
Prices for Contour.School. Training for subscribers Kontur.Extern - Kontur.Extern Kontur accountant school webinars


Kontur.School is a professional online educational project. Here, accountants from all over Russia receive up-to-date knowledge and develop skills, communicate with experts and find answers to complex questions, improve their professionalism and receive documents on additional professional education.

Our goal is to create the best accounting education platform.

Online courses

Advanced training and professional retraining for an accountant and chief accountant.

Systematize or update knowledge, gain practical skills
and find answers to your questions.

Get trained and meet the professional standard "Accountant"!

For organizations with a general taxation system:

  • 272 ac. hours, a diploma of vocational retraining is issued.

  • 136 ac. hours, a certificate of professional development is issued

For organizations on the "simplified":

  • 256 ac. hours, diploma of vocational retraining

  • 128 ac. hours, certificate of professional development

For public sector organizations:

  • 272 ac. hours, diploma of vocational retraining

  • 136 ac. hours, certificate of professional development

For those who want to improve their professional level in certain areas of accounting:

  • 72 ac. hours, certificate of professional development

  • 46 ac. hours, certificate of professional development

Licenses, certificates

Perpetual license for the right to conduct educational activities

Member of the Council for Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market

Accreditation at the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia

Teachers are permanent members of the National Association of Purchasing Institute


  • We are part of SKB Kontur. This helps to create new curricula, methods and ways of learning faster and more efficiently.
  • More than 130,000 accountants from more than 1,000 Russian cities have chosen Kontur.School to study.
  • The average score for webinars and courses is over 9.5 on a 10-point scale.

Publications in the media

Yesterday it was possible not to rush anywhere and relax in the rays of the last days of vacation, but today - a gloomy office, sleepy colleagues and mail full of letters. Learners of the Accounting School tell how to return to work painlessly after a long vacation.

On off-balance accounts, institutions take into account property that does not meet the criteria for assets, property received for storage or processing, as well as forms of strict accountability, transferable awards, prizes, cups. In the article we will consider accounting on all accounts.

Any change in accounting raises many questions. The new procedure for the application of KOSGU, which has been in force since January 1, 2019, not only complicated the work of an accountant, but also forced him to seek additional clarifications. We will answer the most common questions of our course students in this article-cheat sheet.

Since 2018, public sector institutions and organizations have been accounting for fixed assets in accordance with the rules of federal accounting standards. It would seem that everything is simple: you need to work in accordance with the standards. But in practice, accountants have questions. For example, how to account for a fixed asset that is on the balance sheet, but is not used in activities?

In 2019, a new wave of changes took place regarding the use of cash registers. We met with an expert in the field of taxation, a member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants Nadezhda Samkova and discussed which points in working with CCPs should be paid special attention in order to avoid mistakes.

Many organizations use their own and rented vehicles in their activities, and therefore accountants need to reflect another type of expense. How to draw up waybills and what changes in legislation should be applied for accounting and tax accounting? We will answer the most pressing questions on the topic in this article.

The organization determines the useful life of the fixed asset in order to accrue depreciation in accounting and tax accounting. From May 12, 2018, accountants apply the updated Classification of property, plant and equipment. Let us tell you in more detail what has changed and how to determine depreciation groups in 2019.

Many of us pay for education in schools, kindergartens, language centers, driving schools, various courses (including advanced training and professional retraining). And both for themselves and for their relatives. But not everyone knows that the money spent can be partially returned through the personal income tax deduction. We will figure out who, under what conditions and in what order can receive such a tax deduction.

Taxation is a dynamically developing process. Amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are made with enviable regularity, and the dates of their entry into force may be different - from one day to several years. Some amendments come into force even "retroactively". Consider the most important innovations of 2019 that the accountant will have to take into account in their work.

In the article you will find the current dates for the submission of declarations in the III quarter of 2019, as well as the deadlines for the submission of financial statements. For convenience, the material is grouped in a table. Submit your returns on time to avoid fines.

Who and where you need to submit financial statements for 2018, how it is formed, the preparatory stage, when it is submitted and what is the responsibility for late submission - you will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

In order to correctly calculate compensation for unused vacation, the first thing to do is to determine the number of days for which money should be paid. In the article you will find an example of calculating compensation upon dismissal.

It often happens that employees go on a business trip or return from it on a day off. How to pay for these days: according to average earnings or in double the amount, as for working on a day off? Let's analyze the issue from the standpoint of the recommendations of financial departments and judicial practice.

In order to correctly calculate compensation for unused vacation, the first thing to do is to determine the number of days for which money should be paid. In the article you will find an example of calculating compensation upon dismissal.

Payroll settlements with employees are important not only for organizations of all forms of ownership, but also for individual entrepreneurs. This is the area of ​​both accounting and labor law. Employers who violate labor laws face heavy fines. Let's analyze the most important mistakes.

You got a job in a company where personnel records management was “somehow” conducted. The key word is "somehow". There is no system, no mandatory documents, you have found many violations. Hair stand on end, but something needs to be done. You need a starting point. Submit your test results. Examples of memos will help you. And then start from scratch!

What is meant by the term "income" on which tax must be paid? This is the most important question of an entrepreneur who has received an income of over 300,000 rubles. The price of the issue is the amount of contributions that he will get out of his pocket and pay to the budget. Consider the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs. How to calculate contributions if activities are terminated or resumed during the year? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Yesterday it was possible not to rush anywhere and relax in the rays of the last days of vacation, but today - a gloomy office, sleepy colleagues and mail full of letters. Learners of the Accounting School tell how to return to work painlessly after a long vacation.

On off-balance accounts, institutions take into account property that does not meet the criteria for assets, property received for storage or processing, as well as forms of strict accountability, transferable awards, prizes, cups. In the article we will consider accounting on all accounts.

Any change in accounting raises many questions. The new procedure for the application of KOSGU, which has been in force since January 1, 2019, not only complicated the work of an accountant, but also forced him to seek additional clarifications. We will answer the most common questions of our course students in this article-cheat sheet.

Since 2018, public sector institutions and organizations have been accounting for fixed assets in accordance with the rules of federal accounting standards. It would seem that everything is simple: you need to work in accordance with the standards. But in practice, accountants have questions. For example, how to account for a fixed asset that is on the balance sheet, but is not used in activities?

In 2019, a new wave of changes took place regarding the use of cash registers. We met with an expert in the field of taxation, a member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants Nadezhda Samkova and discussed which points in working with CCPs should be paid special attention in order to avoid mistakes.

Many organizations use their own and rented vehicles in their activities, and therefore accountants need to reflect another type of expense. How to draw up waybills and what changes in legislation should be applied for accounting and tax accounting? We will answer the most pressing questions on the topic in this article.

The organization determines the useful life of the fixed asset in order to accrue depreciation in accounting and tax accounting. From May 12, 2018, accountants apply the updated Classification of property, plant and equipment. Let us tell you in more detail what has changed and how to determine depreciation groups in 2019.

Many of us pay for education in schools, kindergartens, language centers, driving schools, various courses (including advanced training and professional retraining). And both for themselves and for their relatives. But not everyone knows that the money spent can be partially returned through the personal income tax deduction. We will figure out who, under what conditions and in what order can receive such a tax deduction.

Taxation is a dynamically developing process. Amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are made with enviable regularity, and the dates of their entry into force may be different - from one day to several years. Some amendments come into force even "retroactively". Consider the most important innovations of 2019 that the accountant will have to take into account in their work.

In the article you will find the current dates for the submission of declarations in the III quarter of 2019, as well as the deadlines for the submission of financial statements. For convenience, the material is grouped in a table. Submit your returns on time to avoid fines.

Who and where you need to submit financial statements for 2018, how it is formed, the preparatory stage, when it is submitted and what is the responsibility for late submission - you will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

In order to correctly calculate compensation for unused vacation, the first thing to do is to determine the number of days for which money should be paid. In the article you will find an example of calculating compensation upon dismissal.

It often happens that employees go on a business trip or return from it on a day off. How to pay for these days: according to average earnings or in double the amount, as for working on a day off? Let's analyze the issue from the standpoint of the recommendations of financial departments and judicial practice.

In order to correctly calculate compensation for unused vacation, the first thing to do is to determine the number of days for which money should be paid. In the article you will find an example of calculating compensation upon dismissal.

Payroll settlements with employees are important not only for organizations of all forms of ownership, but also for individual entrepreneurs. This is the area of ​​both accounting and labor law. Employers who violate labor laws face heavy fines. Let's analyze the most important mistakes.

You got a job in a company where personnel records management was “somehow” conducted. The key word is "somehow". There is no system, no mandatory documents, you have found many violations. Hair stand on end, but something needs to be done. You need a starting point. Submit your test results. Examples of memos will help you. And then start from scratch!

What is meant by the term "income" on which tax must be paid? This is the most important question of an entrepreneur who has received an income of over 300,000 rubles. The price of the issue is the amount of contributions that he will get out of his pocket and pay to the budget. Consider the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs. How to calculate contributions if activities are terminated or resumed during the year? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

You can stay up to date with all the innovations in accounting, delve deeper into the basics of the profession, learn new things without leaving your workplace or home chair. Kontur.Accounting School provides an opportunity to improve your skills through online courses and webinars in a convenient format.

about the project

In a relatively short time of existence, the “School” project of SKB “Kontur” gathered more than 100 thousand participants in virtual courses, more than 5 thousand learned from face-to-face seminars. There is no doubt about the professionalism of the lecturers: the service is accredited by the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia and Sberbank-AST, and experts of the highest level who thoroughly know the domestic financial sector volunteered to share their experience with colleagues. The lecturers are experienced lawyers, experts in tender issues, tax consultants, specialists in accounting and auditing.

Kontur.School is a unique service for training specialists in the field of accounting, tax accounting and government trading

Training is carried out in two directions:

  • accounting;
  • state order.

Participants can gain knowledge in different forms:

  • webinar;
  • webinar recording;
  • face-to-face seminars;
  • corporate training.

Virtual conferences

Events are broadcast live on the World Wide Web weekly, once or twice a week (depending on the direction). They have no geographical restrictions and are available to a resident of every locality in Russia. Registration is required to participate in virtual meetings within the framework of the Kontur.School Webinar project.

Online seminars (webinar) - holding virtual thematic meetings via the Internet in real time, their history began in 1998. Recently, they are increasingly used as a form of vocational training.

Recording webinars

The service for viewing existing web conferences is available around the clock on any day of the week. This is an easy way to listen to the advice of the best experts in the field, when it is convenient. New videos appear on the network once a week. Access to them can be obtained by issuing a paid semi-annual or annual subscription.

Face-to-face seminars

During real meetings, training is provided in both areas, courses on working with . Participants are given the appropriate certificates.

Corporate training

A service for companies that wish to improve the skills of their employees in matters of tax and electronic trading. They can take place both according to standard and individual programs, in any form.

Kontur.School - advanced training and new knowledge for an accountant

Additional features

In addition to the valuable knowledge gained during participation in courses and virtual conferences, each subscriber gets access to information useful for work: thematic articles, regulations, methodological materials containing data on typical errors. Directly in the service you can get all the answers to the most common questions.

For subscribers of Kontur.Extern "School" is available in a more profitable version: as part of the "Own People" campaign, the following are added to the privileges:

  • one additional free online seminar per month;
  • 50% off annual access to webinars and recordings;
  • free trial visit.

To receive all the privileges, you must enter the "School" using the "Externa" certificate.

Many purchasing professionals believe that education is now expensive and troublesome. We will dispel this myth and prove that there are many opportunities for development in the profession. The School of Electronic Trading has several free online learning formats.

People over 50 are often not hired, reluctantly promoted, replaced by younger and more advanced ones. The pension reform only exacerbated this problem. Let's talk about how people of pre-retirement age can increase their competitiveness in the labor market and how the pre-retirement training system works in 2019.

Many purchasing professionals believe that education is now expensive and troublesome. We will dispel this myth and prove that there are many opportunities for development in the profession. The School of Electronic Trading has several free online learning formats.

At the end of 2017, 4 major amending laws were adopted that regulate the phased transition to e-procurement. Some of the changes have already entered into force, and some of the changes will take effect in 2019. In the article we will tell you what actions the customer should take before switching to electronic procurement.

Each purchase should have its own name, which should give a brief idea of ​​what exactly is being purchased and for what purposes. In the article, we will talk about a number of requirements that apply to the names of procurement objects, and expert Oksana Shipunova will give recommendations on how to properly name our need.

The initial maximum price is necessary both for the formation of a notice and procurement documentation, and for the consideration and evaluation of applications submitted for participation in such a procurement. Should it include taxes or not? Our expert Stanislav Gruzin will answer.

Purchasing from a single supplier is one of the ways to determine a supplier, which allows you to purchase goods from a seller known to the customer without competitive bidding in the shortest possible time. In the article, we will consider the features of purchasing from a single supplier and analyze relevant examples.

Many purchasing professionals believe that education is now expensive and troublesome. We will dispel this myth and prove that there are many opportunities for development in the profession. The School of Electronic Trading has several free online learning formats.

In 2019, significant amendments were made to Federal Law 44, which directly affected both customers and suppliers. Are you familiar with the new requirements? Let's talk about everything in order.

Many purchasing professionals believe that education is now expensive and troublesome. We will dispel this myth and prove that there are many opportunities for development in the profession. The School of Electronic Trading has several free online learning formats.

In 2019, significant amendments were made to Federal Law 44, which directly affected both customers and suppliers. Are you familiar with the new requirements? Let's talk about everything in order.

Fines and penalties, two forms of forfeit, apply for contract breaches. The calculation rules have changed since 2017. The amount of penalties in most cases is now not in favor of the customer - it has become smaller, but the calculation formula has become much simpler. Recall the requirements to eliminate errors in the work.

Persons whose rights and interests are affected when FAS considers a complaint have the right to send their objection. We will tell you how to do this, what information to include in the objection. A sample objection to a complaint can be downloaded from the link inside the article.

Participants of the electronic auction often do not agree with the results of the procurement. In the article we will talk about the procedure and deadlines for appealing against the actions of the customer and the auction commission based on the results of an electronic auction.