
Trutnev year of birth. Trutnev Yuri Petrovich

Water supply, options, device

The son of Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev is going to capture the Perm market. Dmitry Trutnev begins with the purchase of the Vivat retail chain.

Information has emerged that the son of a high-ranking official wants to gain a foothold in the Perm market. Businessmen say that Trutnev Jr. will use his father’s connections.

"Drone" in the Far East

Let us recall that Yuri Trutnev is the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Far Eastern Federal District. And in this position he was able to do a number of “interesting” things.

For example, it turned out that Trutnev’s son, being a 23-year-old “boy,” was incredibly able to acquire a plot of 48 acres in size as an individual developer in Perm - at the address Tantsorova, 10 in Perm. This is an elite place with a beautiful view of the Kama River, and the most interesting thing in the sanitary protection zone! The law has been broken, but Dmitry Trutnev is “gaining momentum.”

Interestingly, the situation with the sanitary zone became public. Then, Dmitry Trutnev, as the son of a decent official, refused the object. Only soon it became clear that the asset was taken over by a certain Alexander-Bisman Vladimirovich Ross-Johnson. He is the customer of the work carried out by Trutnev Jr. It looks like the official’s son simply took and re-registered the asset...

“Younger” Trutnev is called by his ill-wishers a member of the board of directors of JSCB TatInvestBank, OJSC Insurance Company Itil, a financial adviser to the Bulgarian Central Cooperative Bank and the owner of the Ural de-icing materials plant. Great talent? Anti-corruption fighters believe that Dmitry Yuryevich’s successes are associated with his father’s patronage.

"Trutnev's Hive"

In addition to his great talent son, Trutnev has many other successful relatives. So one of the former wives (it is not known exactly whether Trutnev had two or three wives) of an official, Marina Lvovna Trutneva, was able to “take over” a clothing store in Perm..

Trutnev’s other wife, Natalya, at the end of 2006, according to media reports, began construction of a residential building in the coastal protective zone of the Kama Reservoir in the Dobryansky district. By the way, local journalists said that the construction was supervised by Trutnev’s beloved son, Dmitry Trutnev.

It should be noted that in August of this year, Trutnev supervised the Alrosa company as deputy chairman of the Russian Federation. Why do you need to know this? But the fact is that a certain Rinata Gizatulina came to Alrosa, which is noteworthy, the nephew of Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev!

At the beginning of 2016, after a couple of months of service in the Far East Development Corporation (KRDV), Alexander Korneychuk was rebuffed. As they said on the sidelines, they took away Korneychuk in order to install Trutnev’s “protege” in his place - the ex-deputy chairman of the Tula region government Denis Tikhonov.


But first, a few words about the “presidential representative” himself. Yuri Petrovich's march to power began at the end of 1996. Then Trutnev, in a strange way, was able to win the mayoral elections in Perm. No, then he had not yet built up the picturesque views of the city.

In 2000, Trutnev already won the gubernatorial elections.

Trutnev was helped by local companies, including Lukoil-Perm. But bandits could also help Trutnev in his first and second elections! After all, he and Ivo Kmnev are co-founders of the All-Russian Kyokushinkai Karte Union. Mr. Kamnev was allegedly a member of the TIM group.

“The group is believed to have been founded in Varna in 1993 by approximately ten former Marines who served in an elite military unit before they were disbanded in the early 90s... As an organized crime group, TIM is involved in a variety of criminal activities: kidnapping and extortion, organizing prostitution, gambling, drug trafficking and stolen cars,” said documents published by WikiLeaks.

According to some reports, Trutnev could have been involved in fraud with the products of Ural Plant of Anti-icing Materials LLC (UZPM) worth 2.5 billion rubles.

Yuri Petrovich and his “talented” wives and children have always managed to run a business in Perm. It looks like Trutnev Jr. decided to expand his sphere of influence. The question is whether law enforcement agencies will finally pay attention to the couple of officials or not...

Yuri Trutnev - Mayor of Perm, Governor of the Perm Territory. Head of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Council Member "United Russia".

Childhood and youth of Trutnev Yuri Petrovich

The future statesman was born on March 1, 1956 in the Perm region, in the village of Polazne. The small town is located near the beautiful Kama Reservoir. It was there that his happy years of childhood and youth passed. He grew up in a not poor family; his parents worked as oil workers.

His father was in charge of the site and he was often called to work on weekends, holidays and even at night, because there were always accidents and breakdowns on the lines. The head of the family was not at home for 2-3 days, all the difficulties of housework fell on the shoulders of the mother. But the fact that the father did not complain or leave his job under any circumstances was reflected in the character of the future capitalist. He inherited his passion and determination for his profession from his parents. He graduated from the local village school, was an ordinary student and did not amaze everyone with his abilities and talents, then he entered the Perm Polytechnic Institute. He followed in the footsteps of his parents and also chose their profession and entered the faculty where future specialists in the oil industry are trained.

Yuri Trutnev: “The Eastern Economic Forum is in demand”

From the first to the third year, Yuri did not particularly like his future profession and studies; during these years he felt all the delights of student life, but in the fourth year he surprised everyone and worked hard and received a long-awaited increased scholarship.

In 1978, the young student graduated from university and received a diploma of higher education. Yuri Trutnev was a wise guy beyond his years; during his student life he decided to work in a new oil and gas organization "Polazneft", there he gained work experience and acquired a lot of skills and knowledge. In this department, he served as an assistant driller and gas and oil production operator.

Since he graduated from the fourth year with an increased scholarship, he was enrolled among the best students of the university. And the best student of the Perm Polytechnic Institute, Yuri Trutnev, was sent to the Perm Research Institute as a junior researcher.

Yuri Trutnev: “The Perm region has wonderful prospects”

The beginning of the career and commercial activities of Yuri Trutnev

Yuri Petrovich began his career as a junior researcher at the Perm Research Institute. But the work quickly became boring for him, and he decided not to engage in scientific activities. He left the institute and refused graduate school, but his teachers and staff shared with the press that they expected a professorship from him. But Yuri considered that the position of instructor of the Komsomol city committee would be much more important for him and for society. His responsibilities included organizing all kinds of student fraternities, construction teams and youth rallies. Trutnev was delighted with this work and enjoyed coming up with something new for the students. This passion for work was inspired by his love for sports, wrestling, sambo, tourism and karate.

At the beginning of perestroika, Yuri Trutnev decided that he wanted to connect his life with the cooperative movement and this matter fascinated him very much. He became interested in how an organization could earn money itself and manage the money it earned. He set himself the goal of organizing his own cooperative or company. To do this, he left his job and decided to start a new business.

Most of all, his mother was worried about an incomprehensible and unknown matter; she did not understand how he could exchange a good position with a stable salary for a ridiculous decision. He and his companions created a small cooperative called “Contact”; it was located in a rented room on the ground floor of the sports committee’s territory.

They earned their first money easily; they came up with a program of sports performances and performed independently in small towns. The partners collected a considerable amount of money and donated it entirely to the development and installation of training complexes. After some time, quite a bit, good simulators were supplied to schools and boarding schools in the Perm region.

In the 1990s, the Contact company was replaced by the EKS Limited organization. She specialized in supplying food products to the region from abroad. Capital grew and business flourished. After some time, Yuri Trutnev opened a new company - Doctor EKS, which supplied imported medicines.

Yuri Petrovich loved his job very much and helped him develop in every possible way, but over time he decided that this was not the peak of his capabilities. I decided to try myself in a political career. He moved up the career ladder very quickly and at the beginning of his career he took a good place. Yuri Petrovich immediately took a place among a number of officials of the local district, where he became the head of the Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes. Already in 1996, Yuri Petrovich Trutnev was appointed Mayor of Perm. With the arrival of such an important position, things began to improve in the city and region, the people were very pleased with this representative of the authorities. Thanks to him, a tunnel was built under the Trans-Siberian Railway. This project has changed the transport situation in the city for the better.

Thanks to his good reputation, at the end of 2000, Yuri Petrovich became the governor of the Perm region. Under his leadership, the unification of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug with the Perm region took place. And in 2003, a referendum agreed to the unification of these two territories, and the Perm Territory was formed.

Yuri Trutnev communicates with young people at the Islands forum

In 2004, the capitalist heading the Perm region was offered to become the head of the Ministry of Nature, instead of Vitaly Artyukhov, who had held this position for the last three years. Trutnev could not refuse and headed the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation until 2012. His first, important and serious task in this position was the formation of inspections of the Sakhalin-2 project, after which Gazprom became its controlling partner and shareholder, receiving 52% of the shares.

Already in 2012, Yuri Trutnev became the first assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was obliged to supervise the resource department and supervise the State Council. Already in August 2013, Yuri Petrovich was appointed to a new position - he became the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern District.

Family life of Yuri Trutnev

The government official has five children - two daughters and three sons. He is currently married for the third time. The second wife, Marina Lvovna Trutneva, is an athlete. She is an Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Now she has a clothing store in Perm. Both of his sons, Dmitry and Alexander, were born from his second wife. The businessman married for the third time in 2006, to Natalya Sergeevna Petrova.

Yuri Trutnev now

From an early age he was interested in sports, but in recent years he became seriously interested in karate. He has the highest degree of wrestling - fifth dan, and since 2005 he has become the chairman of the Union of Martial Arts of the Russian Federation. And since 2011 - co-chairman and one of the organizers of the World Kyokushin Union. He is also an avid extreme sports enthusiast and racing driver.

Governor of the Perm Territory, thanks to whom the region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug united. Former Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East.

In 1978 he graduated from the Perm Polytechnic Institute.

Yuri Trutnev was born in the Perm region on March 1, 1956. His father worked as an oil pipeline section manager. The mother of the future politician also worked in a similar industry. The politician has known the lifestyle of oil workers since childhood. As Yuri Petrovich himself said, in those days work in the relevant field was different; my father could leave home at night at the first request of management.


After graduating from school, Trutnev decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and became a student at the mining department of the Perm Polytechnic Institute. The young man studied the first three years without effort, but after that the young man was so captivated by the educational process that at the end of the fourth year he received an increased scholarship.


After graduating from university, Trutnev was assigned to the Perm Research Institute and Design Institute of the Oil Industry. He began his career as a junior researcher. Subsequently, he did not enroll in graduate school, so he left the educational institution.

At that moment, Trutnev considered that the position of designer of the Komsomol city committee would be better and more important for society. Then he was involved in organizing youth rallies and student construction teams. The young specialist went to work with great pleasure. She largely influenced Trutnev’s passion for sports, in particular wrestling, sambo and karate.


When perestroika began, Trutnev became involved in the cooperative movement. He really wanted to understand how an enterprise could independently earn and manage financial resources. The future politician had to leave his first position; together with his friends, Trutnev organized a cooperative called “Contact”. An office was rented for him on the first floor of the building where the sports committee was located. Beginning entrepreneurs earned their first profit by coming up with a program of demonstration sports performances. They performed independently in various areas of the city. The members of the cooperative decided to spend their first earnings on the development of training complexes. By the way, the first of them were supplied to educational institutions throughout the Perm region.

In the 90s, Contact was replaced by EKS Limited. The company was engaged in supplying products from abroad to the region. Over time, Trutnev organized a new company, Doctor EKS. She supplied imported medicines.


Over time, the business stopped bringing income to Trutnev, so he decided to try his hand at politics. At first he headed the Committee on Taxation and Economic Policy. In 1996 he became the mayor of the city of Perm. With Trutnev’s arrival to office, things began to improve in the city. In particular, the project for the construction of a tunnel under the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed. As a result, the transport situation in the city has improved. In 2000, Trutnev was elected governor of the Kama region. During his work, the region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug were united. As a result, the Perm region appeared. In 2004, Trutnev became the head of the Ministry of Nature instead of Vitay Artyukhov, who had held the corresponding post for the past three years. The politician held this position until 2012. At this point, his first serious undertaking was the organization of a project called Sakhalin-2. As a result, Gazprom became its controlling shareholder and received 51% of the shares.

In 2012, Trutnev was appointed assistant to President Vladimir Putin. He was responsible for supervising the resource department and the State Council. A year later, Yuri Petrovich became the plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Far Eastern District.


Yuri Trutnev is married. The marriage has 3 sons and two daughters. Son Dmitry is a financial advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Central Cooperative Bank. The politician has always been interested in sports. Now Yuri Trutnev devotes a lot of time to Kyokushinkai karate. He is a 5th dan holder. From 2005 to the present, Trutnev has served as co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts. In 2011, he became co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Russian politician. Born, raised and began his political career in the Perm region. He was the mayor of Perm, governor of the Perm region. Since 2004 - Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. In 2013, Yuri Trutnev was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Yuri Trutnev enjoys sports, auto racing, and hunting. He holds the 5th dan in Kyokushinkai karate, is co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, chairman of the Presidium of the Kyokushin Association of Russia, co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union.


Born on March 1, 1956 in the village of Polazna, not far from Molotov (now Perm) in a family of oil workers.

Education and scientific activities

In 1978 Graduated from the Mining Faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Mining Engineer. While studying at the institute, he worked as an assistant driller, oil and gas production operator at NGDU Polaznaneft and Komineft. Starting from the fourth year, I received an increased scholarship.

In 1978 After graduating from the institute, he was assigned to the Perm Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry. He worked as a junior researcher at PermNIPIneft.

In 1996 became a member of the university’s trustees and continues to participate in the life of the university to this day.

In 2016 The Academic Council of Perm State National Research University awarded Yuri Trutnev the title of honorary professor of Perm University.

Komsomol activity

In 1981–1986 held the position of instructor of the Perm City Committee of the Komsomol. His responsibilities included organizing youth rallies and student construction teams.

In 1986–1988 headed the Sports Committee of the Perm Regional Executive Committee.

Entrepreneurial activity

In 1988 Together with his partners, he created the Contact cooperative and came up with a program of demonstration sports performances for the city. Members of the cooperative invested the funds they earned in the development and production of sports equipment, which were subsequently supplied to educational institutions in the Perm region.

In 1990 became the general director of the EKS Limited company created on the basis of the cooperative. Subsequently, other enterprises of the EKS group appeared, including supplying imported goods: cars, medicines, Swiss Nestlé chocolate.

In 1996 became president of JSC "E. K.S. International", which united the companies of the EKS group. Together with Oleg Chirkunov, he owned the 7ya supermarket chain.

Political activity

In 1994 became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region and the Perm City Duma, headed the Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes.

In 1996–2000 was elected mayor of Perm, receiving 61 percent of the vote.

In 2000–2004 served as governor of the Perm region. In the first round of voting he defeated the incumbent governor Gennady Igumnov, receiving 51 percent of the vote. During the period of Trutnev's governorship, the first process of merging regions in modern Russia began - the Perm region with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, and on December 7, 2003, a referendum on the merger was successfully held.

March 9, 2004 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Natural Resources in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In May 2004, after the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, who was elected for the next term, took office, he was again appointed to the post of Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

In 2004–2012 Yuri Trutnev was the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In May 2004, after the Russian President Vladimir Putin, elected for the next term, took office, he was reappointed to this post. Since 2008, his position began to be called “Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.”

In 2012–2013 Trutnev was an assistant to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

May 22, 2012 appointed assistant to the President of the Russian Federation in connection with the early termination of powers of deputy Alexei Klimov. He lost his mandate as a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation to billionaire Anatoly Lomakin, after which the Central Election Commission excluded Trutnev from the federal list of candidates from United Russia due to the fact that he had already twice refused a seat in the State Duma.

August 31, 2013 Yuri Trutnev was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.

In 2018 The Far Eastern Federal District was changed: the Transbaikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia were included in the district, and the center of the district was moved from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok.

December 11, 2018 was appointed head of the state commission for Arctic development.

Personal life

Yuri Trutnev is married for the third time and has five children.

Awards and titles

  • Order of Honor (1998);
  • Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (2006);
  • Order of Honor (South Ossetia, 2009);
  • P. A. Stolypin Medal, II degree (2011);
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2016).

Main achievements

Successful unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug in 2003; attracting serious investments to the Perm region, brilliant work as Minister of Natural Resources.


1978 – graduated from the mining department of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mining engineer, worked as an assistant driller, oil production operator at NGDU Polaznaneft and Komineft. Then he became a junior researcher at the Perm Research and Design Institute of the Oil Industry.

1981-1989 - Komsomol work, appointed head of the Sports Committee of the Perm Regional Executive Committee, at the same time he organized a company selling sports equipment to government organizations.

1994 – Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region and the Perm City Duma, headed the Committee on Economic Policy and Taxes. In 1996 elected mayor of Perm. Business problems pushed him to participate in the elections: this was the only way to resolve financial troubles using administrative resources. Soon, the banks to which Y. Trutnev’s company owed money quickly went bankrupt, and their leaders went to work for the city administration.

2000 – Yu. Trutnev, supported by the local business community in the person of businessmen Dmitry Rybolovlev and Andrey Kuzyaev, won the election for governor of the Perm region, ahead of the current governor Gennady Igumnov. Under Yu. Trutnev, the unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug began, ending in 2003, which was exemplary. Under Yu. Trutnev, the companies of Viktor Vekselberg “Renova” and Vladimir Potanin “Interros” came to the Perm region.

2004 – Yu. Trutnev was appointed Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. He retained his position after Vladimir Putin was re-elected as president. At his new post, he began an official investigation against his predecessor Vitaly Artyukhov, who on his last day in office signed 62 licenses for geological exploration in five regions. Soon after his appointment to the post of Minister of Natural Resources, he turned out to be the most mentioned official in the media: his last name appeared more often than the president’s name. The minister’s subordinates declared war on pop stars, businessmen and officials who built facilities in environmental zones. Even foreign companies that were caught violating environmental legislation fell under the hot hand of Yu. Trutnev. Among the minister’s other “accused” were RUSIA Petroleum and Oleg Deripaska’s ill-fated Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. Yu. Trutnev even had to be shortened from above.

2012 - appointed assistant to the president, supervised the State Council. He took part in the State Duma elections and lost his mandate to billionaire Anatoly Lomakin. August 31, 2013 - Appointed Deputy Prime Minister - Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District. The media called Trutnev the “creature” of Igor Shuvalov and announced the victory of the deputy prime minister, who lobbied for the appointment of a deputy. Touches to the portrait

He was awarded the Order of Honor for his great contribution to the development of Perm, the Stolypin Medal for his services in solving strategic problems of the socio-economic development of Russia, and the Order of Honor from South Ossetia for his contribution to strengthening friendship between peoples.

He is seriously interested in sports - martial arts (co-chairman of the Russian Martial Arts Union together with Sergei Kiriyenko; initiator of creation, co-chairman of the World Kyokushin Union) and auto racing (classic rally, from 2000 to 2204 he participated in the stages of the Russian Rally Championship in Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution cars. Sponsored performed by the LUKOIL company). Co-chairman on the Russian side of the mixed intergovernmental commissions on cooperation between Russia and South Africa, the Republic of Guinea, Angola and Namibia.


Married, three sons and two daughters. Son Dmitry is a financial advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Central Cooperative Bank.

Financial interests

He earned his capital in the 1990s by selling sports equipment on the basis of the EX LIMITED cooperative. In addition, he was involved in organizing tours of strongmen, selling imported cars and supplying Swiss chocolate to Nestle together with the trade representative of Russia in Switzerland Oleg Chirkunov. Upon O. Chirkunov’s return to Perm, they jointly headed the “7ya” supermarket chain. In 2009 and 2012 set a record for personal income among government members: 155 and 210 million rubles. respectively.

In an interview in 2010, answering the question whether he regretted leaving business for the civil service, he replied: “I like to understand economics. I believe that I understand how business works, but the minister’s information platform is much wider. Therefore, from the point of view of intellectual development, these are incomparable positions,” he argues. The minister has no thoughts about ever returning: “If they tell me: “Thank you, you did a good job, you’re free,” then I’ll think about it.”


Despite the fact that he came from a wealthy family, during his student years he worked as a freelance inspector of the criminal investigation department, unloaded wagons with meat, built roads and barns. He explained the activity as “interest.”

As Minister of Natural Resources, he had strained relations with the government of Karelia. He was in a cool relationship with the poor student of TNK-BP in 2006. even threatened to revoke the license of the company, which holds the record for the number of idle wells.

In 2007 The media named Yu. Trutnev one of the beneficiaries of Uralkali. Trutnev did not ignore this fact and demanded that a case be opened under the article “Slander” against journalists. At the same time, the minister had a conflict with the Perm governor and former business partner Oleg Chirkunov regarding solving the problem in Berezniki.

In 2007 Trutnev’s son received a plot of land in the coastal protective zone of the Kama Reservoir for individual development. After the scandal broke, construction in the environmental zone had to be curtailed.

In 2008 Yu. Trutnev was called one of V. Putin’s possible successors as president.