
Take an extract from the register online tax official. Extract from the register with the EDS tax


The issuance of extracts from the EGRUL / EGRIP is carried out by any tax authority authorized to provide the indicated information, including the tax authority at the place of residence of the IP or the location of the legal entity.

Extract from the EGRULT Tax is required with such actions as the opening of an account in the Bank, notarization of documents, obtaining a license, participation in the tender, auction or trading and other, where accurate, official, and most importantly update information about a specific legal entity.

To receive an extract from the EGRULT or JRIP with the printing of the tax inspection, it is necessary to apply for an extracting EGRUL / EGRIP in free form. To obtain an extract for a trustee, a notarial power of attorney is needed.

Prepare an application for tax extract from the register online

If you need an extract from the register urgently, the tax provides the opportunity to order an urgent statement by an EGRUL or EGRIP. To do this, add to any of the statements of the word "urgently" and pay the relevant state duty.

Do not forget to specify the option convenient for you - on your hands or by mail.

Cost and term of statement from EGRUL / EGRIP

Providing information about a specific legal person or an individual entrepreneur - 200 rubles, 5 working days;

Urgent provision of information about a specific legal face or an individual entrepreneur - 400 rubles, 1 working day.

Attention! An extract from the register via the Internet is provided without printing tax in electronic form, is not legally significant and is only informational. A legally significant statement from the EGRUL / JRIP with printing can only be obtained in the tax inspectorate.

Official extract from the register with delivery in Moscow

If you urgently need an extract from the EGRULT or Jarip with the printing of the tax, you can order it with delivery in Moscow with our partner. To order an urgent official statement, you must fill in the online form to receive an extract from the register below. The cost of discharge with delivery in Moscow to the nearest metro station to you - 1000 rub. The cost of the service includes payment of state duty for an urgent statement, a request for extracting, delivery. All extracts are formed in the tax on request and relevant at the order date. Over the next day, the courier will deliver an extract to the metro station specified by you.

 Attention! Service temporarily does not work Delivery of discharge is carried out only in Moscow to the station of the Moscow metro closest to you, which you specify when creating a request. If you need to deliver to the address "to the door", the cost is consistent with the manager when confirming the order. Delivery in the Moscow region and in the regions of the Russian Federation is not produced. Orders accepted after 18.00 are processed by the manager in the morning on the next business day.

Expensive expiration date from EGRUL / EGRIP

The deadline for the statement is not limited to any regulatory legal acts, but it must be remembered that those or other changes in the register established by law can be made to the information contained in the EGRUL / EGRIP, 5 working days established by law (changes are registered for the fifth working day from Statements by the registering authority). Thus, an extract more than a week ago loses its relevance and the notary has the right to refuse notarial action by requiring the receipt of a new statement. Nevertheless, the notaries, banks and government agencies establish their dates of "freshness" of extracts up to 30 days.

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Information about all legal entities (YUL) is stored in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL).

Information about all individual enterprises (IP) and peasant (farmer) farms (KFH) are stored in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Jarip).

2. What information can be obtained from the register and EGRIP?

Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs contained in registers are provided in the form:

  • The discharge shows the name of the organization or FIO of an individual entrepreneur (farmer), OGRN or OGRNIP, INN, information about what tax inspection and on the basis of which documents was registered by legal entity or IP, which main and additional activity it can do. If legal or IP is closed, this information will also be reflected in the discharge. "\u003e Extracts from the register (EGRIP);
  • copies of the document contained in the EGRULA (EGRIP);
  • certificates about the absence of requested information.

An extract from the register or the EGRIP and the certificate of the absence of information in registers can be obtained online, as an electronic document signed by a strengthened by a qualified electronic signature, or on paper. Copies of documents contained in the incorporation or the EGRIP can be obtained only on paper carrier.

3. Who can apply for information?

Details are provided to any interested party.

4. How to find out information from the register and jerip online?

If you want to find out about a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, you can use the Federal Tax Service (FTS) service.

To find a legal entity, you need to choose the "legal entity" option and introduce its name and, if you know, the region is. You can also find information about Jurlice, using its main state registration number (OGRN) or taxpayer identification number (INN).

To search for information about the individual entrepreneur or peasant (farmer) economy, you need to choose the "Individual Entrepreneur / KFC" option and introduce its name and the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. Information can also be found in the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) or TIN.

Information in the service is updated daily. Pun snapped free, immediately after the direction of the request.

5. How to get information in the form of an electronic document?

You can order an extract from the EGRULT or EGRIP (or certificate about the absence of information requested in registers) in the form of an electronic document signed by a strengthened qualified electronic signature.

To do this, you need to register on the FTS website and take advantage of a special service. The electronic signature is not needed.

To form a request, you need to know OGRN (or OGRNIP) or INN organization or IP.

An extract or help you will receive no later than the day after the request. You can download the electronic document within 5 days after receipt.

The document is formed in PDF format containing an enhanced qualified electronic signature and its visualization. It can be seen even after you print the document.

Information in the form of an electronic document is provided free of charge.

6. How to get information on paper?

To order an extract from an incorporation or an eagyrip on paper or a copy of the document, on the basis of which the information was made to the registry, you need to make a request to the tax inspectorate.

Inquiry to receive information from an incorporation, you need to specify a complete or abbreviated name of the legal entity of the legal entity, its OGRN or TIN.

In the request for information from the Yehrip, you need to specify the name, name and subject to the patronymic of the individual entrepreneur you are interested in, OGRNIP or INN.

The request must be filed:

  • if you need an extract from the EGRULT or EGRIP - to any tax inspectorate that provides such a service, or in any providing such service;
  • if you need a copy of the document contained in Eagle, - to the tax inspectorate at the location of the organization you are interested in.

The request can be submitted personally, but you can send by mail.

The service is paid. You can learn the cost and pay for the provision of services using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service or directly in the "My Documents" centers *.

Extracts from the EGRULL or JRIP, copies of the documents contained in these registries, or references about the absence of information in them are preparing for no more than 5 days from the date of request. But in the case of filing a request directly to the tax inspectorate, you can pay extra for urgency and get documents you are interested in no later than the next business day after the request is received.

Now you can get an extract from the register for free online directly on our website. The Federal Tax Service provides a new service for independent discharge from an EGRUL or EGRIP in electronic form. An extract can be ordered in relation to any legal entity and IP. The service is provided free of charge.

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- sample electronic statement from the register
- sample essay from jar

How to order an electronic statement from an EGRUL or EGRIP?

To receive electronic extracts from the register for free, it is necessary once to go through a simple registration procedure in the FTS service, for this:

2. In the "Account" section, enter your e-mail and come up with a password;

3. In the "User Information" section, it is enough to specify your surname and name;

4. Enter the verification code from the picture and click the "Continue" button, after which the E-mail letter will be sent to the link containing a link to activate your account. As a rule, the letter comes within 10-15 minutes;

6. Enter your e-mail and password to the service;

7. Click the "Submit a new application" button;

8. In the appeared line, enter the OGRN of the organization or OGRNIP of an individual entrepreneur and form an extract. The service will notify you that the application for obtaining an extract for the specified OGRN has been successfully registered;

9. Click the "Go to the list of applications" button. The deadline for forming an extract from a few seconds to several hours, depending on the workload of the FTS server;

10. To check the readiness status of the discharge, update the service page in the browser (F5 key) or go later. When the extract is formed, the state of the application will change to the "Extract formed";

What if I don't know OGRN / OGNP?

To learn OGRN Organization or OGRN of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP), use the services of the FTS "Information about the state registration of Yul and IP", which will help you to determine the OGRN organization on the TIN or the name of JUR. Persons and region of its location, as well as identify OGRN IP on personal Inn or by the name and region of the place of residence of the IP.

The service also allows you to instantly get the information contained in EGRUL / EGRIP, similar information contained in the discharge. This can be useful, for example, when urgently need to know the codes of the OKVED organization for making changes in the form of P14001, and there is no statement at hand.

With the help of an extract from an incorporation, you can find out current information about yourself or your potential or existing partner. For example, whether the legal entity has or ceased operations when and where the company has created, is it faithful to the location, the CEO, the authorized capital, which types of economic activity are used when and what information was made in the registry and so on. Check out.

Attention! The extract does not contain information about passport data and registration site (registration) of Phys. persons., as well as information about the settlement accounts of taxpayers in banks.

Is an electronic extract from an incorporation legally significant?

Official extract from the register with delivery in Moscow

If you urgently need an extract from the EGRULT or Jarip with the printing of the tax, you can order it with delivery in Moscow with our partner. To order an urgent official statement, you must fill in the online form to receive an extract from the register below. The cost of discharge with delivery in Moscow to the nearest metro station to you - 1000 rub. The cost of the service includes payment of state duty for an urgent statement, a request for extracting, delivery. All extracts are formed in the tax on request and relevant at the order date. Over the next day, the courier will deliver an extract to the metro station specified by you.

 Attention! Service temporarily does not work Delivery of discharge is carried out only in Moscow to the station of the Moscow metro closest to you, which you specify when creating a request. If you need to deliver to the address "to the door", the cost is consistent with the manager when confirming the order. Delivery in the Moscow region and in the regions of the Russian Federation is not produced. Orders accepted after 18.00 are processed by the manager in the morning on the next business day.

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Under the intact abbreviation, the Egypt, which is deciphered as the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, hides a huge database containing information about all IP. This is a public resource - an extract with information about the entrepreneur will be issued to himself, and a strangers. In the first case, it is needed for the implementation of numerous legal actions - from the opening of a bank account to appeal to the arbitration court. In the second - for a reliable assessment of someone else's entrepreneurial activity.

Jeep contains comprehensive information about each legal entrepreneur. These statistical authorities draw out of it for the appropriate analysis and carry out the tax control of the IFNS. It is the last and fill the state registry, and leads this process of the FTS.

According to the Federal Law No. 129, the State Register of Entrepreneurs must contain:

  • Full name, place and date of birth, floor of the entrepreneur;
  • His citizenship and address of residence in the Russian Federation;
  • Detailed passport data;
  • If an entrepreneur has other citizenship - data from passport and documents for the right to reside in the Russian Federation;
  • Information on the document confirming the entry of an individual to the State Register of the PI;
  • Information on licenses and bank accounts;
  • Date of registration as a policyholder, evidence number;
  • Date of registration in the IFTS;
  • Inn, OKVED codes and the registration date of the IP;
  • An entry on the closure of the IP, which includes the date and method, reorganization, bankruptcy and other actions.

An individual entrepreneur can request as a simplified extract from the State Register and Extended. The only difference is that the first does not indicate secret personal data, for example, the address of the residence and the number of the bank account. And in the second one can contain absolutely all the information, but only if the IP serves the appropriate request.

Extended extract can only be obtained by the entrepreneur or his trustee, so the number of his accounts and other valuable information will never be in other people's hands.

Types of extracts and how to get them

Before deciding how to get an extract from the EGRAG for IP, you should decide what kind of document you need - paper, electronic or purely information:

Format Legal force How to receive
On paper It has full legal significance, since the seal of the IFTS and the personal signature of the official. At the request of the IP itself, an extended statement of himself may be issued.
  • In any IFTS or MCF. If the entrepreneur is registered in Moscow, he can contact any Moscow tax authority.
  • Through intermediary companies with delivery.
Electronic Confirmed by the reinforced digital signature of the Federal Tax Service, therefore it has a full-fledged legal force. Via the Internet - on the website of the FTS.
Information Copy The document is zero legal significance, its purpose is an assessment of a competitor, a potential partner, a client. Personal data IP are not issued.
  • On the website FTS;
  • Through mediation firms using the Internet.

Information in the state register is also kept on paper, and in the electronic basis. But the priority on the side of the paper carrier, when different, it will be recognized as valid.


To obtain a document by direct contact with IFTS or MCF in 2020, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

  • Application and one copy of it, on which the employee tax puts the date of adoption.
  • Receipt about the payment of state duty. In 2020, everything is paid to her - and the entrepreneur requesting an extract about himself, and an individual who wants to get information about another entrepreneur.
  • Written power of attorney if the entrepreneur handed the authority to his representative, and he needs full information about himself.

You can arrange an application anywhere, but it must contain all the necessary information. The header indicates the name, passport details, address of the registration and e-mail, OGRNIP, INN, and in the main part they write about the purpose of the petition indicating the special wishes - this may be the number of extracts, the method of obtaining or urgency.

By arrival in the tax, you should take a queue in the registration window or the window for receiving correspondence and give documents to the duty officer. He will put on a copy of the date and the number of your request and notify when you need to come for the finished discharge. It remains to wait for the appointed working day and return to the IFTS. Do not forget to take a passport.

The issuance of a document in the MCF is carried out by the same principle.

Through the site of the FTS (free)

The service on the FTS website allows you to form an extract from the EGRIZD for IP or from an incorporation for legal entities. The finished document can be obtained absolutely free and quickly - its preparation lasts from a few minutes to a day.

For this:

  • Go to the Special Section of the FTS Site and pass the E-mail register;
  • Log in;
  • Click on the service "Submit a new request";
  • Specify your OGRNIP or INN, they can be found on the site itself;
  • Enter the captcha and click "form a request";
  • The shaped extract will be displayed in the list of applications.

Everything is simple and tempting, but there is one "but" - to open a ready-made PDF document with an electronic signature without the software settings required to check it out. You have to install on a computer by Crypto Pro 3.6 version and above.

Information statement

Information about the counterparties from the state-based database can be requested using the appropriate service on the FNS website - "Business Risks":

  • Choose the legal form of the counterparty - an individual entrepreneur;
  • In the field of the opened page, specify the INN and OGRNIP or the name and the region of living;
  • Enter the captcha.

Your computer instantly boots the PDF file with information about the IP you found. It does not have legal force and is intended to evaluate the entrepreneur you are interested in.

Through intermediaries

Another way is to appeal to the mediation company. The most famous and large are "contour focus" and "Kommersant of the Card Self". They offer customers a wide range of services:

  • Receiving paper extracts with the signature in the IFTS;
  • Providing information about counterparties;
  • For the sale of "subscriptions" for permanent access to the site services and with the possibility of forming an unlimited number of extracts, which is extremely beneficial with regular counterparty checks.
  • Analytics of the competitive environment.
For services of intermediary centers will have to pay several times more than for state duty with personal contact of the tax. And in the document issued to them, there will be no advanced information, it can only be requested by the entrepreneur. But the extract will be delivered to any address you specified.

Provision and cost

Until 08/18/2015 state duty for an extract from a single state. The registry was paid only by individuals. Entrepreneurs requested information about themselves, they were given them for free. But with the exit of the decree of the Government of Russia from 06.08.2015 No. 809, the obligation of payment has spread to all applicants.

Dates of preparation and size of state duty in 2020:

How to pay for state duty

The state duty can be paid in the Sberbank branch. In the payment, the form of which can be obtained in the same place, the details of the IFTS are indicated. Provide a receipt along with the application for an extract optional. Inspection staff can check the fact of payment by submitting a request to the Federal Treasury.

You can also form bills on the Internet - on the FTS website. There are also services to determine the recipient details.


The discharge does not have a validity period, but since changes made to the register are displayed only after 5 days, many institutions require that it be obtained for some time to submit documents.

Changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are made on the basis of a statement in the form of 2,4001, submitted by the businessman himself. On the dislocation of the place of residence, changing the name or passport will inform the migration service. But about the new bank account and other changes, the entrepreneur must notify the tax independently for a three-day period.

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization in Russian (also, in a number of cases, the proprietary name in English),
  • organizational and legal form of Yul,
  • legal address (location),
  • information on the status of a legal entity
  • organization management (information about persons entitled without a power of attorney to act on behalf of a legal entity),
  • information about the founders (participants),
  • information about the registry holder (for joint stock companies),
  • the size of the authorized capital of the organization,
  • information about the size and nominal value of shares in the authorized capital of the Company owned by the Company and its participants,
  • information on the transfer of shares or parts of the share of a deposit or about their burden,
  • information about the person carrying out the management of the share moving in the order of inheritance
  • information about branches and representative offices,
  • information about the activities of the organization (main and additional),
  • information about licenses issued
  • information about finding the reorganization in the process
  • information about finding in the liquidation process
  • the method of termination of activities for liquidated Yul,
  • information about the succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities, in the constituent documents of which changes are made in connection with reorganization, as well as for legal entities that have ceased operations as a result of reorganization,
  • the taxpayer identification number (INN) and information about accounting in the tax authority,
  • information on registration as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PF RF) and in the Executive Authority of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS of the Russian Federation),
  • information that a legal entity is in the process of reducing its authorized capital,
  • date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, or, in cases established by law, the date of receipt by the registering authority of the notification of changes made to the constituent documents.

Extract from an incorporation is an excerpt for major information about this legal entity (with the exception of some personal data on individuals who are provided only to authorized agencies) from the EGRULT OF THE FTS RF.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL) is a federal information resource containing general systematic information on all legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the Russian Federation, as well as, in some cases, are eliminated and under the liquidation of organizations. Registry maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS RF) through the territorial bodies. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the EGRUL is open and publicly available.

The information contained in the statement from the Incorporation is key to checking the counterparty and, along with other documents, can confirm the right of ownership, the rights of the founders or management of the Organization to conclude contracts and the commission of other legally significant actions on behalf of the legal entity (Yul), and also give Valuable information on the status of HR and the overall reliability of the counterparty.

Several major types of extracts are distinguished:

Normal (electronic, informational) extract from the register - Contains basic open and publicly available information from the register. It does not contain the passport details of the founders and leaders of a legal entity, as well as information about bank accounts of the organization.

You can get an extract from the register online and can be completely free to the site, the data is updated daily from the official source (FTS RF), the document will be fully identical to that statement that you can download on the official tax site ( Information is always relevant to the current date.

Extended extract - Contains complete information, including the passport details of the participants of the legal entity and its leader. It is provided only to authorities, courts, state extrabudgetary funds. Such a document is also provided to the tax authority to a legal entity or his representative about him.

Official extract from the register - certified by the FNS seal and the document received in the tax authority. It is a numbered and stitched printout on several sheets with the seal of the tax authority.