is reduced to a minimum.

Fertilizer Nitrophoska

This fertilizer contains magnesium in addition to the classic NPK formula. In terms of the aftereffect, Nitrofoska is at a disadvantage compared to Nitroammophoska. Nitrogen is included in its composition only in nitrate form, which is easily washed out of the soil, which is why the effect on plants quickly weakens. Nitroammophoska contains, in addition to the nitrate form, the ammonium form of nitrogen, which significantly prolongs the duration of the effect of the fertilizer.

Instructions for using Azofoska fertilizer

Azofoska mineral fertilizer must be used according to the instructions, otherwise it may cause harm.

  • The first application of Azofoska to the ground is carried out in the spring, before planting crops.
  • In the fall, it is brought in for digging in dry form.
  • The fertilizer is prepared strictly according to the dosage indicated on the packaging (numbers may vary depending on the manufacturer). An abundance of fertilizer can be harmful, and too little fertilizer will not give the desired effect.
  • Azofoska fertilizer is used for no more than 2 years, then it is changed to something else, preferably organic, so that nitrates do not accumulate in the soil.
  • Fertilizer is applied to the heated soil, otherwise nitrates will begin to accumulate in the top layer of the earth.

Depending on what plants and when Azofoska fertilizer is used, the dosage of the drug may vary significantly.

  • Annual crops are usually fertilized with dry fertilizer - it is scattered on the ground. It takes 30-40 g of granules per square.
  • Dry fertilizer is used to fertilize the holes before planting seedlings - 2-4 g on average.
  • Some garden and indoor plants are fed with the solution. For 10 liters of water, take up to 40 g of the drug.
  • For shrubs and trees, dry fertilizer is usually used. A ditch is made around the tree trunk area and fertilizer (35g/sq.m.) is poured into it. After this, the ditch is covered with earth and watered.

It is worth saying a few words about storage. The fertilizer is flammable and does not last long, so it is better to purchase it in the amount that needs to be used 1-2 times. To extend shelf life, it is recommended to use vacuum packaging and place the substance in a dark, dry place. An alternative could be a simple glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Using Azofoska fertilizer in the garden

Azofoska fertilizer is suitable for any agricultural crop, which is why it is widely used in gardening and horticulture. It is used in open and closed ground. And the type of soil and its acidity do not greatly affect the fertilizer, and yet, depending on the type of soil in the garden, the method of use may differ.

  • For soddy-podzolic, clayey, leached soil, fertilizer is used as desired. One application or multiple applications – the effectiveness is equally high.
  • If the soil is simple, chernozem, carbonate, the positive effect is slightly reduced, so it is recommended to fertilize more than once to consolidate the effect, so to speak.
  • Gray soils and chestnut lands absorb Azofoska well if irrigation is used.

Using Azofoska in spring

There are several methods for using Azofoska fertilizer in the spring. But before describing them, it is worth mentioning that this fertilizer is applied, as mentioned above, only to warm soil. This means that it cannot be used until the earth warms up. Depending on the region, this time may come in April or May, in some southern regions in mid-March, in general, it all depends on the weather.

  • The first time fertilizer is usually applied during digging. The concentration depends on the type of plants that will be planted in a particular bed.


When using Azofoska, crop yields increase by 30-70%.

  • When seedlings are planted in the ground, very often gardeners add Azofoska to the holes. For each hole you need to take 2-4 grams. If the concentration is increased, the roots of the plants may get burned. After applying the fertilizer, it is mixed with the soil and only then the sprouts are planted.
  • It doesn’t hurt to feed the seeds of garden crops if you use the seed method for growing rather than seedlings. Only the concentration of the drug for seeds is reduced by 1.5-2 times.

Photos of Azofoska fertilizer from different manufacturers

Application of Azofoska fertilizer for feeding potatoes

Potatoes respond well to Azofoska, but using fertilizer more than once per season is impractical and can lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the tubers. When the potatoes are planted, 3-4 g of granules are thrown into each hole and mixed with soil.

Sometimes, if the soil is depleted, you can add Azofoska during the autumn digging of the soil where potatoes will be planted in the spring. Up to 40 g of fertilizer is taken per square meter of land.

How to use for cucumbers?

Cucumbers are everyone's favorite vegetable. To get a big harvest, it is important for the bushes to grow more green mass. Nitrogen-rich Azofoska is ideal for this purpose. Fertilizer is applied several times per season.

  1. A week before planting seeds or seedlings, the bed is treated with an aqueous solution of Azofoska. It is done simply - 40 g of granules are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water.
  2. Around the first week of summer, when the crop is growing, it is worth feeding it with a liquid solution (the recipe is the same as for the first feeding) or simply planting a few granules in the ground between the rows and watering. The effect will be almost the same.
  3. The third fertilizing can be done after 2 weeks. It is carried out in the form of a solution under the root. The solution is prepared as in the previous two cases.

You can’t do more than 3 fertilizings of Azofoska for cucumbers, otherwise nitrates will begin to accumulate in them!

All subsequent fertilizing, if necessary, is carried out with organic fertilizers.

Azofoska for fertilizing tomatoes

Azofoska fertilizer is also useful for tomatoes, but you need to use it correctly so as not to harm it.

  1. The first feeding is carried out during planting of seedlings in a permanent place. To do this, you need to make a solution (35-40 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water).
  2. After 2 weeks, feeding is repeated.
  3. After another 2 weeks, you need to make fertilizer from a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and 3-4 g of Azofoska.
  4. During the flowering period of tomatoes, add a solution of 25 g of Azofoska, 25 g of mullein and 10 liters of warm water.

After these 4 treatments of the tomato, it is not recommended to apply new fertilizers, at least mineral ones.

Azofoska fertilizer for strawberries

Strawberries love nitrogen very much, especially when they just wake up. Like many other crops, it desperately needs nitrogen, so you shouldn’t skimp on it. Strawberries are fertilized with azophoska before flowering. Fertilizer is simply scattered on the ground (30g/sq.m.) or a liquid mixture is made (50g/10 l).

If the bushes are 2-3 years old, after harvesting they are also fed with a solution of 30 g/10 liters. However, it is important to look at when the strawberries bear fruit. The latest feeding of Azofoska can be carried out no later than the beginning of October.

Azofoska is an effective mineral fertilizer; its main advantage lies in its successful application on any soil in all climatic zones. Perhaps this explains its wide distribution, and its effect is best seen on poor soils.

As the second name of this mineral complex suggests, its active elements are represented by nitrate and ammonium forms. It is this form that facilitates the absorption of the drug by plants. Its use in the garden, vegetable garden and flower bed shows excellent results. This fertilizer strengthens the root system, activates growth processes, and increases the ability of crops to withstand unpleasant factors such as frost or drought.

After using azofoska, productivity increases, the number of possible diseases decreases, and the result is an increase in nutritional value and an increase in the shelf life of vegetables. The drug has the form of small white or beige granules and is used as the main fertilizer on any soil. Suitable for both open ground and greenhouses, very important for seedlings.

Manufacturers try not to advertise the second name of the fertilizer - nitroammofoska, because many are afraid of the very word “nitrates”. Indeed, if consumed in excess, they can accumulate and then move from the soil into the edible part of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you must carefully study the instructions before use and do not exceed the fertilizer application rate.

Description of the drug

The complex mineral fertilizer azofosk has another name - nitroammophoska. It consists of:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • sulfur.

Different brands of this agrochemical differ in that the amount of nitrogen varies from 16% to 26%, this percentage is determined by the amount of the mineral in a particular soil and the need for it by a particular plant. That is, the brand of fertilizer is chosen, knowing the soil and the plant that needs feeding. Nitrogen is necessary for a plant at all stages of its growth, since it is involved in all life processes.

Phosphorus is also very necessary for absolutely all plant crops, especially at the beginning, when rapid growth occurs. Its content can be from 4% to 20%. Potassium is also used by all plants; it participates in ion exchange reactions. Different brands of azofoska contain from 5% to 18% potassium.

This mineral complex contains the least sulfur - only 2.6 - 4%, but this is the optimal amount that plants need. Most often, 2 brands of azofoska are in demand. One represents an equal amount of the three main elements (16:16:16), while the second contains noticeably more nitrogen (22:11:11). This indicates a large number of cultivated lands with similar characteristics.

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Description of the correct use of azofoska for good plant growth on a plot of land.

Rules of application

The universal complex fertilizer Azofoska enriches any soil. Heavy, dense soil is fertilized in the fall after harvesting, and if the site has light soil, it is usually applied in the spring during spring digging. But they cannot enrich cold soil: a lack of heat can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in the upper fertile layers. Therefore, it is better to plan the spring application of the mineral complex for May - when the earth has warmed up and moisture is still preserved. And it is advisable to spend the autumn one on a September day - for the same reasons.

A reasonable rotation of fertilizers is designed to protect the soil from the accumulation of nitrate compounds. If for two years in a row the land was fertilized with azofoska, then for the third year only light organic fertilizers should be used. Attention: manure also contains nitrates! With the classic dosage (16:16:16), 2-3 tablespoons of granules are applied under fruit trees in the spring; for general plowing of the garden, 1-2 tablespoons per 1 m2 is enough.

When planting seedlings of peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes, each hole should receive 0.5 teaspoons of the drug. Potatoes are fertilized in 2 ways. In the spring, apply 2 tablespoons for every 1 m2 or in the summer 2 liquid fertilizers: 2 weeks after germination and after flowering. The nitrogen-enhanced composition (22:11:11) is used in emergency situations or during intensive farming. The introduction of such a complex can revive the most tired land.

A grade with a reduced amount of phosphorus (19:9:19) is used in the middle zone on soils poor in phosphorus. It is also effective for warm areas with arid climates, where seedlings must be fed with it. Nitroammophoska is successfully used by industrial farms with an average application rate of 40 g per 1 m 2; fertilizers of domestic or Finnish production are usually used.

How to store azofoska

It is better not to buy more of the drug than necessary. The printed package must be used within 6 months; after this period, the fertilizer completely loses its quality and becomes useless. In a sealed bag made of thick polyethylene without moisture and air, the shelf life is extended to 18 months.

Azophoska itself is not dangerous to humans; it does not burn or explode under normal conditions. But when heated to +200 o C (which can happen in a fire), it begins to release toxic gas. And its dust in large accumulations can spontaneously explode.

To prevent this from happening, you need to be careful and not allow dust to accumulate; if it does happen that a certain amount has collected, it needs to be thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle. Then the dust dissolved with water can be used as an easily digestible fertilizer. If you are offered nitrophoska, feel free to take it - it’s practically the same thing. The only difference: nitrogen is contained only in nitrate form, and not in nitrate and ammonium form, as in azophosphate.

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Azofoska is one of the most effective fertilizers in the category of mineral fertilizers today in the agro-industrial complex and in summer cottages. It is widely used not only in industrial farming, but also in private farms. This preparation provides plants with the elements they need in a form that is most fully absorbed by their tissues. This agrochemical is the leader in popularity among mineral fertilizers.

Everyone knows everything and everyone is afraid of them. Meanwhile, nitrates are dangerous only when they accumulate in fruits and roots due to an excess of fertilizers. However, manufacturers prefer not to advertise the second name of azofoska - nitroammofoska, so as not to attract public attention to the topic of nitrates.

It is worth remembering that azophoska and nitroammophoska are the same thing. And don’t be afraid of the word “nitro” in the name of the drug. It only means that the active substances, namely phosphates, nitrogen and potassium, are included in this agrochemical in nitrate form. And it is this form that gives such high results in the absorption of these substances by plants. Azofoska has a very good effect on all garden and garden plants, as well as flower crops. In addition, the complex is contained in azophoska not entirely in nitrate form, but partially in ammonium form, which distinguishes the fertilizer, for example, from nitrophoska.

Rules for using azofoska

To prevent the nitrate component from accumulating in parts of plants used for food, when using azofoska, it is enough to follow a number of rules. By strictly following them, you can easily protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful influences and at the same time significantly increase your harvest.

  1. Fertilizer is applied exclusively according to the norm. This should not be exceeded under any circumstances. Normally, elements in nitrate form are completely absorbed. The excess of the norm immediately settles in plant tissues, concentrating in the fruits and thus entering the human body.
  2. It is necessary to follow the sequence of fertilizing, alternating mineral components with organic ones. You should not fertilize plants year after year with chemicals alone. Azofoska can be used for a maximum of two years in a row. Then, to prevent nitrates from accumulating in the soil, you should feed the plants with organic fertilizers.
  3. It is forbidden to apply azofoska to unheated soil. Lack of heat will contribute to the rapid accumulation of nitrate elements in the top layer of soil, from where they are then immediately absorbed by plants. In autumn, azofoska is applied no later than the first ten days of September. In the spring, you should not fertilize the garden with azophoska before the last ten days of May.

Important! Cattle manure also contains nitrate compounds. Therefore, it is better to use green plant fertilizers – compost or vermicompost – as organic matter.

How to use azofoska

This agrochemical is universal, so it can be used in any climate and on any type of soil. When applying, it is worth keeping in mind that there are several different types of azofoska, which are distinguished from each other by the ratio of the three components.

Some formulas contain more nitrogen. Others include increased phosphorus content. Thirdly, potassium predominates. The variability of the NPK complex allows the use of azofoska, individualizing it to the needs of different plants during different periods of their growing season.

NPK component ratioConditions for using the complex
16:16:16 Universal formula with optimal universal dosage. For digging it is used per m² - up to 2 tbsp. For the roots of fruit trees - up to 3 tbsp. on each tree, deepening into the trunk circle.
Garden vegetable crops - half a teaspoon per hole when planting seedlings.

Root vegetables and potatoes: in spring, for digging - up to 2 tbsp. per m²; in summer - as a liquid fertilizer according to the instructions

19:9:19 In this composition, the dose of phosphorus is reduced. It is used for soils enriched with diffuse phosphorus. This is necessary in southern arid regions, where the diffusion of phosphorus in soils is high due to the arid climate and lack of rain. Norms, as in the previous form of fertilizer
22:11:11 This formula, with a high nitrogen content, is used on depleted soils to quickly restore the fertile layer

The instructions for use state that adding fertilizer is allowed on absolutely all soil types. It is good to use fertilizer on:

  • chernozem soils;
  • clay soils;
  • sandstones;
  • marshy soils;
  • peat bogs.

The use of the drug does not require protective clothing, a respirator or gloves. Azofoska is considered an agrochemical that is harmless to humans.


The fertilizer is very economical. When used, the count is in grams and tablespoons. The average application rate is about 40 g per m². At the low cost of the drug, this makes it the most cost-effective of all chemical fertilizers. Therefore, azofoska is widely used both in industrial agricultural farms and in private ones.

Azofoska is an affordable fertilizer - you can buy it at any gardening store. The fertilizer is conveniently packaged, starting from half a kilogram. For large farms, it is possible to purchase the drug in 50-kilogram bags.

Advice! Azofoska is produced in many countries, and its composition does not differ significantly, but still, when purchasing, it is better to prefer a product from domestic manufacturers or Finnish brands. They are most suitable for mid-zone climate conditions. They are also good to use in cold areas.

If the package with the drug contains the name nitroammofosk, you can buy it in the same way, since it is simply the second name of this chemical drug. If for some reason neither azophoska nor nitroammophoska is on sale, their cheaper version - nitrophoska - is quite suitable. Despite the difference in names, the principle of action and composition of these drugs are the same. The only difference is in the quantitative indicators of one or another component and in the fact that nitrophoska contains components in a pure nitrate compound.

How to store azofoska

It often happens that fertilizer is purchased in bulk, in quantities much larger than needed to fertilize the site. What are the conditions for its storage? Azofoska is a fertilizer that is safe for humans. It is not flammable, not flammable, not explosive. But there are several nuances that are worth paying attention to.

Important! In case of fire, Azofoska does not ignite and does not burn. But when the fertilizer is heated to +200° C, it begins to release gaseous poisons, which are dangerous for humans to inhale.

The fertilizer itself cannot explode, but its dust is highly explosive. In large accumulations and high concentrations in the air, it can spontaneously explode. Therefore, it should not be allowed to accumulate in a room where the fertilizer is stored for a long time.

Advice! Dust can also be used as fertilizer. To do this, it must be collected. Use a spray bottle to moisten dust accumulation areas (corners of the floor of the room), then collect it, dissolve it in water and use it in the form of an easily digestible and fast-acting effective fertilizer for all garden and flower plants in the summer, during the active growing season.

Azofoska should be stored in thick plastic bags with fasteners or sealed. In packaging protected from air, moisture and sunlight, the drug can be stored for 18 months. If you store a package of azofoska open, the fertilizer will lose all its properties and become useless after six months.

Video - Mineral fertilizer azofosk