
What does the project look like on paper? What does a completed house project look like on paper?

All about roses


Steps from "A" to "Z" for beginners and experienced

Project: a set of planned actions taken to solve the problem of a specific target group, limited in time and resources, with specific results.

Social project: a program of real action, the goal of which is aimed at solving a pressing social problem in society, and the objectives are for positive results and changes in society.

Basic requirements that the project must meet:

relevance– the reason, the basis for the implementation of the project must correspond to the requirements of the time, a separate target group or other aspects that explain the emergence of the project idea;

time– the project must be limited in time;

resources– the project must have a clear description of the needs;

quality and results assessment– the scale for assessing the effectiveness of the project is determined in accordance with your goals, but the results you strive for must be clear, amenable to analysis and comprehension.

Projects can be simple and complex, short-term and long-term, with a limited and substantial budget, risky and with completely manageable risks, with different results. In any case, the project is aimed at solving a specific problem. The project must be systematic, logical and adequate, that is, each section must correspond to all the others (tasks must correspond to the goal, the mechanism must correspond to the goals and objectives, the budget must correspond to the goals, objectives and mechanism, etc.).

How to write and format a project? Steps from "A" to "Z"

Step #1: Decide on an idea, analyze the problem.

What would you like to change?

What and in what way (in the most general terms) would you like to achieve?

What problem do you want to solve?

You wrote down the answer → moved on to defining the scope of the project activity, defining the problem you will work on.
Analyzed the problem → determined what you want to change → a project idea arose → move on to detailing and describing the project.

Step #2: Write the goal of the project.

Target- a general description of the expected results and expectations, the highest point of achievement that the organization strives for during the implementation of the project. A goal is a course of action to achieve the desired result.

The goal should be formulated in such a way that its achievement completely solves the problem that has arisen. The formulation of the goal should be based on the formulation of the problem. We can say that the goal is the problem in reverse.

Ask questions for the purpose of your project:

Is there an exact expression of what exactly should be the outcome of the project?

Will we be able to see and measure the results of the project as a whole and its individual parts?

Is the goal realistic? Is it possible to achieve the stated goal given the available resources?

What benefits or benefits will be obtained as a result of achieving the goal by the project team and other stakeholders?

Step #3: Write the project objectives.

Project objectives- these are specific steps that need to be taken to change the existing situation for the better, these are steps to achieve the goal.

INimportant to remember! There can be several tasks, all tasks are steps towards achieving a goal, interconnected and related to the goal of the project.

Use verbs. For example, if you need to build a house, then the tasks will be: laying a foundation, erecting walls, building a roof, installing communications, doing interior decoration, etc.

Check. Objectives must completely cover the solution to the problem (the set goal).

Analyze. Tasks must be effective (as a result, changes after the project consist of specific results).

Step #4: Check the goal and objectives according to the smart criterion.

We look at our goal and objectives, check them according to the SMART criterion, and adjust them if necessary.





Time bound

For example: Goal: “Construction of a house” - can be specified according to the SMART criterion as follows: “Construction and commissioning of a 2-story, 6-apartment building for families of young professionals in the village of Vychegda by the second quarter of 2014.”

Step #5. We build a logical chain of actions from tasks.

We have determined the goal and objectives → Let’s start planning: how it will all happen.

From each task we build a logical chain of actions: how we will achieve the result. Sometimes it helps to draw the entire chain of actions and tasks in order to understand the logic of the project in each direction.

For example, if we are talking about building a house for the families of young professionals, then our task blocks may be related to:

directly by construction

agreements with government authorities

with working with the target audience – families of young professionals

working with the press on PR of the project and the event in general.

This logical chain will help us write a project schedule in its logical sequence.

Step No. 6. We write an action plan, a work schedule.

The plan determines the order in which all work will be performed: it describes what, who will do it and when, in a logical sequence + makes it clear what resources are needed. When planning, you can use various forms, schedules, plans.

For example: Project implementation plan. Example No. 1

Project implementation plan. Example No. 2

Project implementation plan. Example No. 3

It will also be useful to make a network plan - schedule.

Step #7. We calculate how much our project will cost.

Each stage of project implementation requires a certain expenditure of funds and resources:

how much money is required to implement the project? What will they be spent on?

From what sources is the money expected to be received? Grants, subsidies, sponsorships, etc.?

This section of the project must relate very closely to other sections of the project, especially the implementation mechanism and project schedule.

Possible cost estimate for the project:

Name of items and expenses

Cost calculation

Financial costs for the project

Available funds

Requested funds

The “budget” (estimate) must be itemized.

Main expenses:

rental of premises and utility payments

travel and transportation expenses


communication and communication

holding special events

publishing costs


and other direct costs that directly go to your project.

"Other expenses"- this is an optional item that is included in the budget if there are expenses that are not reflected in other items. This article must be especially carefully argued.

"Salary"- includes direct wages of project personnel and specialists hired temporarily under a contract, as well as “Income tax accruals” - 35.8% of the total wage fund for personnel and attracted specialists.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the last three columns in the budget table: “available funds”, “requested funds”, “total”. The “available funds” column should indicate the funds that you and your organization are investing in the implementation of the project. For example: the involvement of volunteers as staff or external specialists must be reflected in the budget item “salaries” in the “available” column, and the amount will correspond to the costs that the organization would have incurred if paid employees had participated in the project implementation instead of volunteers specialists.

If the organization, you or sponsors provide any office equipment for the implementation of the project, then in the “available” column it is worth indicating its approximate cost, taking into account its service life.

In the “required” column, it remains to indicate the amount of funds that the organization lacks to implement the project.

Step #8. We write the results.

When drawing up an action plan and calculating a budget, we may realize that the results may be even greater than we planned. It is important that our results correspond to the purpose of the project.

In a project, the results can be written down in text; here we suggest you fill out a worksheet to determine the results:

Quantitative result(what will be done?) - records the number of services provided, participants in events, recipients of specific assistance, number of books published, etc.

Quality result(what will change?) - should reflect the positive changes that will occur as a result of events, provision of services, etc.

Efficiency- Are the results obtained commensurate with the efforts expended?

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a project are results that demonstrate how well the developers understand what they are striving for and how they will achieve it.

Step #9. we draw up the project.

A completed project usually contains the following sections:

Brief summary of the project: briefly describe your idea (3-5 sentences), goals, results (no more than 1 A4 sheet, 12-14 font)

Detailed description of the project:

The relevance of the problem, why your project is important and necessary.

Goals and objectives of the project.

Target group of the project: who is your project intended for, for whom are you doing it.

Project implementation mechanism: stages, substantive activities, events, etc.

Schedule plan for project implementation (remember about visibility, schedules are welcome).

Budget (estimate).

Specific expected results (quantitative and qualitative), criteria and methods for evaluating results, the effect of the project in the long term.

Possible further development of the project, if anticipated.

applications (photo materials, diagrams, sketches, etc.)

The design of the project text is as important as its content. Use large font (at least 12 font) and one and a half spacing. Highlight the main points, structure the text to make it easier to read, use headings and subheadings, bold fonts and underlining, bulleted lists, etc.

If you need to make a presentation:

for each section no more than 1-2 slides;

the font should be as large as possible and readable even from afar, the title and text of the presentation slides should be printed in the same font, it is recommended to use a font size of at least 20 in the presentation;

when using a light background, the font should be black or a very dark shade of other colors (brown, blue); when using a dark background color, the font is white;

More recently, an affordable house project could only be found in albums of standard drawings. All these buildings were of the same type and faceless. Not every person could build according to such projects, because for this it was necessary to have at least some construction education and be able to understand drawings and technical terms.

We want to revolutionize the world of design and construction. Now almost anyone who wants to build a house with their own hands can receive a complete project of such a structure with a detailed description of all stages of construction. We will describe each stage in such detail and completeness that even a person who is not very well versed in construction will be able to make their dream home come true.

General information about the house

The affordable house project is presented in the form of a one-story house with two side verandas. The foundations are made in the form of a continuous reinforced concrete monolithic strip. The outer walls of the house are designed from porous POROTHERM 51 blocks, and the walls of the veranda are made of wooden beams with additional insulation using hard mineral wool slabs. All internal walls are built from clay solid bricks. The roof of the house is designed as a simple gable roof with a load-bearing frame made of a wooden rafter structure.

As for the exterior decoration, the house design involves using decorative plaster as wall cladding, followed by painting it with façade paints. The finishing of the plinth is decorative plinth tiles. The covering of the verandas and gable of the house can be made of siding or clapboard for outdoor use. The choice of roofing depends on your preference. This can be metal tiles, corrugated sheets, or flexible bitumen shingles. However, it is worth remembering that if flexible roofing materials are used, it is necessary to install a continuous sheathing along the rafters.


Part 1

Project selection

    Get started early. You should always start completing a task immediately after receiving it. It’s not for nothing that your teacher spent so much time on it; this is exactly how much you will need to successfully implement the project. Start making a plan right away so that you can accomplish everything you have planned. This way you will save yourself from sleepless nights before submitting the project.

    Check out the assignment. It contains a detailed description of the task at hand. Abstract from everything extraneous and carefully read the task. If your teacher has not already done this, break the project down into its components so that you understand exactly what is expected of you.

    • For example, you might receive the following assignment: “Make a presentation on the topic of the American Civil War. You can choose one battle, idea, speech, turning point, or focus on the war as a whole. Don’t forget about important dates and characters.”
    • Such a project can be divided into several parts: 1) A visual representation of the Civil War. 2) The central theme of the project. 3) Important dates. 4) Key players.
  1. Development of ideas. Brainstorming allows you to put your ideas on paper. Typically, a person writes down thoughts that come to mind and makes connections between them to start the creative process. This practice helps you focus on the idea you want, as well as think about things that haven't occurred to you yet. There are a number of effective techniques that can be used during the brainstorming process.

    Choose a topic. Resist the possible urge to take on a large topic (for example, cover the entire Civil War) and try to narrow the issue covered. This way you won't drown in a sea of ​​facts and details.

    Choose how to present your project. This article is based on a presentation example, so it's important to decide how your ideas will be displayed. If you have selected several important events, you can use a time diagram. If your work is based on geographic aspects (for example, battles), then you can develop a detailed map. The presentation should be built around a central idea.

    • How about a 3D view? You can try to create a 3D battle map showing the movement of troops.
    • You can also try making papier-mâché sculptures. You can even make Abraham Lincoln and tell your story using his quotes.

Part 2

Work plan
  1. Make a sketch. Once you've decided how to implement the project, it's time to sketch it out. You will need an outline and a visual presentation of each item. Also decide on the information content of the project, which will require research work. Make notes on the information you need.

    • Start with the central topic you want to cover. If it's the Gettysburg Address, put it in the title at the top of the paper.
    • Next, divide the central topic into subsections. You can call them “Historical background”, “Place of utterance” and “Influence on the course of the war”.
    • Under each subsection, list the key points. For example, under “Historical Background” you might write the date, the battle that preceded it, and the reasons that prompted Lincoln to give his speech.
  2. Make a list of the materials you need. Before you begin, you should have a list of supplies on hand, ranging from research materials to art supplies. Group them by location - home, library and store.

    Organize your time. The project must consist of subtasks. Divide your assignment into manageable chunks: “collecting materials,” “talking information,” “writing,” “artwork,” and “final assembly.”

    Gather everything you need. Take the time to collect all the necessary materials in one place. If you need to go to the store, ask your parents to give you a ride. Gather all materials from the project location.

Part 3

Collection of information

    Identify the necessary sources of information. What sources would you prefer to use? Thus, for a history project, books and scientific articles are best suited. You can also read articles in newspapers to feel the spirit of that time, as well as read personal correspondence of famous figures.

    Determine the required number of sources. When doing a comprehensive project in high school, you will need more sources than you would for a middle school student. In the first case, you should use at least eight to ten sources, while in the second you can get by with one or two books.

    Visit the library. The librarian will be your guide through the available materials. For example, you can use a general catalog to search for books. To search for scientific articles, you will need a specialized database, which is located in another tab.

    We cut off the excess. Having collected a significant amount of materials, they should be sorted and only the really important ones should be left. Some articles or books may only indirectly relate to your topic and without them your work will lose nothing.

    Take notes and cite sources. Always take notes on the topic. Do not lose important details, but try to express the idea in your own words. When writing notes, it is important to indicate the bibliographic information of the source used.

Part 4

Completion of the project

    Write the text. Your project will include text introducing the ideas covered. Indicate where the text will appear on your sketch. To write the text, use the collected materials, while formulating your thoughts in your own words. Also, be sure to cite sources so that it is clear where specific information came from.

    Draw or sketch your project. If you have an art project in mind, start by drawing or sketching individual parts. When using a material like papier-mâché, start creating sculptural compositions. To complete a computer presentation, start by creating the necessary documents or collecting images.

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it can rightfully be considered any creative or design work. How is the project title page prepared? Let's try to find an answer to the question posed.

Home page requirements

First you need to select the font size. Depending on the purpose of the project and its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The font used is usually Times New Roman, size 16. The main text is located in the center of the page. The rules for designing a project require posting the full name of the educational institution (organization). An important point is setting the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a particular project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically or configured manually.


The classic option is considered to be the upper and lower parameters of twenty mm, the indent on the right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. Enlargement on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to a binder.

Next, the cursor is placed in the middle of the page, the font size is changed from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the title of the work without quotes and periods, using font size 28.

Having retreated about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as about his supervisor.

The last line of the title page is reserved for indicating the year the work was completed. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances in the design of the title page are allowed.

Headings in the project

Project design requirements require that headings be written in bold font. It is printed with a capital letter and there is no period at the end of the sentence. Please note that hyphenation of words in the headings of individual chapters of the project work is not allowed. Between the main text and the section title you need to indent two spaces.

Designing a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. Chapters are numbered in Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they contain additional items, triple numbering in Arabic numerals is used.

Using abbreviations in design

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when indicating a literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person’s last name.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding of each symbol.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. First, the reference list is indicated, after which appendices are placed on separate sheets. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, Appendix 1), then its name.


Accompanied by the number of each sheet. It is not placed on the first sheet, so the numbering starts from the table of contents. The classic option is to place the number at the center at the bottom of the page.

There should be no additional decorations: frames, font changes, underlining, or different colors when designing the design work. Authors often make mistakes in this requirement.

Features of the school project

We will give an example of the design of the project below, first we will dwell on some features of school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements that apply to scientific and design adult work. The main sheet indicates the name of the school, as well as information about the consulting teacher under whose leadership the project was made. The main text contains references to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, numbered, and named.

Example of table of contents design

1. Introduction. Page 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics of a gasoline engine. Page 4

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. Page 5

2.1.2 The influence of exhaust gases (CO/CH) on the environment and human health. Page 5

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. Page 5-6

2.2.1 Advantages of an electric motor. Page 6

2.2.2 Environmental characteristics of the electric motor. Page 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. Page 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. Page 10-11

5. Bibliographic list. Page 12

6. Applications.

Appendix 6.1. Appearance of a gasoline engine. Page 13

Appendix 2. Appearance of the electric motor. Page 14

Example of project abstracts

In addition to the project work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content using abstracts. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for the abstract. We offer a version of theses for a school project.

We will demonstrate a version of the work on the topic: “The influence of temperament on the choice of profession in adolescence.” The title must include all information about the author:

  • last name, first name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • data about the scientific supervisor is similarly specified;
  • Do not forget that the organization where its demonstration or defense will take place is published on the main page of the project.

It is imperative to demonstrate the relevance of the work. Using the example of the given topic, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in modern schools. Many guys want to obtain in-demand specialties, regardless of their interest, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but cannot succeed in it or realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. It will help children make the right choice of their future profession.

The final one is also stated. Alternatively, it can be formulated as follows: “A study of the relationship between temperament and the choice of profession among school students.”

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

Study the history of the doctrine of types of temperament;

Familiarize yourself with the methods of studying temperament types;

Identify and justify the influence of temperament on professional choice;

Study the types of temperament in students;

To establish the relationship between a certain type of students’ temperament and the professions and types of professional activities they choose;

Inform the school psychologist, class teacher, teachers and parents about the results obtained.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and special literature, observation, individual testing of experiment participants, statistical and comparative analysis of the data obtained are among the methods of performing work.

It is imperative to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its outcome. The formulation may look like a comparative analysis of testing that showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and the propensity for certain professional areas. This is especially important if the author was able to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of future profession.

The conclusion and possible ways of development are the final part of the entire project. This section describes the result of the experiment. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​​​the scope of one’s inclinations and interests, in adolescence one can make the right choice of a future specialty. This will avoid disappointments in adult life. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, and together make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First, you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to reviewers. Next, the main goal of the project is set and its tasks are determined.

The next stage involves a review of literature sources on the problem that will be considered in the project. The most difficult part of a creative project is the experimental one. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions and analysis of the feasibility of implementing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the rules for the design of which were presented above. For technical work, various drawings and diagrams will serve as numbered applications, and for a creative project you can use colorful photographs, drawings, and layouts.

A cross-section of a frame house using the example of the KD-29 project, a diagram and technology for constructing a frame house are given. Almost all projects have this design. This circuit has proven itself to be reliable, but simple and easy to assemble. The entire weight of the roof falls on the central and side non-gable walls, which rest on the foundation. The second floor is assembled from the ceiling of the second floor. You can clearly see the stages of construction by downloading instructions for building a frame house.

Brief plan of foundation parts

A set of working diagrams and components for the project contains: dimensions of installation sites for anchors, vents and fittings, technology and method for economical assembly of formwork for its subsequent use for frame posts and strapping.

Frame house wall

A set of working diagrams and components for the project includes: dimensions before the start of the racks on both sides in cm, including test dimensions between the racks, installation locations of the jibs, dimensions of the window/door opening and its reinforcement, sequence plans and installation locations of OSB sheets (OSB) outside, also all plans, where necessary, contain a completion list, comments and technology for connecting racks in the corners, using warm corner technology, and a diagram of the connection of internal walls. Please note that we specifically abandoned the GOST design of drawings in order to remove unnecessary headings and signatures, and make drawings on the entire page. Also, they are made in color and in centimeters, for ease of work during construction.

Frame house pediment

A set of working diagrams and components for the project includes: dimensions before the start of the racks in cm and roof sheathing, height of the racks, including test dimensions between them, window installation locations, window dimensions and its reinforcements, sequence plans and installation locations of OSB sheets (OSB) outside, also, all plans contain comments and technology for laying out Ondulin fastenings, sheathing, overhangs and steam-wind protection devices (roofing cake).

Comparison: Regular drawing and our drawings

For convenience and speed of work, we did not, as everyone else does, make a separate picking list for the entire house, since working on it is extremely inconvenient. Imagine how to assemble a house if, in order to assemble a partition that is only a meter or two long, you have to look for its completeness in a book of almost a hundred! sheets. So that you do not have such problems, we have indicated all the necessary materials and their exact dimensions directly on the page where the object that you will be collecting now is drawn, you will not have to spend a lot of time finding and calculating what you need you need, everything is indicated in the diagram - simple and convenient. In any case, there is also an additional estimate for the project.

Knots: Fastening and marking diagrams

Each of our projects comes not only with drawings and diagrams, descriptions and explanations, but of course also with components, this greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of proper construction. Below is the first page of nodes and the marking diagram from the KD-1 project. Since this is a small house project, the nodes fit on two pages. The first is the main components and the wall assembly diagram with an explanation of the markings. The second page in the project is the nodes of the internal partitions, the diagram and method of cutting in the jibs, the diagram and method of quick marking. And also, on the second page the method and method of insulating the ceiling between floors, the floor of the first floor, etc. are shown.

All our projects have many advantages:

1. Projects are developed according to the size of materials from the store, so that you have to cut as little as possible and there are no scraps left.

2. Also, even at the preliminary design stage, OSB boards were selected, taking into account the most popular sizes, which are most often available in the warehouse of the construction base.

3. The roof is the simplest to make - gable. This means you don’t have to cut Ondulin or metal tiles to form valleys. There are no additional roofing elements that will increase the cost of the roof, and also, there are no potentially dangerous places that could leak.

4. All projects are made according to zoning: Zone 2, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, which is suitable for their construction according to snow and wind loads in most of Russia.

5. Usually a rectangular house. This is the most energy efficient and comfortable form of home.

6. All houses are quite simple to construct, thanks to the absence of unnecessary wall projections.

7. All dimensions are indicated in centimeters and have original drawings and diagrams.

8. There are no expensive glued or I-beams in the house designs.

9. The dimensions of the house are selected for maximum savings in building materials.

10. The risers are usually collected in one place with ventilation.

11. Convenient stairs.

Since we cannot place all the drawings and plans on one page, by going to the section, Our offer we can offer you free estimates for calculating how much a house will cost you at prices in your region, all plans, drawings and technologies with what and how it is done and why. A total of more than 100 pages of color drawings, descriptions and comments for convenience, speed and quality of work.

A ready-made working project for a house is a complete set of documents that allows you to build a turnkey residential building. This includes detailed information about technical and architectural features, a list of necessary materials, and cost estimates.

You can buy a finished project or order an individual architectural design on the website:

How to design a house

The initial stage is to clarify the customer’s preferences and wishes, familiarize him with the available ready-made house designs and record the main points. After this, work begins on creating a preliminary design of the house.

A preliminary design is the development of a general concept for a future building: its style, functional layout, convenient placement of all necessary equipment. At this stage, the customer is provided with a 3D visualization of the house:

  • possible color solutions for the facade;
  • floor plans;
  • roofing options;
  • location of window and door openings, stairs, balconies.

The preliminary design outlines the order of further actions and the main technical characteristics and indicators.

When the preliminary design is ready, it’s time to begin conducting a geodetic survey of the site and soil analysis. The subsequent creation of a detailed design is based on data received from surveyors.

The working design is created taking into account the soil characteristics of the given site and specific types of building materials agreed upon with the owners of the future home. Their number is calculated without taking into account the error or the so-called “human factor”. As a result, real expenses increase by 12-15 percent.

How to choose the most suitable project

  • When choosing a project, base it on personal preferences and your own convenience. “Fashionability” of design is far from the main selection criterion.
  • Do not forget that the presence of additional architectural elements: bay windows, balconies, complex facade solutions will significantly increase construction costs.
  • The number of rooms needed in the house and their functional load are determined taking into account the lifestyle and preferences of all family members. It is also important to try to predict your plans for the next 10-15 years and take into account all possible nuances at the design stage.

As a result of the right approach to project creation and construction, you will get the home of your dreams, which will serve not only you, but also your children and grandchildren.