
Useful information: calorie content of mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes

Garden buildings

Mashed potatoes have long won love and worldwide recognition. There is probably no place on earth where potatoes have not been tasted. The potato is considered to be native to South America and belongs to the nightshade family. Today you can easily find wild subspecies of this root vegetable.

There are many varieties of potatoes that differ from each other not only in appearance, taste and size. Different types of potatoes grow in different climates.

Consumer characteristics of the product have been used by humans for more than fourteen thousand years. The first people to eat potatoes were the indigenous people of South America. And the first documentary mentions of potatoes date back to the sixteenth century. In those days, the Spanish conquistadors actively colonized the lands of the South American regions. So, potatoes were brought to Spain from Peru.

In the Middle Ages, people were skeptical about everything unknown and new, so potatoes were an outsider for a long time. But over time, Europeans appreciated not only the taste, but also the beneficial properties of potatoes. Since then, the popularity of potatoes has increased and nothing will affect the world's love of people for them. An incredible number of dishes are prepared from potatoes. This fact speaks of love and recognition of the vegetable.

Potatoes are boiled, fried, baked and stewed. Potatoes can be prepared as an independent dish, or as a side dish for fish, meat, and vegetable culinary masterpieces. But in this article I would like to draw attention to mashed potatoes. This dish has been known since the Middle Ages, when they first began to prepare mashed potatoes by adding butter and milk.

Composition of mashed potatoes

To begin with, it is worth saying that the calorie content of mashed potatoes is low. It often contains other ingredients, such as vegetables, spices, meat and various meat products. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how many calories are in mashed potatoes, since the calorie content of mashed potatoes depends on the original composition of the ingredients for it.

It should also be said that the calorie content of mashed potatoes prepared with water is much less than the calorie content of mashed potatoes with milk. For dietary nutrition, mashed potatoes are prepared only with water without adding oil or salt.

The average calorie content of mashed potatoes is 106 kcal per hundred grams of product. At first glance, not much. But, as noted above, the calorie content of mashed potatoes can change greatly, for example, due to the meat dish, which is the main dish and is served along with mashed potatoes.

The benefits of potatoes

According to nutrition experts, mashed potatoes are very healthy. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys. It is also recommended for use by older people to improve memory and by young children as a first food. This dish is easily absorbed by the human body. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. During illness, the human body is weakened, and potatoes allow you to be full, restore strength, and at the same time not overload the intestines. Therefore, patients in hospitals are often brought purees and broths. To recover faster, you need to eat some vegetables every day. The best way to prepare food is boiling. This is another advantage of mashed potatoes, as they are easy to prepare. All you need to do is boil two potatoes and mash them. Then add spices to taste. The calorie content of mashed potatoes is always different. It all depends on the cooking method. In order to make accurate calculations, you need to know the nutritional value of all components.

In addition, the benefit of potatoes lies in its chemical composition, which is enriched with the necessary amount of beneficial vitamins and other biologically active components.

The calorie content of mashed potatoes includes a large amount of starch of natural origin, as well as fiber and protein. Such elements determine the excellent nutritional properties of mashed potatoes.

In addition, the calorie content of mashed potatoes lies in the content of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, inositol and carotene. The excellent taste, vitamin composition, and low calorie content of mashed potatoes allow us to classify it as a healthy food for humans.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes with butter

Many people often ask – how many calories are in mashed potatoes? In fact, the calories in mashed potatoes are 80 kcal per hundred grams of product. But cooking methods and various additives add calories to it. Any nutritionist will say that fried potatoes will not bring much benefit to the body and will recommend boiled potatoes.

Therefore, when answering the question of how many calories are in mashed potatoes, you should take into account the nutritional value of all additives to it. For example, the calorie content in mashed potatoes with vegetable oil is 82 kcal per hundred grams of product. This percentage of calories will be accurate provided that there are no more additives in the puree. With such a caloric content of the dish it is impossible to gain weight, so it can be included in any diet. You can improve the taste of this mashed potato by adding vegetables or tomato juice. In this case, the calories in mashed potatoes will be kept to a minimum.

The calorie content in mashed potatoes with butter is at least 120 kcal per hundred grams of product. In this case, the calories in mashed potatoes can be contained in different quantities, because butter comes in different fat contents. If you replace butter with margarine, it will do nothing and the calorie content of mashed potatoes will not change.

The calorie content of mashed potatoes with milk is 150 kcal per hundred grams of product. And this is only if the milk is low-fat. The higher the fat content of the milk, the higher the calorie content of mashed potatoes.

The calorie content in mashed potatoes with milk and margarine is slightly less - 140 kcal per hundred grams of product. Some gourmets like to add raw egg and meat broth to mashed potatoes. In this case, the calorie content of the puree will be 200 kcal per hundred grams of product. This dish is, of course, tasty, but it is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

Nowadays, it’s rare to find potatoes in any dacha or garden. This root vegetable is one of the staple foods of many nations. Potatoes come from South America; they were brought to us relatively recently and quickly gained national recognition. This is because, in addition to the fact that it is quite easy to grow, it is a very nutritious and tasty product from which you can prepare a lot of dishes.

Calorie content of mashed potatoes

This dish, which is often called simply crushed meat, came to us from Europe, where it is called potato in French. There are several classic recipes for its preparation. The most common of them includes: potatoes, eggs and butter. This dish has a delicate taste and is very nutritious.

To answer the question whether it can be consumed while following a diet, you need to figure out what the calorie content of mashed potatoes is in general, as well as with milk and butter, in particular. Let's try to calculate the calorie content of each ingredient separately and understand how dietary this dish is. If 1 kg of potatoes (800) + 0.5 l were used to prepare the puree. milk (260) + egg (74) + butter 25 g (187) = 1321 kcal, which means in 100 g, approximately 132 kcal. This is not high in calories, but it is worth considering that the serving that an average person eats is 150-160 g, which is already about 200 kcal. It follows from this that the caloric content of puree with milk and butter allows its use in dietary nutrition, but rather as an exception, and not as a daily dish.

We have another number when calculating the calorie content of mashed potatoes with water. This dish contains only potatoes and water, respectively, the calorie content of mashed potatoes with water is about 70 kcal per 100 g of product, which means about 110 kcal per serving. This dish is also useful because it does not contain animal fats, which should be taken into account when creating a diet menu. You can also make puree with milk and without butter, this will slightly reduce the calorie content, but significantly reduce the amount of animal fats, the consumption of which is recommended to be kept to a minimum during diets. such puree with milk, but without butter, will be 124 kcal per 100 g of product or about 186 kcal per serving (150-160 g).

The calorie content of mashed potatoes per 100 grams depends on the recipe. This article discusses the benefits, harm, and number of calories in pureed milk, water, and pureed mushroom soup.

The calorie content of puree with milk per 100 grams is 84.1 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the dish:

  • 2.7 g protein;
  • 2.6 g fat;
  • 13.1 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for making puree with milk:

  • peel and boil 1 kg of potatoes;
  • heat and add 0.5 liters of 2.5 percent milk to the potatoes;
  • milk and boiled potatoes are mashed and mixed with 1 lightly beaten egg;
  • Add 25 g of butter to the puree. All components of the dish are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

If you do not want to use raw eggs when cooking, we recommend the following puree recipe:

  • 1 kg of potatoes, peeled and boiled;
  • drain the water from the pan with the boiled vegetable;
  • Hot potatoes are mashed, mixed with 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 glass of hot milk.

Mashed milk with milk has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, PP, minerals iron, iodine, manganese, cobalt, selenium, fluorine, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chromium, chlorine, sodium , phosphorus, silicon, calcium, potassium.

Calorie content of water puree per 100 grams

The calorie content of water puree per 100 grams is 89 kcal. In 100 g of this dish:

  • 2.4 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 15 g carbohydrates.

To prepare you need:

  • 8 medium-sized potatoes, washed well, peeled, cut into quarters and boiled in water with salt (add 5 g);
  • after boiling, the potatoes are pounded with half the broth;
  • Whisk the hot puree with 20 g of butter and 1 chicken egg.

Water puree is highly beneficial. Such dishes are recommended to be added to the diet to prevent peptic ulcers and restore the gastric mucosa. Mashed potatoes without eggs and oil are included in the diet for many diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Calorie content of pureed mushroom soup per 100 grams

The calorie content of pureed mushroom soup per 100 grams is 55 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of this puree:

  • 1.9 g protein;
  • 2.9 g fat;
  • 5.6 g carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • 0.8 kg of champignons and 0.2 kg of onions are finely chopped and fried in butter;
  • lightly fry 100 g of wheat flour in butter;
  • boil 0.35 kg of washed and diced potatoes in a saucepan;
  • Add fried flour to the potato broth (add gradually), fried mushrooms with onions and boiled potatoes. Remove the pan from the heat;
  • salt the dish to taste and mix with a blender;
  • Boil the soup, remembering to stir, over low heat for 6 minutes.

Benefits of mashed potatoes

Among the beneficial properties of mashed potatoes are the following:

  • With regular consumption of such a dish, the energy balance in the body is normalized and chronic fatigue is prevented;
  • The puree is rich in fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and ensures cleansing of waste and toxins;
  • the beneficial properties of puree have been proven to strengthen the immune system and normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • vitamins and minerals of the dish are necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair, nails;
  • Puree has a low calorie content, so it is included in the diet for weight loss and dieting.

Harm of mashed potatoes

The harm of mashed potatoes appears if a person has an individual intolerance to such dishes. For some people, mashed potatoes cause flatulence, bloating, heaviness in the stomach, and problems with stool.

Starch puree is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Puree with added oil has a high fat content, so it is not recommended for gastrointestinal disorders, excess weight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases.

In the usual understanding and imagination of most people, mashed potatoes are a nourishing, tender, affordable dish that has been loved since childhood. Boiled, crushed potatoes with the addition of milk and butter are an excellent side dish for meat, fish or salads, and even an inexperienced cook can prepare it.

But when it comes to losing weight and all kinds of diets, we usually immediately exclude mashed potatoes from our diet. There is an opinion that this product is too high in calories. Is it so? Can mashed potatoes be part of a weight loss diet? And what actually is the calorie content of this dish in its different variations? Let's figure it out.

How many calories are in mashed potatoes?

The most dietary puree is mashed potatoes with water without oil. It is better not to salt it or use a minimum of salt. For taste, you can add chopped dill.

Application in dietetics

Everyone's favorite - . It occupies a leading place among vegetables in terms of calorie content. Contains beta-carotene. Thanks to its rich composition, potatoes strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood composition, strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue, relieves swelling, stimulates the heart and brain, removes salt from the body, normalizes metabolism and slows down the aging process.

There are almost all useful minerals, including phosphorus, sodium and. The latter is simply necessary for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. And it is thanks to potassium that potatoes are able to remove excess fluid from the body, which promotes weight loss.

The energy value of boiled jacket potatoes is not so high - 77 kcal/100 grams.

But we are used to eating potatoes or mashed potatoes with stewed meat, fried chicken or fish, all kinds of gravies and sauces. To avoid gaining weight, nutritionists advise serving fresh vegetable salads or. In combination with animal proteins and fats, potatoes do not contribute to weight loss, but exactly the opposite.

The same can be said with confidence about fried potatoes. If you want to lose weight, you will have to resolutely give it up. But mashed potatoes, despite being filling and tasty, are part of many weight loss diets. A proper diet based on mashed potatoes helps normalize metabolism, stomach function and weight loss.

If you want to get rid of extra pounds using a potato diet, you need to meet several conditions: Do not eat puree with meat or fish dishes. During the diet, forget about fatty sauces and fried foods. Nutritionists also advise excluding porridge and flour from your diet on the day you eat mashed potatoes.

Puree made from bags and plastic cups is not compatible with healthy eating and is not at all suitable for weight loss. Its calorie content is too high.

remember, that The daily carbohydrate requirement is provided by 300 grams of potatoes per day. Keep in mind that our body metabolizes carbohydrates only in the first half of the day, before 16:00. Then the rate of fat breakdown drops, and all the energy not spent before going to bed turns into adipose tissue.

Here is one option for a potato diet based on mashed potatoes, which is designed for 3-5 days. To lose 1 to 4 extra pounds, follow this menu:

  • For breakfast Boil or bake several potatoes in foil. Enjoy your potatoes with a glass of low-fat milk or kefir at room temperature.
  • For lunch prepare yourself 250 grams of mashed potatoes using water, without salt and oil.
  • For dinner make a salad of boiled potatoes (200 grams) with a boiled egg. Season it with a little olive or sunflower oil and lemon juice. Drink unlimited quantities of herbal teas, green tea, mate and still water. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

This diet should not be practiced for more than 5 days. When leaving the diet, it is very important not to overeat, eat small portions, move more and do physical exercise.
Another highly effective diet is also known. Its result can be 1 kg in 1 day.

The essence of the diet is that you need to eat 10 medium-sized potatoes per day and drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir in equal proportions. Potatoes (boiled or baked) or mashed potatoes should be without oil and without salt. You can have dinner no later than 18:00.

Anyway, Before starting any diet, consult your doctor.

Classic mashed potato recipe

Light, airy, delicious puree. Serve hot. The quantity of products is designed for two servings.
List of ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 0.25 ml milk;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 5 grams of salt.

Cooking process:

Wash and peel and cut the potatoes as desired (into wedges or cubes). Place it in a liter saucepan and fill it with hot water so that the water covers the potatoes. Cook until tender (about 15 minutes). Finally, salt the potatoes.

Drain the water and dry the potatoes over low heat for 3-5 minutes. By the way, for mashed potatoes, you can also steam them. Place the milk on the fire.

Mash the hot potatoes with a potato masher until there are no lumps. Dilute the mashed potatoes with hot milk, whisking all the time with a wooden spatula or spoon. Add oil, beat the puree thoroughly again. Tender mashed potatoes are ready to serve.

Calorie content such puree - 135 kcal/100 grams.

Mashed Potatoes with Spinach

Another great helper in the fight against extra pounds is spinach. It is often used in dietetics. This vegetable satisfies hunger, saturates with all necessary substances and rids the body of toxins. Potatoes and spinach are good friends. You will get a delicious puree with an extravagant green color.
List of ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 100 grams of fresh spinach;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

Wash, peel, cut and boil the potatoes until tender.

While the potatoes are cooking, make the spinach. Wash and cut if the leaves are large. Place in a saucepan and simmer for a few minutes. Then add milk and simmer with milk for another 3-4 minutes. Add a little salt.

Puree the spinach with an immersion blender. When the potatoes are ready, drain the water and mash thoroughly with a potato masher. There should be no lumps.

Add pureed spinach and butter to mashed potatoes. Mix thoroughly. If the puree turns out to be too thick, add a little hot milk or boiled water. If desired, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic, passed through a press. Serve hot.

Calorie content such puree - 155 kcal/100 grams.

Water puree without oil

The puree that is best suited for the diet is puree with water, without oil and salt. To make it tastier, you can add a little dill.
List of ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 70 grams of dill.

Cooking process:

The potatoes need to be boiled in the same way as in the previous recipe or steamed.

Drain off most of the water, leaving about 1/3 of it. Then mash the potatoes thoroughly so that there are no lumps left, turn them into a creamy mass and mix with finely chopped dill.

Energy value this dish - about 80 kilocalories per 100 grams of puree.

Water puree with vegetable oil

This is also a dietary version of puree. It is flavored with onion and bay leaf. If you add a little fragrant sunflower salad oil, it turns out not bad at all.

When the potatoes are cooked, take out the boiled onion and bay leaves; you won’t need them anymore. Drain off a little more than half the water. Add a spoonful of sunflower oil. Mash the potatoes with a masher and beat until they become fluffy and creamy.

Calorie content such puree is low - 90 kcal/100 grams.

The world is full of different diets, and you don't have to go on a strict potato diet to lose weight. But if you are a true connoisseur of potatoes, then with the help of your favorite dish you can definitely lose weight and renew your body. This has been proven by recent studies by nutritionists from around the world. Lose weight for your health!

Mashed potatoes are the most famous potato dish. Crushed boiled root vegetables contain starch, which explains its calorie content. During the cooking process, you need to add vegetable or animal fats to improve the taste. How much does this affect calorie content? Is it possible to consume crushed vegetables during therapeutic diets or for weight loss? Now let's figure it all out.

Counting calories

The calorie content and taste of mashed potatoes depend on the quantity, quality and type of added fat.

According to the recipe, the amount of animal fat should correspond to a ratio of 1:5.

Nutritional value of possible components (kcal per 100 g):

  • potatoes – 80;
  • butter – 748;
  • melted – 887;
  • margarine –746;
  • vegetable oil – 899.

The calorie content of 100 g of mashed potatoes has the following characteristics (kcal):

  • on water (without oil) – 80;
  • with animal fats – 230-257;
  • with vegetable oil – 260.

By reducing the amount of fat added to a dish, its calorie content decreases. Vegetable salads will improve the taste of a low-calorie product.

Benefits and contraindications

A potato dish such as mashed potatoes cooked in water is not inferior in taste to one to which milk is added. It is included as a dietary product in recipes for weight loss. The elements it contains are necessary for the body:

  • potassium - for the heart;
  • calcium, selenium, fluorine - for bones, hair, nails;
  • phosphorus - for the brain;
  • copper, magnesium, iron - for metabolic processes.

Contains vitamins B, A, C.

Potato side dish goes with any vegetable, fish, meat, mushrooms. This property has made crushed potatoes popular and indispensable in the national cuisine of many nations.

Potatoes are contraindicated:

  • with urolithiasis;
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

If you are obese, you should not have foods with a calorie content of more than 40 kcal per 100 g in your diet.

How many calories are in pea puree with water?

To prepare the pea side dish, use dried peas, water and salt. At the end of cooking, add fats to taste. It can be butter and vegetable oil. To improve the taste, add greens and smoked meats.

The energy value of 100 g of boiled peas is 60 kcal. It will remain this way unless fats are added. When adding 20 g of fat, it will increase by 150 kcal (for butter) and by 180 kcal (for vegetable oil).

Calorie content of pea puree (kcal):

  • on water without oil – 60;
  • with vegetable oil – 240;
  • with butter – 210.

Legumes are rich in protein and carbohydrates, which makes them an essential product in the diet of vegetarians. Pea dishes are especially useful for children due to their high content of vitamins B, PP, and K. Peas are contraindicated for kidney disease and for pregnant and lactating women.

Calorie content of carrot and celery puree

Celery and carrots are close in composition to potatoes: they have the same set of vitamins and microelements. The percentage of useful components is the same. In terms of nutritional value, carrots and celery are equivalent: 32 kcal.

Cooked in water without added fat, they are the lowest calorie side dishes. The taste of the celery side dish is improved with the help of aromatic herbs (rosemary, sage). The carrot version does not require such additives. Usually both types of side dishes are mixed with potato to add flavor.

Nutritional value of 100 g of vegetable purees (kcal):

  • on the water – 32;
  • with vegetable oil – 122;
  • with cream – 107.

Excess fat impairs the taste of these vegetables, the ratio is 1:10.

Culinary secrets

The taste of a vegetable dish is influenced by the following conditions:

  • quality of raw vegetables;
  • undercooked consistency;
  • insufficient salting;
  • poor grinding.

Each variety has its own characteristics: sweet carrots will make a sweet dish without added sugar; made from starchy potatoes - a lush side dish. Such nuances must be taken into account when choosing vegetables.

Half-raw root vegetables are poorly crushed, and the structure of the puree in water will be heterogeneous. The lack of salt makes vegetables tasteless with any amount of butter, milk and other ingredients. Salt is added immediately, otherwise it will not be absorbed into the structure of the root vegetable, which contains a lot of fiber.

Basic conditions for preparing a delicious side dish:

  • the ratio of liquid and cooked root vegetables is 1:8;
  • grinding to a creamy state;
  • fats to taste, without exceeding the prescription norm.

Compliance with simple requirements will give a good result: a useful and high-quality product.

Vegetable purees in water retain all the beneficial properties of raw vegetables. The main thing when preparing them is the right amount of salt and a uniform structure.