
Applications for virtual reality glasses. How to use VR BOX? Smartphone Virtual Reality Glasses Vr box Smartphone Apps

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Virtual reality is a technology that realizes a deeper immersion when watching a video, movie or game. It is implemented by a VR helmet, which, using several screens, provides a separate image for each eye, as well as motion sensors (gyroscope and accelerometer), linking the position of the head in real time and the image transmitted to the display.

Despite the fact that the idea has been “hanging in the air” for several decades, it has become possible to implement it for the mass user only now. Most often, VR is used to watch 360 videos and computer games. One of the biggest and fastest growing content for helmet wearers is porn.

The use of VR in the sex industry

This is not the first time that porn sites have been at the forefront of progress - it was they who brought people and money to the early Internet, and then developed it, promoted VHS, DVD, video streaming. The industry took over the first prototypes of the Oculus Rift literally the day they appeared, and the first mass content for helmets was pornographic.

There are both specialized sites for VR content and sections on major porn sites. The pioneer was Pornhub, which was the first of the major players to collect a large enough collection of 360-degree videos to create a new section.

In the vast majority of cases, the video was shot with one camera “from the eyes”, so you are unlikely to be able to walk around the room and watch the video by an outside observer - such videos require a professional studio and several cameras, they are much more difficult to film.

Is it worth it? Reviews on technology are contradictory and depend on the individual suggestibility of the viewer. Some users say that the level of immersion is so high that they can imagine the smell of a partner or forget that everything is not real. Others, on the contrary, cannot fall out of reality, constantly feeling a heavy helmet on their heads, delays and out of sync with sharp camera movements.

Ultimately, the experience is always different for each individual. We recommend that you try it, and then judge for yourself about the reality of sensations or the convenience of using a helmet instead of a monitor.


To watch porn in virtual reality, you will need VR glasses and, in some cases, a computer with a powerful graphics card. Virtual reality glasses are divided into three types.

Specialized helmets

By specialized devices, we mean the Oculus Rift and similar devices (HTC Vive, Sony Playstation VR, Pimax 4K). They are distinguished by a high price and the need to connect to a PC (or game console), but at the same time they provide excellent motion tracking accuracy, a high-quality picture and a number of additional functions, such as external sensors that track the movement of the body around the room.

They still have a number of drawbacks, such as a half-kilogram weight of the device or insufficiently large display resolution, due to which individual pixels of the picture can be seen. However, at the moment this is the best choice possible, the other options provide a much lower level of immersion.

VR headsets

Due to the high starting price and childhood illnesses, many thought that the technology was born dead again. But here another masterpiece of implementation was made by Google Corporation with its Cardboard project, which made it possible to simulate a helmet with a good smartphone for about a thousand rubles.

Such headsets are sold everywhere, from AliExpress to MVideo stores. The principle of operation is simple: start the video on your smartphone, put it in the helmet connector, adjust the lenses and enjoy. Ease of use and picture quality are much worse than in special helmets, but this is quite enough for watching videos. Recommended for beginners to try out the technology and advanced users with low requirements.

For comfortable use, you need a smartphone with a FullHD screen resolution and a good headset with an additional joystick. In general, on a good phone, the experience of using porn can be compared to an expensive helmet.

Second generation

Oculus does not stand still: the next step in the development of technology was the Oculus Go. The new version costs only $199, does not require a PC connection, and works in WQHD resolution (2560×1440 pixels). This option combines the advantages of headsets and special glasses at a very reasonable price, and will be available for purchase in 2018.

Where can I watch virtual reality porn

Let's start with standalone sites that are entirely dedicated to VR content. The main advantage of such sites is unique content that leaks to the Internet with a long delay. All such sites are paid, free projects quickly lose unique videos and lose to large promoted portals.

    Our favourite. The main advantage is a large amount of free content, which is not limited to two minutes. Most free videos are over 5 minutes long. And this is very important.

    The largest VR-themed porn site, supports additional devices and streaming. The site has about 300 exclusive high quality videos, each with free one-minute trailers. To watch full versions of videos, download and stream them, you will have to pay from 13 to 100 dollars per month.

    Also, one of the old-timers of VR-themed, offers 2 minute trailers of his videos for free. There is support for Fleshlight technology for visitors with smart toys. At the beginning of February 2018, the site had 150+ unique porn movies, the subscription price ranges from $0.25 to $3 per day.

    Another major project (almost 300 unique videos, about 10 new ones every month), which was one of the first on the Web on the subject of VR. It offers a slightly unusual monetization system - the user can either buy a subscription to all at once, or take the videos of interest one at a time, but cheaper. 2-minute previews are available, if that's not enough, then a subscription will cost $30 per month.

    More than two hundred exclusive videos, supports all known devices, including Playstation VR, provides porn in both 1600p resolution for older Oculus models and smartphones, and 4K for newer devices. There is a section of interactive porn using Teledildonics technology. A subscription to this site will hit your pocket for $20 a month.

    A young porn site with over 200 videos on board. Supports all modern technologies: 3D, Full HD, binaural sound, frame rate 60 per second. Updated twice a month, subscription price from 9 to 30 dollars depending on the duration.

Let's continue with the large sites that have collected enough videos to create separate sections. On the plus side, most of the videos are free. The downside can be their lower quality, reduced size, paid premium access to download or watch individual films.

    A pioneer among major porn sites, with around 2,000 videos organized by topic. Citizens of Russia is available when registering through Vkontakte or using a proxy.

    10000+ videos, although most of them are of dubious quality or duplicates. If there is something freely available on the Internet, it will be here.

    One of the "big five" portals with updates every few days. Several thousand videos, convenient breakdown by subject, high quality.

    A site with an interface from the zero and weak moderation. 8000 videos of various quality and subject matter.

    One of the most famous porn resources in the world offers a small but high-quality selection of 1200 videos with an average length of about 10 minutes. The site is fast and easy to use on a smartphone.

When choosing a helmet model and sites with content, be guided primarily by your budget. A VR headset with Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 inside when watching a video is not much inferior to Oculus Rift, while it costs five times cheaper with the phone.

The same applies to content – ​​there are a lot more videos on large porn sites than on specialized ones, and only VR porn fans who have watched most of the videos in the public domain should go to VirtualRealPorn with a subscription.

Be careful when downloading and viewing from little-known sources. Leave personal data only if you want to buy a subscription, in other cases it is better not to use your real name, mail, phone number and credit card for registration.

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Fans of virtual reality and the latest technologies know very well how hard it is to find really high-quality VR content. They have to spend a lot of time looking for the right app on Google Play and the App Store in order to finally immerse themselves in the world of amazing virtual reality. But how about all the really good VR experiences in one place and not having to look for them for a long time? The answer to this question is Fibrum's Desirium platform.

Ilya Flaks, CEO of Fibrum, kindly agreed to answer VRGeek's questions about the new VR platform and lift the veil of secrecy on what to expect from the new Russian VR company.

Dima: As we love, let's start with an idea! How did the idea for Desirium come about?

Ilya: We have analyzed most of the statistics for our games and applications. In the course of this, we realized that VR is not moving forward, as there is no ubiquitous use of technology in society yet. People buy some kind of helmet, play it 2 times and throw it on the far shelf. What is it and what causes this problem? The answer to this question is quite simple: VR games usually take 2-3 hours at the most. And not every non-hardcore gamer is ready to pick up strange controllers, understand all this and bother about anything else.

At the same time, the initial goal of VR was to give a person the opportunity to visit places where he had never been or to feel emotions that are not available in real life. We are used to playing on computers and mobile phones. And we even play in VR. But the problem is that not the entire market likes to play games, and there is very little quality content. Another factor is the very expensive single point of entry into the industry for the consumer.

That's why the consumer wants content that they can really immerse themselves in and come back to again and again. People need emotions that are not available to them in real life. All user dreams can be realized with light, short and high quality VR experiences. It is on the basis of this idea that our mission is based: to give people the opportunity to experience in virtual reality those emotions that cannot be experienced in real life.

We constantly analyze our 20 million audience, communicate with the community. We know what content they want.

At the first stage, we want to make our platform on which we will add content, and then open the Desirium platform for developers from all over the world so that they can develop VR experiences for us

Dima Q: When did this idea come to you?

Ilya: This idea came to our team in February-March. Then we all sat down at the negotiating table together and began to discuss the idea of ​​​​creating unique content that would make the audience come back again and again. And then the idea to create Desirium came to us.

Dima: Explain to our readers what kind of emotions and impressions do you mean?

Ilya: In my understanding, an impression is a stated feeling that a person wants to experience.

Dima: Are all your VR experiences realistic? Can a person experience all these emotions in real life?

Ilya: We cannot describe in detail, for example, the life of famous people in all detail. Therefore, all this is done with a share of irony, sarcasm and cartoonishness. For example, we have a crash simulator where you act as a crazy person with tattoos. And so it is clear that not everyone had an accident, and we give our users to experience these sensations not without a share of irony.

Dima: Technically speaking, what is this experience like? Is this a 360 video?

Ilya: No, first of all we are now doing completely computer graphics. When we conceived this story, we were generally against 360-degree video from the very beginning. Every experience on the Desirium platform should be filled with story, game design, music, script. Every second in VR needs to be thought through.

Dima: What sets you apart from your competitors? It's no secret that such experiences are extremely common. What is the value of your products?

Ilya: Our value lies in the fact that we create a single entry point for delivering quality content with a focus on short vivid impressions that are not available in real life. In attractions, games, and other disparate content that is poked in different places, there is nothing of high quality and surprising. In our platform, we plan to make quality control, we will indeed select content. And by downloading our product Deisirum, the user can be sure that he will receive high-quality and selected content, no matter what platform he uses.

Dima: You mentioned that the app will be available for multiple platforms. It turns out that it will be cross-platform and available to everyone?

Ilya: Rather multi-platform. Users will be able to use the app on both large consoles and mobile devices. At first, we plan to start working with Google Play, Daydream, GearVR and the App Store. Further, we plan to adapt our content to all-in-one helmets (Oculus Go, Nibiru, Pico VR, Idealens, Vive focus). That is, we cover those platforms that are not wired to a computer. I believe that 2018 will be for such devices.

Dima: What numbers do you already have at the moment? Maybe the number of downloads?

Ilya A: No, we haven't launched the product yet. We will launch it in the first quarter of next year, and we will present a demo version in January at CES in Las Vegas. We plan to be able to present about 15 VR experiences created based on computer graphics. We will also present unique content in the form of high-quality impressions in 360 video format with interactive content.

Dima: Tell us more about what is interactive content and how do you imagine it?

Ilya: Interactive content differs from simple browsing in that it allows interaction with the surrounding virtual environment, while simple browsing only allows you to look from side to side.

Our goal is not to create long-lasting VR experiences. We provide our client with short, but very emotional stories that last from 3 to 7 minutes. They charge you with emotions and vivid memories; while the whole process will be as clear and cool as possible, with a well-thought-out interface and interactive. Will we have non-interactive VR experiences in our range? Maybe. But we are still thinking about this issue. Because sometimes people still like non-interactive, but high-quality content, for example, traveling through the hard-to-reach corners of our beautiful planet.

Dima: When we talk about the mass market, we always think that it is “shoes of one size for all”. How do you plan to fix this problem and make content really for everyone?

Ilya: Firstly, we already have analytics that was collected based on the analysis of millions of users, in addition, we received feedback from events. We just knew what people wanted. And in all the surveys that we conducted, the first answer was always that people want to visit virtual reality, and flight in space turned out to be especially in demand. After all, many dreamed of becoming astronauts in childhood.

Based on these standard desires, we are already creating a database of 50 applications that can provide users with experiences that they cannot experience in the real world due to their capabilities.

Dima: When we talk about “people”, do we cover both older and younger audiences?

Ilya: Yes. Both children and adults. Content will be divided into different categories. At the first stage, our content will be presented, then we will add impressions from our close trusted partners. And in the 2-3 quarter of 2018, we will open access to the platform for developers around the world. By this time, we will have analytics that will clearly demonstrate that people log into our Desirium application on a weekly basis.

By the way, monetization is one of the problems of VR. With us, for example, users can view ads and receive internal Desirium platform currency to buy the experiences they want to experience from our catalog within the experience, so we monetize non-paying audiences, allowing them to get quality content without spending anything. We will also have the opportunity to buy internal currency through inaps and spend it on experiences.

Dima A: For example, I am a consumer. Why should I purchase your product? What is the main motivation for me?

Ilya: We position Desirium as a VR product for the mass market, which is available to absolutely everyone, with a minimum entry threshold. The user does not have to think long, buy controllers. Just download the app and you are ready to play. To sum up - a light, clean and simple product with short but super exciting experiences.

Answering the question "why us". It is in Desirium that all high-quality, proven content will be collected, focused not on games, but on impressions. To experience emotions and experiences, the user does not need to leave the VR environment; all content is available within one application.

Our goal is to make Desirium a kind of analogue of Netflix, thereby securing the association for high-quality mass-market VR under this name.

Dima: Speaking of competitors, who do you consider as such?

Ilya: Not so long ago we got acquainted with LittleStar. They specialize exclusively in 360-degree content. They have collected all the spherical videos in one place, breaking them down into categories. I would like to mark them.

I want to note that we do not compete with the App Store or Google Play. We are simply making a point of quality content in the form of a single application, attracting a mass audience that is more focused on mobile VR.

Dima: How do you plan to make money on your solution?

Ilya: We have several types of monetization. The first is the acquisition of the in-platform currency Desirium. At the same time, a certain amount of coins will be given at the very beginning, allowing you to try several VR applications. After that, you will be able to purchase coins for real currency.

The second is advertising. We are a strategic partner of Google in this matter, and we also cooperate with several large companies specializing in advertising in VR. The user watches ads in 360-degrees and receives coins, which, again, can be spent on purchasing the desired experience. This method is intended for those users who are not ready to spend real money on content.

The third is a subscription. In the third quarter of 2018, we plan to introduce a subscription. When our platform has more than 50 VR experiences, we plan to use this monetization system. By purchasing a subscription, the user will receive all the content that is presented there, on a completely free basis.

Dima: How much did Desirium cost to develop and what are your expectations regarding revenue?

Ilya: You know, it's hard to say about income plans, because the market changes every day. Wait and see!

Dima A: But everyone loves real numbers.

Ilya: It all depends on how the audience perceives our project. Our main task is to increase the engagement and return of the audience and, through this, raise the current meager ARPU (Revenue per User) in the VR segment to a whole new level.

Dima: How many people were involved in the creation of Desirium?

Ilya: The Fibrum team consists of about 25 people. And they all took part in the development of the platform.

The development consisted of two parts. The first is the ability to load other applications through the server. We have created a unique client-server solution that allows you not to restart the Desirium client itself, but at the same time update the content within the program remotely.

The second is the development of starting impressions. At launch, Desirium will have 15 experiences in various genres.

By the way, speaking of numbers, the development of one impression cost us from $20,000 to $50,000.

Dima: How long did it take?

Ilya A: One impression is developed in 2-3 months.

Dima: And how long did it take to create the client itself?

Ilya: More than half a year.

Dima: Is it possible to watch Desirium somewhere already?

Ilya: We will show a full demo version only in Las Vegas. When we launch the app, it will be available on Google Play and the App Store. In addition, we are currently negotiating with Oculus to be one of the first to launch our application on Oculus Go.

Dima: Ilya, thank you very much for the interesting and informative interview. Looking forward to Desirium's release to the mass market to enjoy some really high quality content.

VRGeek invites you to a new section dedicated to a joint project with Fibrum and the Desirium platform!

You can learn more about Desirium at.

Programs for virtual reality glasses allow you to use this device on devices with Android OS. Let's take a look at 5 of the best such applications.

1. VaR's VR Video Player

This 3D glasses program has earned huge popularity in the app store. Here you can watch various videos and pictures that are specially designed for virtual reality.

In VaR's VR Video Player, head tracking is well done, the movement occurs in real time.

It is also worth paying attention to the possibility of adjusting certain parameters, for example, brightness, contrast, saturation, and so on. If you bought 3D glasses, be sure to use this program.

Here are some more of its features:

  • support for a huge number of formats;
  • own video library;
  • select view mode.

This is one of the coolest multimedia libraries for Android. It contains information about a huge number of objects in the universe - planets, stars, galaxies, clusters and the like.

The picture is very smooth and bewitching. At the same time, objects can not only be viewed, but also read information about them, compare them with each other, and all this to dynamic music. A true journey into the depths of space!

Here's why it's still worth downloading Titans of Space® Cardboard VR:

  • the library of objects is constantly updated;
  • the whole "excursion" lasts 50 minutes;
  • impressive spectacle and this is the main thing.

Rice. No. 2. Titans of Space® Cardboard VR

The same YouTube, only in 3D. It is noteworthy that in iPlayIT for YouTube VR Player you can watch all the videos that are in the storage, and not just those that are designed for this and adapted for VR.

The program without any problems divides the screen into two parts and plays the video. So the owners of points will have something to do.

Rice. No. 3. iPlayIT for YouTube VR Player

This is already a cooler thing, which does not just split the video into two, it also works with games and other programs. Accordingly, there are not only videos from the YouTube library, but in general absolutely any video that the user can find.

You can record a video on your phone's camera and then view it in VR. At the same time, you can turn your head as you like - 360o mode is supported.

Features of 360TUBE-VR apps games & videos:

  • touch control;
  • own thematic channels;
  • constant updates and improvements.

Rice. No. 4. 360TUBE-VR apps games & videos

This is a full-fledged virtual reality game. It is quite simple, but this allows it to work without any glitches and have good graphics.

The user can independently control the airplane or watch how famously the computer does it - this is still a sight! In this case, the immersion occurs immediately after the start of the game.

A few more interesting points regarding VR X-Racer - Aero Racing Games:

  • there is a story - a UFO has arrived and people need to be saved;
  • endless racing;
  • a large set of stunning visual effects.

Rice. No. 5. VR X Racer - Aero Racing Games

Write in the comments which VR app you like the most.

If you have purchased virtual reality glasses for your Android smartphone, the logical question is which are the most interesting and best apps from Google Play to try out. In our selection on Galagram, the top 10 best programs for VR glasses on Android. If you are just choosing your virtual reality glasses / helmet, pay attention to ours.

1 Google Cardboard

Perhaps the best VR application from Google for beginners. It is one of the must-have programs for owners of glasses such as Google Cardboard and the like. The program comes with built-in company services like Google Earth, a video player, a photosphere, and demo versions of some 3D objects. Google Cardboard also has a catalog of VR apps and games, which makes it much easier to find new content.

2 AAA VR Cinema video player

AAA VR Cinema app is video player on android, which allows you to play locally stored VR content on your smartphone/tablet. It's pretty easy to use. You download panoramic video to your smartphone and then watch it through this player anywhere. It has support for 180º and 360-degree videos and head tracking for better picture quality. If you want to try out the app, it's completely free to download from Google Play.

3 Cardboard Camera

Cardboard Camera is another one of those apps that should be installed on a VR lover's smartphone. This program allows you to shoot VR photos and beautiful panoramas using your phone's camera and view them in 3D through your helmet or goggles.

The VR camera is easy to use, Google does not require any registration or purchase of the application, you just download it from the Play Market, install it and start shooting. At first, you will have to get used to the application a little, but then the process becomes very fun and interesting.

4 Expeditions

Expeditions is an education-oriented app designed to explore nature and the environment. However, it can be used almost anywhere you want.

The application has over 200 expeditions, you will get the opportunity to personally check various landmarks on the ground, landforms, as well as virtually visit many other places. There is a 360 degree mode that works even without a VR helmet. Expeditions is completely free on the Google Play Store.

5 Fulldive VR

This is a large catalog of various VR content, such as photos, videos, videos and clips. With Fulldive VR, you will "fully immerse yourself" in the study of the virtual world. It has a ton of content from all over the internet and a catalog of the best VR games.

This application free download from Google Play and is a must if you are a true VR fanatic.

6Google Arts and Culture

Google Arts and Culture is a fun little app that just got VR support this year. Before us virtual guide in the most interesting corners of our world. The application catalog contains hundreds of museums, attractions and cultural monuments that you can visit without leaving your home.

You can also view individual pieces of art and select them based on color, time period, and more. The good news is that such a chic and informative application for Android is distributed completely free of charge.

7 Google Street View

Google Street View is an old friend of Google Maps. The application has recently been updated and received virtual mode support. In this program, you can see real streets and areas on city maps in 360-degree mode.

This is very useful, for example, when you need to get somewhere you haven't been before. Just install Street View, put on a VR helmet and explore this location. In addition, you can view content posted by other users and add your own to Google maps.

8 Titans of Space

This is an application with a model of the solar system, which naturally renders everything in 3D using VR helmets. Here you can fly between planets, explore space and compare planets by size and shape. A pleasant soundtrack plays throughout your virtual journey.

The application is available for download under the Freemium model, you get the program itself with basic functions for free, but additional content (DLS) can be purchased for $2.99.

9 VaR's VR Video Player

It's another one video player for VR content. The program has received over one million installs and is in the top charts among the most popular virtual reality applications. VaR's VR Video Player has the ability to play various VR videos, including 180-degree and 360-degree videos.

You can even play streaming videos from third party sites in this program. The app interface has a virtual control panel so you can select and switch cutscenes without removing your helmet. For the Android platform, this program is absolutely free.

10 YouTube

We are sure that this application is already installed on your smartphones. However, VR glasses or a helmet open up new possibilities for viewing video content. It is one of the first platforms 360 degree video intended for viewing in virtual reality helmets.

With the help of YouTube, you can almost live at a rock concert or go on a trip through the Amazon jungle. You can also watch the latest movie trailers in 3D, and with a YouTube Red subscription for $9.99 a month, you can get rid of embedded ads on the service.

Virtual reality is becoming more and more an integral part of our lives. Video glasses from Oculus, for example, no longer surprise anyone, and many gadget lovers have them. In addition, Google is generally ahead of the rest with its cardboard gadget Google Cardboard, where a smartphone can be used as a screen. Samsung, Sony and other manufacturers already have similar systems. Accordingly, the number of software for VR is growing, including iOS, Android and specialized systems like Oculus. Today Medgadgets offers to consider a selection of such software for iOS and Android.

Titans of Space (Android)

A program for studying the solar system, which allows you to feel like an astronaut of the distant future. The software works on a scale of 1:1,000,000, and our system model includes 3D copies of planets, asteroids, and other space bodies.

Froggy VR (iOS)

Most games these days are very realistic. True, Froggy VR does not belong to this class of toys. Yes, the game does not need perfect graphics, since the only task of the player is to guide the frog across the road. In addition, the frog will travel around the garden, hoping to eat.

A good model of VR glasses with an open type of design -. It is easy to get and pull out the smartphone. At the same time, the back cover tightly and carefully holds the smartphone inside.

Sisters (Android)

Unusual. Strange. Addictive. This game is a complete surprise. Plug in your headphones, turn off the lights, and get ready to be scared for the ultimate immersive experience.

Another open design: easy access to virtual reality from .

Virtual Kaiju 3D (iOS)

Are you familiar with the movies about the giant dinosaur Godzilla? Then forward, to new achievements - now you are Godzilla, and it is you who need to destroy the entire city. In fact, the settlement needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. The more damage, the more points.

Google Cardboard (Android)

Yes, Google has released a special application for its cardboard video glasses. It helps to understand how to work with virtual reality, and also opens up the possibility of traveling around the world, of course, virtual. This is Google Earth, and Street View, and some other services.

Roller Coaster VR (Android)

You have probably already come across something like this - this is a virtual amusement park with a single attraction: a roller coaster. Moreover, the slides are very steep, and the environment is very original. During the trip, you can even end up in the water.

VR Tank Training for Google Cardboard

A real gift for tank lovers! Here you can arrange real tank battles. This program is not as complex as WoT, but for fans of tank battles, this is what you need.

The player needs to send his battalion through the desert and destroy as many enemies as possible.

Price: US$2.32

The best VR app for Android

It's time to take stock. And they are as follows: the editors of Medgadgets consider the best of the listed applications for Android - Titans of Space. It's entertainment and education - two in one.

The best VR app for iOS

Well, here, undoubtedly, the most attractive application for the user is VR Tank Training. Tanks, tanks, tanks, they are everywhere!