
My phone rang. Presentation on the topic "K.I

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Educational lesson on the topic: “My phone rang...” Objectives: to introduce the rules of communication on the phone; consider situational tasks in order to master speech etiquette associated with talking on the phone; continue work on developing students’ speech, improve the ability to give complete answers; contribute to the development of a culture of communication among students.

Hello! Having bowed, we said to each other, Even though we were complete strangers. - Hello! What special things did we say to each other? Just “hello”, we didn’t say anything else. Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world? Why has there been a little more happiness in the world? Why has life become a little more joyful? V. Soloukhin

History of the creation of the telephone The invention of telephone communication belongs to the English scientist Alexander Graham Bell. The young scientist was concerned about the problems of communication between deaf people, which led him to the invention of the telephone. On June 2, 1875, he conducted an experiment in Boston, attempting to transmit several telegraph messages simultaneously over the same wire. In doing so, he used a set of steel rods. Bell worked with the receiving device in one room, and his assistant Thomas Watson with the transmitting device in another. Watson pulled the steel rod so as to cause it to vibrate, and this created a ringing sound. He discovered that a steel rod vibrating over a magnet caused an alternating current to rush through the wire. This caused the rod in Bell's room to vibrate and create a similar ringing sound. The next day the first telephone was made, and voice sounds could be transmitted over the first telephone line, which led from the top floor of the building two floors down. And on March 10, 1876, the first phrase spoken over a real, working telephone was heard: “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you!” This is how the telephone was invented. A. Bell (1847-1922)

Telephone Museum Bell's first telephone (1875) Gower-Bell wall model (1880) Desktop model (1920) Desktop model (1930) Modern analogue telephone Modern digital telephone Modern mobile telephone

Orthoepic minute Call Call Call Call

You are going to call Rule one: “If you can do without calling, then you should not call.” Rule two: “Think about the content of the conversation.”

You called Remember: “You should choose the most convenient time to call.” Rule one: “If after 5-6 signals the subscriber is silent, they stop calling.” (Subscriber is a person using the telephone network) Rule two: “Talk politely on the phone.”

Talk on the phone politely and say hello; introduce yourself; It is advisable to address the person who answered the phone by name and clearly state your request; accompany the request with polite words: please, be kind, be kind...

You received a call. What should you answer after picking up the phone? Is it correct to ask the question: “Who is calling”? Find the mistake in the dialogue: - My phone rang. - Who's talking? - Elephant. Hello! I'm listening to. I'm on the phone... Incorrect It is incorrect to ask: “Who is speaking?” My phone rang: “Hello, this is the elephant speaking.”

Test 1. What time is convenient to call? a) After 7 am to 11 pm on weekdays. b) After 8 am to 10 pm. c) If it’s a day off, it doesn’t matter - someone is at home anyway. 2. Who should call back if the phone suddenly goes off? a) Doesn't matter. b) The one who was called. c) The one who called. 3. You want to have a heart-to-heart talk with your friend. What is the best time to call? a) Later, preferably at midnight, so that adults don’t eavesdrop. b) You can call at any time. c) There is no need to call, it’s better to meet.

Test (continued) 4. How many rings should you listen to before hanging up? a) 5-7 beeps. b) 4 beeps are enough. c) 15 rings to know for sure that no one is home. 5. Is it possible to give out a phone number without the owner’s permission? a) Yes, what's special about it? b) No. c) Only if people know each other 6. Is it possible to thank someone for an expensive gift or good service over the phone? a) Yes, the main thing is to thank. b) Not necessarily, you can thank them at the next meeting. c) No. It is necessary, without delay, to pay a visit and thank you personally.

Test (continued 2) 7. You are talking on the phone, and at this time your doorbell rang. What to do? a) I’ll ask the interlocutor to wait by the phone for a while while I deal with the visitor. b) I will apologize to the interlocutor and say that I will call you back later. c) I’ll open the door and go back to talking on the phone 8. Someone dialed your number by mistake. What will you do? a) I'll just hang up. b) I would advise you to dial the number more accurately. c) I will answer: “Unfortunately, you were mistaken.” 9. You picked up the phone and asked your younger (older) sister (brother) to answer the phone. What will you do? a) I’ll say: “Wait, please, I’ll call you now.” b) I’ll silently hang up at the machine and call you. c) First I’ll ask “who’s calling?” 10. Your favorite series is on TV, and a friend called to talk. What will you do? a) I’ll talk a little, listening not particularly carefully, watching the action on the screen. b) I’ll say this: “Sorry, I can’t talk to you now. I'll call later. What time is best to call back? c) I’ll be honest: “Please call me later, I’m watching TV now.”

Test (continued 3) 11. Who ends the conversation first? a) Someone who has nothing more to say. b) Someone who doesn't want to talk anymore. c) The one who called (etiquette also determines that a woman ends the conversation first in a conversation with a man and a senior in a conversation with a junior). 12. You really want to talk, you call a friend and... a) I’ll ask if it’s possible to talk now or is it better to call later. b) First ask: “Am I disturbing you?” If not, start a conversation. c) After the greeting, you begin to talk about your problems. 13. You have a mobile phone. Where will he be a hindrance? a) On a walk b) In transport c) In the theater

“Golden” rules for talking on the phone: think about the tone and content of the conversation in advance; select the most convenient time to call (it is not recommended to call from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.); if after 5–6 signals the subscriber does not answer, the call is stopped; When you call, do not forget to greet the person who answers you and identify yourself; keep the conversation short, polite and to the point; asking the question “who is calling?” incorrect; answer politely to someone who called by mistake; When addressing the telephone operator, excessive politeness is inappropriate. Of course, you can’t do without “please” and “thank you” here, but neither words of greeting nor farewell are required; Usually a telephone conversation is ended by the one who started it (etiquette also determines that a woman ends a conversation first in a conversation with a man and a senior in a conversation with a junior).

Situational task 2 The attendant at the telephone information desk of the railway station is very tired. The calls follow one after another. “Hurry, hurry! - the red light on the remote control is flashing. - A subscriber is waiting for you.” - “Information desk.” I’m listening!” - In response, a leisurely voice: - Hello, dear girl. If you don't mind, please give me the telephone number of the station manager, I will be very grateful to you for this. The attendant impatiently waits for the end of this long tirade, snatches the main word - “station manager”, clearly calls the number and, without waiting for thanks, switches off.

Situational task 3 You are waiting for an important call. And then your phone rang... You rush, sweeping away everything in your path, grab the phone: “Hello? I'm hearing you!" And to you in it: - Ku-ku! Hee hee! Ha ha! And - short beeps. Call again, hurry again. - Is this Koschey the Immortal? Very nice. How did you manage to survive? Hee hee! And again: ding-ding-ding! - Stop mocking me, I'm tired of it! - you shout. - Hey, what are you doing? - your best friend timidly asks you. “It’s me, Petya.”

Situational task 4 “A girl calls her sick friend.” -How to construct a conversation in this situation? Where to begin? -Do I need to identify myself? -What should a girl ask first? -What is the best way to end the conversation? /Say hello, call by name./ /It is necessary/. /About my friend’s health/. /Wishing you a speedy recovery/.

Situational task 5 A girl calls her friend, but she has the wrong number. - What to do in such a situation? Listen to three versions of the conversation. Which one will be correct? -Hello! Hello. Please call Tanya. - There is no such thing here. You have the wrong number. a) - Excuse me, what number is this? b) – Is this 23-58-71? c) - Excuse me, is this number 23-58-71?

Situational task 6 Someone called, started a conversation, but did not identify himself. -What will you do? /If the caller did not introduce himself and you did not recognize him by his voice, then you have the right to ask: “Excuse me, who am I talking to?” If after this your partner does not identify himself, you have the right to hang up./

The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the State Educational Institution of Regional Educational Institution of the V type boarding school in Zernograd. Osminina I.S. Thank you for your attention!

DOSH No. 112

Reading lesson in 1st "B" class

Subject: K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”, “Confusion”

Teacher: Romanenko E.I.

Fairy tales

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

The good sun is rising and shining through our window.

So you and I must

become a little kinder.

Catch a ray of sunshine and pass it on to each other.

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Mukha-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. This wonderful man's name was

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer.

His real name is

Nikolai Vasilievich Korneychukov.

Speech warm-up

He-he-he, he-he-he

– my phone rang. Yr-yr-yr, yr-yr-yr

loves Moidodyr water. Il-il-il, il-il-il

The crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky. Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa , –

Nowadays Fly-Tsokotukha is the birthday girl. It-it-it, it-it-it

good doctor Aibolit.

Game "Guess"

“Good doctor………. He is under the tree……….. Come to him for treatment And the cow and …………….. And the bug and ……………… And a bear! He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone Kind…………………"!

We really like fairy tales.

We also love magic.

We imitate cats, mice,

We are not afraid of anyone.

Here we take the paints in our hands

We draw masks on the face.

Katya suddenly became a fox,

Anya is a cat, Dima is a bird.

Our fairy tale comes to life

And it helps us to be friends.

"Who reads a lot,

he knows a lot"

I round "Remember the fairy tale."

And I don’t need either marmalade or chocolate, but only small ones, well, very small ones...

The people are having fun - The fly is getting married to the dashing, daring Young...

No no! The nightingale does not sing for the pigs. Call it better...

"Fly Tsokotukha"



I round "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale.

He treats small children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses...

And the dishes go forward and forward Through the fields, through the swamps. And the kettle said to the iron - I have to go...

Only suddenly, from behind a bush, from behind a blue forest, from distant fields, it flies...

« cockroach »


"Fedorino grief"

I round "Remember the fairy tale."

Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale.

And behind him, the people sing and shout: - What a freak, what a freak! What a nose, what a mouth! And where does this come from...

The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud. The bunny looked out the window, It became a bunny...

The pigs meowed - meow - meow, Kitties... ( grunted, oink-oink)

"Stolen Sun"



I I round. "Smart Readers"

1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner?

2.Which hero was a terrible villain, and then reformed?

3.Which fairy tale glorifies the sparrow?

4.Name a fairy tale, the main idea of ​​which can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!”

5.Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder?

"Fly Tsokotukha"

« cockroach »

"Fedorino grief"

"Moidodyr", "Fedorino's grief"


Aibolit - (shark) Barmaley - (washbasin) Fedora - (grandmother) Karakula - (doctor) Moidodyr - (cockroach) Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles) Tsokotukha - (fly) Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (robber)

I I I round. " Who is who".

I I I round. " Who is who".

Aibolit - (doctor) Barmaley - (robber) Fedora - (grandmother) Karakula - (shark) Moidodyr - (washbasin) Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles) Tsokotukha - (fly) Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)

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Checking homework

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t d r a s o

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Playing dogs Volodya stood at the window and looked out onto the street, where a large dog, Polkan, was basking in the sun. A little Pug ran up to Polkan and began to rush and bark at him; he grabbed his huge paws and muzzle with his teeth and seemed to be very annoying to the large and gloomy dog. - Wait a minute, she’ll ask you! - Volodya said. -She will teach you a lesson. But Mops did not stop playing, and Polkan looked at him very favorably. “You see,” Volodya’s father said, “Polkan is kinder than you.” When your little brothers and sisters start playing with you, it will certainly end with the big and strong being ashamed of offending the little and weak.

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Physical exercises for the eyes

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Speech warm-up Alesya sat down with her legs dangling from the stove. Don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove. Read it to yourself. Read it in a whisper. Read it in a low voice. Read it slowly. Read it quickly. Read it quickly. Read the tongue twister.

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CHUKOVSKY KORNEY IVANOVICH (1882–1969), real name and surname Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov, Russian writer, translator, literary critic. Born March 19 (31), 1882 in St. Petersburg. Chukovsky's father, a St. Petersburg student, left his mother, a peasant woman in the Poltava province, after which she and her two children moved to Odessa. I was self-educated and learned English. From 1901 he published in the Odessa News newspaper; in 1903–1904 he lived in London as a correspondent for this newspaper. Upon returning to Russia, he collaborated in V.Ya. Bryusov’s magazine “Scales”, then organized the satirical magazine “Signal”, and was sentenced to six months in prison for publishing anti-government materials.

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Having headed the children's department of the Parus publishing house at the invitation of M. Gorky, Chukovsky himself began to write poetry (then prose) for children. Crocodile (1916), Moidodyr and Cockroach (1923), Mukha-Tsokotukha (1924), Barmaley (1925), Telephone (1926) - unsurpassed masterpieces of literature “for little ones” and at the same time full-fledged poetic texts in which adult readers discover and sophisticated stylized parody elements, and subtle subtext. Chukovsky’s work in the field of children’s literature naturally led him to the study of children’s language, the first researcher of which he became, publishing the book Little Children in 1928, which later received the name From Two to Five. As a linguist, Chukovsky wrote a witty and temperamental book about the Russian language, Alive as Life (1962). In 1957, Chukovsky was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philology, and in 1962 - the honorary title of Doctor of Literature from Oxford University. Chukovsky died in Moscow on October 28, 1969. K.I. Chukovsky with his youngest daughter Mura.

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Korney Chukovsky Reading by Mila Lyubenskaya Telephone

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1 My phone rang. - Who's talking? - Elephant. - Where? - From a camel. - What do you need? - Chocolate.

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For whom? - For my son. - How much should I send? - Yes, five pounds or six: He can’t eat anymore, I’m still small!

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2 And then the crocodile called and asked with tears: - My dear, good one, Send me galoshes, For me, and for my wife, and for Totosha. - Wait, didn’t I send you two pairs of excellent galoshes last week?

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Oh, those that you sent last week, We ate them a long time ago and we can’t wait for you to send us a dozen new and sweet galoshes again for our dinner!

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3 And then the bunnies called: - Could you send some gloves?

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And then the monkeys called: - Please send me the books!

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And then the bear called. Yes, as he began, as he began to roar. - Wait, bear, don’t roar. - Explain what you want? But he is only “mu” and “mu”, And why, why - I don’t understand! - Please hang up! 4

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And then the herons called: - Please send some drops: We ate too much on frogs today, And our stomachs hurt! 5

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And then the pig called: “Can’t you send a nightingale?” Today we, together with the nightingale, will sing a wonderful song. - No no! The nightingale does not sing for pigs! You better call the crow! 6

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And again the bear: - Oh, save the walrus! Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin! 7

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And such rubbish all day long: Ding-di-lazy, Ding-di-lazy, Ding-di-lazy! Either the seal will call, or the deer. 8

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And recently two gazelles called and sang: - Is it really true that all the Carousels burned down? - Oh, are you sane, gazelles? The carousels did not burn down, And the swings survived! You gazelles wouldn't make a noise, but next week you'd gallop up and sit on the swing-carousel!

My phone rang. - Who's talking?

Slide 3 from the presentation “Chukovsky. Telephone"

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“Riddles about animals” - This little girl has a hard shirt. I know from a book, This is ... (turtle). He lies on the sofa, only saying “meow.” He drinks milk in a bowl, I know it’s ... (pussy). My house is always with me and I carry it on my back (snail). Small, remote. He passed through the earth and found Little Red Riding Hood. (mushroom). Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (lock).

“Cat House” - The cat jumped out! Her eyes bulged. The cat's house is on fire, smoke is pouring out! Tili-bom! Tili-bom! The cat's house is on fire! And the horse is with a lantern, And the dog is with a broom, The gray bunny is with a leaf. A chicken runs with a bucket and floods the cat's house. Once, once, the fire went out!

“Poems by Alexandrova” - The little goat drinks from a trough, Looks at you angrily. Don't be afraid - it's a goose, I'm afraid of it myself. Porridge was cooked on the stove. Where is our big spoon? I sewed a shirt for Mishka, I will sew pants for him. The ball ran forward. We'll get it from mom. I’ll tie a napkin for you - eat the candy, eat the cutlet. You need to sew a pocket on them and put some candy.

“New Year's poem for children” - It was in January... Agnia Barto. They folded their ears and hung like toys. It was in January, he thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain. It was in January. It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain, and angry wolves were wandering around this tree. Ten little bunnies are hanging on a Christmas tree and are silent. The wolf was deceived. The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.