
Making end cutting boards. How to make a cutting board from wood with your own hands - instructions, drawings, photos and videos How to make cutting boards from wood


Education Committee of the Vsevolozhsk Municipality

Municipal educational institution

"Novo-Devyatkinskaya secondary school No. 1"

Vsevolozhsk district, Leningrad region



in the subject "Technology and technical work"



6th-1st grade student


VINOGRADOV Vladimir Vladimirovich

teacher of technology and technical labor




    Preparatory stage:

    1. Technical information

    Design stage:

    1. Drawing up sketches of the main parts of the product

      Manufacturing sequence development

      Selection of materials, tools, devices for work

      Making a sketch of the product

    Technological stage:

    1. Methods for making a cutting board and drawing up a technological map

    Practical stage:

    1. Manufacture of a product according to the technological map according to the sketch in compliance with labor discipline and work culture

      Brief description of making a cutting board

    Project rationale:

    1. Economic justification

      Environmental assessment of the project

      Self-assessment of the result

    1. Description of work (all stages)

      Safety precautions at work

    Used literature and Internet materials

My work on making a cutting board consists of several stages.

First of all, I outlined a sequence of actions for myself when drawing up a project for making a cutting board:

    Discussion of the idea

    Awareness of the problem, social significance (for home, school, etc.)

    Searching for information on your problem

    Independent work on the selection of drawings and sketches to create an object.

    Assessing your knowledge and skills to implement your idea

    Assessment of time, materials, their cost, product appearance, environmental friendliness, manufacturing techniques.

    Preparatory stage:

    1. Justification for choosing this project (theme and purpose of the project)

      Historical background on the selected topic

      Technical information

For my creative project, I decided to make a cutting board. That's why I named my project "Making a Cutting Board" (project theme).

The goal of my project began the study of the basic properties of wood and methods of its processing, as well as improving knowledge and skill in mastering tools and materials when creating a product with one’s own hands, learning to accurately and clearly perform technological operations; improve your capabilities; assimilate acquired knowledge; evaluate the work done.

A project task was the development of a technological process for making a cutting board using tools and equipment available in the school workshop.

What is a cutting board? A cutting board is a piece of kitchen utensil intended for cutting, or less often chopping, food.

To prepare a meal, you need to prepare all the ingredients, cut, crumble, but this must be done carefully on a cutting board. A beautiful board will decorate the kitchen and can be used as a tray when serving dishes. A cutting board is a necessary thing for any housewife. It is the most popular and widespread. It is most convenient to cut and cut food on a wooden surface. And the sound (knock) when the knife comes into contact with wood is not as loud and unpleasant as when using other types. Plus, the knives are not particularly dull.

The board can be cut in the shape of fish, animals, fruits, and various geometric shapes. I chose the traditional board shape.

The exact date of the appearance of the cutting board is not known. But what is known is that even in Ancient Egypt, housewives laid special devices on the table so as not to dirty the table when preparing food. In ancient times, stone blocks were used as cutting boards, the care of which left much to be desired.

Cutting boards have become an integral part of kitchen utensils since ancient times. Then they were used mainly for cutting meat at the feasts of the Roman nobility. True, at that time lifting a cutting board was not an easy task - the favorite material for making boards was stone.

A variant of a wooden board (pine, oak, beech, birch) appeared a little later and remained virtually unchanged until the 20th century.

The plastic cutting board we are used to appeared only in the middle of the twentieth century. In the 40s, the chemist Müller in Germany and the scientist Andrianov in the USSR simultaneously produced silicone plastics that had high heat resistance and resistance to water, acids and organic solvents, just what manufacturers of household and kitchen items were looking for.

And in the forties of the last century, the production of plastic cutting boards was established.

Of course, it is almost impossible to wash (clean) a cutting board perfectly after use, even with the help of detergents. But the problem can be solved by their quantity.

In EU countries, cutting boards for different products are divided by color:

    blue seafood cutting board

    white board is for dairy products

    raw poultry is cut on yellow boards

    on red - raw meat

    Vegetables are cut on a green board

In our country there is no such gradation by color, but each operation in the kitchen has its own board.

Separate boards for:

    for fish

    for meat

    for raw vegetables

    for boiled vegetables

    for bread

    for fruits

Before starting work on the project, I studied various sources on the Internet, and also carefully read the topic in the textbook. I studied the history of cutting boards and what wood is best to use to make boards. A cutting board is an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. Boards can be both professional (for example, for catering establishments) and household. They differ in shape, size, and material from which they are made. But the most popular were and remain wooden cutting boards. To make a wooden cutting board with your own hands, you just need to know some simple rules. Firstly, not all wood is suitable for making a cutting board. One material absorbs moisture faster, the other is practically “moisture resistant” - it repels water. The wood may delaminate. And different types of wood differ from each other in hardness.

In order to make a board for the kitchen, such species as oak, pine, and birch are suitable. Boards are made from beech and acacia. There are also more expensive species (for example, Hevea).

The simplest cutting board can be made even from a sheet of plywood. True, this is an impractical material. The plywood cutting board is too simple and not aesthetically pleasing.

2. Design stage:

2.1. Drawing up sketches of the main parts of the product

2.2. Manufacturing sequence development

2.3. Selection of materials, tools, devices for work

2.4. Making a sketch of the product

Before you start making a cutting board, you need to make a blank and make the necessary markings.Marking is called drawing the contour lines of the future product onto the workpiece.

When marking, drawing and measuring tools are used, such as a pencil, ruler, square, compass, jigsaw, drill, and templates.

Templates They are a finished part or its form, made of wood, metal, or paper, cardboard.

Then, if the product is planned to be made with a hole, it is necessary to drill it. Drilling holes is a recess in the parts of the product. They can be through or blind.

The rules for making a cutting board are simple. The method for making a board, regardless of the material chosen, is the same:

Before making any part, performsketch (template) or drawing. Sketch is a hand-drawn image indicating the dimensions and preserving the relationships between its parts.

Types of cutting boards:

Sketch (cutting board template)

3. Technological stage:

3.1. Methods for making a cutting board and drawing up a technological map


Sequence of operations:

1. Select the workpiece for cutting (Ruler).

2. Mark according to the template (Template, pencil).

3. Cut out a curved contour (Jigsaw, cutting table).

4. Mark and drill a hole Ø 8 mm (Template, awl, drill, drill Ø 8 mm).

5. Select a blank for the hanger (Ruler).

6. Mark according to the template (Template, pencil).

7. Cut out a curved contour (Jigsaw, cutting table).

8. Mark and drill a hole Ø 6 (Template, awl, drill, drill Ø 6 mm).

9. Clean and sand the parts (file, sandpaper)

4. Practical stage:

4.1. Manufacture of a product according to the technological map according to the sketch in compliance with labor discipline and work culture

4.2. Brief description of making a cutting board

    First you need to decide on the size of the future cutting board(board thickness and size)

    Then - select the appropriate wooden blank(what type of wood)

    Cut it out scissors drawing on paper and placing it on the board (but first the board is marked depending on the shape and required dimensions)

    We trace the contours of the drawing on the board.

    We clamp the board in a vice and drill several holes on the sides of the marked handle of the cutting board so that the wood does not crack during cutting.(drilling machine)

    We cut out the board and drill a hole in the handle (the handle should be located strictly on the longitudinal axis of the board, so you need to carefully measure and determine this axis.The board itself and the handle are cut out with a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Don't forget about the corners and curves around the handle. They need to be carefully ground off and rounded.file, emery, rasp - who has what. And it's not just that you can get hurt. Small pieces of wood left after sawing can then break off and get into food, and then into the esophagus. If you made a handle, don't forget to drill a hole in it. Then the board can be stored hanging in a place convenient for you

    We make indentations along the edges and clean the boardsandpaper (ends and surface). Further, using the samesandpaper you need to treat the entire surface of the board, paying special attention to the ends. It is better to round right corners of the surface.

It is necessary to take into account that the wood becomes covered with microcracks, and food waste residues accumulate in them. Therefore, the cutting board must be washed and dried very carefully after each use. When making a board, take into account not only its surface area, but also its weight.

5. Justification of the project:

5.1. Economic justification

5.2. Environmental assessment of the project

5.3. Self-assessment of the result

Economical is that all materials for this project can be found in the school workshop, and among production waste Economic information:

The cost of this work can be calculated as follows:

Plywood sheet (55cm x 75 cm) - 640 rubles, from one sheet you get 5-6 cutting board blanks measuring 34x20 cm, one blank costs about 13 rubles 20k

Copy paper (1 sheet) - 2 rubles

If you use waterproof varnish (0.5 liters), its cost is 100 rubles

Total costs excluding labor amounted to 115 rubles 20 kopecks.

Conclusion: a profitable investment since the costs are low.

Environmental friendliness is that in the manufacture of this project, an environmentally friendly material was used - wood.

Self-esteem: Finished work, as a result of which I improved my skills. I began to understand working with a jigsaw better. Also learned that there are many other types of cutting boards. Learned to identify the type of wood. The versatility of my project lies in the fact that the board can be used for its intended purpose, that is, as a cutting board itself, and as a kitchen interior. It is necessary to take into account during manufacturing that the board is comfortable and durable.

    Project design and project protection

    1. Description of work on the project.

      Analysis and evaluation of the product: advantages and disadvantages

      Safety requirements at work

      Sanitary and hygienic requirements

In my work, all stages of making a cutting board are followed:

A justification for the choice of this project was made (choice of topic, purpose and objectives of the project), historical and technical information on the selected topic was given, a sketch of the product was drawn up, a sequence for making a cutting board was developed, materials, tools, devices for work and a sketch of the product were selected.

A technological map has been drawn up for manufacturing the product according to the sketch in compliance with labor discipline and work culture.

A brief description of how to make a cutting board is given.

An economic feasibility study for the production of the board has been completed.

An environmental assessment of the project and a self-assessment of the result are given.

advantages and disadvantages.

Conclusions are drawn on the topic.

The basic safety requirements during work and sanitary and hygienic requirements are highlighted.

Product analysis and evaluation:

Advantages of a cutting board:

    firstly, a necessary thing in the kitchen;

    secondly, it is universal;

    thirdly, it is easy to manufacture and economical.


    if the cutting board is made of plywood, it cannot be used for cutting vegetables, meat or fish, since microcracks will get into microcracks;

    it is very difficult to clean such a board

Conclusion: From an aesthetic point of view, the cutting board should look beautiful.

A board for slicing bread and flour products is a convenient, affordable and necessary thing for every kitchen.


    High strength indicators. This is due to the presence of hardened glue in the structure of the product, which is stronger than wood fibers;

    The board must withstand constant contact with the knife

    Moisture resistance. What is more important in the kitchen than mechanical resistance? Resistance to excessive humidity. Juice from cut vegetables and fruits, water draining from them after washing, and steam simply standing over pots quickly render ordinary wood unusable. But the sizing mentioned above quite effectively prevents this;

    Beautiful appearance. Plywood, just like a classic wooden product, has an original natural pattern and adds aesthetics to a kitchen item.

    Ease of processing. The shapes of plywood cutting boards can be very diverse.

    Acceptable price. Taking into account all the high performance indicators, fiberboard is cheaper than solid wood

    Durability. The service life is not limited to ten years, subject to proper care.


    cannot be used for cutting vegetables, meat or fish, since microcracks will get microbes;

    Toxic glue may have been used in the manufacture of purchased plywood.

Safety requirements for making cutting boards:

1. Put on overalls and put them in order.

2. Be careful when working with cutting tools, do not point the cutting edges towards yourself.

3.Work only with a serviceable tool; if any malfunctions are detected, do not correct the problems yourself, but inform the teacher. Follow safety rules when working with an electric jigsaw and drill.

4. Securely secure the workpiece when cutting with a jigsaw

5. When cutting with a jigsaw, use a cutting table.

6. You need to work with a jigsaw without jerking or bending the blade.

7. Do not bring the cut, sawed or planed product too close to your eyes to avoid dust or shavings getting into your eyes.

8. Remove dust, shavings, and sawdust with a broom brush.

9. You cannot keep your left hand close to the canvas.

10. Work in a well-lit room.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1. Before starting work, you must wash your hands.

2. Adequate lighting must be provided when carrying out the project.

4. It is necessary to provide access to fresh air in the room

5. Strictly carry out the work according to the technological map for the production of a cutting board

7. Literature used:

Internet:›For the home handyman›razdelochnaya-doska.html›sdelaj-sam…doska-svoimi-rukami/›istoriya-razdelochnoj-doski/›Cutting board›doski-razdelochnye-iz-dereva….

    Simonenko V.D. and others. Technology. Textbook for 6th grade. –M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012.

    DIY Magazines.

Melnichenko Andrey, student of 6-1st grade

A cutting board is an essential accessory in the kitchen of any housewife. It is used mainly for slicing vegetables and cutting meat. Some types are made for serving, as a stand for hot dishes and for serving dishes to the table.

Souvenir varnished cutting boards are designed to decorate the walls in the kitchen. However, modern craftsmen began to produce such accessories with the possibility of their further use in everyday life. One side of the souvenir board is decorated with carvings and ornaments, while the other is pure wood.

Traditionally, it is believed that the shape of a cutting board should be square or rectangular, but today it can be purchased in completely different types: oval, round, with a contour resembling an apple, a fish, and so on.

In order not to tediously search in stores for a cutting board that suits you, you can make it yourself to suit your taste.

To cut meat, it is recommended to use thick and heavy boards. For cutting vegetables and herbs – small, mobile and multifunctional. In your kitchen it is better to have a complete set of boards of different sizes and purposes. According to the classification, boards are divided into the following types: cutting, decorative, decoupage and carved.

  1. End boards. They are most popular for cutting meat. On such a board you can cook chops or entrecote. The board can withstand hammer blows. Oak end boards are particularly durable and dull the edges of knives much less than regular boards.
  2. Cutting board made of solid beech, pine, birch and bamboo.

The most budget option is pine board. This board is easy to process and has low hardness.

Birch and beech boards excel in quality due to their hardness and strength. But their disadvantage is excessive hygroscopicity. Moisture has a detrimental effect on such boards.

A Chinese-made bamboo cutting board is less popular, but its cost is significantly less than the price of oak or birch.

Raw materials for making a cutting board

Before you make a cutting board with your own hands, you need to choose a material. For these purposes, raw materials from wood, silicone, plastic, stone and glass ceramics are used.

  1. Tree. The most common types of cutting surfaces you see at the hardware store are beech, oak, or pine. It should be noted that such surfaces are only suitable for slicing bread or dry vegetables, since the wood of the above varieties quickly collapses under the influence of moisture.

Bamboo kitchen boards are highly durable and pressure resistant. They are moisture resistant, easy to clean and do not absorb food odors.

Cutting boards made of acacia and oak are the choice of professionals. Their advantages are high quality. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Care. A wooden cutting board cannot be washed in the dishwasher. It should be rinsed under the tap, but should not be soaked in the sink. Once a week, the wood must be wiped with vinegar essence to get rid of germs.

  1. Stone. Marble, granite and stone cutting surfaces look very impressive. Marble has bactericidal properties and does not tolerate too hot objects on its surface or treatment with acid-containing substances.

A kitchen board made of stone is ideal for rolling out dough, which turns out evenly thin on it.

Care. The stone surface must be periodically cleaned of debris, since this material must “breathe”. With proper use, stone cutting boards can last a long time.

Plastic. In this case, you should choose only high-quality plastic that has heat-resistant and moisture-resistant properties. A board made of good plastic is more durable and hygienic. If you are going to make a plastic board yourself, then choose a colorless material that does not contain toxic substances.

Care. Plastic can be washed in the dishwasher. After cutting meat or fish, the plastic board should be washed with liquid dish soap. And to disinfect, you can place it in the microwave for 2 minutes along with a glass of water.

  1. Silicone. Kitchen cutting surfaces made of silicone have long gained popularity in the kitchen utensils market. Silicone does not slip on the table surface, does not absorb odors from food and does not dull the edge of the knife. It is convenient to store it folded. A silicone mat does not differ in its functions from a traditional wooden board.

Care. The silicone mat should be washed with an acid-free detergent. It is also acceptable to put it in the dishwasher. This material can withstand both high and low temperatures.

  1. Glass ceramics. A cutting board made of this material is durable and shock-resistant. It is easy to clean, can withstand high temperatures and does not absorb food odors at all. For use in the kitchen, this is not a very practical option, since the knife quickly becomes dull on the glass surface. A glass-ceramic board is ideal as a decoration for the kitchen interior and as a hot stand.

Care. Dishwasher safe.

You can see what traditional cutting boards look like in the photo below.

Cutting board design

The design of the cutting board can be very diverse. If you are looking for unusual shapes, take note of several design solutions.

  1. Classic wooden board with liquid drain, metal edging and space for a knife.
  2. Pull-out cutting board. It is attached to the cabinet and can be pulled out of it if necessary.
  3. Rectangular board with removable plates. When the products are cut, you just need to move them with a knife into one of the plates.
  4. There are also cutting boards with pull-out containers for scraps and trash.

Making one of these cutting boards with your own hands will be a little more difficult than a regular one. But if you have the desire and knowledge, you can make such a design option.

DIY wooden cutting board

A plywood cutting board is a more traditional option. It is practical and easy to use in the kitchen. In our case, the technology for making boards from birch plywood is presented.

To work you will need:

  • pencil;
  • sample;
  • workbench and hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • vice.

Before you start creating a kitchen accessory, you need to sketch out a drawing of a cutting board.

  1. Prepare a 12 mm thick birch board and carefully mark the contours of the board on it using a pencil according to the template.
  2. Using a hacksaw, cut the product along the contour.
  3. Using an awl, mark the location for the hole on the board and drill it with a drill.
  4. Clamp the product in a vice and use a file to clean its surface. Round the edges a little.
  5. If you wish, you can paint the outside of the board with watercolors and varnish it.

Cutting board on supports

Making a cutting board with your own hands is not difficult. However, making its design with supports and a recess for the plate will be a little more difficult. Based on the presented drawing, you can clearly imagine the design of the future cutting board.

To work you will need:

  • oak blanks for the shield (40x33x3 cm);
  • 2 oak boards for supports (10x33x3 cm);
  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper.

The dimensions of a homemade cutting board are designed for a plate with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of about 10 cm. You can use the dimensions provided, or you can create a board for a plate that will be convenient for you to use in the future.

  1. Glue three planed oak plates together into a shield.
  2. When the shield dries, you need to cut out a blank for the board. Length 40 cm, width – 33 cm.
  3. From one edge of the workpiece, you need to draw a semicircle with a pencil and compass. You can use an appropriate plate instead of a compass. 10 mm from the dotted line, parallel to it, draw a smaller semicircle. This is shown in the picture above.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut out a smaller semicircle.
  5. On the back of the board, mark places for supports and cut them out with a carpenter's chisel. Glue the supports cut from oak into the resulting grooves.
  6. Carefully sand the surface of the cutting board with sandpaper.
  7. First, saturate the wood with olive oil, and then varnish everything except the working surface of the board.

The oak cutting board with supports and a recess for a bowl is ready. When the varnish is dry, you can start using the board.

To prevent the cutting surface from retaining the smell of fish, grease the wood with half a lemon and rinse with hot water. It is not recommended to cut meat, cut vegetables and bread on the same board. For each purpose it is necessary to use a board for a specific purpose.

You can see in detail how you can make a cutting board at home in the video.

Now we will make a men's craft for women. Namely, a wooden cutting board for the kitchen. The craft is incredibly complex, extensive and requires a lot of knowledge in working with wood. You will also need professional tools and machines. We will create a multi-colored board on which women can cook, cut meat, vegetables and any food. We will not discuss much in the preface, but will immediately begin production.

Tools and materials you will need:

1. Planing machine;
2. Table for router;
3. Table saw;
4. Clamps;
5. Jointer;
6. Orbital sander (manual);
7. Router with a set of cutters;
8. Brushes and glue;
9. Mineral oil, as well as rags;
10. Wood scraps of various types;
11. Woodworker's glue, waterproof and non-toxic.

Let's immediately prepare boards of different types, the main thing is that they are of different colors. Thickness and length don't matter.

Some bars can be painted with some kind of oils that are absorbed and the wood will slightly change color.

DIY wooden cutting board

When you prepare the material for creating this homemade product, take wood, for example: maple, oak, aspen, mahogany, walnut and others. Do not use plywood, laminated timber or pressed parts. Then we process all the boards on a jointer. The most important thing is that they fit together tightly, the dimensions may differ slightly, then we will adjust the width if necessary and, of course, the height.

We process each document carefully.

Each board needs to be processed with a planer on top and bottom. This machine will make all boards the same thickness, it should be approximately 15 millimeters, and ideally 18. The surfaces will also become smooth.

This is what we should get.

Using a table saw, we cut the boards lengthwise. Be sure to make them of different widths, but not less than 12 millimeters.

Now the most interesting moment. Arrange the processed boards according to color and width, this is what our cutting board will look like. Move them as you please and choose the most beautiful option.

We glue the boards together with special glue. It is advisable not all at once, but in parts, so that your planing machine can handle it.

Coat with glue, pour a lot of it. Don't forget that wood absorbs glue.

We fix it on the side and tighten the clamps tightly.

And also on top, so that there is a flat surface.

You will get several parts of bars glued together; we process them with an orbital sander. The most important thing is to remove the frozen glue.

We process each part, again, on a planing machine. Remove a very thin layer.

Glue the made parts together. Since the finished workpiece cannot be processed on a machine, we join the parts together as accurately as possible. If glue comes out, it should be wiped off immediately with a rag. Then you will need to process it by sanding if unevenness appears after gluing.

We sand it, then measure it and cut it to the required size. It depends on the proportions and size of the sink, so that it would be convenient to wash in it.

After trimming, we sand the edges again.

Now we round all the edges on the board. For this there is a special table with a suitable cutter.

Now we cut out a small notch along the edges. This is done on all the boards so that the juice from the food does not flow onto the floor, but into this recess. To do this, we use a cutter with a rounded cutter.

We take special plywood of the appropriate size and apply it to our board. We secure it with masking tape on three sides. When one side is done, move on to the next, moving both the tool and the tape.

Form the depth of the hole yourself; the deeper, the more times you need to cut it out, going through it again from the very beginning.

This is what should happen.

At the end, we sand the board, while changing the sandpaper to increasingly finer ones.

Apply mineral oil on top. The tree should absorb it well. If necessary, we do this several times.

When everything dries, this is what we will get. Before using the cutting machine for the first time, you need to wash it and dry it.

Beautiful, elegant and comfortable. A great handmade gift for your loved one.

Everyone who works with wood ends up with a lot of scraps. You can simply throw them away, or you can use them. In this article we will tell you how to make a cutting board of incredible beauty from scraps of different types of wood. The key points in this project are choosing the right (non-toxic, waterproof) glue and having wood scraps of different shades.

Tools :

  • table saw
  • jointer
  • planer
  • router with set of cutters
  • router table
  • clamps
  • glue brushes
  • orbital hand sander.


  • wood trimmings of different species
  • waterproof non-toxic wood glue
  • mineral oil and rags

To make our own cutting board, we used scraps of maple, walnut, mahogany, cherry and other woods whose color and texture we found interesting. When we talk about wood scraps, we mean wood, not laminated timber, plywood and other composite materials.

Wood cutting board manufacturing technology

1. Process the wood scraps on a jointer. This processing is necessary so that the boards fit together clearly. Try to ensure that the height of all the boards is approximately the same; the width can be whatever you want.

2. Process the front sides of the boards on a planer. This will ensure uniform thickness and smooth surfaces. It is advisable not to make the boards too thin; the thickness should be at least 15, and preferably 18 mm.

3. Cut the boards lengthwise using a table saw. The minimum width of the boards should be approximately 12 mm. The stripes do not have to be the same width; vary it at your discretion.

4. Arrange the boards in the desired order. Try to achieve an interesting look by experimenting with combinations of colors and sizes. The number of planks depends on the size of the cutting board.

5. Glue the boards together. It is advisable not to glue everything together at once, but to divide them into several groups. The width of each group should be as wide as your planer can handle it. The glue must be non-toxic and moisture resistant. Apply a thin layer of glue to the side edges of each board, and then tighten all the parts with clamps.

6. As a result, you should have several groups of planks. Sand the surfaces of each group with an orbital sander, taking care to remove all the glue. Then planer each group, removing as thin a layer as possible from each side. Now you can attach the pieces of the cutting board to each other and give an intermediate assessment of your efforts.

7. Glue the board parts together using the same technique used to glue the boards. Remember that due to its large size, the cutting board cannot be processed on a planer; it will have to be sanded by hand. Therefore, try to glue the parts together as accurately as possible and wipe off any excess glue with a damp cloth. To tighten the parts together you will need quite large clamps.

8. Sand the board and cut it to the desired size. Grind with a hand sander and remove any glue deposits. When cutting a board, try to make it proportional, that is, choose the length of the board based on the width. It is also advisable to take into account the size of the sink, because if the board does not fit in the sink, washing it will be problematic.

9. Round the edges of the board using a router with the appropriate bit. A special table equipped with guides will greatly simplify the task.

10. Cut a groove around the perimeter of the board, which is needed so that the juice released by the food during cutting does not flow onto the table. You need to cut out the groove using a router with an appropriate rounded cutter. To make the groove even, use a plywood template. Secure the template with masking tape on three sides, and move the router along the fourth. Then remove the tape from one of the sides and secure the one along which you made the groove. Depending on the depth of the groove, you can get by with one or more passes.

The fact that no housewife can do without a cutting board is not subject to debate. Only with a large assortment of relevant products, one is not tripled by its size or geometry, another by its external design, and a third by something else.

The list of all similar “claims” can be continued indefinitely.

But there is a fairly common solution for woodcarving craftsmen to find a rational version of a household cutting board - make it with your own hands, from wood. Knowledge of certain features of the technology will significantly simplify this work.

The first question asked by home craftsmen who do not have sufficient experience in working with wood species is what species is best to use for a cutting board?

Firstly. it is necessary to clarify for what specific purposes it is being done. Many housewives always have not one, but at least two boards on hand for various products. Moreover, they differ both in the width of the tree and in size (and, as follows, in weight and ease of placement on the countertop). Therefore, it is first necessary to understand the specifics of the upcoming use of the board - it is planned as a universal attribute or for a wood carving electric tool for a specific purpose. For example, when working with fish, it hardly makes sense to make it bulky, because cutting it using the chopping method using a hatchet, unlike meat with bones, is not done.

In addition, some boards are generally not used for their intended purpose. They are made with their own hands specifically for home decoration. In other words, they serve only as part of the decoration for a certain interior of the house (country and a number of others).
Due to the absence of carcinogens in the adhesive composition, these particular sheets are recommended for interior work.

Secondly. It also matters how actively the cutting board is used. If it is done “for all occasions,” then such an indicator as strength should not fade into the background. It is also designed to withstand significant loads, taking into account wood carvings and sketches of animal fish, which will also be used for chopping the same bones.

Third. a kitchen, regardless of the type of structure, is not only a room with excess humidity. It experiences periodic and quite significant temperature changes. This alone is enough to understand that any wood is not suitable for a cutting board.

When choosing a type of wood for a cutting board, you need to pay attention to its compliance with the following criteria:

  • minimal moisture absorption, otherwise it will swell quite quickly in the kitchen. The result is deformation of the working surface of the cutting board. Even as a stand for something, it is unlikely to be in demand if the geometry changes significantly;
  • sufficient strength. Otherwise, with targeted impacts (this mainly relates to the chopping process), the cutting board will gradually become covered with deep dents. Consequently, its further use for its intended purpose is a big question. This also applies to the possibility of material delamination. Plywood, even the highest quality and most expensive (for example, FB), is definitely not suitable for cutting boards.

It is pointless to list exotic breeds — ; They are used for cutting boards only by professionals (Hevea and the like), who produce original copies to order, and the craftsmen do not require advice. Those who decide to make such a board for their home needs, it is advisable to pay attention to birch, acacia, pine, oak, beech, pear, cherry wood carving elements of the ornament. Such wood is malleable in processing, has good strength and is also inexpensive.

This is the second question that interests many home craftsmen - what linear parameters should they focus on? There is no standard for cutting boards, nor are there generally accepted norms. When cutting them out of wood with your own hands, all sizes are determined arbitrarily.

Firstly, every housewife can say what area of ​​the board is optimal for cutting certain products. Therefore, when determining sizes, one must be guided by the principle of sufficiency. If the cutting board is mainly used for skillful wood carving of meat, then its dimensions are chosen to be somewhat large, but for chopping vegetables, for example, a relatively small one is enough. Secondly, how much food is usually cut at a time. After all, a family of 3 people or 5 - 6 is not the same thing. Thirdly, it is important where and how the main workplace of the housewife is arranged. Will it be possible to fit a board that is too large there?

Again, this is determined by the hostess. The man’s task is to do it with his own hands, and what kind of wood carving unit the cutting board should end up being (dimensions, shape, etc.) is the woman’s decision. Some prefer to store such an accessory in a tube (cabinet) of the kitchen unit, others hang it in the kitchen - there are plenty of options. The main thing is that in everyday life the cutting board is not conspicuous, does not interfere and is always at hand.

As follows, the most important aspect here is the artistic design of the cutting board, and not its strength, durability, etc. In this case, it is entirely possible to get by with wood carving on a lathe and a multi-layer board, and not focus on the type of wood. Its most affordable variety that meets all the characteristics is FC.

Because there is nothing complicated in this work, it is enough to just list the main technological operations:

  1. Marking a wooden blank according to the drawn up drawing. For ease of use of the cutting board, it is necessary to provide a handle. A nuance - it should be located along the longitudinal axis of the product. Otherwise, the center of mass will shift, and handling this kitchen attribute will become inconvenient in a number of different cases.
  2. Cut the tree. Considering the relatively small thickness of the material, it is enough to use a jigsaw or a wood carving Penza region hacksaw (for metal, with fine teeth). This will ensure the most accurate cut. It is especially important if you are making not just a cutting board with your own hands, but a complex one (curly).
  3. Edge processing. Any owner always has some kind of abrasive (sandpaper, sharpening wheel) or an appropriate tool (file, grinder) on hand. All corners and edges of the resulting cutting board must be sharpened to remove various roughnesses, microscopic chips remaining after sawing, etc. This solves a dual problem. Firstly, after using the board you won’t have to remove the splinters from your hands. Secondly, the smallest fractions of wood remaining after cutting can unnoticeably get into the products that will be cut.
  4. Drilling a hole. It should be in the pen, although this is not necessary. But if you do it in advance, then later, if you want to hang the cutting board somewhere in a convenient place, there will be no problems.

  • If a cutting board for wood carving or exclusive furniture is stored in a visible place, it makes sense to leave one side of it for work, and the other side to somehow decorate it artistically. Your own imagination will suggest options - paint and varnish, paste over, laminate with decorative film, etc.
  • Modern homes in most cases are finished in a certain style; fortunately, there is a sufficient choice of materials. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the appropriate shape of the cutting board, and not limit yourself to just a traditional rectangle or square.

  • Some wood is suitable for a number of parameters for the manufacture of such a kitchen attribute. But there are also some disadvantages that need to be taken into account. For example, birch is good for cutting wood carving boards, but its structure is so porous that this lumber is highly hygroscopic. The conclusion is not difficult to draw - before choosing a specific type of wood, you need to decide on the intended use and storage location of this kitchen attribute. The same is true for oak, although it is durable and moisture-resistant, it is so dense that even a small cutting board made from it has significant weight. And this comes to the issue of ease of use.

That's basically it. And what kind of cutting board to make with your own hands from wood - in size, shape, external design - is up to you, dear reader, to decide.

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