
Sergey Stillavin: I was more open at work than in my family. Stillavin, Sergei Valerievich Sergei Stillavin Instagram

Work at the dacha, in the garden in spring

The hero city of each of our morning broadcasts, Omsk, turns 303 today! Happy holiday to all Omsk residents - both those who left their native places and those who still live there. The phenomenon of the huge number of news from this city lies, it seems to me, in the special character of the residents and in the hard work of local journalists - from no other place on the map of our Motherland does so much news come as from Omsk! In reality, this city is very different from its media projection: there is a very beautiful pre-revolutionary center, a lot of original urban sculpture, and the people here are hospitable and wonderful. . For Gena and me, Omsk has always been a special city - for the first time we went on tour there. It was 20 years ago, but the memories of that amazing journey are still some of the warmest in my life. Happy holiday, dear Omsk residents! I promise to continue to pay close attention to your problems, so that the city will quickly get rid of its eternal bad roads, unbearable snow and finally build a metro! I shake your hands through hyperspace! Omsk - hurray!!! .

03.08.2019 10:43:14

Today marks the 56th birthday of one of the most respected and beloved rock musicians, James Hetfield. After the Moscow Metallica concert, at which the men performed a song by Viktor Robertovich, the respect for the band is simply off the charts. I accidentally learned that James Virgilovich is interested in beekeeping - a very unusual hobby for a man who devoted 40 years to heavy music. And if we talk about music in general, then what a strange phenomenon we are experiencing: a few years ago the sound of the 80s returned to us - synthpop, and even a whole RetroWave direction appeared, when modern young musicians recreate the sound of that era. But for some reason the revival of mass popularity of guitar rock music is not happening, and Hetfield and the guys remain a unique phenomenon - lonely warriors of heavy metal among the endless crowd of pop perverts.

03.08.2019 05:31:31

The tireless Vitaly Milonov declared war on obscene inscriptions on clothes: up to 15 days of arrest for walking down the street in clothes with disgusting text! This news came at the beginning of the week, and yesterday I looked at my colleague Pavel and felt that in front of me was a real prisoner. For 500 rubles (discounted price), a citizen purchased a T-shirt with the unequivocal inscription “Shoo it, gay!” and walks around in it as if nothing had happened - as if the innocent “Glory to the CPSU!” was written there! or, at worst, “Adibas”. . Of course, there will be smart people who will begin to “explain” that “Sui, gay!” - a cool Japanese brand, but in this case there is a compelling counter-argument. The automotive giant Mitsubishi changed the name of its all-terrain vehicle Pajero to Montero for sales in Spanish-speaking countries, because in Spanish “pajero” literally means “wannabe.” . It is clear that a car and a T-shirt have a different lifespan, but I am convinced that a brand that respects itself and the public in the country where it is sold and makes a profit is obliged to take into account linguistic nuances and protect public space, at least on pain of becoming the favorite clothing of marginalized people. So Pasha gets 15 days, and sellers of junk with vile inscriptions are deprived of their license to work in the Russian Federation.

02.08.2019 09:48:38

On Sunday, I published a photo of a beautiful sunset, and people began to come to my page very amicably, as if on command, insistently demanding “to tell the truth about the forest fires in Siberia.” Often - in an orderly tone and even in a boorish manner. Most of the outraged ones said nothing at all about the fires in their accounts - cute dogs, rocking chairs, shoes and cars. But there is a whole mountain of accusations: “The media is keeping silent about the disaster”, “no one is declaring a state of emergency” and, finally, “why, you bastard, are you silent about Siberia”! There was a feeling that these people do not watch Russian television - in Ukraine, they say, there are problems with this. So, I specifically looked and listened: both on Mayak and on TV we have reports about the Siberian fire - in every episode. Moreover, a state of emergency has been declared there! But why then lie that the media are silent and that an emergency was not declared? I believe that if you are defending, sitting on the sofa, the same Siberian forest, then you do not have the right to lie in a single word! And suppression of facts can also be a lie. For example, this: a terrible fire in California last year, when 97 people burned alive, happened because firefighters for many years did not allow nature to naturally burn dead wood, grass and pine needles, which accumulate from season to season - natural fires from lightning were extinguished by early stages, and an almost explosive volume of dry mass accumulated in such quantities that in 2018 they could no longer extinguish it. Indeed, from a scientific point of view, forest fires are an integral part of our planetary ecosystem; they are a way to renew the territory and fertilize it with ash. In Canada, where there are many forests, 2.5 million hectares are burned annually - and the authorities there urge not to panic: they say that otherwise the 90-year-old thicket will not rejuvenate itself. It seems like these Canadians are not idiots? So it’s not always possible to figure everything out right away from the couch. But the chance of succumbing to mass excitement, which is clearly fueled by someone, is great. Of course, as a cat and dog breeder, my heart aches when I see the photo of a bunny that died from fire! But I gather my nerves and think: this isn’t a snapshot of tens of thousands of bodies? Animals flee from danger at the first sign of trouble. And further. 👇👇👇

01.08.2019 11:50:00

Today is Mayak's 55th birthday. I want to say a big thank you to all the people I work with - and not just on air! Editors, sound engineers, technicians, electronics specialists and many, many others - happy to be on the same team! I really appreciate the warm, homely atmosphere of our cooperation. I am incredibly grateful to all our guests who create thematic series of programs on a variety of topics, but they all do the main thing - they help us develop and learn new and important things. And a big thank you to all our listeners: without you, all our work would have no meaning. I respect and love you.

01.08.2019 08:17:44

Only 13% of our women consider themselves beautiful - these statistics came out today. Shocked by such low self-esteem. The problem is aggravated by the fact that women have little idea why men like them. I noticed that women are very attentive to details - separately to hairstyle, separately to manicure, separately to makeup, but do not want to understand that a man perceives a woman as a whole, without highlighting the beautiful nail polish with thick hair. And that the degree of attractiveness is by no means formed by the mechanical addition of “successful” details! Obviously, when assessing her appearance, a woman looks at her eyes, lips, nose, legs and everything else separately - and cannot understand why men can madly like a girl with a “completely wrong nose” or with “crooked legs”! . In a real woman, beauty is not a nose trimmed by a plastic surgeon or breasts stuffed with silicone, but real magic, woven from charm, self-confidence, sparkling eyes, an open smile and femininity, when a woman feels comfortable in her own body. And about the photo chosen for illustration. I really love this documentary shot: some terrible sandals with socks, a shapeless skirt and dress - and the girls are awesome! Delicate, beautiful and very exciting. We see neither legs, nor breasts, nor inviting poses that the priestesses of love who sell themselves through Instagram treat the viewer to - zero sex in this photo. And the girls are just class! And I must say that men are very tired of the modern woman’s constant emphasis on the topic of sex in her image - this obsessive eroticism is so fucked up that I finally want to see in the girl just a good, smart person. And love this girl for what a loyal, wise and decent friend she is in life!

31.07.2019 17:22:49

It’s impossible to believe, but today the singer from her early youth - C.C. Catch - turned 55... It is the age of the artists that your generation listened to that serves as one of the main markers of time rushing at an insane speed. And my young readers don’t have to be sarcastic - one day even Basta, Pharaoh and Oksyumiron and Guf will retire. Scientific fact, as they say! Our generation fell into that wave of commercial propaganda that proclaimed the primacy of eternal youth - and this is especially noticeable among women. There is no difference at all between a girl at 25 and a lady at 50 - and it is still unknown who looks cooler! It is generally not customary to talk about old age: this is the lot of some gloomy pensioners who have no idea where they came from, and this wrinkled prospect does not seem to threaten a “normal person” at all - modern man has no right to grow old! And so you are so cheerful and fresh (after a shower) you start your new day, and then bam 💥 - and SiSiKech turned fifty-five... This is how cognitive dissonance happens in the body: your idols of youth have turned into junk, this is dust that costs more, than a cassette with recordings of a “star”, but you grew up on this music when it was the most relevant and advanced in the whole world. She was fashionable! Who's listening to her now? People 40+, stuck in their fragmentary memories, who are physically and mentally unable to keep up with the daily changing world and therefore frantically cling to the fragments of a stupid past, only in painful nostalgia what seems to be something beautiful and bright?.. . And a person becomes horrified if time is his main enemy, a mortal and unyielding enemy. If there is no peace in the soul, if there are no answers to the questions “Why is all this?” and “What will happen next?”, then fear settles in the heart. And a person crushes this fear with everything he can - alcohol, extreme sports, unbridled fornication. Just don’t allow yourself to think, just don’t be left alone with the terrible conclusion that everything that happens is meaningless for you. Happy birthday, Caroline. Thank you for your clear, sonorous voice “from a beautiful distance,” but for many, this beautiful distance was not the future, but the past.

31.07.2019 09:04:25

Today the girl Sonya would have turned 11 years old, but in January of this year she passed away. For almost a year she fought against terrible evil... . When Sonya was already feeling really bad, she told the teacher at the hospital about her dream: “How great it would be if there were notices with coins at bus stops! A person doesn’t have enough money for travel, he takes off a coin and can go home...” What a wonderful person she was... At ten years old, enduring unbearable pain, the girl found the strength to think about others! What courage and what kindness... A real miracle that brings tears to your eyes... . It’s so hard to talk about this - there are no words for how painful it was in my heart when I learned Sonya’s story. A stranger, but it’s painful, bitter and bad in my soul... . An incredible, but at the same time real example of how we should all treat each other. Help, have pity, forgive and love - treat your neighbor only as if he were your brother or sister. . In fact, guys, as you get older you realize that there is simply no time for indifference and anger - life goes by very quickly and you need to have time to become a Human. Have time through the bustle to return to yourself - to the one you were in childhood: a pure, bright, naive and selfless child in a good way... Try for at least five minutes a day to be the same bright person as the wonderful girl Sonya was. .. . May her memory be blessed. .

30.07.2019 10:57:23

Progressive humanity shuddered: DiCaprio will finally become a father! 22-year-old Camilla Morrone is pregnant. She is not an easy girl: her mother, who came to the States from Argentina with her husband, quickly divorced and lived for several years with Al Pacino, who had looked after Camilla since childhood and could not help but recommend it to his young friend Leonardushka. And so our 44-year-old hero becomes a father - in those years when his ordinary peers are about to have their first grandchildren. But these star troubles are none of our business: outwardly, Camilla is like a delicate flower and a mischievous teenager, and it’s pointless to judge what’s in her head and whether they can get along with the world’s adored one. I want to talk about something else. The pregnancy of a beloved woman is a very severe test for a man: he understands that the relationship will never be the same, that the feelings that the two gave only to each other will now be concentrated on the little person - and not every father can come to terms with the loss of attention to himself. You were the main thing in the life of the woman who loves you, and suddenly you fade into the background. And the problem here is not “male egoism” at all, but the collapse of the way of life that has already been happily established. Not every woman manages not to push a man away during this difficult period after childbirth. All her attention is focused on the child, and the man “must understand everything and accept it as it is.” And he, of course, understands, but managing feelings is not at all as easy as dry logical reasoning! After all, if you are literally no longer appreciated, if your importance disappears, it is not easy to ignore the turmoil in your soul. Unfortunately, nowhere are we taught how to be parents. In families where you are alone with mom and dad, you will never see how they treat each other when a brother or sister appears. And there is nothing to learn from movie heroes: in the last quarter of a century, directors are not interested in normal, healthy families - directors are only interested in delving into the lives of psychos, perverts and all sorts of scum. Therefore, it is very important to tell children at school not about the importance of using a condom during sex, but about how young people can communicate with each other so as not to make a mistake.

Childhood and youth of Sergei Stillavin

The hometown of the popular radio host Sergei Valerievich Stillavin (Mikhailov) is Leningrad, now he works as an analyst. Serezha’s parents divorced when the boy was 7 years old, and he grew up with his mother Vera Alexandrovna, and was raised by his grandparents.

As a child, Seryozha was seriously interested in technology and cinema, so he attended a children’s film school, and his favorite periodical was the magazine about technology and technology “Science and Life”. Seriously interested in technology, Seryozha was engaged in invention and, starting from the age of 12, actively sent the fruits of his labors to the magazine “Young Technician”, but none of young Stillavin’s inventions found a response from the magazine’s management, nevertheless, Seryozha continued correspondence with the publication until 1989.

In high school, Sergei entered a school with a mathematical bias, but since mathematics was always difficult for him, he studied there for only a year and then returned to a general education institution. After graduating from school, Sergei Mikhailov became a student at the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical University of Leningrad State University, but never received a diploma from this university.

Stillavin's first steps in journalism

His journalistic career began in 1993, when Sergei got his first job as a correspondent for the Slavic Bazaar newspaper. After the publication closed, he worked as a salesman for a month, then worked in the newspaper “Real Estate of St. Petersburg”. 1995 can rightly be considered a transitional moment in Stillavin’s career.

It was then that Sergei went to work on the radio, namely, at the then popular St. Petersburg radio station “Modern”, where his colleagues were Dmitry Nagiev, Sergei Rost, Alla Dovlatova, Alexander Shengelia and others. Then in 1995, a fateful acquaintance with Gennady Bachinsky took place, who also started at Moderna. At first, Sergei made a program about real estate for the radio station, and then information blocks and programs.

Bachinsky and Stillavin -- Subtitle (Valeria)

The radio tandem of Bachinsky and Stillavin, beloved by listeners, first appeared on the radio on the waves of Radio Modern in 1996 in the program “Two in One.” And in 1998, the duo had already achieved widespread popularity. In 1999, the first tour to Omsk took place, and in 2000 a disc with the songs “Subtitles” was released, which brought Bachinsky and Stillavin the first wave of fame.

Duet Bachinsky and Stillavin

In 2001, the Modern radio station was closed, and Bachinsky and Stillavin, as an established creative duo, decided to move to Moscow, where they began working at Russian Radio. From 2002 to 2007, radio presenters worked in the morning program “Two in One” on the Maximum radio station, and since 2007 on the All-Russian radio station “Mayak”.

Stillavin and Vakhidov save people - Big test drive

Working with Gennady Bachinsky is an important stage in Stillavin’s creative life; together they not only produce high-quality radio programs, but also participate in a number of television projects. In 2007, the duo commented on the Channel One programs “King of the Ring” and “Wall to Wall”, hosted the “Bare Walls” program on TNT, “The Bachinsky and Stillavin Show” on MTV, and the TV show “Rules of Removal”. Their friendship and joint fruitful work lasted until January 12, 2008. On this day, Gennady Bachinsky died as a result of a car accident.

Radio awards and Stillavin's activities without Bachinsky

Radio host Stillavin is the winner of several prestigious awards and honors:
- Popov Prize - in the category “Entertainment Program” received in 2000 for the morning program “Two in One” on Radio Modern,
- The “Radiomania” radio award was first received in 2004, when the Stillavin-Bachinsky duo was nominated in the “Listeners’ Choice Award” category, then in 2007 for “Best Morning Show” and in 2008 again together with Bachinsky as the best program presenter. In 2010, Stillavin’s show “People’s Producer” was awarded the “Radiomania” award in the “Best Entertainment Program” category.

In 2008, Sergei became the host of the “Golden Duck” program on the NTV channel and continued his activities as the host of Mayak radio. Among Stillavin’s projects is the famous morning show on Mayak radio, “Sergei Stillavin and His Friends,” which aired until February 2012, “Program P.” Currently, Sergey hosts the “In the Morning” program together with Vladislav Viktorov (DJ Vitas) and Rustam Vakhidov.

Personal life and family of Stillavin

Sergei Stillavin has the image of a womanizer and conqueror of women's hearts; this image was successfully cultivated for a long time in a duet with Gennady Bachinsky, who, on the contrary, more than once spoke about how happy he was in marriage. One can only guess what Stillavin is like in everyday life, since the radio host himself does not talk about his personal life and his connections.

It is known about the charismatic presenter that he was married several times. Stillavin found himself in the registry office for the first time at the age of 20, but this marriage did not last long. Stillavin doesn’t tell the press anything more about his ex-wife, nor does he tell the press whether he is in a relationship now. It is known that Sergei has a daughter, Masha.

Sergey Stillavin is an interesting and extraordinary person. Radio listeners loved him for his original presentation of the material. Do you want to know where our hero was born and studied? Is he legally married? Then we suggest you read the article.


Sergey Stillavin (photo above) was born on March 17, 1973 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). His mother and father are representatives of technical professions. Sergei’s grandfather once headed the Arsenal design bureau

Our hero grew up as a modest, obedient and inquisitive boy. He didn’t behave like a hooligan and didn’t disappear on the street until dark. Seryozha loved to read the magazines “Young Technician” and “Science and Life”. Having received theoretical knowledge, he tried to immediately put it into practice. Stillavin Jr. repeatedly sent his projects to the editors of the Young Technician magazine. However, in 1989 I lost all interest in this.

Creative skills

From an early age, Seryozha began to show a love for cinema. He liked not only to watch films, but also to come up with various stories himself. Having learned about this, his grandfather gave him a real movie camera for his 11th birthday. The boy ran with her, filming everything that came in his way - trees, people, animals.

Student years

After graduating from high school, Sergei applied to Leningrad State University. He managed to successfully pass the exams. The guy was enrolled in the Faculty of Philology. But he never graduated from this university.

In 1993, Stillavin got a job. My grandmother’s pension and my mother’s salary were not enough for a decent life. And he was the only man in the family. Seryozha was accepted into the Slavic Bazaar newspaper. The young man was writing notes. He could have had a good career, but the publishing house was soon closed. The guy got a job as a salesman in one of the stores. But I only worked there for a month.

Radio presenter

In 1995, Sergei Stillavin had the opportunity to realize his creative ambitions. He was invited to the St. Petersburg radio station “Modern”. At first, he broadcast a program about the construction, purchase and sale of real estate. Then they began to trust him with serious information programs.

In 1996, Sergei Stillavin met with Together they create a program called “Two in One.” Gena and Seryozha became best friends. At some point, joint creativity went beyond the radio airwaves. They start recording comic songs. At the same time, the friends continue to broadcast on radio waves. Their program is recognized as the best morning show.

In 2001, Modern's management changed. Bachinsky and Stillavin moved to Russian Radio. A year later they were lured to Radio Maximum.

In January 2008, Gennady Bachinsky passed away. The cheerful and talented tandem broke up forever. Our hero was grieving the loss of his best friend.

Currently, Stillavin works at Mayak together with Rustam Vakhidov. He also hosts the TV show “Golden Duck” on NTV. Sergey took part in such projects as “Removal Rules” (TNT), “King of the Ring” (Channel One) and so on.


Not everyone knows that Stillavin is not Sergei’s real name. This is just a sonorous pseudonym. At the age of 14 he was given a passport with the surname Mikhailov. Where did Stillavin come from then? Now we will tell you everything.

One day Seryozha decided to send a telegram to the girl. The guy was embarrassed to write “I love you.” Then he decided to replace it with the English phrase still loving. This translates into Russian as “still in love.” However, the postal worker told him that the telegram should not contain Latin letters. Then he simply signed himself “Stillavin Sergei.” The girl didn’t understand anything. But the pseudonym came in handy for our hero to work on the radio.

Sergey Stillavin: personal life

Many fans want to know if the popular TV and radio host’s heart is free. We'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about Seryozha's relationships with the opposite sex.

Sergei Stillavin is a person free from complexes and prejudices. He began to show interest in the fair sex in grades 8-9. Unlike other guys, Seryozha could calmly approach any girl (even much older than himself) and get to know each other. He was always a brave and moderately arrogant guy.

Both at school and at the institute he had stormy romances. But things never came to a serious relationship. At the age of 20, our hero had a reassessment of values. He wanted to start a family and children.

Soon Sergei Stillavin met a beautiful girl. On the first day, he realized that she was ideal for the role of his wife and mother of his children. Unfortunately, her name, surname and occupation are not disclosed.

At first, Sergei and his chosen one were in a civil marriage. However, our hero plucked up courage and proposed to her. The lovers got married. Relatives were invited to the celebration. Friends and colleagues of the bride and groom. Everyone was sure that Seryozha and his wife would live together until the end of their days. But this love story quickly ended.

In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Masha. The young father could not stop looking at the little blood. He tried to spend as much time as possible with his family. But the tight work schedule did not always allow this to be done. As a result, his wife accumulated many complaints against him. At some point, she announced to Sergei that she was leaving. Then came the divorce. Sergei Stillavin and his wife maintained friendly relations. He sees his daughter Masha several times a week and provides her with moral and material support.

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The hero city of each of our morning broadcasts, Omsk, turns 303 today! Happy holiday to all Omsk residents - both those who left their native places and those who still live there. The phenomenon of the huge number of news from this city lies, it seems to me, in the special character of the residents and in the hard work of local journalists - from no other place on the map of our Motherland does so much news come as from Omsk! In reality, this city is very different from its media projection: there is a very beautiful pre-revolutionary center, a lot of original urban sculpture, and the people here are hospitable and wonderful. . For Gena and me, Omsk has always been a special city - for the first time we went on tour there. It was 20 years ago, but the memories of that amazing journey are still some of the warmest in my life. Happy holiday, dear Omsk residents! I promise to continue to pay close attention to your problems, so that the city will quickly get rid of its eternal bad roads, unbearable snow and finally build a metro! I shake your hands through hyperspace! Omsk - hurray!!! .

On Sunday, I published a photo of a beautiful sunset, and people began to come to my page very amicably, as if on command, insistently demanding “to tell the truth about the forest fires in Siberia.” Often - in an orderly tone and even in a boorish manner. Most of the outraged ones said nothing at all about the fires in their accounts - cute dogs, rocking chairs, shoes and cars. But there is a whole mountain of accusations: “The media is keeping silent about the disaster”, “no one is declaring a state of emergency” and, finally, “why, you bastard, are you silent about Siberia”! There was a feeling that these people do not watch Russian television - in Ukraine, they say, there are problems with this. So, I specifically looked and listened: both on Mayak and on TV we have reports about the Siberian fire - in every episode. Moreover, a state of emergency has been declared there! But why then lie that the media are silent and that an emergency was not declared? I believe that if you are defending, sitting on the sofa, the same Siberian forest, then you do not have the right to lie in a single word! And suppression of facts can also be a lie. For example, this: a terrible fire in California last year, when 97 people burned alive, happened because firefighters for many years did not allow nature to naturally burn dead wood, grass and pine needles, which accumulate from season to season - natural fires from lightning were extinguished by early stages, and an almost explosive volume of dry mass accumulated in such quantities that in 2018 they could no longer extinguish it. Indeed, from a scientific point of view, forest fires are an integral part of our planetary ecosystem; they are a way to renew the territory and fertilize it with ash. In Canada, where there are many forests, 2.5 million hectares are burned annually - and the authorities there urge not to panic: they say that otherwise the 90-year-old thicket will not rejuvenate itself. It seems like these Canadians are not idiots? So it’s not always possible to figure everything out right away from the couch. But the chance of succumbing to mass excitement, which is clearly fueled by someone, is great. Of course, as a cat and dog breeder, my heart aches when I see the photo of a bunny that died from fire! But I gather my nerves and think: this isn’t a snapshot of tens of thousands of bodies? Animals flee from danger at the first sign of trouble. And further. 👇👇👇

Only 13% of our women consider themselves beautiful - these statistics came out today. Shocked by such low self-esteem. The problem is aggravated by the fact that women have little idea why men like them. I noticed that women are very attentive to details - separately to hairstyle, separately to manicure, separately to makeup, but do not want to understand that a man perceives a woman as a whole, without highlighting the beautiful nail polish with thick hair. And that the degree of attractiveness is by no means formed by the mechanical addition of “successful” details! Obviously, when assessing her appearance, a woman looks at her eyes, lips, nose, legs and everything else separately - and cannot understand why men can madly like a girl with a “completely wrong nose” or with “crooked legs”! . In a real woman, beauty is not a nose trimmed by a plastic surgeon or breasts stuffed with silicone, but real magic, woven from charm, self-confidence, sparkling eyes, an open smile and femininity, when a woman feels comfortable in her own body. And about the photo chosen for illustration. I really love this documentary shot: some terrible sandals with socks, a shapeless skirt and dress - and the girls are awesome! Delicate, beautiful and very exciting. We see neither legs, nor breasts, nor inviting poses that the priestesses of love who sell themselves through Instagram treat the viewer to - zero sex in this photo. And the girls are just class! And I must say that men are very tired of the modern woman’s constant emphasis on the topic of sex in her image - this obsessive eroticism is so fucked up that I finally want to see in the girl just a good, smart person. And love this girl for what a loyal, wise and decent friend she is in life!

Today the girl Sonya would have turned 11 years old, but in January of this year she passed away. For almost a year she fought against terrible evil... . When Sonya was already feeling really bad, she told the teacher at the hospital about her dream: “How great it would be if there were notices with coins at bus stops! A person doesn’t have enough money for travel, he takes off a coin and can go home...” What a wonderful person she was... At ten years old, enduring unbearable pain, the girl found the strength to think about others! What courage and what kindness... A real miracle that brings tears to your eyes... . It’s so hard to talk about this - there are no words for how painful it was in my heart when I learned Sonya’s story. A stranger, but it’s painful, bitter and bad in my soul... . An incredible, but at the same time real example of how we should all treat each other. Help, have pity, forgive and love - treat your neighbor only as if he were your brother or sister. . In fact, guys, as you get older you realize that there is simply no time for indifference and anger - life goes by very quickly and you need to have time to become a Human. Have time through the bustle to return to yourself - to the one you were in childhood: a pure, bright, naive and selfless child in a good way... Try for at least five minutes a day to be the same bright person as the wonderful girl Sonya was. .. . May her memory be blessed. .

Progressive humanity shuddered: DiCaprio will finally become a father! 22-year-old Camilla Morrone is pregnant. She is not an easy girl: her mother, who came to the States from Argentina with her husband, quickly divorced and lived for several years with Al Pacino, who had looked after Camilla since childhood and could not help but recommend it to his young friend Leonardushka. And so our 44-year-old hero becomes a father - in those years when his ordinary peers are about to have their first grandchildren. But these star troubles are none of our business: outwardly, Camilla is like a delicate flower and a mischievous teenager, and it’s pointless to judge what’s in her head and whether they can get along with the world’s adored one. I want to talk about something else. The pregnancy of a beloved woman is a very severe test for a man: he understands that the relationship will never be the same, that the feelings that the two gave only to each other will now be concentrated on the little person - and not every father can come to terms with the loss of attention to himself. You were the main thing in the life of the woman who loves you, and suddenly you fade into the background. And the problem here is not “male egoism” at all, but the collapse of the way of life that has already been happily established. Not every woman manages not to push a man away during this difficult period after childbirth. All her attention is focused on the child, and the man “must understand everything and accept it as it is.” And he, of course, understands, but managing feelings is not at all as easy as dry logical reasoning! After all, if you are literally no longer appreciated, if your importance disappears, it is not easy to ignore the turmoil in your soul. Unfortunately, nowhere are we taught how to be parents. In families where you are alone with mom and dad, you will never see how they treat each other when a brother or sister appears. And there is nothing to learn from movie heroes: in the last quarter of a century, directors are not interested in normal, healthy families - directors are only interested in delving into the lives of psychos, perverts and all sorts of scum. Therefore, it is very important to tell children at school not about the importance of using a condom during sex, but about how young people can communicate with each other so as not to make a mistake. #sskino