
Why do cucumbers die after germination? Description of cucumber seedling diseases, control and treatment

Culinary recipes for the garden and at home

Among the main reasons why cucumber seedlings wither are improper planting and care, diseases and pest attacks. A vegetable grower needs to know the first signs of a problem in order to take action and not lose seedlings.

Sometimes vegetable growers are faced with a problem when cucumber seedlings begin to dry out after germination. To answer the question of whether plants can be restored, you need to know the cause of the problem.

  • The main reason why the leaves of young sprouts wither at home or in the garden beds is the lack of light. In this case, the container with seedlings must be moved to an open, sunny place. To plant cucumber seeds, you need to choose an area where sunlight falls freely.
  • Another reason why cucumbers die is failure to comply with the deadlines for transplanting to a permanent place. When transplanted late, the bushes become too large and strong, and it is more difficult for them to take root in a new place. Transplanting too early leads to the fact that the fragile plant is poorly resistant to adverse environmental factors.
  • Young shoots often die due to improper watering. Excess or lack of moisture causes the stem and leaves to begin to lose shape.
  • Seedlings disappear due to too dense planting. With good and friendly germination, the seedlings begin to feel bad. The sprouts prevent the free flow of light and air, and a deficiency of nutrients develops. Therefore, it is important to maintain distance during sowing.
  • An unbalanced amount of microelements in the soil can also cause changes in the appearance of seedlings in open ground. Excess fertilizer can cause burning of weak roots. As a result, the entire plant may die. A lack of nutrients also leads to leaf wilting.
  • Planted sprouts must be constantly looked after. Cucumber seedlings wither because the bed is crowded with other, stronger plants. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly get rid of weeds, which often become carriers of infection, shade the beds and impede air circulation.

If, after planting seedlings, the bushes in the garden wither and fall, the reason may be due to damage to the roots during transplantation, too late or early planting, low air temperature at night, infection or pest attack. Since cucumbers do not take root well in a new place, many vegetable growers prefer to use sprouted seeds for planting on the site.

The reasons why cucumber seedlings disappear in a greenhouse are almost the same. Additional unfavorable factors that cause cucumber seedlings to wither in a greenhouse can be infrequent ventilation, high humidity and incorrect temperature conditions. During ventilation, drafts should not be allowed.

Why cucumber seedlings die, diseases

Another common reason why seedlings may die is infections. Even proper care does not guarantee that cucumbers will be susceptible to fungal diseases. The problem can arise with seedlings, both at home and in the garden. Therefore, it is imperative to know the signs that will help determine that cucumber seedlings are sick. You need to know and what to do when cucumber seedlings die.

If the temperature is not stable or the sprouts are watered with cold water, immunity decreases and a disease such as powdery mildew may appear. On thin stems, the leaves also begin to weaken, and a white coating appears. Then the leaves turn yellow and the plant dies. It is important to grow seedlings in warm conditions and water only with settled, warm water. How to treat if a problem occurs? Can be treated with Hom, Quadris or Topaz.

Downy mildew manifests itself as small yellow spots on the leaves, which gradually increase in size. A gray coating forms on the inside of the leaf. The leaves of cucumber seedlings wither, dry out, and then the entire plant dies. The cause may be improper watering mode and air temperature fluctuations. To combat the problem, use Bordeaux mixture, the drugs Ridomil, Kuproxat and Ordan.

Fusarium begins with rotting of the root system, and then the above-ground part of the plant begins to dry out and rot. Drugs such as Trichodermin and Phytocid can cope with the infection.

Cucumbers are dying due to a disease such as sclerotinia. At the initial stage, it is characterized by the appearance of fluffy light mold. Then dark spots begin to form and the plant dies. The effective drug Fitosporin M will help save you from death.

If the stem of young seedlings dries out and turns black, this may also be a sign of a fungal disease. People call it Black Leg. The infection spreads very quickly, so you need to start fighting as early as possible. To prevent the entire plant from disappearing, watering should be reduced, it is recommended to mulch, and treat the bushes with a solution of potassium permanganate. Among the drugs you can choose Baktofit, Fitosporin, Fitolavin.

The reason why cucumber seedlings may fall and wither may be an invasion of insect pests. The stem dries, the leaves curl and turn yellow, and spots of various colors appear. On the leaves, most often on the inside, you can find the insects themselves or their larvae. The most common pests of cucumbers are melon aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and sprout flies.

Root rot causes the stem at the seedlings to become thinner and the leaves to look limp. It may break soon. The cause of this fungal disease is watering the beds with cold water, frequent fertilizing with the same component, excess moisture or sudden temperature fluctuations. During treatment, all errors are corrected, wood ash and sand are sprinkled near the trunk.

Among the drying out sprouts, you need to select the healthiest ones and transplant them to another place. It is better to take diseased plants away from the garden and burn them. If the fungal disease progresses, then you need to get rid of all the seedlings and, if there is time, plant the seeds again. They must first be disinfected and kept in solutions to increase immunity.

How to care for cucumber seedlings

The further growing process depends on proper care of the young seedling. Plants are rarely susceptible to disease, have a strong root system and allow you to harvest much earlier. It is imperative to follow all the rules when planting seeds and caring for seedlings.

After the cucumber seeds are planted, cover the container with film and put it in a warm place. In about a week, the first shoots should emerge. The container is opened and moved to a well-lit place. It is recommended to thin out the seedlings, leaving only strong shoots; weak ones should be cut off and not pulled out by the roots.

Growing cucumbers according to all the rules will avoid many unpleasant problems.

  • Cucumbers germinate better and faster in a warm room. The optimal temperature for growing seedlings is considered to be about 21 degrees during the day and 18 degrees at night.
  • There should be enough light, but direct sunlight should be avoided, otherwise the seedlings may dry out. With a lack of light, the sprouts stretch upward and lighten.
  • Plantings should be protected from drafts. If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, then it is imperative to ventilate the room daily.
  • Be sure to set the watering mode. Water intended for irrigation must be warm. There should be drainage holes at the bottom of the container where the seedlings grow.
  • 12-14 days after the leaves appear, the first feeding is carried out. For cucumbers, a solution based on urea, mullein, and chicken droppings is suitable. The next feeding is carried out after 8 days. You can use wood ash.
  • Some vegetable growers carry out picking in order for the root system to gain strength. The procedure is carried out early, when the first pair of leaves appears. After picking, you can notice that the seedlings have withered, but after two days the seedlings are restored. A solution of Epin and Humate restores seedlings faster.
  • It is recommended to pinch those bushes that have grown strongly.
  • A week before transplanting seedlings into the garden, hardening is carried out. Reduce watering, lower the air temperature, and it is useful to take the seedlings outside for a while.

Cucumber bushes do not tolerate transplantation well. It is most convenient to plant in separate peat pots, then the roots will not be damaged during replanting. Three days before transplanting, stop watering. The soil should dry out and stick to the roots of the plant. The sprout is planted in a pre-prepared hole in the garden bed along with a lump of earth. Cover with soil, compact and mulch.

How to properly water cucumber seedlings

Cucumbers are very picky about watering. Untimely watering can lead to wilting and drying out of the vines. Therefore, it is so important to water the seedlings correctly. Watering should be moderate; the soil should not be over-moistened, otherwise the seedlings will wither. The water should be warm (about 24 degrees), it is better to take it in advance to allow it to settle.

It is better to water newly emerged shoots with a spoon so that the soil does not wash away and expose the roots. For young sprouts, it is useful to use melted or filtered water. Regular water may contain harmful impurities.

If the cucumbers sprouted quickly, but after a week they began to dry out and turn yellow, in most cases this is due to a lack of moisture. The problem especially arises for those who spray instead of watering or water frequently, but in small portions.

To determine how often to water the beds, you need to take into account the composition of the soil, the temperature and humidity in the room, and the amount of sunlight. The soil should not dry out completely. You can deepen a wooden stick along the edge of the container. The soil should feel moist and loose to the touch. The seedlings will need to be watered approximately twice in a week. It is recommended to water seedlings that are receiving additional light more often.

The basic rule for watering cucumber seedlings is not only warm water. It is important to prevent it from getting on the leaves. Watering is carried out in the morning, no later than 11 o’clock.

There are rules for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse or greenhouse. When watering, water should not be poured under the roots. It is better to leave the soil around the root dry. Greenhouse seedlings are watered between the rows.

Why do cucumber seedlings disappear?

Why do cucumber seedlings disappear in a greenhouse? Firstly, the temperature regime and recommended air humidity may be violated. Secondly, the cause of plant death may be one of the diseases to which they are prone to be exposed.

In order to determine the exact cause, you need to know more information about what exactly is happening to them. Pay attention to whether they are affected by any insects; if so, then carry out the necessary treatment recommended in such cases.

The leaves of the plant will also tell you a lot: if they dry out, then they lack moisture; and if they rot or become covered with mucus or plaque, then most likely the air humidity in the greenhouse is increased. Measures should be taken after you find out the true cause of their death. 3. Disease and pests When pests are detected or infected with any disease, mandatory treatment of plants with appropriate solutions and preparations is necessary.

4. Yellowing of cotyledon leaves A clear sign of lack of light. Change the location of the seedlings.

What to do if the tomato seedlings turn yellow

As soon as you notice that cucumber seedlings are turning yellow, urgently inspect the plants to identify the cause and take action. There is no need to put it off until later; perhaps tomorrow it will be impossible to correct the situation.

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Cucumbers grown at the dacha are fragrant and healthy. They taste significantly different from vegetables bought in the supermarket. But growing healthy cucumbers is not so easy; the plant is susceptible to many diseases.

Often gardeners are faced with the problem that the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow. The problem begins when the second true leaf appears. The second leaves grow, and the first ones begin to change pigmentation.

Moreover, the issue may not be at all in the substrate in which the seedlings are planted. So why do cucumbers get sick at an early stage of development?

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

There can be several reasons for burning leaves, the main ones include:

  1. Lack of potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, manganese in the soil. Imbalance of nitrogen and potassium, the correct ratio of elements is 1 to 2. Excess nitrogen affects the pigmentation of foliage and can lead to ammonia poisoning. Insufficient watering affects the yellowing of seedlings in the same way as severe waterlogging. Temperature changes. If the temperature in the root zone drops below 17 degrees, then the plant is not able to accept micro and macro elements from the soil. At this temperature, even if all the useful elements are in the soil, they do not enter the stem. Poisoning by toxins. Some farmers place seedlings on foam boards. Yellowing can be caused by poisoning with chemical compounds released by the insulating layer, since the roots of the plant come into contact with it. When fertilizer gets on the foam, it can lead to the release of harmful substances, which is dangerous not only for the seedlings, but also for the crop. Seedlings can be cramped in a peat cup, so many summer residents immediately sow seeds in the ground. The roots need space and adequate nutrition. Yellowing of the leaves may indicate that it is time to replant the plant. Lack of light.
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Cucumber leaves turn yellow: what to do?

  • Balance the doses of fertilizers, do not exceed the ammonia content in the solution. If there is a lack of nitrogen, you need to fertilize the plant with Vermistim or Azogran. If you use a foam substrate, then cover it with film on top. If the seedlings grow on the balcony, you can use lighting.
  • Don't forget to monitor the microclimate. Cucumbers love water, so don't skimp on watering. However, remember that the plant needs to be watered only with warm water, at outside temperature. If you water the plant with cold water, diseases cannot be avoided. At the seedling stage, the plant is especially sensitive to potassium deficiency; if you do not monitor the development, the cucumbers will grow in an irregular shape. A nutrient solution based on complex fertilizers is best suited for cucumber seedlings. For example, Kemira Hydro.

But cucumber leaves turn yellow at the edges not only of seedlings, but also of adult plants. This may be due to the fact that the plant is fully mature. If the temperature is high in the summer and the cucumbers are poorly watered, then yellowing is a natural process.

Read also: Having listed the main reasons why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, let’s look at each of the listed problems in more detail.

Violation of agrotechnical conditions

Low temperatures and frosts

Cucumber, as you know, is a warm and moisture-loving plant. In the middle zone, especially at the end of May, so-called "return frosts" .

Cucumber seedlings planted under film covers or in greenhouses may not only turn yellow, but also stop growing and developing. To avoid cucumber leaves turning yellow in the greenhouse, it is necessary to additionally cover the planted plants with lutrasil or bubble wrap.

Many gardeners, in sub-zero temperatures and frosts, place plastic bottles with hot water under such shelter in order to maintain a normal temperature for the growth and development of cucumbers. Attention: It is important to remember that this plant prefers a temperature within +22+260C for its development. If the temperature drops below +140C, or above +420C, the plant stops its growth and development.

If the temperature is below -10C, the cucumber seedlings will die. Thus, in order to protect cucumbers planted in a greenhouse from frost and low temperatures, they should be additionally covered with a film placed on the arcs or with a special non-woven covering material such as lutrasil, agrotex or spandbond. This is what will help maintain an acceptable temperature for plants in the greenhouse.

Lack of mineral elements in the soil

Also, the reason why cucumber leaves turn yellow in a greenhouse may be a lack of minerals in the soil in which the plants were planted. As a rule, the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen.

Yellowing begins with the leaves having a lighter color, and then completely turning yellow, both the veins themselves and the entire space of the leaf between them. Subsequently, all the vines of the plant turn yellow.

Another sign indicating a nitrogen deficiency in the soil is the irregular, “hook-shaped” shape of the fruit. A lack of nitrogen in cucumbers can be caused by excessive application of wood ash, potash fertilizers or superphosphate. .

In order to avoid nitrogen deficiency in cucumbers, it is recommended that cucumber seedlings, a few days before planting in greenhouses, be fed with fertilizers and sprayed with a solution of microelements (see How to choose the right fertilizers for cucumbers in a greenhouse). When digging up a greenhouse in autumn and spring, it is necessary to add add rotted manure at the rate of two to three buckets per 1 m2. This will help avoid nitrogen starvation in plants.

If manure was not introduced during the digging process, then before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, you can add rotted mullein to the soil, and throughout the growing season, feed the plants with an aqueous solution of mullein or chicken droppings, as well as an infusion of herbs, which is also called “herbal tea." The application of mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen will also help eliminate the lack of nitrogen in the soil.

The leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in greenhouses and greenhouses even when too much mineral fertilizer is added to the soil. Before applying any fertilizer, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions on the package.

Insufficient watering

Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants and require both frequent watering and high humidity in the greenhouse or greenhouse where they are grown. However, watering these plants should be done only with warm and settled water.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow in a greenhouse both from watering with cold water and from insufficient water. At a time when active fruiting occurs, watering should be increased.

It is necessary to moisten the soil quite deeply, since it is the deep penetration of water that will contribute to the development of not only the surface, but also the deeper root system of plants. Irregular and insufficient watering will affect both the leaves themselves and the ovary and fruits of cucumbers.

Poor pollination

One of the reasons why cucumber ovaries turn yellow in a greenhouse may be poor pollination of flowering plants. This can happen due to the fact that only artificially pollinated plants were planted, as well as due to the lack of ventilation or access for insects to pollinate the plants (see How to attract bees to grow a good harvest).

In this case, you can use spraying with boric acid dissolved in water (5 grams per 10 liters of water), or drugs "Bud" or "Ovary". Natural methods include spraying with sweet water (one tablespoon of sand or honey dissolves in two liters of water), which will attract insects.

Next season, in the greenhouse in which you plan to plant cucumbers, plant dill or some honey plants, for example, borage, hyssop. These plants will be able to attract insects to the greenhouse, which will be able to pollinate the plants and promote the formation of normal ovaries.

Plant overload with ovaries

In the literature devoted to gardening and growing cucumbers in greenhouses, when asked why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, they answer that it is not advisable to leave more than 20-25 ovaries on one plant at a time. This is due to the fact that cucumbers develop quite quickly in greenhouse conditions. In many hybrid varieties, it is possible to form more than one hundred and fifty ovaries on one plant at a time.

It is necessary to pinch out new shoots in a timely manner to allow cucumbers to form and ripen normally. If excess shoots and ovaries have not been removed, the fruits may develop an unattractive shape, and cucumbers in the greenhouse may turn yellow.

Damage to plants by insects or fungal infections

So, let's figure out what insects and diseases can harm cucumbers, and how to deal with them (see Diseases of cucumbers in a greenhouse, causes and methods of treatment).

Fungal diseases

Fusarium wilt or fusarium is a fungal disease

This disease manifests itself as follows: cucumbers sprout normally and grow well, but as soon as the ovaries begin to appear, the leaves of the cucumbers in the greenhouse first turn yellow, after which the vines dry out. The fungus that causes this disease penetrates the plant and releases toxins that limit the supply of nutrients and trace elements to the leaves and stems.

The way to combat such fungal infection is to regularly change the varieties planted in the greenhouse, as well as partially replace the affected soil. Powdery mildew is also a fungal disease.

In this disease, the fungus blocks photosynthesis processes in the plant. First of all, small light spots appear on cucumber leaves, which gradually spread to the entire surface of the leaf.

On all leaves of the plant, a whitish or reddish coating is observed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. After which the leaves of the cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and dry out. To prevent the disease from visiting your greenhouse next season, you need to take a number of measures. First of all, when choosing cucumber varieties for the next season, pay attention to the resistance of a particular variety to powdery mildew, and also annually treat the soil in the greenhouse with potassium permanganate or green manure.

Downy mildew (pernosporosis)

The appearance of such a disease in greenhouses is facilitated by very densely planted plants, as well as excessive humidification of the air and soil in the greenhouse. The first signs of the development of downy mildew are the appearance of yellow and light spots on the leaves, which are limited by the veins.

Subsequently, the spots become oily and light yellow, and eventually turn brown. On the underside of the leaf blade, in those places where there are spots, a grayish-brown coating forms. If no measures are taken, the plant will die within a few days.

If cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow, root rot may also be the cause of this phenomenon. Plants at any stage of development can suffer from this disease.

The reason for such damage to cucumbers can be a significant difference in night and day temperatures, as well as watering the plants with cold and unsettled water. Weakened plants are the first to be affected, and then other plants become infected through the soil. In order to prevent plants from being affected by this disease, it is necessary to treat the root area with Previkur twice per season, according to the instructions.

Insect pests

melon aphid

This pest prefers to “infest” the underside of cucumber leaves and feeds on plant sap, which is why cucumbers turn yellow in greenhouses. The melon aphid poses a threat to cucumbers throughout the summer season.

Spider mite

This pest appears primarily on the inside of the cucumber leaf, where it weaves small webs. First, white or light yellow spots appear on the leaf, and then the leaves become completely covered with yellow spots and dry out. Throughout the warm days, spider mites multiply and if you do not fight them, for example, with the preparations “Akarin”, “Tsimbush”, “Fitoverm” and others, then you can lose all the plants in the greenhouse.

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​Perhaps you did not bury the seed in the soil and it cannot raise itself. The second option is that you did not disinfect the soil and the worms in it ate up the roots. It may be (if you have not checked the seeds for germination) that the seeds will be very weak and they do not have enough strength to rise. Try transplanting the seedlings into a different soil (deepening the weak sprout) and watering them with growth stimulants.​

Improper care

At this stage (when the plants are already falling), treatment is impossible. Therefore, remove all diseased plants without regret, and to try to save still healthy seedlings, do the following:​

​As soon as spring comes, many summer residents immediately go to their plots and begin to actively plant, water and fertilize various crops. All the warm months pass in such worries. And it is very disappointing if, instead of a rich harvest, a gardener receives vegetables, fruits and berries that have perished for one reason or another. Sometimes problems arise even before the crop is planted in the soil. This happens very often with tomatoes. Why the seedlings of these vegetables fall and how to cope with the problem under discussion is described below.​


​I had this happen after picking seedlings into other containers. The fact is that from seeds my seedlings grew in special, purchased soil, and when I planted them separately in cups, I was already using my own soil. I decided that it was the soil, because I could have overdone it with humus and the roots of the seedlings simply burned out.​ ​reduce watering, and most importantly, eliminate watering with cold water;​​– a fungal disease, fungal spores block the capillaries, and nutrients do not reach the plant. Toxins affect the plant at any stage of development, which leads to its death. To protect the next harvest of cucumbers from fusarium blight, change the soil and select other varieties.​

​Perhaps you were also affected by another soil, which cannot be corrected. In this case, the soil had to be steamed and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.​ ​spray the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;​ Downy mildew. ​

​Cucumber leaves turn yellow at the edges​​Seedlings can be crowded in a peat cup, so many summer residents immediately sow seeds in the ground. The roots need space and adequate nutrition. Yellowing of the leaves may indicate that it is time to replant the plant. I pour a bucket of this solution onto 4 cucumber bushes. I have 10-12 cucumber roots growing in my garden bed. I harvest in 1–3 days. I keep the soil in the garden bed free from weeds and in a loose state. I remove side shoots that bear fruit, yellow and diseased leaves. ​

Personal experience of growing cucumbers of the chairman of the Smolensk Gardener Club

I place the seeds in a damp cloth, close them in a jar and place them in a warm place, but not on the radiator. Cucumber seeds hatch early, so already on the second day I start checking and as soon as the seed has hatched, I sow it in a prepared glass with soil. I pour the soil into the cup to the middle, so that later, as the seedlings grow, add soil little by little until the cup is completely filled. This increases the root system.​

​Cucumber is an indispensable vegetable for the human body. The taste and aroma of fresh fruits is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who wouldn't love some crispy greens from the garden! Lightly salted and pickled cucumbers are good. Cucumber is a popular favorite, so it has been grown everywhere for a long time. Monuments were erected to the glory of the cucumber in the city of Lukhovitsy, Moscow region; Nezhin near Kyiv; Stary Oskol; Cherkassk, Shklov, Belarus. And this is not only a memory of the national Russian snack, but respect for the “green breadwinner” who helped people survive during the difficult years of change in our country.​

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

​it will be enough to transplant the tomato seedlings into new healthy soil​

Preparing the soil for cucumbers

​All these simple rules will help not only prevent seedlings from falling, but also combat an existing problem.​

Early harvest of cucumbers through seedlings

Every owner of a summer cottage should know the basic rules for caring for tomato seedlings. They are the ones who will protect the future harvest from destruction.​

​But the reason may also be excessive watering or cold near the window. In this case, some seedlings can be saved if you water less often and change the place.​

Preparation of soil for seedlings

​Pour dry sand into the planting containers - this will dry out the soil;​

Leaves affected by the fungus turn yellow and curl. Since the disease affects cucumbers from July, treatment of the plant should begin at the end of June. Bordeaux mixture, "Kuproksat" - the first part of preventive and therapeutic measures, the use of "Acrobat", the drug "Bravo" - the second stage of the treatment of pernosporosis. It is best to choose cucumber varieties that are resistant to the disease.​

Germinating cucumber seeds

​Lack of light.​

​Cucumber seedlings reach a height of 25–30 cm by the time they are planted in the greenhouse.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

​From a rich assortment of different varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, we choose early and very early hybrid varieties. The main requirement is that cucumbers have high yields, even fruits and a long fruiting period. But such varieties require increased attention and systematic feeding.

​Errors in care are quite easy to eliminate, but dealing with diseases of seedlings is usually much more difficult. The reason for their occurrence may be, for example,

Tomato seedlings love moisture. But with too much water, the roots can “suffocate.” Especially if the drainage holes in the container are clogged or simply turned out to be too small. In this case, the roots and leaves of the plant wither and as a result the seedling falls. To determine this reason,

​If it is a black leg, you can try to sprinkle sand or ash around the stem (this will allow water to pass through the top layer of soil faster) and water it better in the morning, with water at room temperature.​

​This can be for several reasons, but the main reason is the so-called “black leg”. It appears when the seedlings are overwatered, and rotting appears close to the ground; the rest of the plant is good and resilient. If this happens, then such seedlings cannot be saved; to prevent this from happening to the rest of the seedlings, the ground must be sprinkled with a little ash or sand on top. And in the future, do not overfill.

The melon aphid sucks out all the juices from the seedlings, so the leaves of the cucumbers on the windowsill turn yellow.

Leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow | L.S.

​Cucumbers grown in the country are fragrant and healthy. They taste significantly different from vegetables bought in the supermarket. But growing healthy cucumbers is not so easy; the plant is susceptible to many diseases. Summer residents often face the problem that the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow.​

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

​In early April, I stretch the film over the greenhouse so that the soil warms up faster. We plant the plants in the garden bed until May 9.​

  1. ​Growing cucumbers, we came to the conclusion that in our climatic conditions with fairly cool summers, an early, consistently high, long-lasting and reliable harvest of cucumbers can only be obtained in greenhouses under film. Since 1993, we have been growing cucumbers only in a closed greenhouse. Our greenhouse is made of wood, the walls are glass frames, the top (roof) is covered with 150 mm of stabilized Desnogorsk film. Dimensions of the greenhouse: length - 5 m, width - 2.5 m, height - 2.7 m. The width of the beds is 70 cm, the passage between them is more than 1 m, this allows you to conveniently care for plants.​
  2. ​It is also very important to disinfect the box or any other container in which it will be planted.​
  3. ​poor quality soil or pests​
  4. ​you will need to stop watering and evaluate the condition of the soil several times after a certain period of time​
  5. ​Most likely your seedlings were affected by the “black leg”. This is a very dangerous disease that can destroy all seedlings. There are many reasons for its occurrence. This includes bad soil, not disinfected, excessive watering of plants, low temperature. If there are still plants that have not fallen, then they must be urgently transplanted into another soil and into another container. It’s good to add sand and sifted wood ash to the ground, water moderately, let the ground dry out a little. If this doesn't help. then contact your friends who grow seedlings. Typically gardeners plant more plants and at this stage of growing there are usually extra plants.​
  6. ​This also happens when there is an animal at home that either accidentally walked through the seedlings or, like our cat, just likes to lie on the seedlings. In this case, the seedlings will rise on their own, you will just need to poke sticks in the future so that this lying down does not happen again.
​Spider mite. ​

Cucumber leaves turn yellow: what to do?

  • ​Powdery mildew.​
  • ​Balance the doses of fertilizers, do not exceed the ammonia content in the solution. If there is a lack of nitrogen, you need to fertilize the plant with Vermistim or Azogran.​
  • ​The problem begins when the second true leaf appears. The second leaves grow, and the first ones begin to change pigmentation. Moreover, the issue may not be at all in the substrate in which the seedlings are planted. So why do cucumbers get sick at an early stage of development?​
  • ​As I already noted, our greenhouse is high, so we grow cucumbers on trellises. The height of the trellis is more than 2 m. When the plants reach a height of 50 cm, I tie them to the trellis using nylon thread. I attach the lower end of the thread to a staple of 7 mm wire stuck into the ground, and attach the upper end to a hook on the trellis.
  • Every year in the fall I remove the top layer of soil in the greenhouse (about 10 cm) and take it out into the garden. Then, in the center of the bed, I dig a trench 45–50 cm deep and 30–35 cm wide. I put manure in it, compacting it so that a layer of 20–25 cm is obtained. Such a trench takes 30 or more buckets of manure. In the spring I cultivate the soil with a walk-behind tractor. Before cultivation, I add 3-4 handfuls of azofoska, the same amount of superphosphate and 3-4 liters of wood ash to the bed.

​If you do not pay attention to stagnation of water in the container for a long time and excessive watering of tomato seedlings, this can lead to the appearance of such a dangerous disease as “Black Leg”. It is very easy to detect - the seedling will quickly begin to darken and wither along the entire trunk, starting from the bottom. At the first stage, the roots look completely healthy, and then they also begin to rot and change color. To protect your seedlings from the disease under discussion,

​. This is why it is so important to pre-prepare all materials for planting, including disinfecting and disinfecting the seedling soil (this can be done by calcining it in the oven or treating it with a solution of potassium permanganate). The most dangerous diseases for tomato seedlings are Fusarium and Blackleg. If there is a problem, the soil will remain wet despite stopping watering. But eliminating it is quite simple. It will be necessary to temporarily reduce the amount of watering, as well as clean the drainage holes and, if necessary, enlarge them.​ ​This may be a manifestation of a disease in the plant, as described above, blackleg. Caused by overwatering. As you know, tomatoes love water, like all plants, but you shouldn’t overwater them.​

Seedling. Why do tomato seedlings fall (cm)?

​It's hard to say with what we have. Write a healthy seedling, and the so-called “black leg” disease would be determined by its appearance. I will not say what is right or wrong. I will write what I see from the photograph. The seedling is too pale and elongated. Lack of light is visible. It's on the windowsill, but not in the light. Perhaps they just covered it from the sun's rays. While this is not necessary, the sun will begin to burn around mid-April. And now it is still missing. The stem and processes of cotyledon leaves should be: dark, almost purple, lower and thicker. The plant stretches out at night, so it needs additional lighting. This is what can be determined from the photo.​


​This does not happen to everyone and the picture looks like this: the seedling is intact (not even wilted), but just lies there as if it had been cut down.​

​Root rot. ​

​If the seedlings grow on the balcony, then you can use lighting.​

Lack of potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, manganese in the soil. Imbalance of nitrogen and potassium, the correct ratio of elements is 1 to 2. Excess nitrogen affects the pigmentation of foliage and can lead to ammonia poisoning.​

At the same time, I remove damaged leaves and harvest. In order not to weaken the development of the main stem, at the beginning of the growing season, I remove several lower side shoots (6-7 shoots).

To get an early harvest of cucumbers, I start growing seedlings on April 10-15. For seedlings, I make cups from polyethylene (12 cm in height and 8 cm in diameter). This volume of soil is enough to grow strong and healthy seedlings.​


​contaminated soil​

​Loves the seedlings of the crop under discussion and warmth. But if it is close to, for example, a battery or other similar objects, it may begin to fade and fall. The cause is too dry air in the room. In this case, the roots of the seedling will look completely healthy. To stop the destructive process,


The reason may also be a lack of watering if you use spraying. From above the soil seems wet, but inside there is a dry lump and the plant does not feed. The seeds were sown early (January, February, first ten days of March). Seeds planted in mid-March grow better and will always catch up with those previously planted. If they were planted, they could damage the roots and leave voids at the roots. There is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. There is a radiator under the windowsill and the air is hot for tomatoes. They need cool ventilation (there is no possibility to move them, ventilate the room). We sprouted seeds with growth stimulants, but now the plant does not have enough substances in the soil. On the contrary, they overfed the plant. Fungal diseases and pests can all be the cause. But, as can be seen from the photo, it is described in the first paragraph.​


​Inspect carefully the place where the plant broke. If you see that the stem in this place has decreased in thickness and shrunk, it means the plant has a disease called “black leg.”


The cause of the disease can be changes in day and night temperatures, watering the plants with cold water. Affects weak seedlings. Prevention is by treating the roots with Previkur. Treatment takes place in two stages with an interval of 2 weeks.​

Quite unexpectedly, brown spots formed in the lower part of the stems of several cucumber plants, right near the roots; literally after four days they connected, and the stem began to rot. I removed almost all such plants from the site, leaving only a few to see what would happen next. The following happened - the apical leaves withered, then turned yellow and dried out, the plants died. What is this? Maybe a nematode? Is it even possible to save such plants?
Answered by N.V. Khromov, Ph.D. biol. Sciences

Hello, no, this is not a nematode, this is cucumber root rot. It is noteworthy that cucumber plants are actually affected by root rot unexpectedly and at the most important moment of their development. Usually visible to the naked eye, the symptoms of this disease become noticeable when it is already late, that is, at the beginning of fruiting. The whole danger of root rot lies in the timing of its appearance. They develop very actively during periods of active growth of cucumber plants and their fruiting. Under the influence of rot, plants become greatly weakened and other fungal and bacterial diseases, the beginnings of which may be in the soil, begin to overcome them. Root rot develops most actively when cucumbers have been growing in the same place for several years. Over the years, the risk of a sudden outbreak of this disease increases significantly.
Quite often, outbreaks of root rot can be observed on acidic and dense soils, on soils that, due to unfavorable weather conditions, cool to 12-14 degrees or, on the contrary, overheat when the temperature rises above 28 degrees. Over-watering can also cause root rot, especially if the water is cold.
When the very first signs of root rot appear, you need to take action immediately and not rush to destroy the plants. Sometimes young cucumber plants can be saved by simply adding a small layer of fertile soil to the stems. Plants form a new root system and begin to live off it.
If the cucumber plants are already quite mature, then you can remove all the lower leaves of the stem, let the cut areas dry, then lay the stem on the ground, either straight or curled into a ring, and add moist, fertile soil. After ten days, additional roots should form on the stem, after which you can add a little more soil, covering these roots, and the plant will continue to develop fully.
However, the methods described above are applicable only if the disease was detected at the very beginning of its development. If the disease is already in an advanced stage, then the best option is really to dig up the diseased plants along with the soil, and pour fresh substrate into the hole. This way you will prevent the disease from spreading to still healthy plants.
But of course, prevention is better than treatment. And it should start from seeds. Try not to take untested seeds for sowing; choose varieties that are resistant to diseases, especially if you plan to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, where diseases spread with lightning speed.
Be sure to follow the rule, which stipulates that the cucumber should be returned to its original place no earlier than after three years. In an open area, crop rotation is, of course, much easier to maintain, but if we are talking about a greenhouse, then there are more difficulties. But there is a way out of this situation - you need to change the soil in the greenhouse approximately every two years. There is no point in changing the entire soil; it is enough to remove the soil to a depth of about ten centimeters, because the disease persists in the soil only in a layer of this thickness. After replacing the soil, stimulate the development of beneficial microflora by adding well-rotted manure to the soil; this is most conveniently done while digging the soil, simply scattering humus over the surface of the substrate.
Don’t forget about traditional methods of prevention - it’s very useful to spray with nettle tincture. It’s very simple to prepare, just chop the nettles (before flowering), chop them well, put them in a plastic bucket, fill them to the top, fill them with water, cover them with a lid and place them in a sunny place. To make the infusion stronger, the nettles in the bucket need to be stirred with a stick every day for a week. Usually, nettle produces bubbles, so as soon as their production stops, the infusion will be considered ready. Usually this liquid smells very unpleasant, so that this does not affect the quality of the cucumber fruit, the infusion must be diluted ten times. This infusion is suitable for cultivating soil not only in a greenhouse, but also in an open area.
In general, when it comes to greenhouses, slightly different laws apply there. You can often get rid of the appearance of root rot by simply ventilating it, but in no case should you allow drafts, when a stream of cold air suddenly rushes into a hot greenhouse. It’s great if there is a constant flow of air in the greenhouse, which does not cool the plants, but also does not allow a tropical “bath” climate to form in it.
Don’t forget to look at cucumber plants every morning, or at least once every two to three days, this is the optimal period of time when you can detect the disease in the initial stage and have time to fight it, or remove the diseased plant before it infects healthy ones.
Maximum attention will have to be paid to cucumber plants in August, when rot most often appears on them. Try to constantly remove all the lower leaves and side shoots that the plant no longer needs, this will make it easier for fresh air to pass over the surface of the soil, refreshing the plants.
During this period, do not flood the plants under any circumstances; on the contrary, try to water them less often, only in the morning and only if the day promises to be fine. Don’t forget about mulching the top layer of soil; this is a simple step, but very important for plant health.